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自腰雪雀Onychostruthus taczanowskii(Przewalski)的分类地位比较混乱.在早期的分类系统中,它被归属于雪雀属Montifringilla下.后期由于生态习性与行为特征的不同,被划分至地雀属Pyrgilauda下;又有将它划分为独立属--高原雀属Onychostruthus的观点.本文结合身体量衡度数值特征、外部形态特征以及遗传差异上的研究,综合探讨白腰雪雀的分类地位.对量衡度特征的因子分析发现:白腰雪雀与地雀属种类在体长、体重、翅长、尾长、嘴长与跗蹠长上明显不同,其体形明显偏大.形态特征的聚类分析显示:白腰雪雀与地雀属种类的平均特征差异为0.3902~0.5122,而这些种类间平均特征差异为0.1281~0.2195.比较属间差异发现:石雀Petronia petronia与地雀属种类为0.4878~0.5385,树麻雀Passer montanus与地雀属种类为0.4872~0.5610.麻雀属与石雀属为0.3415,这些结果显示自腰雪雀与地雀属种类的差异已经达到石雀属、麻雀属与地雀属属间的差异.通过比较白腰雪雀与石雀的遗传差异(0.2578),地雀属种类与石雀的遗传差异(0.2386~0.3193),发现白腰雪雀与地雀属种类具有较大的遗传差异(0.2267~0.3143),几近于地雀属与石雀属间的差异.综合量衡度、形态以及遗传等特征的分析结果,作者认为白腰雪雀与地雀属种类有较大的差异,两者间的差异已经达到了它们与近缘属石雀属和麻雀属间的差异,以及近缘属之间的差异,因此,建议白腰雪雀应作为一个独立的属,高原雀属Onychostruthus. 相似文献
2004年在青海省河南县和兴海县于繁殖早期、育雏期、换羽期等不同阶段用粘网捕获白腰雪雀,称量体重,半定量法测定脂肪的含量,游标卡尺测量泄殖腔的高度,以考察白腰雪雀体重、脂肪的季节性变化.结果 表明:白腰雪雀体重在繁殖早期从2月到3月增加,育雏期下降,换羽期再次增加.脂肪含量在繁殖早期从2月到3月增加,育雏期的6月、7月... 相似文献
在分析鸟类对人类干扰耐受程度的研究中,惊飞距离是常用的衡量指标之一,它是指人在鸟类惊飞之前能接近鸟类的距离,反映了鸟类对人为侵扰的适应程度。本文通过对青藏高原广泛分布的白腰雪雀Montifringilla taczanowskii和棕颈雪雀M.ruficollis惊飞距离的比较研究,旨在探讨2种鸟类对人类干扰适应性的差异。结果显示,体型较大的白腰雪雀的惊飞距离(12.50 m±0.36 m,n=46)显著大于棕颈雪雀的惊飞距离(11.03 m±0.43 m,n=33);觅食个体的惊飞距离显著小于观望个体(P0.001);随着入侵者起始距离的增加,2种雪雀惊飞距离逐渐增大(P0.001)。结果表明,鸟类初始状态和入侵者起始距离能够显著影响鸟类的惊飞距离,体型较大的鸟类对人类干扰的适应性较差。 相似文献
<正>2013年9月,在青海省大通县庙沟乡落叶松林内(36°54′N,101°38′E,海拔2 702 m)观察到一群额红色,嘴黄色短尖,翅羽尽黑,胸部粉红色,腰几乎为白色的雀形目鸟类。经鉴定为极北朱顶雀(Carduelis hornemanni)。2014年3月,在青海省海东市平安县沙沟人工小型林场(36°20′N,102°02′E,海拔2 980 m)观察到十几只头顶红色,眉纹黄白色,嘴短尖,胸腹部多黄白相间纵纹,翅上有白色横斑的雀形目鸟类。经鉴定为白腰朱顶 相似文献
嫩江高峰林区白腰朱顶雀的环志回收 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
高峰鸟类保护环志站地处大、小兴安岭之间的嫩江河谷东岸,松嫩平原北麓。特殊的地理位置使这里成为候鸟经松嫩平原迁徙途中重要的停歇地和食物补给站。自1998年开展环志以来,截止2005年12月末,在该地区发现鸟类210种,隶属15目36科,环志鸟类163种163305只,其中,白腰朱顶雀(Carduelis flammea)环志26157只,是高峰鸟类保护环志站环志数量最多的种类。2003年2月10日挪威回收到由高峰鸟类保护环志站环志的一只白腰朱顶雀,成为中国开展鸟类环志20多年来,欧洲国家回收到的第一只中国环志鸟。之后,在俄罗斯、荷兰也相继回收到高峰环志的鸟类,使高峰鸟类保护环志工作再度引起鸟类学家的关注。 相似文献
北朱雀、燕雀和白腰朱顶雀的能量代谢特征和体温调节 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
本实验采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计 ,测定了环境温度在 5 - 34℃范围内北朱雀 (Carpodacusroseus)、燕雀 (Fringillamontifringilla)和白腰朱顶雀 (Acanthisflammea)的耗氧量、热传导、体温等指标 ,探讨了其代谢产热特征。结果表明 :在环境温度 (Ta)为 5 - 30℃的范围内 ,北朱雀的体温基本维持恒定 ,平均体温为4 0 4 6± 0 1 0℃ ,热中性区为 2 2 5 - 2 7 5℃ ,基础代谢率为 4 30± 0 0 8mlO2 /(g·h) ;环境温度在 5 - 2 0℃范围内 ,代谢率 (MR)与Ta 呈负相关 ,回归方程为MR [mlO2 /(g·h) ]=9 34- 0 2 1Ta (℃ ) ;在此范围内 ,北朱雀的热传导率最低且基本保持恒定 ,平均为 0 2 4± 0 0 0mlO2 /(g·h·℃ )。在环境温度为 5 - 34℃的范围内 ,燕雀的体温基本保持稳定 ,为 4 0 4 0± 0 1 1℃ ,热中性区为 2 5 - 30℃ ,基础代谢率为 4 1 9± 0 0 5mlO2 /(g·h) ;环境温度在 5 - 2 5℃范围内 ,MR与Ta 的回归方程为 :MR [mlO2 / (g·h) ]=1 1 6 4 - 0 2 9Ta (℃ ) ;在 5- 30℃内 ,燕雀的热传导最低 ,平均为 0 2 9± 0 0 1mlO2 / (g·h·℃ )。白腰朱顶雀的热中性区为 2 5 - 2 8℃ ,平均体温为 4 0 4 8± 0 1 1℃ (5 - 34℃ ) ,最低代谢率为 4 4 5± 0 1 4mlO2 / (g·h) ,最低热传导为 0 3 相似文献
四川南充市区白腰文鸟的巢址选择与雏鸟的生长发育 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
20 0 2年 1 1月~ 2 0 0 4年 4月在四川省南充市区内对白腰文鸟 (Lonchurastriata)的繁殖习性进行了研究。结果表明 ,白腰文鸟 2月下旬开始繁殖 ;影响巢址选择的主要因素 9种 ;雌雄参与筑巢 ,营巢期 5~ 6d;雌雄轮流孵卵 ,孵卵期 1 3~ 1 5d ,整个种群的孵卵高峰期在 4~ 6月 ,窝卵数 (5 .61± 0 . 78) (n =1 8)枚 ,孵化率 86 0 7% ;雌雄均参与育雏 ,育雏期 1 8~ 2 1d ,雏离巢率 82 43 % ,繁殖生产力 3. 0 1 ,育雏两个高峰期 :上午 8:0 0~ 1 0 :0 0时和下午 1 6:0 0~ 1 8:0 0时 ,日育雏次数 (1 2 . 77± 6 .0 7) (n =3 4) ,育雏时间间隔(0 . 96± 0 . 42 )h(n =1 61 ) ;雏鸟形态生长曲线呈“S”型。 相似文献
