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A search was made for inhibitors of Pi uptake that act directlyon the Pi transporter in the plasma membranes of Catharanthusroseus cells to inhibit Pi uptake without inhibition of protonpumping. Using standard electrodes, we monitored changes inpH and in the concentration of K+ ions, as well as the rateof Pi uptake, when an inhibitor to be tested was applied tothe cells in unbuffered medium. A9C (28 µM), a blockerof anion channels, inhibited Pi uptake but it also inhibitedthe proton pump. However, a structurally similar inhibitor,furosemide, inhibited Pi uptake without inhibiting proton pumping. It is suggested that the carboxylic group of these inhibitorsinteracts with the Pi-binding site (probably an amino group)of the Pi transporter in the plasma membrane and that the hydrophobicstructure of these inhibitors facilitates their accumulationin the plasma membrane. 3Present address: Department of Biology, Hitotsubashi University,2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo, 186 Japan  相似文献   

The whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique was used to study both outward and inward ion currents across the plasma membrane of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) protoplasts from cell-suspension cultures. The ion currents across the plasma membrane were analyzed by the application of stepwise potential changes from a holding potential or voltage ramps. In all protoplasts, a voltage- and time-dependent outward rectifying current was present. The conductance increased upon depolarization of the membrane potential (to >0 mV) with a sigmoidal time course. The reversal potential of the outward current shifted in the direction of the K+ equilibrium potential upon changing the external K+ concentration. The outward current did not show inactivation. In addition to the outward rectifying current, in about 30% of the protoplasts, a time- and voltage-dependent inward rectifying current was present as well. The inward rectifying current activated upon hyperpolarization of the membrane potential (<-100 mV) with an exponential time course. The reversal potential of the inward conductance under different ionic conditions was close to the K+ equilibrium potential.  相似文献   

猕猴桃原生质体质膜水通道蛋白特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
《Acta Botanica Sinica》2000,42(2):143-147

The water transport activity of protoplasts from Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward was determined using a cell image system. The results showed that the protoplast volume increased swiftly when the protoplasts were placed in a hypotonic medium, and the volume increased with the increasing osmotic gradients. The P f values were 0.118×10-3, 0.121×10-3, and 0.133×10-3cm/s under the outward osmotic gradients of 75, 100, and 125 mmol/kg, respectively. The results also showed that the water transport activity of protoplasts could be inhibited by HgCl 2 and stimulated by amphotericin B. Moreover, it was found that ZnCl2 and ZnSO4 had a significant inhibitory effect on the water transport activity of the protoplasts from A. deliciosa var. deliciosa cv. Hayward. The results indicated that the protoplasts of A. deliciosa var. deliciosa cv. Hayward possessed the typical property of aquaporins, suggesting the presence of aquaporins at its plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The properties of plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPases from wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Lengchun No. 13) root and leaf were compared, and their different properties were analyzed in association with the differentia of the functions of these two organs and their relevant environments. Root plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPase showed a high activity in a broad range of pH and an optimum reaction temperature of 45 ℃, while the leaf enzyme activated in a narrow range of pH and an optimum reaction temperature of 50 ℃. Hill coefficient of root plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPase for ATP was 1.6, revealing an obvious positive cooperativity. In contrast, that of leaf plasma membrane Ca2 +-ATPase was 1.0, being in keeping with Michaelis-Menten dynamics. For Ca2 + activation, Hill coefficient of plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPases from both organs were less than 1, suggesting that both had negative cooperativity. The enzymes were activated by calmodulin and inhibited by Mg2+.  相似文献   

The ability of two biotinylating reagents, sulfosuccinimidobiotin and sulfosuccinimidyl 2-(biotinamido)ethyl-1,3′-dithiopropionate, to label plasma membrane proteins was examined. These compounds form covalent bonds with the free amino groups of proteins and label the proteins with biotin. Biotinylated proteins can be detected with avidin-peroxidase staining. Protoplasts isolated from embryogenic Daucus carota suspension cells were labeled with biotin and the membranes were separated on linear sucrose gradients. The conditions used for labeling the protoplasts did not cause protoplast rupture or loss of viability. The distribution of the biotin label in these linear sucrose gradients was analyzed and compared to the distribution of vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity, a marker for the plasma membrane. Both the biotin label and the vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity were strongly localized in the gradient at peak density of 1.16 gram per cubic centimeter. When the protoplast surface was labeled, biotinylated polypeptides were detected after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and polypeptides of 153, 94, 51, 30, 20, 17, and 14 kilodaltons were shown to be plasma membrane in origin. When a crude membrane pellet was labeled, numerous biotinylated polypeptides were distributed throughout the gradient. Because the position of the biotin label in the gradient is strongly correlated with the distribution of vanadate-sensitive ATPase, it is concluded that these biotinylating reagents are effective and reliable labels for proteins of the plant plasma membrane. Furthermore, these labels permit the positive identification of plasma membrane proteins after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and can serve as convenient markers for solubilization and purification of these proteins.  相似文献   

