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We studied House Finch Carpodacus mexicanus roosting behaviour during the non-breeding season using radiotracking and direct observations in Ithaca, NY, USA. In contrast to what has been reported in the literature and in contrast to what should be expected from Newton's European studies of cardueline finches, House Finches roost in small groups (mean 3.5; maximum 11) and do not display at roost sites. Seventy-seven per cent of the birds re-used the same tree on successive observations. In winter, birds re-used the same roost tree more often than in the autumn, and birds with mycoplasmal conjunctivitis tended to move more between roost trees than did birds without conjunctivitis. A small number of radiotagged birds that roosted in the same tree were observed together in the daytime more often than by chance, suggesting the existence of social bonds between birds (some same sex) during the non-breeding season. In the autumn the birds often roosted in leafed deciduous trees and closer to their daytime feeding locations than they did in winter. In winter all birds roosted in evergreen trees. It is possible that the reliable and predictable food sources at feeding sites offered by the public might have changed House Finch roosting behaviour.  相似文献   

Research on raptors in general in India is scanty, and it is practically non-existent on black kites (Milvus migrans govinda) which are the major scavenging raptor in many urban areas. The aim of this study was to analyse the seasonal abundance and roosting behaviour of black kites in an urban metropolis. Data on the abundance and behaviour of roosting black kites in this setting were collected using evening roost counts and ad-libitum sampling, respectively. Analysis was performed using separate generalized linear models considering roosting kite abundance, number of black kites arriving to roost and number of black kites showing pre-roosting display as response variables, respectively. We found that black kites roosted communally and that their number varied in different years and seasons, with the abundance highest in the summer and lowest during the winter. Pre-roosting displays also varied seasonally, being highest during the monsoon and at a minimum in the winter. In our urban setting, black kites arrived at the roosting sites mostly after sunset, and their arrival was influenced by sunset time, temperature, relative humidity and season. Some behavioural aspects of black kites within the roosts were also documented. This is the first quantitative assessment of roosting black kite abundance in Kolkata, India, and our data provide insight on the roosting behaviour of these birds relative to various environmental parameters.  相似文献   

Different habitats may be used for the needs of various aspects of an animal’s life. Southern Ground-Hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri groups announce their presence within year-round territories by calling at dawn from their overnight roost sites. Knowledge on ground-hornbill roosting habits is limited. Groups roost in large trees, apparently close to where they end up after daily foraging. We investigated patterns of roost site selection and use for four Southern Ground-Hornbill groups in the Associated Private Nature Reserves, north-eastern South Africa, based on data from GPS-satellite transmitters. The number of roost sites used per month averaged 15.4 ± 4.7 across all groups, indicating little evidence of strong preferences for specific sites. This number was least when groups were breeding, decreasing throughout the early wet season (October–December) and was lowest during the late wet season (January–March) when actively breeding groups frequently roosted close to the nest (54–83% of roosts <1 000 m of the nest). As might be expected, the mean monthly number of nights per roost peaked during the breeding season (December–January). Riparian habitats were preferred for roosting during the breeding season, whereas disturbed areas, as well as Combretumand mopane-dominated habitats were preferred during the dry non-breeding season. Adequate large trees not only for nesting, but also for roosting, particularly in riparian habitats, may therefore be an important and potentially limiting factor for the successful reproduction of Southern Ground-Hornbills.  相似文献   

《Bird Study》2012,59(3):413-419

Capsule: Collective roosting behaviour of the Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis was influenced by the weather and the season.

Aims: To document the roosting behaviour of the Cattle Egret and assess the relationship between weather conditions and four components of the roosting behaviour including the population size, duration of roost occupancy, the timing of roost gathering and the rate of arrival at roost.

Methods: We recorded the number and arrival times of individuals occupying a communal roost site in northeast Algeria in 2013–2014 between December and April.

Results: There was a seasonal decline of the flock size and rate of arrival and a seasonal increase in the duration of gathering. Weather conditions affected all variables assessed in roosting behaviour such that bad weather lowered the number of individuals in the roost, lengthened the duration and advanced the timing of gathering, and reduced the rate of gathering in the roost.

