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Membranes from erythrocytes with a new Gerbich (Ge)-negative phenotype (Leach phenotype), as well as those from two other Ge-negative phenotypes, were examined. Whereas cells of the Leach phenotype apparently lack three minor sialoglycoproteins (beta, beta 1 and gamma), the membranes of Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ erythrocytes apparently lack beta- and gamma-sialoglycoproteins but contain additional diffusely migrating components of apparent Mr 30 500-34 500 and 32 500-36 500 respectively. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the abnormal components of both Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ erythrocytes reacted with two monoclonal antibodies, BRIC 4 and BRIC 10. These antibodies have been shown to react with sialoglycoproteins beta and beta 1 in normal erythrocytes. Cytoskeletal preparations from Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ erythrocyte membranes contained the abnormal components. In contrast with cells of the Leach phenotype, which are elliptocytic, Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ were of normal shape, despite their apparent lack of beta- and gamma-sialoglycoproteins. It seems likely that the abnormal components in these cells contribute to their normal shape. Ovalocytic erythrocytes were shown to incorporate more radioactivity in the sialoglycoprotein-beta 1 region than normal erythrocytes after labelling by the periodate/NaB3H4 technique. It is suggested that abnormal components in Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ erythrocytes result from chromosomal misalignment with unequal crossing-over at meiosis between the genes giving rise to beta-, beta 1- and gamma-sialoglycoproteins.  相似文献   

Individuals whose erythrocytes are positive for the rare blood-group antigen Webb (Wb) have an altered form of the minor sialoglycoprotein beta (synonyms glycophorin C and glycoconnectin). This altered sialoglycoprotein beta (beta Wb) has an Mr about 2700 lower than that of normal sialoglycoprotein beta. Treatment of normal sialoglycoprotein beta with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase F decreased its Mr by about 3600, but similar treatment of sialoglycoprotein beta Wb had no effect. These results suggest the possibility that sialoglycoprotein beta Wb lacks the N-glycosidically linked oligosaccharide found on normal sialoglycoprotein beta.  相似文献   

The sialoglycoproteins (glycophorins) in human red cell membranes of rare individuals lacking totally (Ge-1,-2,-3 phenotype) or partially (Ge-1,-2,3 phenotype) the Gerbich (Ge) blood group antigens and two Ge-1,-2,-3 heterozygotes were studied by dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic techniques. Two sialoglycoproteins (components D and E) were not detectable in the membranes from the homozygotes and found to be decreased by about 50% in those from the heterozygotes. Ge--1,-2,-3 and Ge-1,-2,3 cells were found to contain a 'new' component (mol. masses about 29 and 30 kDa, respectively) possibly representing a D/E hybrid molecule. This sialoglycoprotein was not detectable in membranes from the Ge-1,-2,-3 heterozygotes, suggesting that the Ge-1,-2,-3 phenotype may be caused by at least two different alleles at the Ge blood group antigen locus. Hemagglutination or hemagglutination inhibition tests involving anti-Ge 1,2,3 and -Ge 1,2 as well as native and enzyme-treated normal red cells (phenotype Ge 1,2,3) or membrane and sialoglycoprotein fractions from normal erythrocytes indicate that the receptors of these sera are located within the glycosylated domain(s) of the D and/or E sialoglycoprotein(s). Our data suggest that the Ge locus encodes the polypeptide sequences of the D and E sialoglycoproteins.  相似文献   

Structural variation in the primary structure of human T200 glycoprotein has been detected. Three cDNA variants have been characterized each of which encode T200 molecules that differ in size as a result of sequence differences in their amino-terminal regions. The largest form of the molecule is distinguished from the smallest by an insert of 161 amino acids, after the first eight amino-terminal residues. The other variant has an insert at the same location of 47 amino acids identical to residues 75-121 in the larger insert. Both extra domains are rich in serine and threonine residues and are likely to display multiple O-linked oligosaccharides. These structural variants which probably arise by cell-type-specific alternative splicing provide a molecular basis for the previously observed structural and antigenic heterogeneity of T200 glycoprotein. In addition to the variable amino-terminal region, the external domain of human T200 glycoprotein consists of a second cysteine-rich region of about 400 amino acids, a single transmembrane-spanning region and a large cytoplasmic domain of 707 amino acids shared by all of the structural variants and highly conserved between species. The gene encoding human T200 is located on the long arm of chromosome 1.  相似文献   

