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秦岭植物园野生常绿阔叶木本植物 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究了秦岭植物园的野生常绿阔叶木本植物,报道了该区域有野生常绿阔叶木本植物10科11属14种,其中有1科,2属,3种为秦岭北坡新记录。 相似文献
蝴蝶兰叶片蛋白质提取及双向电泳体系优化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对蛋白质提取、IPG胶条选择、上样量、水化方式、聚焦条件等方面的优化,建立蝴蝶兰叶片蛋白质的双向电泳体系。结果表明,采用酚抽提法提取蝴蝶兰叶片蛋白质的纯度较高,复溶较完全;双向电泳优化体系选用24 cm pH 3~10 NL的IPG胶条,被动水化,上样量为1.35 mg,B1程序进行等电聚焦,12%分离胶进行第二向电泳,考马斯亮蓝G-250染色。该方法获得分辨率较高、重复性较好的蝴蝶兰叶片双向电泳图谱,蛋白数点多达1163个,可以满足蝴蝶兰蛋白质组学研究和分析。 相似文献
报道了甘肃省4种亚热带常绿阔叶木本植物分布新记录:黄丹木姜子〔Litsea elongata (Wall. ex Nees) Benth. et Hook. f.〕、总梗女贞(Ligustrum pricei Hayata)、攀缘胡颓子(Elaeagnus sarmentosa Rehder)、栓叶安息香(Styrax suberifolius Hook. & Arn.)。其中,栓叶安息香和攀缘胡颓子也是秦岭植物分布新记录。这些植物的发现进一步丰富了甘肃省亚热带常绿阔叶木本植物资源,对于研究西秦岭地区亚热带木本植物的物种多样性和植物区系具有重要意义。新记录凭证标本存放于陇南师范高等专科学校植物标本室。 相似文献
Abstract:Base on the method of O farrell,an improved procedure for the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of leaf proteins is presented.The two-dimensional separation of proteins from the mature leaves of different developmental stages of rice provides distinct and steady results.The detected protein(peptide)spots stained by Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 are more than 300,with isoelectric points(pI)ranging from 4.1 to 8.2 and molecular weights(MW)from 10 kDa to 100 kDa. 相似文献
衫木叶片蛋白质组的双向电泳技术优化 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
为建立适用于杉木(Cunninghaimia lanceolata)叶片蛋白质组研究的双向电泳技术,对杉木叶片蛋白质的溶解方法、上样量、IEF及SDS-PAGE电泳等关键步骤进行了优化。结果表明,杉木叶片蛋白质主要分布在pH4-7范围;裂解液中含有硫脲(2mmol/L)才能较充分地溶解蛋白,DTT浓度为60mmol/L、上样量1.5mg时得到的图谱分辨率较好且蛋白斑点分布均匀、清晰,拖尾现象明显减少,平衡液Ⅱ中碘代乙酰胺浓度为450mg(15ml)-1时能提高图谱分辨率;采用与质谱兼容的考马斯亮兰进行染色,得到近700个蛋白点。 相似文献
以春甜橘(Citrus reticulata Blanco‘Chuntianju’)果皮和叶片为材料,分别用Tris-HCl、尿素/硫脲(Thi/Urea)、三氯乙酸/丙酮(TCA)和酚(Phe)等4种方法提取柑橘总蛋白质,从蛋白质产量、单向SDS-PAGE和双向电泳等方面进行比较。结果表明,4种方法的分离效果存在较大差异,不论是以柑橘叶片还是果皮为材料,均以TCA法最好,且双向电泳图谱分辨率较好,蛋白点清晰、均匀、基本没有条纹,且蛋白点多。这说明TCA法不仅能很好地去除柑橘果皮、叶片中存在的大量干扰物质,而且还能得到稳定的蛋白点。 相似文献
为探究亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林中木本植物叶功能性状的变异特征,以及群落功能多样性在海拔梯度下的响应规律。该研究以鄂西南地区的星斗山国家级自然保护区海拔1 200~1 700 m的常绿落叶阔叶混交林为研究对象,对群落内木本植物的叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶干物质含量(LDMC)、叶厚度(LT)、叶氮含量(LNC)、叶磷含量(LPC)6种叶功能性状的变异特征进行了分析,并分析了群落水平下木本植物叶功能性状和功能多样性对海拔变化的响应。结果表明:(1)星斗山保护区内木本植物叶面积、比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶厚度、叶氮含量和叶磷含量平均值分别为151.49 cm~2、247.98 cm~2/g、34.08%、0.21 mm、16.59 mg/g和0.04 mg/g,其变异幅度依次为206.96%、57.00%、28.15%、52.38%、24.83%和76.92%。(2)在植物科、叶习性、生活型和树高4个因素中,科类群对6种叶功能性状的影响最大,其次为叶习性。(3)海拔对叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶磷含量影响极显著(P0.001),但对比叶面积、叶厚度和叶氮含量无显著影响(P0.05)。(4)不同海拔梯度上群落生物承载量、功能丰富度、功能分离度和功能离散度均达到显著差异(P0.05),仅功能均匀度在海拔梯度上差异不显著。 相似文献
秦岭-淮河是我国气候和农业生产上重要的南北分界线,在植被区划上一般认为这一线是暖温带落叶阔叶林带和北亚热带落叶-常绿阔叶混交林带的交界线,也就是亚热带常绿阔叶林带在安徽境内的北界。这一界线,有人主张划在淮河主流上,但是也有一些人分别把它划在淮河以南的不同部位,意见颇有分歧。由于这条界线对安徽农业区划具有重要意义;同时,通过这条界线的讨论,可以使我们更好地学习植被区划的理论和方法,并探索怎样使植被区划更好地为生产实际服务。为此特提出一些极不成熟的意见,供讨论。 相似文献
黄瓜叶片蛋白质双向电泳样品分级优化 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以‘津研4号’苗期叶片为材料,采用聚乙二醇(PEG)分级沉淀法对黄瓜叶片蛋白质样品进行分级分离,将黄瓜叶片中存在的高丰度蛋白1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶特异性地集中于一个组分之中,以提高对黄瓜叶片蛋白质双向电泳中低丰度蛋白质的检测率.结果表明:(1)分级后各组分和全蛋白在SDS-PAGE谱带中差异显著,全蛋白得到了有效的分离.(2)二维电泳图谱上点的分辨率有很大的提高,所有组分的点数是未分级前的3倍之多.(3)浓度为24%的PEG-4000富集高丰度蛋白Rubisco的效果最好.该方法可推广应用于黄瓜叶片蛋白质组分析的样品制备. 相似文献