Using the patch-clamp technique K+ channels could be observed in the plasma membrane of protoplasts from pollen grains of Lilium longiflorum. With depolarizing membrane potentials the open probability of the different K+ channels increased. Two K+ channel populations occurring occasionally had a single channel conductance of 120 pS and 42 pS, respectively. The most often observed K+ channel had a single channel conductance of 19 pS which showed an increase of channel activity with increasing free cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration. This channel population might be involved in the pathway of endogenous transcellular K+ currents which are activated during pollen tube tip extension.  相似文献   

The stromal pH of chloroplasts contained in wheat leaf protoplasts was determined by incubating the protoplast suspension with radioactively labelled DMO, followed by rapid subcellular fractionation and measurement of the radioactivity in the separated chloroplast fraction. The stromal pH was found to be about 8.0 upon illumination and 7.6 in darkness. These results demonstrate that light-dependent stromal pH changes, which have been found earlier in isolated chloroplasts, also occur in a plant cell.  相似文献   

Cryomicroscopy of protoplasts isolated from nonacclimated (NA) rye leaves (Secale cereale L. cv Puma) revealed that the predominant form of injury following cooling to the minimum temperature for 50% survival (LT50) (−5°C) was expansion-induced lysis of the plasma membrane during warming and thawing of the suspending medium when the decreasing osmolality resulted in osmotic expansion of the protoplasts. When cooled to temperatures below the LT50, the predominant form of injury was loss of osmotic responsiveness following cooling so that the protoplasts were osmotically inactive during warming. Only a low incidence (<10%) of expansion-induced lysis was observed in protoplasts isolated from acclimated (ACC) leaves, and the predominant form of injury following cooling to the LT50 (−25°C) was loss of osmotic responsiveness. The tolerable surface area increment (TSAI) which resulted in lysis of 50% of a population (TSAI50) of NA protoplasts osmotically expanded from isotonic solutions was 1122 ± 172 square micrometers. Similar values were obtained when the protoplasts were osmotically expanded from hypertonic solutions. The TSAI determined from cryomicroscopic measurements of individual NA protoplasts was similar to the TSAI50 values obtained from osmotic manipulation. The TSAI50 of ACC protoplasts expanded from isotonic solutions (2145 ± 235 square micrometers) was approximately double that of NA protoplasts and increased following osmotic contraction. Osmotic contractions were readily reversible upon return to isotonic solutions. During freeze-induced dehydration, endocytotic vesicles formed in NA protoplasts whereas exocytotic extrusions formed on the surface of ACC protoplasts. During osmotic expansion following thawing of the suspending medium, the endocytotic vesicles remained in the cytoplasm of NA protoplasts and the protoplasts lysed before their original volume and surface area were regained. In contrast, the exocytotic extrusions were drawn back into the surface of ACC protoplasts as the protoplasts regained their original volume and surface area.  相似文献   

Characteristics of Transport of L-Leucine and Glycine in Pea Protoplasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uptake of L-leucine and glycine into pea protoplasts wasstudied under various conditions. The uptake of both L-leucineand glycine was pH dependent with the optimal pH being 4.0 and5.0 for L-leucine and glycine, respectively. A kinetic studyof L-leucine uptake showed that uptake is multiphasic; Km valuesof different phases were 1.1 mol m–3, 33.3 mol m–3and 100 mol m3. A similar analysis for glycine at a concentrationrange of 0.1–10 mol m–3 also showed a multiphasictransport system for it. The uptake of L-leucine at lower concentrations(between0.1–2.0 mol m–3) was energy dependent, since arsenate,azide, dinitrophenol and iodoacetate inhibited the uptake. However,the uptake of L-leucine was not inhibited by ouabain at anyconcentration of L-leucine employed. The uptake of glycine wasnot inhibited by any of these inhibitors suggesting that glycineuptake was not mediated by an active process. Key words: Pea protoplast, L-Leucine, Glycine transport, Active transport, Mediated transport  相似文献   

