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ABSTRACT Mortality due to fisheries interactions has been implicated as a contributor to population decline for several species of sea turtle. The incidental capture of sea turtles in the coastal gillnet fisheries of North Carolina, USA, has received much attention in recent years, and mitigation measures to reduce sea turtle mortality due to gillnet entanglement are a high priority for managers and conservationists. Efforts to evaluate effects of gillnet entanglement on sea turtle populations are complicated by the lack of information on health status of turtles released alive from nets and postrelease mortality. We obtained blood samples from green (Chelonia mydas) and Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) sea turtles captured in gillnets for 20–240 minutes to assess the impacts of gillnet entanglement on blood biochemistry and physiological status. We measured concentrations of lactate, corticosterone, ions (Na+, K+, Cl-, P, Ca2+), enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase [LDH], creatine phosphokinase [CPK], aspartate aminotransferase [AST]), protein, and glucose in the blood and also performed physical examinations of turtles to document external indicators of health status (injuries, lethargy, muted reflexes). We evaluated the effects of entanglement time on blood biochemistry and to look for correlations between blood biochemistry and results of the physical examinations. We observed a significant increase in blood lactate, LDH, CPK, phosphorus, and glucose with increased entanglement time. Alterations in blood biochemistry were generally associated with a decline in health status as indicated by results of the physical examination. Although entanglement time plays an important role in determining the health status of sea turtles upon release from a gillnet, our results suggest that factors such as the depth and severity of entanglement may also have an effect on health status of turtles and the probability of postrelease survival. We were unable to set a maximum unattended gillnet soak time to minimize impacts on captured sea turtles, and therefore recommend that fisheries managers continue to enforce the net attendance regulations currently in place in the lower Cape Fear River, North Carolina, during the summer months.  相似文献   

Sea turtle populations underwent severe decline in historical times, mainly through harvesting eggs and adults on nesting beaches. With the reduction of this threat in many areas, coupled with other conservation actions, some populations have demonstrated encouraging recovery, although remaining below their previous levels and undergone additional modern threats such as incidental capture in fisheries and pollution. Trends in sea turtle populations have usually been assessed through monitoring of females or nests on nesting beaches. Here we present data from a 22-year monitoring period for a juvenile green sea turtle Chelonia mydas mixed-stock in southeastern Brazil that were incidentally captured in passive non-lethal pound nets. A total of 3639 green turtles were captured in 5323 fishing days.pound−1 with mortality rate of 2%. Captures occurred in all months, but bycatch rates, excluding recapture events, were higher in September and October, probably due to the recruitment of turtles migrating from southern areas, as well as recruits from the oceanic zone. Capture rates increased by 9.2% per year in the period from 1995 to 2016, in line with increasing source populations, particularly the main source contributor at Ascension Island, but also Trindade Island (Brazil) and Aves Island (Venezuela). Mean Curved Carapace Length of green turtles was higher during austral summer/early autumn and decreased markedly in May, probably due to the small-sized individuals that recruited to the study site. We show that the incidental capture of sea turtles in non-lethal fisheries, such as Brazilian pound nets, could also provide data on trends of populations nesting in distant places, and can contribute to the assessment of population status of sea turtles within Regional Management Units throughout the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   


The region between Mersin and ?skenderun was selected for studying marine turtles in the Turkish waters of the Mediterranean sea, as the most important nesting grounds of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Mediterranean are situated there. In the 1995–96 fishing season, the 5 trawl boats taking part in the project reported that nets in the Eastern Mediterranean trapped 160 Green Turtles and 26 Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta). In the following trawling season (1996/97), 306 Green Turtles, 116 Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) and 437 Nile Soft-shelled Turtles (Trionyx triunguis) were found to be trapped as a by-catch in the trawling nets. 87% of these turtles were captured by mid-trawling nets, the rest by bottom-trawling nets, mostly at depths of 11–30 m. 95% of all turtles were caught alive and healthy, and were usually released back into the sea immediately after capture by the fishermen. Training measures were given to local fishermen in order to raise their awareness of the threats to marine turtles.  相似文献   

