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The Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis initiates the sporulation process under conditions of nutrient limitation. Here, we review related work in this field, focusing on the protein processing of the pro-σK activation. The purpose of this review is to illustrate the mechanism of pro-σK activation and provide structural insights into the regulation of spore production. Sporulation is not only important in basic science but also provides mechanistic insight for bacterial control in applications in, e.g., food industry.  相似文献   

Properties of the competence-inducing factor of Bacillus subtilis 168I−   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has been shown that the competence-inducing factor of Bacillus subtilis 168I? exhibits lytic activity toward isolated cell walls and nuclease activity toward transforming DNA. It has been shown that the competence factor covalently bound to CNBr-Sepharose exhibits the same enzymatic properties. A mechanism for the transformation process is proposed which advances the mechanism previously proposed by this laboratory.  相似文献   

The general stress response and the decision-making processes of sporulation initiation are interconnected pathways in the regulatory network of Bacillus subtilis. In a previous study we provided evidence for a mechanism capable of impairing sporulation by σ(B) -dependent induction of spo0E, encoding a phosphatase specifically inactivating the sporulation master regulator Spo0A~P. Here we show that the σ(B) promoter (Pσ(B) ) of spo0E is responsive to sub-inhibitory levels of ethanol stress, producing a σ(B) -dependent sporulation deficient phenotype. In addition to positive regulation by σ(B) , we identified Rok, the repressor of comK, to be a direct repressor of spo0E expression from Pσ(B) . This constellation provides the possibility to integrate signals negatively acting on sporulation initiation through the σ(B) branch as well as a positive feedback loop acting on Pσ(B) by Rok that is most likely a direct consequence of Spo0A~P activity. Thus, the molecular mechanism described here offers the opportunity for cross-talk between the general stress response and sporulation initiation in the adaptational gene expression network of B.?subtilis.  相似文献   

Chemical modification is an easy way for stable isotope labeling of non-labeled proteins. The reductive 13C-methylation of the amino group of the lysine side-chain by 13C-formaldehyde is a post-modification and is applicable to most proteins since this chemical modification specifically and quickly proceeds under mild conditions such as 4 °C, pH 6.8, overnight. 13C-methylation has been used for NMR to study the interactions between the methylated proteins and various molecules, such as small ligands, nucleic acids and peptides. Here we applied lysine 13C-methylation NMR to monitor protein–protein interactions. The affinity and the intermolecular interaction sites of methylated ubiquitin with three ubiquitin-interacting proteins were successfully determined using chemical-shift perturbation experiments via the 1H–13C HSQC spectra of the 13C-methylated-lysine methyl groups. The lysine 13C-methylation NMR results also emphasized the importance of the usage of side-chain signals to monitor the intermolecular interaction sites, and was applicable to studying samples with concentrations in the low sub-micromolar range.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis extracytoplasmic function (ECF) σ factor σ(M) is inducible by, and confers resistance to, several cell envelope-acting antibiotics. Here, we demonstrate that σ(M) is responsible for intrinsic β-lactam resistance, with σ(X) playing a secondary role. Activation of σ(M) upregulates several cell wall biosynthetic enzymes including one, PBP1, shown here to be a target for the beta-lactam cefuroxime. However, σ(M) still plays a major role in cefuroxime resistance even in cells lacking PBP1. To better define the role of σ(M) in β-lactam resistance, we characterized suppressor mutations that restore cefuroxime resistance to a sigM null mutant. The most frequent suppressors inactivated gdpP (yybT) which encodes a cyclic-di-AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE). Intriguingly, σ(M) is a known activator of disA encoding one of three paralogous diadenylate cyclases (DAC). Overproduction of the GdpP PDE greatly sensitized cells to β-lactam antibiotics. Conversely, genetic studies indicate that at least one DAC is required for growth with depletion leading to cell lysis. These findings support a model in which c-di-AMP is an essential signal molecule required for cell wall homeostasis. Other suppressors highlight the roles of ECF σ factors in counteracting the deleterious effects of autolysins and reactive oxygen species in β-lactam-treated cells.  相似文献   

In kidney, the ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase 1 (UCH-L1) is involved in podocyte injury and proteinuria but details of the mechanism underlying its regulation are not known. Activation of NF-κB is thought to be the predominant risk factor for kidney disease; therefore, it is postulated that UCH-L1 may be one of the NF-κB target genes. In this study, we investigated the involvement of NF-κB activation in the regulation of UCH-L1 expression and the function of murine podocytes. Stimulation of podocytes with the cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β up-regulated UCH-L1 expression rapidly at the mRNA and protein levels and the NF-κB-specific inhibitor pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate resulted in down-regulation. NF-κB up-regulates UCH-L1 via binding the ? 300 bp and ? 109 bp sites of its promoter, which was confirmed by the electrophoretic mobility shift assay of DNA–nuclear protein binding. In the renal biopsy from lupus nephritis patients, the expressions of NF-κB and UCH-L1 increased in immunohistochestry staining and were positively correlated. Activation of NF-κB up-regulates UCH-L1 expression following changing of other podocytes molecules, such as nephrin and snail. These results suggest that activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway could be the major pathogenesis to up-regulate UCH-L1 in podocyte injury, followed by the turnover of other molecules, which might result in morphological changes and dysfunction of podocytes. This work help us to understand the effect of NF-κB on specific target molecules of podocytes, and suggest that targeting the NF-κB–UCH-L1 interaction could be a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of podocyte lesions and proteinuria.  相似文献   

Glucose-limited continuous cultures were used to analyze σB activity at decreasing growth rates. Expression of the σB-dependent genes gsiB and ctc started to increase at a growth rate of 0.2 h–1, and both genes were induced approximately fivefold at a growth rate of 0.1 h–1 as compared to expression at the maximal growth rate. However, maximal σB activity was only reached when the growth stopped as a result of the exhaustion of the carbon and energy source glucose. During glucose-limited growth, increased expression of the general stress regulon at growth rates below 0.2 h–1 did not provide wild-type cells with a growth advantage over sigB mutants. Instead, expression of the stress regulon seems to constitute a significant burden during glucose-limited growth, resulting in a selective growth advantage of the sigB mutant as compared to the wild-type at a growth rate of 0.08 h–1. Received: 7 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 March 1999  相似文献   

Solid state NMR sample preparation and resonance assignments of the U-[13C,15N] 2×10.4 kDa dimeric form of the regulatory protein Crh in microcrystalline, PEG precipitated form are presented. Intra– and interresidue correlations using dipolar polarization transfer methods led to nearly complete sequential assignments of the protein, and to 88% of all 15N, 13C chemical shifts. For several residues, the resonance assignments differ significantly from those reported for the monomeric form analyzed by solution state NMR. Dihedral angles obtained from a TALOS-based statistical analysis suggest that the microcrystalline arrangement of Crh must be similar to the domain-swapped dimeric structure of a single crystal form recently solved using X-ray crystallography. For a limited number of protein residues, a remarkable doubling of the observed NMR resonances is observed indicative of local static or dynamic conformational disorder. Our study reports resonance assignments for the largest protein investigated by solid state NMR so far and describes the conformational dimeric variant of Crh with previously unknown chemical shifts.  相似文献   

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