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山西省辛安泉泉域大型藻类的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1995~2003年间,对山西省辛安泉域的藻类植物进行了4次采集,共采得藻类植物标本71号,已鉴定出的大型藻类植物36种,隶属6门, 11科, 18属。其中,以绿藻门的种类最多,有4科8属19种;其次是蓝藻门,有2科5属11种;再次为黄藻门,有2科2属3种;排在最后的是红藻门,硅藻门和轮藻门,分别仅有1科1属1种。群落主要包括4类,即刚毛藻群落(Cladophora community),无隔藻群落(Vaucheria community),水绵-双星藻群落(Spirogyra-Zygnema community)和轮藻群落(Chara community)。  相似文献   

研究了环境因子对辛安泉泉域泉溪大型藻类的影响。2009年7月~2010年4月对标本进行了4次采集(每个季节一次),对每个采样点的环境因子水温,pH,电导,溶氧,流速,水体最大深度和宽度进行了监测和记录,同时对标本进行了显微观察和鉴定。经鉴定,该泉域共有大型藻类植物42种。采用灰关联分析法分析了以上环境因子对泉溪大型藻类植物种类数的影响。结果表明,影响的关键因子为水温和流速。分析结果与前人文献相一致。因此,表明将灰关联分析法应用于藻类生态环境研究方面是可行的。  相似文献   

娘子关泉域藻类植物的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1984~2000年间,对娘子关泉域的藻类植物进行了15次采集,共采得藻类植物标本200余号。经鉴定,有107种,隶属7门,32科,49属。其中,以绿藻门的种类最多,有13科,19属,45种。其次是裸藻门,有2科,7属,26种。排在最后的是轮藻门,有1科,1属,3种。群落主要包括8类,即刚毛藻-红毛菜群落(Cladophora Bangia community),刚毛藻群落(Cladophora community),拖拉藻-轮藻群落(Chara Thorea community),弯枝藻-拖拉藻群落(Composopogon-Thorea community),水绵-双星藻群落(Spirogyra Zygnema community),无隔藻群落(Vaucheria community),串珠藻群落(Batrachospermum community)和泡状饶氏藻群落(Jaoa community)。其中,有的群落类型已趋于消失或消失,许多种类已成为濒危物种,其原因主要是人为因素造成藻类植物生存环境的改变或破坏。本文也提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

对山西省辛安泉泉域弧形串珠藻的物候期进行了研究。2005年1月至10月对标本进行了4次采集(每个季节1次),同时对每个采样点的环境因子如气温,水温,流速,pH,溶氧,电导进行了监测和记录。在显微镜下对弧形串珠藻的10个主要形态特征进行了观察和测量。研究结果表明,所有的环境因子都有不同程度的季节变化,而且弧形串珠藻的某些形态特征也表现出了明显的季节变化,在春季生长良好,夏季生长相对较差。同时将环境因子对其的影响也作了相关性分析,结果表明,尽管弧形串珠藻的生长发育在一定程度上受环境的影响,但最主要的影响因素还是其自身的生物发育规律。  相似文献   

海草与其附生藻类之间的相互作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海草床是滨海湿地中重要的生态系统,近年来世界范围内出现大面积的海草床衰退,水体富营养化引发附生藻类的大量繁殖是其中的一个主要原因。本文综述了近20年来关于海草与其附生藻类之间相互作用的研究进展,包括海草床中附生藻类的地位及其积极作用,附生藻类与海草的物质交换关系,附生藻类对海草的影响(主要是光利用限制和营养物质利用限制)。对海草床中海草-附生藻类群落复杂的生态关系提出了研究展望,包括海草与其附生藻类的物质交换机制,海草与其附生藻类对营养物质利用的竞争关系,附生藻类生物量分别对海草可利用光和光合作用能力的削弱关系,海草与附生藻类对海草床初级生产力的贡献随环境因子的变化关系,通过原位观测数据的积累建立海草生长与生物作用的模型等。  相似文献   