Incidental catch is the major threat to the survival of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean and the main reason for their decline. More than 100,000 turtles are estimated to be caught annually due to fishing practices; 10–50% die. Bottom trawls are among the fishing gears exerting the worst impact on sea turtle populations, especially in the coastal waters of Tunisia and Libya, northern Adriatic Sea, the Mediterranean coastal areas of Turkey and Egypt, where the continental shelf is large and turtles in the demersal stage are commonly found also in winter. Seven adult-sized loggerhead turtles captured incidentally by bottom trawls in the central-northern Adriatic Sea and treated in rescue centres were tagged with satellite transmitters before release. In this paper Italian bottom trawl track data obtained from vessel monitoring systems (VMSs) were analysed by VMSbase R suite to identify the areas of maximum fishing effort in the Adriatic. These data were combined with satellite information on turtle distribution to provide an interaction index enabling prediction of potential trawl–turtle interaction hotspots and periods. The present pilot study can be considered as a risk-analysis approach directed at identifying the areas and times of possible trawling–turtle interactions in a Mediterranean trawl fishery. By identifying the areas and seasons at highest risk of turtle bycatch, the index here developed has the potential to provide key information to design and implement mitigation strategies. Vessel monitoring system is actually in force in several countries, therefore the approach here studied might have a worldwide application.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the gear parameters responsible for loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) capture and mortality while taking into account the mitigation measures tested in the Mediterranean Sea. Incidental catch is considered as one of the major threats for turtle survival; however, the loggerhead bycatch estimated in different areas seems to be unrealistic, which highlights the need of a method for homogenising the estimates. Drifting longlines and bottom trawls have the greatest impact on Mediterranean turtle populations, respectively in pelagic and demersal phase, while passive nets (gillnets and trammel nets) seem to be responsible for the highest direct mortality, due to drowning. Most of the experiments available for the Mediterranean are focused on drifting longline. The longline parameters, hook shape and size, bait type, setting position and the reaction to sensory stimuli, strongly affect the sea turtle bycatch and mortality. Circle hooks have the potential to reduce turtle mortality only in certain fisheries and areas; larger hooks are less likely to be swallowed by turtles due to physical constraints of the mouth, reducing the mortality rate and the catch of juveniles; branchlines, once ingested, appear to be one of the major causes of sea turtle mortality; squid bait, which consistently catches more turtles than mackerel, and lightsticks, which strongly attract turtles, should be banned, at least in some areas and seasons. On the contrary only two bottom trawl studies are available from the Mediterranean. Turtle excluder devices have been tested with promising results in Turkey and Italy, even if the loss of large fish should be carefully investigated. For set nets no practical solutions are available at this time. The analysis allows the conclusion that technical parameters affecting turtle bycatch and mortality should only be studied one at a time, in order to avoid inconclusive results, studies on post-release mortality should be implemented and finally fishermen cooperation is paramount in reducing turtle bycatch and mortality.  相似文献   

Paolo Casale  Gaspard Abitsi  Marie Pierre Aboro  Pierre Didier Agamboue  Laureen Agbode  Nontsé Lois Allela  Davy Angueko  Jean Noel Bibang Bi Nguema  François Boussamba  Floriane Cardiec  Emmanuel Chartrain  Claudio Ciofi  Yves Armand Emane  J. Michael Fay  Brendan J. Godley  Carmen Karen Kouerey Oliwiwina  Jean de Dieu Lewembe  Donatien Leyoko  Georges Mba Asseko  Pulcherie Mengue M’adzaba  Jean Hervé Mve Beh  Chiara Natali  Clauvice Nyama-Mouketou  Jacob Nzegoue  Carole Ogandagas  Richard J. Parnell  Guy Anicet Rerambyath  Micheline Schummer Gnandji  Guy-Philippe Sounguet  Manjula Tiwari  Bas Verhage  Raul Vilela  Lee White  Matthew J. Witt  Angela Formia 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2017,26(10):2421-2433
Gabon hosts nesting grounds for several sea turtle species, including the world’s largest rookery for the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Africa’s largest rookery for the olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) and smaller aggregations of the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas). To assess the level of incidental captures of turtles by the Gabonese trawl fishery, an onboard observer program was conducted in the period 2012–2013. A total of 143 turtles were captured by 15 trawlers during 271 fishing days. The olive ridley turtle was the main species captured (80% of bycaught turtles), with mostly adult-sized individuals. The remaining 20% included green turtles, hawksbill turtles, leatherback turtles and undetermined species. Bycatch per unit of effort (BPUE) of olive ridley turtles varied greatly depending on the period of the year (range of means: 0.261–2.270). Dead and comatose turtles were 6.2 and 24.6% respectively (n = 65). By applying the available fishing effort to two BPUE scenarios (excluding or considering a seasonal peak), the total annual number of captures was estimated as ranging between 1026 (CI 95% 746–1343) and 2581 (CI 95% 1641–3788) olive ridley turtles, with a mortality ranging from 63 (CI 95% 13–135) to 794 (CI 95% 415–1282) turtles per year depending on the scenario and on the fate of comatose turtles. Such a potential mortality may be reason for concern for the local breeding population of olive ridley turtles and recommendations in terms of possible conservation measures and further research are given.  相似文献   

