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During spinal cord (SC) regeneration in the tail of amphibians and lizards, small neurons in contact with the central canal and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are formed. The present review summarizes previous and recent studies that have characterized most of these neurons as cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons (CSFCNs), especially in the regenerating caudal SC of lizards. CSFCNs form tufts of stereocilia immersed in the CSF, secrete exosomes, and are often in contact with a secreted protein-rod indicated as Reissner fiber. Ultrastructural, autoradiographic, immunohistochemical, and behavioral studies strongly indicate that most of these cells are mechanoreceptors that differentiate from ependymal cells within 20–30 days after SC amputation. Numerous CSFCNs are gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA)-ergic, uptake amino acids, receive few synaptic boutons, and contain neurofilaments, fibroblast growth factor (FGFs), and other signaling proteins, the latter likely secreted into the central canal. Similar neurons are formed in the SC of the tuatara (Sphenodon puctatus), anurans, and urodeles during tail regeneration. In lizard, most of their projection remains in the SC close to the regenerated tail, but they form synapses with neurons that receive descending nerves from the brainstem, including vestibular nuclei. CSFCNs, aside a possible neurosecretory activity, might sense liquor movements for maintenance of balance, a role that is supported from recent studies on other caudate vertebrates. The regeneration of these cells also in the nervous system of other vertebrates remains unknown.  相似文献   

Summary Four different types of spermatogonia were identified in the seminiferous tubules of the Japanese quail: a dark type A (Ad), 2 pale A type (Ap1 and Ap2), and a type B. A model is proposed describing the process of spermatogonial development in the quail. The Ad spermatogonia are considered to be the stem cells. Each divides to produce a new Ad spermatogonium and a Ap1 spermatogonium during Stage IX of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. An Ap1 spermatogonium produces two Ap2 spermatogonia during Stage II of the cycle, Ap2 spermatogonia produce four type B spermatogonia during Stage VI of the cycle, and type B spermatogonia produce eight primary spermatocytes during Stage III of the cycle. Consequently, 32 spermatids can result from each division of an Ad spermatogonium. Spermatogonial development in the quail differs from the process described in mammals in that there are fewer mitotic divisions and they are all synchronized with the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. It is suggested that the fewer mitotic divisions explain why a smaller area of the seminiferous tubule is occupied by a cellular association in the quail than in mammals like the rat, ram and bull. The duration of spermatogenesis from the division of the Ad spermatogonia to sperm release from the seminiferous epithelium was estimated to be 12.77 days.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of cytochalasin D (CD) were studied by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron-microscopic examination at different stages of ciliary differentiation in epithelial cells of quail oviduct. Immature quails were prestimulated by estradiol benzoate injections to induce ciliogenesis in the undifferentiated oviduct. After 24 h of CD culture, SEM study revealed inhibition of ciliogenesis and dilation of the apex of non-ciliated cells. TEM study showed that 2 h of CD treatment produced dilation of lateral intercellular spaces, after 6 h of treatment, this resulted in intracellular macrovacuolation. Vacuoles were surrounded by aggregates of dense felt-like material. CD also induced the disappearance of microvilli, and rounding of the apical surface of undifferentiated cells and those blocked in ciliogenesis. Centriologenesis was not inhibited by CD; basal bodies assembled in generative complexes in the supranuclear region after 24 h of treatment. However, the migration of mature basal bodies towards the apical surface was impaired. Instead, they anchored onto the membrane of intracellular vacuoles; growth of cilia was induced in the vacuole lumen. Cilium elongation was disturbed, giving abnormally short cilia with a dilated tip; microtubules failed to organize correctly.  相似文献   

The medial preoptic nucleus is a sexually dimorphic structure whose cytoarchitecture, afferent and efferent connections, and functions have been previously described. No detailed ultrastructural study has, however, been perfomed to date. Here we describe the ultrastructural organization of this important preoptic structure of the male quail. Neuronal cell bodies of the medial preoptic nucleus generally show extensive development of protein-synthesis-related organelles (rough endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes), and of secretory structures (Golgi complexes, secretory vesicles, dense bodies). Previous morphometrical studies at the light-microscopical level have demonstrated the presence of a medial and a lateral neuronal population distinguished by the size of their cell bodies (the medial neurons are smaller than the lateral neurons). The present ultrastructural investigation confirms the difference in size, but no difference has been observed in the ultrastructural organization of the neurons. In both the medial and the lateral part, the nucleus is characterized by a large variety of cell bodies, including some that, on the basis of their ultrastructure, can be considered as putative peptidergic neurons. Close contacts are frequently observed between adjacent cell bodies that are normally arranged in clusters. Various types of synaptic endings are also present, suggesting a rich supply of nerve fibers. A few glial cells are scattered within the nucleus. In view of the crucial role of this region in regulating quail sexual behavior, the large heterogeneity of neurons and of afferent nervous fibers suggest that this region might have an important role in the integration of information arriving from different brain regions.  相似文献   