海草附生藻类生物量的主要影响因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张景平  黄小平 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5611-5617
海草叶片上的附生藻类负荷量很大程度上决定了其对海草影响的强度及利弊的方向,它是各种非生物因子及生物因子相互作用的结果.总结了近20a来海草附生藻类生物量控制因子的研究进展,归纳得出影响海草附生藻类生物量的因子主要有生物因子中海草自身的生理特性和食草动物的摄食作用、化学因子中的营养盐浓度、物理因子中的可利用光强度和水流等.其中,作为主要上行效应的营养盐浓度以及作为主要下行效应的摄食作用对海草附生藻类生物量起十分重要的调节作用.最后,对未来的研究提出了展望:①上行效应及下行效应对于调节海草-附生藻类群落结构的相对重要性及其定量分析;②在各种因子单独作用以及联合作用下附生藻类生物量的变化规律;③海草释放化感物质调节附生藻类生长的机制;④附生藻类对海草生长的综合作用机制.  相似文献   

福建红树林区大型藻类的生态学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
主要研究中国福建省红树林区大型藻类分布、优势种的生物量和林冠下藻种的垂直分布特点。结果表明:福建红树林区的大型藻类有24属42种,其中蓝藻8属15种、红藻3属7种、绿藻13属20种。优势种中鹧鸪菜(Caloglossa leprieurii)和节附链藻(Catenella impudica)的生物量在6月分别为2.22~8.44g/m~2 DW和2.69g/m~2 DW,在12月分别为0.15~0.20g/m~2 DW和2.12g/m~2 DW。红树林中树干上附着生长的大型藻类的垂直分布自下而上可分成6个带:1.无隔藻(Vaucheria sp.)带;2、节附链藻带;3.侧枝鹧鸪菜-混合卷枝藻(Caloglossa ogasawaraensis-Bostrychia mixta)带;4.鹧鸪菜带;5.硬毛藻-岸生根枝藻(Chaetomorpha macrotona-Rhizoclonium riparium)带;6.绿球藻(Chlorococcum sp.)带。  相似文献   

为探究大型浅水湖泊中沉水植物对浊度的影响,对大型浅水湖泊——太湖(有草区和无草区)进行了为期1年的野外调查,将浊度分为藻类浊度(TurbAlg)和非藻类浊度(TurbNonAlg),分析其变异规律及其对总浊度(TurbTot)贡献率的差异。结果显示:(1)太湖水体中TurbNonAlg(年均值为2.45/m)为主要的浊度组分,占总浊度(2.88/m)的83%,春季时高达89%;(2)有草区TurbNonAlg(2.52/m)和无草区的(2.37/m)差异不显著(P>0.05);(3)在相同TP范围内,有草区TurbAlg (0.21/m)和无草区的(0.32/m)无明显差异(P>0.05),在夏季时甚至略高于后者。研究表明,在大型浅水湖泊中,沉水植物对水体浊度的抑制效果有限,对非藻类浊度和藻类浊度均未起到有效的控制作用。因此,在相同营养条件下,大型浅水湖泊更易发生稳态转换,且发生转换后恢复原始状态的难度也可能更大。  相似文献   

用镉/血红蛋白饱和法测定海带、裙带菜、石莼、甘紫菜和石花菜等5种藻类MT的含量,结果表明:5种藻每g湿藻分别含2.5mg、5mg、4.8mg、2.6mg、2.4mg类MT;经CdCl2诱导后,类MT含量有不同程度的增加,分别变成5.2mg、8.8mg、10.0mg、4.0mg、3.2mg,其中石莼的诱导效果最显著,类MT的含量为每g湿藻含10.0mg类MT,是未经诱导的2.1倍。石莼、裙带莱和海带都是生产类MT的廉价材料。  相似文献   

温室气体排放导致的全球变暖受到广泛关注.近期研究发现,经由河流系统排放的二氧化碳(CO2)和甲烷(CH4)可部分抵消陆地生态系统的碳固定量,从而使人们开始重新思考河流对于全球碳平衡和温室气体排放清单的影响.作为城市河流系统中重要的初级生产者,大型丝状藻类通过改变水-沉积物界面物理、化学以及生物等环境因子,深刻影响着河流生态系统的碳循环过程.本文从3个方面阐述大型丝状藻类对于城市河流中CH4排放的影响:城市化对河流生态系统及其CH4排放通量的影响;大型丝状藻类对自然河流系统中CH4产生与排放过程的影响;大型丝状藻类对城市河流系统初级生产力及CH4产生过程的影响.最后对目前存在的问题和今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

