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Sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima) is a predominant tree species in the deciduous broad-leaved forest in China. It distributes in a large landscape area and can disperse in various ecology types. Molecular study on sawtooth oak can provide valuable information about the genetic diversity level and genetic relatedness on this important tree species. Insight into the genetic structure also provides resources of a species with its current feature and future evolutionary potential. The genetic structure of sawtooth oak was investigated by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Twelve RAPD markers were used to assess genetic diversity of 408 individuals from 17 provenances enveloping most of the current distribution area of sawtooth oak. A total of 66 amplification products were detected, of which 49 bands (74.24 %) were polymorphic. Nei’s gene diversity, 0.2409, indicated a relatively high level of genetic variation in sawtooth oak germplasm. Analysis of molecular variance showed that most of the genetic diversity (87 %) was allocated within provenances. A combination of UPGMA dendrogram and STRUCTURE analysis was employed to estimate the genetic relationships of sawtooth oak germplasm; interestingly, the two methods presented similar grouping pattern with few discrepancies. Results revealed that 16 out of 17 provenances were clustered into one group, while the other 1 (LQ provenance) constituted a separate cluster. The data presented in this study suggested that the RAPD method was a valuable tool for estimation of genetic diversity and genetic relatedness of sawtooth oak germplasm. The present study also gave useful implications for germplasm conservation and new cultivar development for this promising energy tree species.  相似文献   

Quercus acutissima (Fagaceae), a deciduous broad-leaved tree, is an important forest element in hillsides of South Korea. We used allozyme loci, Wright's F statistics, and multilocus spatial autocorrelation statistics to examine the distribution of genetic diversity within and among three local populations and the spatial genetic structure at a landscape scale (15 ha, 250 × 600 m) on Oenaro Island, South Korea. Levels of genetic diversity in Q. acutissima populations were comparable to mean values for other oak species. A moderate but significant deficit of heterozygotes (mean F(IS) = 0.069) was detected within local populations and low but significant differentiation was observed among populations (F(ST) = 0.010). Spatial autocorrelation analyses revealed little evidence of significant genetic structure at spatial scales of 100-120 m. The failure to detect genetic structure within populations may be due to intraspecific competition or random mortality among saplings, resulting in extensive thinning within maternal half-sib groups. Alternatively, low genetic differentiation at the landscape scale indicates substantial gene flow among local populations. Although wind-borne pollen may be the primary source of gene flow in Q. acutissima, these results suggest that acorn movement by animals may be more extensive than previously anticipated. Comparison of these genetic data for Oenaro Island with a disturbed isolated inland population suggests that population-to-population differences in internal genetic structure may be influenced by local variation in regeneration environment (e.g., disturbance).  相似文献   

Immature embryos of Quercus acutissima were collected weekly beginning 5 weeks post-fertilization and cultured on modified MS(Murashige and Skoog) medium containing 1,000 mg/l glutamine and 5 mM proline with different combinations of IBA(0.5–10.0 mg/l) and BA(0 or 1.0 mg/l) in light. The highest percentage of embryogenic cultures occurred on the medium containing 0.5 mg/l IBA or 1.0 mg/l BA and 0.5 mg/l IBA. Four weeks after initiation, the embryogenic cultures were transferred to MS medium without plant growth regulators and cultured for 4 weeks. The somatic embryos were then transferred to germination medium. The best germination results were achieved from WPM(Woody Plant Medium) containing 0.1 mg/l BA. Plantlets from somatic embryos were incubated on WPM supplemented with 0.2 mg/l BA for 4 weeks and plantlets with well developed shoots and roots were transplanted to perlite and peat moss(11, v/v) mixtures and placed in a culture room. After being hardened off for 8 weeks, they were transferred outdoors where they grew.Abbreviation BA N6-benzyladenine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - ABA abscisic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog Medium - WPM Woody Plant medium  相似文献   

Buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Englem] germplasm has a broad resource of genetic diversity that can be used for turfgrass, forage and conservation. Buffalograss is the only native grass that is presently used as a turfgrass in the Great Plains region of North America. Its low growth habit, drought tolerance and reduced requirement for fertilizer and pesticides contribute to interest in its use. The objectives of this study were to use sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers in the evaluation of genetic diversity and phenetic relationships in a diverse collection of 53 buffalograss germplasms, and to identify buffalograss ploidy levels using flow cytometry. Based on their DNA contents, buffalograss genotypes were grouped into four sets, corresponding to their ploidy levels. Thirty-four SRAP primer combinations were used. This is the first report of the detection of differentiating diploid, tetraploid, pentaploid and hexaploid buffalograss genotypes, representing diverse locations of origin, using SRAP markers. Cluster analysis by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages based on genetic similarity matrices indicated that there were eight clusters. The coefficients of genetic distance among the genotypes ranged from 0.33 up to 0.99 and averaged D=0.66. The genetic diversity estimate, He, averaged 0.35. These results demonstrated that genotypes with potential traits for turfgrass improvement could readily be distinguished, based on SRAP. The use of PCR-based technologies such as SRAP is an effective tool for estimating genetic diversity, identifying unique genotypes as new sources of alleles for enhancing turf characteristics, and for analyzing the evolutionary and historical development of cultivars at the genomic level in a buffalograss breeding program.Communicated by B. Friebe  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic structure of Chinese maize germplasm, the MaizeSNP50 BeadChip with 56,110 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was used to genotype a collection of 367 inbred lines widely used in maize breeding of China. A total of 41,819 informative SNPs with minor allele number of more than 0.05 were used to estimate the genetic diversity, relatedness, and linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay. Totally 1,015 SNPs evenly distributed in the genome were selected randomly to evaluate the population structure of these accessions. Results showed that two main groups could be determined i.e., the introduced germplasm and the local germplasm. Further, five subgroups corresponding to different heterotic groups, that is, Reid Yellow Dent (Reid), Lancaster Sure Crop (Lancaster), P group (P), Tang Sipingtou (TSPT), and Tem-tropic I group (Tem-tropic I), were determined. The genetic diversity of within subgroups was highest in the Tem-Tropic I and lowest in the P. Most lines in this panel showed limited relatedness with each other. Comparisons of gene diversity showed that there existed some conservative genetic regions in specific subgroups across the ten chromosomes, i.e., seven in the Lancaster, seven in the Reid, six in the TSPT, five in the P, and two in the Tem-Tropical I. In addition, the results also revealed that there existed fifteen conservative regions transmitted from Huangzaosi, an important foundation parent, to its descendants. These are important for further studies since the outcomes may provide clues to understand why Huangzaosi could become a foundation parent in Chinese maize breeding. For the panel of 367 elite lines, average LD distance was 391 kb and varied among different chromosomes as well as in different genomic regions of one chromosome. This analysis uncovered a high natural genetic diversity in the elite maize inbred set, suggesting that the panel can be used in association study, esp. for temperate regions.  相似文献   

Lebanon, an East Mediterranean country, does not have a comprehensive reference national olive collection. A report published 30 years ago indicated the presence of four Lebanese varieties, but the confusion regarding these varieties was discussed then and is still prevalent today hindering prospects for conserving and exploring the national germplasm. This study assessed the existing in situ diversity of old Lebanese olive groves using simple sequence repeat (SSR) and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). Trees (140) were collected from 14 groves located in the four traditional olive areas. Analysis was based on 22 polymorphic alleles produced from six SSR primers, and on 135 polymorphic AFLP fragments. SSR and AFLP did not yield consistent results in terms of level of polymorphism, with SSR detecting higher variation than AFLP. On the other hand, both clustered trees based on geographic provenance. AFLP coefficient of similarity between trees ranged between 0.70 and 0.99 indicating the possible presence of varieties since some values fall within reported intervarietal ranges of 0.65 to 0.84. SSR unveiled the presence of nine different genotypes: four corresponding each to a provenance and five consisting of single trees characterized by the presence of less frequent alleles with an average of 0.33. Results also revealed a high incidence of clones greater than 90% in three of the four provenances. The findings of this study point for the need to plan for a sampling strategy that takes into consideration geographic provenances.  相似文献   

We evaluated the population genetic structure of seven microsatellite loci for old growth and second growth populations of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus). From each population, located within Hartwick Pines State Park, Grayling, Michigan, USA, 120-122 contiguous trees were sampled for genetic analysis. Within each population, genetic diversity was high and inbreeding low. When comparing these populations, there is a significant, but small (less than 1%), genetic divergence between populations. Spatial distance between populations or timber harvest at the second growth site were reasonable explanations for the observed minor differences in allele frequencies between populations. Spatial autocorrelation analysis suggested that, for the old growth population, weak positive structuring at 15 m fits the isolation by distance model for a neighbourhood size of about 100 individuals. In comparison, genotypes were randomly distributed in the second growth population. Thus, logging may have decreased spatial structuring at the second growth site, suggesting that management practices may be used to alter natural spatial patterns. In addition, the amount of autocorrelation in the old growth population appears to be lower for some of the microsatellites, suggesting higher numbers of rare alleles and that higher mutation rates may have directly affected spatial statistics by reducing structure.  相似文献   

