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The mass vegetation of the cyanobacteria Spirulina fusiformis Woronich. was discovered during examination of the shallow Lake Solenoye, situated in the territory of Omsk. Large resources of the raw spirulina biomass in summer make it possible to use the lake as a source of valuable raw material.  相似文献   

Salinity as an Ecological Factor in Marine Phytoplankton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This paper offers a synoptic account of studies on the phytoplankton communities in the deep southern subalpine lakes (DSL) Garda, Iseo, Como, Lugano and Maggiore. The main cause of the degradation of the water quality in the DSL is eutrophication. The euphotic layers of these lakes are trophically different, ranging from the oligo-mesotrophy of lakes Maggiore and Garda to the meso-eutrophy of lakes Iseo and Lugano. The trophic status as estimated by using total phosphorus and chlorophyll a has provided consistent results in agreement with the models proposed by OECD (1982. Eutrophication of Waters. Monitoring, Assessment and Control, OECD, Paris). Though related with chlorophyll a and TP, the Secchi disk depths have significantly underestimated the trophic status of the DSL. Two trophic indices using the algal orders (PTIorders) and species (PTIspecies) were drawn up on the basis of the distribution of phytoplankton along a trophic gradient defined by the application of multivariate methods; the scores emerging from these indices were used to make a definitive ecological classification of water bodies on a scale from 1 to 5, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive. A third index (PTIOE) was computed as the ratio between the annual mean values of the cumulative biovolumes of two groups of algal orders with opposite trophic characteristics. The three PTI indices were highly correlated, providing a consistent classification of the water bodies. The indices proposed in this work were specifically adopted for use in the DSL. However, the criteria for their implementation constitute a robust and impartial tool for assessing similar indices in other lake typologies and for evaluating the degree of specificity of the trophic indicator values assigned to the single phytoplankton orders and species.  相似文献   

According to the materials of multiyear studies, the author estimates the ecological status of forest lakes in the Omsk Priirtyshye with respect to the phytoplankton development indicators. The species composition, structure, and floristic similarity degree of the phytoplankton of polytypic forest lakes are described. The author also determines the trophic status and water quality of these lakes. It is found that excessive recreation has a negative impact on the ecological status of the lakes.  相似文献   

F. Vegter 《Aquatic Ecology》1979,13(2-3):77-78
Summary During the period 1976–1978 particulate phytoplankton production and phytoplankton excretion were estimated at weekly intervals at anchor station G11 in Lake Grevellingen. Additional data were gathered in a monthly measuring programme at four localities spread over the lake.  相似文献   

The distribution of phytoplankton was studied in Lake Lanao, Philippines. In calm weather, the species segregate vertically with motile species and buoyancy-regulating species above other species in the water column. On a distance scale of 12.5 km, horizontal variability yields a coefficient of variation of 23.6% for total biomass, 30.2% for net primary production, and an average of 30.3% for individual species biomass after removal of error variances. Variabilities on a scale of 1 km are about half as large. Horizontal patchiness of individual species is not related to their abundance, surface to volume ratio, morphotype, or taxon, but is negatively related to their size.  相似文献   