In a survey of 1000 20-m long stream segments in North America from 73°N to 10° N, 259 infrageneric taxa were identified, composed of 35% Chlorophyta, 24% Cyanophyta, 21% Chrysophyta, 20% Rhodophyta, and one species of Phaeophyta. The most common morphological forms were mats (42%), gelatinous colonies (23%), and gelatinous filaments (13%); the majority of taxa were vegetative (78%). The frequency of reproductive states varied among the biomes examined, with the highest values observed as follows: vegetative (85%) in the tundra, sexual (35%) in the deciduous forest, and asexual (21%) in the tropical rainforest. In terms of total species, the tundra had the lowest number (54), the boreal forest had the greatest number (100), and other well-sampled biomes had 84 to 87. The Chlorophyta had the greatest species numbers in all biomes, and the relative contribution of this division did not vary significantly throughout the continent. With regard to similarity of species composition, the two closest associations were the boreal forest with the western coniferous forest and the eastern hemlock–hardwood forest with the deciduous forest. Species numbers per stream segment ranged from 0 to 11 (X?= 3.1), cover ranged from 0 to 100% (X?= 15%), and there was no significant difference in these values among the biomes. The cyanophyte Phormidium retzii (C. Ag.) Gom. was the most widespread species (in 172 segments and all biomes). The majority of species were found in moderate current velocities (X?= 40 cm X? s?1), neutral to slightly alkaline pH (X?= 7.5), and moderately low ion waters (X?= 261 μS · cm?1). On both tropical and Arctic islands, there was no significant increase in total species or species numbers per stream segment with increasing surface area.  相似文献   

 以苔藓植物盖度为指标,应用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对长白山地区不同森林类型36个样地的树附生苔藓植物群落分布格局进行了研究。结果表明,长白山地区树附生苔藓植物的分布格局与森林植被类型相对应,可分成落叶松林、岳桦林、暗针叶林、暗针叶林与红松阔叶林间过渡林、红松阔叶林、白桦林6类树附生苔藓植物群落类型,文章分析了影响树附生苔藓植物群落生态分布的环境因素。  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and dark respiration rates were measured in water and in air, and the capacity to recover photosynthetic activity from emersion stress was examined for two species of intertidal, epiphytic macroalgae—Bostrychia calliptera (Montagne) Montagne and Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) J. Agardh—collected on prop roots of the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle L. in Buenaventura Bay, Pacific coast of Colombia. In both species, net photosynthetic rates were significantly higher under submersed conditions. Maximum photosynthetic rates (Pmax) in water and in air were highest in B. calliptera, 126 ± 4 versus 52 ± 9 μmol O2·mg chl a−1·h−1, respectively. In C. leprieurii, Pmax of submerged plants in water and in air were 98 ± 9 versus 30 ± 11 μmol O2·mg chla−1·h−1. The photoinhibition model of Platt et al. (1980) was used to fit the experimental data in both water and air for both species. Photoinhibition occurred at irradiance as low as 200 μmol·m−2·s−1. The photosynthesis–light response curves demonstrated an adaptation to shaded habitats for both species, as light compensation points in water and air for both species were below 17 ± 5 μmol·m−2·s−1. The rate of dehydration was significantly lower in thalli of B. calliptera compared to C. leprieurii. An increase of photosynthetic activity in B. calliptera was evident between 5% and 15% water loss, but rates decreased thereafter with declining water content. In C. leprieurii, desiccation negatively influenced photosynthetic rates that significantly decreased linearly with declining water content. In B. calliptera, net photosynthesis reached zero only at a water content between 29% and 35%, whereas in C. leprieurii no net photosynthesis occurred in plants containing less than about 50% of their relative water content. Resubmerged plants ofB. calliptera exhibited 100% photosynthetic recovery after 45 min, whereas C. leprieurii recovered 100% at about 120 min. On the basis of the comparison of rates of light-saturated net photosynthesis for B. calliptera in air versus in water, aerial photosynthetic activity ranged from 35% to 42% of that in water, whereas the emersed photosynthetic capacity of C. leprieurii ranged from 24% to 29% of that in water. Using tidal predictions and the emersed photosynthetic rates, a carbon balance model was constructed for both species over a single daylight period. The calculations indicated that emersed photosynthesis increased average daily carbon production of B. calliptera by 17% and C. leprieuri by 12%. The physiological responses to desiccation stress and the photosynthetic recovery capacities between species correlated with, and may determine, their vertical distribution in the mangrove habitats of Buenaventura Bay.  相似文献   