Chloroplasts prepared from mesophyll protoplasts of the primary leaf of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Egret) contain about 50% of the cellular β-galactosidase (EC activity. More than 80% of this activity is associated with the stroma and most of the remainder, although tightly bound to the thylakoids, can be washed free with sodium pyrophosphate. The vacuole contained about 20% and the remaining enzyme was presumed to be cytoplasmic or associated with one of the other organelles. Both the vacuolar and chloroplast enzymes were capable of releasing galactose from the galactolipid monogalactosyldiacylglycerol. Apart from their distinct locations within the cells, we conclude that the enzymes are different because they differed with respect to assay pH-optimum, comparative activity against the synthetic substrates phenyl-β-d-galactoside, 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-d-galactoside, 6-bromo-2-naphthyl-β-d-galactoside, the disaccharide lactose, and the inhibitors d-galactose and d-galactono-1,4-lactone.  相似文献   

The membrane electrical potential difference was measured in cultured cells and isolated protoplasts of tobacco (Nicotiana glutinosa L.) by inserting a microelectrode into cells held fast by a suction micropipette. The potential difference (± standard deviation) for unplasmolyzed tobacco cells was −52 ± 12 millivolts, for cells in 0.3 molar mannitol, −50 ± 11 millivolts; and for cells plasmolyzed in 0.7 molar mannitol, −49 ± 12 millivolts all inside negative. The potential difference for isolated protoplasts in 0.7 molar mannitol was −49 ± 16 millivolts, inside negative. In both cultured cells and protoplasts, the addition of 0.1 millimolar KCN caused a depolarization of the membrane potential. It was concluded that plasmolysis and enzymic release of the protoplast had no significant effect on the membrane potential of cultured tobacco cells.  相似文献   

The level of nerve membrane cholesterol was altered by in vitro incubation of rat brain synaptosomal plasma membrane with liposomes having varying cholesterol contents. The normal plasma membrane cholesterol/phospholipid ratio of 0.3-0.4 (mol/mol) could be decreased by about one-half or increased more than 100%. Fluorescence polarization measurements were made using the probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene. At temperatures below 35 percent C, lowering membrane cholesterol led to increased apparent microviscosity, while raising cholesterol content produced little change. However, at 45 percent C a continuous direct relationship existed between experimental membrane cholesterol/phospholipid ratio (ranging from 0.18 to 0.73) and apparent microviscosity. Under standard liposome-synaptosomal plasma membrane exchange conditions, 80% of the initial specific [(3)H]saxitoxin binding activity to the voltage-dependent sodium channel and at least 95% of the (Mg2+,K+)-p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity were preserved. Our results indicate that neither the characteristics of toxin binding nor the kinetics of this enzyme activity is dependent upon membrane cholesterol content.  相似文献   

甘蔗和烟草叶原生质体分离期间的膜损伤及有关酶活性变化何若天,覃伟,李任强(广西农业大学实验中心,南宁530005)关键词:原生质体,超氧阴离子自由基(O_2~-),膜损伤,甘蔗,烟草植物原生质体分离期间,所用细胞壁降解酶和高渗介质等对细胞生理有深刻影响...  相似文献   

Sytnyk  V. N.  Korogod  S. M.  Dityatev  A. E. 《Neurophysiology》2001,33(3):140-147
In our study, we showed that distribution of NCAM along the surface of actively growing in vitro neurites of murine hippocampal neurons comprises at least two components. The first component is reflected in exponential decline of the NCAM immunoreactivity from the soma and growth cone to a central part of the neurite. This component can be described by a model assuming diffusive redistribution of NCAM from the sites of its preferential insertion (from the neuron's soma and growth cones). The second component manifests itself as clusters of NCAM immunoreactivity irregularly distributed along the neurites. Some of these NCAM clusters, which were immunolabeled in a living neuron, can intermittently move back and forth along the neurites with a velocity up to 0.5 m/sec. Our data demonstrate that, besides passive NCAM diffusion, an active mechanism of NCAM redistribution exists in the central neurite part.  相似文献   

