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The siderophore of Pseudomonas stutzeri KC, pyridine-2,6-bis(thiocarboxylic acid) (pdtc), is shown to detoxify selenium and tellurium oxyanions in bacterial cultures. A mechanism for pdtc's detoxification of tellurite and selenite is proposed. The mechanism is based upon determination using mass spectrometry and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry of the chemical structures of compounds formed during initial reactions of tellurite and selenite with pdtc. Selenite and tellurite are reduced by pdtc or its hydrolysis product H(2)S, forming zero-valent pdtc selenides and pdtc tellurides that precipitate from solution. These insoluble compounds then hydrolyze, releasing nanometer-sized particles of elemental selenium or tellurium. Electron microscopy studies showed both extracellular precipitation and internal deposition of these metalloids by bacterial cells. The precipitates formed with synthetic pdtc were similar to those formed in pdtc-producing cultures of P. stutzeri KC. Culture filtrates of P. stutzeri KC containing pdtc were also active in removing selenite and precipitating elemental selenium and tellurium. The pdtc-producing wild-type strain KC conferred higher tolerance against selenite and tellurite toxicity than a pdtc-negative mutant strain, CTN1. These observations support the hypothesis that pdtc not only functions as a siderophore but also is involved in an initial line of defense against toxicity from various metals and metalloids.  相似文献   



Pyridine-2,6-bis(thiocarboxylic acid) (pdtc) is a small secreted metabolite that has a high affinity for transition metals, increases iron uptake efficiency by 20% in Pseudomonas stutzeri, has the ability to reduce both soluble and mineral forms of iron, and has antimicrobial activity towards several species of bacteria. Six GenBank sequences code for proteins similar in structure to MoeZ, a P. stutzeri protein necessary for the synthesis of pdtc.


Analysis of sequences similar to P. stutzeri MoeZ revealed that it is a member of a superfamily consisting of related but structurally distinct proteins that are members of pathways involved in the transfer of sulfur-containing moieties to metabolites. Members of this family of enzymes are referred to here as MoeB, MoeBR, MoeZ, and MoeZdR. MoeB, the molybdopterin synthase activating enzyme in the molybdopterin cofactor biosynthesis pathway, is the most characterized protein from this family. Remarkably, lengths of greater than 73% nucleic acid homology ranging from 35 to 486 bp exist between Pseudomonas stutzeri moeZ and genomic sequences found in some Mycobacterium, Mesorhizobium, Pseudomonas, Streptomyces, and cyanobacteria species.


The phylogenetic relationship among moeZ sequences suggests that P. stutzeri may have acquired moeZ through lateral gene transfer from a donor more closely related to mycobacteria and cyanobacteria than to proteobacteria. The importance of this relationship lies in the fact that pdtc, the product of the P. stutzeri pathway that includes moeZ, has an impressive set of capabilities, some of which could make it a potent pathogenicity factor.  相似文献   

Pyridine-2,6-bis(monothiocarboxylic acid) (pdtc),a natural metal chelator produced by Pseudomonas stutzeri and Pseudomonas putidathat promotes the degradation of carbon tetrachloride, was synthesized and studiedby potentiometric and spectrophotometric techniques. The first two stepwise protonationconstants (pK) for successive proton addition to pdtc were found to be 5.48 and2.58. The third stepwise protonation constant was estimated to be 1.3. The stability (affinity)constants for iron(III), nickel(II), and cobalt(III) were determined by potentiometric orspectrophotometric titration. The results show that pdtc has strong affinity for Fe(III)and comparable affinities for various other metals. The stability constants (log K) are 33.93 for Co(pdtc)2 1-; 33.36 for Fe(pdtc)2 1-; and 33.28 for Ni(pdtc)2 2-. These protonationconstants and high affinity constants show that over a physiological pH range theferric pdtc complex has one of the highest effective stability constants for ironbinding among known bacterial chelators.  相似文献   

We evaluated the ability of pyridine-2,6-bis(thiocarboxylic acid) (pdtc) to form complexes with 19 metals and 3 metalloids. Pdtc formed complexes with 14 of the metals. Two of these metal:pdtc complexes, Co:(pdtc)2 and Cu:pdtc, showed the ability to cycle between redox states, bringing to 4 the number of known redox-active pdtc complexes. A precipitant formed when pdtc was added to solutions of As, Cd, Hg, Mn, Pb, and Se. Additionally, 14 of 16 microbial strains tested were protected from Hg toxicity when pdtc was present. Pdtc also mediated protection from the toxic effects of Cd and Te, but for fewer strains. Pdtc by itself does not facilitate iron uptake, but increases the overall level of iron uptake of Pseudomonas stutzeri strain KC and P. putida DSM301. Both these pseudomonads could reduce amorphous Fe(III) oxyhydroxide in culture. In vitro reactions showed that copper and pdtc were required for this activity. This reaction may derive its reducing power from the hydrolysis of the thiocarboxyl groups of pdtc.  相似文献   