巢址选择对保证鸟类生存和繁殖成功、降低被捕食率和种间竞争至关重要。2016—2017年,在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园选取3个研究区域对同域分布的斑文鸟Lonchura punctulata和白腰文鸟Lonchura striata进行调查。在记录的15个巢址特征因子中,14个数值型因子用于拟合Logistic回归模型,找出影响文鸟巢址选择的关键因子;使用独立样本t检验和Mann-Whitney U检验比较2种文鸟在巢址特征因子选择上的差异性;置换检验(Permutation test)用于检验2种文鸟对营巢树种选择偏好的差异性。研究发现,2种文鸟的巢址分布模式在3个研究区域中的差异很大。异种鸟巢间最小间距、营巢树胸径、营巢树与水源最近距离以及巢位高度都是影响巢址选择的关键因子。与白腰文鸟相比,斑文鸟通常选择在胸径更小、位置更高、距离异种鸟巢更远、距离水源更近的地方营巢。斑文鸟多选择枝条紧密的树,而白腰文鸟多选择枝干带刺的树营巢,这可能是二者不同的对抗捕食者的防御策略。 相似文献
用BrdU标记DNA的ABC免疫细胞化学方法,观察雌性蒙古百灵端脑神经前体细胞的产生和分布特点,并与白腰文鸟作比较。结果如下:1.在百灵和白腰文鸟胸肌注射BrdU短时程组(存活1天),在端脑室带区外侧壁(LVZ)有大量的标记细胞,新生神经细胞起源于端脑室带区(VZ)中的增殖细胞层,并在纹状体腹侧的VZ形成标记细胞增殖热点,如在百灵和白腰文鸟靠近中缝线处的外侧纹状体(LSt)与内侧纹状体(MSt)腹侧的LVZ形成标记最多的‘第1增殖热点’区;在靠近中缝线处LVZ的头端形成密集的新生标记细胞,形成‘第2增殖热点’区;在百灵LSt尾端的LVZ标记细胞形成‘第3增殖热点’,但白腰文鸟此脑区的标记细胞较少。2.在百灵胸肌注射BrdU长时程组中5天起,大量的LVZ的标记细胞开始迁移,存活5-30天期间在高级发声中枢(HVc)和高位发声运动中枢-古纹状体栎核(RA)有新生标记细胞,在端脑靠近LVZ的区域有较多的标记细胞。但在雌性白腰文鸟胸肌注射BrdU存活30天期间,在HVC、RA内未见到标记细胞。结果提示雌百灵端脑HVc和RA不断地产生新生神经细胞,这可能与雌性需要不断地感知、识别雄百灵鸣唱的新语句有关,而白腰文鸟不需要这种功能。 相似文献
Seven male and three female zebra finches were exposed to 14 zebra finch (CON) and 14 starling (HET) songs during their sensitive period for song learning and then tested for their recognition memory of both the CON and HET songs in two separate memory tests. Amount of song exposure was varied by presenting individual songs either 3, 9, 27, or 81 times per day for nine consecutive days. After song exposure the birds were trained to discriminate two of the exposed, familiar songs (FAM) from two novel songs (NOV) in a go/no-go operant discrimination procedure, with FAM songs as "go" stimuli. Following discrimination training, untrained FAM and NOV songs were presented as probe songs without reinforcement. Birds responded more to FAM than NOV songs at all levels of song exposure, indicating that the songs were recognized. There were no differences in recognition memory for CON and HET song at any level of song exposure. The results suggest that selective song learning does not result from selective memorization of conspecific song. 相似文献
We carried out a short study on the diurnal call distribution of two sympatric lemurs in the Réserve Naturelle Intégrale Zahamena (eastern Madagascar). Whereas indris (Indri) song bouts were clearly concentrated in the early morning hours, the roar/shriek choruses of ruffed lemurs (Varecia) exhibited a much more even distribution throughout the day. These differences in distribution pattern support earlier claims that indri song bouts are more likely to serve territorial functions, whereas ruffed lemur loud calls may serve both spacing and/or alarm call functions. 相似文献
10种鸣禽鸣唱复杂性与发声核团体积的聚类分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选用捕自野外和人工繁殖的10种雄性成鸟(一年龄以上)作为实验材料。当鸟适应环境后录音,用VS-99语音工作站软件进行声谱分析。鸣唱的复杂性采用语句短语总数、短语的音节数之和、短语的音节种类数之和、每个短语中所含的平均音节数、每个短语中所含的平均音节种类数、每种鸣禽最长短语的音节数和最长短语的音节种类数7项指标表示。然后测定前脑的上纹状体腹侧尾端(HVC)、古纹状体粗核(RA)以及嗅叶的X核(Areax)3个主要鸣唱控制核团的体积。最后分别对10种鸣禽3个发声控制核团体积和鸣唱复杂性的7项指标进行聚类分析。10种鸣禽的7项指标值相差较大,即使同一科也如此。蒙古百灵的3种核团体积比值均最大,其次是金丝雀和黄喉鹉。10种鸣禽鸣唱语句复杂性的7个指标和3种核团体积聚类分析树形图显示的结果各不相同;仅RA和Areax核团体积的树形图显示蒙古百灵远离其他9种鸣禽,与现代分类学和DNA分析得到的进化树一致。 相似文献