Conclusion: Our study highlights the importance of weather conditions in shaping the collective roosting behaviour of a gregarious species. Our results suggest that future changes in climatic conditions might influence the collective behaviour of the Cattle Egret in particular and gregarious birds in general.  相似文献   

Jan Holmgren 《Ibis》2004,146(3):404-416
Common Swifts Apus apus have occasionally been reported roosting overnight by hanging in the foliage of trees. However, roosting in foliage, which is often associated with food shortage as a result of adverse weather, appears to be an important alternative to aerial roosting. Thirty-nine observations of the behaviour have been recorded previously in Europe, some of them concerning two or more birds. Furthermore, each August from 1982 to 2000, within a restricted area of c . 300 × 300 m in southern Sweden, Swifts (118 total) were observed to roost in the foliage of trees or on a latticework mast, whereas others (230 total) were observed making 'fly-ins' typical of the behaviour preliminary to roosting. Of those roosting, 39 Swifts could be aged, and all but one of these were newly fledged juveniles. The Swifts perched late at dusk with maximum frequency about 30 min after sunset, but tended to perch earlier in cloudy weather and later in clear weather. Numbers of roosting Swifts were correlated with low mean temperatures in August, and appearances of roosting Swifts were correlated with low local evening temperatures. During May–July 1982–2000, within the same small area, 18 Swifts were observed to roost in this manner and 29 other Swifts made preroost fly-ins. It is concluded that the behaviour is used more frequently and is more widespread geographically than thus far published observations indicate. This applies especially to newly fledged young on their first migration. Adaptive explanations for this are suggested, with the implication that the behaviour may be widespread in swifts of the tribe Apodini.  相似文献   

Forest roosting bats use a variety of ephemeral roosts such as snags and declining live trees. Although conservation of summer maternity habitat is considered critical for forest-roosting bats, bat response to roost loss still is poorly understood. To address this, we monitored 3 northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colonies on Fort Knox Military Reservation, Kentucky, USA, before and after targeted roost removal during the dormant season when bats were hibernating in caves. We used 2 treatments: removal of a single highly used (primary) roost and removal of 24% of less used (secondary) roosts, and an un-manipulated control. Neither treatment altered the number of roosts used by individual bats, but secondary roost removal doubled the distances moved between sequentially used roosts. However, overall space use by and location of colonies was similar pre- and post-treatment. Patterns of roost use before and after removal treatments also were similar but bats maintained closer social connections after our treatments. Roost height, diameter at breast height, percent canopy openness, and roost species composition were similar pre- and post-treatment. We detected differences in the distribution of roosts among decay stages and crown classes pre- and post-roost removal, but this may have been a result of temperature differences between treatment years. Our results suggest that loss of a primary roost or ≤ 20% of secondary roosts in the dormant season may not cause northern long-eared bats to abandon roosting areas or substantially alter some roosting behaviors in the following active season when tree-roosts are used. Critically, tolerance limits to roost loss may be dependent upon local forest conditions, and continued research on this topic will be necessary for conservation of the northern long-eared bat across its range.  相似文献   

Shiny Cowbirds Molothrus bonariensis and Screaming Cowbirds Molothrus rufoaxillaris are closely related brood parasites but the former is socially polygynous or promiscuous and an extreme host generalist, whereas the latter is socially monogamous and parasitizes almost exclusively one host. Females of both species lay in relative darkness, before dawn, relying for host nest location on previous days’ prospecting activity, or possibly on following better‐informed roost associates. We studied the temporal and spatial patterns of roosting behaviour in these species to test the hypothesis that roosting behaviour of cowbirds is related to their breeding strategy (brood parasitism) and reflects differences in strategies between species. We recorded fidelity to a roost, location fidelity within a roost, inter‐individual spatial associations and timing of roost departures and parasitic events, using tagged individuals. Female Shiny Cowbirds and both sexes of Screaming Cowbirds showed marked fidelity in roosting location, and roost departures occurred both during and after the known time window for parasitism, with earlier departures probably corresponding to laying days. Screaming Cowbird females and males that were trapped together and showed high levels of association during the day, also showed high levels of association in the roost. We describe the spatial and temporal patterns of a relatively poorly known aspect of avian ecology in general and the behaviour of brood parasites in particular.  相似文献   

