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Fitness disadvantage of the transitional intermediates compared to the initial R5 viruses has been suggested to constitute one of the blockades to coreceptor switching, explaining the late appearance of X4 viruses. Using a simian model for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) coreceptor switching, we demonstrate in this study that similar molecular evolutionary pathways to coreceptor switch occur in more than one R5 simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)(SF162P3N)-infected macaque. In infected animals where multiple pathways for expansion or switch to CXCR4 coexist, fitness of the transitional intermediates in coreceptor usage efficiency influences their outgrowth and representation in the infecting virus population. Dualtropic and X4 viruses appear at different disease stages, but they have lower entry efficiency than the coexisting R5 strains, which may explain why they do not outcompete the R5 viruses. Similar observations were made in two infected macaques with coreceptor switch, providing in vivo evidence that fitness disadvantage is an obstacle to X4 emergence and expansion.  相似文献   

We recently described a coreceptor switch in rapid progressor (RP) R5 simian-human immunodeficiency virus SF162P3N (SHIV(SF162P3N))-infected rhesus macaques that had high virus replication and undetectable or weak and transient antiviral antibody response (S. H. Ho et al., J. Virol. 81:8621-8633, 2007; S. H. Ho, N. Trunova, A. Gettie, J. Blanchard, and C. Cheng-Mayer, J. Virol. 82:5653-5656, 2008; and W. Ren et al., J. Virol. 84:340-351, 2010). The lack of antibody selective pressure, together with the observation that the emerging X4 variants were neutralization sensitive, suggested that the absence or weakening of the virus-specific humoral immune response could be an environmental factor fostering coreceptor switching in vivo. To test this possibility, we treated four macaques with 50 mg/kg of body weight of the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab every 2 to 3 weeks starting from the week prior to intravenous infection with SHIV(SF162P3N) for a total of six infusions. Rituximab treatment successfully depleted peripheral and lymphoid CD20(+) cells for up to 25 weeks according to flow cytometry and immunohistochemical staining, with partial to full recovery in two of the four treated monkeys thereafter. Three of the four treated macaques failed to mount a detectable anti-SHIV antibody response, while the response was delayed in the remaining animal. The three seronegative macaques progressed to disease, but in none of them could the presence of X4 variants be demonstrated by V3 sequence and tropism analyses. Furthermore, viruses did not evolve early in these diseased macaques to be more soluble CD4 sensitive. These results demonstrate that the absence or diminution of humoral immune responses by itself is insufficient to drive the R5-to-X4 switch and the neutralization susceptibility of the evolving viruses.  相似文献   

Emergence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) populations that switch or broaden coreceptor usage from CCR5 to CXCR4 is intimately coupled to CD4+ cell depletion and disease progression toward AIDS. To better understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the coreceptor switch, we determined the nucleotide sequences of 253 V1 to V3 env clones from 27 sequential HIV-1 subtype B isolates from four patients with virus populations that switch coreceptor usage. Coreceptor usage of clones from dualtropic R5X4 isolates was characterized experimentally. Sequence analysis revealed that 9% of the clones from CXCR4-using isolates had originated by recombination events between R5 and X4 viruses. The majority (73%) of the recombinants used CXCR4. Furthermore, coreceptor usage of the recombinants was determined by a small region of the envelope, including V3. This is the first report demonstrating that intrapatient recombination between viruses with distinct coreceptor usage occurs frequently. It has been proposed that X4 viruses are more easily suppressed by the immune system than R5 viruses. We hypothesize that recombination between circulating R5 viruses and X4 viruses can result in chimeric viruses with the potential to both evade the immune system and infect CXCR4-expressing cells. The broadening in cell tropism of the viral population to include CXCR4-expressing cells would gradually impair the immune system and eventually allow the X4 population to expand. In conclusion, intrapatient recombination between viruses with distinct coreceptor usage may contribute to the emergence of X4 viruses in later stages of infection.  相似文献   

