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Alcaligenes eutrophus strains H 16, B 19, G 27 and N9A contained two different hydrogenases. One enzyme catalyzed the reduction of NAD by hydrogen and was strictly localized in the soluble cell fraction, while the second enzyme was found to be particulate and unable to react with NAD.All other tested strains, Alcaligenes paradoxus SA 29, Pseudomonas facilis, P. palleronii RH 2, Pseudomonas sp. strain GA 3, Paracoccus denitrificans, Aquaspirillum autotrophicum SA 32, and Corynebacterium autotrophicum 14g and 7C contained only a single enzyme exclusively bound to membranes. This was established using fractional centrifugation, indicator enzyme systems, gentle methods of cell disintegration and discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. In cell-free extracts obtained by rough disruption (sonication) of cells, hydrogenase was associated to particles of different size and sedimentation velocity. A partial solubilization of hydrogenase caused by sonication was observed with P. facilis.Without exception, the particulate hydrogenases were found (1) to be unable to reduce pyridine nucleotides, and (2) to reduce methylene blue at an extremely high activity. The eminent reaction rate of 34 moles H2 oxidized per min and mg protein has been determined in particle suspensions of Pseudomonas sp. strain GA 3. All hydrogenases were stable during storage under hydrogen atmosphere, except the soluble enzyme from A. eutrophus H 16 which was shown to be more stable under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Simplified anaerobic media and a convenient method for the cultivation of Rhodospirillaceae, Chlorobiaceae, Chloroflexaceae and Chromatiaceae are described. The modified conditions assure almost complete anaerobiosis for media, growth and maintenance.Strains representing several species of Rhodospirillaceae, Chlorobiaceae and Chromatiaceae were successfully grown within relatively short times with full pigmentation, indicating that the new media and cultivation conditions were most suited for photoautotrophic growth.  相似文献   

Abstract The accumulation of ppGpp in three streptococci starved for isoleucine was studied via HPLC analysis of cell extracts prepared from mechanically disrupted bacteria. Starvation was achieved either by reduction of isoleucine in the growth medium or the addition of pseudomonic acid. The results indicate that while both treatments produced a physiological response similar to that described for stringent strains of other bacteria, in the streptococci, stringency was not necessarily coupled with ppGpp.  相似文献   

Illumination causes an uptake of oxygen by isolated chromatophores of purple and green bacteria incubated with electron donors. Photooxidase activity of Rhodospirillum rubrum, Chromatium minutissimum, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and Thiocapsa roseopersicina chromatophores is sensitive, and photooxidase activity of Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii and Chlorobium limicola f. thiosulfatophilum is resistant to o-phenanthroline. O2 uptake by illuminated chromatophores of R. rubrum and C. limicola is stimulated upon the increase of pH of incubation mixture from 5 to 9. Photooxidase activity is also manifested in the intact bacterial cells and not merely in the isolated chromatophores. O2 uptake by the illuminated R. rubrum cells treated with CN- is stimulated by 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide and a protonophorous uncoupler. The interaction of the photosynthetic and respiratory systems of the electron transfer in the bacterial cells and the probable causes of the strong anaerobic way of life of the green sulfur bacteria are discussed.HQNO 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide - TMPD N,N,-N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine  相似文献   

The occurrence and the dynamics of phototrophic purple nonsulphur bacteria (PPNSB) as well as Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Clostridium, and cyanobacteria at different rice growth stages were studied in two ricefields, at Kafr-El-Shiekh and Al-Fayoum in Egypt.The PPNSB existed in the both rice fields examined, but their numbers varied according to field conditions, habitat and rice growth stage. After transplanting, the number of PPNSB increased gradually, reached its maximum at maximum tillering stage, and thereafter declined toward harvest time. Numbers of PPNSB were generally comparable with that of the heterotrophic N2-fixers namely Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Clostridium and cyanobacteria, while that of phototrophic purple and green sulphur bacteria were relatively lower.The highest PPNSB numbers were generally found in rhizosphere (103–106 per g–1 dw soil) followed by soil (103–105 per g–1 dw soil) and floodwater (10–102 per ml). Rice plants showed a positive rhizosphere effect on PPNSB, clostridia, Azotobacter and Azospirillum, negative rhizosphere effect on cyanobacteria and green sulphur bacteria, and no effect on purple sulphur bacteria.  相似文献   

