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Background: S100C (S100A11) is a member of the S100 calcium-binding protein family, the function of which is not yet entirely clear, but may include cytoskeleton assembly and dynamics. S100 proteins consist of two EF-hand calcium-binding motifs, connected by a flexible loop. Like several other members of the family, S100C forms a homodimer. A number of S100 proteins form complexes with annexins, another family of calcium-binding proteins that also bind to phospholipids. Structural studies have been undertaken to understand the basis of these interactions. Results: We have solved the crystal structure of a complex of calcium-loaded S100C with a synthetic peptide that corresponds to the first 14 residues of the annexin I N terminus at 2.3 A resolution. We find a stoichiometry of one peptide per S100C monomer, the entire complex structure consisting of two peptides per S100C dimer. Each peptide, however, interacts with both monomers of the S100C dimer. The two S100C molecules of the dimer are linked by a disulphide bridge. The structure is surprisingly close to that of the p11-annexin II N-terminal peptide complex solved previously. We have performed competition experiments to try to understand the specificity of the S100-annexin interaction. Conclusions: By solving the structure of a second annexin N terminus-S100 protein complex, we confirmed a novel mode of interaction of S100 proteins with their target peptides; there is a one-to-one stoichiometry, where the dimeric structure of the S100 protein is, nevertheless, essential for complex formation. Our structure can provide a model for a Ca(2+)-regulated annexin I-S100C heterotetramer, possibly involved in crosslinking membrane surfaces or organising membranes during certain fusion events.  相似文献   

Antibodies bind foreign antigens with high affinity and specificity leading to their neutralization and/or clearance by the immune system. The conserved N-glycan on IgG has significant impact on antibody effector function, with the endoglycosidases of Streptococcus pyogenes deglycosylating the IgG to evade the immune system, a process catalyzed by the endoglycosidase EndoS2. Studies have shown that two of the four domains of EndoS2, the carbohydrate binding module (CBM) and the glycoside hydrolase (GH) domain are critical for catalytic activity. To yield structural insights into contributions of the CBM and the GH domains as well as the overall flexibility of EndoS2 to the proteins’ catalytic activity, models of EndoS2-Fc complexes were generated through enhanced-sampling molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations and site-identification by ligand competitive saturation (SILCS) docking followed by reconstruction and multi-microsecond MD simulations. Modeling results predict that EndoS2 initially interacts with the IgG through its CBM followed by interactions with the GH yielding catalytically competent states. These may involve the CBM and GH of EndoS2 simultaneously interacting with either the same Fc CH2/CH3 domain or individually with the two Fc CH2/CH3 domains, with EndoS2 predicted to assume closed conformations in the former case and open conformations in the latter. Apo EndoS2 is predicted to sample both the open and closed states, suggesting that either complex can directly form following initial IgG-EndoS2 encounter. Interactions of the CBM and GH domains with the IgG are predicted to occur through both its glycan and protein regions. Simulations also predict that the Fc glycan can directly transfer from the CBM to the GH, facilitating formation of catalytically competent complexes and how the 734 to 751 loop on the CBM can facilitate extraction of the glycan away from the Fc CH2/CH3 domain. The predicted models are compared and consistent with Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange data. In addition, the complex models are consistent with the high specificity of EndoS2 for the glycans on IgG supporting the validity of the predicted models.  相似文献   

S100A11 is a member of the S100 family of EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins, which is expressed in smooth muscle and other tissues. Ca2+ binding to S100A11 induces a conformational change that exposes a hydrophobic surface for interaction with target proteins. Affinity chromatography with immobilized S100A11 was used to isolate a 70-kDa protein from smooth muscle that bound to S100A11 in a Ca2+-dependent manner and was identified by mass spectrometry as annexin A6. Direct Ca2+-dependent interaction between S100A11 and annexin A6 was confirmed by affinity chromatography of the purified bacterially expressed proteins, by gel overlay of annexin A6 with purified S100A11, by chemical cross-linking, and by coprecipitation of S100A11 with annexin A6 bound to liposomes. The expression of S100A11 and annexin A6 in the same cell type was verified by RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry of isolated vascular smooth muscle cells. The site of binding of S100A11 on annexin A6 was investigated by partial tryptic digestion and deletion mutagenesis. The unique NH2 terminal head region of annexin A6 was not required for S100A11 binding, but binding sites were identified in both NH2- and COOH-terminal halves of the molecule. We hypothesize that an agonist-induced increase in cytosolic free [Ca2+] leads to formation of a complex of S100A11 and annexin A6, which forms a physical connection between the plasma membrane and the cytoskeleton, or plays a role in the formation of signaling complexes at the level of the sarcolemma. smooth muscle; protein-protein interaction  相似文献   

