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The effects of diaphragm paralysis on respiratory activity were assessed in 13 anesthetized, spontaneously breathing dogs studied in the supine position. Transient diaphragmatic paralysis was induced by bilateral phrenic nerve cooling. Respiratory activity was assessed from measurements of ventilation and from the moving time averages of electrical activity recorded from the intercostal muscles and the central end of the fifth cervical root of the phrenic nerve. The degree of diaphragm paralysis was evaluated from changes in transdiaphragmatic pressure and reflected in rib cage and abdominal displacements. Animals were studied both before and after vagotomy breathing O2, 3.5% CO2 in O2, or 7% CO2 in O2. In dogs with intact vagi, both peak and rate of rise of phrenic and inspiratory intercostal electrical activity increased progressively as transdiaphragmatic pressure fell. Tidal volume decreased and breathing frequency increased as a result of a shortening in expiratory time. Inspiratory time and ventilation were unchanged by diaphragm paralysis. These findings were the same whether O2 or CO2 in O2 was breathed. After vagotomy, no significant change in phrenic or inspiratory intercostal activity occurred with diaphragm paralysis in spite of increased arterial CO2 partial pressure. Ventilation and tidal volume decreased significantly, and respiratory timing was unchanged. These results suggest that mechanisms mediated by the vagus nerves account for the compensatory increase in respiratory electrical activity during transient diaphragm paralysis. That inspiratory time is unchanged by diaphragm paralysis whereas the rate or rise of phrenic nerve activity increases suggest that reflexes other than the Hering-Breuer reflex contribute to the increased respiratory response.  相似文献   

Ascites causes an increase in the elastance of the abdomen and impairs the lung-expanding action of the diaphragm, but its overall effects on the pressure-generating ability of the muscle remain unclear. In the present study, radiopaque markers were attached to muscle bundles in the midcostal region of the diaphragm in five dogs, and the three-dimensional locations of the markers during relaxation and during phrenic nerve stimulation in the presence of increasing amounts of ascites were determined using a computed tomographic scanner. From these data, accurate measurements of muscle length and quantitative estimates of diaphragm curvature were obtained, and the changes in transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) were analyzed as functions of muscle length and curvature. With increasing ascites, the resting length of the diaphragm increased progressively. In addition, the amount of muscle shortening during phrenic nerve stimulation decreased gradually. When ascites was 100 ml/kg body wt, therefore, the muscle during contraction was longer, leading to a 20-25% increase in Pdi. As ascites increased further to 200 ml/kg, however, muscle length during contraction continued to increase, but Pdi did not. This absence of additional increase in Pdi was well explained by the increase in the diameter of the ring of insertion of the diaphragm to the rib cage and the concomitant increase in the radius of diaphragm curvature. These observations indicate that the pressure-generating ability of the diaphragm is determined not only by muscle length as conventionally thought but also by muscle shape.  相似文献   

Inflation induces a marked decrease in the lung-expanding ability of the diaphragm, but its effect on the parasternal intercostal muscles is uncertain. To assess this effect, the phrenic nerves and the external intercostals were severed in anesthetized, vagotomized dogs, such that the parasternal intercostals were the only muscles active during inspiration, and the endotracheal tube was occluded at different lung volumes. Although the inspiratory electromyographic activity recorded from the muscles was constant, the change in airway opening pressure decreased with inflation from -7.2+/-0.6 cmH2O at functional residual capacity to -2.2+/-0.2 cmH2O at 20-cmH2O transrespiratory pressure (P<0.001). The inspiratory cranial displacement of the ribs remained virtually unchanged, and the inspiratory caudal displacement of the sternum decreased moderately. However, the inspiratory outward rib displacement decreased markedly and continuously; at 20 cmH2O, this displacement was only 23+/-2% of the value at functional residual capacity. Calculations based on this alteration yielded substantial decreases in the change in airway opening pressure. It is concluded that, in the dog, 1) inflation affects adversely the lung-expanding actions of both the parasternal intercostals and the diaphragm; and 2) the adverse effect of inflation on the parasternal intercostals is primarily related to the alteration in the kinematics of the ribs. As a corollary, it is likely that hyperinflation also has a negative impact on the parasternal intercostals in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