摩天岭北坡森林木本植物叶性状在物种和群落水平沿海拔梯度的变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
该研究采用样线和样地相结合的方法,对甘肃省白水江国家级自然保护区摩天岭北坡大垭子梁森林不同海拔(1 600~2 100m)的植物群落进行野外调查、采样分析,并运用线性回归分析、Pearson相关性分析及曲线拟合分析方法,研究木本植物的比叶面积(SLA)、叶干物质含量(LDMC)、叶碳氮磷含量(LCC、LNC、LPC)及其计量比(C/N、C/P、N/P)等叶性状变化特征,以及在物种和群落水平随海拔梯度的变化趋势和相关性。结果表明:(1)摩天岭北坡大垭子梁山地森林为落叶阔叶林带,共有木本植物13科23种,其中乔木6种,灌木17种,且整体上灌木种类较为丰富。此外,有些物种在不同海拔间都有分布,如华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)、胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)等,反映出不同植物对于异质环境的适应。(2)8个叶功能性状中变异系数最小的是LCC(4.6%),属于弱变异,最大的是SLA(42.1%),其他叶性状都属于中等变异,表明在其他叶性状的协同作用下,使得木本植物的碳获取保持在一定的水平以确保群落的稳定性。(3)叶片功能性状间的关联性普遍存在,是植物适应环境的一种对策.该研究表明SLA-LNC以及LNC-LPC在物种和群落水平上的相关性及其相关程度均一致,而其他叶性状间相关关系则有所不同,这为以后进行大尺度研究时对叶性状的选择提供了一定的依据。(4)叶性状随海拔的变化趋势,除C/N和N/P在物种和群落水平上变化趋势不一致外,其他各个性状随海拔的总体变化趋势基本一致,但显著程度只有LNC一致外其他均不同,反映了木本植物的不同叶片功能性状对海拔造成的不同环境的适应。 相似文献
以生长到Feekes 8.5时期小麦旗叶为试验材料,通过差速离心结合两相法提取 并纯化质膜蛋白,进而在裂解液选择、SDS-PAGE胶浓度及蛋白质上样量等方面对质膜蛋白质双向电泳体系进行了优化.结果表明,采用6.4% PEG 3 350/Dextran T-500 (W/W)两相体系可以获得纯度高达87.9%质膜微囊. 经TCA-丙酮法裂解蛋白,以12% SDS-PAGE分离胶对900 μg质膜蛋白进行双向电泳,在2-DE图谱上可分辨出173个蛋白点. 建立了一套用于小麦旗叶高纯度质膜的提取方法及其蛋白质组学双向电泳体系. 相似文献
Leaves of 10 plant species, 7 with photorespiration (spinach, sunflower, tobacco, pea, wheat, bean, and Swiss chard) and 3 without photorespiration (corn, sugarcane, and pigweed), were surveyed for peroxisomes. The distribution pattern for glycolate oxidase, glyoxylate reductase, catalase, and part of the malate dehydrogenase indicated that these enzymes exist together in this organelle. The peroxisomes were isolated at the interface between layers of 1.8 to 2.3 m sucrose by isopycnic nonlinear sucrose density gradient centrifugation or in 1.95 m sucrose on a linear gradient. Chloroplasts, located by chlorophyll, and mitochondria by cytochrome c oxidase, were in 1.3 to 1.8 m sucrose.In leaf homogenates from the first 7 species with photorespiration, glycolate oxidase activity ranged from 0.5 to 1.5 mumoles x min(-1) x g(-1) wet weight or a specific activity of 0.02 to 0.05 mumole x min(-1) x mg(-1) protein. Glyoxylate reductase activity was comparable with glycolate oxidase. Catalase activity in the homogenates ranged from 4000 to 12,000 mumoles x min(-1) x g(-1) wet weight or 90 to 300 mumoles x min(-1) x mg(-1) protein. Specific activities of malate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase are also reported. In contrast, homogenates of corn and sugarcane leaves, without photorespiration, had 2 to 5% as much glycolate oxidase, glyoxylate reductase, and catalase activity. These amounts of activity, though lower than in plants with photorespiration, are, nevertheless, substantial.Peroxisomes were detected in leaf homogenates of all plants tested; however, significant yields were obtained only from the first 5 species mentioned above. From spinach and sunflower leaves, a maximum of about 50% of the marker enzyme activities was found to be in these microbodies after homogenization. The specific activity for peroxisomal glycolate oxidase and glyoxylate reductase was about 1 mumole x min(-1) x mg(-1) protein; for catalase. 