Here, two temperature sensitive promoters, P2 and P7, isolated from Bacillus subtilis, were characterized. The production of beta-galactosidase driven by these promoters was much higher at 45 degrees C than that at 37 degrees C both in Escherichia coli and B. subtilis and that the P2 promoter showed higher expression strength in B. subtilis at 45 degrees C. Thereby, an efficient temperature-inducible expression system was constructed by using P2 promoter in B. subtilis. Thus, we isolated and characterized a newly temperature inducible promoter and exploited it as a potential expression element in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

S100A11 is a homodimeric EF-hand calcium binding protein that undergoes a calcium-induced conformational change and interacts with the phospholipid binding protein annexin I to coordinate membrane association. In this work, the solution structure of apo-S100A11 has been determined by NMR spectroscopy to uncover the details of its calcium-induced structural change. Apo-S100A11 forms a tight globular structure having a near antiparallel orientation of helices III and IV in calcium binding site II. Further, helices I and IV, and I and I', form a more closed arrangement than observed in other apo-S100 proteins. This helix arrangement in apo-S100A11 partially buries residues in helices I (P3, E11, A15), III (V55, R58, M59), and IV (A86, C87, S90) and the linker (A45, F46), which are required for interaction with annexin I in the calcium-bound state. In apo-S100A11, this results in a "masked" binding surface that prevents annexin I binding but is uncovered upon calcium binding.  相似文献   

In osteoarthritis (OA), low-grade joint inflammation promotes altered chondrocyte differentiation and cartilage catabolism. S100/calgranulins share conserved calcium-binding EF-hand domains, associate noncovalently as homodimers and heterodimers, and are secreted and bind receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). Chondrocyte RAGE expression and S100A11 release are stimulated by IL-1beta in vitro and increase in OA cartilage in situ. Exogenous S100A11 stimulates chondrocyte hypertrophic differentiation. Moreover, S100A11 is covalently cross-linked by transamidation catalyzed by transglutaminase 2 (TG2), itself an inflammation-regulated and redox stress-inducible mediator of chondrocyte hypertrophic differentiation. In this study, we researched mouse femoral head articular cartilage explants and knee chondrocytes, and a soluble recombinant double point mutant (K3R/Q102N) of S100A11 TG2 transamidation substrate sites. Both TG2 and RAGE knockout cartilage explants retained IL-1beta responsiveness. The K3R/Q102N mutant of S100A11 retained the capacity to bind to RAGE and chondrocytes but lost the capacity to signal via the p38 MAPK pathway or induce chondrocyte hypertrophy and glycosaminoglycans release. S100A11 failed to induce hypertrophy, glycosaminoglycan release, and appearance of the aggrecanase neoepitope NITEGE in both RAGE and TG2 knockout cartilages. We conclude that transamidation by TG2 transforms S100A11 into a covalently bonded homodimer that acquires the capacity to signal through the p38 MAPK pathway, accelerate chondrocyte hypertrophy and matrix catabolism, and thereby couple inflammation with chondrocyte activation to potentially promote OA progression.  相似文献   

Remodelling of the plasma membrane cytoarchitecture is crucial for the regulation of epithelial cell adhesion and permeability. In Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, the protein AHNAK relocates from the cytosol to the cytosolic surface of the plasma membrane during the formation of cell-cell contacts and the development of epithelial polarity. This targeting is reversible and regulated by Ca(2+)-dependent cell-cell adhesion. At the plasma membrane, AHNAK associates as a multimeric complex with actin and the annexin 2/S100A10 complex. The S100A10 subunit serves to mediate the interaction between annexin 2 and the COOH-terminal regulatory domain of AHNAK. Down-regulation of both annexin 2 and S100A10 using an annexin 2-specific small interfering RNA inhibits the association of AHNAK with plasma membrane. In Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, down-regulation of AHNAK using AHNAK-specific small interfering RNA prevents cortical actin cytoskeleton reorganization required to support cell height. We propose that the interaction of AHNAK with the annexin 2/S100A10 regulates cortical actin cytoskeleton organization and cell membrane cytoarchitecture.  相似文献   