We assessed the molecular genetic diversity and population structure of Amaranthus species accessions using 11 simple sequence repeat markers. A total of 122 alleles were detected, and the number of alleles per marker (NA) ranged from 6 to 21 with an average of 11.1 alleles. The frequency of major alleles per locus ranged from 0.148 to 0.695, with an average value of 0.496 per marker. The overall polymorphic information content values were 0.436–0.898, with an average value of 0.657. The observed heterozygosity (HO) and expected heterozygosity (HE) ranged from 0.056 to 0.876 and from 0.480 to 0.907, with average values of 0.287 and 0.698, respectively. The average HO (0.240) was lower than the HE and gene flow (Nm), and showed substantial genetic variability among all populations of amaranth accessions. The sample groupings did not strictly follow the geographic affiliations of the accessions. A similar pattern was obtained using model-based structure analysis without grouping by species type. Knowledge of the genetic diversity and population structure of amaranth can be used to select representative genotypes and manage Amaranthus germplasm breeding programs.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA variation was studied in five evergreen Quercus species from the Western part of Tunisia using Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS) technique. Five primer pair/endonuclease combinations have been used. Chlorotypes of Quercus species have been identified. The enzyme HinfI was more efficient in detecting polymorphism in oak species than TaqI. The phenogram showed five groups defining the five studied oak species: suber group, afares group, coccifera group, canariensis group and ilex group. The topology of phenogram showed that the classification depends only on species and independently of their geographic origin. The principal component analysis (ACP) corroborated the results of the tree branching and confirmed the existence of five species groups. Our results showed a genetic proximity between Quercus afares and Quercus coccifera species that may be due to temperature tolerance or the demographic history of these species. Nevertheless, a high value of GST calculated (GST = 1), suggesting that the maximum of variation is maintained among oak species. This result was confirmed by the low value of the genetic diversity within species (hS = 0), the value obtained of the total genetic diversity (hT = 0.378) and the absence of gene flow between species (Nm = 0). A high genetic proximity has been registered between Q. afares, Quercus suber and Quercus canariensis. Moreover, Q. afares shared the chlorotype of Q. suber and Q. canariensis which suggests its hybrid origin.  相似文献   

RAPD profiles were used to identify the extent of diversity among 54 accessions of mung bean that included both improved and local land races. Out of the 40 primers screened, seven primers generated 174 amplification products with an average of 24.85 bands per primer. The RAPD profiles were analysed for Jaccard's similarity coefficients that was found to be in the range from 0 to 0.48, indicating the presence of wide range of genetic diversity at molecular level. Cluster analysis was carried out based on distances (1-similarity coefficient) using neighbour-joining method in Free Tree package. The dendrogram resolved all the accessions into two major clusters, I (with 11 accessions) and II (with 43 accessions). However, the cluster was further divided into four subclusters (II A with six, II B with nine, II C with 15 and II D with 13 accessions). The distribution of the accessions in different clusters and subclusters appears to be related to their performance in field conditions for 10 morphological traits that were scored. This study indicated that the RAPD profiles provide an easy and simple technique for preliminary genetic diversity assessment of mung bean accessions that may reflect morphological trait differences among them.  相似文献   

Nero Siciliano is an autochthonous pig breed that is reared mainly in semi-extensive systems in northeastern Sicily. Despite its economic importance and well-appreciated meat products, this breed is currently endangered. Consequently, an analysis of intra-breed variability is a fundamental step in preserving this genetic resource and its breeding system. In this work, we used 25 microsatellite markers to examine the genetic composition of 147 unrelated Nero Siciliano pigs. The total number of alleles detected (249, 9.96 per locus) and the expected heterozygosity (0.708) indicated that this breed had a high level of genetic variability. Bayesian cluster analysis showed that the most likely number of groups into which the sample could be partitioned was nine. Based on the proportion of each individuals genome derived from ancestry, pigs with at least 70% of their genome belonging to one cluster were assigned to that cluster. The cluster size ranged from 7 to 17 (n = 108). Genetic variability in this sub-population was slightly lower than in the whole sample, genetic differentiation among clusters was moderate (F(ST) 0.125) and the F(IS) value was 0.011. NeighborNet and correspondence analysis revealed two clusters as the most divergent. Molecular coancestry analysis confirmed the good within-breed variability and highlighted the clusters that retained the highest genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Quercus acutissima is one of the most widespread temperate deciduous tree species in China. To study its phylogeographical pattern and demographic history, three chloroplast DNA fragments (atpB-rbcL, psbA-trnH and trnS-trnG) from 401 individuals representing 30 populations were sequenced. A total of 19 haplotypes were identified, and these showed a weak phylogeographical structure (NST = 0.689 > GST = 0.630, P > 0.05) at the species level. The Q. acutissima population harboured a high level of genetic diversity (HT = 0.791), and the genetic variation mainly resided among populations (59.54%). The unimodal mismatch distribution and significantly negative Fu's FS value indicate that the Q. acutissima population experienced rapid range expansion, which probably occurred between 0.37 and 0.12 Ma. Molecular phylogeography and ecological niche modelling (ENM) data suggest the existence of multiple localized glacial refugia in central China (e.g., the Qinling, Dabashan and Dabieshan mountain ranges) and southwestern China (Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and its adjacent regions) during the Quaternary glaciations. Our study showed that geographical heterogeneity and climate changes may have shaped the genetic structure and phylogeographical pattern of this tree species in China.  相似文献   

