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The ultrastructural surface features of the normal fourth ventricular floor of seven human embryos ranging from Carnegie stage 14 to stage 19 (crown-rump length: 7.6-16.2 mm) were examined by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Low-power SEM views showed the median sulcus, sulcus limitans, and neuromeres, transient structures characteristic of the earlier embryonic period. High-power SEM observation revealed supraependymal cells (SE cells) and supraependymal fibers (SE fibers) which exhibited a characteristic localization, as well as generalized surface-membrane modifications such as microvilli and cilia. SE cells could be classified into two major groups. The type 1 SE cells seem to possess neuronal functions, as deduced from morphological similarities to their counterparts in adults and the specialized distribution closely related to neuromeres. The type 2 SE cell morphologically resembled the phagocytic SE cell described in related literature. SE fibers ran a course either rostrocaudally in the median sulcus or mediolaterally on the neuromeres, most frequently near the interneuromeric cleft; they made contact with type 1 SE cells and ependymal surface modifications and then penetrated the ependymal layer.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphology of phagocytic (Type II) supraependymal cells residing within the third ventricle of the guinea pig were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Type II supraependymal cells were restricted to nonciliated regions of the ventricle. They were most numerous on the choroid plexus, abundant within the infundibular recess and were present on the ventricular floor in the region of the median eminence. Morphologically, they were characterized by a soma from which pseudopodia-like processes extended to the subjacent ependyma. Type II cells varied in configuration according to their location. Those residing on the choroid plexus typically had irregular somas and possessed processes that generally terminated in finger-like extensions. In contrast, cells on the ventricular floor and within the infundibular recess were stellate and possessed processes that terminated in fan-like cytoplasmic expansion. There were no differences noted in the frequency, distribution or morphology of Type II supraependymal cells in male and female animals. Furthermore, cell frequency did not appear to vary in relation to the estrous cycle. The data suggest that the pleomorphism exhibited by Type II supraependymal cells may reflect adaptations to diverse environmental conditions present within different regions of the third ventricle.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the wall of the SE was determined exactly and its relationship to the cisternae (the evaginations of the roof of the fourth ventricle extending to the SE) was defined. The way in which the cisterna is formed was defined and the development of its fine structure was described by comparing serial sections from 19-day embryos and adult fowls. Like the SE, the cisternae are lodged in the angle between the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata, in the subarachnoid space. The terminal segment of the cisterna lies in the immediate vicinity of the mesenchymal epithelium bordering the basal labyrinth of the SE cells. Collagen trabeculae keep the SE and the cisternae suspended in the subarachnoid space. The cisternae and trabeculae are wrapped in mesenchymal epithelium. The cisterna is avascular and does not communicate with the SE. The cisterna is lined internally with simple squamous epithelium (modified neural epithelium of the roof of the fourth ventricle). The bodies of the cells bulge into the lumen of the cisterna in the region of localization of their nucleus. The epithelium is seated on a pronounced basal lamina. The surface turned towards the subarachnoid space is lined continuously with mesenchymal epithelium without a basal lamina. The cells of the cisternal epithelium are connected by tight junctions of the type of zonulae occludentes and desmosomes. The basal lamina is continuous and distinct. The mesenchymal epithelium of the subarachnoid space has no basal lamina, as on the subarachnoid surface of the SE, the cisternae, the trabeculae, the pia mater and the arachnoidea.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transplantation of a piece of the alar plate of the prosencephalon or of the rhombencephalon of quail embryos into the roof of the mesencephalon of chick embryos was carried out at 7-10 somite stage. Results obtained were: the transplanted alar plate of the prosencephalon differentiated into tissue closely resembling the tectum when the transplants were integrated into the host mesencephalon; in all the cases, the alar plate of the rhombencephalon did not differentiate into tectum-like structure, but into rhombencephalic descendants. We conclude that the alar plate of the prosencephalon at 7-10 stage is not definitively determined and may retain an ability to differentiate into the optic tectum, whereas the prospective fate of the rhombencephalon has already been determined at 7-10 stage.  相似文献   