The swelling capacity of cell walls isolated from different parts of lupine root was investigated. The water content in fragments of intact roots (Q) and swelling coefficient of standardized samples of cell walls (Kcw) were determined, and the dependences of Q and Kcw on the distance from the root tip (L) were plotted. It was shown that the change in Q value along the stretch of the lupine root reaches its maximum at distances of 1.5-6 cm or 7-12 cm from the root tip in 7-day-old and 14-day-old seedlings, respectively, whereas the Kcw value distribution over the root length is virtually invariable. In the radial direction, both the Q and Kcw values in cortex tissues are about twice higher than in the central cylinder. In our opinion, the changes of both Q and Kcw in the radial direction are associated with different degrees of cross-linking between polymer chains in cell wall structures of root cortex and central cylinder. The results of measurement of the Kcw value are consistent with the widely accepted mechanisms of water transport in roots in the radial direction. These data show that water transport through apoplast to the border between the cortex and central cylinder is accompanied by an increase in the resistance to water flow. Among other factors, this increase is due to a greater degree of cross-linking between cell wall polymers in the central cylinder. The results of measurement of the swelling coefficient of standardized cell wall samples in water and in 10 mM KCl at different pH values show that the swelling capacity of root cell walls varies according to the physicochemical properties of synthetic ion exchangers. Cell walls shrink (cell wall volume decreases) as ion concentration in solution increases and pH decreases. This causes an increase in the hydraulic resistance (or a decrease in the hydraulic conductivity) of apoplast. It was concluded that swelling is determined by the physicochemical properties of the cell wall, whereas the change in the swelling capacity induced by variation of external or internal conditions is an element of the mechanism of regulation of volume water flow in roots.  相似文献   

Ogelube, a small, shallow natural lake at Opi, a township near the University of Nigeria's Nsukka campus yielded 231 algal taxa. Most belonged to the Desmidiales, dominated by Cosmarium, and to the Chlorococcales dominated by Scenedesmus, giving 73 taxa new to West Africa.  相似文献   

The fauna of the family Zygaenidae of Omsk Province is reviewed. 12 species are listed, among which 7 are recorded from this territory for the first time.  相似文献   

Seasonal, local and monthly vertical variations in chlorophyll a concentration and in qualitative and quantitative counts in Aswan High Dam Lake (AHDL) phytoplankton were followed from March 1982 to February 1984. The chlorophyll a values correlated more or less with the total phytoplankton counts. Total algal counts exhibited considerable local variations in the different seasons and tended to decrease in the most southern part of AHDL, especially during the flood period. The temporal course of algal development showed an almost inverse trend to that of dissolved nitrate-nitrogen. The possibility of nitrogen limitation of algal growth was verified. Diatoms and blue-green algae alternated in the dominance of the phytoplankton community. The genera Cyclotella and Anabaenopsis respectively were the most predominant genera among the diatoms and blue-greens and consequently in the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the indicator value of taxonomic structure, abundance, and biomass of phytoplankton and use of the indicators to characterize water quality by example of the Karasuk River, West Siberian Plain.  相似文献   

Tiina Nõges 《Hydrobiologia》1996,338(1-3):91-103
The material for pigment analysis was collected 1–3 times a year from Lake Peipsi-Pihkva in 1983, 1987, 1988, 1991 and 1992–1995. Concentrations of chlorophyll a, b and c (Chla, Chlb, Chlc), pheopigment (Pheo) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) were measured biweekly in 1985–1986. The mean of all Chla values was 20.2 mg m–1 (median 13.3 mg m–1) indicating the eutrophic state of the lake. Average Chlb, Chlc, Pheo and carotenoid (Car) contents were 3.7 mg m–3, 4.1 mg m–3, 3.0 mg m–3 and 4.8 mg m–3, respectively. The average Chlb/Chla ratio was 22.9%, Chlc/Chla 23.4%, Pheo/Chla 38%, Car/Chla 37% and ATP/Chla 3%, the medians being 14.3, 13.6, 17.5, 39.4 and 1.9%, respectively. The proportion of Chla in phytoplankton biomass was 0.41%, median 0.32%. There were no significant differences in temperature, oxygen concentration, Chla, and ATP between the surface and bottom water; the lake was polymictic during the vegetation period. The Chla concentration had its first peak in May followed by a decrease in June and July. In late summer Chla increased again achieving its seasonal maximum in late autumn. The ATP concentration was the highest during spring and early summer, decreasing drastically in autumn together with the decline of primary production. ATP/Chla was the highest during the clear water period in June and early July, which coincided also with the high proportion of Chla in phytoplankton biomass. The highest Chla occurred in November (average 37.2 mg m–3) when Secchi transparency was the lowest (1.05 m). Concentrations of Chlb, Chlc and carotenoids were the highest in August, that of Pheo in June. Concentrations of Chla and other pigments were the lowest in the northern part of Lake Peipsi (mean 14.7 mg m–3, median 12.5 mg m–3) and the highest in the southern part of Lake Pihkva (mean 47.9 mg m–3, median 16.3 mg m–3). An increase of Chla and decrease of Secchi depth could be noticed in 1983–1988, while in 1988–1994 the tendency was opposite.  相似文献   

