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SRC family kinases have been consistently and recurrently implicated in neurite extension events, yet the mechanism underlying their neuritogenic role has remained elusive. We report that epidermal growth factor (EGF) can be converted from a non-neuritogenic into a neuritogenic factor through moderate activation of endogenous SRC by receptor-protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha (a physiological SRC activator). We show that such a qualitative change in the response to EGF is not accompanied by changes in the extent or kinetics of ERK induction in response to this factor. Instead, the pathway involved relies on increased tyrosine phosphorylation of, and recruitment of Crk to, the SRC substrate Sin/Efs. The latter is a scaffolding protein structurally similar to the SRC substrate Cas, tyrosine phosphorylation of which is critical for migration in fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Expression of a dominant negative version of Sin interfered with receptor-protein-tyrosine phosphatase alpha/EGF- as well as fibroblast growth factor-induced neurite outgrowth. These observations uncouple neuritogenic signaling in PC12 cells from sustained activation of ERK kinases and for the first time identify an effector of SRC function in neurite extension.  相似文献   

PMD (Pelizaeus–Merzbacher disease) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder that impairs motor and cognitive functions and is associated with a shortened lifespan. The cause of PMD is mutations of the PLP1 [proteolipid protein 1 gene (human)] gene. Transgenic mice with increased Plp1 [proteolipid protein 1 gene (non-human)] copy number model most aspects of PMD patients with duplications. Hypomyelination and demyelination are believed to cause the neurological abnormalities in mammals with PLP1 duplications. We show, for the first time, intense microglial reactivity throughout the grey and white matter of a transgenic mouse line with increased copy number of the native Plp1 gene. Activated microglia in the white and grey matter of transgenic mice are found as early as postnatal day 7, before myelin commences in normal cerebra. This finding indicates that degeneration of myelin does not cause the microglial response. Microglial numbers are doubled due to in situ proliferation. Compared with the jp (jimpy) mouse, which has much more oligodendrocyte death and hardly any myelin, microglia in the overexpressors show a more dramatic microglial reactivity than jp, especially in the grey matter. Predictably, many classical markers of an inflammatory response, including TNF-α (tumour necrosis factor-α) and IL-6, are significantly up-regulated manyfold. Because inflammation is believed to contribute to axonal degeneration in multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation in mammals with increased Plp1 gene dosage may also contribute to axonal degeneration described in patients and rodents with PLP1 increased gene dosage.  相似文献   

LIGHT, a member of the TNF family of cytokines (homologous to lymphotoxin, exhibits inducible expression and competes with HSV glycoprotein D for herpesvirus entry mediator, a receptor expressed on T cells), is induced on activated T cells and mediates costimulatory and antitumor activity in vitro. Relatively little information is available on the in vivo effects of LIGHT expression, particularly within the T cell compartment. In this work, we describe transgenic mice that express human LIGHT under the control of the CD2 promoter, resulting in constitutive transgene expression in cells of the T lymphocyte lineage. LIGHT-transgenic animals exhibit abnormalities in both lymphoid tissue architecture and the distribution of lymphocyte subsets. They also show signs of inflammation that are most severe in the intestine, along with tissue destruction of the reproductive organs. These LIGHT-mediated effects were recapitulated when immune-deficient mice were reconstituted with bone marrow from LIGHT-transgenic donor mice. T cells in the LIGHT-transgenic mice have an activated phenotype and mucosal T cells exhibit enhanced Th1 cytokine activity. The results indicate that LIGHT may function as an important regulator of T cell activation, and implicate LIGHT signaling pathways in inflammation focused on mucosal tissues.  相似文献   