The inspiratory intercostal muscles enhance the force generated by the diaphragm during lung expansion. However, whether the diaphragm also alters the force developed by the inspiratory intercostals is unknown. Two experiments were performed in dogs to answer the question. In the first experiment, external, cranially oriented forces were applied to the different rib pairs to assess the effect of diaphragmatic contraction on the coupling between the ribs and the lung. The fall in airway opening pressure (deltaPa(O)) produced by a given force on the ribs was invariably greater during phrenic nerve stimulation than with the diaphragm relaxed. The cranial rib displacement (Xr), however, was 40-50% smaller, thus indicating that the increase in deltaPa(O) was exclusively the result of the increase in diaphragmatic elastance. In the second experiment, the parasternal intercostal muscle in the fourth interspace was selectively activated, and the effects of diaphragmatic contraction on the deltaPa(O) and Xr caused by parasternal activation were compared with those observed during the application of external loads on the ribs. Stimulating the phrenic nerves increased the deltaPa(O) and reduced the Xr produced by the parasternal intercostal, and the magnitudes of the changes were identical to those observed during external rib loading. It is concluded, therefore, that the diaphragm has no significant synergistic or antagonistic effect on the force developed by the parasternal intercostals during breathing. This lack of effect is probably related to the constraint imposed on intercostal muscle length by the ribs and sternum.  相似文献   

Patterns of intercostal muscle activity in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coordination of activity of inspiratory intercostal muscles in conscious human subjects was studied by means of an array of electromyograph (EMG) electrodes. Bipolar fine wire electrodes were placed in the second and fourth parasternal intercostal muscles and in two or three external intercostal muscles in the midaxillary line from the fourth to eighth intercostal spaces. Subjects breathed quietly or rebreathed from a bag containing 8% CO2 in O2 in both supine and upright postures. Respiration was monitored by means of flow, volume, and separate rib cage and abdominal volumes. Onset of EMG activity in each breath was found near the beginning of inspiration in the uppermost intercostal spaces but progressively later in inspiration in lower spaces, indicating that activity spreads downward across the rib cage through inspiration. At higher ventilation stimulated by CO2, activity spread further and faster downward. In voluntary deep breathing, external intercostal muscles tended to be recruited earlier in inspiration than in CO2-stimulated breathing. The change from supine to sitting resulted in small and inconsistent changes. There was no lung volume or rib cage volume threshold for appearance of EMG activity in any of the spaces.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of diaphragmatic ischemia on the inspiratory motor drive, we studied the in situ isolated and innervated left diaphragm in anesthetized, vagotomized, and mechanically ventilated dogs. The arterial and venous vessels of the left diaphragm were catheterized and isolated from the systemic circulation. Inspiratory muscle activation was assessed by recording the integrated electromyographic (EMG) activity of the left and right costal diaphragms and parasternal intercostal and alae nasi muscles. Tension generated by the left diaphragm during spontaneous breathing attempts was also measured. In eight animals, left diaphragmatic ischemia was induced by occluding the phrenic artery for 20 min, followed by 10 min of reperfusion. This elicited a progressive increase in EMG activity of the left and right diaphragms and parasternal and alae nasi muscles to 170, 157, 152, and 128% of baseline values, respectively, an increase in the frequency of breathing efforts, and no change in left diaphragmatic spontaneous tension. Thus the ratio of left diaphragmatic EMG to tension rose progressively during ischemia. During reperfusion, only the frequency of breathing efforts and alae nasi EMG recovered completely. In four additional animals, left diaphragmatic ischemia was induced after the left phrenic nerve was sectioned. Neither EMG activity of inspiratory muscles nor respiratory timing changed significantly during ischemia. In conclusion, diaphragmatic ischemia increases inspiratory motor drive through activation of phrenic afferents. The changes in alae nasi activity and respiratory timing indicate that this influence is achieved through supraspinal pathways.  相似文献   