The molecular properties of the major, high-frequency antigens (Ge2 and Ge3) of the human Gerbich blood group system were investigated using 14 different alloantibodies from rare Ge: -1,-2,-3 or Ge: -1,-2,3 individuals. Various modification, fractionation or fragmentation products of glycophorins (sialoglycoproteins) from normal erythrocytes (phenotype Ge: 1,2,3) were used in hemagglutination inhibition assays. The location of the antigens was also studied by blotting of proteins, separated by dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, to nitrocellulose and detection of bound antibodies by 125I-labelled protein G. Anti-Ge3 was found to be directed against a region of glycophorin C that surrounds a tryptic cleavage site at position 48 and a similar region of glycophorin D whose structure is not yet known. NeuAc residue(s), probably representing part(s) of a carbohydrate unit attached to serine42 of glycophorin C, methionine, aspartic or glutamic acid, tryptophan and/or arginine residue(s) are involved in the Ge3 epitopes, as judged from chemical modification. The Ge2 epitopes were found to be located on a tryptic glycopeptide from glycophorin D comprising about 20-30 amino-acid residues. NeuAc residue(s), attached to serine-/threonine-linked oligosaccharide(s), are involved in the Ge2 determinants. Using the immunoblotting technique, it could also be shown that the 'new' glycophorin in Ge: -1,-2,3 cells carries the Ge3 antigen.  相似文献   

Gel electrophoresis in the presence of deoxycholate of human erythrocyte membranes solubilized with deoxycholate resolves four glycoprotein zones. Electrophoresis in dodecyl sulfate in a second dimension reveals several components, three of which migrate in the region of PAS-2. One of the zones in deoxycholate gel electrophoresis contains component PAS-3, and this glycoprotein seems to exist as a monomer in deoxycholate, but aggregates partially upon addition of dodecyl sulfate. The major sialoglycoprotein migrates as a diffuse zone in dodecyl sulfate. The major sialoglycoprotein migrates as a diffuse zone in deoxycholate gel electrophoresis, indicating association and dissociation during the electrophoresis. The use of deoxycholate followed by dodecyl sulfate in two-dimentional electrophoresis gave high resolution of membrane proteins and can be used for detection of complexes in one of the detergents.  相似文献   

By using radioiodinated monoclonal antibodies we have estimated that there are about 600 000 copies of sialoglycoprotein alpha (synonym glycophorin A) and 80 000 copies of sialoglycoprotein delta (synonym glycophorin B) per normal human erythrocyte. Erythrocytes expressing the product of only one alpha gene contain about 300 000 copies of alpha/cell. Two erythrocyte types containing alpha-delta hybrid molecules were studied. Those with heterozygous expression of the (alpha-delta)Mi.V gene contain about 100 000 alpha-delta copies per cell, whereas those with heterozygous expression of the En(UK) gene contain about 80 000 alpha-delta copies/cell. Erythrocyte types containing delta-alpha hybrid molecules were also studied. About 200 000 copies of (delta-alpha)Dantu were measured in cells with heterozygous expression of the (delta-alpha)Dantu gene (donor M.P.), whereas about 315 000 copies of the putative (delta-alpha)Dantu hybrid were found on the erythrocytes of donor J.O. [which also have heterozygous expression of the putative (delta-alpha)Dantu gene]. The erythrocytes of donor M.P. have normal levels of alpha, whereas those of donor J.O. have only about half-normal levels. It is proposed that the hybrid sialoglycoprotein of donor J.O. is of alpha-delta-alpha composition [(alpha-delta-alpha)Dantu] rather than delta-alpha and results from a double cross-over analogous to that which gives rise to haemoglobin Parchman.  相似文献   

Rhnull human erythrocytes lack the antigens of the Rhesus blood-group system, have an abnormal shape, have an increased osmotic fragility, and are associated with mild chronic haemolytic anaemia. Rhnull erythrocytes also lack all antigens of the LW blood-group system, but the functional significance of this deficiency is unknown. We have identified, by immunoblotting with two mouse monoclonal antibodies (BS46 and BS56), the LW-active component(s) in normal human erythrocytes as a broad band of Mr 37 000-47 000 on SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Treatment of intact human erythrocytes with endoglycosidase F preparation destroyed the epitopes recognized by antibodies BS46 and BS56, suggesting that one or more N-glycosidically linked oligosaccharides are required for the formation of the LW antigens. Estimation of the number of LW antigen sites per erythrocyte by using radioiodinated purified antibody BS46 gave average values of 4400 molecules/cell for Rh(D)-positive adult erythrocytes and 2835 molecules/cell for Rh(D)-negative adult erythrocytes. Like the Rh(D) polypeptide, the LW polypeptide(s) is (are) associated with the cytoskeleton of normal erythrocytes. These results suggest the possibility that the absence of the LW polypeptide may also contribute to the functional and/or morphological abnormalities of Rhnull erythrocytes.  相似文献   