Summary The paraventricular organ (PVO) and the posterior recess organ (PRO) of two elasmobranch species, the spiny dogfish,Squalus acanthias, and the skate,Raja radiata, were investigated by use of scanning and transmission electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry employing a series of primary antisera. The PVO and PRO contained four types of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neurons. One type was free of secretory granules and projected a dendrite-like process into the ventricle. The other three types were distinguished according to the size of their secretory granules. The ventricular extensions of these cells were filled with secretory granules. By means of immunocytochemistry three types of CSF-contacting neurons were observed in the PVO and PRO. Type I contained only serotonin; type 2 displayed only somatostatin; type 3 was endowed with both serotonin and somatostatin. Type I dominated in the PRO, whereas type 3 was the most frequent in the PVO. The latter cells appear to be the site of origin of a loose tract formed by serotonin- and somatostatinimmunoreactive fibers projecting from the PVO into the neuropil of the PRO. Compact bundles formed exclusively by serotonin fibers were also shown to extend between the PVO and PRO. The basal processes of the CSF-contacting neurons of the PRO penetrated into the underlying neuropil. This neuropil is rich in synapses and can be regarded as an integrative area to which the basal processes of the local CSF-contacting neurons, serotonin and somatostatin fibers from the PVO, and fibers containing immunoreactive thyrotropin-releasing hormone of unknown origin, support a conspicuous input. The present findings indicate that the PVO and PRO of elasmobranchs are functionally integrated structures.Dedicated to Professor Erik Dahl on the occasion of his 75th birthday.  相似文献   

The surface ultrastructure of the subfornical organ (SFO) was investigated in the Japanese quail. The SFO consists of a body and a stalk. The body of the SFO can be divided into rostral and caudal parts. On the rostral part, each ependymal cell possesses a short central solitary cilium; clustered cilia are also occasionally seen. Microvilli are abundant. On the caudal part, cells with a solitary cilium are fewer in number, and clustered cilia are rarely found. Microvilli are not as abundant as on the rostral part. In addition, large bulbous protrusions, tufts of small protrusions, deep funnel-shaped hollows, small pinocytotic invaginations and possible cerebrospinal fluid-contacting axons are sporadically observed on the surface of various regions of the body. Each ependymal cell of the stalk has a wide apical surface. A central solitary cilium, microvilli and other structures are observed more rarely on the stalk than on the body, while clustered cilia are not seen on the stalk. These structures are compared with those of the mammalian SFO and further discussed in relation to the possible dipsogenic receptor function for angiotensin II.  相似文献   

Summary The parenchyma of the subfornical organ (SFO) of the Japanese quail was studied by light and electron microscopy. The SFO consists of ependymal, intermediate, and basal (perimeningeal) layers. In the intermediate layer, neurons, glial cells, and their processes are found. Axons containing dense core granules approximately 80 nm in diameter are numerous, some of which make synaptic contact with the neuronal perikarya or dendrites. Synaptic vesicles in some axons contain a dense dot in the interior after treatment with 5-hydroxydopamine. The activity of the SFO, which is probably concerned with elicitation of drinking by angiotensin II, may be regulated at least partly by afferent monoaminergic axons. Capillaries with a non-fenestrated endothelium are occasionally found in the parenchyma. The basal layer is occupied by glial processes abutting on the digitating layer of perivascular connective tissue of meningeal vessels. The endothelium of these vessels is occasionally fenestrated. Trypan blue injected systemically accumulated in the SFO, but not in the deeper areas of the brain. The absence of a blood-brain barrier is suggested in the SFO.  相似文献   