Ventilation and electromyogram (EMG) activities of the right hemidiaphragm, parasternal intercostal, triangularis sterni, transversus abdominis, genioglossus, and alae nasi muscles were measured before and during central stimulation of the left thoracic phrenic nerve in 10 alpha-chloralose anesthetized vagotomized dogs. Pressure in the carotid sinuses was fixed to maintain baroreflex activity constant. The nerve was stimulated for 1 min with a frequency of 40 Hz and stimulus duration of 1 ms at voltages of 5, 10, 20, and 30 times twitch threshold (TT). At five times TT, no change in ventilation or EMG activity occurred. At 10 times TT, neither tidal volume nor breathing frequency increased sufficiently to reach statistical significance, although the change in their product (minute ventilation) was significant (P less than 0.05). At 20 and 30 times TT, increases in both breathing frequency and tidal volume were significant. At these stimulus intensities, the increases in ventilation were accompanied by approximately equal increases in the activity of the diaphragm, parasternal, and alae nasi muscles. The increase in genioglossus activity was much greater than that of the other inspiratory muscles. Phrenic nerve stimulation also elicited inhomogeneous activation of the expiratory muscles. The transversus abdominis activity increased significantly at intensities from 10 to 30 times TT, whereas the activity of the triangularis sterni remained unchanged. The high stimulation intensities required suggest that the activation of afferent fiber groups III and IV is involved in the response. We conclude that thin-fiber phrenic afferent activation exerts a nonuniform effect on the upper airway, rib cage, and abdominal muscles and may play a role in the control of respiratory muscle recruitment.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the role of the parasternal intercostals in respiration, we measured the changes in length of these muscles during a variety of static and dynamic respiratory maneuvers. Studies were performed on 39 intercostal spaces from 10 anesthetized dogs, and changes in parasternal intercostal length were assessed with pairs of piezoelectric crystals (sonomicrometry). During static maneuvers (passive inflation-deflation, isovolume maneuvers, changes in body position), the parasternal intercostals shortened whenever the rib cage inflated, and they lengthened whenever the rib cage contracted. The changes in parasternal intercostal length, however, were much smaller than the changes in diaphragmatic length, averaging 9.2% of the resting length during inflation from residual volume to total lung capacity and 1.3% during tilting from supine to upright. During quiet breathing the parasternal intercostals always shortened during inspiration and lengthened during expiration. In the intact animals the inspiratory parasternal shortening was close to that seen for the same increase in lung volume during passive inflation and averaged 3.5%. After bilateral phrenicotomy, however, the parasternal intercostal shortening during inspiration markedly increased, whereas tidal volume diminished. These results indicate that 1) the parasternal intercostals in the dog are real agonists (as opposed to fixators) and actively contribute to expand the rib cage and the lung during quiet inspiration, 2) the relationship between lung volume and parasternal length is not unique but depends on the relative contribution of the various inspiratory muscles to tidal volume, and 3) the physiological range of operating length of the parasternal intercostals is considerably smaller than that of the diaphragm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In patients with diaphragm paralysis, ventilation to the basal lung zones is reduced, whereas in patients with paralysis of the rib cage muscles, ventilation to the upper lung zones in reduced. Inspiration produced by either rib cage muscle or diaphragm contraction alone, therefore, may result in mismatching of ventilation and perfusion and in gas-exchange impairment. To test this hypothesis, we assessed gas exchange in 11 anesthetized dogs during ventilation produced by either diaphragm or intercostal muscle contraction alone. Diaphragm activation was achieved by phrenic nerve stimulation. Intercostal muscle activation was accomplished by electrical stimulation by using electrodes positioned epidurally at the T(2) spinal cord level. Stimulation parameters were adjusted to provide a constant tidal volume and inspiratory flow rate. During diaphragm (D) and intercostal muscle breathing (IC), mean arterial Po(2) was 97.1 +/- 2.1 and 88.1 +/- 2.7 Torr, respectively (P < 0.01). Arterial Pco(2) was lower during D than during IC (32.6 +/- 1.4 and 36.6 +/- 1.8 Torr, respectively; P < 0.05). During IC, oxygen consumption was also higher than that during D (0.13 +/- 0.01 and 0.09 +/- 0.01 l/min, respectively; P < 0.05). The alveolar-arterial oxygen difference was 11.3 +/- 1.9 and 7.7 +/- 1.0 Torr (P < 0.01) during IC and D, respectively. These results indicate that diaphragm breathing is significantly more efficient than intercostal muscle breathing. However, despite marked differences in the pattern of inspiratory muscle contraction, the distribution of ventilation remains well matched to pulmonary perfusion resulting in preservation of normal gas exchange.  相似文献   

