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The recR gene of Escherichia coli, which is associated with recBC-independent mechanisms of recombination and DNA repair, has been located between dnaZX and htpG on a 6.4 kb EcoRI fragment of DNA that has been cloned and analysed in lambda and plasmid vectors. Nucleotide sequencing of this interval revealed two open reading frames that constitute an operon lying immediately downstream of dnaZX. The second of these two reading frames was identified as recR. It encodes a polypeptide with a predicted molecular weight of 21,965 Daltons that migrates on SDS gels as a 26 kDa protein. The first gene of the operon encodes a polypeptide of 12,015 daltons. Its function is not known.  相似文献   

Summary A new recombination gene called recR has been identified and located near dnaZ at minute 11 on the current linkage map of Escherichia coli. The gene was detected after transposon mutagenesis of a recB sbcB sbcC strain and screening for insertion mutants that had a reduced efficiency of recombination in Hfr crosses. The recR insertions obtained conferred a recombination deficient and extremely UV sensitive phenotype in both recB recC sbcA and recB recC sbcB sbcC genetic backgrounds. recR derivatives of recBC + sbc + strains were proficient in conjugational and transductional recombination but deficient in plasmid recombination and sensitive to UV light. Strains carrying recR insertions combined with mutations uvrA and other rec genes revealed that the gene is involved in a recombinational process of DNA repair that relies also on recF and recO, and possibly recJ, but which is independent of recB, recC and recD. The properties of two other insertions, one located near pyrE and the other near guaA, are discussed in relation to their proximity to recG and xse (the gene for exonuclease VII), respectively.  相似文献   

RecF, RecO and RecR, three of the important proteins of the RecF pathway of recombination, are also needed for repair of DNA damage due to UV irradiation. recF mutants are not proficient in cleaving LexA repressor in vivo following DNA damage; therefore they show a delay of induction of the SOS response. In this communication, by measuring the in vivo levels of LexA repressor using anti-LexA antibodies, we show that recO and recR mutant strains are also not proficient in LexA cleavage reactions. In addition, we show that recO and recR mutations delay induction of β-galactosidase activity expressed from a lexA-regulated promoter following exposure of cells to UV, thus further supporting the idea that recF, recO and recR gene products are needed for induction of the SOS response.  相似文献   

PfkA locus of Escherichia coli.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
pfkA was know, on the basis of three mutants, as the likely locus of phosphofructokinase in Escherichia coli, and the unlinked pfkB1 mutation suppressed these mutations by restoring some enzyme activity (Morrissey and Fraenkel, 1972). We now report a new search for the complete inactivation of pfkA (e.g., by deletion or amber mutation), done to assess whether the pfkB1 suppression is by an independent enzyme, phosphofructokinase activity 2 (Fraenkel, Kotlarz, and Buc, 1973). Ten new phosphofructokinase mutants all were at pfkA, rather than at pfkB or pfkC. One of them (pfkA9) gave temperature-sensitive reverants with heat-labile enzyme. Another (pfkA11) proved genetically to be a nonsense mutation, but showed no restored activity when suppressed by supF. However, even unsuppressed it was found to contain an enzyme related to phosphofructokinase activity 1 kinetically (more allosteric), physically (almot identical subunit), and antigenically. All the pfkA mutants apparently contained cross-reacting material to activity 1. All (including pfkA11) were suppressed by the pfkB1 mutation. Several results support the idea that pfkA is the structural gene for the main phosphofructokinase of E. coli (activity 1), but that there is some restriction to its complete inactivation.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the neuC gene of the Escherichia coli K1 capsule gene cluster encodes a protein with a predicted molecular weight of 44,210 containing 391 amino acids. A chimeric protein with beta-galactosidase fused to the carboxy terminus of the neuC gene product (P7) was constructed and purified. Its amino-terminal sequence confirmed the prediction from the nucleotide sequence that the neuC gene overlaps the distal end of the neuA gene by a single base pair. Both the neuA and neuC genes are coexpressed under the control of a single upstream T7 or tac promoter, suggesting that neuA and neuC are part of an operon.  相似文献   

A his-linked H2S locus of Salmonella typhimurium has been further defined by direct isolation of H2S mutants. Expression of this locus in Escherichia coli has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli with a delayed relaxed phenotype very similar to that of a previously described relB mutant has been obtained using a new selection procedure. The mutation giving rise to this phenotype has been shown to map at 34.5 min and to be 12% cotransducible with man. It is recessive, revertible, and most likely an allele of the relB gene.  相似文献   