The structure of the phototrophic community found in Lake Khilganta (the Agin-Buryat Autonomous Area), a shallow saline soda lake (depth, 35–45 cm; water mineralization, 45 g/l; alkalinity, 30 mg-equiv/l; pH 9.5) has been studied. The bottom of the lake is covered with a 10- to 15-mm microbial mat, whose basis is formed by the filamentous cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes. The mat exhibits pronounced layering and contains a significant amount of minerals. Six zones, which have characteristic colors and consistencies and are composed of intermittent layers, have been identified along the vertical profile. Live phototrophic bacteria have been found in the three upper zones. The bulk of the cyanobacteria is concentrated in the upper zone. In the lower zones, the development of purple bacteria has been observed. The diurnal dynamics of the vertical distribution of phototrophic microorganisms, which results from variations in the physicochemical environmental parameters, is described. Ectothiorhodospira sp. are dominant among the anoxyphotobacteria present. Their number, determined according to the inoculation method, is 106–107 cells/ml. The purple bacteria of the genera Allochromatium, Thiocapsa, and Rhodovulum are also present. Experiments with isolated pure cultures have shown that the anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria of Lake Khilganta are halotolerant and alkalitolerant or alkaliphilic. In liquid enrichment cultures, at pH 9.5, the ratio of anoxyphotobacteria species is close to that observed in the lake. When the pH is increased to 10.4, it is Ectothiorhodospira, which is the most adapted to life under increased mineralization and alkalinity, that predominantly develops. Photosynthetic activity has been observed in the three upper mat zones and constitutes, on average, 1.5 g C/(m2h); the share of anoxygenic photosynthesis accounts for 75–95% of the total productivity. The main role in sulfide oxidation belongs to the phototrophic anoxyphotobacteria and cyanobacteria. In terms of the physicochemical conditions and structure of the phototrophic community, Lake Khilganta is similar to shallow saline water bodies of marine origin. The main differences consist in the increased alkalinity and in the consequent prevalence of alkaliphilic and alkalitolerant microorganisms and in the absence of representatives of the neutrophilic group of green sulfur bacteria.__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 3, 2005, pp. 410–419.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kompantseva, Sorokin, Gorlenko, Namsaraev.  相似文献   

A flow-through method was employed to study the algal part of the diet spectrum of the calanoid Arctodiaptomus salinus in the surface layer of the lake and in the phytoplankton biomass maximum zone (10 m deep). Daily consumption rates of this calanoid differed markedly in these layers, being 1 and 11 g ind –1 d–1, respectively. The cyanobacterial taxa, Lyngbya contorta and Microcystis sp., accounted for more than a half of the ration. Nevertheless, the negative Ivlev electivity coefficient indicated that Arctodiaptomus prefers none of these two taxa. The low measured uptakes suggest that the energy expenditure is compensated by other resources, presumably microzooplankton and detritus.  相似文献   

Lake kinneret is a subtropical monomictic lake characterized by a Pyrrhophyta-Chlorophyta assemblage, supplemented by Cyanophyta in some years. Concerning their abundance and seasonal occurrence, the phytoplanktonic algae belong to two groups: algae appearing in quantity at a definite annual period and algae present throughout the year. Four stages of algal succession occur in the lake. There is a marked periodicity in the phytoplankton composition with a high standing stock in winter-spring, due to the dinoflagellate water-bloom, and a low one during the summer months, related to the high stability of summer stratification. The annual succession at the species level has been an almost constant event in the lake for many years.The increase in nutrient concentrations in 1973 and 1974 increased the diversity and abundance of algae (except Peridinium) but did not lead to significant changes in algal succession. Conversely, the decrease of the zooplankton grazing pressure in 1975 and 1976 facilitated the development of algal maxima during summer-fall. They were caused by nanoplanktonic forms, and they developed without additional enrichment of nutrients. The algal abundance and diversity decreased. The years 1981 and 1982 were characterized by both an increase in phosphorus and a decrease in zooplankton. These conditions favored the concomitant abundance of many species and an increase of non-Pyrrhophyta biomass.  相似文献   