Summary The choroid plexus consists of the choroidal epithelium, a derivative of the neural tube, and the choroidal stroma, which originates from the embryonic head mesenchyme. This study deals with epithelio-mesenchymal interactions of these two components leading to the formation of the organ. Grafting experiments of the prospective components have been performed using the quail-chicken marker technique. Prospective choroidal epithelium of quail embryos, forced to interact with mesenchyme of the body wall of chicken embryos, gives rise to a choroid plexus showing normal morphogenesis and differentiation. The choroidal epithelium induces the differentiation of organtypical fenestrated capillaries, which are highly permeable to intravenously injected horseradish peroxidase. The choroidal epithelium of the grafts constitutes a blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. On top of the choroidal epithelium, there are epiplexus cells displaying a typical ultrastructure. The experimental results show that these cells do not originate from the transplanted neural epithelium. Prospective choroidal stroma of chicken embryos does not exert a choroid plexus-inducing influence upon a quail embryo's neural epithelium isolated from parts of the brain that normally do not develop a choroid plexus. The experiments show that the choroidal epithelial cells are determined at least three days before the first organ anlage is detectable.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant Ch 44/7-1)  相似文献   

The inferior lobes of the shark hypothalamus were examined with light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The cells bordering the floor of the lateral recess appear to be typical liquor-contacting neurons. With scanning electron microscopy (SEM) the apical ends of these cells are seen to bulge into the ventricular lumen. In contrast, the roof is lined by a more typical ependymal cell characterized by numerous cilia and microvilli. In addition, SEM reveals several kinds of supraependymal cells with processes that appear to penetrate the ventricular lining. A periventricular nucleus underlies the ependymal cells. Neurons of the periventricular nucleus contain numerous lipofuchsin granules. The rest of the inferior lobe consists of many neuronal fibers. The morphology of the hypothalamic inferior lobe is discussed in relation to its possible role in feeding and aggressive behavior in both elasmobranchs and teleosts.  相似文献   

Ezrin is a member of the Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin (ERM) proteins family that are proposed to act as linkers between the cytoskeleton and plasma membrane. Ezrin regulates cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions playing a role in the regulation of cellular adhesion, movement and morphology in epithelia. Alterations in the expression of Ezrin and other members of ERM family have also been observed in brain tumours. Here we report the expression pattern of Ezrin during mouse neural development, from early stages to postnatal stages. In young and middle gestation embryos, Ezrin is expressed in the roof plate of the neural tube, in the presumptive domain of the choroidal plexus, and in some precise domains of ventricular epithelium. These domains are distributed in basal and alar neuroepithelial regions, some of them in relation to the expression of cadherins. At later gestation and postnatal stages, Ezrin expression is maintained on the mature choroidal plexus and is weakly detected in the proliferative regions of the mature brain.  相似文献   

D. Deheyn  V. Alva  M. Jangoux 《Zoomorphology》1996,116(4):195-204
Amphipholis squamata is a small bioluminescent ophiuroid whose arms are the only body part to produce light. The morphology of the arms was described paying particular attention to the spinal ganglia, viz the areas of most intense luminescence. Spinal ganglia consist of five different cell types (A–E) which were studied at different stages of the photogenous reaction. Type D cells have numerous irregularlyshaped vacuoles, widespread Golgi apparatus and well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) that show obvious ultrastructural changes after luminescence. Type D cells appear, therefore, to be the best photocyte candidate. Type B and C cells were frequently observed in the nervous system outside spinal ganglia. Type A and E cells have not been described before. Type A cells are ciliated cells and type E cells extend long processes which are intimately associated with type D cells and epidermal ciliated cells. Both type A and type E cells could take part to the stimulation pathway that triggers luminescence. Accepted: 1 September 1996  相似文献   

