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During the last two decades, the monostromatic green seaweed Gayralia sp. has been harvested sporadically by local fishermen on the Paraná coast of southern Brazil and sold to Japanese restaurants. However, the production is erratic and its economic impact very small. This paper provides basic information about a technique to cultivate this seaweed on suspended nets in Paranaguá Bay, southern Brazil, aiming to develop a more reliable and sustainable source of income for impoverished coastal dwellers. Gayralia sp. occurs year round in the region, usually growing on mangrove stems and roots. Polypropylene nets (10 m long × 1 m wide with 16 cm mesh) were placed close to the mangrove fringe. Recruitment occurred year round reaching a peak of 500 recruits m−2 during early spring. Higher recruitment occurred at periods of low temperature (21–23°C) and high salinity (30–33 psu). Growth rates of Gayralia sp. ranged from 5.75 ± 0.56% to 6.50 ± 0.43% day−1 during the winter and from 1.43 ± 1.65% to 4.65 ± 2.17% day−1, during the summer. Production ranged from 22 ± 6 g m−2 DW in June to 58 ± 21 g m−2 DW in September 2004 in 45 days after zooid settlement. The simplicity of the cultivation method, reasonable growth rates and extensive favorable area for cultivation suggest that mariculture of Gayralia sp. may become a good alternative of income for the local inhabitants.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of shallow coastal waters often leads to blooms of macroalgae. Grazing by crustaceans, such as amphipods and isopods, can reduce macroalgal biomass accumulation. At the same time, growth of the macroalgae can be stimulated by epiphyte removal. The role of grazing by isopods and amphipods on Ulva spp. biomass development was investigated in the Veerse Meer, a brackish lagoon situated in the southwest Netherlands. Exclusion of grazing in the field did not stimulate Ulva spp. growth. In fact, growth rates were higher in exclosures that allowed grazers to enter. Edibility tests identified the amphipod Gammarus locusta, and the isopods Idotea chelipes and Sphaeroma hookeri as potential grazers on Ulva spp. However, when epiphytic diatoms were present on the Ulva spp. thalli, Gammarus and Sphaeroma grazed on ephiphytes and not on Ulva tissue. Only Idotea continued to graze on Ulva spp. A laboratory growth experiment revealed a positive effect of Gammarus presence on Ulva spp. growth, probably caused by preferential removal of epiphytic diatoms from the Ulva spp. thalli. The growth stimulation by epiphyte removing grazers such as Gammarus may explain the higher growth rates in the presence of grazers observed in the field. When determining the potential role of invertebrate grazers in controlling macroalgal biomass accumulation, it is important to include an assessment of the epiphyte abundance on the macroalgae, as preferential removal of epiphytes may stimulate growth and thus have the opposite effect.  相似文献   

The object of this work was to determine, using a full-factorial experiment, the influence of temperature, irradiance and salinity on growth and hepatotoxin production by Nodularia spumigena, isolated from Lake Alexandrina in the south-east of South Australia. Higher levels of biomass (determined as particulate organic carbon, POC), toxin production and intracellular toxin concentration per mg POC were produced under light limited conditions (30 mol m–2 s–1) and at salinities equal to or greater than those experienced in Lake Alexandrina. Both highest biomass and total toxin production rates were recorded at temperatures equal to or greater than those of the lake (20 and 30°C). The temperature at which maximum biomass and toxin production was recorded decreased from 30°C for cultures grown at 30 mol m–2 s–1 to 20°C when grown at 80 mol m–2 s–1. In contrast, intracellular toxin per mg POC was highest at the lowest growth temperature, 10°C, at both 30 and 80 mol m–2 s–1. It appears that the optimum temperature for biosynthetic pathways used in the production of toxin is lower than the optimum temperature for those pathways associated with growth. Intracellular toxin levels were higher in cells cultured at 10°C/30 mol m–2 s–1 whereas the majority of the toxin was extracellular in cells grown at 30°C/30 mol m–2 s–1. This implies that the highest concentration of toxin in lake water would occur under high temperature and high irradiance conditions. Individual environmental parameters of salinity, irradiance and temperature were all shown to influence growth and toxin production. Notwithstanding, the overall influence of these three parameters on toxin production was mediated through their effect upon growth rate.  相似文献   

Dynastid scarab beetles are the main or exclusive pollinators ofAnnona spp. with large flowers and wide floral chambers. These nocturnal beetles are attracted by the characteristic odours which are caused by measurable temperature elevation of the flowers up to 10°C or even 15°C above the ambient air temperature. TheAnnona spp. investigated showed different floral rhythms varying from one to three days. The elaborate and wellcoordinated flowering processes, along with floral heating and olfactorial attraction of the night-activeCyclocephala spp., result in a very precise and effective pollination. The floral chamber provides alimentation for the beetles in the form of nutritious food-tissues and pollen and offers a mating place and a well developed shelter against predation and environmental changes. A staggered flowering period and an alternative attraction of different beetle species seems to be more a device for diminishing competition between the cooccurringAnnona spp. than a hybridization barrier.  相似文献   

