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We present a major revision of the iterative helical real-space refinement (IHRSR) procedure and its implementation in the SPARX single particle image processing environment. We built on over a decade of experience with IHRSR helical structure determination and we took advantage of the flexible SPARX infrastructure to arrive at an implementation that offers ease of use, flexibility in designing helical structure determination strategy, and high computational efficiency. We introduced the 3D projection matching code which now is able to work with non-cubic volumes, the geometry better suited for long helical filaments, we enhanced procedures for establishing helical symmetry parameters, and we parallelized the code using distributed memory paradigm. Additional features include a graphical user interface that facilitates entering and editing of parameters controlling the structure determination strategy of the program. In addition, we present a novel approach to detect and evaluate structural heterogeneity due to conformer mixtures that takes advantage of helical structure redundancy.  相似文献   

Modern computational neuroscience employs diverse software tools and multidisciplinary expertise to analyze heterogeneous brain data. The classical problems of gathering meaningful data, fitting specific models, and discovering appropriate analysis and visualization tools give way to a new class of computational challenges—management of large and incongruous data, integration and interoperability of computational resources, and data provenance. We designed, implemented and validated a new paradigm for addressing these challenges in the neuroimaging field. Our solution is based on the LONI Pipeline environment [3], [4], a graphical workflow environment for constructing and executing complex data processing protocols. We developed study-design, database and visual language programming functionalities within the LONI Pipeline that enable the construction of complete, elaborate and robust graphical workflows for analyzing neuroimaging and other data. These workflows facilitate open sharing and communication of data and metadata, concrete processing protocols, result validation, and study replication among different investigators and research groups. The LONI Pipeline features include distributed grid-enabled infrastructure, virtualized execution environment, efficient integration, data provenance, validation and distribution of new computational tools, automated data format conversion, and an intuitive graphical user interface. We demonstrate the new LONI Pipeline features using large scale neuroimaging studies based on data from the International Consortium for Brain Mapping [5] and the Alzheimer''s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative [6]. User guides, forums, instructions and downloads of the LONI Pipeline environment are available at http://pipeline.loni.ucla.edu.  相似文献   



Simulation of sophisticated biological models requires considerable computational power. These models typically integrate together numerous biological phenomena such as spatially-explicit heterogeneous cells, cell-cell interactions, cell-environment interactions and intracellular gene networks. The recent advent of programming for graphical processing units (GPU) opens up the possibility of developing more integrative, detailed and predictive biological models while at the same time decreasing the computational cost to simulate those models.  相似文献   

SPIRE is a Python program written to modernize the user interaction with SPIDER, the image processing system for electron microscopical reconstruction projects. SPIRE provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to SPIDER for executing batch files of SPIDER commands. It also lets users quickly view the status of a project by showing the last batch files that were run, as well as the data files that were generated. SPIRE handles the flexibility of the SPIDER programming environment through configuration files: XML-tagged documents that describe the batch files, directory trees, and presentation of the GUI for a given type of reconstruction project. It also provides the capability to connect to a laboratory database, for downloading parameters required by batch files at the start of a project, and uploading reconstruction results at the end of a project.  相似文献   