Lohr B 《Behavioural processes》2008,77(2):156-165
Acoustic frequency (pitch) cues are known to be important in the recognition of conspecific song in a number of songbird species. Mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) and black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) are sympatric over parts of their ranges and their species-typical songs share many features. I examined the acoustic characteristics of song of these two congeners in a region of sympatry in southern Alberta, Canada. As reported for other populations in allopatry, black-capped chickadees emphasized relative frequency cues in song production. In particular, variation in the ratios between note frequencies was significantly less than variation in the note frequencies themselves. In contrast, songs of mountain chickadees did not have constant frequency ratios and contained an introductory acoustic element absent in black-capped chickadee song. Both species may rely on song note frequency or the presence of this introductory acoustic element when differentiating between conspecific song and heterospecific song. Song measures for chickadees in sympatry were similar to measures in allopatry, providing little evidence for character displacement in song production. 相似文献
Birkhead TR Pellatt EJ Matthews IM Roddis NJ Hunter FM McPhie F Castillo-Juarez H 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2006,60(11):2389-2398
Abstract The lek paradox, in which female choice erodes genetic variation in male sexually selected traits, is a fundamental issue in sexual selection. If females gain only genetic benefits from preferentially having their ova fertilized by males with particular traits, what maintains variation in these traits? Under strong directional selection mediated through mate choice, the alleles for beneficial male traits are expected to go to fixation and exhibit little variation. A theoretical solution to the lek paradox is the genic capture hypothesis which states that: costly male traits subject to female choice are condition dependent, that male condition is dependent on genes at many loci and exhibits additive genetic variance, and that positive genetic correlations exist between sexually selected traits and condition. Using a captive population of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata, we tested two key predictions from this model: (1) that genetic variance exists in beak color which is a sexually selected trait, but also in condition and immune function, and (2) that positive genetic correlations exist between condition and beak color, and between beak color, condition, and immune function. Genetic parameters were estimated from a large breeding experiment involving 81 sires, 972 offspring, a pedigree of 1526 individuals, using the animal model. We employed the following index of body condition: residuals from a log‐log plot of body mass on tarsus length following a standardized and extended