The effect of non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep on total pulmonary resistance (RL) and respiratory muscle function was determined in four snorers and four nonsnorers. RL at peak flow increased progressively from wakefulness through the stages of NREM sleep in all snorers (3.7 +/- 0.4 vs. 13.0 +/- 4.0 cmH2O X 0.1(-1) X s) and nonsnorers (4.8 +/- 0.4 vs. 7.5 +/- 1.1 cmH2O X 1(-1) X s). Snorers developed inspiratory flow limitation and progressive increase in RL within a breath. The increased RL placed an increased resistive load on the inspiratory muscles, increasing the pressure-time product for the diaphragm between wakefulness and NREM sleep. Tidal volume and minute ventilation decreased in all subjects. The three snorers who showed the greatest increase in within-breath RL demonstrated an increase in the contribution of the lateral rib cage to tidal volume, a contraction of the abdominal muscles during a substantial part of expiration, and an abrupt relaxation of abdominal muscles at the onset of inspiration. We concluded that the magnitude of increase in RL leads to dynamic compression of the upper airway during inspiration, marked distortion of the rib cage, recruitment of the intercostal muscles, and an increased contribution of expiratory muscles to inspiration. This increased RL acts as an internal resistive load that probably contributes to hypoventilation and CO2 retention in NREM sleep.  相似文献   

Relative strengths of the chest wall muscles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We hypothesized that during maximal respiratory efforts involving the simultaneous activation of two or more chest wall muscles (or muscle groups), differences in muscle strength require that the activity of the stronger muscle be submaximal to prevent changes in thoracoabdominal configuration. Furthermore we predicted that maximal respiratory pressures are limited by the strength of the weaker muscle involved. To test these hypotheses, we measured the pleural pressure, abdominal pressure (Pab), and transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) generated during maximal inspiratory, open-glottis and closed-glottis expulsive, and combined inspiratory and expulsive maneuvers in four adults. We then determined the activation of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles during selected maximal respiratory maneuvers, using electromyography and phrenic nerve stimulation. In all subjects, the Pdi generated during maximal inspiratory efforts was significantly lower than the Pdi generated during open-glottis expulsive or combined efforts, suggesting that rib cage, not diaphragm, strength limits maximal inspiratory pressure. Similarly, at high lung volumes, the Pab generated during closed-glottis expulsive efforts was significantly greater than that generated during open-glottis efforts, suggesting that the latter pressure is limited by diaphragm, not abdominal muscle, strength. As predicted, diaphragm activation was submaximal during maximal inspiratory efforts, and abdominal muscle activation was submaximal during open-glottis expulsive efforts at midlung volume. Additionally, assisting the inspiratory muscles of the rib cage with negative body-surface pressure significantly increased maximal inspiratory pressure, whereas loading the rib cage muscles with rib cage compression decreased maximal inspiratory pressure. We conclude that activation of the chest wall muscles during static respiratory efforts is determined by the relative strengths and mechanical advantage of the muscles involved.  相似文献   

We have tested the possibility that the electromyographic (EMG) activity present in the parasternal intercostal muscles during quiet inspiration was reflexive, rather than agonistic, in nature. Using concentric needle electrodes we measured parasternal EMG activity in four normal subjects during various inspiratory maneuvers. We found that 1) phasic inspiratory activity was invariably present in the parasternal intercostals during quiet breathing, 2) the parasternal EMG activity was generally increased during attempts to perform the tidal breathing maneuver with the diaphragm alone, 3) parasternal EMG activity was markedly decreased or suppressed in the presence of rib cage distortion during diaphragmatic isovolume maneuvers, and 4) that EMG activity could not be voluntarily suppressed during breathing unless the inspired volume was trivial. We conclude that the parasternal EMG activity detected during quiet inspiration in the normal subjects depends on a central involuntary mechanism and is not related to activation of intercostal mechanoreceptors.  相似文献   