Genetic mutations responsible for oblique facial clefts (ObFC), a unique class of facial malformations, are largely unknown. We show that loss-of-function mutations in SPECC1L are pathogenic for this human developmental disorder and that SPECC1L is a critical organizer of vertebrate facial morphogenesis. During murine embryogenesis, Specc1l is expressed in cell populations of the developing facial primordial, which proliferate and fuse to form the face. In zebrafish, knockdown of a SPECC1L homolog produces a faceless phenotype with loss of jaw and facial structures, and knockdown in Drosophila phenocopies mutants in the integrin signaling pathway that exhibit cell-migration and -adhesion defects. Furthermore, in mammalian cells, SPECC1L colocalizes with both tubulin and actin, and its deficiency results in defective actin-cytoskeleton reorganization, as well as abnormal cell adhesion and migration. Collectively, these data demonstrate that SPECC1L functions in actin-cytoskeleton reorganization and is required for proper facial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Dysregulated phosphatidylinositol (PI) signaling has been implicated in human gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies and inflammatory states, underlining the need to study pathophysiological roles of PI in an in vivo genetic model. Here, we study the significance of PI in GI pathophysiology using the zebrafish mutant cdipthi559, which lacks PI synthesis, and unravel a crucial role of PI in intestinal mucosal integrity and inflammation. The cdipthi559 mutants exhibit abnormal villous architecture and disorganized proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs), with pathologies reminiscent of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including apoptosis of goblet cells, abnormal mucosecretion, bacterial overgrowth and leukocyte infiltration. The mutant IECs exhibit vacuolation, microvillus atrophy and impaired proliferation. The cdipthi559 gene expression profile shows enrichment of acute phase response signaling, and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress factors hspa5 and xbp1 are robustly activated in the mutant GI tissue. Temporal electron micrographic analyses reveal that PI-deficient IECs undergo sequential ER-Golgi disruption, mitochondrial depletion, macroautophagy and cell death, consistent with chronic ER-stress-mediated cytopathology. Furthermore, pharmacological induction of ER stress by inhibiting protein glycosylation or PI synthase inhibition in leukocyte-specific reporter lines replicates the cdipthi559 inflammatory phenotype, suggesting a fundamental role of PI metabolism and ER stress in mucosal inflammation. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs resolved the inflammation, but not the autophagic necroapoptosis of IECs, suggesting that bacterial overgrowth can exacerbate ER stress pathology, whereas persistent ER stress is sufficient to trigger inflammation. Interestingly, the intestinal phenotype was partially alleviated by chemical chaperones, suggesting their therapeutic potential. Using zebrafish genetic and pharmacological models, this study demonstrates a newly identified link between intracellular PI signaling and ER-stress-mediated mucosal inflammation. The zebrafish cdipt mutants provide a powerful tool for dissecting the fundamental mechanisms of ER-stress-mediated human GI diseases and a platform to develop molecularly targeted therapies.KEY WORDS: Cdipt, Phosphoinositides, IBD, UPR  相似文献   

Using a proteomic approach, we have previously shown that exposure to different concentrations of cisplatin during a 12-h period can lead to changes in nuclear protein expression and alternative splicing in HeLa cells. To further shed light on the DNA damage response (DDR) induced by cisplatin, we examined the nuclear proteome profiles of HeLa cells treated with 5μM cisplatin for different times (2, 12, and 24h). Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) identified 98 differentially expressed proteins in cisplatin-treated cells as compared to control cells. Among them, 54 spots (55%) were down-regulated and 44 spots (45%) were up-regulated. 51 spots were subjected to Matrix-assisted-laser-desorption-ionization Time-of-flight/time-of-flight Mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS) identification, and 40 spots were identified. Among these, 22 proteins were located in nucleus. These proteins were involved in stress response, cell cycle and division, apoptosis, mRNA processing, transport, splicing and microRNA (miRNA) maturation. The changed expression of Annexin A1 and Lamin B1 were confirmed by Western blot. The role of Annexin A1 in the response to cisplatin-induced DNA damage was further analyzed, and it was shown that after Annexin A1 knockdown, cisplatin-induced DNA damage was significantly increased. In addition, the changed expression of several miRNAs was also observed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Taken together, these data indicate that cisplatin-induced DDR is a complex process, and that those proteins identified by proteomics can lead to new directions for a better understanding of this process.  相似文献   