Little work has been done on the roosting behaviour of Corvidae, particularly the influence of light-intensity on its timing. This paper describes the effects of light-intensity on the roosting times of rooks (Corvus frugilegus) from a large roost during winter. Light intensity was measured and its influence on the departure of birds from the feeding grounds, arrival at the roost, entry into the roost and morning departure was found to be significant. Departure from feeding areas (and arrival at the roost) was earlier at lower light-intensities and later at higher light-intensities. Control of responsiveness to light-intensity by circadian rhythm for rooks from different feeding grounds was discussed.  相似文献   

Roost site selection is a state‐dependent process, affected by the individual's costs and benefits of roosting at a specific site in the available environment. Costs and benefits of different roost sites vary in relation to intrinsic factors and environmental conditions. Thus, the cost–benefit functions of roost sites are expected to differ between seasons and life‐history stages, resulting in adjustments in roost site selection. Studying roost site selection throughout the year therefore provides information about year‐round habitat requirements at different life‐history stages. However, little is known about the roosting behaviour of birds. Here, the roost site selection of Little Owls Athene noctua was studied by repeated daytime location of 24 adult and 75 juvenile radiotagged individuals from July to November. Little Owls preferred sheltered roost sites such as tree cavities with multiple entrances. They increasingly used sheltered sites from summer to winter and preferentially used sheltered roost sites with low ambient temperatures. Juveniles used significantly less sheltered sites during dispersal than before and afterwards, and used less sheltered sites than adults within their home‐range. The survival probability of birds roosting frequently at exposed sites was reduced. Roost site selection is probably driven by the two mechanisms of predator avoidance and thermoregulation, and the costs of natal dispersal may include increased predation threat and higher energy expenditure for thermoregulation. We suggest that adequate roost sites, such as multi‐entrance tree cavities, are an important habitat requirement for Little Owls and that habitat quality can be affected by manipulating their availability.  相似文献   

(1) The energy savings associated with the roosting behaviour of barn owls (Tyto alba) were determined with a biophysical model using measurements of microclimate from a roost and nest site in SW Scotland (55 degrees 10' N 3 degrees 12' W) from April 1991-March 1992. (2) The roost building provided complete shelter from wind and precipitation. Air temperature inside the roost building was 1.4 degrees C greater than ambient and matched the seasonal change in temperature. Air temperature inside the nest box was on average only 0.8 degrees C greater than ambient but was 2-3 degrees C warmer when adults and chicks were in the nest during the breeding season. (3) Estimated metabolic heat production was significantly different between locations and averaged 67.9, 68.1, 75.5 and 84.2Wm(-2) for a barn owl roosting in the building, nest box, spruce tree and in the open, respectively. At night metabolic heat production was greater by 4-12% compared with daytime, depending on location. (4) Heat loss was 30% greater in winter months than in the summer in all locations. By roosting in the building an owl would make savings of 21.6Wm(-2) in March but only 12.9Wm(-2) in August. In a tree roost a barn owl would save 11.8Wm(-2) in March and 5.8Wm(-2) in August. (5) Barn owls were estimated to reduce metabolic heat production by 19% by roosting in the building and by 10% by roosting in a tree. In the building and tree savings of 21 and 9% occurred during the day compared with 17 and 12% at night. (6) Metabolic savings were strongly dependent on weather conditions with average metabolic savings of 26% occurring in wet and windy conditions compared with only 12% on dry-calm days. Maximum savings of 29-36% occurred on wet days. (7) Barn owls appear to compensate for high metabolic demands for heat production by taking advantage of better thermal conditions within buildings, especially during the day when metabolic savings are greatest.  相似文献   

Group fission is an important dispersal mechanism for philopatric adults. In Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Saskatchewan, tree-roosting big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) exhibit fission-fusion roosting behaviour. During 2004-2007, the majority of females previously resident to roosting area 1 (RA1) moved to a new roosting area (RA4). We examined how genetic relationships, inferred from data for microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA, influenced new roost area (RA) selection during 2006 when colony members were split between the RAs. We found that females who moved to RA4 had higher average relatedness than those that remained in RA1. We found that nearly all females belonging to matrilines with high average relatedness moved to RA4 while females from matrilines with low average relatedness were split between the two RAs. These results suggest that closely related maternal kin preferentially move to new RAs. However, daily roosting preferences within a RA are not based on genetic relationships probably because daily roosting associations between kin and non-kin are used to ensure adequate roost group size. Studying the effects of kinship on the fission and movements of groups not only enhances our understanding of social behaviour and population genetics but also informs conservation decisions.  相似文献   