HIV-1 utilizes CD4 and the chemokine coreceptor for viral entry. The coreceptor CCR5 binding site on gp120 partially overlaps with the binding epitope of 17b, a neutralizing antibody of HIV-1. We designed a multicomponent biosensor assay to investigate the kinetic mechanism of interaction between gp120 and its receptors and the cooperative effect of the CCR5 binding site on the CD4 binding site, using 17b as a surrogate of CCR5. The Env gp120 proteins from four viral strains (JRFL, YU2, 89.6, and HXB2) and their corresponding C1-, V1/V2-, C5-deleted mutants (DeltaJRFL, DeltaYU2, Delta89.6, and DeltaHXB2) were tested in this study. We found that, across the primary and lab-adapted virus strains, 17b reduced the affinity of all four full-length Env gp120s for sCD4 by decreasing the on-rate and increasing the off-rate. This effect of 17b on full-length gp120 binding to sCD4 contrasts with the enhancing effect of sCD4 on gp120-17b interaction. For the corresponding loop-deleted mutants of Env gp120, the off-rates of the gp120-sCD4 interaction were greatly reduced in the presence of 17b, resulting in higher affinities (except for that of DeltaHXB2). The results suggest that, when 17b is prebound to full-length gp120, the V1/V2 loops may be relocated to a position that partially blocks the CD4-binding site, leading to weakening of the CD4 interaction. Given the fact that the 17b binding epitope partially overlaps with the binding site of CCR5, the kinetic results suggest that coreceptor CCR5 binding could have a similar "release" effect on the gp120-CD4 interaction by increasing the off-rate of the latter. The results also suggest that the neutralizing effect of 17b may arise not only from partially blocking the CCR5 binding site but also from reducing the CD4 binding affinity of gp120. This negative cooperative effect of 17b may provide insight into approaches to designing antagonists for viral entry.  相似文献   

CD4 binding on gp120 leads to the exposure of highly conserved regions recognized by the HIV co-receptor CCR5 and by CD4-induced (CD4i) antibodies. A covalent gp120-CD4 complex was shown to elicit CD4i antibody responses in monkeys, which was correlated with control of the HIV virus infection (DeVico, A., Fouts, T., Lewis, G. K., Gallo, R. C., Godfrey, K., Charurat, M., Harris, I., Galmin, L., and Pal, R. (2007) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104, 17477-17482). Because the inclusion of CD4 in a vaccine formulation should be avoided, due to potential autoimmune reactions, we engineered small sized CD4 mimetics (miniCD4s) that are poorly immunogenic and do not induce anti-CD4 antibodies. We made covalent complexes between such an engineered miniCD4 and gp120 or gp140, through a site-directed coupling reaction. These complexes were recognized by CD4i antibodies as well as by the HIV co-receptor CCR5. In addition, they elicit CD4i antibody responses in rabbits and therefore represent potential vaccine candidates that mimic an important HIV fusion intermediate, without autoimmune hazard.  相似文献   

Lemaire PA  Tessmer I  Craig R  Erie DA  Cole JL 《Biochemistry》2006,45(30):9074-9084
The dsRNA-activated protein kinase, PKR, plays a pivotal role in the cellular antiviral response. PKR contains an N-terminal dsRNA binding domain (dsRBD) and a C-terminal kinase domain. An autoinhibition model has been proposed in which latent PKR exists in a closed conformation where the substrate binding cleft of the kinase is blocked by the dsRBD. Binding to dsRNA activates the enzyme by inducing an open conformation and enhancing dimerization. We have tested this model by characterizing the affinity and kinetics of binding of a nucleotide substrate to PKR. The fluorescent nucleotide mant-AMPPNP binds to unactivated PKR with a Kd of approximately 30 microM, and the affinity is not strongly affected by autophosphorylation or binding to dsRNA. We observe biphasic binding kinetics in which the fast phase depends on ligand concentration but the slow phase is ligand-independent. The kinetic data fit to a two-step model of ligand binding followed by a slow conformation change. The kinetics are also not strongly affected by phosphorylation state or dsRNA binding. Thus, the equilibrium and kinetic data indicate that the substrate accessibility of the kinase is not modulated by PKR activation state as predicted by the autoinhibition model. In atomic force microscopy images, monomers of the latent protein are resolved with three separate regions linked by flexible, bridgelike structures. The resolution of the individual domains in the images supports a model in which unactivated PKR exists in an open conformation where the kinase domain is accessible and capable of binding substrate.  相似文献   

