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The soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (STH) is an energy-independent flavoprotein that directly catalyzes hydride transfer between NAD(H) and NADP(H) to maintain homeostasis of these two redox cofactors. The sth gene in Escherichia coli was cloned and expressed as a fused protein (EcSTH). The purified EcSTH displayed maximal activity at 35 °C, pH 7.5. Heat-inactivation studies showed that EcSTH retains 50% activity after 5 h at 50 °C. The enzyme was stable at 4 °C for 25 days. The apparent K(m) values of EcSTH were 68.29 μM for NADPH and 133.2 μM for thio-NAD(+) . The k(cat) /K(m) ratios showed that EcSTH had a 1.25-fold preference for NADPH over thio-NAD(+) . Product inhibition studies showed that EcSTH activity was strongly inhibited by excess NADPH, but not by thio-NAD(+) . EcSTH activity was enhanced by 2 mM adenine nucleotide and inhibited by divalent metal ions: Mn(2+) , Co(2+) , Zn(2+) , Ni(2+) and Cu(2+) . However, after preincubation for 30 min, most divalent metal ions had little effect on EcSTH activity, except Zn(2+) , Ni(2+) and Cu(2+) . The enzymatic analysis could provide the important basic knowledge for EcSTH utilizations.  相似文献   

Addition of 0.1% casein hydrolysate to a minimal growth medium decreased membrane-bound transhydrogenase activity in Escherichia coli by about 80%. Of the amino acids added individually to the growth medium, only leucine and, to a lesser extent, methionine and alanine were effective, alpha-Ketoisocaproate- and leucine-containing peptides repressed the activity, and leucine also repressed activity in adenyl cyclase-deficient and relaxed strains. Derepression of transhydrogenase followed the removal of leucine from the growth medium and was sensitive to rifampin and chloramphenicol. A phosphoglucoisomerase-deficient strain that was forced to use the hexose monophosphate shunt exclusively had normal levels of transhydrogenase, which was repressed by leucine. Transhydrogenase activity doubled in mutants lacking either of the shunt dehydrogenases but was still repressed by leucine. In strains constitutive for the leucine biosynthetic operon, transhydrogenase was repressed by leucine but in strains livR and lst R, with leucine transport resistant to leucine repression, transhydrogenase was not repressed by leucine. These data suggest that transhydrogenase may have a function in the transport of branched-chain amino acids. In a hisT strain (which has altered leucyl-tRNA), transhydrogeanse was at a repressed level without the addition of leucine, suggesting that leucyl-tRNA may be involved in the regulation.  相似文献   

A mutation, pnt-1, causing loss of pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase activity in Escherichia coli, was mapped by assaying for the enzyme in extracts of recombinant strains produced by conjugation, F-duction, and P1 transduction. The site of this mutation was near min 35, counterclockwise from man, and it co-transduced 59% with man. The mutation was associated with loss from the cell membrane fraction of energy-independent and adenosine 5'-triphosphate-dependent transhydrogenase activities, but reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase activity was not affected. Strains were constructed which lack phosphoglucoisomerase (pgi-2) and which carry either pnt+ or pnt-1. Although such strains, when grown on glucose, are expected to produce a large excess of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, the growth rate was not affected by the pnt-1 allele.  相似文献   

A screening procedure was devised which permitted the isolation of a cytochrome d-deficient mutant by its failure to oxidize the artificial electron donor N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine. Cytochrome a1 and probably cytochrome b558 were also missing in the mutant. Growth and oxygen uptake rates were similar for both parent and mutant strains. However, the strain lacking cytochrome d had an increased sensitivity to cyanide, indicating that cytochrome d confers some resistance to this respiratory inhibitor. The gene responsible for these phenotypes has been named cyd and maps between tolA and sucB.  相似文献   