A role of Retinol Binding Protein-4 (RBP4) in insulin resistance is widely studied. However, there is paucity of information on its receptor viz., Stimulated by Retinoic Acid-6 (STRA6) with insulin resistance. To address this, we investigated the regulation of RBP4/STRA6 expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes exposed to glucolipotoxicity (GLT) and in visceral adipose tissue (VAT) from high fat diet (HFD) fed insulin-resistant rats. 3T3-L1 adipocytes were subjected to GLT and other experimental maneuvers with and without vildagliptin or metformin. Real-time PCR and western-blot experiments were performed to analyze RBP4, STRA6, PPARγ gene and protein expression. Adipored staining and glucose uptake assay were performed to evaluate lipid and glucose metabolism. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and Insulin Tolerance Test (ITT) were performed to determine the extent of insulin resistance in HFD fed male Wistar rats. Total serum RBP4 was measured by quantitative sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Adipocytes under GLT exhibited significantly increased RBP4/STRA6 expressions and decreased insulin sensitivity/glucose uptake. Vildagliptin and metformin not only restored the above but also decreased the expression of IL-6, NFκB, SOCS-3 along with lipid accumulation. Furthermore, HFD fed rats exhibited significantly increased serum levels of RBP4 along with VAT expression of RBP4, STRA6, PPARγ, IL-6. These molecules were significantly altered by the vildagliptin/ metformin treatment. We conclude that RBP4/STRA6 pathway is primarily involved in mediating inflammation and insulin resistance in adipocytes and visceral adipose tissues under glucolipotoxicity and in insulin resistant rats.

Graphic abstract

Gasdermin E (GSDME)-mediated pyroptosis is induced in keratinocytes of UVB-challenged skin. The role of GSDME in UVB-caused skin damage remains unknown. To explore the role of GSDME in UVB-induced skin inflammation. We compared differences in skin appearance, histological features, keratinocyte death modalities, infiltration of immune cells, and levels of some inflammatory cytokines between Gsdme−/− mice and wild type (WT) mice after UVB exposure. We explored whether keratinocytes contribute to GSDME deficiency-caused aggravation of UVB-induced skin inflammation in GSDME knockdown keratinocyte cultured in vitro and keratinocyte-specific Gsdme conditional knockout mice. We used anti-Ly6G antibody to deplete neutrophils and explore their role in UVB-caused skin damage. Skin damage and neutrophils infiltration were aggravated in UVB-challenged Gsdme−/− mice, compared with UVB-challenged WT mice. Apoptosis and necroptosis, which were initiated together with GSDME-mediated pyroptosis in UVB-challenged WT mice, were not enhanced in UVB-challenged Gsdme−/− mice. Neutrophils activation indicators and its recruiting cytokines were increased in skin tissue of UVB-challenged Gsdme−/− mice. However, GSDME knockdown did not lead to the further increase of mRNA and secretion of TNF-α and IL-6 in UVB-challenged keratinocytes. Skin damage was not aggravated in UVB-challenged Gsdme cKO mice. Neutrophils depletion alleviated UVB-caused skin damage in WT mice and Gsdme−/− mice, and eliminated its aggravation in Gsdme−/− mice. This study demonstrates that GSDME plays a restrictive role in UVB-induced skin damage through inhibiting excessive recruitment and activation of neutrophils in the immune microenvironment in UVB-caused skin inflammation. However, keratinocytes might not contribute to this restrictive function.Subject terms: Cell death, Cell death and immune response, Inflammation  相似文献   

Recent studies have highlighted a crucial regulatory role of the cytokine IL-9 in driving immune responses in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases at mucosal surfaces. IL-9 activates various types of immune and non-immune cells carrying the membrane bound IL-9R. IL-9 signaling plays a pivotal role in controlling the differentiation and activation of these cells by inducing the Jak/STAT pathway. In particular, IL-9 induces activation of T helper cells and affects the function of various tissue resident cells such as mast cells and epithelial cells in the mucosa. Importantly, recent findings suggest that blockade of IL-9 signaling is effective in treating experimental models of autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases, allergic disorders such as food allergy and asthma. Thus, blockade of IL-9 and IL-9R signaling emerges as potentially novel approach for therapy of inflammatory diseases in the mucosal immune system.  相似文献   

