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Cell surface changes during mitosis and cytokinesis of epithelial cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary PtK2 cells were studied with scanning electron microscopy to record changes on the cell surface during mitosis and cytokinesis. During prophase, prometaphase and metaphase, the cells remain very flat with few microvilli on their surfaces. In anaphase cells, there is a marked increase in the number of microvilli, most of which are clumped over the separating chromosomes and polar regions of the mitotic spindle leaving the surface of the interzonal spindle region relatively smooth. Microvilli appear over the interzonal spindle region in telophase and the cells also increase in height. At the beginning of cleavage, the distribution of microvilli is roughly uniform over the surface but it becomes asymmetric at the completion of cleav-age when the daughter cells begin to spread. At this time most microvilli are over the daughter nuclei and the surfaces that border the former cleavage furrow. The regions of the daughter cells distal to the furrow are the first to spread and their surfaces have very few microvilli. When chromosome movement is inhibited by either Nocodazole or Taxol, microvilli formation is inhibited on the arrested cells. Nevertheless cell rounding still takes place in the normal time period. It is concluded from these observations that the signal for the onset of chromosome movement in anaphase is accompanied by a signal for the formation of microvilli. It is suggested that there is also a separate signal for the cell-rounding event in mitosis and that microvilli do not play a role in this contractile process.  相似文献   

We have followed the redistribution of Golgi stacks during mitosis and cytokinesis in living tobacco BY-2 suspension culture cells by means of a green fluorescent protein-tagged soybean alpha-1,2 mannosidase, and correlated the findings to cytoskeletal rearrangements and to the redistribution of endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and plastids. In preparation for cell division, when the general streaming of Golgi stacks stops, about one-third of the peripheral Golgi stacks redistributes to the perinuclear cytoplasm, the phragmosome, thereby reversing the ratio of interior to cortical Golgi from 2:3 to 3:2. During metaphase, approximately 20% of all Golgi stacks aggregate in the immediate vicinity of the mitotic spindle and a similar number becomes concentrated in an equatorial region under the plasma membrane. This latter localization, the "Golgi belt," accurately predicts the future site of cell division, and thus forms a novel marker for this region after the disassembly of the preprophase band. During telophase and cytokinesis, many Golgi stacks redistribute around the phragmoplast where the cell plate is formed. At the end of cytokinesis, the daughter cells have very similar Golgi stack densities. The sites of preferential Golgi stack localization are specific for this organelle and largely exclude mitochondria and plastids, although some mitochondria can approach the phragmoplast. This segregation of organelles is first observed in metaphase and persists until completion of cytokinesis. Maintenance of the distinct localizations does not depend on intact actin filaments or microtubules, although the mitotic spindle appears to play a major role in organizing the organelle distribution patterns. The redistribution of Golgi stacks during mitosis and cytokinesis is consistent with the hypothesis that Golgi stacks are repositioned to ensure equal partitioning between daughter cells as well as rapid cell plate assembly.  相似文献   

The present work establishes a correlation between cell length and patterns of mitotic microtubular assemblies in Allium cepa L. root meristems. Binucleate cells were formed by a short caffeine treatment which aborted the formation of the phragmoplast during telophase. The largest binucleate cells (about 50 μm in length) behaved as two contiguous mononucleate cells in their next mitosis: they developed two preprophase bands (PPBs), one around each nucleus, where two spindles and two phragmoplasts were subsequently formed. On the other hand, the shortest binucleate cells (about 36 μm in length) formed a single PPB at the site of the aborted phragmoplast and, in the medium-sized cells (about 44 μm) in which the single PPB formed around the nucleus possessing the largest cytoplasmic environment, the two mitotic spindles and the new phragmoplasts moved to, or were assembled in the position of the phragmoplast that had been aborted one cycle earlier. Some rules derive from these observations. First of all, the aborted phragmoplast left a signal for microtubule positioning which was still operative one cycle later, in two-thirds of the bimitoses. Also, that formation of the PPB is dispensable. Moreover, its development does not always predict the future division plane, because of the presence of competing old signals which are stronger than those shed by the PPB in the same mitosis, but which fade away with distance. Finally, the positional signals were reinforced when the ratio of monomeric to fibrillar actin was increased by cytochalasin D during their shedding. When this drug was given simultaneously with caffeine, the frequency of bimitoses which, one cycle later, developed spindles and phragmoplasts in the positions of the old phragmoplast increased. On the other hand, those frequencies dropped in relation to control when the cytochalasin D treatment took place during bimitosis, indicating that at this time the treatment reinforced the signals produced in bimitosis itself. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 4 June 1997  相似文献   