To examine the pathway of the coreceptor switching of CCR5-using (R5) virus to CXCR4-using (X4) virus in simian-human immunodeficiency virus SHIV(SF162P3N)-infected rhesus macaque BR24, analysis was performed on variants present at 20 weeks postinfection, the time when the signature gp120 V3 loop sequence of the X4 switch variant was first detected by PCR. Unexpectedly, circulating and tissue variants with His/Ile instead of the signature X4 V3 His/Arg insertions predominated at this time point. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences of the C2 conserved region to the V5 variable loop of the envelope (Env) protein showed that viruses bearing HI insertions represented evolutionary intermediates between the parental SHIV(SF162P3N) and the final X4 HR switch variant. Functional analyses demonstrated that the HI variants were phenotypic intermediates as well, capable of using both CCR5 and CXCR4 for entry. However, the R5X4 intermediate virus entered CCR5-expressing target cells less efficiently than the parental R5 strain and was more sensitive to both CCR5 and CXCR4 inhibitors than either the parental R5 or the final X4 virus. It was also more sensitive than the parental R5 virus to antibody neutralization, especially to agents directed against the CD4 binding site, but not as sensitive as the late X4 virus. Significantly, the V3 loop sequence that determined CXCR4 use also conferred soluble CD4 neutralization sensitivity. Collectively, the data illustrate that, similar to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in individuals, the evolution from CCR5 to CXCR4 usage in BR24 transitions through an intermediate phase with reduced virus entry and coreceptor usage efficiencies. The data further support a model linking an open envelope gp120 conformation, better CD4 binding, and expansion to CXCR4 usage.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 genome is highly heterogeneous. This variation affords the virus a wide range of molecular properties, including the ability to infect cell types, such as macrophages and lymphocytes, expressing different chemokine receptors on the cell surface. In particular, R5 HIV-1 viruses use CCR5 as co-receptor for viral entry, X4 viruses use CXCR4, whereas some viral strains, known as R5X4 or D-tropic, have the ability to utilize both co-receptors. X4 and R5X4 viruses are associated with rapid disease progression to AIDS. R5X4 viruses differ in that they have yet to be characterized by the examination of the genetic sequence of HIV-1 alone. In this study, a series of experiments was performed to evaluate different strategies of feature selection and neural network optimization. We demonstrate the use of artificial neural networks trained via evolutionary computation to predict viral co-receptor usage. The results indicate identification of R5X4 viruses with predictive accuracy of 75.5%.  相似文献   

We used experimental infection of rhesus macaques with envelope gp120 V3 loop isogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) molecular clones to more clearly define the impact of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 coreceptor usage in target cell selectivity and the rates of CD4+-T-cell depletion. Functional assays demonstrate that substitution of the V3 loop of the pathogenic CXCR4-tropic (X4) SHIV(SF33A2) molecular clone with the corresponding sequences from the CCR5-tropic (R5) SHIV(SF162P3) isolate resulted in a switch of coreceptor usage from CXCR4 to CCR5. The resultant R5 clone, designated SHIV(SF33A2(V3)), is replication competent in vivo, infecting two of two macaques by intravenous inoculation with peak viremia that is comparable to that seen in monkeys infected with X4-SHIV(SF33A2). But while primary infection with the X4 clone was accompanied by rapid and significant loss of peripheral and secondary lymphoid CD4+ T lymphocytes, infection with R5-SHIV(SF33A2(V3)) led to only a modest and transient loss. However, substantial depletion of intestinal CD4+ T cells was observed in R5-SHIV(SF33A2(V3))-infected macaques. Moreover, na?ve T cells that expressed high levels of CXCR4 were rapidly depleted in X4-SHIV(SF33A2)-infected macaques, whereas R5-SHIV(SF33A2(V3)) infection mainly affected memory T cells that expressed CCR5. These findings in a unique isogenic system illustrate that coreceptor usage is the principal determinant of tissue and target cell specificity of the virus in vivo and dictates the dynamics of CD4+-T-cell depletion during SHIV infection.  相似文献   