R Iseki  K Kondo 《Jikken dobutsu》1984,33(1):91-95
Genetic variants of plasma alpha-amylase and erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase in the musk shrew (Suncus murinus) were found by electrophoreses using cellulose acetate plates. It was demonstrated that phenotypic differences of alpha-amylase are controlled by two codominant alleles (Amy-1a and Amy-1b) at a single autosomal locus (Amy-1). The segregation data of the carbonic anhydrase phenotypes in the progeny supported the genetic theory of two codominant alleles (Car-1a and Car-1b) at a single autosomal locus (Car-1). The data suggested that there was no close linkage between the two loci, Amy-1 and Car-1. The Car-1 locus was fixed with one of the two alleles in each of the four lines, i.e. Nag, Oki , Tar and Jak originating from wild animals captured in Nagasaki and Naha and Tarama Island, Okinawa, Japan, and in Jakarta, Indonesia, respectively. Oki and Tar lines still showed segregation of the two alleles at the Amy-1 locus.  相似文献   

G gamma(13) is a divergent member of the G gamma subunit family considered to be a component of the gustducin G-protein heterotrimer involved in bitter and sweet taste reception in taste bud cells. G gamma(13) contains a C-terminal asparagine-proline-tryptophan (NPW) tripeptide, a hallmark of RGS protein G gamma-like (GGL) domains which dimerize exclusively with G beta(5) subunits. In this study, we investigated the functional range of G gamma(13) assembly with G beta subunits using multiple assays of G beta association and G beta gamma effector modulation. G gamma(13) was observed to associate with all five G beta subunits (G beta(1-5)) upon co-translation in vitro, as well as function with all five G beta subunits in the modulation of Kir3.1/3.4 (GIRK1/4) potassium and N-type (alpha(1B)) calcium channels. Multiple G beta/G gamma(13) pairings were also functional in cellular assays of phospholipase C (PLC) beta 2 activation and inhibition of G alpha(q)-stimulated PLC beta 1 activity. However, upon cellular co-expression of G gamma(13) with different G beta subunits, only G beta(1)/G gamma(13), G beta(3)/G gamma(13), and G beta(4)/G gamma(13) pairings were found to form stable dimers detectable by co-immunoprecipitation under high-detergent cell lysis conditions. Collectively, these data indicate that G gamma(13) forms functional G beta gamma dimers with a range of G beta subunits. Coupled with our detection of G gamma(13) mRNA in mouse and human brain and retina, these results imply that this divergent G gamma subunit can act in signal transduction pathways other than that dedicated to taste reception in sensory lingual tissue.  相似文献   

Laminins, a family of large heterotrimeric (alphabetagamma) proteins, are major components of basement membranes implicated in a variety of cellular functions. Different commercial laminin preparations isolated from human placenta have been widely used in functional studies but their molecular properties are poorly known. In the present study, we characterized several of these preparations by ELISA, silver staining and Western blotting, in comparison to mouse laminin 1 (alpha1beta1gamma1), and recombinant human laminins 2 (alpha2beta1gamma1), 8 (alpha4beta1gamma1) and 10 (alpha5beta1gamma1). The cell migration-promoting activity of different batches was also tested. The placenta laminin preparations differed from one another and consisted of highly fragmented proteins, a mixture of laminin isoforms, and/or contaminating fibronectin. Major functional differences between batches were also observed, reflecting molecular heterogeneity. Previous data obtained in functional studies using these preparations need to be interpreted with caution and may require revision, and future functional studies demand prior molecular characterization of the laminins, particularly their alpha-chain.  相似文献   

Antisera raised to dehistonized chromatin from isolated normal human granulocytes revealed the presence of chromatin-associated antigens specific for the human neutrophils that appear during late stages of myeloid cellular differentiation. Immunological specificity was demonstrated by C fixation, immunodiffusion, and immunocytochemical reactions. Chromatin prepared from both normal granulocytes and specimens of myeloid leukemia showed immunologic reactivity. Although the normal antigens were detected in a specimen of CML, the position of immunodiffusion precipitin lines was different from that obtained with normal granulocyte chromatin. In addition, chromatin prepared from the myeloid leukemic cell line HL-60 expressed only one of the three precipitin bands normally found in immunodiffusion. The immunocytochemical staining reaction was confined to the nucleus of mature neutrophils in normal peripheral blood smears. Greater than 90% of cells in peripheral blood specimens of CML showed positive immunocytochemical nuclear staining. In other types of leukaemia, the normal mature granulocyte reacted with antiserum, but the nonmyeloid leukemic cells in these specimens did not. The specificity of immunologic reactions described here suggests the usefulness of nuclear antigens as cell markers.  相似文献   