Aurora B is a protein kinase and a chromosomal passenger protein that undergoes dynamic redistribution during mitosis. We have probed the mechanism that regulates its localization with cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged wild-type or mutant aurora B. Aurora B was found at centromeres at prophase and persisted until approximately 0.5 min after anaphase onset, when it redistributed to the spindle midzone and became concentrated at the equator along midzone microtubules. Depolymerization of microtubules inhibited the dissociation of aurora B from centromeres at early anaphase and caused the dispersion of aurora B from the spindle midzone at late anaphase; however, centromeric association during prometaphase was unaffected. Inhibition of CDK1 deactivation similarly caused aurora B to remain associated with centromeres during anaphase. In contrast, inhibition of the kinase activity of aurora B appeared to have no effect on its interactions with centromeres or initial relocation onto midzone microtubules. Instead, kinase-inactive aurora B caused abnormal mitosis and deactivation of the spindle checkpoint. In addition, midzone microtubule bundles became destabilized and aurora B dispersed from the equator. Our results suggest that microtubules, CDK1, and the kinase activity each play a distinct role in the dynamics and functions of aurora B in dividing cells.  相似文献   

Summary The interphase nucleus in theFunaria caulonema tip cells is associated with many non-cortical microtubules (Mts). In prophase, the cortical Mts disappear in the nuclear region; in contrast to moss leaflets, a preprophase band of Mts is not formed in the caulonema. The Mts of the early spindle are associated with the fragments of the nuclear envelope. Remnants of the nucleolus remain in the form of granular bodies till interphase. The metaphase chromosomes have distinct kinetochores; the kinetochore Mts are intermingled with non-kinetochore Mts running closely along the chromatin. Each kinetochore is associated with an ER cisterna. ER cisternae also accompany the spindle fibers in metaphase and anaphase. In telophase, Golgi vesicles accumulate in the periphery of the developing cell plate where no Mts are found. The reorientation of the cell plate into an oblique position can be inhibited by colchicine. It is concluded that the ER participates in controlling the Mt system, perhaps via calcium ions (membrane-bound calcium ions have been visualized by staining with chlorotetracycline) but that, on the other hand, the Mt system also influences the distribution of the ER. The occurrence and function of the preprophase band of Mts is discussed.  相似文献   

Vertebrate somatic cells sometimes form unilateral furrows during cytokinesis that ingress from only one edge of the cell. In some cases after a cell initiates a normal symmetrical circumferential furrow, one of its edges stops furrowing and regresses while the furrow associated with the opposing edge continues across the cell. In cells containing two independent spindles unilateral furrows are sometimes formed that do not follow a linear path but instead sharply change their direction and wander for >40 microm through the cell. These observations reveal that the 'contractile ring' normally seen during cytokinesis is composed of multiple independent 'furrowing units' that are normally coordinated to form a symmetrical furrow around the cell, and that once formed this so-called contractile band does not function as a 'purse string' as commonly envisioned. Individual furrowing units can work independently of one another, and cytokinesis in vertebrates can be consummated by the formation of a single functional furrowing unit in a localized region of the cell cortex that is then propagated across the cell. How this propagation occurs remains an important question for the future.  相似文献   