V M Barabanov 《Ontogenez》1990,21(6):585-592
We have studied differentiation of prolactin cells in explants of cephalic and caudal parts of Rathke's pouch of 4.5 day and 5.5 day old chick embryos after their incubation in vitro lasting for 7-8 days. Indirect immunofluorescence using an antiserum against bovine prolactin was used to detect prolactin cells in the cultures. Differentiation of prolactin cells was detected regularly in explants of the cephalic lobe of the adenohypophysis anlage in 5.5 day old embryos; under certain growth conditions prolactin cells were found in explants of the same lobe in 4.5 day old embryos. Prolactin cells were either absent or found in small numbers in cultures of the caudal part of adenohypophysis of 5.5 day old embryos. Our results provide evidence for the appearance of the committed precursors of prolactin cells in the Rathke's pouch at late stages of its formation and for their regional localization in the cephalic part of the anlage. This localization is in correspondence with the distribution of differentiated cells of this type in definitive adenohypophysis.  相似文献   

Supraependymal cells, fibers and what are presumed to be neuronal bulb-like projections were found in the third ventricle of the domestic chicken with a scanning electron microscope. At least two types of supraependymal cells were found: neuron-like cells and phagocyte-like cells. The former were predominantly seen in the area of the paraventricular organ and infundibular recess. The latter were abundant on the ventricular surface of the median eminence and subfornical organ. Bulb or club-like projections thought to be the dendritic terminals of CSF-contacting neurons were observed in the area of the paraventricular organ and infundibular recess. Similar structures were observed at the preoptic recess as well. The supraependymal neuronal components found in the domestic chicken differed from those of mammals in several respects: 1. the wall of the third ventricle was devoid of supraependymal fibrous plexus except for that of the paraventricular organ; 2. bulb-like projections were abundant in the area of the paraventricular organ; 3. supraependymal neuron-like cells were unipolar or bipolar in appearance. These data underline the dissimilarity of the CSF-contacting neuronal system of birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The normal development of the myotomal neuromuscular junction in Xenopus embryos and tadpoles was investigated electrophysiologically as well as electron microscopically. Spontaneous potentials, considered to be miniature end-plate potentials (MEPPs), were detected by intracellular recording as early as stage 21 and by stage 24 they were observed in every embryo tested. Like MEPPS at later stages they were blocked by curare but not by tetrodotoxin. End-plate potentials (EPPs), subject to block by tetrodotoxin, were evoked by electrical stimulation of the spinal cord in embryos as young as stage 24 and occurred spontaneously as early as stage 22. The durations of MEPPs and EPPs were initially relatively long. Focal external recordings revealed an eightfold decrease in duration during the course of development. Nerve processes emerged from the spinal cord and contacted developing muscle cells as early as stage 21, but junctional specializations were not apparent and vesicles were rare even in stage 24 embryos. During the next 24 hr, between stages 25 and 36, vesicles increased in number and became localized toward the junctional surface of the nerve ending. Basement lamina developed in the cleft and postjunctional ridges and densities were observed. Individual muscle cells also became contacted by several nerve processes. By stages 48–52 there were fewer contacts on individual muscle cells and Schwann cell processes partially covered the nerve endings. Gap junctions were observed between the muscle cells throughout development but occurred less frequently at the later stages. It is concluded that by the time they reach the muscle cells, or very shortly thereafter, at least some of the growing nerve processes can release transmitter, and some of the muscle cells are sufficiently sensitive to acetylcholine in the region of contact to respond with millivolt depolarizations. These earliest functional contacts, however, are morphologically undifferentiated.  相似文献   