It is established that during tidal breathing the rib cage expands more than the abdomen in the upright posture, whereas the reverse is usually true in the supine posture. To explore the reasons for this, we studied nine normal subjects in the supine, standing, and sitting postures, measuring thoracoabdominal movement with magnetometers and respiratory muscle activity via integrated electromyograms. In eight of the subjects, gastric and esophageal pressures and diaphragmatic electromyograms via esophageal electrodes were also measured. In the upright postures, there was generally more phasic and tonic activity in the scalene, sternocleidomastoid, and parasternal intercostal muscles. The diaphragm showed more phasic (but not more tonic) activity in the upright postures, and the abdominal oblique muscle showed more tonic (but not phasic) activity in the standing posture. Relative to the esophageal pressure change with inspiration, the inspiratory gastric pressure change was greater in the upright than in the supine posture. We conclude that the increased rib cage motion characteristic of the upright posture owes to a combination of increased activation of rib cage inspiratory muscles plus greater activation of the diaphragm that, together with a stiffened abdomen, acts to move the rib cage more effectively.  相似文献   

The electrical activity and the respiratory changes in length of the third parasternal intercostal muscle were measured during single-breath airway occlusion in 12 anesthetized, spontaneously breathing dogs in the supine posture. During occluded breaths in the intact animal, the parasternal intercostal was electrically active and shortened while pleural pressure fell. In contrast, after section of the third intercostal nerve at the chondrocostal junction and abolition of parasternal electrical activity, the muscle always lengthened. This inspiratory muscle lengthening must be related to the fall in pleural pressure; it was, however, approximately 50% less than the amount of muscle lengthening produced, for the same fall in pleural pressure, by isolated stimulation of the phrenic nerves. These results indicate that 1) the parasternal inspiratory shortening that occurs during occluded breaths in the dog results primarily from the muscle inspiratory contraction per se, and 2) other muscles of the rib cage, however, contribute to this parasternal shortening by acting on the ribs or the sternum. The present studies also demonstrate the important fact that the parasternal inspiratory contraction in the dog is really agonistic in nature.  相似文献   

The electrical activity of the respiratory skeletal muscles is altered in response to reflexes originating in the gastrointestinal tract. The present study evaluated the reflex effects of esophageal distension (ED) on the distribution of motor activity to both inspiratory and expiratory muscles of the rib cage and abdomen and the resultant changes in thoracic and abdominal pressure during breathing. Studies were performed in 21 anesthetized spontaneously breathing dogs. ED was produced by inflating a balloon in the distal esophagus. ED decreased the activity of the costal and crural diaphragm and external intercostals and abolished all preexisting electrical activity in the expiratory muscles of the abdominal wall. On the other hand, ED increased the activity of the parasternal intercostals and expiratory muscles located in the rib cage (i.e., triangularis sterni and internal intercostal). All effects of ED were graded, with increasing distension exerting greater effects, and were eliminated by vagotomy. The effect of increases in chemical drive and lung inflation reflex activity on the response to ED was examined by performing ED while animals breathed either 6.5% CO2 or against graded levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), respectively. Changes in respiratory muscle electrical activity induced by ED were similar (during 6.5% CO2 and PEEP) to those observed under control conditions. We conclude that activation of mechanoreceptors in the esophagus reflexly alters the distribution of motor activity to the respiratory muscles, inhibiting the muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity and augmenting the parasternals and expiratory muscles of the chest wall.  相似文献   

Neural drive to inspiratory pump muscles is increased under many pathological conditions. This study determined for the first time how neural drive is distributed to five different human inspiratory pump muscles during tidal breathing. The discharge of single motor units (n = 280) from five healthy subjects in the diaphragm, scalene, second parasternal intercostal, third dorsal external intercostal, and fifth dorsal external intercostal was recorded with needle electrodes. All units increased their discharge during inspiration, but 41 (15%) discharged tonically throughout expiration. Motor unit populations from each muscle differed in the timing of their activation and in the discharge rates of their motor units. Relative to the onset of inspiratory flow, the earliest recruited muscles were the diaphragm and third dorsal external intercostal (mean onset for the population after 26 and 29% of inspiratory time). The fifth dorsal external intercostal muscle was recruited later (43% of inspiratory time; P < 0.05). Compared with the other inspiratory muscles, units in the diaphragm and third dorsal external intercostal had the highest onset (7.7 and 7.1 Hz, respectively) and peak firing frequencies (12.6 and 11.9 Hz, respectively; both P < 0.05). There was a unimodal distribution of recruitment times of motor units in all muscles. Neural drive to human inspiratory pump muscles differs in timing, strength, and distribution, presumably to achieve efficient ventilation.  相似文献   

