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Rates of development ofEpisyrphus balteatus (Diptera: Syrphidae) indicate that three generations are possible during the season. Only one develops in the wheat crop. Feeding activity is highest during the night. Functional response curves for newly hatched larvae, 1 and 5 day-old larvae were determined. The high rate of reproduction and the short feeding period makeE. balteatus an excellent exploiter of a temporary habitat: a cereal aphid colony.
Episyrphus balteatus (Syrphidae), prédateur deSitobion aveane (Aphididae) sur blé d'hiver
Résumé Les durées de développement deE. balteatus dépendent de la température. L'incubation a duré 14.2 jours à 7.5°C et 1.59 jour à 25°C. Le développement larvaire jusqu'à la dernière défécation a demandé 35.8 jours à 7.5°C, et 10.1 jours à 20°C. Seule une génération peut se développer chaque année sur blé d'hiver, car la durée totale de l'ontogenèse, dans les conditions de température des champs, est comprise entre 30 et 45 jours. Les larves s'alimentent surtout la nuit. La prédation maximale à 20°C augmente avec l'âge de la larve, depuis 2.34 pucerons du troisième stade par jour pour une larve de syrphe néonate jusqu'à 5.04 pucerons du troisième stade quand les larves ont un jour. Les consommations les plus élevées, de 38.6 et 42.7 pucerons par nuit de 7 heures, ont été obtenues avec des larves de 4 à 5 jours, élevées à 21/13°C.A 20°C, le temps consacré à l'alimentation par des larves néonates de syrphes augmente avec la taille de la proie; il passe de 63.6 min pour des pucerons du premier stade à 131.2 min pour ceux du second stade. La relation entre le poids de la larve et le nombre de pucerons consommés est linéaire.E. balteatus a besoin, pour son développement, de moins deS. avenae que deA. fabae.

Aphidophagous predators compete for the same prey species. During their foraging activity they frequently encounter heterospecific aphid predators. These situations can lead to intraguild predation and may disrupt biological control efforts against aphids where more than one predator species is present. We investigated the behavior of larvae of the hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus de Geer and its interaction with three other aphid predators: the ladybird Coccinella septempunctata L., the lacewing Chrysoperla carnea Stephens, and the gall midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani). Interspecific interactions between predators were examined in arenas of different sizes and in the presence of extraguild prey. The outcome of interactions between E. balteatus larvae and the other predators depended predominantly on the relative body size of the competitors. Relatively large individuals acted as intraguild predators, while relatively smaller individuals became intraguild prey. Eggs and first- as well as second-instar larvae of E. balteatus were highly susceptible to predation by all other predators, whereas pupae of E. balteatus were preyed upon only by the larvae of C. carnea. Interactions between A. aphidimyza and E. balteatus were asymmetric and always favored the latter. Eggs and first- as well as second-instar larvae of E. balteatus sustained intraguild predation irrespective of the size of the arena or the presence of extraguild prey. However, the frequency of predation on third-instar larvae of E. balteatus was significantly reduced. This study indicated that the same species can be both intraguild predator and intraguild prey. It is suggested that combinations of predators must be carefully chosen for success in biological control of aphids.  相似文献   

Oviposition decisions made by members of a guild of natural enemies can have evolved to avoid intraguild predation, potentially avoiding the disruption of the extraguild prey control. We have studied the oviposition preference of the aphidophagous predator Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae) within colonies of Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the presence of two developmental stages of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). Results from a greenhouse choice experiment showed that E. balteatus females lay significantly fewer eggs in colonies with mummified aphids than in unparasitized colonies. Colonies of parasitized, but not yet mummified did not contain significantly fewer eggs than colonies with unparasitized aphids. In three no-choice experiments, we assessed stimuli coming from aphid honeydew, from the aphids themselves and also from extracts of the aphid bodies, and all of these stimuli mediate the discrimination of mummified aphids from healthy aphids. To a lesser extent these stimuli also contribute to the discrimination against aphids that are parasitized but not yet mummified. These results suggest that the effects of these two species could be complementary for the control of M. persicae, since the species that acts as an intraguild predator, E. balteatus, avoids ovipositing on aphid colonies parasitized by the intraguild prey, A. colemani.  相似文献   