We have identified an F-actin cytoskeletal network that remains throughout interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis of higher plant endosperm cells. Fluorescent labeling was obtained using actin monoclonal antibodies and/or rhodamine-phalloidin. Video-enhanced microscopy and ultrastructural observations of immunogold-labeled preparations illustrated microfilament-microtubule co-distribution and interactions. Actin was also identified in cell crude extract with Western blotting. During interphase, microfilament and microtubule arrays formed two distinct networks that intermingled. At the onset of mitosis, when microtubules rearranged into the mitotic spindle, microfilaments were redistributed to the cell cortex, while few microfilaments remained in the spindle. During mitosis, the cortical actin network remained as an elastic cage around the mitotic apparatus and was stretched parallel to the spindle axis during poleward movement of chromosomes. This suggested the presence of dynamic cross-links that rearrange when they are submitted to slow and regular mitotic forces. At the poles, the regular network is maintained. After midanaphase, new, short microfilaments invaded the equator when interzonal vesicles were transported along the phragmoplast microtubules. Colchicine did not affect actin distribution, and cytochalasin B or D did not inhibit chromosome transport. Our data on endosperm cells suggested that plant cytoplasmic actin has an important role in the cell cortex integrity and in the structural dynamics of the poorly understood cytoplasm-mitotic spindle interface. F-actin may contribute to the regulatory mechanisms of microtubule-dependent or guided transport of vesicles during mitosis and cytokinesis in higher plant cells.  相似文献   

Computer simulation of spontaneous pattern formation in chemical reaction-diffusion systems within a sphere shows prepatterns to arise, which account for observed poleward migration and other chromosome distributions previously recorded experimentally in the spindle-free nuclear division of the radiolarian Aulacantha scolymantha. It is suggested, that the observed patterns played a role in the evolution of mitosis, and through cytoplasmic organisation still may be connected to observed spindle forces and -orientation, as well as cytokinesis, in present-day protozoans.  相似文献   

The optimized Rouse-Zimm approximation to the local dynamics (ORZLD theory) is extended to treat three-dimensional structures. Rigid model chains of different dimensionality are considered. The local dynamics of random peptides are compared to the rotational correlation times of rigid three-dimensional protein structures. The treatment of these rigid limits is a necessary step in a more advanced ORZLD theory of the dynamics of proteins including fluctuations relative to the three-dimensional structure. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Septum formation is a crucial step of cytokinesis in fungi. In the basidiomycete Ustilago maydis, the germinal centre kinase Don3 triggers initiation of a secondary septum necessary for cell separation after cytokinesis. Here we show that oligomerization of Don3 via a putative coiled-coil domain is critical for secondary septum formation. Within the Don3 sequence we detected a characteristic C-terminal sequence motif (T-motif), which determines the subcellular localization of Don3 but is not required for regulation of cell separation. This motif defines a novel family of fungal protein kinases including Sid1p, an essential component of the septation initiation network (SIN) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using the yeast two-hybrid system we isolated the Don3-interacting protein Dip1, which is similar to S. pombe Cdc14p, another member of the SIN. Remarkably, deletion of dip1 did not interfere with cytokinesis in U. maydis, but both dip1 and don3 mutants were affected in nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) during mitosis. This phenotype has already been described for mutants, which lack the small GTPase Ras3, the U. maydis homologue of the SIN component Spg1p. We propose that the Don3 kinase exerts a dual function in the regulation of cell separation and NEBD.  相似文献   

