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Testicular type Sox9 is the most upstream conserved gene in the sex determining cascade among vertebrate. However, in medaka, only one Sox9 gene was identified as expressed in the ovary; no other Sox9 gene was reported expressed in the testis. We explored the medaka genome and cloned a novel testicular type Sox9 cDNA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that both our isolated Sox9 and the already reportedly cloned medaka Sox9 belongs zebrafish Sox9a branch. Therefore, we named our gene Sox9a2. Unexpectedly, Sox9a2 mRNA was expressed in somatic cells surrounding germ cells at similar high levels in both sexes during early gonadal sex differentiation. However, at the initial stage of testicular tubules development, the expression of Sox9a2 was maintained only in XY gonads, and was remarkably reduced in XX gonads. These results suggest that Sox9a2 is not involved in early sex determination and differentiation, but is involved in the later development of testicular tubules in medaka.  相似文献   

人类性别决定和性别分化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SRY基因在人类性别分化中起着关键作用,目前研究认为SRY仅是涉及性别决定过程的基因之一,其他基因和SRY相关基因SOX9,抗副中肾激素基因AMH,编码缁类因子的基因SF1,X-连锁的DAX基因,wilm‘s肿瘤抑制基因WT1等基因都参与了人类性腺分化和发育,本文拟就人类性别决定基因的研究进展及其与人类性别分化的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

Cell proliferation has been shown to have multiple functions in development and pattern formation, including roles in growth, morphogenesis, and gene expression. Previously, we determined that the earliest known morphological event downstream of the male sex determining gene, Sry, is the induction of proliferation. In this study, we used proliferation inhibitors to block cell division during early gonad development, at stages before the XY gonad has committed to the testis pathway. Using the expression of sex-specific genes and the formation of testis morphology as markers of testis determination, we found that proliferation within a specific 8-h window was critical for the establishment of the male pathway and the formation of the testis. Inhibition of proliferation before or after this critical period led to smaller gonads, but did not block testis formation. The critical period of proliferation coincides with the initiation of Sry expression and is essential for the differentiation of Sertoli cells, suggesting that proliferation is a vital component of the initiation of the male pathway by Sry. We believe these studies suggest that proliferation is involved not only in the elaboration of organ pattern, but also in the choice between patterns (male and female) in the bipotential gonad.  相似文献   

泽蛙的性腺分化及温度对性别决定的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李桑  尤永隆  林丹军 《动物学报》2008,54(2):271-281
通过组织学方法观察了泽蛙(Rana limnocharis)原始生殖细胞(PGCs)的迁移、原始性腺的形成和性腺分化,并且探讨在不同的培育温度条件下性腺分化的差异。泽蛙的性腺分化有其特殊性:生殖嵴形成时,其中既有体细胞,又有原生殖细胞;无论原始性腺是分化成为精巢还是卵巢,其中都出现一个初生性腔。蝌蚪孵化后的17-34d(Gosner 26-38期)为性腺分化的敏感时期。在蝌蚪孵化后的第2d(Gosner 25期),分别用不同水温18℃±1℃、30℃±1℃、32℃±1℃、34℃±1℃培育蝌蚪,直至完成变态幼蛙(Gosner 46期)形成。自然水温23℃-25℃为对照。对照组的雌、雄性比接近1∶1(1∶1.06);18℃±1℃实验组的雌、雄比例为1.83∶1,雄性率仅35.1%(P<0.01);从30℃±1℃实验组起,雄性率提高,34℃±1℃实验组的雄性率达74.0%(P<0.01)。较高的培育温度可使泽蛙蝌蚪性别分化趋向雄性,而较低的培育温度则使蝌蚪雌性化。泽蛙的性别分化属于温度依赖型性决定(TSD)。当前全球性气候变暖对两栖类性比的稳定存在着威胁。  相似文献   