Type IV P-type ATPases (P4-ATPases) are believed to translocate aminophospholipids from the exoplasmic to the cytoplasmic leaflets of cellular membranes. The yeast P4-ATPases, Drs2p and Dnf1p/Dnf2p, flip nitrobenzoxadiazole-labeled phosphatidylserine at the Golgi complex and nitrobenzoxadiazole-labeled phosphatidylcholine (PC) at the plasma membrane, respectively. However, the flippase activities and substrate specificities of mammalian P4-ATPases remain incompletely characterized. In this study, we established an assay for phospholipid flippase activities of plasma membrane-localized P4-ATPases using human cell lines stably expressing ATP8B1, ATP8B2, ATP11A, and ATP11C. We found that ATP11A and ATP11C have flippase activities toward phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine but not PC or sphingomyelin. By contrast, ATPase-deficient mutants of ATP11A and ATP11C did not exhibit any flippase activity, indicating that these enzymes catalyze flipping in an ATPase-dependent manner. Furthermore, ATP8B1 and ATP8B2 exhibited preferential flippase activities toward PC. Some ATP8B1 mutants found in patients of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 1 (PFIC1), a severe liver disease caused by impaired bile flow, failed to translocate PC despite their delivery to the plasma membrane. Moreover, incorporation of PC mediated by ATP8B1 can be reversed by simultaneous expression of ABCB4, a PC floppase mutated in PFIC3 patients. Our findings elucidate the flippase activities and substrate specificities of plasma membrane-localized human P4-ATPases and suggest that phenotypes of some PFIC1 patients result from impairment of the PC flippase activity of ATP8B1.  相似文献   

Robinson SP 《Plant physiology》1982,70(4):1032-1038
Uptake of d, l-glycerate into the chloroplast stroma has been studied using the technique of silicone oil filtering centrifugation. Glycerate uptake was 3 to 5 times higher in the light than in darkness, the stimulation by light being abolished by the proton ionophore carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl hydrazone. The pH optimum for uptake was 7.0 at 2°C and 8.5 at 20°C, but at all pH values the rate of uptake was higher at 20°C than at 2°C. Uptake was concentration dependent, saturating above 8 millimolar glycerate. At 2°C, the Km was 0.3 millimolar and the Vmax was 13 micromoles per milligram of chlorophyll per hour. At 20°C initial rates of glycerate uptake were higher than 40 micromoles per milligram of chlorophyll per hour.  相似文献   

In tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) intestine, Mg2+ transport across the epithelium involves a transcellular, Na+- and Na+/K+-ATPase dependent pathway. In our search for the Mg2+ extrusion mechanism of the basolateral compartment of the enterocyte, we could exclude Na+/Mg2+ antiport or ATP-driven transport. Evidence is provided, however, that Mg2+ movement across the membrane is coupled to anion transport. In basolateral plasma membrane vesicles, an inwardly directed Cl gradient stimulated Mg2+ uptake (as followed with the radionuclide 27Mg) twofold. As Cl-stimulated uptake was inhibited by the detergent saponin and by the ionophore A23187, Mg2+ may be accumulated intravesicularly above chemical equilibrium. Valinomycin did not affect uptake, suggesting that electroneutral symport activity occurred. The involvement of anion coupled transport was further indicated by the inhibition of Mg2+ uptake by the stilbene derivative, 4,4′-diisothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid. Kinetic analyses of the Cl-stimulated Mg2+ uptake yielded a K m (Mg2+) of 6.08 ± 1.29 mmol · l−1 and a K m (Cl) of 26.5 ± 6.5 mmol · l−1, compatible with transport activity at intracellular Mg2+- and Cl-levels. We propose that Mg2+ absorption in the tilapia intestine involves an electrically neutral anion symport mechanism. Received: 19 January 1996/Revised: 1 August 1996  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated from the basal meristematic region of leaves from 6-day-old seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Protoplasts divided when cultured on MS medium (as agarose beads) in presence of nurse tissue. Donor seedlings when grown on BAP-supplemented MS medium were found to be considerably superior for protoplast isolation and culture than when grown on MS basal medium, in terms of protoplast viability, cell wall formation and cell division frequency. In addition, reduction of ammonium content of the culture medium, together with a dark Incubation, led to a high protoplast division frequency of about 70%. Microcolonies of 10-to 12-celled stages were obtained in Triticum aestivum, varieties HD 2329, HD 2285, Kalyan Sona, Arjun and CPAN 1676.  相似文献   

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