8000 mumoles x min(-1) x mg(-1) protein, and for malate dehydrogenase, 40 mumoles x min(-1) x mg(-1) protein. Only small to trace amounts of marker enzymes for leaf peroxisomes were recovered on the sucrose gradients from the last 5 species of plants. Bean leaves, with photorespiration, had large amounts of these enzymes (0.57 mumole of glycolate oxidase x min(-1) x g(-1) tissue) in the soluble fraction, but only traces of activity in the peroxisomal fraction. Low peroxisome recovery from certain plants was attributed to particle fragility or loss of protein as well as to small numbers of particles in such plants as corn and sugarcane.Homogenates of pigweed leaves (no photorespiration) contained from one-third to one-half the activity of the glycolate pathway enzymes as found in comparable preparations from spinach leaves which exhibit photorespiration. However, only traces of peroxisomal enzymes were separated by sucrose gradient centrifugation of particles from pigweed. Data from pigweed on the absence of photorespiration yet abundance of enzymes associated with glycolate metabolism is inconsistent with current hypotheses about the mechanism of photorespiration.Most of the catalase and part of the malate dehydrogenase activity was located in the peroxisomes. Contrary to previous reports, the chloroplast fractions from plants with photo-respiration did not contain a concentration of these 2 enzymes, after removal of peroxisomes by isopycnic sucrose gradient centrifugation. 相似文献
Kyung Ah Koo Woo-Seok Kong Nathan P. Nibbelink Charles S. Hopkinson Joon Ho Lee 《PloS one》2015,10(8)
Climate change has caused shifts in species’ ranges and extinctions of high-latitude and altitude species. Most cold-tolerant evergreen broadleaved woody plants (shortened to cold-evergreens below) are rare species occurring in a few sites in the alpine and subalpine zones in the Korean Peninsula. The aim of this research is to 1) identify climate factors controlling the range of cold-evergreens in the Korean Peninsula; and 2) predict the climate change effects on the range of cold-evergreens. We used multimodel inference based on combinations of climate variables to develop distribution models of cold-evergreens at a physiognomic-level. Presence/absence data of 12 species at 204 sites and 6 climatic factors, selected from among 23 candidate variables, were used for modeling. Model uncertainty was estimated by mapping a total variance calculated by adding the weighted average of within-model variation to the between-model variation. The range of cold-evergreens and model performance were validated by true skill statistics, the receiver operating characteristic curve and the kappa statistic. Climate change effects on the cold-evergreens were predicted according to the RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios. Multimodel inference approach excellently projected the spatial distribution of cold-evergreens (AUC = 0.95, kappa = 0.62 and TSS = 0.77). Temperature was a dominant factor in model-average estimates, while precipitation was minor. The climatic suitability