Ann L. Cleary 《Protoplasma》2001,215(1-4):21-34
Summary Tradescantia virginiana leaf epidermal cells were plasmolysed by sequential treatment with 0.8 M and 0.3 M sucrose. Plasmolysis revealed adhesion of the plasma membrane to the cell wall at sites coinciding with cytoskeletal arrays involved in the polarisation of cells undergoing asymmetric divisions — cortical actin patch — and in the establishment and maintenance of the division site —preprophase band of microtubules and filamentous (F) actin. The majority of cells retained adhesions at the actin patch throughout mitosis. However, only approximately 13% of cells formed or retained attachments at the site of the preprophase band. After the breakdown of the nuclear envelope, plasmolysis had a dramatic effect on spindle orientation, cell plate formation, and the plane of cytokinesis. Spindles were rotated at abnormal angles including tilted into the plane of the epidermis. Cell plates formed but were quickly replaced by vacuole-like intercellular compartments containing no Tinopal-stainable cell wall material. This compartment usually opened to the apoplast at one side, and cytokinesis was completed by the furrow extending across the protoplast. This atypical cytokinesis was facilitated by a phragmoplast containing microtubules and F-actin. Progression of the furrow was unaffected by 25 g of cytochalasin B per ml but inhibited by 10 M oryzalin. Phragmoplasts were contorted and misguided and cytokinesis prolonged, indicating severe disruption to the guidance mechanisms controlling phragmoplast expansion. These results are discussed in terms of cytoskeleton-plasma membrane-cell wall connections that could be important to the localisation of plasma membrane molecules defining the cortical division site and hence providing positional information to the cytokinetic apparatus, and/or for providing an anchor for cytoplasmic F-actin necessary to generate tension on the phragmoplast and facilitate its directed, planar expansion.Abbreviations ADZ actin-depleted zone - DIC differential interference contrast - GMC guard mother cell - MT microtubule - PPB preprophase band - SMC subsidiary mother cell Dedicated to Professor Brian E. S. Gunning on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is an event common to all organisms that involves the precise coordination of independent pathways involved in cell-cycle regulation and microtubule, membrane, actin and organelle dynamics. In animal cells, the spindle midzone/midbody with associated endo-membrane system are required for late cytokinesis events, including furrow ingression and scission. In plants, cytokinesis is mediated by the phragmoplast, an array of microtubules, actin filaments and associated molecules that act as a framework for the future cell wall. In this article (which is part of the Cytokinesis series), we discuss recent studies that highlight the increasing number of similarities in the components and function of the spindle midzone/midbody in animals and the phragmoplast in plants, suggesting that they might be analogous structures.  相似文献   

Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is thought to regulate the contractile activity in smooth and non-muscle cells, and may play an important role in controlling the reorganization of the actin-myosin cytoskeleton during cell division. To test this hypothesis we have microinjected the 61-kD catalytic fragment of MLCK into mitotic cells, and examined the effects of unregulated MLCK activity on cell division. The microinjection of active 61 kD causes both a significant delay in the transit time from nuclear envelope breakdown to anaphase onset, and an increase in motile surface activity during and after metaphase. Control experiments with intact MLCK or with inactive catalytic fragment suggest that these effects are specifically induced by the unregulated myosin light chain kinase activity. Immunofluorescence analysis suggests that delays in mitosis are coupled to disruptions of spindle structures, while increased surface motility may be related to changes in the organization of actin and myosin at the cell cortex. Most importantly, despite the expression of strong phenotypes, 61 kD-injected cells still form functional cleavage furrows that progress through cytokinesis at rates identical to those of control cells. Together, these results suggest that the activity of MLCK can affect mitosis and cortical activities, however additional control mechanisms are likely involved in the regulation of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Abnormal expression of p120 catenin is associated with the malignant phenotype in human lung cancer. Numerous studies have focused on the function of p120 catenin in the juxta-membrane compartment. However, the role of nuclear p120 catenin remains unclear. In this study, the dynamic changes in nuclear p120 catenin localization during cell cycle progression were investigated. Immunofluorescent staining, FACS analysis, and western blotting revealed that nuclear p120 catenin is a major architectural constituent of the chromosome periphery during mitosis. During mitosis, granule-like p120 catenin dispersed into a cloudy-like structure and formed cordon-like structures surrounding the condensed chromosomes to create the peri-chromosomal layer. Interestingly, lumican and p120 catenin colocalized at the spindle fiber where the perichromosomal layer connects to the condensed chromosomes during mitosis. Furthermore, downregulation of p120 catenin using a specific siRNA induced cell cycle stalling in the G2/M phase and promoted aneuploidy. This study validates the role of nuclear p120 catenin in the formation of the chromosome periphery and reveals the p120 catenin-lumican interaction may couple orientation of cell division with the segregation of sister chromatids during mitosis. Our data suggest the protective role of p120 catenin in maintaining the integrity of chromosomes, and also warrants further studies to evaluate the contribution of the loss of p120 catenin to the creation of gene rearrangement in cancer evolution and tumor progression.Subject terms: Non-small-cell lung cancer, Cell biology  相似文献   