We present EMAN (Electron Micrograph ANalysis), a software package for performing semiautomated single-particle reconstructions from transmission electron micrographs. The goal of this project is to provide software capable of performing single-particle reconstructions beyond 10 A as such high-resolution data become available. A complete single-particle reconstruction algorithm is implemented. Options are available to generate an initial model for particles with no symmetry, a single axis of rotational symmetry, or icosahedral symmetry. Model refinement is an iterative process, which utilizes classification by model-based projection matching. CTF (contrast transfer function) parameters are determined using a new paradigm in which data from multiple micrographs are fit simultaneously. Amplitude and phase CTF correction is then performed automatically as part of the refinement loop. A graphical user interface is provided, so even those with little image processing experience will be able to begin performing reconstructions. Advanced users can directly use the lower level shell commands and even expand the package utilizing EMAN's extensive image-processing library. The package was written from scratch in C++ and is provided free of charge on our Web site. We present an overview of the package as well as several conformance tests with simulated data.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic inference is fundamental to our understanding of most aspects of the origin and evolution of life, and in recent years, there has been a concentration of interest in statistical approaches such as Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood estimation. Yet, for large data sets and realistic or interesting models of evolution, these approaches remain computationally demanding. High-throughput sequencing can yield data for thousands of taxa, but scaling to such problems using serial computing often necessitates the use of nonstatistical or approximate approaches. The recent emergence of graphics processing units (GPUs) provides an opportunity to leverage their excellent floating-point computational performance to accelerate statistical phylogenetic inference. A specialized library for phylogenetic calculation would allow existing software packages to make more effective use of available computer hardware, including GPUs. Adoption of a common library would also make it easier for other emerging computing architectures, such as field programmable gate arrays, to be used in the future. We present BEAGLE, an application programming interface (API) and library for high-performance statistical phylogenetic inference. The API provides a uniform interface for performing phylogenetic likelihood calculations on a variety of compute hardware platforms. The library includes a set of efficient implementations and can currently exploit hardware including GPUs using NVIDIA CUDA, central processing units (CPUs) with Streaming SIMD Extensions and related processor supplementary instruction sets, and multicore CPUs via OpenMP. To demonstrate the advantages of a common API, we have incorporated the library into several popular phylogenetic software packages. The BEAGLE library is free open source software licensed under the Lesser GPL and available from http://beagle-lib.googlecode.com. An example client program is available as public domain software.  相似文献   

The human capacity to acquire language is an outstanding scientific challenge to understand. Somehow our language capacities arise from the way the human brain processes, develops and learns in interaction with its environment. To set the stage, we begin with a summary of what is known about the neural organization of language and what our artificial grammar learning (AGL) studies have revealed. We then review the Chomsky hierarchy in the context of the theory of computation and formal learning theory. Finally, we outline a neurobiological model of language acquisition and processing based on an adaptive, recurrent, spiking network architecture. This architecture implements an asynchronous, event-driven, parallel system for recursive processing. We conclude that the brain represents grammars (or more precisely, the parser/generator) in its connectivity, and its ability for syntax is based on neurobiological infrastructure for structured sequence processing. The acquisition of this ability is accounted for in an adaptive dynamical systems framework. Artificial language learning (ALL) paradigms might be used to study the acquisition process within such a framework, as well as the processing properties of the underlying neurobiological infrastructure. However, it is necessary to combine and constrain the interpretation of ALL results by theoretical models and empirical studies on natural language processing. Given that the faculty of language is captured by classical computational models to a significant extent, and that these can be embedded in dynamic network architectures, there is hope that significant progress can be made in understanding the neurobiology of the language faculty.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The Visual DSD (DNA Strand Displacement) tool allows rapid prototyping and analysis of computational devices implemented using DNA strand displacement, in a convenient web-based graphical interface. It is an implementation of the DSD programming language and compiler described by Lakin et al. (2011) with additional features such as support for polymers of unbounded length. It also supports stochastic and deterministic simulation, construction of continuous-time Markov chains and various export formats which allow models to be analysed using third-party tools.  相似文献   

Cellular signaling processes depend on spatiotemporal distributions of molecular components. Multicolor, high-resolution microscopy permits detailed assessment of such distributions, providing input for fine-grained computational models that explore mechanisms governing dynamic assembly of multimolecular complexes and their role in shaping cellular behavior. However, it is challenging to incorporate into such models both complex molecular reaction cascades and the spatial localization of signaling components in dynamic cellular morphologies. Here we introduce an approach to address these challenges by automatically generating computational representations of complex reaction networks based on simple bimolecular interaction rules embedded into detailed, adaptive models of cellular morphology. Using examples of receptor-mediated cellular adhesion and signal-induced localized mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation in yeast, we illustrate the capacity of this simulation technique to provide insights into cell biological processes. The modeling algorithms, implemented in a new version of the Simmune toolset, are accessible through intuitive graphical interfaces and programming libraries.  相似文献   