以三峡库区支流-汝溪河自然河段为研究区域,调查了自然河段内9个样点的附石藻类群落和水环境理化特征,并在此基础上应用生物完整性评价指数(Index of Biotic Integrity,IBI),对汝溪河水生态系统进行健康评价。结果表明,汝溪河自然河段附石藻类群落结构具有明显的空间和时间异质性,驱动附石藻类群落结构形成的水环境因子为电导率、浊度、硝态氮和溶解氧。IBI结果表明,上游生物完整性较高;中下游和下游生物完整性较差;枯水期生物完整性较高,而平水期和丰水期生物完整性较低。由此可见,汝溪河自然河段生物完整性一般,表明汝溪河水生态系统已处于亚健康程度。  相似文献   

A survey of the spatial distribution of benthic macroalgae in a fluvial lake of the St. Lawrence River (Lake Saint‐Pierre, Quebec, Canada) revealed a shift in composition from chlorophytes to cyanobacteria along the flow path of nutrient‐rich waters originating from tributaries draining farmlands. The link between this shift and changes in water quality characteristics was investigated by sampling at 10 sites along a 15 km transect. Conductivity, current, light extinction, total phosphorus (TP; >25 μg P · L?1), and ammonium (8–21 μg N · L?1) remained fairly constant along the transect in contrast to nitrate concentrations, which fell sharply. Filamentous and colonial chlorophytes [Cladophora sp. and Hydrodictyon reticulatum (L.) Bory] dominated in the first 5 km where nitrate concentrations were >240 μg N · L?1. A mixed assemblage of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria characterized a 1 km transition zone where nitrate decreased to 40–80 μg N · L?1. In the last section of the transect, nitrate concentrations dropped below 10 μg N · L?1, and cyanobacteria (benthic filamentous mats of Lyngbya wollei Farl. ex Gomont and epiphytic colonies of Gloeotrichia) dominated the benthic community. The predominance of nitrogen‐fixing, potentially toxic cyanobacteria likely resulted from excessive nutrient loads and may affect nutrient and trophic dynamics in the river.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of epilithic algae was correlated with major physico-chemical parameters in a first-order, heavily shaded stream in northern Arizona. Diatoms made up over 85%, by numerical abundance, of the epilithon community Light energy, water temperature, and stream discharge were most highly correlated with seasonal abundance of epilithic diatom taxa when analyzed with stepwise multiple regression. None of the chemical variables measured in the study (NO3-N, O-PO4, SiO2, including PH) was found to be significantly correlated with the seasonal community structure of epilithic diatoms. Total diatom cell densities showed a significant negative correlation to stream bed light energy. Likewise, total diatom cell densities along a transect in the stream bed showed a negative correlation to current velocity during those months when base flow was low and stable, and current velocity was ≤25 cm·sec-1. Most diatom taxa had highest cell densities at temperatures < 16°C and at daily mean stream bed light levels < 400 μE·m?2·s?1. Highest cell densities of green algae occurred at temperatures between 6–16°C and at daily mean stream bed light levels of > 400 μE·m?2·s?1. Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) grew best at the highest recorded water temperatures and daily mean stream bed light energy (16–20°C and 900–1200 μE·m?2·s?1). Abrupt increases in NO3-N coincided with a brief pulse of Nostoc pruniforme colonies during June, and leaf drop from Alnus oblongifolia during October.  相似文献   

于2015年3月到7月在湖北省内多处水体采集浮游藻类样品,通过光学显微镜观察样品形态,共鉴定出团藻目群体鞭毛类3科5属8种。其中四豆藻科Tetrabaenaceae Nozaki et Itoh为中国新记录科,四豆藻属Tetra-baena(Dujardin)Fromentel和似团藻属Volvulina Playfair为中国新记录属,发现了5个新记录种分别为简单四豆藻Tetrabaena socialis(Dujardin)Nozaki et Itoh、科尔曼实球藻Pandorina colemaniae Nozaki、致密似团藻Vol-vulina compacta Nozaki、柱状空球藻Eudorina cylindrical Korshikov和单果空球藻Eudorina unicocca Smith。基于3种分子标记进行的系统发育分析验证了各样品的形态学鉴定;同时四豆藻科、盘藻科和团藻科均为单系类群,进一步支持了Nozaki的分类系统。  相似文献   