It is well established that hemopoietic cells arising from the yolk sac invade the avian embryo. To study the fate and role of these cells during the first 2.5-4.5 days of incubation, we constructed yolk sac chimeras (a chick embryo grafted on a quail yolk sac and vice versa) and immunostained them with antibodies specific to cells of quail hemangioblastic lineage (MB1 and QH1). This approach revealed that endothelial cells of the embryonic vessels are of intraembryonic origin. In contrast, numerous hemopoietic cells of yolk sac origin were seen in embryos ranging from 2.5 to 4.5 days of incubation. These cells were already present within the vessels and in the mesenchyme at the earliest developmental stages analyzed. Two hemopoietic cell types of yolk sac origin were distinguishable, undifferentiated cells and macrophage-like cells. The number of the latter cells increased progressively as development proceeded, and they showed marked acid phosphatase activity and phagocytic capacity, as revealed by the presence of numerous phagocytic inclusions in their cytoplasm. The macrophage-like cells were mostly distributed in the mesenchyme and also appeared within some organ primordia such as the neural tube, the liver anlage and the nephric rudiment. Comparison of the results in the two types of chimeras and the findings obtained with acid phosphatase/MB1 double labelling showed that some hemopoietic macrophage-like cells of intraembryonic origin were also present at the stages considered. These results support the existence in the early avian embryo of a phagocytic cell system of blood cell lineage, derived chiefly from the yolk sac. Cells belonging to this system perform phagocytosis in cell death and may also be involved in other morphogenetic processes.  相似文献   

V M Diewert  K Shiota 《Teratology》1990,41(6):663-677
Normal developmental events during human primary palate formation and alterations associated with cleft lip remain poorly defined. The purpose of this study was to analyze serially sectioned human embryos to identify morphological changes during normal palatal closure and alterations associated with failure of palatal formation. Normal and cleft embryos from the histological collection at the Congenital Anomaly Research Center at the University of Kyoto were studied and photographed for detailed evaluation. Seven serially sectioned cleft lip embryos of stages shortly after primary palate formation (Streeter-O'Rahilly stages 19, 20, and 22) with unilateral or bilateral clefts with varying degrees of clefting were studied. In the normal Kyoto embryos, initial nasal fin (epithelial seam) formation was observed between the medial nasal process and the lateral nasal and maxillary processes at stage 17. During stages 18 and 19, the nasal fin epithelium was replaced by an enlarging mesenchymal bridge, as the maxillary processes united with the medial nasal processes to form the primary palate. The most prominent features observed in the cleft embryos were a reduced thickness of mesenchymal bridging between the medial nasal and maxillary processes, with an excessive amount of epithelium at the junctions between these processes. With ingrowth of the maxillary processes, greater cell dispersion and apparent extracellular matrix accumulation were observed in the medial nasal region. During closure of the primary palate, terminal branches of the maxillary nerve crossed the mesenchymal bridge to the medial nasal region. The partial clefts had reduced maxillary ingrowth and smaller union areas with the medial nasal process. Detailed studies of experimental animal models are required to identify regional growth required for contact between the facial prominences, to clarify the mechanisms of mesenchymal ingrowth and epithelial displacement during palatal formation, and to identify local and/or general factors causing alterations that lead to primary palatal clefting.  相似文献   

Summary The ependymal lining of the lateral ventricles of the rabbit brain was studied by means of scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). There exist cells devoid of cilia in the anterior horn over the region of the caudate nucleus, in the inferior horn over the hippocampus and on the opposite side over cortical regions. On the surface of some of these ependymal cells, accumulations of cytoplasmic folds and globules can be found. They bulge at different height over the ependymal cells. Clots of these cell particles are tied off from the cell, coming to lie as globules either on or between the cilia of the ependyma. TEM reveals that these tissue protrusions are cell debris consisting of different sized vesicles, cell organelles, tubuli and filaments. They originate from the ependymal layer but may reach down to subependymal cells. Multivesicular protrusions into the ventricular lumen are also observed. Possible causes of these protrusions are discussed; they are likely to be related to the age of the animals.On the ependyma of the caudate nucleus cilia, microvilli, microblebs and supraependymal neuronal cell processes are distributed unevenly over the surface. Within regions where cilia predominate there are cells which are tightly covered with microvilli. A certain direction of the course of the supraependymal neuronal fibers could not be found.The author is pleased to acknowledge useful discussions with Prof. Dr. med. E. van der Zypen. This study was partly supported by the Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation  相似文献   