Summary The prostomium alone or the prostomium and proventriculus of reproductiveTyposyllis pulchra were periodically removed at known stages of oogenesis and the gametes were examined by transmission electron microscopy. If the proventriculus and prostomium were simultaneously removed prior to day 3 of the stolonization sequence, before gonial differentiation, the time reruired for stolon formation and concomitant gametogenesis was shortened; the animals, all of which had previously reproduced as females, produced only ultrastructurally normal sperm. Spermatogenesis in these induced males began earlier in the stolonization period than in normal males. However, the cytological events of spermatogenesis were not accelerated. When the same operation was performed after differentiated oocytes were present, gamete cytodifferentiation and development time did not appear to be affected and the animals remained female. Removal of the prostomium alone, formerly thought to have no effect, caused high mortality and if removed prior to day 3 appeared to prevent both stolonization and gametogenesis. Ultrastructural investigation of these animals shows that gonads are maintained, but that gonial cells fail to differentiate or produce gametes. The subsequent removal of the proventriculus and regenerating prostomium from these animals allows them to mature as induced males. This suggests a prostomial role in regulating the endocrine activity of the proventriculus during the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Temperature of egg incubation determines sex in Alligator mississippiensis hatchlings. To define the timing and morphology of sexual differentiation, alligator gonads were examined histologically and ultrastructurally throughout embryogenesis. At the male-producing temperature (33° C), the onset of testis differentiation occurred in most embryos during developmental stages 21–22, when a number of somatic cells in the medulla of the gonad became enlarged, forming presumptive Sertoli cells. Some enlarged somatic cells were also observed at the female-producing temperature (30° C) during gonadogenesis, but they were less widespread than at 33° C. Ovarian differentiation at 30° C began slighlty later, during stage 22–23, and was characterised by proliferation of germs cells in the cortex of the gonad. Testis formation in alligators may depend upon presumptive Sertoli cells differentiating prior to a critical event in embryogenesis, such as germ cell proliferation and meiosis. If follows that ovary formation occurs if this requirement is not met, as at lower incubation temperatures.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the matricellular protein secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) was identified in a screen for genes expressed sex-specifically during mouse gonad development, as being strongly upregulated in the male gonad from very early in testis development. We present here a detailed analysis of SPARC gene and protein expression during testis development, from 11.5 to 15.5 days post coitum (dpc). Section in situ hybridization analysis revealed that SPARC mRNA is expressed by the Sertoli cells in the testis cords and the fetal Leydig cells, found within the interstitial space between the testis cords. Immunodetection with anti-SPARC antibody showed that the protein was located inside the testis cords, within the cytoplasm of Sertoli and germ cells. In the interstitium, SPARC was present intracellularly within the Leydig cells. The internalization of SPARC in Sertoli, Leydig, and germ cells suggests that it plays an intracellular regulatory role in these cell types during fetal testis development.  相似文献   

Male-specific migration of cells from the mesonephric kidney into the embryonic gonad is required for testis formation in the mouse. It is unknown, however, whether this process is specific to the mouse embryo or whether it is a fundamental characteristic of testis formation in other vertebrates. The signalling molecule/s underlying the process are also unclear. It has previously been speculated that male-specific cell migration might be limited to mammals. Here, we report that male-specific cell migration is conserved between mammals (mouse) and birds (quail-chicken) and that it involves proper PDGF signalling in both groups. Interspecific co-cultures of embryonic quail mesonephric kidneys together with embryonic chicken gonads showed that quail cells migrated specifically into male chicken gonads at the time of sexual differentiation. The migration process is therefore conserved in birds. Furthermore, this migration involves a conserved signalling pathway/s. When GFP-labelled embryonic mouse mesonephric kidneys were cultured together with embryonic chicken gonads, GFP+ mouse cells migrated specifically into male chicken gonads and not female gonads. The immigrating mouse cells contributed to the interstitial cell population of the developing chicken testis, with most cells expressing the endothelial cell marker, PECAM. The signalling molecule/s released from the embryonic male chicken gonad is therefore recognised by both embryonic quail and mouse mesonephric cells. A candidate signalling molecule mediating the male-specific cell migration is PDGF. We found that PDGF-A and PDGF receptor-alpha are both up-regulated male-specifically in embryonic chicken and mouse gonads. PDGF signalling involves the phosphotidylinositol 3-kinase (PIK3) pathway, an intracellular pathway proposed to be important for mesonephric cell migration in the mammalian gonad. We found that a component of this pathway, PI3KC2alpha, is expressed male-specifically in developing embryonic chicken gonads at the time of sexual differentiation. Treatment of organ cultures with the selective PDGF receptor signalling inhibitor, AG1296 (tyrphostin), blocked or impaired mesonephric cell migration in both the mammalian and avian systems. Taken together, these studies indicate that a key cellular event in gonadal sex differentiation is conserved among higher vertebrates, that it involves PDGF signalling, and that in mammals is an indirect effect of Sry expression.  相似文献   

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