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Two lambda phage and 66 cosmids containing informative porcine microsatellites were assigned to 17 of 18 porcine autosomes and the X Chromosome (Chr) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). These assignments provide additional physically anchored markers to integrate the porcine physical and genetic maps. Received: 2 October 1995 / Accepted: 12 December 1995  相似文献   

Brugia malayi: recombinant antigens expressed by genomic DNA clones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A Brugia malayi genomic DNA expression library was screened with rabbit antiserum generated against live infective larvae and 33 clones were identified. Five randomly selected clones were characterized in detail by Western blot, DNA and RNA analyses. The fusion proteins produced by each of these recombinant DNA clones are expressed by different genomic sequences. A profile of antigenic cross-reactivities of all 33 recombinant clones was compiled using a battery of antisera, including sera from humans infected with B. malayi. A high percentage of clones were cross-reactive with antisera against the filarial parasites B. pahangi, Dirofilaria immitis, and Onchocerca volvulus. We have made a preliminary identification of three categories of recombinant clones encoding (1) antigens that were cross-reactive with some or all antisera tested, (2) antigens that were specific to the Brugia genus, and (3) antigens that appeared to be specific to B. malayi. These recombinant antigens are candidates for further studies in filarial immunoprophylaxis and diagnosis.  相似文献   

As part of our search for polymorphic DNA probes, we have screened cosmids from a human genomic DNA library for their ability to reveal RFLPs. A total of 101 randomly isolated cosmid clones were tested in Southern hybridizations for polymorphic band patterns. Fifty-four of these clones revealed RFLPs with one or more of nine restriction enzymes. Twenty-three of these clones have been further characterized and assigned to 10 different chromosomes by linkage analysis or by hybridization to panels of human-hamster hybrid cell lines. Fifteen of the probes have heterozygosities greater than or equal to .5. The relative efficiency of RsaI and PstI restriction enzymes in detecting polymorphism was different from results obtained with libraries constructed in bacteriophage vectors. Screening randomly selected cosmid probes is an efficient method for detecting RFLPs.  相似文献   

A two-step strategy is described here to rapidly analyze gene-sequence variation or polymorphism. First, DNA sequences flanking the coding region of the gene to be analyzed are determined directly from a cosmid clone, including the gene, using the modified T7 DNA polymerase and sequencing primers based on the cDNA sequence of the gene. Second, the identified gene-flanking sequences are used to design amplification primers for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to permit amplification of DNA segments of up to 1 kilobase in genomic DNA from multiple individuals. These amplified DNA segments are directly sequenced using the thermostable Taq DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

安洋  杨晶  徐欣欣  刘钢 《微生物学报》2009,49(10):1385-1388
摘要:【目的】制备用于构建红色红曲霉cosmid文库的大片段基因组DNA。【方法】采用优化的酚氯仿抽提法制备DNA,并利用Sau3AI切割至平均大小为40 kb,然后使用Stratagene包装蛋白构建cosmid文库。基于PCR法使用同源探针从该文库中进行了目的基因的筛选。【结果】制备了浓度为5 μg/μL,平均片段大小大于48 kb的红色红曲霉大片段基因组DNA。利用该DNA构建的cosmid文库基因组覆盖倍数为10,并筛选到了含有目的片段的cosmid。【结论】通过该方法制备红色红曲霉大片段基因组D  相似文献   

We describe progress in a continuing project aimed at the generation of an overlapping cosmid DNA clone map of the short arm of human chromosome 11. The automated procedures used to prepare DNA samples and the computerized data collection and recording systems are described. We also demonstrate the use of the clones as reagents for the rapid isolation of genomic DNAs containing smaller probed regions. We have isolated approximately 4700 human cosmid DNA clones from mouse/human hybrid cell lines that contain predominantly human chromosomal region 11p. Of the DNA in the cell lines, 60% is derived from this chromosomal region, and the remaining 40% is derived from regions of chromosomes 3, 19, and 20. A total of 4159 clones have been fingerprinted to identify potential overlaps, and we have developed 535 sets ("contigs"). Using random modeling, it is estimated that 65% of 11p must be contained in the analyzed cosmids. The database of clones has been used to identify single or overlapping clones from noncosmid DNA probes. Examples are presented. It is proposed that cosmid reference filters be distributed to requesting laboratories.  相似文献   

