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Xi C  Liu N  Liang F  Guo S  Sun Y  Yang F  Xi Y 《Gene》2006,366(1):67-76
Chicken type II procollagen (ccol2a1) has become as an important oral tolerance protein for effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. However, its molecular identity remains unclear. Here, we reported the full-length cDNA and nearly complete genomic DNA encoding ccol2a1. We have determined the structural organization, evolutional characters, developmental expression and chromosomal mapping of the gene. The full-length cDNA sequence spans 4837 bp containing all the coding region of the ccol2a1 including 3' and 5' untranslation region. The deduced peptide of ccol2a1, composed of 1420 amino acids, can be divided into signal peptide, N-propeptide, N-telopeptide, triple helix, C-telopeptide and C-propeptide. The ccol2a1 genomic DNA sequence was determined to be 12,523 bp long containing 54 exons interrupted by 53 introns. Comparison of the ccol2a1 with its counterparts in human, mouse, canine, horse, rat, frog and newt revealed highly conserved sequence in the triple helix domain. Chromosomal mapping of ccol2a1 locates it on 4P2. While the ccol2a1 mRNA was expressed in multiple tissues, the protein was only detected in chondrogenic cartilage, vitreous body and cornea. The ccol2a1 was found to contain two isoforms detected by RT-PCR. The distribution of the ccol2a1 lacking exon 2wasfrequently detected in chondrogenic tissues, whereas the exon 2-containing isoform was more abundant in non-chondrogenic tissues. These results provide useful information for preparing recombinant chicken type II collagen and for a better understanding of normal cartilage development.  相似文献   

Cloned genomic DNA sequences corresponding to various regions of the human type II procollagen gene were used to analyze the DNA from 78 normal volunteers. Southern hybridization experiments detected polymorphic HindIII, BamHI, and EcoRI sites. The presence of the polymorphic HindIII site results in a 7.0-kilobase (kb) band, and the absence of this site results in a 14.0-kb band. When present, the BamH1 polymorphic site yields a 4.8-kb band, and when absent, yields a 7.2-kb band. The presence of the EcoRI polymorphic site results in a 3.7-kb band, and its absence results in a 7.0-kb band. Each polymorphic site was mapped. Analyses of the data demonstrated that the sites are present in overall gene frequencies of .39 for HindIII, .04 for BamHI, and .02 for EcoRI. Gene frequencies of the polymorphic sites were also studied with respect to race. The polymorphic sites are present in a Hardy-Weinberg distribution in the study population. Study of an extended family demonstrated that the segregation of the HindIII polymorphic site is consistent with Mendelian inheritance.  相似文献   

A recombinant human DNA library was screened using probes corresponding to the chick alpha 1 (II) procollagen gene. This resulted in the isolation of 2 different genomic clones, LgHCol(II)a and LgHCol(II)b. LgHCol(II)a was identified as corresponding to the alpha 1(II) gene by comparative hybridization and DNA sequence analysis. DNA sequence established that LgHCol(II)a extends at least from amino acid 694 of the triple helix through 54 amino acids of the COOH-propeptide. Hybridization with a probe containing only the exon at the 3' end of the chicken gene suggests that the clone contains the 3' end of the human gene. Thus LgHCol(II)a contains approximately 40% of the coding sequences of the human type II collagen gene.  相似文献   