The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is an endangered marine chelonian with a circum-global distribution. Reference blood parameter intervals have been published for some chelonian species, but baseline hematology, biochemical, and blood gas values are lacking from the Galapagos sea turtles. Analyses were done on blood samples drawn from 28 green turtles captured in two foraging locations on San Cristóbal Island (14 from each site). Of these turtles, 20 were immature and of unknown sex; the other eight were males (five mature, three immature). A portable blood analyzer (iSTAT) was used to obtain near immediate field results for pH, lactate, pO2, pCO2, HCO3 , Hct, Hb, Na, K, iCa, and Glu. Parameter values affected by temperature were corrected in two ways: (1) with standard formulas; and (2) with auto-corrections made by the iSTAT. The two methods yielded clinically equivalent results. Standard laboratory hematology techniques were employed for the red and white blood cell counts and the hematocrit determination, which was also compared to the hematocrit values generated by the iSTAT. Of all blood analytes, only lactate concentrations were positively correlated with body size. All other values showed no significant difference between the two sample locations nor were they correlated with body size or internal temperature. For hematocrit count, the iSTAT blood analyzer yielded results indistinguishable from those obtained with high-speed centrifugation. The values reported in this study provide baseline data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galapagos sea turtles. The findings might also be helpful in future efforts to demonstrate associations between specific biochemical parameters and disease.  相似文献   

“Cold-stunning” of sea turtles has been reported as a naturally occurring stressor for many years; however, the physiologic status of cold-stunned turtles has only been partially described. This study investigated initial and convalescent venous blood gas, acid-base, and critical plasma biochemical data for 26 naturally cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempii) from Cape Cod, MA, USA. Samples were analyzed for pH, pCO2, pO2, bicarbonate, plasma osmolality, sodium, potassium, chloride, ionized calcium, ionized magnesium, glucose, lactate, and blood urea nitrogen using a clinical point-of-care analyzer. Data were corrected for the patient’s body temperature using both species-specific and more general correction methods. In general, venous blood gas, acid-base, and plasma biochemical data obtained for surviving cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtles were consistent with previously documented data for sea turtles exposed to a wide range of temperatures and physiologic stressors. Data indicated that turtles were initially affected by metabolic and respiratory acidosis. Initial pH-corrected ionized calcium concentrations were lower than convalescent concentrations, and initial pH-corrected ionized magnesium concentrations were higher than convalescent concentrations.  相似文献   

Genetic markers have proven useful for determining which sea turtle rookeries contribute to a particular feeding ground. This information is especially relevant when management concerns include anthropogenic mortality of feeding cohorts, and the suspected presence of endangered populations. One such feeding habitat is the Pamlico–Albemarle Estuarine Complex in North Carolina, which was established as an index area in 1995 to monitor population-specific recovery of sea turtles. Pound nets in the study area were surveyed at random from September–December (1995–1997) to enumerate incidental captures of sea turtles as an index of sea turtle abundance. In this study, we estimated the rookery origins of this feeding cohort using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian based stock analysis programs and compare and contrast these different methodologies. The Bayesian methods appear to yield more realistic estimates of percent contribution to the feeding cohort when information regarding relative population sizes was used. Subsequently, we tested for temporal variation in the frequency of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes and resulting estimates of contribution over a 3-year time span. Mixed stock analysis of the combined data indicated that 80 of the individuals originated from the south Florida nesting population, 12 were from the northeast Florida to North Carolina nesting population, 6 from Yucatan, Mexico, and 2 from other rookeries. Although statistically significant shifts in haplotype frequencies were not observed between the three annual sampling periods, estimates of composition indicated subtle differences in the contributions to this foraging area over the sampling period.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations have a profound effect on the lag period of chemoautotrophically grown Hydrogenomonas eutropha. Minimum lag periods and high growth rates were obtained in shaken flask cultures with a prepared gas mixture containing 70% H(2), 20% O(2), and 10% CO(2). However, excessively long lag periods resulted when the same gas mixture was sparged through the culture. The lag period was shortened in sparged cultures by decreasing both the pO(2) and the pCO(2), indicating that gas medium equilibration had not occurred in shaken cultures. The lag period was completely eliminated at certain concentrations of O(2) and CO(2). The optimum pO(2) was 0.05 atm, but the optimum pCO(2) varied according to the pH of the medium and physiological age of the inoculum. At pH 6.4, the pCO(2) required to obtain immediate growth of exponential, postexponential, and stationary phase inocula at equal specific rates was 0.02, 0.05, and 0.16 atm, respectively. With each 0.3-unit increase in the pH of the medium, a 50% decrease in the CO(2) concentration was needed to permit growth to occur at the same rate. The pCO(2) changes required to compensate for the pH changes of the medium had the net effect of maintaining a constant bicarbonate ion concentration. Initial growth of H. eutropha was therefore indirectly related to pCO(2) and directly dependent upon a constant bicarbonate ion concentration.  相似文献   

