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Stratified eutrophic lakes often suffer from hypolimnetic oxygen depletion during summer. This may lead to low redox conditions and accumulation of phosphate and ammonia in the hypolimnion. Hypolimnetic oxygenation has been used as a lake management strategy to improve the water quality in five eutrophic dimictic Danish lakes where oxygenation was conducted for 4–20 years. In one lake, the hypolimnetic oxygen concentration clearly improved by oxygenation, whereas the other four lakes still exhibited low mean summer levels (<2.2 mg O2 l−1). Oxygenation generally increased the hypolimnetic water temperature by 0.5–2°C, but in one lake it increased by 4–6°C. In all lakes, oxygenation significantly reduced the hypolimnetic concentrations of phosphorus and ammonia during stratification. The accumulation of phosphorus and ammonia typically decreased by 40–88%. In two lakes oxygenation was stopped for 1–2 years and here hypolimnion concentrations of both phosphorus and ammonia increased again. Surface water quality only improved in one lake, but was likely also influenced by simultaneously occurring changes in external nutrient loading. Overall, it is concluded that hypolimnetic oxygenation reduces the hypolimnetic accumulation of phosphorus and ammonia and may prevent anoxia in the deeper parts of the lake. However, long-term oxygenation is required and it is uncertain whether the overall lake water quality can be improved by oxygenation. Reduction of the external nutrient loading is still essential to improve lake water quality. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

A new species of spinous loach, Cobitis shikokuensis, is described based on 297 specimens from Shikoku Island, Japan. The new species was formerly known as the Shikoku group of Cobitis takatsuensis. It can be distinguished from other species of Cobitis and closely related genera by a combination of the following characters: dorsal fin with 6 branched soft rays; anal fin with 5 branched soft rays; one brownish streak across eye from the tip of nose, no streak on cheek; a black spot smaller than eye diameter near the dorsal corner of the caudal fin base; 3–5 small brownish speckles on ventral side of caudal peduncle; high caudal peduncle with well-developed fleshy keels on dorsal and ventral side; a lamina circularis at base of dorsal part of pectoral fin absent; first branched soft ray of pectoral fin broad in males; pectoral soft rays widely branched from the approximate midpoint; last anal fin ray with 2 elements; interorbital width 11.2–17.1% of head length.  相似文献   



Seawater temperature is the main factor restricting shallow-water zooxanthellate coral reefs to low latitudes. As temperatures increase, coral species and perhaps reefs may move into higher-latitude waters, increasing the chances of coral reef ecosystems surviving despite global warming. However, there is a growing need to understand the structure of these high-latitude coral communities in order to analyze their future dynamics and to detect any potential changes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The high-latitude (32.75°N) community surveyed was located at Tatsukushi, Shikoku Island, Japan. Coral cover was 60±2% and was composed of 73 scleractinian species partitioned into 7 functional groups. Although only 6% of species belonged to the ‘plate-like’ functional group, it was the major contributor to species coverage. This was explained by the dominance of plate-like species such as Acropora hyacinthus and A. solitaryensis. Comparison with historical data suggests a relatively recent colonization/development of A. hyacinthus in this region and a potential increase in coral diversity over the last century. Low coverage of macroalgae (2% of the benthic cover) contrasted with the low abundance of herbivorous fishes, but may be reasonably explained by the high density of sea urchins (12.9±3.3 individuals m−2).


The structure and composition of this benthic community are relatively remarkable for a site where winter temperature can durably fall below the accepted limit for coral reef development. Despite limited functionalities and functional redundancy, the current benthic structure might provide a base upon which a reef could eventually develop, as characterized by opportunistic and pioneer frame-building species. In addition to increasing seawater temperatures, on-going management actions and sea urchin density might also explain the observed state of this community. A focus on such ‘marginal’ communities should be a priority, as they can provide important insights into how tropical corals might cope with environmental changes.  相似文献   