The distribution of motor drive to the costal and crural diaphragm and parasternal intercostal muscles was evaluated during progressive isocapnic hypoxia in anesthetized dogs. Bipolar stainless steel wire electrodes were placed unilaterally into the costal and crural portions of the diaphragm and into the parasternal intercostal muscle in the second or third intercostal space. Both peak and rate of rise of electromyographic activity of each chest wall muscle increased in curvilinear fashion in response to progressive hypoxia. Both crural and parasternal intercostal responses, however, were greater than those of the costal diaphragm. The onset of crural activation preceded that of the costal portion of the diaphragm and parasternal intercostal muscle activation. Despite differences in the degree of activation among the various chest wall muscles, the rate of increase in activation for any given muscle was linearly related to the rate of increases for the other two. This suggests that respiratory drive during progressive hypoxia increases in fixed proportion to the different chest wall inspiratory muscles. Our findings lend further support to the concept that the costal and crural diaphragm are governed by separate neural control mechanisms and, therefore, may be considered separate muscles.  相似文献   

The order of recruitment of single-motor units in parasternal intercostal muscles during inspiration was studied in normal human subjects during quiet breathing and voluntary hyperventilation. Electromyograms were recorded from the second and third intercostal spaces by means of bipolar fine wire electrodes. Flow at the mouth, volume, end-expired CO2, and rib cage and abdominal anterior-posterior diameters were monitored. Single-motor units were identified using criteria of amplitude and shape, and the time of first appearance of each unit in each inspiration was noted. Hyperventilation was performed with visual feedback of the display of rib cage and abdomen excursions, keeping the ratio of rib cage to abdominal expansion. Subjects were normocapnic in quiet breathing and developed hypocapnia during hyperventilation. Recruitment order was stable in quiet breathing, but in some cases was altered during voluntary hyperventilation. Some low threshold units that fired early in the breath in quiet breathing fired earlier at the beginning of a period of voluntary hyperventilation but progressively later in the breath as hyperventilation went on, whereas later firing units moved progressively toward the early part of inspiration. This suggests that different groups of motoneurons in the pool supplying parasternal intercostal muscles receive different patterns of synaptic input.  相似文献   

To assess the mechanical coupling between the parasternal and external intercostals in the cranial portion of the rib cage, we measured the respiratory changes in length and the electromyograms of the two muscles in the same third or fourth intercostal space in 24 spontaneously breathing dogs. We found that 1) the amount of inspiratory shortening of the external intercostal was considerably smaller than the amount of shortening of the parasternal; 2) after selective denervation of the parasternal, the inspiratory shortening of both the parasternal and the external intercostal was almost abolished; 3) on the other hand, after selective denervation of the external intercostal, the inspiratory shortening of the parasternal was unchanged, and the inspiratory shortening of the external intercostal was reduced but not suppressed; and 4) this persistent shortening of the external intercostal was reversed into a clear-cut inspiratory lengthening when the parasternal was subsequently denervated. We conclude that in the dog 1) the inspiratory contraction of the external intercostals in the cranial portion of the rib cage is agonistic in nature as is the contraction of the parasternals; 2) during resting breathing, however, the changes in length of these external intercostals are largely determined by the action of the parasternals. These observations are consistent with the idea that in the dog, the parasternals play a larger role than the external intercostals in elevating the ribs during resting inspiration.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the shortening of the canine parasternal intercostals during inspiration results primarily from the muscles' own activation (J. Appl. Physiol. 64: 1546-1553, 1988). In the present studies, we have tested the hypothesis that other inspiratory rib cage muscles may contribute to the parasternal inspiratory shortening. Eight supine, spontaneously breathing dogs were studied. Changes in length of the third or fourth right parasternal intercostal were measured during quiet breathing and during single-breath airway occlusion first with the animal intact, then after selective denervation of the muscle, and finally after bilateral phrenicotomy. Denervating the parasternal virtually eliminated the muscle shortening during quiet inspiration and caused the muscle to lengthen during occluded breaths. After phrenicotomy, however, the parasternal, while being denervated, shortened again a significant amount during both quiet inspiration and occluded breaths. These data thus confirm that a component of the parasternal inspiratory shortening is not active and results from the action of other inspiratory rib cage muscles. Additional studies in four animals demonstrated that the scalene and serratus muscles do not play any role in this phenomenon; it must therefore result from the action of intrinsic rib cage muscles.  相似文献   

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