In vineyards, larvae of Lobesia botrana (Denis and Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and Botrytis cinerea (Persoon: Fries) often occur together. This study was carried out to establish whether first instar larvae are attracted by the fungus. Olfactory and gustatory responses of larvae to the fungus were investigated on grape berry clusters (Vitis vinifera) and in two types of olfactometer. In clusters infected partly by B. cinerea, 82% of first instar larvae settled where berries had been infected. In the olfactometers, first instar larvae detected and discriminated between two tested foods. They significantly preferred synthetic media or grape berries (cv., 'Alphonse Lavallée' or 'Cabernet Sauvignon') infected with B. cinerea to non-infected controls. The olfactory response led to 62.2% to 72.6% of the first instar larvae attracted by the fungus and the association of olfactory with gustatory responses resulted in similar rates (64.1% to 81.6%). So, the larvae were most attracted by synthetic media or grape berries infected by the fungus as compared to the controls. Olfaction appears to be the main sense involved in this attraction process.  相似文献   

The advanced snakes (Alethinophidia) include the extant snakes with a highly evolved head morphology providing increased gape and jaw flexibility. Along with other physiological and morphological adaptations, this allows them to immobilize, ingest, and transport prey that may be disproportionately large or presents danger to the predator from bites, teeth, horns, or spines. Reported incidents of snakes failing to consume prey and being injured or killed during feeding mostly reflect information in the form of natural-history notes. Here we provide the first extensive review of such incidents, including 101 publications describing at least 143 cases of mortality (including six of ‘multiple individuals’) caused by ingestion or attempted consumption of injurious prey. We also report on 15 previously unpublished injurious feeding incidents from the USA, Austria, and Bulgaria, including mortality of five juvenile piscivorous dice snakes (Natrix tessellata) from a single location. Occurrences are spread across taxa, with mortality documented for at least 73 species from eight families and 45 genera. Incidents were generally well represented within each of three major categories: oversized prey (40.6%), potentially harmful prey (40.6%), and predator's behavioural/mechanical errors (18.9%). Reptile (33%) and fish (26%) prey caused disproportionately high mortality compared to mammals (16%). Feeding can be dangerous throughout a snake's life, with the later stages of feeding likely being more perilous. The number of reports has increased over time, and the data seem biased towards localities with a higher number of field-working herpetologists. We propose a standardized framework, comprising a set of basic information that should ideally be collected and published, and which could be useful as a template for future data collection, reporting, and analyses. We conclude that incidents of mortality during feeding are likely to be more common than previously assumed, and this hypothesis has implications for the ecology of persistence where populations are impacted by changing trophic environments.  相似文献   

Diel feeding behavior in larvae of four odonate species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The diel feeding behavior of four coexisting odonate larvae, Aeshna juncea, Coenagrion hastulatum, Cordulia aenea,and Leucorrhinia dubiawas studied in the laboratory. C. hastulatumand L. dubiawere equally active during day and night. While C. hastulatumconsumed an equal number of prey during day and night, L. dubiaconsumed more prey during night. In contrast, A. juncealarvae were most active and consumed more prey during day, while C. aenealarvae were most active and consumed more prey during night. In contrast to the other three species, A. junceashowed a longer reactive distance under light conditions. In A. junceaand L. dubiacapture efficiency was higher under light conditions, whereas in C. hastulatumand C. aeneait was the same irrespective of illumination. The results show that the time niche is an important component of the feeding in this guild.  相似文献   

Atlantic halibut larvae show an increase in activity, together with a decrease in swimming speed during active periods, occurring from day 26 onwards, which corresponds approximately to 50% yolk absorption.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of the Talek clan of spotted hyaenas in the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, was monitored continuously for 7 years. Talek hyaenas adapted to large temporal variations in prey abundance by being opportunistic predators. During the first half of the year, the hyaenas fed on resident ungulates, and their diet consisted mainly of topi and Thomson's gazelles. Upon arrival of the migratory herds of wildebeest and zebra from the Serengeti, Talek hyaenas switched to feeding on the wildebeest which provided them with a superabundance of food for about 3 months. After the migratory animals returned to the Serengeti, Talek hyaenas experienced a period of reduced prey abundance due to the temporary dispersion of resident ungulates. At this time hyaenas hunted the few remaining wildebeest, and also increased their use of the remaining resident animals. Although Talek hyaenas were generally opportunistic in their feeding behaviour, they did exhibit clear dietary preference for larger prey species, particularly wildebeest. Finally, carrion comprised only 5% of the biomass consumed by Talek hyaenas, the lowest proportion of carrion in the diet of any Crocuta population studied to date.  相似文献   