The first recorded bloom of Karenia spp., resulting in brevetoxin in oysters, in the low salinity waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOMEX) occurred in November 1996. It raised questions about the salinity tolerance of Karenia spp., previously considered unlikely to occur at salinities <24 psu, and the likelihood that the bloom would reoccur in the NGOMEX. Salinity was investigated as a factor controlling Karenia spp. abundance in the field, using data from the NGOMEX 1996 bloom and Florida coastal waters from 1954 to 2004, and growth and toxin production in cultures of Karenia brevis (Davis) G. Hansen and Moestrup. During the NGOMEX bloom, Karenia spp. occurred much more frequently at low salinities than in Florida coastal waters over the last 50 years. The data suggest that the NGOMEX bloom started on the NW Florida Shelf, an area with a higher frequency of Karenia spp. at low salinities than the rest of Florida, and was transported by an unusual westward surface current caused by Tropical Storm Josephine. The minimum salinity at which growth occurred in culture ranged between 17.5 and 20 psu, but the optimal salinity ranged between low values of 20 or 25 and high values of 37.5–45 psu, depending on the clone. The effect of salinity on toxin production in one clone of K. brevis was complex, but at all salinities brevetoxin levels were highest during the stationary growth phase, suggesting that aging, high density blooms may pose the greatest public health threat. The results demonstrate that Karenia spp. can be a public health threat in low salinity areas, but the risk in the NGOMEX is relatively low. No bloom has occurred since the 1996 event, which was probably associated with a special set of conditions: a bloom along the Florida Panhandle and a tropical storm with a track that set up a westward current.  相似文献   

Summary Mitosis and cytokinesis have been studied in the green algaZygnema C. A. Agardh using interference-contrast light and transmission electron microscopy. At prophase, the nucleolus disintegrates and numerous extranuclear microtubules near the nuclear periphery penetrate into the nucleoplasm. When aligned in the equatorial plane of the open metaphase spindle the chromosomes are coated with persistent nucleolar fragments. At anaphase, vacuoles intrude into the interzonal spindle region and seemingly contribute to the anaphase movement of the chromosomes. At telophase, the spindle is persistent and the reforming nuclei are separated by cytoplasmic strands containing microtubules, interspersed with vacuoles. Extensive bundles of microtubules, dictyosomes and parallel, slightly inflated ER-profiles extend from the poles of the telophase nucleus along the longitudinal side of the chloroplast. Conceivably, these microtubules guide the nucleus during its post-mitotic migration towards its central interphase position between the two halves of the dividing chloroplast. Throughout the mitotic cycle, ubiquitous dictyosomes, positioned near the chloroplast core, seem very active. Arrays of microtubules run towards these dictyosomes and may conduct the dictyosome-vesicles to the cleavage plane. At metaphase, septum growth becomes visible as an annular ingrowth of the plasmalemma. At late telophase or at entering interphase, an extensive clump of vesicles, associated with longitudinal bundles of microtubules, appears between the leading edges of the advanced furrow. Apparent fusion of these vesicles with the head of the centripetally-growing furrow results in its completion. The pattern of mitosis and cytokinesis inZygnema is compared with that of closely related green algae.  相似文献   

Eight new species from Brazil,Ficus acreana,F. bahiensis, F. duartei, F. duckeana, F. hatschbachii, F. lagoensis, F. laureola, andF. rupicola, are described and illustrated. The new species are compared with other species of the genus.  相似文献   

The saline pond microalga, Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teod. maintained in De Walne's (basal) medium under laboratory conditions was confirmed by amplifying the chromosomal DNA of the microalga by PCR with specific primers MA1 and MA2. Seaweed extracts obtained from Sargassum wightii and Ulva lactuca were amended separately at 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% levels to the basal medium in order to assess their potential on the growth and concentration of pigments, viz. Chl a, Chl b and beta-carotene of the alga. beta-Carotene was isolated and visible absorption spectrum was taken at 443 and 475 nm confirmed the presence of 9-cis-beta-carotene and all-trans-beta-carotene isomers. Maximum yield, highest division rate (mu) and highest pigment concentrations were observed in the cells grown in 1.5% S. wightii and 2.0% U. lactuca amended medium and these cells were subjected to DAPI staining. The results of epifluorescence microscopy and image analysis revealed a significant enhancement of the cell and nuclear area of the microalgae.  相似文献   

Two new species, Mendoncia bahiensis and Mendoncia blanchetiana, of the subgenus Bremekampia are described and illustrated. A key to four species represented in Bahia and commentary on their taxonomic affinities are provided.  相似文献   