The distribution of VIP-like perikarya and fibers was determined throughout the chick brain. The most rostral immunoreactive perikarya were found to be cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons in the pars medialis of the lateral septal organ. Additional data were presented supporting the idea that the lateral septal organ is another circumventricular organ within the brain of birds (Kuenzel and van Tienhoven 1982). A large group of immunoreactive perikarya was found in the lateral hypothalamic area and appeared continuous with immunoreactive neurons in the anterior medial and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei (n). A few perikarya were located in the paraventricular hypothalamic n. A number of immunoreactive neurons were found within and about the infundibular and inferior hypothalamic n., none however was immunoreactive cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons. Immunoreactive perikarya were found predominantly in laminae 10–11 of the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale. A few scattered perikarya were found ventromedial to the n. tegmenti pedunculo-pontinus pars compacta and locus ceruleus. Some of the immunoreactivity was unusual, being very homogeneous within the cell body with little evidence of the material in the axon or dendrites. Perikarya were found in the central gray, n. intercollicularis, and area ventralis of Tsai. The most caudal structure showing immunoreactive neurons was the n. reticularis paragigantocellularis lateralis. Brain areas containing the most abundant immunoreactive fibers, listed from the rostral-most location, were found in the ventromedial region of the lobus parolfactorius and the lateral septal n. Continuing caudally, there were immunoreactive fibers within the periventricular hypothalamic n.; some of the fibers were found to travel for some distance parallel to the third ventricle. Dense immunoreactive fibers were found in the tractus cortico-habenularis et cortico-septalis, medial habenular n. and posterior and dorsal n. of the archistriatum. A number of areas had what appeared to be baskets of immunoreactive fibers (perhaps immunoreactive terminals) surrounding non-reactive perikarya. Brain areas containing terminals included the piriform cortex, area ventralis of Tsai, interpeduncular n., and specific regions of the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale. A very dense immunoreactivity occurred within the external zone of the median eminence, the dorsolateral parabrachial n., and n. tractus solitarii. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide appears to be a useful peptide for defining the neuroanatomical constituents of the visceral forebrain in birds.  相似文献   