Previous work had suggested that in addition to serving the function of a siderophore, pyridine-2,6-bis(thiocarboxylic acid) (PDTC) may also provide producing organisms with the ability to assimilate other divalent transition metals. This was tested further by examining regulation of siderophore production, expression of pdt genes, and growth in response to added zinc. In media containing 10–50 μM ZnCl2, the production of PDTC was found to be differentially repressed, as compared with the production of pyoverdine. The expression of PdtK, the outer membrane receptor involved in PDTC transport, was also reduced in response to added zinc whereas other iron-regulated outer membrane proteins were not. Expression of a chromosomal pdtI:: xylE fusion was repressed to a similar extent in response to zinc or iron. Mutants that cannot produce PDTC did not show a growth enhancement with micromolar concentrations of zinc as seen in the wild type strain. The phenotype of the mutant strains was suppressed by the addition of PDTC. The outer membrane receptor and inner membrane permease components of PDTC utilization were necessary for relief of chelator (1,10-phenanthroline)-induced growth inhibition by Zn:PDTC. Iron uptake from 55Fe:PDTC was not affected by a 32-fold molar excess of Zn:PDTC. The data indicate that zinc present as Zn:PDTC can be utilized by strains possessing PDTC utilization functions but that transport is much less efficient than for Fe:PDTC.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas stutzeri strain KC was originally characterized as having, under iron-limiting conditions, novel carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4)) dehalogenation activity, specifically, a net conversion of CCl(4) to CO(2). The exact pathway and reaction mechanisms are unknown, but chloroform is not an intermediate and thiophosgene and phosgene have been identified as intermediates in trapping experiments. Previous work by others using cell-free preparations has shown that cell-free culture supernatants that have been passed through a low-molecular-weight cutoff membrane can confer rapid CCl(4) transformation ability upon cultures of bacteria which otherwise show little or no reactivity toward CCl(4). We used a cell-free assay system to monitor the complete purification of compounds showing CCl(4) degradation activity elaborated by iron-limited cultures of strain KC. Electrospray tandem mass spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, and comparisons with synthetic material have identified pyridine-2,6-bis(thiocarboxylate) as a metabolite of strain KC which has CCl(4) transformation activity in the presence of chemical reductants, e.g., titanium[III] citrate or dithiothreitiol, or actively growing bacterial cultures.  相似文献   

Pyridine-2,6-bis(monothiocarboxylic acid), also known as pyridine-2,6-dithiocarboxylic acid (pdtc), is a unique and powerful metal chelator produced by Pseudomonas stutzeri and Pseudomonas putida. The actual physiological roles of pdtc in these pseudomonads are not known with certainty, though it is likely that the compound acts as a siderophore, an antibiotic, or both. The stability constant of FeIII(pdtc)2 2- was determined in previous work to be 1033.36. Here we determined that the stability constant of FeII(pdtc)2 2- is 1012. We determined this stability constant through potentiometric and spectrophotometric measurements of a ligand-ligand competition study using 2,6-pyridine dicarboxylic acid as the competitor for iron. Comparing the stability constant for FeII(pdtc)2 2- to the constant for FeIII(pdtc)2 2- shows that the stability constant of FeII(pdtc)2 2- is approximately 21 orders of magnitude smaller. This represents a very significant decrease in the binding strength of pdtc toward iron. Thus, if the host cell produces pdtc as a siderophore for sequestering Fe(III), it is likely that a second metabolite or a membrane protein of the host cell is used for reduction of the chelated iron at or near the cell membrane in order to facilitate its release from pdtc for cellular use.  相似文献   

A cloned 5.8-kb genomic fragment of the green sulfur bacteriumChlorobium vibrioforme encodes the genes for three enzymes catalyzing early steps in the biosynthetic pathway of tetrapyrroles, common to chlorophyll and heme. ThehemA, hemC andhemD genes encode the enzymes glutamyl tRNA dehydrogenase, porphobilinogen deaminase and uroporphyrinogen III synthase, respectively. The cloned genes were expressed in transformedEscherichia coli orSalmonella typhimurium and conferred autotrophy on the respective auxotrophs. Activities of the enzymes encoded by the cloned genes were demonstrated in vitro, with cell extracts obtained from the transformed enterobacteria. The proximity of these genes indicates that they form a cluster inChlorobium vibrioforme, while in most other organisms they appear to be scattered. The presence of this cluster may imply coordinate regulation of the genes involved and they may constitute an operon.  相似文献   

