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The peak sensitivities (λ(max)) of the short-wavelength-sensitive-1 (SWS1) pigments in mammals range from the ultraviolet (UV) (360-400 nm) to the violet (400-450 nm) regions of the spectrum. In most cases, a UV or violet peak is determined by the residue present at site 86, with Phe conferring UV sensitivity (UVS) and either Ser, Tyr or Val causing a shift to violet wavelengths. In primates, however, the tuning mechanism of violet-sensitive (VS) pigments would appear to differ. In this study, we examine the tuning mechanisms of prosimian SWS1 pigments. One species, the aye-aye, possesses a pigment with Phe86 but in vitro spectral analysis reveals a VS rather than a UVS pigment. Other residues (Cys, Ser and Val) at site 86 in prosimians also gave VS pigments. Substitution at site 86 is not, therefore, the primary mechanism for the tuning of VS pigments in primates, and phylogenetic analysis indicates that substitutions at site 86 have occurred at least five times in primate evolution. The sole potential tuning site that is conserved in all primate VS pigments is Pro93, which when substituted by Thr (as found in mammalian UVS pigments) in the aye-aye pigment shifted the peak absorbance into the UV region with a λ(max) value at 371 nm. We, therefore, conclude that the tuning of VS pigments in primates depends on Pro93, not Tyr86 as in other mammals. However, it remains uncertain whether the initial event that gave rise to the VS pigment in the ancestral primate was achieved by a Thr93Pro or a Phe86Tyr substitution.  相似文献   

The violet- and ultraviolet-sensitive visual pigments of birds belong to the same class of pigments as the violet-sensitive (so-called blue) pigments of mammals. However, unlike the pigments from mammals and other vertebrate taxa which, depending on species, have lambda(max) values of either around 430 nm or around 370 nm, avian pigments are found with lambda(max) values spread across this range. In this paper, we present the sequences of two pigments isolated from Humbolt penguin and pigeon with intermediate lambda(max) values of 403 and 409 nm, respectively. By comparing the amino acid sequences of these pigments with the true UV pigments of budgerigar and canary and with chicken violet with a lambda(max) value of 420 nm, we have been able to identify five amino acid sites that show a pattern of substitution between species that is consistent with differences in lambda(max). Each of these substitutions has been introduced into budgerigar cDNA and expressed in vitro in COS-7 cells. Only three resulted in spectral shifts in the regenerated pigment; two had relatively small effects and may account for the spectral shifts between penguin, pigeon, and chicken whereas one, the replacement of Ser by Cys at site 90 in the UV pigments, produced a 35 nm shortwave shift that could account for the spectral shift from 403 nm in penguin to around 370 nm in budgerigar and canary.  相似文献   

Amora TL  Ramos LS  Galan JF  Birge RR 《Biochemistry》2008,47(16):4614-4620
Visual pigments are G-protein-coupled receptors that provide a critical interface between organisms and their external environment. Natural selection has generated vertebrate pigments that absorb light from the far-UV (360 nm) to the deep red (630 nm) while using a single chromophore, in either the A1 (11- cis-retinal) or A2 (11- cis-3,4-dehydroretinal) form. The fact that a single chromophore can be manipulated to have an absorption maximum across such an extended spectral region is remarkable. The mechanisms of wavelength regulation remain to be fully revealed, and one of the least well-understood mechanisms is that associated with the deep red pigments. We investigate theoretically the hypothesis that deep red cone pigments select a 6- s- trans conformation of the retinal chromophore ring geometry. This conformation is in contrast to the 6- s- cis ring geometry observed in rhodopsin and, through model chromophore studies, the vast majority of visual pigments. Nomographic spectral analysis of 294 A1 and A2 cone pigment literature absorption maxima indicates that the selection of a 6- s- trans geometry red shifts M/LWS A1 pigments by approximately 1500 cm (-1) ( approximately 50 nm) and A2 pigments by approximately 2700 cm (-1) ( approximately 100 nm). The homology models of seven cone pigments indicate that the deep red cone pigments select 6- s- trans chromophore conformations primarily via electrostatic steering. Our results reveal that the generation of a 6- s- trans conformation not only achieves a significant red shift but also provides enhanced stability of the chromophore within the deep red cone pigment binding sites.  相似文献   