The classic neuropathological diagnostic markers for AD are amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, but their role in the etiology and progression of the disease remains incompletely defined. Research over the last decade has revealed that cell cycle abnormalities also represent a major neuropathological feature of AD. These abnormalities appear very early in the disease process, prior to the appearance of plaques and tangles; and it has been suggested that neuronal cell cycle regulatory failure may be a significant component of the pathogenesis of AD. The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is most commonly known as the source of the beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptides that accumulate in the brains of patients with AD. However, a large body of work supports the idea that APP is also a signaling receptor. Most recently, it has been shown that familial AD (FAD) mutations in APP or simple overexpression of wild type APP cause dysfunction of APP signaling, resulting in initiation of DNA synthesis in neurons and consequent apoptosis. In this article, we review the evidence that APP has the potential to activate aberrant neuronal cell cycle re-entry in AD, and we describe a signal transduction pathway that may mediate this abnormal activation of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D (PKD) is a member of the AGC family of Ser/Thr kinases and is distantly related to protein kinase C (PKC). Formerly known as PKCmu, PKD contains protein domains not found in conventional PKC isoforms. A functional pleckstrin homology (PH) domain is critical for the regulation of PKD activity. Here we report that PKD is tyrosine-phosphorylated within the PH domain, leading to activation. This phosphorylation is mediated by a pathway that consists of the Src and Abl tyrosine kinases and occurs in response to stimulation with pervanadate and oxidative stress. Mutational analysis revealed three tyrosine phosphorylation sites (Tyr(432), Tyr(463), and Tyr(502)), which are regulated by the Src-Abl pathway, and phosphorylation of only one of these (Tyr(463)) leads to PKD activation. By using a phospho-specific antibody, we show that Abl directly phosphorylates PKD at Tyr(463) in vitro, and in cells phosphorylation of this site is sufficient to mediate full activation of PKD. Mutation of the other two sites, Tyr(432) and Tyr(502), had no significant influence on PKD activity. These data reveal a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent activation mechanism for PKD and suggest that this event contributes to the release of the autoinhibitory PKD PH domain leading to kinase activation and downstream responses.  相似文献   

Thy-1 (CD90) crosslinking by monoclonal antibodies (mAb) in the context of costimulation causes the activation of mouse T-lymphocytes; however, the associated signal transduction processes have not been studied in detail. In this study we investigated the role of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in Thy-1-mediated T-lymphocyte activation using mAb-coated polystyrene microspheres to crosslink Thy-1 and costimulatory CD28 on murine T-lymphocytes. Concurrent Thy-1 and CD28 crosslinking induced DNA synthesis by T-lymphocytes, as well as interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) α chain (CD25) expression. Increased phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2, p38 MAPK, and c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) was also observed. Pharmacologic inhibition of ERK1/2 or JNK activation inhibited Thy-1-induced DNA synthesis and IL-2 production by T-lymphocytes. p38 MAPK inhibition also decreased DNA synthesis in Thy-1-stimulated T-lymphocytes; however, IL-2 production was increased in these cells. Inhibition of JNK, but not ERK1/2 or p38 MAPK, caused a marked reduction in Thy-1-induced CD25 expression. In addition, inhibition of p38 MAPK or JNK, but not ERK1/2, impaired the growth of IL-2-dependent CTLL-2 T-lymphocytes but did not substantially affect CD25 expression. Finally, exogenous IL-2 reversed the inhibitory effect of ERK1/2 or JNK inhibition on Thy-1-stimulated DNA synthesis by T-lymphocytes but did not substantially reverse JNK inhibition of CD25 expression. Collectively, these results suggest that during Thy-1-induced T-lymphocyte activation, ERK1/2 and JNK promoted IL-2 production whereas p38 MAPK negatively regulated IL-2 expression. JNK signalling was also required for CD25 expression. IL-2R signalling involved both p38 MAPK and JNK in CTLL-2 cells, whereas p38 MAPK was most important for IL-2R signalling in primary T-lymphocytes. MAPKs are therefore essential signalling intermediates for the Thy-1-driven proliferation of mouse T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute-phase reactant that is found bound to cells at sites of inflammation. We have passively sensitized HEp-2 cells for CRP binding and examined the effect of this treatment on complement activation and cell lysis. When cells were treated with protamine sulfate and CRP and were incubated with normal human serum in a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay, no significant lysis was noted. In contrast, HEp-2 cells treated with antibody and normal human serum were lysed. The consumption of complement components in normal human serum after incubation with cells treated with protamine and CRP was measured by hemolytic assays. CRP-treated cells consumed over 80% of C1, C4, and C2 and about 40% of C3 present. No significant consumption of C5 through C9 components was observed. Cells treated with antibody and complement showed consumption of C1 through C9. Cells were also sensitized for CRP binding by using diazophenylphosphocholine. This treatment also led to CRP binding and activation of the early classical pathway (C1, C4, C2, and to a lesser extent C3). The components of the membrane attack complex (C5 through C9) were not activated. Both a mouse monoclonal IgM and a human IgG antibody to phosphocholine activated the entire classical pathway. These results indicate that CRP activation of the classical complement pathway is restricted to the early part of the pathway. In the absence of activation of the membrane attack complex, complement-mediated cell lysis cannot occur.  相似文献   