period of exercise, in which residual mass is known to reflect fat and protein reserves. Our results were broadly consistent with the genic capture hypothesis because we found (1) additive genetic variation in beak color and immune function and condition, and (2) positive genetic correlations between condition and beak color, and between condition, beak color, and several assays of immune responsiveness. However, both of these results need qualification. In the first case we identified an important general problem in estimating the coefficient of additive genetic variance (CVA) in body condition. In the second case, although most of the genetic correlations were positive as predicted, only some were statistically significant, possibly due to our relatively small sample sizes, because genetic correlations typically have large standard errors and therefore require very large samples to be statistically significant. The statistically significant, positive genetic correlations included those between beak color and immune function (response to tetanus), and between immune function (response to tetanus) and condition, both of which indicate that females gain good genes from mating with males in good condition and/or with a redder beak color. We discuss the implications of our results for devising more rigorous but pragmatic tests of the genic capture hypothesis. 相似文献
Zebra finches are a ubiquitous model system for the study of vocal learning in animal communication. Their song has been well described, but its possible function(s) in social communication are only partly understood. The so-called ‘directed song’ is a high-intensity, high-performance song given during courtship in close proximity to the female, which is known to mediate mate choice and mating. However, this singing mode constitutes only a fraction of zebra finch males’ prolific song output. Potential communicative functions of their second, ‘undirected’ singing mode remain unresolved in the face of contradicting reports of both facilitating and inhibiting effects of social company on singing. We addressed this issue by experimentally manipulating social contexts in a within-subject design, comparing a solo versus male or female only company condition, each lasting for 24 h. Males’ total song output was significantly higher when a conspecific was in audible and visible distance than when they were alone. Male and female company had an equally facilitating effect on song output. Our findings thus indicate that singing motivation is facilitated rather than inhibited by social company, suggesting that singing in zebra finches might function both in inter- and intrasexual communication. 相似文献
Celia W. Campagnoni Kathy Kampf Brian Mason Vance W. Handley Anthony T. Campagnoni 《Neurochemical research》1994,19(8):1061-1065