(1) 2,3-Diphosphoglyceric acid (2,3-DPG) is present in the erythrocytes (RBC) of the 68-day loggerhead turtle embryo and 44-day green sea turtle embryo at levels of 7.4 and 5.5 μmoles/ml of RBC, representing the major organic phosphate during the latter period of embryonic development. (2) Inositol pentaphosphate (IPP) is absent in the red blood cells of the embryos of both the loggerhead and green sea turtle. (3) Near equimolar amounts of 2,3-DPG and IPP are present in the erythrocytes of the adult loggerhead and green sea turtle. The total concentration of these two organic phosphates is approximately 0.75 μmoles/ml of RBC in the adult of both species. (4) There is a switch from embryonic to adult hemoglobin during development of these two species of turtles; the two embryonic bands have identical electrophoretic mobilities, whereas the two adult bands migrate differently on cellulose acetate at pH 8.6. (5) The whole blood oxygen affinity of the adult loggerhead and green sea turtle is 60.3 and 32.6 Torr, respectively. (6) The stripped adult hemoglobins in these two species of turtles show no change in oxygen affinity upon addition of 2,3-DPG, ATP, or IPP. (7) It therefore appears unlikely that whole blood oxygen affinity is controlled by organic phosphate modulation of hemoglobin function in these species of turtles.  相似文献   

Szeto HH  Soong Y  Wu D  Olariu N  Kett A  Kim H  Clapp JF 《Peptides》1999,20(1):101-105
We compared the effects of three micro-(DAMGO, DALDA, TNPO) and three delta-(DPDPE, DELT, SNC-80) opioid agonists on arterial blood gas after IV administration in awake sheep. None of the mu agonists altered pO2, pCO2 or pH. All three mu agonists decreased pO2 increased pCO2 and decreased pO2, and this effect was not sensitive to naloxone or TIPPpsi, a delta-antagonist, suggesting that it is not mediated by beta-opioid receptors. When administered to pregnant animals, there were significant changes in fetal pCO2 and pH. It may be possible to develop delta-selective opioid agonists which do not produce respiratory depression.  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to collate canine cardiopulmonary measurements from published and unpublished studies in our laboratory in 97 instrumented, unsedated, normovolemic dogs. Body weight; arterial and mixed-venous pH and blood gases; mean arterial, pulmonary arterial, pulmonary artery occlusion, and central venous blood pressures; cardiac output; heart rate; hemoglobin; and core temperature were measured. Body surface area; bicarbonate concentration; base deficit; cardiac index; stroke volume index, systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance indices; left and right cardiac work indices; alveolar partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) ; alveolar-arterial pO2 gradient (A-apO2); arterial, mixed-venous, and pulmonary capillary oxygen content; oxygen delivery; oxygen consumption; oxygen extraction; venous admixture; arterial and mixed-venous blood CO2 contents; and CO2 production were calculated. In the 97 normal, resting dogs, mean arterial and mixed-venous pH were 7.38 and 7.36, respectively; partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), 40.2 and 44.1 mm Hg, respectively; base-deficit, -2.1 and -1.9 mEq/liter, respectively; pO2, 99.5 and 49.3 mm Hg, respectively; oxygen content, 17.8 and 14.2 ml/dl, respectively; A-a pO2 was 6.3 mm Hg; and venous admixture was 3.6%. The mean arterial blood pressure (ABPm), mean pulmonary arterial blood pressure (PAPm), pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) were 103, 14, and 5.5 mm Hg, respectively; heart rate was 87 beats/min; cardiac index (CI) was 4.42 liters/min/m2; systemic and pulmonary vascular resistances were 1931 and 194 dynes.sec.cm-5, respectively; oxygen delivery, consumption and extraction were 790 and 164 ml/min/m2 and 20.5%, respectively. This study represents a collation of cardiopulmonary values obtained from a large number of dogs (97) from a single laboratory using the same measurement techniques.  相似文献   