During the past few years, the structural analysis of proteins and protein complexes by chemical crosslinking and mass spectrometry has enjoyed increasing popularity. With this approach we have investigated the quaternary structure of the complex between annexin A2 and p11, which is involved in numerous cellular processes. Although high-resolution data are available for both interaction partners as well as for the complex between two p11 subunits and two annexin A2 N-terminal peptides, the structure of the complete annexin A2/p11 heterotetramer has not yet been solved at high resolution. Thus, the quaternary structure of the biologically relevant, membrane-bound annexin A2/p11 complex is still under discussion, while the existence of a heterotetramer or a heterooctamer is the prevailing opinion. We gained further insight into the spatial organization of the annexin A2/p11 heterotetramer by employing chemical crosslinking combined with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Furthermore, tandem mass spectrometry served as a tool for an exact localization of crosslinked amino acid residues and for a confirmation of crosslinked product assignment. On the basis of distance constraints from the crosslinking data we derived structural models of the annexin A2/p11 heterotetramer by computational docking with Rosetta. We propose an octameric model for the annexin A2/p11 complex, which exerts annexin A2 function. The proposed structure of the annexin A2/p11 octamer differs from so far suggested models and sheds new light into annexin A2/p11 interaction.  相似文献   

Annexin A2 is a phospholipid-binding protein that forms a heterotetramer (annexin II-p11 heterotetramer; A2t) with p11 (S100A10). It has been reported that annexin A2 is involved in binding to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) and in inducing membrane microdomain formation. To understand the mechanisms underlying these findings, we determined the membrane binding properties of annexin A2 wild type and mutants both as monomer and as A2t. Our results from surface plasmon resonance analysis showed that A2t and annexin A2 has modest selectivity for PtdIns(4,5)P2 over other phosphoinositides, which is conferred by conserved basic residues, including Lys279 and Lys281, on the convex surface of annexin A2. Fluorescence microscopy measurements using giant unilamellar vesicles showed that A2t of wild type, but not (K279A)2-(p11)2 or (K281A)2-(p11)2, specifically induced the formation of 1-microm-sized PtdIns(4,5)P2 clusters, which were stabilized by cholesterol. Collectively, these studies elucidate the structural determinant of the PtdIns(4,5)P2 selectivity of A2t and suggest that A2t may be involved in the regulation of PtdIns(4,5)P2 clustering in the cell.  相似文献   

Menke M  Gerke V  Steinem C 《Biochemistry》2005,44(46):15296-15303
By means of scanning force and fluorescence microscopy of artificial membranes immobilized on mica surfaces, the lateral organization of the annexin A2/S100A10 heterotetramer (annexin A2t) and its influence on the lateral organization of the lipids within the membrane have been elucidated. Planar lipid bilayers composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine (POPS) were prepared on atomically flat mica surfaces by the spreading of unilamellar vesicles. Fluorescence images of fluorescently labeled annexin A2t and scanning force microscopy images of nonlabeled protein bound to POPC/POPS bilayers show the formation of micrometer-sized lateral protein domains in the presence of 1 mM CaCl2. By means of scanning force microscopy, not only protein domains became discernible but also small membrane domains, which were attributed to POPS-enriched areas. A depletion of these POPS domains was observed in the vicinity of annexin A2t protein domains. These results indicate that annexin A2t is a peripheral membrane-binding complex capable of inducing lipid segregation.  相似文献   

The annexin A2 (A2) heterotetramer, consisting of two copies of A2 and two copies of S100A10/p11, promotes fibrinolytic activity on the surface of vascular endothelial cells by assembling plasminogen and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and accelerating the generation of plasmin. In humans, overexpression of A2 by acute promyelocytic leukemia cells is associated with excessive fibrinolysis and hemorrhage, whereas anti-A2 autoantibodies appear to accentuate the risk of thrombosis in patients with anti-phospholipid syndrome. Complete deficiency of A2 in mice leads to a lack of tPA cofactor activity, accumulation of intravascular fibrin, and failure to clear arterial thrombi. Within the endothelial cell, p11 is required for Src kinase-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of A2, which signals translocation of both proteins to the cell surface. Here we show that p11 is expressed at very low levels in the absence of A2 both in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrate further that unpartnered p11 becomes polyubiquitinated and degraded via a proteasome-dependent mechanism. A2 stabilizes intracellular p11 through direct binding, thus masking an autonomous p11 polyubiquitination signal that triggers proteasomal degradation. This interaction requires both the p11-binding N-terminal domain of A2 and the C-terminal domain of p11. This mechanism prevents accumulation of free p11 in the endothelial cell and suggests that regulation of tPA-dependent cell surface fibrinolytic activity is precisely tuned to the intracellular level of p11.  相似文献   