Fasick JI  Applebury ML  Oprian DD 《Biochemistry》2002,41(21):6860-6865
The wild-type mouse ultraviolet (UV) and bovine blue cone visual pigments have absorption maxima of 358 and 438 nm, respectively, while sharing 87% amino acid identity. To determine the molecular basis underlying the 80 nm spectral shift between these pigments, we selected several amino acids in helices II and III for site-directed mutagenesis. These amino acids included: (1) those that differ between mouse UV and bovine blue; (2) the conserved counterion, Glu113; and (3) Ser90, which is involved in wavelength modulation in avian short-wavelength sensitive cone pigments. These studies resulted in the identification of a single amino acid substitution at position 86 responsible for the majority of the spectral shift between the mouse UV and bovine blue cone pigments. This is the first time that this amino acid by itself has been shown to play a major role in the spectral tuning of the SWS1 cone pigments. A single amino acid substitution appears to be the dominant factor by which the majority of mammalian short-wavelength sensitive cone pigments have shifted their absorption maxima from the UV to the visible regions of the spectrum. Studies investigating the role of the conserved counterion Glu113 suggest that the bovine and mouse SWS1 pigments result from a protonated and unprotonated Schiff base chromophore, respectively.  相似文献   

Although a given retina typically contains several visual pigments, each formed from a retinal chromophore bound to a specific opsin protein, single photoreceptor cells have been thought to express only one type of opsin. This design maximizes a cell''s sensitivity to a particular wavelength band and facilitates wavelength discrimination in retinas that process color. We report electrophysiological evidence that the ultraviolet-sensitive cone of salamander violates this rule. This cell contains three different functional opsins. The three opsins could combine with the two different chromophores present in salamander retina to form six visual pigments. Whereas rods and other cones of salamander use both chromophores, they appear to express only one type of opsin per cell. In visual pigment absorption spectra, the bandwidth at half-maximal sensitivity increases as the pigment''s wavelength maximum decreases. However, the bandwidth of the UV-absorbing pigment deviates from this trend; it is narrow like that of a red-absorbing pigment. In addition, the UV-absorbing pigment has a high apparent photosensitivity when compared with that of red- and blue-absorbing pigments and rhodopsin. These properties suggest that the mechanisms responsible for spectrally tuning visual pigments separate two absorption bands as the wavelength of maximal sensitivity shifts from UV to long wavelengths.  相似文献   

Of the four classes of vertebrate cone visual pigments, the shortwave-sensitive SWS1 class shows the shortest lambda(max) values with peaks in different species in either the violet (390-435 nm) or ultraviolet (around 365 nm) regions of the spectrum. Phylogenetic evidence indicates that the ancestral pigment was probably UV-sensitive (UVS) and that the shifts between violet and UV have occurred many times during evolution. This is supported by the different mechanisms for these shifts in different species. All visual pigments possess a chromophore linked via a Schiff base to a Lys residue in opsin protein. In violet-sensitive (VS) pigments, the Schiff base is protonated whereas in UVS pigments, it is almost certainly unprotonated. The generation of VS from ancestral UVS pigments most likely involved amino acid substitutions in the opsin protein that serve to stabilise protonation. The key residues in the opsin protein for this are at sites 86 and 90 that are adjacent to the Schiff base and the counterion at Glu113. In this review, the different molecular mechanisms for the UV or violet shifts are presented and discussed in the context of the structural model of bovine rhodopsin.  相似文献   

Variation in the types and spectral characteristics of visual pigments is a common mechanism for the adaptation of the vertebrate visual system to prevailing light conditions. The extent of this diversity in mammals and birds is discussed in detail in this review, alongside an in-depth consideration of the molecular changes involved. In mammals, a nocturnal stage in early evolution is thought to underlie the reduction in the number of classes of cone visual pigment genes from four to only two, with the secondary loss of one of these genes in many monochromatic nocturnal and marine species. The trichromacy seen in many primates arises from either a polymorphism or duplication of one of these genes. In contrast, birds have retained the four ancestral cone visual pigment genes, with a generally conserved expression in either single or double cone classes. The loss of sensitivity to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a feature of both mammalian and avian visual evolution, with UV sensitivity retained among mammals by only a subset of rodents and marsupials. Where it is found in birds, it is not ancestral but newly acquired.  相似文献   

The eyes of flower-visiting butterflies are often spectrally highly complex with multiple opsin genes generated by gene duplication, providing an interesting system for a comparative study of color vision. The Small White butterfly, Pieris rapae, has duplicated blue opsins, PrB and PrV, which are expressed in the blue (λ max = 453 nm) and violet receptors (λ max = 425 nm), respectively. To reveal accurate absorption profiles and the molecular basis of the spectral tuning of these visual pigments, we successfully modified our honeybee opsin expression system based on HEK293s cells, and expressed PrB and PrV, the first lepidopteran opsins ever expressed in cultured cells. We reconstituted the expressed visual pigments in vitro, and analysed them spectroscopically. Both reconstituted visual pigments had two photointerconvertible states, rhodopsin and metarhodopsin, with absorption peak wavelengths 450 nm and 485 nm for PrB and 420 nm and 482 nm for PrV. We furthermore introduced site-directed mutations to the opsins and found that two amino acid substitutions, at positions 116 and 177, were crucial for the spectral tuning. This tuning mechanism appears to be specific for invertebrates and is partially shared by other pierid and lycaenid butterfly species.  相似文献   