MICROTUBULE ORGANIZATION 1 (MOR1) is a plant member of the highly conserved MAP215/Dis1 family of microtubule-associated proteins. Prior studies with the temperature-sensitive mor1 mutants of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), which harbor single amino acid substitutions in an N-terminal HEAT repeat, proved that MOR1 regulates cortical microtubule organization and function. Here we demonstrate by use of live cell imaging and immunolabeling that the mor1-1 mutation generates specific defects in the microtubule arrays of dividing vegetative cells. Unlike the universal cortical microtubule disorganization in elongating mor1-1 cells, disruption of mitotic and cytokinetic microtubule arrays was not detected in all dividing cells. Nevertheless, quantitative analysis identified distinct defects in preprophase bands (PPBs), spindles, and phragmoplasts. In nearly one-half of dividing cells at the restrictive temperature of 30 degrees C, PPBs were not detected prior to spindle formation, and those that did form were often disrupted. mor1-1 spindles and phragmoplasts were short and abnormally organized and persisted for longer times than in wild-type cells. The reduced length of these arrays predicts that the component microtubule lengths are also reduced, suggesting that microtubule length is a critical determinant of spindle and phragmoplast structure, orientation, and function. Microtubule organizational defects led to aberrant chromosomal arrangements, misaligned or incomplete cell plates, and multinucleate cells. Antiserum raised against an N-terminal MOR1 sequence labeled the full length of microtubules in interphase arrays, PPBs, spindles, and phragmoplasts. Continued immunolabeling of the disorganized and short microtubules of mor1-1 at the restrictive temperature demonstrated that the mutant mor1-1(L174F) protein loses function without dissociating from microtubules, providing important insight into the mechanism by which MOR1 may regulate microtubule length.  相似文献   

Multinucleate soybean protoplasts produced by spontaneous fusion during enzyme digestion of the cell wall initiated cell division after approximately 40 h in culture. The structure of these protoplasts during mitosis and cytokinesis was studied with both light and electron microscopes. Most nuclei did not fuse but divided synchronously. Interphase nuclei was commonly connected by short narrow nuclear bridges. At prophase and metaphase the nuclei appeared typical of those in most higher plants; technical difficulties prevented an adequate examination of protoplasts at anaphase. Telophase was characterized by cytokinesis involving phragmoplast and cell plate formation; however, complete partitioning of the cytoplasm by cell plants was not observed. Numerous coated vesicles were present near to or continuous with the cell plate and plasmalemma. The presence of a few dividing protoplasts with at least double the normal chromosome number suggests that some nuclear fusion occurred prior to mitosis. Very little cell wall material was detected at the margin of the dividing protoplasts.  相似文献   