Transformation by oncogenic Ras requires signaling through Rho family proteins including RhoA, but the mechanism(s) whereby oncogenic Ras regulates the activity of RhoA is (are) unknown. We examined the effect of Ras on RhoA activity in NIH 3T3 cells either stably transfected with H-Ras(V12) under control of an inducible promoter or transiently expressing the activated H-Ras. Using a novel method to quantitate enzymatically the GTP bound to Rho, we found that expression of the oncogenic Ras increased Rho activity approximately 2-fold. Increased Rho activity was associated with increased plasma membrane binding of RhoA and decreased activity of the Rho/Ras-regulated p21(WAF1/CIP1) promoter. RhoA activation by oncogenic Ras could be explained by a decrease in cytosolic p190 Rho-GAP activity and translocation of p190 Rho-GAP from the cytosol to a detergent-insoluble cytoskeletal fraction. Pharmacologic inhibition of the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway prevented Ras-induced activation of RhoA and translocation of p190 Rho-GAP; expression of constitutively active Raf-1 kinase or MEK was sufficient to induce p190 Rho-GAP translocation. We conclude that in NIH 3T3 cells oncogenic Ras activates RhoA through the Raf/MEK/ERK pathway by decreasing the cytosolic activity and changing the subcellular localization of p190 Rho-GAP.  相似文献   

Diseases of mucosal inflammation represent important causes of morbidity and mortality, and have led to intense research efforts to understand the factors that lead to their development. It is well accepted that a breakdown of the normally impermeant epithelial barrier of the intestine, the lung, and the kidney is associated with the development of inflammatory disease in these organs, yet significant controversy exists as to how this breakdown actually occurs, and how such a breakdown may lead to inflammation. In this regard, much work has focused upon the role of the epithelium as an "innocent bystander," a target of a leukocyte-mediated inflammatory cascade that leads to its destruction in the mucosal inflammatory process. However, recent evidence from a variety of laboratories indicates that the epithelium is not merely a passive component in the steps that lead to mucosal inflammation, but is a central participant in the process. In addressing this controversy, we and others have determined that epithelial cells express Toll-like receptors (TLRs) of the innate immune system, and that activation of TLRs by endogenous and exogenous ligands may play a central role in determining the balance between a state of "mucosal homeostasis," as is required for optimal organ function, and "mucosal injury," leading to mucosal inflammation and barrier breakdown. In particular, activation of TLRs within intestinal epithelial cells leads to the development of cellular injury and impairment in mucosal repair in the pathogenesis of intestinal inflammation, while activation of TLRs in the lung and kidney may participate in the development of pneumonitis and nephritis respectively. Recent work in support of these concepts is extensively reviewed, while essential areas of further study that are required to determine the significance of epithelial TLR signaling during states of health and disease are outlined.  相似文献   

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