Development of successful AIDS vaccine immunogens continues to be a major challenge. One of the mechanisms by which HIV-1 evades antibody-mediated neutralizing responses is the remarkable conformational flexibility of its envelope glycoprotein (Env) gp120. Some recombinant gp120s do not preserve their conformations on gp140s and functional viral spikes, and exhibit decreased recognition by CD4 and neutralizing antibodies. CD4 binding induces conformational changes in gp120 leading to exposure of the coreceptor-binding site (CoRbs). In this study, we test our hypothesis that CD4-induced (CD4i) antibodies, which target the CoRbs, could also induce conformational changes in gp120 leading to better exposed conserved neutralizing antibody epitopes including the CD4-binding site (CD4bs). We found that a mixture of CD4i antibodies with gp120 only weakly enhanced CD4 binding. However, such interactions in single-chain fusion proteins resulted in gp120 conformations which bound to CD4 and CD4bs antibodies better than the original or mutagenically stabilized gp120s. Moreover, the two molecules in the fusion proteins synergized with each other in neutralizing HIV-1. Therefore, fusion proteins of gp120 with CD4i antibodies could have potential as components of HIV-1 vaccines and inhibitors of HIV-1 entry, and could be used as reagents to explore the conformational flexibility of gp120 and mechanisms of entry and immune evasion.  相似文献   

In HIV infection there is a paucity of literature about the degree of immune dysfunction to potentially correlate and/or predict disease progression relative to CD4(+) T cells count or viral load. We assessed functional characteristics of memory T cells subsets as potential prognostic markers for changing viral loads and/or disease progression using the SHIV-infected rhesus macaque model. Relative to long-term non-progressors with low/undetectable viral loads, those with chronic plasma viremia, but clinically healthy, exhibited significantly lower numbers and functional impairment of CD4(+) T cells, but not CD8(+) T cells, in terms of IL-2 production by central memory subset in response to PMA and ionomycine (PMA+I) stimulation. Highly viremic animals showed impaired cytokine-production by all T cells subsets. These results suggest that functional impairment of CD4(+) T cells in general, and of central memory subset in particular, may be a potential indicator/predictor of chronic infection with immune dysfunction, which could be assayed relatively easily using non-specific PMA+I stimulation.  相似文献   

The rate of disease development in simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of macaques varies considerably among individual macaques. While the majority of macaques inoculated with pathogenic SIV develop AIDS within a period of 1 to 2 years, a minority exhibit a rapid disease course characterized by absence or transience of humoral and cellular immune responses and high levels of virus replication with widespread dissemination of SIV in macrophages and multinucleated giant cells. The goal of this study was to examine viral evolution in three SIVsmE543-3-inoculated rapid progressors to determine the contribution of viral evolution to the development of rapid disease and the effect of the absence of immune pressure upon viral evolution. PCR was used to amplify and clone the entire SIV genome from tissues collected at necropsy, and the course of viral evolution was assessed by env sequences cloned from sequential plasma samples of one rapid progressor (RP) macaque. The majority of sequence changes in RP macaques occurred in the envelope gene. Substitutions were observed in all three animals at specific conserved residues in envelope, including loss of a glycosylation site in V1/V2, a D-to-N/V substitution in a highly conserved GDPE motif, and a P-to-V/H/T substitution in the V3 loop analog. A cell-cell fusion assay revealed that representative env clones utilized CCR5 as a coreceptor, independent of CD4. The selection of specific substitutions in envelope in RP macaques suggests novel selection pressures on virus in such animals and suggests that viral variants that evolve in these animals may play a role in disease progression.  相似文献   

The structure of triosephosphate isomerase from Trypanosoma brucei complexed with the competitive inhibitor N-hydroxy-4-phosphono-butanamide was determined by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 2.84 A. Full occupancy binding of the inhibitor is observed only at one of the active sites of the homodimeric enzyme where the flexible loop is locked in a completely open conformation by crystal contacts. There is evidence that the inhibitor also binds to the second active site of the enzyme, but with low occupancy. The hydroxamyl group of the inhibitor forms hydrogen bonds to the side chains of Asn 11, Lys 13, and His 95, whereas each of its three methylene units is involved in nonpolar interactions with the side chain of the flexible loop residue Ile 172. Interactions between the hydroxamyl and the catalytic base Glu 167 are absent. The binding of this phosphonate inhibitor exhibits three unusual features: (1) the flexible loop is open, in contrast with the binding mode observed in eight other complexes between triosephosphate isomerase and various phosphate and phosphonate compounds; (2) compared with these complexes the present structure reveals a 1.5-A shift of the anion-binding site; (3) this is the first phosphonate inhibitor that is not forced by the enzyme into an eclipsed conformation about the P-CH2 bond. The results are discussed with respect to an ongoing drug design project aimed at the selective inhibition of glycolytic enzymes of T. brucei.  相似文献   