Summary The walls of pre-ovulatory follicles of the Japanese quail were examined at the ultrastructural level for the presence of cells displaying the typical morphological features of smooth muscle cells. These characteristics were found in the cells of the chordae, the tunica albuginea, and the theca externa. Small, elongated cells, containing microfilaments, were observed in the theca of prelampbrush follicles localized in the ovarian cortex. These thecal cells were considered as the putative precursors of the thecal smooth muscle cells of the pre-ovulatory follicle. The difference between the smooth muscle cells of the pre-ovulatory follicle and those in the wall of the most recent post-ovulatory follicle is the contracted state of the latter, which is most evident in the cells of the theca externa. It can be concluded that the cells of the theca externa are smooth muscle cells which are mainly contracted during the ovulatory process. A comparison was made with other vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study, we have demonstrated, by means of the biotin-avidin method, the widespread distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunoreactive structures throughout the whole brain of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The prosencephalic region contained the highest concentration of both NPY-containing fibres and perikarya. Immunoreactive fibres were observed throughout, particularly within the paraolfactory lobe, the lateral septum, the nucleus taeniae, the preoptic area, the periventricular hypothalamic regions, the tuberal complex, and the ventrolateral thalamus. NPY-immunoreactive cells were represented by: a) small scattered perikarya in the telencephalic portion (i.e. archistriatal, neostriatal and hyperstriatal regions, hippocampus, piriform cortex); b) medium-sized cell bodies located around the nucleus rotundus, ventrolateral, and lateral anterior thalamic nuclei; c) small clustered cells within the periventricular and medial preoptic nuclei. The brainstem showed a less diffuse innervation, although a dense network of immunopositive fibres was observed within the optic tectum, the periaqueductal region, and the Edinger-Westphal, linearis caudalis and raphes nuclei. Two populations of large NPY-containing perikarya were detected: one located in the isthmic region, the other at the boundaries of the pons with the medulla. The wide distribution of NPY-immunoreactive structures within regions that have been demonstrated to play a role in the control of vegetative, endocrine and sensory activities suggests that, in birds, this neuropeptide is involved in the regulation of several aspects of cerebral functions.Abbreviations AA archistriatum anterius - AC nucleus accumbens - AM nucleus anterior medialis - APP avian pancreatic polypeptide - CNS centrai nervous system - CO chiasma opticum - CP commissura posterior - CPi cortex piriformis - DIC differential interferential contrast - DLAl nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars lateralis - DLAm nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars medialis - E ectostriatum - EW nucleus of Edinger-Westphal - FLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - GCt substantia grisea centralis - GLv nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pars ventralis - HA hyperstriatum accessorium - Hp hippocampus - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - HV hyperstriatum ventrale - IF nucleus infundibularis - IO nucleus isthmo-opticus - IP nucleus interpeduncularis - IR immunoreactive - LA nucleus lateralis anterior thalami - LC nucleus linearis caudalis - LFS lamina frontalis superior - LH lamina hyperstriatica - LHRH luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone - LoC locus coeruleus - LPO lobus paraolfactorius - ME eminentia mediana - N neostriatum - NC neostriatum caudale - NPY neuropeptide Y - NIII nervus oculomotorius - NV nervus trigeminus - NVI nervus facialis - NVIIIc nervus octavus, pars cochlearis - nIV nucleus nervi oculomotorii - nIX nucleus nervi glossopharyngei - nBOR nucleus opticus basalis (ectomamilaris) - nCPa nucleus commissurae pallii - nST nucleus striae terminalis - OM tractus occipitomesencephalicus - OS nucleus olivaris superior - PA palaeostriatum augmentatum - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - POA nucleus praeopticus anterior - POM nucleus praeopticus medialis - POP nucleus praeopticus periventricularis - PP pancreatic polypeptide - PYY polypeptide YY - PVN nucleus paraventricularis magnocellularis - PVO organum paraventriculare - R nucleus raphes - ROT nucleus rotundus - RP nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis - Rpc nucleus reticularis parvocellularis - RPgc nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis, pars gigantocellularis - RPO nucleus reticularis pontis oralis - SCd nucleus subcoeruleus dorsalis - SCv nucleus subcoeruleus ventralis - SCNm nucleus suprachiasmaticus, pars medialis - SCNl nucleus suprachiasmaticus, pars lateralis - SL nucleus septalis lateralis - SM nucleus septalis medialis - Ta nucleus tangentialis - TeO tectum opticum - Tn nucleus taeniae - TPc nucleus tegmenti pedunculo-pontinus, pars compacta - TSM tractus septo-mesencephalicus - TV nueleus tegmenti ventralis - VeL nucleus vestibularis lateralis - VLT nucleus ventrolateralis thalami - VMN nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami A preliminary report of this study was presented at the 15th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Leuven, Belgium, September 1990  相似文献   

Summary Tissues from the proximal, middle, and distal regions of the ceca of Gambel's quail and domestic fowl were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Cellular and subcellular structures, including epithelial cell height, mitochondrial volume fraction, microvillous surface area, proportion of goblet cells, and junctional complex characteristics, were quantified by a variety of stereologic procedures and other measurement techniques. The mucosal surface of quail cecum shows a much more highly developed pattern of villous ridges and flat areas than that of fowl cecum. The fowl has significantly greater cell heights than the quail in all cecal regions. The mitochondrial volume fraction does not differ significantly with species or region, but mitochondria are concentrated on the apical side of the nucleus. In both species, the proximal cecal region has the greatest microvillous surface area. All 3 components of junctional complexes, including zonula occludens, zonula adhaerens, and macula adhaerens, are quantified. When all factors are considered, the quail cecum appears to have morphological characteristics consistent with a greater potential capacity for absorption than the fowl cecum.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural and ultrahistochemical studies were performed on the uterovaginal sperm host glands of the quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The proximal parts of the glandular necks are lined by a pseudostratified epithelium, consisting of high columnar ciliated cells and small, irregular shaped, basal cells.The true glandular epithelium is composed only of columnar cells with microvilli on their luminal end. A characteristic luminal feature is a large lipid droplet in the perinuclear region. In the subplasmalemmal region numerous tubular profiles are seen which could represent a cellular resorption system.To evaluate the absorptive capacity of the Uterovaginal sperm host glands, tracer studies with HRP, ferritin, lanthanum and ruthenium red were undertaken. Since between 5 min and 3 h after injection no absorption could be found with the techniques mentioned, it is suggested that phagocytosis of spermatozoa by the glandular epithelium is not likely to occur.  相似文献   