Murine multipotential hematopoietic stem cells (CFU-s) bear an antigen (SC-1) which is recognized by heterologous antisera to mouse brain. We have found that cloned Thy-1 negative variants of the T-cell lymphoma RL ♂1 are sensitive to complement-mediated cytolysis by anti-brain serum and can absorb the anti-stem cell activity from the antiserum. We have isolated several subclones derived from a primary Thy-1 negative variant which are not susceptible to anti-brain serum. The surface of the resistant lines has little or no antigen capable of binding anti-mouse brain antibodies as measured by either immunofluorescence or a radioimmunoassay. These lines are also unable to absorb the anti-bodies responsible for the cytotoxic effect of rabbit anti-mouse brain serum against CFU-s. We conclude that the predominant antigen, serologically detectable on Thy-1 negative variants of RL ♂1, is SC-1.  相似文献   

We have produced human laminin-8 (alpha4beta1gamma1) using recombinant technology. Approximately half of the recombinant laminin-8 (rLN-8) molecules were found to have a chondroitin sulphate modification in the alpha4 chain. The substituted and non-substituted forms were separated and tested for cell adhesion activity. Lower cell adhesion promoting activity was seen for the substituted form, but the integrin receptor utilization was similar. We also found the human rLN-8 to behave identically in cell adhesion assays compared to a human/mouse hybrid variant of rLN-8.  相似文献   



By examining the genotype calls generated by the 1000 Genomes Project we discovered that the human reference genome GRCh37 contains almost 20,000 loci in which the reference allele has never been observed in healthy individuals and around 70,000 loci in which it has been observed only in the heterozygous state.


We show that a large fraction of this rare reference allele (RRA) loci belongs to coding, functional and regulatory elements of the genome and could be linked to rare Mendelian disorders as well as cancer. We also demonstrate that classical germline and somatic variant calling tools are not capable to recognize the rare allele when present in these loci. To overcome such limitations, we developed a novel tool, named RAREVATOR, that is able to identify and call the rare allele in these genomic positions. By using a small cancer dataset we compared our tool with two state-of-the-art callers and we found that RAREVATOR identified more than 1,500 germline and 22 somatic RRA variants missed by the two methods and which belong to significantly mutated pathways.


These results show that, to date, the investigation of around 100,000 loci of the human genome has been missed by re-sequencing experiments based on the GRCh37 assembly and that our tool can fill the gap left by other methods. Moreover, the investigation of the latest version of the human reference genome, GRCh38, showed that although the GRC corrected almost all insertions and a small part of SNVs and deletions, a large number of functionally relevant RRAs still remain unchanged. For this reason, also future resequencing experiments, based on GRCh38, will benefit from RAREVATOR analysis results. RAREVATOR is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/rarevator.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1481-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Stilbenedisulfonates (S) constitute an important class of competitive inhibitors of the anion exchange (AE) function found in plasma membranes of various cell types. I present a brief summary of recent kinetic studies that provide insight into the mechanism of stilbenedisulfonate-chloride competition in binding to human erythrocyte band 3 (AE1) (B), the chloride-bicarbonate exchanger. Reversible stilbenedisulfonate binding follows a two-step mechanism (S + B <--> SB <--> SB*). Several lines of evidence are summarized that show that chloride, stilbenedisulfonates, and band 3 form a ternary complex, with chloride lowering stilbenedisulfonate affinity allosterically, by accelerating the rate of stilbenedisulfonate release. Of particular significance was our evidence demonstrating that extracellular chloride could accelerate stilbenedisulfonate release from its binding site on the outer surface of band 3 in resealed ghosts (i.e., acceleration in the release of a bound competitive inhibitor by a cis substrate). I suggest that the latter result may be consistent with our earlier proposal that band 3 follows a two-site ordered sequential mechanism, where two allosterically linked chloride binding transport sites move back and forth across the membrane together.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding the N-terminal sequence of the murine integrin beta 7 subunit, a novel member of the leukocyte cell adhesion molecule subset (Leu-CAM), has been isolated. An N-terminal region of 13 contiguous amino acids deduced from the cDNA shows complete identity with the N-terminus of the 120 kDa subunit of the M290 antigen, a surface molecule found highly expressed on mouse intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). This unexpected result focuses two previously unconnected areas of research and suggests that integrins may have a special role to play in the defence of the gut mucosa.  相似文献   