Recent advances in electron cryomicroscopy instrumentation and single particle reconstruction have created opportunities for high-throughput and high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) structure determination of macromolecular complexes. However, it has become impractical and inefficient to rely on conventional text file data management and command-line programs to organize and process the increasing numbers of image data required in high-resolution studies. Here, we present a distributed relational database for managing complex datasets and its integration into our high-resolution software package IMIRS (Image Management and Icosahedral Reconstruction System). IMIRS consists of a complete set of modular programs for icosahedral reconstruction organized under a graphical user interface and provides options for user-friendly, step-by-step data processing as well as automatic reconstruction. We show that the integration of data management with processing in IMIRS automates the tedious tasks of data management, enables data coherence, and facilitates information sharing in a distributed computer and user environment without significantly increasing the time of program execution. We demonstrate the applicability of IMIRS in icosahedral reconstruction toward high resolution by using it to obtain an 8-A 3D structure of an intermediate-sized dsRNA virus.  相似文献   

The Rosetta software suite for macromolecular modeling is a powerful computational toolbox for protein design, structure prediction, and protein structure analysis. The development of novel Rosetta‐based scientific tools requires two orthogonal skill sets: deep domain‐specific expertise in protein biochemistry and technical expertise in development, deployment, and analysis of molecular simulations. Furthermore, the computational demands of molecular simulation necessitate large scale cluster‐based or distributed solutions for nearly all scientifically relevant tasks. To reduce the technical barriers to entry for new development, we integrated Rosetta with modern, widely adopted computational infrastructure. This allows simplified deployment in large‐scale cluster and cloud computing environments, and effective reuse of common libraries for simulation execution and data analysis. To achieve this, we integrated Rosetta with the Conda package manager; this simplifies installation into existing computational environments and packaging as docker images for cloud deployment. Then, we developed programming interfaces to integrate Rosetta with the PyData stack for analysis and distributed computing, including the popular tools Jupyter, Pandas, and Dask. We demonstrate the utility of these components by generating a library of a thousand de novo disulfide‐rich miniproteins in a hybrid simulation that included cluster‐based design and interactive notebook‐based analyses. Our new tools enable users, who would otherwise not have access to the necessary computational infrastructure, to perform state‐of‐the‐art molecular simulation and design with Rosetta.  相似文献   

Colouration and patterning are widespread amongst organisms. Regarding avian eggs, colouration (reflectances) has been previously measured using spectrometers whereas spottiness has been determined using human‐based scoring methods or by applying global thresholding over the luminance channel on photographs. However, the availability of powerful computers and digital image‐processing algorithms and software offers new possibilities to develop systematised, automatable, and accurate methods to characterise visual information in eggs. Here, we provide a computing infrastructure (library of functions and a graphical user interface) for eggshell colouration and spottiness analysis called SpotEgg, which runs over MATLAB. Compared to previous methods, our method offers four novelties for eggshell visual analysis. First, we have developed a standardised non‐human biased method to determine spottiness. Spottiness determination is based on four parameters that allow direct comparisons between studies and may improve results when relating colouration and patterning to pigment extraction. Second, researcher time devoted to routine tasks is remarkably reduced thanks to the incorporation of image‐processing techniques that automatically detect the colour reference chart and egg‐like shapes in the scene. Third, SpotEgg reduces the errors in colour estimation through the eggshell that are created by the different angles of view subtended from different parts of the eggshell and the optical centre of the camera. Fourth, SpotEgg runs automatic Fractal Dimension analysis (a measure of how the details in a pattern change with the scale at which this pattern is measured) of the spots pattern in case researchers want to relate other measurements with this special spatial pattern. Finally, although initially conceived for eggshell analysis, SpotEgg can also be applied in images containing objects different from eggs as feathers, frogs, insects, etc., since it allows the user to manually draw any region to be analysed making this tool useful not only for oologist but also for other evolutionary biologists.  相似文献   

