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A two-step protocol for the induction of shoots from Alstroemeria leaf explants has been developed. Leaf explants with stem node tissue attached were incubated on shoot induction medium for 10 days, and then transferred to regeneration medium. Shoots from the area adjacent to the region between the leaf base and node tissue regenerated within 3 weeks after transfer to the regeneration medium, without a callus phase. The best induction was obtained with Murashige and Skoog medium containing 10 μm thidiazuron and 0.5 μm indole butyric acid. The regeneration medium contained 2.2 μm 6-benzylaminopurine. After several subcultures of the leaf explants with induced shoots, normal plantlets with rhizome were formed. In Alstroemeria, the percentage of responding leaf explants is more important than the number of shoots regenerated per leaf explant, because rhizome formation is the most important factor for micropropagation. The effect of other compounds in the induction medium, including glucose, sucrose, silver nitrate, and ancymidol, on regeneration was also investigated. Received: 14 June 1996 / Revision received: 27 September 1996 / Accepted: 20 October 1996  相似文献   

We have established a detailed framework for the process of shoot regeneration from Arabidopsis root and hypocotyl explants grown in vitro . Using transgenic plant lines in which the GUS or GFP genes were fused to promoters of developmental genes ( WUS , CLV1 , CLV3 , STM , CUC1 , PLT1 , RCH1 , QC25 ), or to promoters of genes encoding indicators of the auxin response ( DR5 ) or transport ( PIN1 ), cytokinin (CK) response ( ARR5 ) or synthesis ( IPT5 ), or mitotic activity ( CYCB1 ), we showed that regenerated shoots originated directly or indirectly from the pericycle cells adjacent to xylem poles. In addition, shoot regeneration appeared to be partly similar to the formation of lateral root meristems (LRMs). During pre-culture on a 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D)-rich callus-inducing medium (CIM), xylem pericycle reactivation established outgrowths that were not true calli but had many characteristics of LRMs. Transfer to a CK-rich shoot-inducing medium (SIM) resulted in early LRM-like primordia changing to shoot meristems. Direct origin of shoots from the xylem pericycle occurred upon direct culture on CK-containing media without prior growth on CIM. Thus, it appeared that the xylem pericycle is more pluripotent than previously thought. This pluripotency was accompanied by the ability of pericycle derivatives to retain diploidy, even after several rounds of cell division. In contrast, the phloem pericycle did not display such developmental plasticity, and responded to CKs with only periclinal divisions. Such observations reinforce the view that the pericycle is an 'extended meristem' that comprises two types of cell populations. They also suggest that the founder cells for LRM initiation are not initially fully specified for this developmental pathway.  相似文献   

Optimization of in vitro tuberization (formation and growth of stolons and microtubers) by synchronization of cell divisions in axillary meristems of initial stem explants induced by low nonfreezing temperatures was studied in potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Lugovskoi) plants. The proportion of simultaneously dividing cells in axillary meristems of stem explants subjected to 2-h cold treatment at 4°C was in 2.6 times greater than in control material (without chilling). The analysis of growth of stolons and microtubers produced from the explants exposed to cold showed that synchronization of cell divisions in the meristems of initial explants resulted in synchronization of stolon and microtuber formation and production of microtubers of identical physiological age.  相似文献   

A. Sieboldianus (5-leaf aralia) is recalcitrant for micropropagation, but has very good landscaping potential. This research was conducted with the following objectives: (1) to study effects of BA, TDZ, CPPU, 2iP, kinetin and zeatin in woody plant medium on the performance of softwood shoot nodal explants produced by field grown 5-leaf aralia plants; (2) to investigate influences of BA or TDZ in the forcing solution on subsequentin vitro shoot initiation of nodal explants taken from forced softwood growth. Shoot initiation of softwood nodal explants from field-grown plants was promoted by adding BA, TDZ or CPPU to the culture medium. Kinetin, zeatin and 2iP were ineffective for micropropagation ofA. Sieboldianus. The forced softwood growth for use as explants was “primed” by forcing dormant stems in solution containing 200 mg 8-HQC per liter plus 2% sucrose, 44.4, 222, or 444 μM BA, or 45.4, 227, or 454 μM TDZ. BA and TDZ in the forcing solution enhanced subsequentin vitro axillary shoot initiation of nodal explants taken from forced stems by doubling the number of shoots produced per explant to 3.3 from 1.65 shoots per explant taken from field grown plants. This forcing solution technique also reduced the time needed from culture initiation to potted plants to half of the time needed for the conventional micropropagation method (12 to 14 vs. 25 to 27 weeks), thus expediting the micropropagation ofA. Sieboldianus.  相似文献   