The coefficients of linear and exponential equations approximating the correlation between the length (mass) of a predator and the length (mass) of its prey were considered. The feeding habits of Alaskan pollack, chum salmon, and Pacific herring, considered as predators, were assessed by the value of the angular coefficient of respective regression equations. The bimodal distribution of feeding objects of herring was recorded.  相似文献   

Larvae of some species of mosquitoes have been shown to respond to water‐borne kairomones from predators by reducing bottom‐feeding and replacing it with surface filter‐feeding, which uses less movement and is thus less likely to attract a predator. However, if no predator attack takes place, then it would be more efficient to use a risk allocation strategy of habituating their response depending on the predator and the overall risk. The larvae of Culiseta longiareolata Macquart live in temporary rain‐filled pools, where they are exposed to a high level of predation. Within one hour, they responded to kairomones from dragonfly or damselfly nymphs, or to the fish Aphanius, by significantly reducing bottom‐feeding activity. Continued exposure to the predator kairomones resulted in habituation of their response to damselflies, a slower habituation to fish, but no habituation to dragonflies even after 30 h. In contrast, the larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say normally live in highly polluted and thus anaerobic water, where the predation risk will be much lower. They also showed a significant reduction in bottom‐feeding after 1 h of exposure to predator kairomones but had completely habituated this response within 6 h of continuous exposure. Some species of mosquito larvae can thus show a very rapid habituation to predator kairomones, while others only habituate slowly depending on the predator and overall predation risk.  相似文献   

Larvae feeding selectivity of Iheringichthys labrosus , Hypophthalmus edentatus and Plagioscion squamosissimus was assessed, examining the role of mouth gape in prey selection. Fish larvae were sampled in the Itaipu Reservoir (Brazil–Paraguay). Iheringichthys labrosus and H. edentatus larvae, with small and similar gape sizes, exhibited slightly different diets; I. labrosus preferred cladocerans ( Bosmina hagmanni , Bosmina huauriensis and Bosminopsis deitersi ) and the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus . Hypophthalmus edentatus , however, primarily ingested the cladocerans B. hagmanni , Ceriodaphnia cornuta , Daphnia gessneri and Diaphanosoma spinulosum . Plagioscion squamosissimus , with a greater gape size, preferred Calanoida. The mechanistic processes that determine food selectivity of fish larvae in temperate aquatic systems were similar in the Neotropical system. The trophic spectrum of these species is characterized by small- to intermediate-sized prey. Plagioscion squamosissimus larvae, which have larger mouths, exploit primarily larger prey differing from the most abundant species or size classes; consequently, their diet is quite different from I. labrosus larvae and modestly similar to H. edentatus larvae, opportunistic feeders that they eat more abundant prey.  相似文献   

As a prerequisite for models of foraging behaviour of the whelk, Morula marginalba Blainville (Muricidae), the effects of variation in density of prey on the rate of feeding of the predator were examined in field conditions for three coexisting species of prey. Densities of prey used were those at which the prey, two limpets and a barnacle, occurred naturally in the rocky intertidal habitat.Large limpets, Cellana tramoserica (Sowerby) can resist attacks by predatory gastropods by raising the mantle over the outside of the shell. These experiments showed that no C. tramoserica were killed by Morula marginalba even at very great densities and with no alternative prey present. For the small limpet Patelloida latistrigata (Angas), one of the whelk's most highly preferred prey, juveniles were eaten 1.4 times as fast as adults. Fitting the random predator equation gave greater attack coefficients and shorter handling times for juvenile than adult limpets.Sizes of both predator and prey affected rates of eating barnacles, Tesseropora rosea (Krauss), but not in a simple way. Whelks of 15-mm aperture length ate adult barnacles 4.2 times faster than did 12-mm whelks, but there was no significant difference in the rates at which the two sizes of snail ate juvenile barnacles.Rates of feeding on T. rosea and Patelloida latistrigata increased significantly with prey density. These results form a basis for including the density of prey in models of spatial dispersion of the predatory gastropod Morula marginalba.  相似文献   