The formation of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoic acid), PHA, by various strains of chemolithotrophic and phototrophic bacteria has been examined. Chemolithotrophic bacteria were grown aerobically under nitrogen-limiting conditions on various aliphatic organic acids. Phototrophic bacteria were grown anaerobically in the light on a nitrogen-rich medium and were subsequently transferred to a nitrogen-free medium containing acetate, propionate, valerate, heptanoate or octanoate as carbon source. All 41 strains investigated in this study were able to synthesize and accumulate PHA. All 11 strains of chemolithotrophic bacteria and all 15 strains belonging to the non-sulfur purple bacteria synthesized a polymer, which contained 3-hydroxy-valerate (3HV) beside 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB), if the cells were cultivated in the presence of propionate, valerate or heptanoate. Many non-sulfur purple bacteria synthesized copolyesters of 3HB and 3HV even with acetate as carbon source. In contrast, most sulfur purple bacteria did not incorporate 3HV at all. Among 15 strains tested, only Chromatium vinosum strain 1611, C. purpuratum strain BN5500 and Lamprocystis roseopersicina strain 3112 were able to synthesize polyesters containing 3HV with propionate, valerate or heptanoate as carbon source.  相似文献   

The recent elucidation of the structures of iron-only hydrogenases from the microorganisms Clostridium pasteurianum and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans has revealed that the presumed site of reversible hydrogen oxidation exists as a unique, protein-associated organometallic prosthetic group. Details of the hydrogenase structures provide insight into the chemical mechanism of this highly evolved catalyst.  相似文献   

F. Hegler 《Cryobiology》2010,61(1):158-160
Preservation and storage of microbial stock cultures is desirable since the risk of contamination or loss of living cultures is immanent while over long periods mutations accumulate. Generally, it is rather difficult to preserve photosynthetic bacteria due to their sensitive photosynthetic membranes [1]. Phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria face an additional challenge; since they are exposed to light and Fe(II) during growth, they have to cope with radicals from Fenton reactions of Fe(II)-species, light and water. Therefore, phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing strains are thought to be especially susceptible to genetic modifications. Here, we provide a simple and fast protocol using glycerol as cryo-protectant to cryopreserve three strains of anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria from different taxa: α-proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria and chloroflexi. All three strains investigated could be revived after 17 months at −72 °C. This suggests that a long-term storage of phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing strains is possible.  相似文献   

Seventeen strains of phototrophic bacteria (4 strains of Chromatium spp., 2 strains of Thiocapsa sp., 4 strains of Ectothiorhodospira spp., 2 strains of Rhodopseudomonas sp., and 5 strains of Chlorobium spp.) have been grown in sulfide-limited continuous cultures to assess the affinity for sulfide. It was found that the affinity (calculated as the initial slope of the specific growth rate versus the concentration of sulfide) is higher in those phototrophic bacteria that deposit elemental sulfur outside the cells, than in those bacteria that store the sulfur inside the cells. A hypothesis is presented to explain this correlation.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

A simple, effective and economical method for the long-term preservation of bacteria in liquid nitrogen under anaerobic conditions is described. As a case example anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria were successfully preserved. Gas tight small screw-cap glass ampoules with butyl rubber septa were used for freezing the specimen anaerobically. During experimental manipulations no anaerobic chamber or glove boxes were required. All teste cultures yielded high recoveries after repeated thawing and during storage. After freezing, survival recoveries of Rhodospirillaceae range from 70–100%, whereas with strict anaerobic strains of Chlorobiaceae and Chromatiaceae a maximum loss of 1–2 log10 counts was observed. No further loss in viability occurred after 1–2 years of storage.The small size of the ampoules and the use of single ampoule for 15–20 repeated retrievals proved economical with respect to storage space and costs.The system is compact and suitable for the preservation of anaerobic phototropic bacteria and other fragile anaerobic microorganisms.  相似文献   

The phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus detoxified p-nitrophenol and 4-nitrocatechol. The bacterium tolerated moderate concentrations of p-nitrophenol (up to 0.5 mM) and degraded it under light at an optimal O2 pressure of 20 kPa. The bacterium did not metabolize the xenobiotic in the dark or under strictly anoxic conditions or high O2 pressure. Bacterial growth with acetate in the presence of p-nitrophenol took place with the simultaneous release of nonstoichiometric amounts of 4-nitrocatechol, which can also be degraded by the bacterium. Crude extracts from R. capsulatus produced 4-nitrocatechol from p-nitrophenol upon the addition of NAD(P)H, although at a very low rate. A constitutive catechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity yielding cis,cis-muconate was also detected in crude extracts of R. capsulatus. Further degradation of 4-nitrocatechol included both nitrite- and CO2-releasing steps since: (1) a strain of R. capsulatus (B10) unable to assimilate nitrate and nitrite released nitrite into the medium when grown with p-nitrophenol or 4-nitrocatechol, and the nitrite concentration was stoichiometric with the 4-nitrocatechol degraded, and (2) cultures of R. capsulatus growing microaerobically produced low amounts of 14CO2 from radiolabeled p-nitrophenol. The radioactivity was also incorporated into cellular compounds from cells grown with uniformly labeled 14C-p-nitrophenol. From these results we concluded that the xenobiotic is used as a carbon source by R. capsulatus, but that only the strain able to assimilate nitrite (E1F1) can use p-nitrophenol as a nitrogen source. Received: 30 December 1996 / Accepted: 3 September 1997  相似文献   

Forteen species (17 strains) of phototrophic bacteria as well as one strain of Thiobacillus denitrificans were tested for cysteine synthase and S-sulfocysteine synthase. All strains contain cysteine synthase active with O-acetylserine; only the Chromatiaceae, two species of the Rhodospirillaceae and T. denitrificans contain S-sulfocysteine synthase. In six species repression by different sulfur compounds in the medium was studied. In Chromatium vinosum, cysteine synthase was found to be constitutive, while in the Rhodospirillaceae tested the enzyme is repressed by sulfide. Thiosulfate had a derepressive effect in Rhodopseudomonas globiformis but strongly repressed cysteine synthase in R. sulfidophila and R. palustris. Cysteine had only moderate effects with the species tested.  相似文献   

A new phototrophic bacterium was isolated from Jordanian and Kenyan alkaline salt lakes. Cells are rod shaped, 1.5 m wide and 2–4 m long, and motile by polar flagella. They divide by binary fission, and possess photosynthetic membranes as lamellar stacks similar to those in the other species of the genus Ectothiorhodospira and the brown colored Rhodospirillum species. The presence of bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the normal spirilloxanthin series is indicated by the absorption spectra of living cells. Under certain growth conditions the cells form gas vacuoles, may become immotile and float to the top of the culture medium. Sulfide and thiosulfate are used as photosynthetic electron donors. During the oxidation of sulfide to sulfate, elemental sulfur is formed, which is accumulated outside the cells. The organisms are strictly anaerobic, do not require vitamins, are moderately halophilic and need alkaline pH-values for growth. The new species Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata is proposed.  相似文献   

We found alpha-glucosidase inhibitory (α-GI) effect of metal ions and their complexes which showed the high blood glucose lowering effect in diabetic model animals. The Cu(II) ion and its complexes showed strong α-GI activity greater than clinically used acarbose in in vitro studies. Furthermore, in in vivo experiments, α-GI action was newly discovered in normal ddy mice. These results suggested that one of action mechanisms of the anti-diabetic metal ions and complexes is related to the α-GI effects.  相似文献   