Sequence of the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli.   总被引:86,自引:5,他引:86       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequence of the lacZ gene coding for beta-galactosidase (EC in Escherichia coli has been determined. Beta-Galactosidase is predicted to consist of 1023 residues, resulting in a protein with a mol. wt. of 116 353 per subunit. The protein sequence originally determined by Fowler and Zabin was shown to be essentially correct and in an Appendix these authors comment on the discrepancies.  相似文献   

The tyrT (tRNA(1TYr)) locus of Escherichia coli B differs structurally from that of K-12 strains by the absence of 2 of 3.14 terminal repeat sequences.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the Escherichia coli dnaE gene.   总被引:20,自引:12,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

The chpB locus is a chromosomal homolog of the pem locus, which is responsible for stable maintenance of plasmid R100 within the host cells. Like pem, chpB codes for two genes, chpBK and chpBI, encoding a growth inhibitor and a suppressor for the killing action of the ChpBK protein, respectively. Here, we determined the precise location of the chpB locus, which is linked to ileR and ppa in the order ileR-chpB-ppa, at 95.7 min on the map of Escherichia coli. We then constructed mutants with an insertion of a (cat) fragment within chpBK or chpBI on the E. coli chromosome. These mutants grew normally, indicating that chpB is dispensable for cell growth.  相似文献   

We have cloned the Escherichia coli phoP gene, a member of the family of environmentally responsive two-component systems, and found its deduced amino acid sequence to be 93% identical to that of the Salmonella typhimurium homolog, which encodes a major virulence regulator necessary for intramacrophage survival and resistance to cationic peptides of phagocytic cells. The phoP gene was mapped to kilobase 1202 on the Kohara map (25-min region) of the E. coli genome (Y. Kohara, K. Akiyama, and K. Isono, Cell 50:495-508, 1987) and found to be transcribed in a counterclockwise direction. Both E. coli and S. typhimurium phoP mutants were more sensitive than their isogenic wild-type strains to the frog-derived antibacterial peptide magainin 2, suggesting a role for PhoP in the response to various stresses in both enteric species.  相似文献   

The recF, recO, and recR genes were originally identified as those affecting the RecF pathway of recombination in Escherichia coli cells. Several lines of evidence suggest that the recF, recO, and recR genes function at the same step of recombination and postreplication repair. In this work, we report that null mutations in recF, recO, or recR greatly reduce UV-radiation mutagenesis (UVM) in an assay for reversion from a Trp (trpE65) to a Trp+ phenotypes. Introduction of the defective lexA51 mutation [lexA51(Def)] and/or UmuD′ into recF, recO, and recR mutants failed to restore normal UVM in the mutants. On the other hand, the presence of recA2020, a suppressor mutation for recF, recO, and recR mutations, restored normal UVM in recF, recO, and recR mutants. These results indicate an involvement of the recF, recO, and recR genes and their products in UVM, possibly by affecting the third role of RecA in UVM.  相似文献   

Shiga-like toxin is an iron-regulated cytotoxin quite similar to Shiga toxin from Shigella dysenteriae 1. The structural genes for Shiga-like toxin in Escherichia coli (sltA and sltB) appear to be transcribed as an operon from a promoter upstream of sltA. We used a gene fusion between the promoter and proximal portion of sltA with the gene for bacterial alkaline phosphatase to assess the regulation of toxin expression. Growth in low-iron conditions resulted in a 13- to 16-fold increase in alkaline phosphatase activity. In the presence of a null mutation in the fur locus, however, alkaline phosphatase activity was constitutively high regardless of the iron concentration. These data indicate negative regulation of the slt operon by the fur gene product. We used deletion analysis of the region upstream of the gene fusion to localize the promoter of the slt operon and to show that a region of DNA between the -35 and -10 boxes is necessary for iron regulation of slt expression. In this region, there is a 21-base-pair dyad repeat that is homologous to similar dyads in the promoter regions of three other fur-regulated genes. This region of dyad symmetry may represent an operator binding site for the Fur protein in the presence of iron.  相似文献   

Sequence and overexpression of the menD gene from Escherichia coli.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The menD gene of Escherichia coli codes for the first enzyme of menaquinone biosynthesis, 2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate (SHCHC) synthase. DNA sequence analysis of menD shows an open reading frame encoding a 52-kilodalton protein. Possible promoter and ribosome binding sites are present. Insertion of the menD gene into a tac promoter expression vector leads to nearly a 100-fold increase in the level of SHCHC synthase activity upon induction with isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of [35S]methionine-labeled proteins shows a 61-kilodalton protein produced upon induction of the menD-containing expression vector. This is the first reported sequence analysis of a men gene and the first significant amplification of any of the menaquinone biosynthetic enzymes.  相似文献   

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