The variable V1V2 and V3 regions of the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein (gp120) can influence viral coreceptor usage. To substantiate this we generated isogenic HIV-1 molecularly cloned viruses that were composed of the HxB2 envelope backbone containing the V1V2 and V3 regions from viruses isolated from a patient progressing to disease. We show that the V3 amino acid charge per se had little influence on altering the virus coreceptor phenotype. The V1V2 region and its N-linked glycosylation degree were shown to confer CXCR4 usage and provide the virus with rapid replication kinetics. Loss of an N-linked glycosylation site within the V3 region had a major influence on the virus switching from the R5 to X4 phenotype in a V3 charge-dependent manner. The loss of this V3 N-linked glycosylation site was also linked with the broadening of the coreceptor repertoire to incorporate CCR3. By comparing the amino acid sequences of primary HIV-1 isolates, we identified a strong association between high V3 charge and the loss of this V3 N-linked glycosylation site. These results demonstrate that the N-linked glycosylation pattern of the HIV-1 envelope can strongly influence viral coreceptor utilization and the R5 to X4 switch.  相似文献   

Analogues of potent 5-HT4R antagonists possessing a fluorinated N-alkyl chain have been synthesized in order to investigate the effect of the resulting change in basicity and lipophilicity on the affinity and selectivity profile. We demonstrate that for this series, the affinity is decreased with decreased basicity of the piperidine’s nitrogen atom. In contrast, the resulting increase in lipophilicity has minimal impact on binding affinity and selectivity. 3,3,3-Trifluoropropyl and 4,4,4-trifluorobutyl derivatives 6d and 6e have shown to bind to the 5-HT4R while maintaining their pharmacological profile and selectivity toward other 5-HT receptors.  相似文献   

Three different human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) envelope derived recombinant proteins and the full length human CD4 polypeptide were expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells. DNA constructs encoding CD4, gp120, gp160, and gp160 delta (full length gp160 minus the transmembrane and cytoplasmic region of gp41) were cloned into the baculovirus expression vector pVL941 or a derivative and used to generate recombinant viruses in a cotransfection with DNA from Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV). Western blotting of cell extracts of the recombinant HIV-1 proteins showed that for each construct two major bands specifically reacted with anti-HIV-1 envelope antiserum. These bands corresponded to glycosylated and nonglycosylated versions of the HIV proteins as determined by 3H-mannose labeling and tunicamycin treatment of infected cells. A time course of HIV envelope expression revealed that at early times post-infection (24 hours) the proteins were fully glycosylated and soluble in nonionic detergents. However, at later times postinfection (48 hours), expression levels of recombinant protein reached a maximum but most of the increase was due to a rise in the level of the nonglycosylated species, which was largely insoluble in nonionic detergents. Thus, it appears that Sf9 cells cannot process large amounts of glycosylated recombinant proteins efficiently. As a measure of biological activity, the CD4 binding ability of both glycosylated and nonglycosylated recombinant HIV envelope proteins was tested in a coimmunoprecipitation assay. The results showed that CD4 and the glycosylated versions of recombinant gp120 or gp160 delta specifically associated with one another in this analysis. Nonglycosylated gp120 or gp160 delta proteins from tunicamycin-treated cultures did immunoprecipitate with anti-HIV-1 antiserum but did not interact with CD4. We conclude that production of native HIV envelope proteins, as measured by addition of carbohydrate side chains and ability to bind CD4, peaks early after infection in baculovirus-infected insect cells.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cell recognition of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) surface envelope (env) glycoprotein was examined by using a panel of 10 T cell lines and 4 T cell clones derived from 10 individual macaques immunized with inactivated SIV or recombinant SIV env proteins. The results demonstrated that CD4+ T cells from each animal recognized between 1 and 7 peptides in 4 distinct regions of the protein including both variable and conserved domains. MLR of PBMC from selected macaques together with RFLP analysis by using the HLA DR beta probes suggested that animals of distinct MHC class II haplotypes can recognize identical peptides. These T cell epitopes within conserved regions of the envelope protein, together with identified linear B cell epitopes recognized by neutralizing antibodies, may be relevant in vaccine design.  相似文献   