Theodore H.  Fleming 《Ibis》1981,123(4):463-476
This study presents data on the roosting and feeding behaviour of Pied Wagtails around Oxford, England. During the winter of 1977–78, from two to 1200 wagtails roosted in a Phragmites reed-bed. Use of this roost was greatest during mild, windless weather and the birds apparently used alternate roosts during harsh weather. Movement between roosts sometimes occurred between sunset and sunrise. Morning ‘departure group’ size, number leaving per unit time and diversity of departure directions increased with roost size. Wagtails quickly left the vicinity in the morning. In the afternoon, they joined one or more pre-roost gatherings before entering the roost for the night. Behaviour upon arrival at the roost was variable: birds might enter the reeds quickly or circle in large groups before landing. Aerial revolutions and generally ‘restless’ behaviour often accompanied increases in roost size. Wagtail feeding rates varied significantly between and within habitats. Number of wagtails feeding on the flooded Port Meadow, located 2–3 km south of the main roost, varied from about five to over 60 on different days; these numbers were not correlated with feeding rates. In contrast, the number of birds feeding at a sewage farm was nearly constant all winter. Some wagtails show high fidelity to feeding areas but others do not. Five short-term food supplementation experiments indicated that wagtails knowledgeable about a dense food source are not followed in the morning by naive birds. Results of this study are discussed in relation to the predation, physiology and information centre hypotheses that have been suggested to explain communal roosting in birds. I conclude that the communal roosting system of Pied Wagtails has physiological and anti-predator functions. Wagtails appear to choose certain roosts because of the protection that they provide from adverse climate and predation.  相似文献   

L. Gurr 《Ibis》1968,110(3):332-337
The Australasian Harrier Circus upproximans habitually roosts communally in New Zealand but not in Australia. As many as 100 birds can occupy a roost in a small area of swamp. They start to assemble about one hour before dark and communal aerial displays in the vicinity of the roost are an integral part of the roosting behaviour. Roosts may be occupied all the year round, non-breeding birds continuing to roost communally throughout the summer. In New Zealand the habit is neither connected with migration nor is it an anti-predator device. It is considered that the abundance of food caused by the spread of introduced mammals and the large increase of habitat created by European settlement has built the harrier population up to such a size that the number required to elicit the response of communal roosting occurs at all times of year in most districts. Numbers within individual roosts fluctuate throughout the year and it is suggested that communal displays before roosting may provide the necessary feed-back for the initiation of population adjustments.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1997,39(3):271-278
The ground-roosting behaviour of a semi-feral population of domestic hens with broods of chicks was measured in The Gambia, West Africa. Although neither day length nor time of sunset changed significantly over the duration of the study (January–March 1995), mean daily light intensity showed a significant increase. This resulted in an increasingly rapid decline in light intensity at dusk as the season progressed. Hens went to roost significantly later in the day, and at lower light levels, over the course of the season. The results support a model suggesting that the cue to start roosting is a certain light level, constant over the season, but the `settling period' required means that the hens finally roost at later times and at lower light levels as the season progresses.  相似文献   