 通过2005和2006年夏季两次对新疆古尔班通古特沙漠南部荒漠土壤中藻类植物进行采样、培养、鉴定和生物量测定,分析了该区沙漠沙垄不同部位藻类物种组成、优势种和生物量的垂直变化。结果表明:1)在不同地貌部位的不同层次中,藻类的种类组成均有所差异。2)藻类优势物种主要集中在0~2 cm层次中,2 cm以下的土层中藻类细胞很少,绝大部分土层以具鞘微鞘藻(Microcoleus vaginatus)为第一优势种,有些部位的土层中第一优势种是伪双点颤藻(Oscillatoria pseudogeminata),如垄间低地和迎风坡的1~2 cm中。此外,大型集胞藻(Synechocystis crassa)、舟形藻 (Navicula sp.)、卵圆双眉藻(Amphora ovalis)数量也较多。3)除垄顶外,藻类生物量在其它3个部位不同层次的差异呈极显著水平(p<0.01),生物量由表及里锐减;在同一土层,藻类生物量基本表现为垄间低地最高,迎风坡与背风坡居中, 垄顶最低,不同地貌部位对藻类生物量影响呈显著或极显著水平。  相似文献   

Colonization dynamics and metabolism of algal communities on wood (small pieces of Douglas fir) and artificial rock (tiles) substrata were investigated in an open reach in Mack Creek, Cascade Mountain Range, Oregon, for 42 days. Chlorophyll a concentration was not significantly different between the two algal communities (ANOVA, P = 0.119). Even though differences in cell densities were not significantly different between the two algal communities (ANOVA, P = 0.063), biovolume and diversity were greater in epixylic than in epilithic communities (ANOVA, P = 0.011 and 0.002, respectively). The same algal taxa occurred on both substrata, but some of them (e.g. Ceratoneis arcus Grun., Cymbella minuta Hilse ex Rabh., Zygnema sp.) were more numerous on wood, whereas a few others preferred tiles (e.g. Achnanthes lanceolata (Bréb.) Grun.). Scanning electron microscopy revealed a much higher surface roughness on wood, which likely led to a patchy distribution of the algae and the development of stalked diatom species. However, adnate species adapted much better to the mainly flat surfaces of tiles. Net community primary productivity (NCPP) measured in 42-day-old substrata was moderate on tiles but negative on wood. Community respiration (CR) was significantly higher on wood than on tiles. Epixylic algal communities exhibited greater nitrogen demand than epilithic communities after ammonium addition. NCPP shifted to positive values on wood but did not increase on tiles. Despite metabolic differences, the variations between the two communities are more closely related to the physical characteristics of the substrata and the attachment abilities of the algal taxa.  相似文献   

Forty-two species of chlorophyll c-containing algae (diatoms, dinoflagellates, chrysomonads, haptophytes, cryptomonads and xanthophytes) were examined for their content of chlorophyll c1 and c2. This work, and recent studies on c1/c2 distribution in the literature (total 86 species), show that chlorophyll c2 is universal to all algae examined. Chlorophyll c1 occurs in addition to c2 in brown seaweeds, diatoms, chrysomonads, haptophytes (coccolithophorids) xanthophytes and the, fucoxanthin-containing dinoflagellates; c2 only occurs in dinoflagellates and cryptomonads. Two exceptions to the generalizations are one dinoflagellate and one cryptomonad containing c1 in addition to c2 No explanation can be offered on present knowledge for these exceptions. No alga was found containing only chlorophyll c1. Chlorophyll c, far from being a minor accessory chlorophyll, occurred in amounts almost equal to chlorophyll a(some diatoms and dinoflagellates) or ranged from 50 to 20% of the chlorophyll a (diatoms, dinoflagellates, chrysomonads, cryptomonads, browns). Xanthophytes, however, contained only trace amounts of chlorophyll c with ratios of chlorophyll a:c ranging from 55:1 to 116:1 on a weight basis. In those algae with both chlorophyll c components, c1 and c2, occurred either in equal amounts, or chlorophyll c2was twice the c1 content.  相似文献   

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