A respiration-deficient mutant of Escherichia coli has been isolated which is unable to grow aerobically on nonfermentable substrates such as succinate and lactate. Spectroscopic and immunological studies showed that this mutant lacks the cytochrome o terminal oxidase of the high aeration branch of the aerobic electron transport chain. This strain carries a mutation in a gene designated cyo which is cotransducible with the acrA locus. Mutations in cyo were obtained by mutagenizing a strain that was cyd and, thus, was lacking the cytochrome d terminal oxidase. Strain RG99, which carries both the cyd- and cyo- alleles, grows normally under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate. Introduction of the cyd+ allele into the strain restores the respiration function of the strain, indicating that the cytochrome o branch of the respiratory chain is dispensable under normal laboratory growth conditions.  相似文献   

The pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase of Escherichia coli has an alpha 2 beta 2 structure (alpha: Mr, 54,000; beta: Mr, 48,700). Hydropathy analysis of the amino acid sequences suggested that the 10 kDa C-terminal portion of the alpha subunit and the N-terminal 20-25 kDa region of the beta subunit are composed of transmembranous alpha-helices. The topology of these subunits in the membrane was investigated using proteolytic enzymes. Trypsin digestion of everted cytoplasmic membrane vesicles released a 43 kDa polypeptide from the alpha subunit. The beta subunit was not susceptible to trypsin digestion. However, it was digested by proteinase K in everted vesicles. Both alpha and beta subunits were not attacked by trypsin and proteinase K in right-side out membrane vesicles. The beta subunit in the solubilized enzyme was only susceptible to digestion by trypsin if the substrates NADP(H) were present. NAD(H) did not affect digestion of the beta subunit. Digestion of the beta subunit of the membrane-bound enzyme by trypsin was not induced by NADP(H) unless the membranes had been previously stripped of extrinsic proteins by detergent. It is concluded that binding of NADP(H) induces a conformational change in the transhydrogenase. The location of the trypsin cleavage sites in the sequences of the alpha and beta subunits were determined by N- and C-terminal sequencing. A model is proposed in which the N-terminal 43 kDa region of the alpha subunit and the C-terminal 30 kDa region of the beta subunit are exposed on the cytoplasmic side of the inner membrane of E. coli. Binding sites for pyridine nucleotide coenzymes in these regions were suggested by affinity chromatography on NAD-agarose columns.  相似文献   

The pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (PNT) of Escherichia coli consists of two different subunits (alpha and beta) and assembles as a tetramer (alpha 2 beta 2) in the inner membrane. The pnt genes from E. coli have been cloned on a multicopy plasmid resulting in high level expression of the enzyme activity. We have studied the influence of the different segments of the polypeptide chains of the alpha and beta subunits on the assembly and function of the enzyme by constructing a series of deletion mutants for both of the subunits. Our results show that the assembly of the beta subunit is contingent upon the insertion of the alpha subunit into the membrane, while the alpha subunit can assemble independently of the beta subunit. All deletions constructed for the cytosolic portion of the alpha subunit gave no incorporation of the alpha subunit and, as a consequence, of the beta subunit, also. Of the four membrane-spanning regions of the alpha subunit, the last two were indispensable, while the deletion of the first two still allowed the association of alpha as well as of the beta subunit with the membrane. However, the enzyme was not functional. The two subunits were also loosely associated as mild detergent treatment released them from the membrane in contrast with the wild-type enzyme. Deletions within the beta subunit had little effect on the assembly of the alpha subunit, although less was incorporated. All deletions involving the cytosolic portion of the beta subunit resulted in loss of incorporation into the membrane. Of the eight membrane-spanning regions of the beta subunit, the deletion of regions 2-3, 2-4, 2-6, and 2-7 yielded significant association of both the subunits with the membrane. However, none of these mutants assembled a functional enzyme, and again the two subunits were loosely associated with the membrane. Based on the stringent requirement of the cytosolic portions of alpha and beta subunits for assembly, a model is proposed that suggests interactions between these two regions must occur prior to assembly.  相似文献   