The visual field of striped trumpeter Latris lineata larvae fed rotifer prey was determined from analysis of feeding behaviour in the horizontal plane. The visual field was forward and laterally directed, characterised by maximum reactive distances (distance at which the predator first detects and reacts to the prey) of 5.07 mm and 5.25 mm on days 13 and 17 post-hatching, respectively, 97% of mean larval length. This confirmed the predicted horizontal visual field, forward and laterally directed, derived from higher cone cell densities in the dorso-temporal and medial regions of the retina compared with ventral regions. The visual field of prey detection expanded laterally with ontogeny as a wider range of reactive angles was used by 17 day-old than 13 day-old larvae. Larvae displayed a saltatory searching pattern, periodically stopping to scan for prey throughout the visual field, and exhibited a side-to-side movement of the head as they approached and stopped, prior to striking at a detected prey item. Larvae on day 17 post-hatching terminated 35% of feeding sequences at the pre-strike position, at a mean distance from prey of 0.58 mm.  相似文献   

When hunting at sea, pinnipeds should adapt their foraging behaviors to suit the prey they are targeting. We performed captive feeding trials with two species of otariid seal, Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) and subantarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis). This allowed us to record detailed observations of how their foraging behaviors vary when presented with prey items that cover the full range of body shapes and sizes encountered in the wild. Small prey were captured using suction alone, while larger prey items were caught in the teeth using raptorial biting. Small fish and long skinny prey items could then be swallowed whole or processed by shaking, while all prey items with body depths greater than 7.5 cm were processed by shaking at the water's surface. This matched opportunistic observations of feeding in wild Australian fur seals. Use of “shake feeding” as the main prey processing tactic also matches predictions that this method would be one of the only tactics available to aquatic tetrapods that are unable to secure prey using their forelimbs.  相似文献   

Time-intensive sampling was used to study minnow Phoxinus phoxinus density and foraging activity in the littoral area of Lake Lentua at a time of high vendace Coregonus albula larval abundance. Minnow activity and foraging during the late spring-early summer period at low temperatures was found to be mainly nocturnal and quite consistent with features reported in the literature, with the exception of feeding on vendace larvae. The absence of the latter finding from previous studies may be due to previous seasonally limited daytime samplings. The temporal or spatial scale of sampling is decisive when studying foraging on food animals with a brief period of vulnerability and seasonal phenology. However, minnows in Lake Lentua seemed to prefer Bosmina longispina whenever available and low B. longispina density during the first weeks after the break-up of ice directed minnow predation towards the vendace larvae. Estimated gross predation values showed that the minnow has the potential to become a remarkable predator on fish larvae. Slight variations in the vernal timing of the vendace hatching and larval development with respect to minnow activity, both of which are obviously temperature related, may be critical to vendace larval survival in the nearshore zone. However, the predation on the larvae is probably a strong factor only for a short period and the survival of the vendace larvae may be more related to the availability of suitably sized food resources than to predation by the minnow.  相似文献   

1. Predatory larvae often have to face food shortages during their development, and thus the ability to disperse and find new feeding sites is crucial for survival. However, the dispersal capacity of predatory larvae, the host finding cues employed, and their use of alternative food sources are largely unknown. These aspects of the foraging behaviour of the aphidophagous hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus De Geer) larvae were investigated in the present study. 2. It was shown that these hoverfly larvae do not leave a plant as long as there are aphids available, but that dispersing larvae are able to find other aphid colonies in the field. Dispersing hoverfly larvae accumulated on large aphid colonies, but did not distinguish between different pea aphid race–plant species combinations. Large aphid colonies might be easier to detect because of intensified searching by hoverfly larvae following the encounter of aphid cues like honeydew that accumulate around large colonies. 3. It was further shown that non‐prey food, such as diluted honey or pollen, was insufficient for hoverfly larvae to gain weight, but prolonged the survival of the larvae compared with unfed individuals. As soon as larvae were switched back to an aphid diet, they rapidly gained weight and some pupated after a few days. Although pupation and adult hatching rates were strongly reduced compared with hoverflies continuously fed with aphids, the consumption of non‐prey food most probably increases the probability that hoverfly larvae find an aphid colony and complete their development.  相似文献   