NDR, a nuclear serine/threonine kinase, belongs to the subfamily of Dbf2 kinases that is critical to the morphology and proliferation of cells. The activity of NDR kinase is modulated in a Ca(2+)/S100B-dependent manner by phosphorylation of Ser281 in the catalytic domain and Thr444 in the C-terminal regulatory domain. S100B, which is a member of the S100 subfamily of EF-hand proteins, binds to a basic/hydrophobic sequence at the junction of the N-terminal regulatory and catalytic domains (NDR(62-87)). Unlike calmodulin-dependent kinases, regulation of NDR by S100B is not associated with direct autoinhibition of the active site, but rather involves a conformational change in the catalytic domain triggered by Ca(2+)/S100B binding to the junction region. To gain further insight into the mechanism of activation of the kinase, studies have been carried out on Ca(2+)/S100B in complex with the intact N-terminal regulatory domain, NDR(1-87). Multidimensional heteronuclear NMR analysis showed that the binding mode and stoichiometry of a peptide fragment of NDR (NDR(62-87)) is the same as for the intact N-terminal regulatory domain. The solution structure of Ca(2+)/S100B and NDR(62-87) has been determined. One target molecule is found to associate with each subunit of the S100B dimer. The peptide adopts three turns of helix in the bound state, and the complex is stabilized by both hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. These structural studies, in combination with available biochemical data, have been used to develop a model for calcium-induced activation of NDR kinase by S100B.  相似文献   

S100A4 is an EF-hand type calcium-binding protein that regulates tumor metastasis and a variety of cellular processes via interaction with different target proteins. Here we report that S100A4 physically interacts with methionine aminopeptidase 2 (MetAP2), the primary target for potent angiogenesis inhibitors, fumagillin and ovalicin. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, S100A4 was found to interact with the N-terminal half of MetAP2. In vitro pull-down assays showed that S100A4 associates with MetAP2 in a calcium-dependent manner. In addition, the binding site of S100A4 was found located within the region between amino acid residues 170 and 229 of MetAP2. In vivo interaction of S100A4 with MetAP2 was verified by co-immunoprecipitation analysis. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that S100A4 and MetAP2 were co-localized in both quiescent and basic fibroblast growth factor-treated murine endothelial MSS31 cells, in the latter of which a significant change of intracellular distribution of both proteins was observed. Although the binding of S100A4 did not affect the in vitro methionine aminopeptidase activity of MetAP2, the cytochemical observation suggests a possible involvement of S100A4 in the regulation of MetAP2 activity through changing its localization, thereby modulating the N-terminal methionine processing of nascent substrates. These results may offer an essential clue for understanding the functional role of S100A4 in regulating endothelial cell growth and tumor metastasis.  相似文献   

p11, a member of the S100 protein family, forms a stable heterotetrameric complex with annexin II. The p11-binding site of annexin II resides in the N-terminal 14 residues, which form an amphiphatic alpha-helix with the hydrophobic face representing the contact site for p11 (Johnsson, N., Marriott, G., and Weber, K. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 2435-2442). We show that a corresponding peptide can be used to purify recombinant p11 by affinity chromatography. To map the annexin II-binding site on p11, we have produced progressively truncated p11 derivatives by site-directed mutagenesis. Our analysis reveals that a highly hydrophobic region between residues 85 and 91 is indispensable for annexin II-binding. It is located in the C-terminal extension, following the second distorted EF-hand. Using a series of single amino acid replacements, we have identified individual hydrophobic residues, which seem to represent contact points for annexin II. Most notably, substitution of tyrosine 85 or phenylalanine 86 by alanine drastically reduces the affinity of p11 for annexin II, whereas replacement of these residues by tryptophan has no or only a marginal effect. Thus, hydrophobic side chains on both annexin II and p11 are involved in complex formation.  相似文献   