Immunization of macaques with multivalent DNA encoding gp120 genes from HIV-1 subtypes A, B, C and E and a gag gene followed by boosting with homologous gp120 proteins elicited strong anti-gp120 antibodies capable of neutralizing homologous and to a lesser degree heterologous HIV-1 isolates. Both Env- and Gag-specific cell mediated immune (CMI) responses were detected in the immunized animals. Following rectal challenge with an SHIV isolate encoding HIV-1(Ba-L)env, plasma viremia in the infected immunized animals was significantly lower than that observed in the na?ve animals. Further, one of six immunized animals was completely protected whereas all six na?ve animals were infected. These results demonstrate that a vaccine based on priming with a polyvalent DNA vaccine from multiple HIV-1 subtypes followed by boosting with homologous Env proteins elicits anti-HIV-1 immune responses capable of controlling rectal transmission of SHIV(Ba-L).  相似文献   

CCR5-tropic (R5) immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains are highly transmissible during the early stage of infection in humans, whereas CXCR4-tropic (X4) strains are less transmissible. This study aimed to explore the basis for early phase R5 and X4 HIV-1 infection in vivo by using humanized mice dually challenged with R5 HIV-1NLAD8-D harboring DsRed and X4 HIV-1NL-E harboring EGFP. Whereas R5 HIV-1 replicated well, X4 HIV-1 caused only transient viremia with variable kinetics; however, this was distinct from the low level but persistent viremia observed in mice challenged with X4 HIV-1 alone. Flow cytometric analysis of HIV-1-infected cells revealed that X4 HIV-1 infection of CCR5+CD4+ T cells was significantly suppressed in the presence of R5 HIV-1. X4 HIV-1 was more cytopathic than R5 HIV-1; however, this was not the cause of restricted X4 HIV-1 infection because there were no significant differences in the mortality rates of CCR5+ and CCR5 cells within the X4 HIV-1-infected cell populations. Taken together, these results suggest that restricted infection of CCR5+CD4+ T cells by X4 HIV-1 (occurring via a still-to-be-identified mechanism) might contribute to the preferential transmission of R5 HIV-1 during the early phase of infection.  相似文献   

CCR5Delta32 is a loss-of-function mutation that abolishes cell surface expression of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coreceptor CCR5 and provides genetic resistance to HIV infection and disease progression. Since CXCR4 and other HIV coreceptors also exist, we hypothesized that CCR5Delta32-mediated resistance may be due not only to the loss of CCR5 function but also to a gain-of-function mechanism, specifically the active inhibition of alternative coreceptors by the mutant CCR5Delta32 protein. Here we demonstrate that efficient expression of the CCR5Delta32 protein in primary CD4(+) cells by use of a recombinant adenovirus (Ad5/Delta32) was able to down-regulate surface expression of both wild-type CCR5 and CXCR4 and to confer broad resistance to R5, R5X4, and X4 HIV type 1 (HIV-1). This may be important clinically, since we found that CD4(+) cells purified from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of individuals who were homozygous for CCR5Delta32, which expressed the mutant protein endogenously, consistently expressed lower levels of CXCR4 and showed less susceptibility to X4 HIV-1 isolates than cells from individuals lacking the mutation. Moreover, CD4(+) cells from individuals who were homozygous for CCR5Delta32 expressed the mutant protein in five of five HIV-exposed, uninfected donors tested but not in either of two HIV-infected donors tested. The mechanism of inhibition may involve direct scavenging, since we were able to observe a direct interaction of CCR5 and CXCR4 with CCR5Delta32, both by genetic criteria using the yeast two-hybrid system and by biochemical criteria using the coimmunoprecipitation of heterodimers. Thus, these results suggest that at least two distinct mechanisms may account for genetic resistance to HIV conferred by CCR5Delta32: the loss of wild-type CCR5 surface expression and the generation of CCR5Delta32 protein, which functions as a scavenger of both CCR5 and CXCR4.  相似文献   

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