Research in mammals has established the existence of a neuronal network that lies within the hypothalamus and that regulates energy homeostasis. However, it is unknown whether this system has been evolutionarily conserved. The objective of the present study was therefore to examine the influence of the agouti-related peptide (AGRP), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), prepro-orexin, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) genes on energy balance in birds by quantifying the effect of a 24-h fast on their expression in the hypothalamus of the Japanese quail. In situ hybridization revealed strong signals for AGRP and POMC mRNAs in the infundibular nucleus (IN), for prepro-orexin in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHy) and periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, and for VIP in the LHy. POMC mRNA was co-localized with -melanocyte-stimulating hormone-like immunoreactivity in individual IN neurons. Compared with the ad-libitum-fed state, a 24-h fast resulted in a 2.2-fold increased expression of AGRP mRNA in the IN. However, fasting did not induce changes in POMC, prepro-orexin, or VIP mRNAs. The results suggest an involvement of the central melanocortin system in the regulation of energy balance in birds, as in mammals. In contrast, orexins in birds may be primarily involved in the control of physiological functions other than energy homeostasis.This research was supported by a Commonwealth Fellowship to D.P.-S. and a BBSRC Fellowship to T.B.  相似文献   

Summary In submammalian vertebrates, the paraventricular organ (PVO) of the third ventricle is a complex circumventricular structure composed of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and corresponding deeper formations of nerve cells. A new in-vivo technique enables us to approach the paraventricular organ of the frog, Rana esculenta, via the lobus infundibularis. In this preparation, blood flow in the capillary loops beneath the PVO and the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid in the infundibular recess can be directly observed. Electrical recordings of neural activity in and near the PVO show continuous and phasic, spontaneous activity. Light stimulation of the retina and direct illumination of the brain were not followed by alterations of nerve cell activity. A major problem in the electrophysiological investigation is the diminution in spontaneous activity of the recorded neurons after exchange of CSF.  相似文献   

Summary When grown in confrontation culture on a planar substratum, avian neural crest cells and somite cells display both homotypic and heterotypic contact inhibition of movement as judged by analysis of time-lapse video recordings of locomotory and contact behaviour, and by use of a nuclear overlap assay. It is therefore unlikely that migration of neural crest cells within the embryo, and within embryonic tissues, can be explained on the basis of a lack of contact inhibition. The results are discussed in the general context of cell invasiveness.  相似文献   

Immuno-electron-microscopic investigations of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neurons immunoreactive to vasoactive intestinal peptide in the duck lateral septum have revealed that this cell type gives rise to an adventricular dendrite terminating with a bulbous swelling in the lateral ventricle. The swelling bears a cilium and contains mitochondria and immunolabeled dense-core vesicles. Two types of processes emerge from the basal part of the perikaryon. The first has a large diameter, contains diffusely distributed immunoreaction, and receives synaptic input, indicating that this process is a basal dendrite. The other type is of a beaded appearance, displays immunolabeled dense-core vesicles, and represents the axon of the CSF-contacting neuron. VIP-immunoreactive terminal formations are located within the neuropil of the lateral septum and the nucleus accumbens. Some of them form synaptic contacts with immunonegative profiles. No VIP-immunoreactive terminal formations are seen in the perivascular spaces of the lateral septum. Tracer experiments with horseradish peroxidase have revealed that the blood-brain barrier is lacking in the lateral septal organ and nucleus accumbens of the duck. Capillaries, arterioles, and venoles of this region are coated by nonfenestrated endothelial cells connected by leaky junctions, allowing the tracer to penetrate from the lumen into the perivascular space and further into the intercellular clefts of the neuropil. Our immuno-electron-microscopic investigations show that VIP-immunoreactive CSF-contacting neurons of the lateral septum closely resemble CSF-contacting neurons occurring in other brain regions, e.g., the hypothalamus. The arrangement of VIP-immunoreactive terminal formations suggests that, in the lateral septum, the VIP-like neuropeptide serves as a neurotransmitter (-modulator). The lack of a blood-brain barrier in the lateral septal organ and the nucleus accumbens raises the possibility that this region is a window in the avian brain allowing exchange of information between the central nervous system and the bloodstream; it thus resembles a circumventricular organ.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the control of the timing in the epithelio-mesenchymal transformation of the neural crest into a migrating population, neural anlagen (neural tube plus crest) were isolated from 2-day quail embryos by proteases in the presence of Ca+ + and explanted onto substrates favourable for neural crest cell migration. Explants isolated before normal migration had commenced required 3–8 h in vitro before neural crest cells started migration, but explants obtained at migratory stages showed an immediate onset of migration. The schedule was similar to that expected in vivo. When pre-migratory neural anlagen were isolated by protease in Ca+ +- and Mg+ +-free (CMF) medium, or when the protease was followed by a brief (5 min) exposure to CMF medium, neural crest cell migration commenced without delay, and the cohesion of the anlagen was impaired. Ca+ +-free medium duplicated the effects of CMF, but neither Mg+ +-free medium nor CMF treatment before treatment with protease stimulated migration and reduced cohesion. Precocious neural crest cell migration and reduced cohesion also followed when neural anlagen of pre-migratory stages were cultured with membrane. Ca+ +-channel antagonists D600 and Nifedipine, without any exernal Ca+ +-depletion.The decrease of cohesion of these tissues is consistent with results in other systems where protease/Ca+ +-depletion inactivates Ca+ +-dependent cell-cell adhesive mechanisms. Therefore, we suggest that Ca+ +-dependent cell-cell adhesions play a part in preventing neural crest cells from migrating precociously and that the timed inactivation of this adhesion system normally helps trigger the onset of migration. The results with blockers of Ca+ +-channels suggest that Ca+ + levels may be involved in regulating this system.  相似文献   