Meristems from 25–90-year-old oak (Quercus robur L. andQ. petraea Matt.) trees and seed embryos were pretreated with polyvinyl pyrrolidone, ascorbic acid, cysteine and citric acid solutions. Tissues were cultured mostly on a WPM medium supplemented with different combinations and concentrations of growth regulators. All the different pretreatments showed a positive effect against the otherwise very rapid and harmful browning of the explants but ascorbic acid (100 mg dm?3) proved to be the most effective. Shooting was induced from seed embryos and meristems originating from adult trees. Rooted plantlets were obtained from explants of seed embryos.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of earthworm cuticle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Summary Leaf chemistry of a willow clone (Salix aquatica Smith) differed significantly when grown at constant relative growth rates depending upon the relative availability of nutrients and light. Concentration of amino acids and nitrate were high in plants grown with a relative surplus of nutrients. Concentrations of starch, tannin, and lignin, on the other hand, were high in plants grown with a relative surplus of carbon. Photosynthetic rates, expressed per unit leaf area, were similar when plants were grown under high light conditions, regardless of nutrient availability. Dark respiration was much higher in plants supplied with abundant nutrients than in those with a more limited supply, reflecting differences in nitrogen concentration of the tissue. The experimental approach allows plants to be grown to a standard size with differing, but highly uniform chemistry. Plants grown in such a manner may provide good experimental material to evaluate interactions between herbivores or pathogens and their hosts.  相似文献   

From the leaves of Microbiota decussata (Cupressaceae) biflavones: cupressuflavone, amentoflavone and 7-O-methylamentoflavone were isolated and identified. The amount of cupressuflavone in Microbiota decussata and xCupressocyparis leylandii (Leyland cypress) (Cupressaceae) was determined by HPLC (1.82% and 0.83%, respectively). The chemical composition of essential oils from bark and leaves of Microbiota decussata was established by GC-MS (GC-FID) analysis. As a major component thujopsene (39.2% and 45.9%, respectively) was identified. Wiridiflorol (3.0%) and tau-muurolol (0.3%) were present only in leaves but globulol (1.5%) exclusively in bark. The content of essential oils in M. decussata was high--5.4% in bark and 12.6% in leaves. The essential oils from M. decussata and xC. leylandii were bioassayed towards different fungi of the genus Fusarium. Leyland cypress essential oil at 2% concentration fully inhibited the growth of all fungi.  相似文献   

The effects of micropropagation conditions on avocado (Persea americana Mill.) have been measured in leaves and plants cultured in vitro. The consequences of the type and concentration of sugar in the medium and of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere on the rates of photosynthesis and amounts of ribulose 1,5-biphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (EC; Rubisco) and total soluble protein (TSP) were measured. At the highest sucrose supply (87.6 mM), Rubisco content was substantially decreased in leaves, and even more when elevated CO2 (1 000 μmol·mol−1) was supplied. Maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax) was significantly decreased when plants developed in high sucrose and elevated CO2. However, Rubisco concentration was significantly greater when glucose was supplied at the same molar concentration or when the concentration of sucrose was small (14.6 mM), and no differences were observed due to the CO2 concentration in the air in these treatments. The ratio of Rubisco to total soluble protein (Rubisco/TSP) was dramatically decreased in plants grown in the highest concentration of sucrose and with elevated CO2. Leaf area and ratio of leaf fresh weight/(stem + root) fresh weight, were greater in plants grown with CO2 enriched air. However, upon transplanting, survival was poorer in plants grown on low sucrose/high CO2 compared to those grown on high sucrose/high CO2.  相似文献   

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Lily scale-explants cultured in vitro regenerate adventitious bulblets at their base. Large scale-explants (6?×?18 mm; the...  相似文献   

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