The kinetic constants were examined for the cleavage of several types of procollagen by type I/II procollagen N-proteinase. The Km values were essentially the same (0.2 microM) for chick type I procollagen, human type I procollagen, and chick type II procollagen. However, the Vmax values differed over a 14-fold range. As reported previously, the enzyme did not cleave denatured type I or II procollagen. Also, it did not cleave human type III procollagen which contains the same scissle -Pro-Gln- bond as the pro-alpha 1(I) chain of type I procollagen. To explain the observations, Chou-Fasman rules were used to compare the secondary structures of the cleavage sites in the procollagens. The results supported a previous suggestion (Helseth, D. L., Jr., Lechner, J. L., and Veis, A. (1979) Biopolymers 18, 3005-3014) that the region carboxyl-terminal to cleavage site in the pro-alpha 1(I) chain of type I procollagen was in a hairpin conformation consisting of a beta-sheet, beta-turn, and beta-sheet. In both chick and human type I procollagen, the hairpin loop in the pro-alpha 1(I) chain consisted of about 18 amino acids. The cleavage site itself was in a short alpha-helical structure of four or five amino acids. The pro-alpha 2(I) chains had a similar hairpin loop of about 14 amino acids and alpha-helix of four or five amino acids containing the cleavage site. Chick type II procollagen, which had the highest Vmax value, had a longer hairpin structure of 22 amino acids, and the cleavage site was in a longer alpha-helical domain of 10 amino acids. In contrast, type III procollagen had a random-coil conformation in the same region. The results help to explain the unusual substrate requirements of type I/II N-proteinase. They also help explain why mutations that produce in-frame deletions of amino acids 84 or more residues carboxyl-terminal to the cleavage site make the protein resistant to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy (AO), or Stickler syndrome, is a dominantly inherited disorder characterized by vitreo-retinal degeneration and frequently accompanied by epiphyseal dysplasia and premature degenerative joint disease. Three large families with AO were analyzed for clinical manifestations of the disease and for coinheritance of the genetic defect with RFLPs in the type II procollagen gene (COL2A1). Genetic linkage between AO and COL2A1 was demonstrated in the largest family, with a maximum LOD score of 3.52 at a recombination distance of zero. Data from a second family also supported linkage of AO and COL2A1, with a LOD score of 1.20 at a recombination distance of zero. These results are consistent with the conclusion that mutations in the COL2A1 gene are responsible for AO in these two families. In a third AO family, however, recombination between AO and COL2A1 occurred in at least one meiosis, and the data were inconclusive with respect to linkage.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the cartilage matrix molecule chondrocalcin has been found to be identical with that of the C-propeptide of type II procollagen by comparing sequence analyses of the N-terminal regions and of tryptic peptides derived from chondrocalcin. This implies that in type II collagen the C-propeptide of type II collagen is employed not only in the assembly of the triple helix of type II collagen, as demonstrated previously, but in calcifying cartilage it may also be involved in those events leading to cartilage calcification, as earlier indicated.  相似文献   

Identification of genomic DNA coding for chicken type II procollagen   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A segment of the type II procollagen gene has been isolated by screening a lambda Charon 4A library containing fragments of chicken genomic DNA. The specific clone, LgCOL(II), was selected by hybridization using overlapping inserts from two cDNA clones which are specific for a cartilage procollagen (Vuorio, E., Sandell, L., Kravis, D., Sheffield, V. C., Vuorio, T., Dorfman, A., and Upholt, W. B. (1982) Nucleic Acids Res. 10, 1175-1192). DNA sequence analysis of LgCOL(II) in the COOH-telopeptide region of the protein, shows conclusively that this DNA corresponds to the chicken type II procollagen gene. Hybridization of cDNA probes to restriction fragment gel blots together with DNA sequence analysis have established the orientation and position of the procollagen gene within the lambda Charon 4A vector and indicate that LgCOL(II) contains approximately 6 kilobase pairs of the type II procollagen gene plus additional DNA flanking the 3' end of the gene. DNA sequence analysis shows directly that LgCOL(II) contains DNA sequences identical with those in the cDNA clones. The portion of the gene from amino acid 578 of the triple helical region to the COOH-terminal end of the protein (approximately 700 amino acids) is contained within the clone, corresponding to approximately 50% of the amino acid coding sequence of the gene. This region of the chicken alpha 1 (type II) procollagen gene is encoded within a shorter segment of the chicken genome than is the corresponding region of the alpha 2(type I) procollagen gene.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids decrease type I procollagen synthesis by decreasing the steady state levels of procollagen mRNAs and mRNA synthesis. The present studies were undertaken to determine the functional sequences of the pro alpha 2(I) collagen gene required for the glucocorticoid-mediated decrease of type I procollagen mRNA synthesis. Embryonic mouse fibroblasts were stably transfected with the pR40 DNA CAT construct containing the 5' flanking region fragment from -2048 to +54 and the intronic fragment from +418 to +1524 of the mouse alpha 2(I) collagen gene. Dexamethasone treatment of these pR40 transfected fibroblasts resulted in a significant decrease in CAT activity which agrees with the glucocorticoid-mediated decrease of the steady state levels of type I procollagen mRNAs. To determine the possible role of the first intron fragment in the dexamethasone-mediated decrease of CAT activity, pR36, a CAT plasmid containing the first intron fragment and the SV40 early promoter, was transfected into mouse fibroblasts and treated with dexamethasone. No significant decrease in CAT activity was observed. The dexamethasone-mediated response was then localized within the 5' flanking region by preparing a series of constructs containing internal deletions and transfecting these plasmids into mouse fibroblasts. The regions -2048 to -981 and -506 to -351 were required for the dexamethasone response of gene activity. However, the DNA stretch from -981 to -506 was not. Analysis of the DNA sequences of these regions revealed a single GRE at -1023 to -1018 and a modified doublet at -873 to -856.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Preparation of type III procollagen and collagen from rat skin   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