Measuring the metabolic of sea turtles is fundamental to understanding their ecology yet the presently available methods are limited. Accelerometry is a relatively new technique for estimating metabolic rate that has shown promise with a number of species but its utility with air-breathing divers is not yet established. The present study undertakes laboratory experiments to investigate whether rate of oxygen uptake ( o 2) at the surface in active sub-adult green turtles Chelonia mydas and hatchling loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta correlates with overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA), a derivative of acceleration used as a proxy for metabolic rate. Six green turtles (25–44 kg) and two loggerhead turtles (20 g) were instrumented with tri-axial acceleration logging devices and placed singly into a respirometry chamber. The green turtles were able to submerge freely within a 1.5 m deep tank and the loggerhead turtles were tethered in water 16 cm deep so that they swam at the surface. A significant prediction equation for mean o 2 over an hour in a green turtle from measures of ODBA and mean flipper length (R2 = 0.56) returned a mean estimate error across turtles of 8.0%. The range of temperatures used in the green turtle experiments (22–30°C) had only a small effect on o 2. A o 2-ODBA equation for the loggerhead hatchling data was also significant (R2 = 0.67). Together these data indicate the potential of the accelerometry technique for estimating energy expenditure in sea turtles, which may have important applications in sea turtle diving ecology, and also in conservation such as assessing turtle survival times when trapped underwater in fishing nets.  相似文献   

Rapid, safe, and effective methods of anesthetic induction and recovery are needed for sea turtles, especially in cases eligible for immediate release. This study demonstrates that intravenous propofol provides a rapid induction of anesthesia in loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles and results in rapid recovery, allowing safe return to water shortly after the procedure. Forty-nine loggerhead sea turtles were recovered as local fishery by-catch in pound nets and transported to a surgical suite for laparoscopic sex determination. Treatment animals (n = 32) received 5 mg/kg propofol intravenously (i.v.) as a rapid bolus, whereas control animals (n = 17) received no propofol. For analgesia, all animals received a 4 ml infusion of 1% lidocaine, locally, as well as 2 mg/kg ketoprofen intramuscularly (i.m.). Physiologic data included heart and respiratory rate, temperature, and a single blood gas sample collected upon termination of the laparoscopy. Subjective data included jaw tone and ocular reflex: 3 (vigorous) to 0 (none detected). Anesthetic depth was scored from 1, no anesthesia, to 3, surgical anesthesia. Turtles receiving propofol became apneic for a minimum of 5 min with a mean time of 13.7 +/- 8.3 min to the first respiration. Limb movement returned at a mean time of 21.1 +/- 16.8 min. The treatment animals were judged to be sedated for approximately 30 min (mean anesthetic depth score > or = 1.5) when compared to controls. Median respiratory rates for treatment animals were slower compared to controls for the first 15 min, then after 35 min, they became significantly faster than the controls. Median heart rates of control animals became significantly slower than treatment animals between 40 and 45 min. Physiologic differences between groups persisted a minimum of 55 min. Possible explanations for heart rate and respiratory rate differences later in the monitoring period include a compensatory recovery of treatment animals from anesthesia-induced hypoxia and hypercapnia or, alternatively, an induced response of the nonsedated control animals. The animals induced with propofol were easier to secure to the restraint device and moved less during laparoscopy. In conclusion, propofol is a safe and effective injectable anesthetic for use in free-ranging loggerhead sea turtles that provides rapid induction and recovery.  相似文献   

Great Lakes coastal wetlands are important habitats for turtles but few studies have looked at factors driving community structure in these systems. We evaluated the effects of wetland type, vegetation, and abiotic conditions on turtle communities for 56 wetlands in Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior with data collected during the summers of 2000–2008. Overall, 1,366 turtles representing seven species were captured using fyke nets. For the majority of species, catches were highest in drowned river mouth wetlands In addition, turtles tended to be more abundant in water lilies, submersed aquatic vegetation, and cattails compared to bulrush. We also found positive correlations between catches of four of the species as well as total turtle catch and turtle species richness with a human disturbance gradient. These correlations suggest that turtles may be able to utilize coastal wetland areas that are inhospitable to fish because of hypoxic conditions. Our results show the importance Great Lakes coastal wetlands to turtles, and stress the need for managers to take into account turtle populations when preparing conservation and restoration strategies.  相似文献   