increased from the southwest, lowland areas, to the northeast, high mountains. The range of cold-evergreens declined under climate change. Mountain-tops in the south and most of the area in the north remained suitable in 2050 and 2070 under the RCP 4.5 projection and 2050 under the RCP 8.5 projection. Only high-elevations in the northeastern Peninsula remained suitable under the RCP 8.5 projection. A northward and upper-elevational range shift indicates change in species composition at the alpine and subalpine ecosystems in the Korean Peninsula. 相似文献
为明确喀斯特森林植物叶片功能性状对土壤特性的响应,采用样地与样线相结合的方法调查茂兰喀斯特森林的木本植物群落,计算不同地形木本植物叶片加权平均性状值,运用单因素方差分析和冗余分析不同地形植物叶片功能性状的差异及其与土壤特性的关系。结果表明, 在生长型(常绿、落叶)和群落水平上,植物叶片功能性状在不同地形间存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中叶面积最为敏感,对生境的响应明显,常绿植物的叶厚度大于落叶植物,比叶面积则相反,而叶绿素含量差异不显著(P>0.05)。不同地形间土壤特性差异显著(P<0.05),漏斗地形土壤的田间持水量、毛管孔隙度、全氮含量、全磷含量及有机质含量较高,土壤肥力最佳,槽谷和阴坡次之,而阳坡地段土壤相对贫瘠。不同地形植物叶片功能性状与土壤特性间具有相关性,但不同地形土壤特性对叶片功能性状变异的解释率不同,影响植物叶片功能性状的主要土壤特性为有机质含量、全氮含量、全磷含量、田间持水量和土壤容重。茂兰喀斯特森林不同地形植物叶片功能性状和土壤特性的差异较大,随着土壤特性的改变,叶片功能性状的响应特征不同,这有利于林区物种共存及生物多样性维持。 相似文献
H. Pretzsch 《Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)》2002,4(2):159-166
Abstract: The objective of the present paper is to provide both proof and theoretical deduction of an overlapping, valid law of allometry for woody and herbaceous plants used in agriculture and forestry. In his attempt to find an adequate expression for stand density, independent of site quality and age, Reineke (1933[281]) developed the following equation for even‐aged and fully stocked forest stands in the northwest of the USA: ln(N) = a ‐ 1.605 . ln(dg), based on the relationship between the average diameter dg and the number N of trees per unit area. With no knowledge of these results, Kira et al. (1953[281]) and Yoda et al. (1957[281] and 1963[281]) found the boundary line ln(m) = b ‐ 3/2 . ln(N) in their study of herbaceous plants. This self‐thinning rule ‐ also called the ‐ 3/2‐power rule ‐ describes the relationship between the average weight m of a plant and the density N in even‐aged herbaceous plant populations growing under natural development conditions. It is possible to make a transition from Yoda's rule to Reineke's stand density rule if mass m in the former rule is substituted by the diameter dg. From biomass analyses for the tree species spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), allometric relationships between biomass m and diameter d are derived. Using the latter in the equation ln(m) = b ‐ 3/2 . ln(N) leads to allometric coefficients for spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), that come very close to the Reineke coefficient. Thus Reineke's rule (1933[281]) proves to be a special case of Yoda's rule. Both rules are based on the simple allometric law governing the volume of a sphere v and its surface of projection s: v = c1 . s3/2. If the surface of projection s, is substituted by the reciprocal value of the number of stems s = 1/N and the isometric relationship between volume v and biomass m is considered v = c2 . m1.0 we come to Yoda's rule m = c3 . N‐3/2 or, in logarithmic terms, ln(m) = ln c3 ‐ 3/2 . ln(N). 相似文献