S100A7, S100A10, and S100A11 are transglutaminase substrates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ruse M  Lambert A  Robinson N  Ryan D  Shon KJ  Eckert RL 《Biochemistry》2001,40(10):3167-3173
S100 proteins are a family of 10-14 kDa EF-hand-containing calcium binding proteins that function to transmit calcium-dependent cell regulatory signals. S100 proteins have no intrinsic enzyme activity but bind in a calcium-dependent manner to target proteins to modulate target protein function. Transglutaminases are enzymes that catalyze the formation of covalent epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysine bonds between protein-bound glutamine and lysine residues. In the present study we show that transglutaminase-dependent covalent modification is a property shared by several S100 proteins and that both type I and type II transglutaminases can modify S100 proteins. We further show that the reactive regions are at the solvent-exposed amino- and carboxyl-terminal ends of the protein, regions that specify S100 protein function. We suggest that transglutaminase-dependent modification is a general mechanism designed to regulate S100 protein function.  相似文献   

Wound healing is a dynamic process comprising multiple events, such as inflammation, re-epithelialization, and tissue remodeling. Re-epithelialization phase is characterized by the engagement of several cell populations, mainly of keratinocytes that sequentially go through cycles of migration, proliferation, and differentiation to restore skin functions. Troubles can arise during the re-epithelialization phase of skin wound healing particularly in keratinocyte migration, resulting in chronic non-healing lesions, which represent a serious clinical problem. Over the last decades, the efforts aimed to find new pharmacological approaches for wound care were made, yet almost all current therapeutic strategies used remain inadequate or even ineffective. As such, it is crucial to identify new drugs that can enable a proper regeneration of the epithelium in wounded skin. Here, we have investigated the effects of the fibrinolytic drug mesoglycan, a glycosaminoglycans mixture derived from porcine intestinal mucosa on HaCaT human keratinocytes that were used as in vitro experimental model of skin re-epithelialization. We found that mesoglycan induces keratinocyte migration and early differentiation by triggering the syndecan-4/PKCα pathway and that these effects were at least in part, because of the formation of the annexin A1/S100A11 complex. Our data suggest that mesoglycan may be useful as a new pro-healing drug for skin wound care.  相似文献   

Recent target validation studies have shown that inhibition of the protein interaction between annexin A2 and the S100A10 protein may have potential therapeutic benefits in cancer. Virtual screening identified certain 3,4,5-trisubstituted 4H-1,2,4-triazoles as moderately potent inhibitors of this interaction. A series of analogues were synthesized based on the 1,2,4-triazole scaffold and were evaluated for inhibition of the annexin A2–S100A10 protein interaction in competitive binding assays. 2-[(5-{[(4,6-Dimethylpyrimidin-2-yl)sulfanyl]methyl}-4-(furan-2-ylmethyl)-4H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)sulfanyl]-N-[4-(propan-2-yl)phenyl]acetamide (36) showed improved potency and was shown to disrupt the native complex between annexin A2 and S100A10.  相似文献   

Annexin A2 (AnxA2) and S100A10 are known to form a molecular complex. Using fluorescence-based binding assays, we show that both proteins are localised on the cell surface, in a molecular form that allows mutual interaction. We hypothesized that binding between these proteins could facilitate cell–cell interactions. For cells that express surface S100A10 and surface annexin A2, cell–cell interactions can be blocked by competing with the interaction between these proteins. Thus an annexin A2-S100A10 molecular bridge participates in cell–cell interactions, revealing a hitherto unexplored function of this protein interaction.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ and membrane binding protein annexin 2 can form a heterotetrameric complex with the S100A10 protein and this complex is thought to serve a bridging or scaffolding function in the membrane underlying cytoskeleton. To elucidate which of the subunits targets the complex to the subplasmalemmal region in live cells we employed YFP/CFP fusion proteins and live cell imaging in HepG2 cells. We show that monomeric annexin 2 is targeted to the plasma membrane whereas non-complexed S100A10 acquires a general cytosolic distribution. Co-expression of S100A10 together with annexin 2 and the resulting complex formation, however, lead to a recruitment of S100A10 to the plasma membrane thus identifying annexin 2 as the membrane targeting subunit.  相似文献   

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