We have studied the immunoreactivity of human sera and synovial fluids in a radioimmunoassay which utilizes an anti-bovine procollagen type III antiserum and the bovine type III procollagen peptide as standard and tracer. We have noticed a complete cross reaction between bovine col 1-3 and human synovial fluid, which thus contains substance (s) having the same antigenic determinant (s) as col 1-3. On the contrary, we have demonstrated non parallelism between col 1-3 and human serum, whether the serum was obtained from normal subjects or patients suffering from various diseases. These results suggest that immunoreactive substances related to col 1-3 and detected in sera are at least partially different from those detected in synovial fluids.  相似文献   

In many embryonic tissues, type IIA procollagen is synthesized and deposited into the extracellular matrix containing the NH(2)-propeptide, the cysteine-rich domain of which binds to bone morphogenic proteins. To investigate whether matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) synthesized during development and disease can cleave the NH(2) terminus of type II procollagens, we tested eight types of enzymes. Recombinant trimeric type IIA collagen NH(2)-propeptide encoded by exons 1-8 fused to the lectin domain of rat surfactant protein D was used as a substrate. The latter allowed trimerization of the propeptide domain and permitted isolation by saccharide affinity chromatography. Although MMPs 1, 2, and 8 did not show cleavage, MMPs 3, 7, 9, 13, and 14 cleaved the recombinant protein both at the telopeptide region and at the procollagen N-proteinase cleavage site. MMPs 7 and 13 demonstrated other cleavage sites in the type II collagen-specific region of the N-propeptide; MMP-7 had another cleavage site close to the COOH terminus of the cysteine-rich domain. To prove that an MMP can cleave the native type IIA procollagen in situ, we demonstrated that MMP-7 removes the NH(2)-propeptide from collagen fibrils in the extracellular matrix of fetal cartilage and identified the cleavage products. Because the N-proteinase and telopeptidase cleavage sites are present in both type IIA and type IIB procollagens and the telopeptide cleavage site is retained in the mature collagen fibril, this processing could be important to type IIB procollagen and to mature collagen fibrils as well.  相似文献   

D Cockayne  K R Cutroneo 《Biochemistry》1988,27(8):2736-2745
Nuclei were isolated from control and dexamethasone-treated (2 h) embryonic chick skin fibroblasts and transcribed in vitro. Nuclei isolated from dexamethasone-treated fibroblasts transcribed less pro alpha 1(I) and pro alpha 2(I) mRNAs but not beta-actin mRNA. Fibroblasts receiving dexamethasone and [5,6-3H]uridine also demonstrated decreased synthesis of nuclear type I procollagen mRNAs but not beta-actin mRNA. In fibroblasts treated with cycloheximide the newly synthesized nuclear type I procollagen mRNA species were markedly decreased. An enhanced inhibitory effect was observed when fibroblasts were treated with cycloheximide plus dexamethasone. Since the studies above demonstrate that active protein synthesis is required to maintain the constitutive expression of the type I procollagen genes, we determined if glucocorticoids regulate DNA-binding proteins with sequence specificity for the alpha 2(I) procollagen gene. Nuclear protein blots were probed with the 32P-end-labeled pBR322 vector DNA and 32P-end-labeled alpha 2(I) procollagen promoter containing DNA. Nonhistone proteins remained bound to labeled DNA at stringency washes of 0.05 and 0.1 M NaCl. As the ionic strength was increased to 0.2 and 0.3 M NaCl, the nonhistone-protein DNA binding was preferentially lost. Only the low molecular weight proteins remained bound to labeled DNA at the highest ionic strength, indicating nonspecific binding of these nuclear proteins. Dexamethasone treatment resulted in an increase of binding of nonhistone proteins to vector- and promoter-labeled DNAs over that observed in control fibroblasts at stringency washes of 0.05 and 0.1 M NaCl and to a lesser extent at 0.2 M NaCl. The binding specificities of nonhistone proteins for the alpha 2(I) procollagen promoter containing DNA were calculated. Three nonhistone DNA-binding proteins of Mr 90,000, 50,000, and 30,000 had altered specificities following dexamethasone treatment.  相似文献   

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