Abstract The present study seeks to identify the expansion process of the shrub Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. (Elaeagnaceae) on a gravel bar in the Naka River, Shikoku, Japan, in relation to the hydrogeomorphologic regime of the habitat. The establishment pattern was determined by a series of aerial photographs, and the establishment years were confirmed by examining tree rings taken from five different areas within the population. The topographic change of the river cross-section was analyzed and it was found that the establishment occurred exactly when and where the riverbed began to stabilize. The three cohorts of 15-, 10- and 4-year-olds were recognized, the younger individuals being downstream. The episodic age pattern was significantly synchronized with large floods occurring during the autumn fruit-ripening season. These spatial and temporal occurrence patterns indicated the probability of hydrochory, which ultimately enhanced the dissemination of endozoochorous E. umbellata seeds into the newly created habitat on the downstream part of the gravel bar. Another cause of quick dominance was its vigorous sprouting ability, which enabled the established E. umbellata to withstand damage and sediment burial by strong floods. The erosion of the deepest part of the riverbed increased the relative elevation of the vegetated stand, which ultimately decreased the frequency and magnitude of disturbance during flood inundation after the 1980s. Consequently the hydrogeomorphic regime of the floods played an important role in habitat creation, seed dispersal, and in the survival of the established individuals, and it determined the population formation and expansion of E. umbellata on the riparian gravel bar.  相似文献   

广东省典型大中型供水水库和湖泊微囊藻毒素分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解肝脏促癌剂微囊藻毒素(MCs)在广东省淡水水体中的污染情况,于2003年夏、秋、冬3个季节,采集了广东省12个典型供水水库和4个湖泊的水样;同时于2004年2—12月对7个水库和1个湖泊进行了每隔2个月的加密调查,用高效液相色谱(HPLC)和酶联免疫法(ELISA)测定了水体中微囊藻毒素(MCs)含量。结果显示广东省典型供水水库和淡水湖泊微囊藻毒素分布广泛,毒素组成以MC-RR为主,水库微囊藻毒素含量在未检出—0.919μg/L,2004年毒素含量比2003年有一定程度的上升。微囊藻毒素污染较为严重的水库为汤溪、鹤地、契爷石和深圳等水库,广州流花湖和肇庆星湖等城市景观湖泊中微囊藻毒素污染也较为严重。虽然本次调查的所有水样MCs含量均在世界卫生组织和我国饮用水卫生标准以下,但结果说明广东省饮用水源已在一定程度上遭受MCs的污染,需采取有效措施防止水质进一步恶化。  相似文献   

Abstract. In vitro acid‐pepsin digestibility (IVDMD), crude protein (CP), fibre, lignin, and energy content were measured for a variety of forage plants collected annually from Banks Island over five summers and three winters from 1993–1998. Summer samples were collected during mid‐June (start of growing season), mid‐July (peak of growing season), and mid‐late August (senescence). Winter samples were collected in early (November), mid‐ (February), and late‐ (April/May) winter. Samples, collected in areas of both high and low muskox density, included Carex aquatilis, unidentified Carex, Salixarctica, Dryasintegrifolia, Cassiope tetragona, Saxifraga spp., Astragalus spp., Oxytropis spp., lichen, and grass. Seasonal dynamics in forage quality during the growing season were similar to those reported elsewhere in the arctic and high arctic and were consistent across years. However, there were significant year effects in lignin, fibre, and energy content of forages and the crude protein (CP) content of C. aquatilis in winter, indicating annual differences in the quality of forage available to herbivores. The quality of forages on Banks Island was similar between areas subjected to different densities of muskox (ca. 1.6–1.9 versus 0.3 ‐ 0.4/km2) implying that quality was not affected by these grazing intensities. The Banks Island high arctic ecosystem supports an abundance of herbivores. It has been hypothesized that this is because forage quality and/or quantity are superior on Banks Island than elsewhere in the high arctic. Our results regarding forage quality are equivocal. Although the maximum CP content of forages from Banks Island was generally higher than reported elsewhere in the arctic and high arctic, CP content reported elsewhere fell within the interannual range reported from Banks Island. Fibre and energy content of forages from Banks Island were similar to slightly lower than elsewhere in the arctic and high arctic. Such comparisons must be considered in light of the interannual variability in quality we report.  相似文献   