Summary The development of the glial cells of the rat median eminence (ME), including the supraependymal cells, was investigated from embryonic day (ED) 14 through postnatal day (PD) 7, and pituicyte development from ED 12 through ED 17. The anlage of the ME and neurohypophysis shows a neuroepithelial-like structure at ED 12. From ED 13 to 15, the cells of both regions start to differentiate. At the ultrastructural level, only one cell type appears. At the beginning of ED 16, glioblasts of the oligodendrocyte and astrocyte series migrate laterally (from the region of the arcuate nucleus) into the ME. Also at this time the first distinctive structural features appear in the neurohypophysial anlage, the cells of which later develop into pituicytes. Starting at ED 18, tanycytes and astrocytic tanycytes arise in the ME from local glial cells, and somewhat later oligodendroblasts and astroblasts are formed from immigrant glioblasts. Due to their common features, the pituicytes, tanycytes and astrocytic tanycytes apparently represent different forms of the same parent cell type. Microglial and supraependymal cells are first seen at ED 12. Initially, they resemble the prenatal phagocytic connective tissue cells and mature in the fetus into typical electron-dense microglia and macrophage-like supraependymal cells. Both cell types are apparently of mesodermal origin. The microglial elements of the ME probably migrate from the mesenchyma through the basement into the nervous tissue. The intraventricular macrophages of the infundibular region may originate from microglia, epiplexal cells and subarachnoid macrophages.Dedicated to Prof. I. Törö, Budapest, on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine the surface features of the subcommissural organ (SCO) and the roof of the cerebral aqueduct of 35 adult and 33 pouch-young Trichosurus vulpecula. The animals were at various developmental stages and of both sexes. In the adult animals, the surfaces of the groove and the adjacent medial walls of the ridges of the SCO were characterized primarily by microvilli. Typically, Reissner's fibre was associated closely with the median groove of the SCO. The ridges and the paramedian grooves of the SCO were often heavily ciliated displaying many cerebrospinal fluid-contacting nerve processes. These processes were of varying lengths with terminal and preterminal varicosities. The observed morphology supports a hypothesis suggesting that under certain physiological and pathological conditions the flow of CSF may be directed away from the heavily ciliated ridges to the poorly ciliated groove containing the Reissner's fibre. In the youngest pouch-young animals there were no cilia, CSF-contacting nerve processes, nor supraependymal cells. Also the surface features of the SCO in the young assumed adult appearance before the adjacent roof of the cerebral aqueduct. These findings suggest the possibility that the SCO begins to function early in ontogenetic development. Acknowledgement. Technical assistance of Mrs. G. Hermanis is gratefully acknowledged.The author thanks the Director of Wild Life and National Parks, South Australia, for permission to use brush-tailed possums  相似文献   

The structure of the cells forming the primitive streak was examined by SEM in a series of embryos at Hamburger and Hamilton's stages 2–5. Specimens were prepared by stripping the endoderm from fresh embryos in New Culture and by fracturing whole fixed embryos along and at right angles to the primitive streak. At all stages of examination the SEM appearance of cells within the primitive streak was quite different from that of ectodermal, endodermal or mesodermal cells away from the streak. Streak cells were closely packed, lay with their long axes directed from ectoderm to endoderm and possessed many flat leaf-like processes. By contrast the ectoderm formed a columnar epithelium, the endoderm a flat epithelium and the mesoderm was a layer of loosely arranged cells with long, thin processes.
Within the streak SEM did not show any differences between cells that could identify them specifically as future endoderm or mesoderm cells. It was concluded that during gastrulation all the cells migrating through the primitive streak have the same appearance regardless of their eventual destination in the embryo. This structure may be attributable to the type of movement made by cells during invagination.  相似文献   