K Sakka  T Watanabe  R Beers    H C Wu 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(8):3400-3408
We isolated a globomycin-resistant, temperature-sensitive mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 strain AB1157. The mutation mapped in dnaE, the structural gene for the alpha-subunit of DNA polymerase III. The in vivo processing of lipid-modified prolipoprotein was more resistant to globomycin in the mutant strain 307 than in its parent. The prolipoprotein signal peptidase activity was also increased twofold in the mutant, and there was a threefold increase in the activity of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase. The results suggest that a mutation in dnaE may affect the expression of the ileS-lsp operon in E. coli. In addition, strain 307 showed a reduced level of streptomycin resistance compared with its parental strain AB1157 (rpsL31). Strain 307 was killed by streptomycin at a concentration of 200 micrograms/ml, which did not affect the rate of bulk protein synthesis in this mutant. A second mutation which was involved in the reduced streptomycin resistance in strain 307 was identified and found to be closely linked to or within the rpsD (ramA, ribosomal ambiguity) gene. Both dnaE and rpsD were required for the reduced streptomycin resistance in strain 307.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive dnaK mutant (strain MT112) was isolated from Escherichia coli B strain H/r30RT by thymineless death selection at 43 degrees C. By genetic mapping, the mutation [dnaK7(Ts)] was located near the thr gene (approximately 0.2 min on the may). E. coli K-12 transductants of the mutation to temperature sensitivity were assayed for their susceptibility to transducing phage lambda carrying the dnaK and/or the dnaJ gene. All of the transductants were able to propagate phage lambda carrying the dnaK gene. When macromolecular synthesis of the mutant was assayed at 43 degrees C, it was observed that both deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid syntheses were severely inhibited. Thus, it was suggested that the conditionally defective dnaK mutation affects both cellular deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid syntheses at the nonpermissive temperature in addition to inability to propagate phage lambda at permissive temperature.  相似文献   

To determine the physiological role of cyanate aminohydrolase (cyanase, EC in bacteria, mutants of Escherichia coli K12 devoid of this inducible activity were isolated and their properties investigated. Five independent mutations were localized next to lac; three of them lay between lacY and codA. Thus cyanase activity could depend on the integrity of one gene or set of clustered genes; we propose for this locus the symbol cnt. Growth of the mutant stains was more sensitive to cyanate than growth of wild-type strains. This difference was noticeable in synthetic medium in the presence of low concentrations of cyanate (less than or equal to 1 mM). Higher concentrations inhibited growth of both wild-type and mutant strains. Urea in aqueous solutions dissociates slowly into ammonium cyanate. Accordingly wild-type strains were able to grow on a synthetic medium containing 0.5 M-urea whereas mutants lacking cyanase were not. We conclude that cyanase could play a role in destroying exogenous cyanate originating from the dissociation of carbamoyl compounds such as urea; alternatively cyanate might constitute a convenient nitrogen source for bacteria able to synthesize cyanase in an inducible way.  相似文献   

A 3240-base-pair DNA fragment spanning the pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (pnt) genes of Escherichia coli has been sequenced. The sequence contains two open-reading frames, pntA and pntB of 1506 and 1386 base pairs, coding for the transhydrogenase alpha and beta subunits, respectively. The coding sequences are preceded by a promoter-like structure and are most likely co-transcribed. Each coding sequence is preceded by a Shine-Dalgarno sequence. The amino-terminal amino acid sequences were determined from the purified alpha and beta subunits of the transhydrogenase. These sequences agree with those predicted from the nucleotide sequences of the pntA and pntB genes. The predicted relative molecular masses of 53906 (alpha) and 48667 (beta) are close to the values obtained by analysis of the subunits by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Several hydrophobic regions large enough to span the cytoplasmic membrane were observed in each subunit. These results indicate that transhydrogenase is an intrinsic membrane protein.  相似文献   

Bovine heart mitochondrial pyridine dinucleotide transhydrogenase has been purified to near-homogeneity by a six-step procedure. The final preparation is characterized by a single major band with minor contaminants on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels. The minimal molecular weight is estimated to be 120,000. The protein of the major band is identified as the transhydrogenase by its (a) protection against trypsinolysis with NADH and enhanced degradation in the presence of NADPH, (b) inhibition by low concentrations of palmitoyl-CoA and by Mg2+, and (c) pH-rate profile. The specific activity of purified transhydrogenase is increased over twofold after sonication with mitochondrial phospholipids. The enzyme contains no flavin and is not contaminated with cytochromes, NADH dehydrogenase, or NADPH dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

The pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase of Escherichia coli consists of two types of subunit (alpha: Mr 53,906; beta: Mr 48,667). The purified and membrane-bound enzymes were crosslinked with a series of bifunctional crosslinking agents and by catalyzing the formation of inter-chain disulfides in the presence of cupric 1,10-phenanthrolinate. Crosslinked dimers alpha 2, alpha beta and beta 2, and the trimer alpha 2 beta were obtained. A small amount of tetramer, probably alpha 2 beta 2, was also formed. Radiation inactivation was used to determine the molecular size of the transhydrogenase. The radiation inactivation size (217,000) and chemical crosslinking are consistent with the structure (Mr 205,146) being the oligomer that is responsible for biological activity.  相似文献   

1. Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase of Azotobacter vinelandii purified by affinity chromatography consists of a mixture of polydisperse rods at neutral pH. No other structures are seen by electron microscopy. 2. At high pH (8.5--9.0) the rods depolymerize. Complete depolymerization can be achieved in 0.1 M Tris-Cl pH 9.0. The depolymerized enzyme has a molecular weight of 421000 (sedimentation equilibrium), its sedimentation coefficient s20, w = 15 S and its Stokes' radius Rs = 7 nm. Since gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate shows that transhydrogenase consists of a single polypeptide chain of molecular weight (54 +/- 2) X 10(3) it follows that the depolymerized enzyme has an octameric quaternary structure. We propose that this octamer serves as the functional monomeric unit ('unimer') from which the polymeric form of transhydrogenase is constructed. 3. Gel filtration and sucrose gradient centrifugation studies of cell-free extracts from A. vinelandii show the unimer to be the predominant active species.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight analogs of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide were tested for their ability to inhibit growth of wild-typeEscherichia coli K-12. Two of the compounds tested, 6-aminonicotinic acid and 6-aminonicotinamide were strongly inhibitory to growth of the organism. Mutants resistant to these compounds were isolated and characterized by cross-feeding experiments. All of the mutants isolated by their resistance to these analogs were found to excrete a metabolite which supported growth ofnadA, nadB, ornadC strains ofE. coli on a minimal medium. Wild-type strains failed to exhibit this cross-feeding ability. ThepncB + locus codes for nicotinic acid phosphoribosyl transferase and maps near minute 23 on the chromosome.  相似文献   

The pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase carries out transmembrane proton translocation coupled to transfer of a hydride ion equivalent between NAD+ and NADP+. Previous workers (E. Holmberg et al. Biochemistry 33, 7691-7700, 1994; N. A. Glavas et al. Biochemistry 34, 7694-7702, 1995) had examined the role in proton translocation of conserved charged residues in the transmembrane domain. This study was extended to examine the role of conserved polar residues of the transmembrane domain. Site-directed mutagenesis of these residues did not produce major effects on hydride transfer or proton translocation activities except in the case of betaAsn222. Most mutants of this residue were drastically impaired in these activities. Three phenotypes were recognized. In betaN222C both activities were impaired maximally by 70%. The retention of proton translocation indicated that betaAsn222 was not directly involved in proton translocation. In betaN222H both activities were drastically reduced. Binding of NADP+ but not of NADPH was impaired. In betaN222R, by contrast, NADP+ remained tightly bound to the mutant transhydrogenase. It is concluded that betaAsn222, located in a transmembrane alpha-helix, is part of the conformational pathway by which NADP(H) binding, which occurs outside of the transmembrane domain, is coupled to proton translocation. Some nonconserved or semiconserved polar residues of the transmembrane domain were also examined by site-directed mutagenesis. Interaction of betaGlu124 with the proton translocation pathway is proposed.  相似文献   

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