Spectral tuning and the visual ecology of mantis shrimps   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The compound eyes of mantis shrimps (stomatopod crustaceans) include an unparalleled diversity of visual pigments and spectral receptor classes in retinas of each species. We compared the visual pigment and spectral receptor classes of 12 species of gonodactyloid stomatopods from a variety of photic environments, from intertidal to deep water (> 50 m), to learn how spectral tuning in the different photoreceptor types is modified within different photic environments. Results show that receptors of the peripheral photoreceptors, those outside the midband which are responsible for standard visual tasks such as spatial vision and motion detection, reveal the well-known pattern of decreasing lambdamax with increasing depth. Receptors of midband rows 5 and 6, which are specialized for polarization vision, are similar in all species, having visual lambdamax-values near 500nm, independent of depth. Finally, the spectral receptors of midband rows 1 to 4 are tuned for maximum coverage of the spectrum of irradiance available in the habitat of each species. The quality of the visual worlds experienced by each species we studied must vary considerably, but all appear to exploit the full capabilities offered by their complex visual systems.  相似文献   

The cottoid fishes of Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia provide a unique opportunity to study the evolution of visual pigments in a group of closely related species exposed to different photic environments. Members of this species flock are adapted to different depth habitats down to >1000 m, and both the rod and cone visual pigments display short wave shifts as depth increases. The blue-sensitive cone pigments of the SWS2 class cluster into two species groups with lambda(max) values of 450 and 430 nm, with the pigment in Cottus gobio, a cottoid fish native to Britain, forming a third group with a lambda(max) of 467 nm. The sequences of the SWS2 opsin gene from C. gobio and from two representatives of the 450 and 430 nm Baikal groups are presented. Approximately 6 nm of the spectral difference between C. gobio and the 450 nm Baikal group can be ascribed to the presence of a porphyropsin/rhodopin mixture in C. gobio. Subsequent analysis of amino acid substitutions by site-directed mutagenesis demonstrates that the remainder of the shift from 461 to 450 nm arises from a Thr269Ala substitution and the shift from 450 to 430 nm at least partly from Thr118Ala and Thr118Gly substitutions. The underlying adaptive significance of these substitutions in terms of spectral tuning and signal-to-noise ratio is discussed.  相似文献   

J I Fasick  N Lee  D D Oprian 《Biochemistry》1999,38(36):11593-11596
The first determination of the absolute absorption maximum of the human blue cone visual pigment is presented. After expression in COS cells, reconstitution with 11-cis-retinal, and purification, the blue pigment exhibits an absolute absorption maximum of 414 nm. The pigment reacts rapidly with hydroxylamine in the dark and is capable of activating bovine rod transducin in a light-dependent manner. Products of mutations of proposed spectral tuning residues in the blue pigment do not behave as predicted when using rhodopsin mutants as a model. Mutations of amino acids in the ring portion of the chromophore binding pocket of rhodopsin serve well as a predictive model for mutations in the blue pigment, but mutations near the Schiff base do not.  相似文献   

How color visual pigments are tuned.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The absorption maximum of the retinal chromophore in color visual pigments is tuned by interactions with the protein (opsin) to which it is bound. Recent advances in the expression of rhodopsin-like transmembrane receptors and in spectroscopic techniques have allowed us to measure resonance Raman vibrational spectra of the retinal chromophore in recombinant visual pigments to examine the molecular basis of this spectral tuning. The dominant physical mechanism responsible for the opsin shift in color vision is the interaction of dipolar amino acid residues with the ground- and excited-state charge distributions of the chromophore.  相似文献   