Modern mass spectrometers are now capable of producing hundreds of thousands of tandem (MS/MS) spectra per experiment, making the translation of these fragmentation spectra into peptide matches a common bottleneck in proteomics research. When coupled with experimental designs that enrich for post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation and/or include isotopically labeled amino acids for quantification, additional burdens are placed on this computational infrastructure by shotgun sequencing. To address this issue, we have developed a new database searching program that utilizes the massively parallel compute capabilities of a graphical processing unit (GPU) to produce peptide spectral matches in a very high throughput fashion. Our program, named Tempest, combines efficient database digestion and MS/MS spectral indexing on a CPU with fast similarity scoring on a GPU. In our implementation, the entire similarity score, including the generation of full theoretical peptide candidate fragmentation spectra and its comparison to experimental spectra, is conducted on the GPU. Although Tempest uses the classical SEQUEST XCorr score as a primary metric for evaluating similarity for spectra collected at unit resolution, we have developed a new "Accelerated Score" for MS/MS spectra collected at high resolution that is based on a computationally inexpensive dot product but exhibits scoring accuracy similar to that of the classical XCorr. In our experience, Tempest provides compute-cluster level performance in an affordable desktop computer.  相似文献   

One of the challenges of computational-centric research is to make the research undertaken reproducible in a form that others can repeat and re-use with minimal effort. In addition to the data and tools necessary to re-run analyses, execution environments play crucial roles because of the dependencies of the operating system and software version used. However, some of the challenges of reproducible science can be addressed using appropriate computational tools and cloud computing to provide an execution environment.Here, we demonstrate the use of a Kepler scientific workflow for reproducible science that is sharable, reusable, and re-executable. These workflows reduce barriers to sharing and will save researchers time when undertaking similar research in the future.To provide infrastructure that enables reproducible science, we have developed cloud-based Collaborative Environment for Ecosystem Science Research and Analysis (CoESRA) infrastructure to build, execute and share sophisticated computation-centric research. The CoESRA provides users with a storage and computational platform that is accessible from a web-browser in the form of a virtual desktop. Any registered user can access the virtual desktop to build, execute and share the Kepler workflows. This approach will enable computational scientists to share complete workflows in a pre-configured environment so that others can reproduce the computational research with minimal effort.As a case study, we developed and shared a complete IUCN Red List of Ecosystems Assessment workflow that reproduces the assessments undertaken by Burns et al. (2015) on Mountain Ash forests in the Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia. This workflow provides an opportunity for other researchers and stakeholders to run this assessment with minimal supervision. The workflow also enables researchers to re-evaluate the assessment when additional data becomes available. The assessment can be run in a CoESRA virtual desktop by opening a workflow in a Kepler user interface and pressing a “start” button. The workflow is pre-configured with all the open access datasets and writes results to a pre-configured folder.  相似文献   

KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) is a knowledge base for systematic analysis of gene functions in terms of the networks of genes and molecules. The major component of KEGG is the PATHWAY database that consists of graphical diagrams of biochemical pathways including most of the known metabolic pathways and some of the known regulatory pathways. The pathway information is also represented by the ortholog group tables summarizing orthologous and paralogous gene groups among different organisms. KEGG maintains the GENES database for the gene catalogs of all organisms with complete genomes and selected organisms with partial genomes, which are continuously re-annotated, as well as the LIGAND database for chemical compounds and enzymes. Each gene catalog is associated with the graphical genome map for chromosomal locations that is represented by Java applet. In addition to the data collection efforts, KEGG develops and provides various computational tools, such as for reconstructing biochemical pathways from the complete genome sequence and for predicting gene regulatory networks from the gene expression profiles. The KEGG databases are daily updated and made freely available (http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/).  相似文献   

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