Several phototrophic sulfur bacteria were identified preliminarily through the analysis of the low-molecular-weight RNA fraction (lmwRNA) of bacterial cells. This fraction includes the ribosomal 5S RNA and several transfer RNAs. These molecules were separated by high-resolution electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels, and the resulting band patterns were used as fingerprints for the identification of the organisms. We examined a large number of well-characterized reference strains together with a broad range of purple sulfur bacterial isolates from freshwater and marine environments. A cluster analysis was run using the similarity matrix calculated from the band patterns. Despite the shortcomings of the method, close relatives were clustered together yielding a number of groups consistent with the phylogenetic arrangement established through the analyses of a few available 16S rRNA gene sequences. Thus, the classification obtained gives further support to rearrangement of the group as the analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences had previously suggested. We conclude that the analysis of lmwRNA band patterns is a rapid and simple tool for grouping and preliminarily identifying new isolates of phototrophic sulfur bacteria. Received: 5 February 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary Chromate-reducing bacteria were isolated from the cooling water of an electricity generating station where reduction of chromate had caused blockage of pipes by precipitation of chromium(III) oxide. Isolates identified included the generaAlcaligenes, Vibrio, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Staphylococcus andCorynebacterium. Isolate VMC-2 with the highest chromate-reducing activity was tentatively identified asComanonas testosteroni. The concentration of added chromate (K2CrO4, 20 M)_decreased by 95% during 45 min incubation with whole cells of VMC-2. In comparison, two Fe(III)-reducing isolates,Vibrio metschnikovii andAeromonas hydrophila, from lake sediments, showed similarly high chromate-reducing activities, and were able to reduce 99% of added chromate (20 M) in 45 min. Moderate Cr(VI)-reducers included strains ofBacillus, Vibrio andCorynebacterium. Micrococcus andStaphylococcus did not reduce Cr(VI). Sulfate (0.5 and 1.0 mM) inhibited the reduction of chromate by VMC-2 suggesting competition between the two oxyanions. Chromate-reducing activity was located in the soluble fraction of this isolate. The intermediacy of Cr(V)_in the reduction of chromate was confirmed by EPR spectroscopy. The bactericidal activity of hypochlorite towards isolate VMC-2 was determined.  相似文献   

金属离子对粪产碱杆菌C16的脱氮和亚硝酸盐积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王瑶  刘玉香  安华  张浩 《微生物学通报》2014,41(11):2254-2263
【目的】研究不同金属离子对异养氨氧化细菌C16的生长和脱氮性能影响,探讨适于C16生长和脱氮的金属离子及其浓度。【方法】实验选用Mg2+、Mn2+、Fe2+、Cu2+、Zn2+5种金属离子,对C16的生长﹑脱氮性能﹑亚硝酸盐氮积累以及相关酶活性进行研究。【结果】Mg2+明显促进C16的生长和NH4+-N氧化速率;较高浓度Mn2+使得C16无法生长;原培养基中缺少Fe2+会抑制C16的生长和NH4+-N氧化速率;在原培养基中加入0.1 mmol/L的Cu2+对C16的生长和脱氮具有一定的促进作用,Cu2+使得培养基中基本无NO2--N和NH2OH的积累;不同浓度的Zn2+对C16的生长和氨氮去除有抑制作用。酶活实验结果显示,0.1 mmol/L Mg2+促进了羟胺氧化还原酶(HAO)的活性;0.1 mmol/L Cu2+促进了硝酸盐还原酶(Nar)和亚硝酸盐还原酶(Nir)的活性。【结论】Mg2+是C16生长和脱氮过程中的一种重要金属离子;加入Cu2+可避免过量亚硝酸盐积累。  相似文献   

A phototrophic enrichment culture, using acetate as carbon source, reductively dechlorinated 2,3,5,6-tetrachlorobiphenyl. ortho chlorines were removed preferentially over meta chlorines. Tri- and dichlorobiphenyls were the major products. During 14 months incubation, chlorine was removed from 58% of the target molecules; 19% of the total chlorines were removed. Dechlorination did not occur in a control culture incubated in the dark.  相似文献   

A nas gene region from Rhodobacter capsulatus E1F1 containing the putative nasB gene for nitrite reductase was previously cloned. The recombinant His6-NasB protein overproduced in E. coli showed nitrite reductase activity in vitro with both reduced methyl viologen and NADH as electron donors. The apparent K m values for nitrite and NADH were 0.5 mM and 20 μM, respectively, at the pH and temperature optima (pH 9 and 30°C). The optical spectrum showed features that indicate the presence of FAD, iron-sulfur cluster and siroheme as prosthetic groups, and nitrite reductase activity was inhibited by sulfide and iron reagents. These results indicate that the phototrophic bacterium R. capsulatus E1F1 possesses an assimilatory NADH-nitrite reductase similar to that described in non-phototrophic organisms.  相似文献   

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