The class II molecules of DR4, DR7, and DRw9 haplotypes were analyzed by immunoprecipitation, followed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. By using HLA-DR chain-specific monoclonal antibodies, two distinct DR beta-chains were identified. One beta-chain, designated DR beta 2, had a characteristic acidic mobility. In all three DR types the DR beta 2-chains were indistinguishable by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and partial N-terminal sequencing. A second DR beta-chain designated beta 1 had a more basic mobility on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and differed from the DR beta 2-chains by the consistent presence of phenylalanine at position 18. In contrast to the DR beta 2-chains, the DR beta 1-chains were clearly polymorphic, with specific amino acid sequence differences characteristic of each DR type. The monoclonal antibodies 109d6 and 17-3-3S, recognizing distinct polymorphic epitopes similarly correlated with the DRw53 allospecificity, were found to react with different DR beta-chains. The epitope recognized by monoclonal antibody 109d6 was identified on the DR beta 2-chain in the prototypic DR4, DR7, and DRw9 cell lines. However, the DR7, Dw11, DQw3 cell line BEI was unreactive with antibody 109d6 by either immunofluorescence or immunoprecipitation despite the presence of the DRw53 allodeterminant on this cell line. The other DRw53-like monoclonal antibody, 17-3-3S, reacted with the DR beta 1-rather than the DR beta 2-chain in all DR4 and DR7 cell lines tested, including the cell line BEI. However, antibody 17-3-3S did not react with the DRw53-positive DRw9 cell line ISK. These studies suggest that the DRw53 allospecificity is more complex than previously thought and may comprise a number of distinct epitopes encoded by two different DR beta loci.  相似文献   

The functional properties of the secreted form of C4 (C4s), which has a Mr approximately 5000 greater than the predominant C4 molecule found in plasma (C4p), two incompletely processed two-chain C4 molecules (beta - alpha + gamma and beta + alpha - gamma), and the extracellular C4 precursor (designated pro-C4(E)] were evaluated. All four molecules are secreted in parallel by a human hepatoma-derived cell line (Hep G2). Secretion of hemolytically active C4 is linear up to approximately 12 hr, peaks at 24 hr, and then progressively decreases over the next 48 hr. This loss of C4s functional activity parallels the proteolytic conversion of C4s to C4bs. To compare the hemolytic efficiencies of C4s and C4p, a solid-phase competitive radioimmunoassay was developed to permit measurement of the small quantities of C4 antigen in these cultures. The hemolytic efficiencies of C4s and C4p were similar. These results indicate that extracellular processing of C4s to C4p does not modulate the hemolytic activity of the molecule. Consistent with their ability to bind methylamine, both the alpha s-chain and the alpha - gamma subunit undergo denaturation-induced autolysis. The extracellular and intracellular pro-C4 molecules are also sensitive to autolytic cleavage. Interestingly, the beta - alpha subunit is resistant to autolysis. In experiments in which C4s and C4p were cleaved by C1-s to C4bs, C4(beta - alpha + gamma), C4(beta + alpha - gamma), and pro-C4(E) were resistant to C1-s cleavage and thus hemolytically inactive relative to C4s. These data indicate that processing of C4 to a three-chain structure is required to provide the proper conformation for efficient activation by C1.  相似文献   

The laminin (LN) family of large heterotrimeric extracellular matrix glycoproteins has multiple functions: LNs take part in the regulation of processes such as cell migration, differentiation, and proliferation, in addition to contributing to the structure of basement membranes. LN-10, composed of alpha5, beta1, and gamma1 chains, is widely distributed in most basement membranes of both epithelia and endothelia. We determined the complete human cDNA sequence for the LN alpha5 chain and produced recombinant human LN-10 (rLN-10) in HEK293 cells by triple transfection of full-length cDNAs encoding the human LN alpha5, beta1, and gamma1 chains. The rLN-10 was purified using affinity chromatography and had an apparent molecular mass of approximately 800 kDa in SDS-PAGE and a native domain structure in rotary shadowing electron microscopy. By using function-blocking monoclonal antibodies, integrin alpha(3)beta(1) was found to be a major mediator of adhesion of HT-1080 and human saphenous vein endothelial cells. Human saphenous vein endothelial cells adhered more strongly to rLN-10 than to LN-1 and LN-8 and showed better migration on rLN-10, compared with several other matrices. Considering the cell adhesive and migration-promoting properties of rLN-10 on endothelial cells, this molecule could be useful in improving the biocompatibility and endothelialization of vascular grafts.  相似文献   

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