本研究在江西永丰、浙江开化和安徽滁州3个试验点,以32个种源的麻栎试验林为对象,分析了不同种源间林木生长变异、主要经济性状(地上单株生物量)随林龄的动态变化,并基于AMMI模型进行生长性状稳定性分析和优良种源选择.结果 表明:3个试验点麻栎不同种源间的树高、胸(地)径和地上单株生物量均具有显著差异.麻栎地上单株生物量受...  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Research activities aiming to investigate the genetic diversity are very crucial because they provide information for the breeding and germplasm conservation activities....  相似文献   

麻栎(Quercus acutissima)是一种分布广、用途大、耐干旱瘠薄的乔木树种, 掌握其生长规律和养分利用特性对麻栎人工林的科学经营十分必要。对安徽省滁州市红琊山林场两种立地条件下的麻栎人工林的生长和养分状况进行了对比研究, 结果表明: 在土壤含石量较高、养分含量较少的立地条件下, 12年生的麻栎人工林地上部分生物量为49 180.2 kg·hm-2; 林木养分总累积量为633.9 kg·hm-2, 其中N、P、K、Ca、Mg的累积量分别为119.9、18.7、88.5、368.6和38.2 kg·hm-2。在土壤含石量较少、养分含量较高的立地条件下, 12年生麻栎人工林地上部分生物量为90 774.8 kg·hm-2; 林木养分总累积量为993.6 kg·hm-2, 其中N、P、K、Ca、Mg的累积量分别为203.5、23.0、146.9、553.6和66.6 kg·hm-2。所以, 立地条件对麻栎生长和养分累积具有显著影响。较差立地条件下的麻栎对土壤养分的富集系数较大, 但其凋落物的养分含量较低。研究显示, 麻栎可以通过养分奢侈吸收、提高养分内循环、减少养分损失等途径来适应低养分环境。  相似文献   

Zhong T  Han JL  Guo J  Zhao QJ  Fu BL  Pu YB  He XH  Jeon JT  Guan WJ  Ma YH 《Animal genetics》2011,42(5):563-565
The genetic consequences of population differentiation and isolation have been the subject of conservation biology. In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity and structure of Mongolian sheep in China. These animals belong to a traditional local breed with high production, extensive adaption, early maturity and roughage resistance. For this purpose, 26 microsatellites were genotyped for five Mongolian sheep populations. The Bayesian clustering indicated five clusters as the most probable genetic structure of the populations investigated. In addition, a clear genetic structure was revealed in three populations distributed at large geographical scales, while the other cluster encompassed UQ and HLBR sheep that displayed no clear differentiation, probably due to their close and small geographical distributions. Overall, our results are helpful in understanding the interplay of population dynamics in these close genetic lineages of Mongolian sheep.  相似文献   

The genetic identity of eight wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accessions maintained in the Gatersleben genebank and regenerated up to 24 times was studied by using wheat microsatellite markers (WMS). It was demonstrated that WMS can be used to analyze bulks of seeds stored more than 50 years in a seed reference collection at room temperature. No contamination due to foreign pollen or incorrect handling during the multiplication cycles was discovered. For one accession (TRI 4599) genetic drift was observed, whereas for TRI 249 a heterogenous situation for two markers was maintained over the years. We were able to show that microsatellites can be used as a simple and reliable marker system for the verification of the integrity and genetic stability of genebank accessions. Received: 29 March 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of 139 Lycium chinense accessions using 18 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. In total, 108 alleles were detected. The number of alleles per marker locus ranged from two to 17, with an average of six. The gene diversity and polymorphism information content value averaged 0.3792 and 0.3296, with ranges of 0.0793 to 0.8023 and 0.0775 to 0.7734, respectively. The average heterozygosity was 0.4394. The model-based structure analysis revealed the presence of three subpopulations, which was consistent with clustering based on genetic distance. An AMOVA analysis showed that the between-population component of genetic variance was less than 15.3%, in contrast to 84.7% for the within-population component. The overall FST value was 0.1178, indicating a moderate differentiation among groups. The results could be used for future L. chinense allele mining, association mapping, gene cloning, germplasm conservation, and designing effective breeding programs.  相似文献   

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