A cDNA was isolated from a zebra finch telencephalon cDNA library that encodes the myelin proteolipid protein. The clone was 2874 nucleotides long containing an open reading frame of 831 nucleotides that encoded a 277 amino acid myelin proteolipid protein. The 5-and 3 untranslated regions were 112 and 1931 nucleotides, respectively. In Northern blots the clone hybridized to 3 bands of 3.5, 2.4 and 1.5 Kb in mouse brain RNA, but to only a single band of 3.0 kb in zebra finch brain RNA, suggesting the lack of alternative polyadenylation sites within the 3 untranslated region of the zebra finch PLP mRNAs. There was a small degree of homology between the zebra finch and chicken PLP 5 untranslated regions, but relatively little homology of the 5 untranslated regions of the zebra finch PLP cDNA clone with the homologous regions of PLP cDNAs of many mammalian species. Except for a small stretch of considerable homology, there was little overall homology with the 3 untranslated regions of mammalian PLP mRNAs. Approximately 10% (i.e. 28) of the amino acids in the zebra finch PLP differed from mammalian PLP, with most of these changes located within exon 3. There were 16 amino acid changes between zebra finch and chicken, suggesting that greater sequence variation in PLP structure is tolerated among avian species than among mammalian species.Abbreviations DM20
25 kDa proteolipid protein in myelin
classic 30 kDa myelin proteolipid protein
Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marjorie B. Lees. 相似文献
The original immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH) suggested that testosterone has a handicapping effect in males by both promoting the development of sexual signals and suppressing immune function. A modified version, the stress-linked ICHH, has recently proposed that testosterone is immunosuppressive indirectly by increasing production of corticosterone. To test both the original and stress-mediated versions of the ICHH, we implanted male zebra finches taken from lines selected for divergent maximum stress-induced levels of corticosterone (high, low and control) with either empty or testosterone-filled implants. Their humoral and cell-mediated immune responses were then assessed by challenge with diphtheria:tetanus vaccine and phytohemagglutinin respectively. We found no effect of the hormone manipulations on either PHA or tetanus antibody responses, but found a significant interaction between titers of both testosterone and corticosterone on diphtheria secondary antibody response; antibody response was greatest in individuals with high levels of both hormones. There was also a significant interactive effect between testosterone treatment group and corticosterone titer on body mass; the body mass of males in the elevated testosterone treatment group decreased with increasing corticosterone titer. These results suggest that, contrary to the assumption of the stress-mediated version of the ICHH, high plasma levels of corticosterone are not immunosuppressive, but are in fact immuno-enhancing in the presence of high levels of plasma testosterone. Equally, the central assumption of the ICHH that testosterone is obligately immunosuppressive is also not supported. The same individuals with the highest levels of both hormones and consequently the most robust antibody response also possessed the lowest body mass. 相似文献