Several lambda proto-amv recombinants isolated from a lambda Charon 4A library of leukemic chicken DNA were analyzed by using various restriction endonucleases and hybridization with specific probes representing different regions of the transforming gene of avian myeloblastosis virus. The position of 30 sites for 11 different restriction endonucleases was established in the proto-amv region of chicken DNA. Identical restriction endonuclease maps were obtained for the normal and leukemic DNAs in the proto-amv domain, which covers 8 to 9 kilobases of DNA. The cellular genetic elements homologous to the cellular sequence (amv) inserted into the avian myeloblastosis virus genome are contained within six major proto-amv segments which are interrupted by at least five large DNA regions lacking homology with amv.  相似文献   

Segments of DNA were deleted from recombinant cosmid DNAs during propagation in Escherichia coli hosts in liquid culture. DNAs of more than 1000 cosmids propagated in various E. coli hosts were analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis (AGE). The effects of vectors, insert DNAs and host genetic characters on the formation of deletions were examined. The probability of deletion and the pattern of deletion bands observed by AGE differed from clone to clone, and after extensive culture the deletion band patterns remained almost constant during further culture. Most recombinant clones eventually showed deletion during prolonged liquid culture. Mutations in the recA gene of E. coli hosts, including a deletion mutation, did not prevent deletion. Most deletions occurred in the insert portions of cosmid DNAs. Nucleotide sequence analysis of six deletion junctions in test cosmid cMB15 demonstrated that deletions occurred between two short complete direct repeats of about 4-10 bp, irrespective of whether the cosmid was propagated in a recA host or a rec+ host. Some deletions occurred at the same sites either in a recA host or a rec+ host. These results suggest that the deletion events are mainly mediated by a recA-independent recombination system(s) of E. coli host cells.  相似文献   

We report a simple in vivo technique for introducing an antibiotic resistance marker into phage lambda. This technique could be used for direct selection of lysogens harboring recombinant phages from the Kohara lambda bank (a collection of ordered lambda clones carrying Escherichia coli DNA segments). The two-step method uses homologous recombination and lambda DNA packaging to replace the nonessential lambda DNA lying between the lysis genes and the right cohesive (cos) end with the neomycin phosphotransferase (npt) gene from Tn903. This occurs during lytic growth of the phage on a plasmid-containing host strain. Neomycin-resistant (npt+) recombinant phages are then selected from the lysates containing the progeny phage by transduction of a polA1 lambda lysogenic host strain to neomycin resistance. We have tested this method with two different Kohara lambda phage clones; in both cases, neomycin resistance cotransduced with the auxotrophic marker carried by the lambda clone, indicating complete genetic linkage. Linkage was verified by restriction mapping of purified DNA from a recombinant phage clone. We also demonstrate that insertion of the npt+ recombinant phages into the lambda prophage can be readily distinguished from insertion into bacterial chromosomal sequences.  相似文献   

Recently, the nucleotide sequences of entire genomes became available. This information combined with older sequencing data discloses the exact chromosomal location of millions of nucleotide markers stored in the databases at NCBI, EMBO or DDBJ. Despite having resolved the intron/exon structures of all described genes within these genomes with a stroke of a pen, the sequencing data opens up other interesting possibilities. For example, the genomic mapping of the end sequences of the human, murine and rat BAC libraries generated at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), reveals now the entire encompassed sequence of the inserts for more than a million of these clones. Since these clones are individually stored, they are now an invaluable source for experiments which depend on genomic DNA. Isolation of smaller fragments from such clones with standard methods is a time consuming process. We describe here a reliable one-step cloning technique to obtain a DNA fragment with a defined size and sequence from larger genomic clones in less than 48 hours using a standard vector with a multiple cloning site, and common restriction enzymes and equipment. The only prerequisites are the sequences of ends of the insert and of the underlying genome.  相似文献   

The lambdagt clones containing fragments of the Drosophila melanogaster genome were prepared and characterized by hybridization of their DNA with (I) lambdagt-cRNA; (2) lambdaC-cRNA; (3) Dm-cRNA; (4) the mRNA of D.melanogaster culture cells and (5) the stable cytoplasmic poly (A) RNA from the same source. The technique for a simple selection of hybrid clones is described. The hybridization with mRNA allows one to select the clones containing structural genes of D.melanogaster. It was found that in all cases when the clone contains the structural gene it also contains the reiterated base sequences of the D.melanogaster genome. Several clones containing D. melanogaster DNA fragments with a size of (2-4)x1O6 daltons hybridizing with a relatively large portion of mRNA were selected for further analysis.  相似文献   