The development of a uninucleate ameba into a multinucleate, syncytial plasmodium in myxomycetes involves a change from the open, astral mitosis of the ameba to the intranuclear, anastral mitosis of the plasmodium, and the omission of cytokinesis from the cell cycle. We describe immunofluorescence microscopic studies of the amebal-plasmodial transition (APT) in Physarum polycephalum. We demonstrate that the reorganization of mitotic spindles commences in uninucleate cells after commitment to plasmodium formation, is completed by the binucleate stage, and occurs via different routes in individual developing cells. Most uninucleate developing cells formed mitotic spindles characteristic either of amebae or of plasmodia. However, chimeric mitotic figures exhibiting features of both amebal and plasmodial mitoses, and a novel star microtubular array were also observed. The loss of the ameba-specific alpha 3-tubulin and the accumulation of the plasmodium-specific beta 2-tubulin isotypes during development were not sufficient to explain the changes in the organization of mitotic spindles. The majority of uninucleate developing cells undergoing astral mitoses (amebal and chimeric) exhibited cytokinetic furrows, whereas cells with the anastral plasmodial mitosis exhibited no furrows. Thus, the transition from astral to anastral mitosis during the APT could be sufficient for the omission of cytokinesis from the cell cycle. However, astral mitosis may not ensure cytokinesis: some cells undergoing amebal or chimeric mitosis contained unilateral cytokinetic furrows or no furrow at all. These cells would, most probably, fail to divide. We suggest that a uninucleate committed cell undergoing amebal or chimeric mitosis can either divide or else form a binucleate cell. In contrast, a uninucleate cell with a mitotic spindle of the plasmodial type gives rise only to a binucleate cells. Further, the decision to enter mitosis after commitment to the APT is independent of the developmental changes in the organization of the mitotic spindle and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Myosin plays an important role in mitosis, especially during cytokinesis. Although it has been assumed that phosphorylation of regulatory light chain of myosin (RLC) controls motility of mammalian non-muscle cells, the functional significance of RLC phosphorylation remains uninvestigated. To address this problem, we have produced unphosphorylatable RLC (T18A/S19A RLC) and overexpressed it in COS-7 cells and normal rat kidney cells. Overexpression of T18A/S19A RLC but not wild type RLC almost completely abolished concanavalin A-induced receptor cap formation. The results indicate that myosin phosphorylation is critical for concanavalin A-induced gathering of surface receptors. T18A/S19A RLC overexpression resulted in the production of multinucleated cells, suggesting the failure of proper cell division in these cells. Video microscopic observation revealed that cells expressing T18A/S19A RLC showed abnormalities during mitosis in two respects. One is that the cells produced abnormal cleavage furrows, resulting in incomplete cytokinesis, which suggests that myosin phosphorylation is important for the normal recruitment of myosin molecules into the contractile ring structure. The other is that separation of chromosomes from the metaphase plate is disrupted in T18A/S19A RLC expressing cells, thus preventing proper transition from metaphase to anaphase. These results suggest that, in addition to cytokinesis, myosin and myosin phosphorylation play a role in the karyokinetic process.  相似文献   

The structure and distribution of cytoplasmic membranes during mitosis and cytokinesis in maize root tip meristematic cells was investigated by low and high voltage electron microscopy. The electron opacity of the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) was enhanced by staining the tissue in a mixture of zinc iodide and osmium tetroxide. Thin sections show the nuclear envelope to disassemble at prophase and become indistinguishable from the surrounding ER and polar aggregations of ER. In thick sections under the high voltage electron microscope the spindle is seen to be surrounded by a mass of tubular (TER) and cisternal (CER) endoplasmic reticulum derived from both the nuclear envelope and ER, which persists through metaphase and anaphase. At anaphase strands of TER traverse the spindle between the arms of the chromosomes. The octagonal nuclear pore complexes disappear by metaphase, but irregular-shaped pores persist in the membranes during mitosis. It is suggested that these form a template for pore-complex reformation during telophase. Phragmoplast formation is preceded by an aggregation of TER across the spindle at anaphase. Evidence is presented to suggest that the formation of the desmotubule of a plasmodesma is by the squeezing of a strand of endoplasmic reticulum between the vesicles of the cell plate.Abbreviations CER cisternal endoplasmic reticulum - ER endoplasmic reticulum - HVEM high voltage electron microscope - TER tubular endoplasmic reticulum - ZIO zinc iodide/osmium tetroxide  相似文献   

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