The authors consider an insufficiently studied indicator, i.e., motor activity of eyelids, recorded with or without miniature contacts in infrared rays for the visual analyzer states eyes open / eyes closed. Eyelid movement characteristics are highly informative in diagnosing the functional state and evaluating operator activity quality under monotonous conditions. The authors discuss possible mechanisms of the influence of such functional states on the motor activity of eyelids.  相似文献   

The paper describes the seasonal variation in the rate of phytoplankton primary production in Suraha Lake – a large shallow water body – in relation to certain physico-chemical parameters and the abundance and composition of the phytoplankton over a period of two years.  相似文献   

M. Kagami  J. Urabe 《Limnology》2001,2(2):111-117
It is well known that algal growth rates decrease with increasing cell size. Most of these findings were, however, obtained under laboratory conditions. It is not clear if these allometric relationships are also applicable to in situ conditions. In the present study, the relationship between growth rates and cell size of algal species was examined seasonally in Lake Biwa by in situ dilution bioassays. The bioassays revealed that the highest growth rate of each species throughout the experiments was negatively correlated with cell size consistent with known allometric relationships. At each incubation experiment, however, growth rates were not necessarily correlated with cell size. This was true even when both macro- and micronutrients were added, although a substantial number of species responded to nutrient enrichment. These results showed that nutrient supplies affected algal species differently regardless of cell size and that factors other than nutrient supplies limited the growth rate of some algal species. Due to such species-specific differences in limiting factors, at any given time in situ growth rates of algae are not determined exclusively by cell size. Received: August 24, 2000 / Accepted: March 2, 2001  相似文献   

Ecology of Phytoplankton of the Volta Lake   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
S. Biswas 《Hydrobiologia》1972,39(2):277-288
Summary Regular limnological observations at the lower reaches of the Volta Lake revealed significant changes in the transparency, colour, total iron and dissolved oxygen from 1965 to 1966 but not from 1966 to 1967. These factors also showed correlations of such a significance that many of them could be estimated from a simple measurement of the transparency alone. The density of phytoplankton did not change significantly either from 1965 to 1966 or from 1966 to 1967. The chief constituents, however, passed through a series of changes from a green alga (Actinastrum) in early 1965, through the flagellates (Crytomonas and Peridinium) during 1965–1966, to the diatoms (Nitzschia and Synedra) during 1966–1967. The density of phytoplankton correlated significantly only with the dissolved oxygen from which it could be roughly estimated.
Résumé Les observations limnologiques régulières dans la partie Sud du Lac Volta révélaient des changements significatifs dans la transparence, la couleur, la quantité totale de fer et l'oxygène dissout pour la période de 1965 à 1966 mais rien de semblable pour celle de 1966 à 1967. Ces facteurs montraient aussi des corrélations si significatives que beaucoup d'entre eux pouvait être estimé à partie de la simple mensuration de la seule transparence. La densité de phytoplancton ne changeait pas de manière significative que ce soit de 1965 à 1966 ou de 1966 à 1967. Toutefois, les principaux constituants passaient par une série de changements allant des algues vertes (Actinatrum) au début de 1965, aux flagellates (Cryptomonas et Peridinium) de 1965 à 1966 puis aux diatomées (Nitzschia et Synedra) de 1966 à 1967. La densité de phytoplancton presentait une corrélation significative uniquement avec l'oxygène dissout duquel il pouvait être grossièrement estimé.

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