Two algal cultures, TvB and SH, were isolated from extreme habitats along the Syrian-African rift Valley (Israel). These cultures were initially identified as Chlorella spp. according to their morphology and lack of bristles, but following molecular phylogenetic analyses, re-identified as Micractinium spp. closely related to Chlorella. The strains were subjected to a bi-factorial study in the search for algae that grow well at elevated temperatures and salinities for future biotechnological uses. Cell density (CD) and optical density (OD) were measured for each strain at three temperatures: 35, 40 and 45ºC, and five salinities of seawater (SW): 34.8 ppt (100% SW), 26.5 ppt (75% SW), 18.3 ppt (50% SW) 10 ppt (25% SW) and 1.8 ppt (0% SW). Both strains grew best at 35–40ºC and at 0–50% SW. Increased salinity enhanced temperature tolerance to 45ºC, particularly for strain TvB. At 45ºC, following a short initial growth spurt, cultures underwent a lag period of c. 7 days, followed by a significant growth phase. During the lag period, algae underwent a substantial increase in average cell diameter (ACD). These enlarged or gigantic cells with diameters of up to ~20 μm, produced and eventually released multiple autospores. By day 13, original size distribution was almost restored. The observed morphological alterations appear to enable these strains to survive and grow autotrophically at supra-optimal temperatures (SOT). These natural adjustments may be exploited for reducing costs associated with both cooling and desalination in future cultivation.  相似文献   

“Green tides” are vast accumulations of unattached green macroalgae associated with eutrophicated marine environments. It had major ecological and economic impacts globally, thus understanding of their detailed conditions was required to inform management decisions. Chaetomorpha valida (Cladophoraceae, Chlorophyta), as a fouling green alga, was found in aquaculture ponds along the coast of Dalian and Rongcheng cities, People’s Republic of China in the past few years. Seasonal abundances of this macroalga in China have presented a significant nuisance and caused great loss to the local aquaculture. Using unialgal cultures, the effect of temperature and irradiance on growth and reproduction were investigated. Healthy growth and reproduction occurred in the range of 17–29°C while the upper lethal limit was at 33°C. A suitable temperature range over 21–29°C and a relatively high irradiance of 108?μmol photons?m?2?s?1 were more favorable for growth and reproduction. According to our observations, the diversity of reproductive approaches and wide adaption to temperature can be considered to be key factors that facilitate its excessive growth and colonization in spring and summer. Our results provide a basis for establishing a forecast system and taking remediation measures against seasonal green tides of this macroalga.  相似文献   

A new species ofMonstera (Araceae),M. praetermissa, is described, illustrated, and compared to its most similar relatives,M. xanthospatha andM. obliqua. The new species is so far only known from Brazil, but has a broad distribution there, ranging from the south to the northeast of the country.  相似文献   

A homogeneous sulfated heterorhamnan was obtained by aqueous extraction, then by ultrafiltration from the green seaweed Gayralia oxysperma. Besides α-l-rhamnose it contains glucuronic and galacturonic acids, xylose and glucose. The structure was established by methylation analyses of the carboxyl-reduced, carboxyl-reduced/desulfated, carboxyl-reduced/Smith-degraded, and carboxyl-reduced/Smith-degraded/desulfated products and 1D, 2D NMR spectroscopy analyses. The heterorhamnan backbone is constituted by 3- and 2-linked rhamnosyl units (1.00:0.80), the latter being ∼50% substituted at C-3 by side chains containing 2-sulfated glucuronic and galacturonic acids and xylosyl units. The 3- and 2-linked rhamnosyl units are unsulfated (20%), disulfated (16%), and mostly monosulfated at C-2 (27%) and C-4 (37%). The branched and sulfated heterorhamnan had high and specific activity against herpes simplex virus.  相似文献   

André M. Amorim 《Brittonia》2004,56(2):143-146
Heteropterys andersonii, related to seriesMetallophyllis Nied., is described as new and illustrated.
Resumen   Heteropterys andersonii, relacionada a sérieMetallophyllis Nied., é descrita como nova e ilustrada.

A new species,Pilocarpus trifoliolatus Skorupa & Pirani from Pará, Brazil, is described and illustrated. The new taxon resemblesP. microphyllus Stapf ex Wardleworth andP. alatus C. J. Joseph ex Skorupa by its winged rachis and petiole and by its dilated stigma.  相似文献   

Campomanesia simulans, a new species from the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Four species of Hiraea are described and discussed:H. gracieana andH. morii from Saül, French Guiana,H. longipes from the Oyapock region of French Guiana and Amapá, Brazil, andH. propinqua from French Guiana and Suriname.Hiraea gracieana is illustrated.  相似文献   

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