Isolation of cDNA and genomic DNA clones encoding type II collagen.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A cDNA library constructed from total chick embryo RNA was screened with an enriched fraction of type II collagen mRNA. Two overlapping cDNA clones were characterized and shown to encode the COOH propeptide of type II collagen. In addition, a type II collagen clone was isolated from a Charon 4A library of chick genomic fragments. Definitive identification of the clones was based on DNA sequence analysis. The 3' end of the type II collagen gene appears to be similar to that of other interstitial collagen genes. Northern hybridization data indicates that there is a marked decrease in type II collagen mRNA levels in chondrocytes treated with the dedifferentiating agent 5-bromodeoxyuridine. The major type II collagen mRNA species is 5300 bases long, similar to that of other interstitial collagen RNAs.  相似文献   

M Kobayashi  K Koike 《Gene》1979,6(2):123-136
Rat mtDNA has a molecular length of about 16 kilobase (kb) pairs and is cleaved into seven fragments by restriction endonuclease EcoRI. These fragments were cloned in Escherichia coli K-12 host using lambda gtWES.lambda B' (lambda gtWES.lambda B, for short, in this paper) as a vector. Recombinant DNAs containing one or a few fragments of the mtDNA were transfected to CaCl2-treated E. coli, and the plaques containing specific recombinant phages were selected. DNA amplified in the recombinanat phage lambda gt.mt was shown to contain the same restriction endonuclease cleavage sites as those found in the mtDNA. Present results permitted the DNA sequencing of any portion of the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

A physical map of the D. melanogaster genome is being constructed, in the form of overlapping cosmid clones that are assigned to specific polytene chromosome sites. A master library of ca. 20,000 cosmids is screened with probes that correspond to numbered chromosomal divisions (ca. 1% of the genome); these probes are prepared by microdissection and PCR-amplification of individual chromosomes. The 120 to 250 cosmids selected by each probe are fingerprinted by Hinfl digestion and gel electrophoresis, and overlaps are detected by computer analysis of the fingerprints, permitting us to assemble sets of contiguous clones (contigs). Selected cosmids, both from contigs and unattached, are then localized by in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes. Crosshybridization analysis using end probes links some contigs, and hybridization to previously cloned genes relates the physical to the genetic map. This approach has been used to construct a physical map of the 3.8 megabase DNA in the three distal divisions of the x chromosome. The map is represented by 181 canonical cosmids, of which 108 clones in contigs and 32 unattached clones have been mapped individually by in situ hybridization to chromosomes. Our current database of in situ hybridization results also includes the beginning of a physical map for the rest of the genome: 162 cosmids have been assigned by in situ hybridization to 129 chromosomal subdivisions elsewhere in the genome, representing 5 to 6 megabases of additional mapped DNA.  相似文献   

A mini-Mu bacteriophage, containing the cohesive-end packaging site (cos) from a lambda-phi 80 hybrid phage, a high-copy-number plasmid replicon, and a kanamycin-resistance gene for independent selection, was constructed to clone genes in vivo. This mini-Mu element can be derepressed to transpose at a high frequency. DNA segments that become flanked by copies of this mini-Mu element in the same orientation can be packaged by a helper lambda phage. The resulting lambda lysate can be used to infect recipient cells where the injected DNA can circularize by annealing at the cos termini. Drug-resistant transductants obtained carry the mini-Mu-replicon cosmid element with inserts of different nucleotide sequences. These are analogous to recombinant DNA clones generated in vitro with restriction endonuclease cutting and ligase joining reactions replaced by the Mu transposition process. Clones of particular genes were isolated by their ability to complement specific mutations. Both recA+ and recA- recipient cells can be used with equal efficiency. Clones obtained with a helper lambda phage require the presence of the cos site in the mini-Mu replicon. They carry larger inserts than those isolated with the same mini-Mu element and Mu as a helper phage. The mini-Mu replicon-cosmid bacteriophage contains a lac-gene fusing segment for isolating fusions of lac operon DNA to gene control regions in the cloned sequences. Independent clones of a particular gene can be used to prepare a restriction map of the gene and its flanking regions.  相似文献   

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