To investigate the local structure that causes the differences in molecular properties between rod and cone visual pigments, we have measured the difference infrared spectra between chicken green and its photoproduct at 77 K and compared them with those from bovine and chicken rhodopsins. In contrast to the similarity of the vibrational bands of the chromophore, those of the protein part were notably different between chicken green and the rhodopsins. Like the rhodopsins, chicken green has an aspartic acid at position 83 (D83) but exhibited no signals due to the protonated carboxyl of D83 in the C=O stretching region, suggesting that the molecular contact between D83 and G120 through water molecule evidenced in bovine rhodopsin is absent in chicken green. A pair of positive and negative bands due to the peptide backbone (amide I) was prominent in chicken green, while the rhodopsins exhibited only small bands in this region. Furthermore, chicken green exhibited characteristic paired bands around 1480 cm(-1), which were identified as the imide bands of P189 using site-directed mutagenesis. P189, situated in the putative second extracellular loop, is conserved in all the known cone visual pigments but not in rhodopsins. Thus, some region of the second extracellular loop including P189 is situated near the chromophore and changes its environment upon formation of the batho-intermediate. The results noted above indicate that differences in the protein parts between chicken green and the rhodopsins alter the changes seen in the protein upon photoisomerization of the chromophore. Some of these changes appear to be the pathway from the chromophore to cytoplasmic surface of the pigment and thus could affect the activation process of transducin.  相似文献   

Journal of Comparative Physiology A - The visual pigments of peripheral retinula cells in fly eyes have been investigated by microspectrophotometry in vivo. Since flies have a pupil mechanism...  相似文献   

The results of recent experiments have thrown new light on the neuronal connections underlying orientation-selective responses in the primary visual cortex of adult animals. The pattern of afferent input from the lateral geniculate nucleus to the cortex appears to be specific for orientation, while intracortical inhibitory connections appear to be non-specific in this respect. Experimental and theoretical studies have suggested that the development of cortical cell orientation tuning is an activity-dependent process.  相似文献   

The spectral sensitivity of the retinal photoreceptors in 31 fish species belonging to five families from the Sea of Japan was studied by microspectrophotometry. All species inhabit the subtidal zone, often occurring at shallow depths. The photoreceptors of more than half the species had porphyropsin, which makes the retina more sensitive to long-wave light. Some species displayed a remarkable shift of spectral sensitivity to the long-wave end, which is correlated with life in shallow waters and with the presence of optically dense orange corneal filters. The results further support the notion that the presence of porphyropsin in the retina is necessary for not only freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

Vision frequently mediates critical behaviours, and photoreceptors must respond to the light available to accomplish these tasks. Most photoreceptors are thought to contain a single visual pigment, an opsin protein bound to a chromophore, which together determine spectral sensitivity. Mechanisms of spectral tuning include altering the opsin, changing the chromophore and incorporating pre-receptor filtering. A few exceptions to the use of a single visual pigment have been documented in which a single mature photoreceptor coexpresses opsins that form spectrally distinct visual pigments, and in these exceptions the functional significance of coexpression is unclear. Here we document for the first time photoreceptors coexpressing spectrally distinct opsin genes in a manner that tunes sensitivity to the light environment. Photoreceptors of the cichlid fish, Metriaclima zebra, mix different pairs of opsins in retinal regions that view distinct backgrounds. The mixing of visual pigments increases absorbance of the corresponding background, potentially aiding the detection of dark objects. Thus, opsin coexpression may be a novel mechanism of spectral tuning that could be useful for detecting prey, predators and mates. However, our calculations show that coexpression of some opsins can hinder colour discrimination, creating a trade-off between visual functions.  相似文献   

Visual pigments in the regressed eye and pineal of the depigmented neotenic urodele, the blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus anguinus), were studied by immunocytochemistry with anti-opsin antibodies. The study included light- and electron-microscopic investigations of both the eye and the pineal organ. A comparison was made with the black pigmented subspecies Proteus anguinus parkelj (black proteus), which has a normal eye structure. In the retina of the black proteus, we found principal rods, red-sensitive cones and a third photoreceptor type, which might represent a blue- or UV-sensitive cone. Photoreceptors in the regressed eye of the blind cave salamanders from the Planina cave contained degenerate outer segments, consisting of a few whorled discs and irregular clumps of membranes. The great majority of these outer segments showed immunolabelling for the red-sensitive cone opsin and only a few of them were found to be positive for rhodopsin. An even more pronounced degeneration was observed in the photoreceptors of the animals derived from the Otovec doline, which are completely devoid of an outer segment, most of them not even possessing an inner segment. Even in some of these highly degenerate cells, the presence of rhodopsin could be detected in the plasma membrane; however, immunoreactions with antibodies recognizing cone visual pigment were negative. In the pineals of all studied animals, the degenerate photoreceptor outer segments were recognized exclusively by the antibody against the red-sensitive cone opsin. The presence of immunopositive visual pigments indicates the possibility of a retained light sensitivity in the blind cave salamander photoreceptors.  相似文献   

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