The gene coding for cyanidase, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of cyanide to formate and ammonia, was cloned from chromosomal DNA of Pseudomonas stutzeri AK61 into Escherichia coli. The cyanidase gene consisted of an open reading frame of 1004 bp, and it was predicted that cyanidase was composed of 334 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 37 518 Da. The amino acid sequence of cyanidase showed a 35.1% and 26.4% homology to aliphatic nitrilase from Rhodococcus rhodochrous K22 and cyanide hydratase from Fusarium lateritium, respectively. A unique cysteine residue of aliphatic nitrilase, which was suggested to play an essential role in the catalytic activity, was conserved in cyanidase. The active form of cyanidase was successfully expressed by a DNA clone containing the cyanidase gene in E.coli. Its productivity was approximately 230 times larger than that of P. stutzeri AK61. The characteristics of the expressed cyanidase, including optimum pH, optimum temperature, Michaelis constant (K m) for cyanide and specific activity, were similar to those of the native enzyme from P. stutzeri AK61. Received: 24 October 1997 / Received last revision: 17 March 1998 / Accepted: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

P. stutzeri cytochrome c(4) is a di-haem protein, composed of two globular domains each with His-Met coordinated haem, and a hydrogen bond network between the domains. The domain foldings are highly symmetric but with specific differences including structural differences of ligand coordination, and different spin states of the oxidised haem groups. We have studied unfolding of oxidised P. stutzeri cyt c(4) induced thermally and by chemical denaturants. Horse heart cyt c was a reference molecule. Isothermal unfolding induced by guanidinium chloride and acid was followed by Soret, alpha/beta, and 701-nm band absorption, and by far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. Multifarious patterns emerge, but the two domains clearly unfold sequentially. One phase, assigned to unfolding of the N-terminal domain, proceeds at guanidinium concentrations up to approximately 1.0 M. This is followed by two overlapping phases at higher concentrations. The intermediate state maintains Fe-Met coordination, assigned to the C-terminal domain. Interdomain interaction is reflected in decreasing values of the cooperativity parameters. Differential scanning calorimetry shows a single peak, but two peaks appear when guanidinium chloride up to 0.4 M is present. This reflects different chemical action in chemical and thermal unfolding. Acid-induced unfolding kinetics was addressed by pH jumps using diode array stopped-flow techniques. Three kinetic phases in the 701 nm Fe-Met marker band, and four phases in the Soret and alpha/beta bands, spanning 4-1000 ms could be distinguished on pH jumps from 7.5 to the range 2.5-3.5. In this range of time and pH cyt c appears to unfold in no more than two phases. Spectral properties of the kinetic intermediates could be identified. Sequential domain unfolding, formation of high-spin states, and an intermediate state with Fe-Met coordination to a single haem group are features of the unfolding kinetics.  相似文献   

Pyridine-2,6-dithiocarboxylic acid (pdtc) is a metal chelator produced by Pseudomonas spp. It has been shown to be involved in the biodegradation of carbon tetrachloride; however, little is known about its biological function. In this study, we examined the antimicrobial properties of pdtc and the mechanism of its antibiotic activity. The growth of Pseudomonas stutzeri strain KC, a pdtc-producing strain, was significantly enhanced by 32 microM pdtc. All nonpseudomonads and two strains of P. stutzeri were sensitive to 16 to 32 microM pdtc. In general, fluorescent pseudomonads were resistant to all concentrations tested. In competition experiments, strain KC demonstrated antagonism toward Escherichia coli. This effect was partially alleviated by 100 microM FeCl3. Less antagonism was observed in mutant derivatives of strain KC (CTN1 and KC657) which lack the ability to produce pdtc. A competitive advantage was restored to strain CTN1 by cosmid pT31, which restores pdtc production. pT31 also enhanced the pdtc resistance of all pdtc-sensitive strains, indicating that this plasmid contains elements responsible for resistance to pdtc. The antimicrobial effect of pdtc was reduced by the addition of Fe(III), Co(III), and Cu(II) and enhanced by Zn(II). Analyses by mass spectrometry determined that Cu(I):pdtc and Co(III):pdtc2 form immediately under our experimental conditions. Our results suggest that pdtc is an antagonist and that metal sequestration is the primary mechanism of its antimicrobial activity. It is also possible that Zn(II), if present, may play a role in pdtc toxicity.  相似文献   

Interactions of the Pseudomonas stutzeri KC siderophore pyridine-2,6-bis(thiocarboxylic acid) (pdtc) with chromium(VI), mercury(II), cadmium(II), lead(II), and arsenic(III) are described. Pdtc was found to reduce Cr(VI) to Cr(III) in both bacterial cultures and in abiotic reactions with chemically synthesized pdtc. Cr(III) subsequently formed complexes with pdtc and pdtc hydrolysis products, and their presence was confirmed using electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Cr(III):pdtc complexes were found to slowly release Cr(III) as chromium sulfide and possibly Cr(III) oxides. Pdtc also formed poorly soluble complexes with Hg, Cd, Pb, and As(III). Hydrolysis of those complexes led to the formation of their respective metal sulfides as confirmed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) elemental analysis. The pdtc-producing strain P. stutzeri KC showed higher tolerance to most of these metals as compared to a pdtc-negative mutant. A novel role of pdtc is postulated as its involvement in providing an extracellular pool of thiols that are used for redox processes in detoxification of the bacterial extracellular environment. These redox processes can be mediated by transition metal:pdtc complexes.  相似文献   