Blood chemistry (pH, pCO2, pO2, glucose, lactate) as well as plasma insulin and growth hormone of calves derived from embryos produced under 2 different in vitro culture systems (modified SOFaa with 20% serum and co-culture with bovine oviduct epithelial cells [IVP serum, n=8] or with 3 mg/mL PVA [IVPdefined, n=6]) were compared with those of calves derived from AI (n=5). Calvings were classified according to the ease (unassisted, light traction, heavy traction). Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein of calves at 5, 15, 30 and 60 min, and at 2, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 h after delivery, then daily for 6 d. At the second day of life after 4 feedings and a 4-h fasting period, a glucose tolerance test was performed to evaluate glucose metabolism and insulin secretion. Calves in the IVP serum group had higher birth weights than AI calves (LS mean +/- SEM, IVP serum: 45.2 +/- 1.4 kg vs AI: 40.4 +/- 1.7 kg; P < 0.05), while the birth weights of calves in the IVP defined group were in between (IVPdefined: 41.9 +/- 1.6 kg). More IVP serum calves (75%) needed assistance than IVP defined (33%) or AI (40%) calves. The effect of ease of calving vs the effect of embryo culture was compared in relation to blood parameters at birth. There was an effect of ease of calving but not of embryo culture conditions on blood pH, lactate and PCO2. Calves requiring heavy traction had lower pH during the first 3 h after calving, a higher lactate during the first 60 min after calving and a higher pCO2 the first 2 h after calving than calves born unassisted. Calves requiring heavy traction also had lower pH the first 2 h and higher lactate the first 3 h after calving than calves born by light traction. IVP defined calves had lower lactate than IVP serum calves the first 60 min after calving. At 6 h after delivery, all blood parameters had stabilized. There was no effect of either embryo culture or ease of calving on basal insulin and growth hormone level, or the ability of the calves to handle glucose postnatally and during a glucose tolerance test.  相似文献   

Studies on lung injury and its treatment options are often performed on small animals like rats. Because conventional blood gas analyses may not detect rapid changes in gas exchange during respiratory distress syndrome and intermittent blood withdrawal can result in hypo-volaemia and anaemia, we tested the applicability and accuracy of a continuous intravascular blood gas monitor (Paratrend 7+). Anaesthetized and ventilated rats with a body weight of 398 +/-45 g (n =22) had a 20-gauge cannula inserted in both carotid arteries. A photochemical blood gas sensor for continuous measurement (Paratrend 7+) was advanced into the aorta via the left carotid artery. Blood was sampled for intermittent blood gas analysis by means of the right carotid artery. Arterial pO(2) was varied by applying different inspiratory oxygen concentrations, and arterial pCO(2) by applying different respiratory rates. Paired blood gas measurements (n =136) were analysed over a wide range of pO(2) values (5.3-76.8 kPa). We found an acceptable correlation for pO(2) (r(2)=0.98), pCO(2) (r(2)=0.96) and pH (r(2)=0.92). The calculated bias and imprecision for pO(2) was -1.0 +/- 3.3 kPa, for pCO(2) 0.04 +/- 0.28 kPa and for hydrogen ion concentration -0.05 +/-2.2 nmol/l. We conclude that in rats, continuous blood gas monitoring with a photochemical blood gas sensor provides pO(2), pCO(2) and pH measurements with acceptable accuracy.  相似文献   

Fisheries bycatch of marine animals has been linked to population declines of multiple species, including many sea turtles. Altering the visual cues associated with fishing gear may reduce sea turtle bycatch. We examined the effectiveness of illuminating gillnets with ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes for reducing green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) interactions. We found that the mean sea turtle capture rate was reduced by 39.7% in UV-illuminated nets compared with nets without illumination. In collaboration with commercial fishermen, we tested UV net illumination in a bottom-set gillnet fishery in Baja California, Mexico. We did not find any difference in overall target fish catch rate or market value between net types. These findings suggest that UV net illumination may have applications in coastal and pelagic gillnet fisheries to reduce sea turtle bycatch.  相似文献   

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