热带亚热带水库浮游植物叶绿素a与磷分布的特征   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
于丰水期和枯水期对广东省19个大中型水库的浮游植物叶绿素a和磷(P)进行采样和测定,分析了P和叶绿素a的分布特征及其相关性。结果表明P的浓度和叶绿素a含量较低的有流溪河、新丰江、公平和白盆珠水库;而枯、丰两期P的浓度和叶绿素a含量均较高的有契爷石、石岩、鹤地和大镜山水库;其余12个水库均属于季节性差异较明显的水库,在丰水期由入流带来较多的P,而枯水期则因入流相对较少,P的含量也较低。大部分水库在枯水期P限制现象比较严重,而丰水期则有所缓解。P限制程度的不同导致了丰水期和枯水期水库浮游植物种群组成和叶绿素含量的变化。丰水期的优势种类P半饱和浓度较高,在枯水期这些种类不再是优势种的组成部分。而一些P半饱和浓度较低的种类,在丰水期和枯水期都成为各个水库的优势种。通过相关性分析,正磷酸盐(PO43--P)与叶绿素的相关系数较高,总磷(TP)与叶绿素的相关系数则相对较低。从时间上来看,枯水期PO43--P与叶绿素的相关性高于丰水期;从空间上看,大坝处PO43--P与叶绿素的相关性高于入水口。  相似文献   

Forage nitrogen concentrations, nitrogen yields, and in vitro digestibilities were assessed in shortgrass steppe that had been ungrazed, lightly, or heavily grazed for 50 years. Caged plots were defoliated in amounts based upon removals observed in naturallygrazed reference plots or not defoliated. This was done in a year of average precipitation and with a supplemental water treatment to simulate a wet year. In general, current-year defoliation had positive effects, and longterm grazing and supplemental water had negative effects, on forage nitrogen concentrations and digestibilities. However, defoliation interacted with long-term grazing in determning forage nitrogen concentrations, and with grazing and with watering in determining digestibilities. Nitrogen concentration and digestibility increased with defoliation in lightly, but not in heavily, grazed treatments. The dilution effect of supplemental water an digestibilities through increased plant growth was offset by defoliation. The negative effects of long-term grazing on forage quality were small, equally or more than compensated for by defoliation in a year of average precipitation, but more pronounced in the simulated wet year. Nitrogen yields and digestible forage production were usually increased by defoliation, but this depended upon grazing and watering treatments. Increased nitrogen and digestible forage yields and concentrations in response to defoliation were greater than the biomass response in lightly grazed grassland. For both nitrogen and digestibility, yields were greater in grazed than ungrazed treatments in the year of average precipitation, but less in the simulated wet year. Optimizing quantity and year-to-year stability of nitrogen and digestible forage yield may best be achieved with light grazing rather than no or heavy grazing. Clipping was conducted in a manner closely resembling the natural pattern and intensity of defoliation by the cattle, and confirms the potential for a positive feedback of increased forage quality with defoliation observed in pot experiments. Long-term heavy grazing can diminish this response. Quantily (aboveground primary production, ANPP), quantity of quality (digestible and N yields), and quality (concentrations) do not necessarily respond similarly in interactions between current-year defoliation, long-term grazing history, and level of water resource.  相似文献   