The compatible solutes ectoine and hydroxyectoine are widely produced by bacteria as protectants against osmotic and temperature stress. l-Aspartate-beta-semialdehyde is used as the precursor molecule for ectoine/hydroxyectoine biosynthesis that is catalyzed by the EctABCD enzymes. l-Aspartate-beta-semialdehyde is a central intermediate in different biosynthetic pathways and is produced from l-aspartate by aspartokinase (Ask) and aspartate-semialdehyde-dehydrogenase (Asd). Ask activity is typically stringently regulated by allosteric control to avoid gratuitous synthesis of aspartylphosphate. Many organisms have evolved multiple forms of aspartokinase, and feedback regulation of these specialized Ask enzymes is often adapted to the cognate biochemical pathways. The ectoine/hydroxyectoine biosynthetic genes (ectABCD) are followed in a considerable number of microorganisms by an askgene (ask_ect), suggesting that Ask_Ect is a specialized enzyme for this osmoadaptive biosynthetic pathway. However, none of these Ask_Ect enzymes have been functionally characterized. Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 synthesizes both ectoine and hydroxyectoine in response to increased salinity, and it possesses two Ask enzymes: Ask_Lys and Ask_Ect. We purified both Ask enzymes and found significant differences with regard to their allosteric control: Ask_LysC was inhibited by threonine and in a concerted fashion by threonine and lysine, whereas Ask_Ect showed inhibition only by threonine. The ectABCD_askgenes from P. stutzeri A1501 were cloned and functionally expressed in Escherichia coli, and this led to osmostress protection. An E. colistrain carrying the plasmid-based ectABCD_askgene cluster produced significantly more ectoine/hydroxyectoine than a strain expressing the ectABCDgene cluster alone. This finding suggests a specialized role for Ask_Ect in ectoine/hydroxyectoine biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Evaluation of stability of vanadium(IV) and (V) complexes under similar conditions is critical for the interpretation and assessment of bioactivity of various vanadium species. Detailed understanding of the chemical properties of these complexes is necessary to explain differences observed their activity in biological systems. These studies are carried out to link the chemistry of both vanadium(IV) and (V) complexes of two ligands, 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid (dipicolinic acid, H(2)dipic) and 4-hydroxy-2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid (H(2)dipic-OH). Solution speciation of the two 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acids with vanadium(IV) and vanadium(V) ions was determined by pH-potentiometry at I=0.2 M (KCl) ionic strength and at T=298 K. The stability and the metal affinities of the ligands were compared. Vanadium(V) complexes were found to form only tridentate coordinated 1:1 complexes, while vanadium(IV) formed complexes with both 1:1 and 1:2 stoichiometries. The formation constant reflects hindered coordination of a second ligand molecule, presumably because of the relatively small size of the metal ion. The most probable binding mode of the complexes was further explored using ambient and low temperature EPR spectroscopy for vanadium(IV) and 51V NMR spectroscopy for vanadium(V) systems. Upon complex formation the pyridinol-OH in position 4 deprotonates with pK approximately 3.7-4.1, which is approximately 6 orders of magnitude lower than that of the free ligand. The deprotonation enhances the ligand metal ion affinity compared to the parent ligand dipicolinic acid. In the light of the speciation and stability data of the metal complexes, the efficiency of the two ligands in transporting the metal ion in the two different oxidation states are assessed and discussed.  相似文献   

Degradation of dipicolinic acid (pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid) under strictly anaerobic conditions was studied in enrichment cultures from marine and freshwater sediments. In all cases, dipicolinic acid was completely degraded. From an enrichment culture from a marine sediment, a defined coculture of two bacteria was isolated. The dipicolinic acid-fermenting bacterium was a Gram-negative, non-sporeforming strictly anaerobic short rod which utilized dipicolinic acid as sole source of carbon, energy, and nitrogen, and fermented it to acetate, propionate, ammonia, and 2CO2. No other substrate was fermented. This bacterium could be cultivated only in coculture with another Gram-negative, non-sporeforming rod from the same enrichment culture which oxidized acetate to CO2 with fumarate, malate, or elemental sulfur as electron acceptor, similar to Desulfuromonas acetoxidans. Since this metabolic activity is not important in substrate degradation by the coculture, the basis of the dependence of the dipicolinic acid-degrading bacterium on the sulfur reducer may be sought in the assimilatory metabolism.  相似文献   

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