By means of immunocytochemical demonstration of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neurons was found in a circumscribed region of the nucleus accumbens/lateral septum of eleven reptilian (chelonian, lacertilian, ophidian, crocodilian) species. Basal processes of these cells contribute to a subependymal plexus whose density displays considerable interspecific variation. VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibers occur also in the lateral septum and the nucleus accumbens where they encompass immunonegative cells in a basket-like pattern. The CSF-contacting neurons are surrounded by columnar ependymocytes frequently arranged in a pseudostratified manner. These specialized arrays of ependymal cells, however, occupy a more extended area than the VIP-immunoreactive CSF-contacting neurons and can be traced from the rostro-ventral pole of the lateral ventricle to the interventricular foramen. These observations suggest the existence of a telencephalic site of CSF-contacting neurons which may be more widespread than hitherto thought and which may participate in a circumventricular system of the lateral ventricle. Previous studies mainly performed with birds indicate that the VIP-immunoreactive CSF-contacting neurons of the nucleus accumbens might form a part of the encephalic (extraretinal and extrapineal) photoreceptor. However, further experiments are required to test this supposition since the VIP-immunoreactive neurons of the nucleus accumbens remained unlabeled by antibodies against bovine rodopsin and chicken cone-opsin in all eleven species analysed in this investigation.  相似文献   

Summary The photoperiodic clock in quail (Coturnix colurnix japonica) is based upon a rhythm of photoinducibility (Øi) but the extent to which this rhythm is circadian remains unclear. Two types of experiment investigated this situation. In the first, gonadectomized quail were adapted to live in periods of darkness by training them on a schedule containing one short day and 3 days of darkness (SD/DD/DD/DD). They were then exposed to a single pulse of 6 or 10 h of light at different times across 3 days of darkness. The photoperiodic response, measured by the increase in LH secretion, showed clear rhythmicity, demonstrating unequivocally the circadian nature of Øi. The second set of experiments employed Nanda-Hamner cycles and varied the length of the photoperiod from 6 to 11 h. Responsiveness in a 36 h or a 60 h cycle was highly dependent upon the length of the photoperiod, something not predicted from theory. For instance, LD 6:30 was not photoperiodically inductive but LD 10:26 was clearly inductive. Close analysis of patterns of LH secretion indicated an unexpected delay before induction occurred and then a rapid rise to a stable level of induction. When LH was measured in every pulse under LD 10:26 there was no evidence that LH levels alternately increased and decreased. This is not consistent with the simplest interpretation of Nanda-Hamner experiments where alternate pulses of light are thought to entrain the rhythm or induce a photoperiodic response by coinciding with Øi. It is concluded that the quail's photoinducible rhythm is indeed based on a circadian rhythm but one that is only weakly self-sustaining. Possibly as a consequence of this, the rhythm's behaviour under abnormal photoperiodic cycles may be rather different from that found in other species and from other circadian rhythms in quail.Abbreviations Øi photoinducible phase - LH luteinizing hormone  相似文献   

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