Communal roosting has been studied extensively in birds, but the mechanisms and functions of this taxonomically widespread behaviour pattern remain poorly understood. We studied the roosting behaviour of rubyspot damselflies, Hetaerina americana, in relation to sex and territorial status, and conducted field experiments to test for specific mechanisms of roost formation and maintenance. Both sexes tended to return close to their previous night's roost, but only males were significantly more roost site faithful than chance expectations based on individual day ranges. Males were more roost site faithful when they held mating territories. After acquiring a territory, males usually began roosting closer to the territory after a delay of a few days. Roosts were not located at sites that reduced the daily commuting distance between hunting areas and territories; males generally hunted closer to their territories than to their roosts. In field experiments, sites 'seeded' with synthetic models of male rubyspots attracted more recruits than vacant control sites and control sites seeded with nonrubyspot (clear-winged) damselfly models. Sites seeded repeatedly with rubyspot models often remained popular for roosting after the models were removed, suggesting that the models established new traditional roosts. These results indicate that conspecific attraction and individual spatial memory together may be sufficient to explain, at a proximate level, the traditional night roost aggregations of this species. We discuss these results in relation to functional hypotheses for roost site choice and fidelity. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Several species of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory songbirds appear to form roosting aggregations while on their wintering grounds but little is understood about the ecology of this behavior. We studied roosting behavior and patterns of roost habitat selection in the northern waterthrush Seiurus noveboracensis , during three winter years (2002–2004) in Puerto Rico using radio telemetry. Overall, red mangrove was selected for roosting disproportionately to its availability. Regardless of diurnal habitat used, 87% (n=86) of northern waterthrush selected dense stands of coastal red mangrove for roost sites. Individuals traveled up to 2 km to access roost sites in this habitat on a daily basis. The majority (8 of 14) of individuals roosted alone, while others roosted in loose aggregations near communal roosts of gray kingbirds Tyrannus dominicensis . Patterns of roost site selection did not vary by sex. Individuals showing aggressive response to playback during the day, however, selected roost sites significantly closer to the coast. Several additional migratory and resident bird species also used red mangrove for night-time roosting habitat. Red mangrove may be a critical nocturnal roosting habitat for bird populations that live in proximity to coastal areas in the Neotropics. The benefits of nocturnal roosting behavior as well as why individuals appear to select red mangrove remain poorly understood.  相似文献   

Lord  Medway  Adrian G.  Marshall 《Journal of Zoology》1972,168(4):463-482
Roosting associations of Tylonycteris pachypus and T. robustula were studied in West Malaysia. Both species roosted within the internodes of one species of bamboo, but were only once found together at roost. Roosting groups, which formed before entry in the morning, were not limited in size by the dimensions of the roost site. In both species the sexes exhibited different roosting behaviour, the males tending to be solitary and the females gregarious. Seasonal variations in associations occurred correlated with the reproductive cycle. Banding demonstrated that the populations were highly mobile, that the bats frequently changed roost sites, and that the roosting associations were of an ephemeral nature.  相似文献   

P. A.R. Hockey 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-3):52-57
Hockey P. A. R. 1985. Observations on the communal roosting of African Black Oystercatchers. Ostrich 56: 52–57.

There are currently three main hypotheses for the adaptive significance of avian communal roosts: physiological advantages, predator avoidance and information centres. The African Black Oystercatcher Haematopus moquini is territorial throughout the year and forms communal roosts during the nonbreeding season, but does not breed communally. Roosts generally are small, and site fidelity is high. Roosts are normally sited on a rocky promontory with adjacent offshore rocks (west coast), or in flat areas with extensive all-round visibility. The main predators of African Black Oystercatchers are nocturnal terrestrial mammals and nocturnal communal roosts are larger and more tightly packed than daytime roosts. Breeding birds do not roost communally during the breeding season and at this time of year mortality due to mammal predators at a study site in Saldanha Bay was greatest (X2 = 9.46; p<0.01). It appears therefore that predator avoidance is an important adaptive feature of communal roosting in this species.  相似文献   

The roosting behavior of the big fruit-eating bat, Artibeus lituratus (Phyllostomidae, Stenodermatinae) in an Andean region of Venezuela is described. Sixty-four video recordings made at three separate foliage roosts during 1 year showed that group size varied between two and 14 individuals. One male was regularly observed roosting with more females than others, and this male was associated with the highest quality roost, defined here as the highest, most structurally stable, and least disturbed. Males invariably occupied exclusive roosts during the study, whereas females frequently moved among adjacent roosts. The high roost fidelity of males appears to be related to the defense of the highest quality roosts. Because females were observed roosting with each of the three males present at the study site, female groups were considered unstable. We suggest that shuttling movements of individuals may reflect a commonly observed adaptation of foliage roosting bats related to the avoidance of predators and/or parasites. The type of male–female association observed in A. lituratus is consistent with a resource defense polygyny hypothesis.  相似文献   

Observations were made in five aviaries to determine the role of competition in roost site selection by captive Starlings Sturnus vulgaris. Their behaviour in selecting perches in a simple roost "tree" indicated that (1) a dominance hierarchy exists in birds selecting roosting locations, (2) the roost positions occupied are determined through competition, (3) higher and inner roost positions are preferred over others and (4) dominant Starlings tend to occupy these most preferred positions.  相似文献   

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