The neurohypophysial lobe is a thin-walled sac that, except for a few blood vessels, lacks any anatomical link with the adenohypophysis. Its wall consists of ependymal, fiber and palisade zones and is surrounded by blood vessels. The lobe is differentiated into distinct dorsal and ventral regions. The dorsal wall is doubly innervated by Gomori-positive axons arising in the anterior hypothalamus and by Gomori-negative fibers of unknown origin. Its surface is covered by an extensive vascular plexus. The ventral wall is innervated only by Gomori-negative fibers and is sparsely supplied with a few fine capillaries. All of the ependymal cells in both regions have the same ultrastructural appearance. The Gomori-positive or Type I axons are identified at the electron microscope level as fibers containing elementary granules with a diameter of 150–230 run. The Gomori-negative or Type II fibers contain dense-cored vesicles that vary from 80–125 nm in diameter. Both Type I and II fibers form synaptic-like complexes with the processes and end-feet of the ependymal cells. Type I axons also abut on the basal lamina bounding the perivascular spaces. It is suggested that the agranular reticulum of the ependymal cells may provide a transport pathway for neural products that are destined for release into the circulation. It is also possible that the ependyma itself is a target of neural activity.  相似文献   

Migratory mechanisms of chick primordial germ cells toward gonadal anlage.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
After appearing at the germinal crescent region, chick primordial germ cells (PGCs) migrate toward the presumptive gonads (pG) till stage 19 (Hamburger and Hamilton, 1951). This study seeks to elucidate the roles of passive and active factors in the PGC-migration, physical trapping of circulating PGCs by the capillary network and PGC attraction by chemotactic factor from presumptive gonads. Firstly, latex beads/pollens (the same size or larger than PGCs) were injected into the embryonic bloodstream at stage 13-19 (when PGCs are in the migrating and settlement phase to the presumptive gonad) in ovo in order to determine whether the PGCs passively reach pG. Most of such particles accumulated in the head region (60%), whereas the remainder did the same in the gonadal region (23% at the peak) at stage 16 when both the head and gonadal regions are rich in capillary plexus. After 3 days, most particles in the gonadal region were located at the angles of dorsal mesentery near the developing gonads where many extra-gonadal PGCs had been located, and a few particles were detected close to the gonad. These results suggest that one of the mechanisms of PGC-migration to the developing gonads is an autonomous trapping of PGCs by the capillary network quite close to the germinal epithelium (GE) and passive translocation by morphogenetic movement. Secondly, the attraction for PGCs by the gonadal anlage proper was examined in ovo using chick and quail embryos. Grafts of quail gonadal anlage containing gonadal epithelium and neighbouring mesenchymal tissue were excised from the quail embryo at stages 12 to 16 (staging by Zacchei, 1961). With the aims of eliminating the influence of surrounding tissue, the quail graft was ectopically transplanted into the posterior to the optic vesicle of 8 to 17 somite chick embryo from the point of a posterior region to the auditory vesicle by a fine tungsten needle under the illumination by the method of Hara (1971). Then the region posterior to the level of presumptive vitelline arteries was surgically excised in ovo. After a 48 hrs.-incubation, the host PGCs which lost their own gonadal anlage as a target organ accumulated in the transplanted quail gonadal anlage originating from the embryo at PGC-migrating periods. This result strongly suggested the presence of some attractive factor that may be emitted from the gonadal anlage proper. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the PGCs in vitro showed no contact inhibition in relation to other PGCs or fibroblasts in their moving pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of striated muscle fibers and 3H-thymidine (3HTdr)-labeled cells adjacent to them in the lymph hearts of larvae of Rana temporaria, yearling frogs, and 9- to 13-day-old chick embryos was studied by use of electron-microscopic autoradiography. A comparatively high level of differentiation of lymph-heart muscle fibers was observed not only in yearling frogs but also in larvae. Myosatellites occurred at all stages of development. No mitoses were found in muscle fibers. In 9- to 13-day-old chick embryos the myofibers of lymph hearts were somewhat less differentiated than those of the larvae and yearling frogs. Differentiating sarcomeres were often seen in the sarcoplasm of myofibers of chick embryos. The analysis of the ultrastructure of 3HTdr-incorporating cells shows that 2–4 h after the single 3HTdr administration only mononucleated cells devoid of myofilaments are commonly labeled both in tadpoles and chick embryos. When fixation is postponed by 48–70 h, myonuclei frequently become labeled. Thus, the data obtained support the evidence that proliferation and differentiation processes in the developing muscle tissue of the lymph heart of both species studied are mutually exclusive, similar to the situation in differentiating vertebrate skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

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