Development, fecundity, and longevity of the predator,Orius insidiosus (Say) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), when reared on greenbug [Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)], cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover), or eggs of tobacco budworm [Heliothis virescens (F.)] with green beans or water were examined. Developmental time was shortest when predators were reared onH. virescens eggs and beans and longest when reared on cotton aphids and water. Predators were most fecund when fedH. virescens eggs. The inclusion of beans in the nymphal diet further enhanced fecundity when fed eggs. Longevity of both females and males was significantly shorter when reared on aphids than on eggs. Beans in the nymphal diet enhanced longevity of female predators only in combination with budworm eggs. FemaleO. insidiosus were largest when reared onH. virescens eggs. Addition of green beans in aphid treatments resulted in increased size ofO. insidiosus when compared to aphids and free water.  相似文献   

The duration of intensive searching behaviour of third-instar larvae ofCoccinella septempunctata L. following feeding, and the searching behaviour of fourth instar larvae following an unsuccessful prey encounter, was determined. Even though the speed of search and track width of third instar larvae is less than that of fourth instar larvae and adults, their intensive searching behaviour was found to be of similar duration. Intensive searching behaviour was elicited even after an unsuccessful prey encounter, an important strategy for early instar larvae whose capture efficiency is low.
Effet du stade sur le comportement intensif de prospection des Coccinelles
Résumé On a déterminé au laboratoire la durée du comportement intensif de prospection du 3è stade larvaire deCoccinella septempuncatata après un repas, et le comportement de prospection du 4è stade après rencontre infructueuse avec une proie.La durée de la recherche intensive pendant le 3è stade, après privation d'aliment pendant 20 h, était de 28,8 sec. Bien que l'aire parcourue par unité de temps pour ce stade ait été inférieure à la moitié de celles parcourues par des larves de 4è stade et des adultes, les durées de recherches intensives étaient voisines. Le comportement de recherche intensive a été provoqué même après une rencontre infructueuse avec une proie, et il durait autant qu'après une rencontre fructueuse. Ce comportement est particulièrement important pour les stades précoces dont l'efficacité de capture est faible, puisqu'une rencontre infructueuse est l'indication qu'un groupe de proies a été découvert. La recherche intensive succédant à un échec accroît les probabilités de localisation ultérieure de proies et ainsi augmente les probabilités de capture.

1. Patterns of prey discrimination by the generalist predatory coccinellid Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timb. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were studied in relation to prey quality, under laboratory conditions. 2. Choice experiments were performed in which second‐ and fourth‐instar coccinellids had the choice between Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs that were young or old, unparasitised or parasitised by Trichogramma evanescens Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). 3. Coleomegilla maculata larvae did not exhibit any preference for parasitised or unparasitised eggs at a similar stage of development but always preferred younger eggs, regardless of whether or not they were parasitised. Furthermore, the percentage of rejection was higher and handling time longer on the less preferred egg type. Pre‐imaginal development time, food intake to reach adulthood, and survival of coccinellid immatures were altered when coccinellid larvae were fed with parasitised and old unparasitised eggs. 4. These results indicate that C. maculata larvae select eggs based on their stage of development regardless of parasitism, and that prey quality of aged prey is lower. 5. Fourth‐instar coccinellid larvae spent less time in patches containing solely parasitised old eggs, and their level of exploitation was greatly reduced, compared with homogeneous patches containing unparasitised young eggs. This suggests that C. maculata larvae respond to variable patch quality by using flexible decision rules that reflect the payoff of the patch.  相似文献   

目的 当动物重复某种行为以逃避危险或获取奖励而无法成功时,会产生放弃。放弃是一种常见且基本的行为,在小鼠等模式动物中已经被广泛研究,但是其部分神经机制仍未被阐明。幼年斑马鱼适合进行全脑光学成像,是神经科学领域的重要模式生物。已经有研究者通过持续电击等消极刺激诱发斑马鱼放弃行为,然而奖励刺激能否引起斑马鱼放弃尚无报道。本文对奖励刺激引起的斑马鱼放弃行为进行了探究。方法 通过给予斑马鱼虚拟的食物视觉刺激,检验斑马鱼对虚拟食物的捕食情况,比较斑马鱼捕食频率和单次捕食时长随时间的变化。结果 虚拟的食物视觉刺激可以引起斑马鱼的捕食行为,接受25 min虚拟刺激后,8日龄以上斑马鱼的捕食频率和单次捕食时长均出现显著下降。结论 此研究丰富了斑马鱼放弃行为的研究范式,实验结果表明,缺失真实奖励的虚拟食物刺激可以诱导斑马鱼放弃捕食行为,这将进一步加深对动物放弃行为的理解,推动对其神经机制的研究。  相似文献   

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