Quantitative prediction of environmental impacts of land-use and climate change scenarios in a watershed can serve as a basis for developing sound watershed management schemes. Water quantity and quality are key environmental indicators which are sensitive to various external perturbations. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impacts of land-use and climate changes on water quantity and quality at watershed scale and to understand relationships between hydrologic components and water quality at that scale under different climate and land-use scenarios. We developed an approach for modeling and examining impacts of land-use and climate change scenarios on the water and nutrient cycles. We used an empirical land-use change model (Conversion of Land Use and its Effects, CLUE) and a watershed hydrology and nutrient model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool, SWAT) for the Teshio River watershed in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Predicted future land-use change (from paddy field to farmland) under baseline climate conditions reduced loads of sediment, total nitrogen (N) and total phosphorous (P) from the watershed to the river. This was attributable to higher nutrient uptake by crops and less nutrient mineralization by microbes, reduced nutrient leaching from soil, and lower water yields on farmland. The climate changes (precipitation and temperature) were projected to have greater impact in increasing surface runoff, lateral flow, groundwater discharge and water yield than would land-use change. Surface runoff especially decreased in April and May and increased in March and September with rising temperature. Under the climate change scenarios, the sediment and nutrient loads increased during the snowmelt and rainy seasons, while N and P uptakes by crops increased during the period when fertilizer is normally applied (May through August). The sediment and nutrient loads also increased with increasing winter rainfall because of warming in that season. Organic nutrient mineralization and nutrient leaching increased as well under climate change scenarios. Therefore, we predicted annual water yield, sediment and nutrient loads to increase under climate change scenarios. The sediment and nutrient loads were mainly supplied from agricultural land under land use in each climate change scenario, suggesting that riparian zones and adequate fertilizer management would be a potential mitigation strategy for reducing these negative impacts of land-use and climate changes on water quality. The proposed approach provides a useful source of information for assessing the consequences of hydrology processes and water quality in future land-use and climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

I addressed the question how lake and catchment morphometry influences water chemistry and water quality over a large scale of European lakes, and developed the regression equations between most closely related morphometric and water quality indices. I analysed the data of 1,337 lakes included in the European Environment Agency (EEA) database, carrying out separate analyses for three basic lake types: large lakes (area ≥100 km2, 138 lakes), shallow lakes (mean depth ≤3 m, 153 lakes) and large and shallow lakes (area ≥100 km2 and mean depth ≤8 m, 35 lakes). The study revealed that in Europe, the lakes towards North are larger but shallower and have smaller catchment areas than the southern lakes; lakes at higher altitudes are deeper and smaller and have smaller catchment areas than the lowland lakes. Larger lakes have generally larger catchment areas and bigger volumes, and they are deeper than smaller lakes, but the relative depth decreases with increasing surface area. The lakes at higher latitudes have lower alkalinity, pH and conductivity, and also lower concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus while the concentration of organic matter is higher. In the lakes at higher altitudes, the concentration of organic matter and nutrient contents are lower and water is more transparent than in lowland lakes. In larger lakes with larger catchment area, the alkalinity, pH, conductivity and the concentrations of nutrients and organic matter are generally higher than in smaller lakes with smaller catchments. If the lake is deep and/or its residence time is long, the water is more transparent and the concentrations of chlorophyll a, organic matter and nutrients are lower than in shallower lakes with shorter residence times. The larger the catchment area is with respect to lake depth, area and volume, the lower is the water transparency and the higher are the concentrations of the nutrients, organic matter and chlorophyll as well as pH, alkalinity and conductivity. The links between lake water quality and morphometry become stronger towards large and shallow lakes. Along the decreasing gradients of latitude, altitude and relative depth, the present phosphorus concentration and its deviation from the reference concentration increases.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution, morphometry and water quality of lakes within large calderas (> 2 km in diameter) were evaluated through a review of the literature and maps. Eighty-eight lakes in 75 calderas were located in 31 volcanic subregions. As a group, the lakes varied greatly in elevation, surface area, maximum depth, and shoreline development. The average surface area was 16.9 km2, surface elevation 873 m, depth 151.1 m, and shoreline development 1.35. Water quality ranged from ultraoligotrophic to highly eutrophic. None of the lakes had an inlet that originated outside the calderas. Most lakes did not have a surface outlet, were circular or subcircular in shape, and covered only parts of the caldera basins. Water clarity in some lakes was among the highest recorded for freshwater systems, but there are indications of possible declining clarity in some cases. Secondary volcanic activity, such as primary (hydrothermal) water and eruptions, has been associated with deteriorated water quality conditions in some lakes.  相似文献   

Salton Sea, California, like many other lakes, has become eutrophic because of excessive nutrient loading, primarily phosphorus (P). A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is being prepared for P to reduce the input of P to the Sea. In order to better understand how P-load reductions should affect the average annual water quality of this terminal saline lake, three different eutrophication programs (BATHTUB, WiLMS, and the Seepage Lake Model) were applied. After verifying that specific empirical models within these programs were applicable to this saline lake, each model was calibrated using water-quality and nutrient-loading data for 1999 and then used to simulate the effects of specific P-load reductions. Model simulations indicate that a 50% decrease in external P loading would decrease near-surface total phosphorus concentrations (TP) by 25–50%. Application of other empirical models demonstrated that this decrease in loading should decrease near-surface chlorophyll a concentrations (Chl a) by 17–63% and increase Secchi depths (SD) by 38–97%. The wide range in estimated responses in Chl a and SD were primarily caused by uncertainty in how non-algal turbidity would respond to P-load reductions. If only the models most applicable to the Salton Sea are considered, a 70–90% P-load reduction is required for the Sea to be classified as moderately eutrophic (trophic state index of 55). These models simulate steady-state conditions in the Sea; therefore, it is difficult to ascertain how long it would take for the simulated changes to occur after load reductions. Guest editor: S. H. Hurlbert The Salton Sea Centennial Symposium. Proceedings of a Symposium Celebrating a Century of Symbiosis Among Agriculture, Wildlife and People, 1905–2005, held in San Diego, California, USA, March 2005.  相似文献   

We present data from sediment cores collected from IODP Site C0012 in the Shikoku Basin. Our site lies at the Nankai Trough, just prior to subduction of the 19 Ma Philippine Sea plate. Our data indicate that the sedimentary package is undergoing multiple routes of electron transport and that these differing pathways for oxidant supply generate a complex array of metabolic routes and microbial communities involved in carbon cycling. Numerical simulations matched to pore water data document that Ca2+ and Cl1‐ are largely supplied via diffusion from a high‐salinity (44.5 psu) basement fluid, which supports the presence of halophile Archean communities within the deep sedimentary package that are not observed in shallow sediments. Sulfate supply from basement supports anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) at a rate of ~0.2 pmol cm?3 day?1 at ~400 mbsf. We also note the disappearance of δ‐Proteobacteria at 434 mbsf, coincident with the maximum in methane concentration, and their reappearance at 463 mbsf, coinciding with the observed deeper increase in sulfate concentration toward the basement. We did not, however, find ANME representatives in any of the samples analyzed (from 340 to 463 mbsf). The lack of ANME may be due to an overshadowing effect from the more dominant archaeal phylotypes or may indicate involvement of unknown groups of archaea in AOM (i.e., unclassified Euryarchaeota). In addition to the supply of sulfate from a basement aquifer, the deep biosphere at this site is also influenced by an elevated supply of reactive iron (up to 143 μmol g?1) and manganese (up to 20 μmol g?1). The effect of these metal oxides on the sulfur cycle is inferred from an accompanying sulfur isotope fractionation much smaller than expected from traditional sulfate‐reducing pathways. The detection of the manganese‐ and iron‐reducer γ‐Proteobacteria Alteromonas at 367 mbsf is consistent with these geochemical inferences.  相似文献   

Habitat expansion of an exotic lace bug Corythucha marmorata (Uhler) was observed on the Kii Peninsula in 2003–2004, and on Shikoku Island between 2004 and 2007. The bug was first sighted in Nishinomiya City in Hyogo Prefecture in 2000, and then further south in central Kii Peninsula in 2003 before reaching the southern tip of the peninsula by 2004. The bug was first observed in the Tokushima and Ehime Prefectures of Shikoku Island in 2004, after which the range expanded and extended across the entire island by 2007. In this study, six wild Asteraceae species were identified as the host plants to the lace bug.  相似文献   

In July and August 1988 samples of zooplankton were collected from 17 lakes on four islands. Five species of Cladocera, three species of Copepoda and 30 species of Rotifera were found. The maximum numbers of species in any one lake were four planktonic Cladocera, two Copepoda and seven planktonic Rotifera (with up to six additional non-planktonic species). The smallest, most distant island had fewer species than the largest island nearest to the mainland, but the number of species in each lake was determined more by the size of the lake than by its location. This results in the most distant island having lakes containing the same number of species as lakes of similar size on islands nearer to the mainland. The numbers of zooplankton species in each of these lakes are significantly lower than the world average, and the dominance ratios are significantly higher.  相似文献   

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