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Genetic variation for parasite resistance occurs in most host populations. Costs of resistance, manifested as reduced fitness of resistant genotypes in the absence of parasitism, can be an important factor contributing to the maintenance of this variation. One powerful tool for detecting costs of resistance is the study of correlated responses to artificial selection. Provided that experimental lines are recently derived from large outbreeding populations, and that inbreeding is minimized during the experiment, correlated responses to selection are expected to be strong indicators of pleiotropy. We artificially selected for elevated behavioral resistance against an ectoparasitic mite (Macrocheles subbadius) in replicate populations of the fly Drosophila nigrospiracula. Resistance was modeled as a threshold trait, and the realized heritability of resistance was estimated to be 12.3% (1.4% SE) across three replicate lines recently derived from nature. We contrasted the longevity and fecundity of resistant and control (unselected) flies under a variable thermal environment. We report that reduced fecundity is a correlated response to artificial selection for increased resistance, and that the strength of this effect increases from 25 degrees to 29 degrees C. In contrast, longevity differences were not detected between resistant and control lines at either temperature. These findings are robust as they were confirmed with an independent set of experimental lines. Thus, our results identify a negative genetic correlation between ectoparasite resistance and an important life-history trait. That a correlated response was only detected for fecundity, and not longevity, suggests that the genetic correlation is attributable to pleiotropic effects with narrower effects than reallocation of a general resource pool within the organism, although other interpretations are discussed. Combined with fluctuating parasite-mediated selection and temperature, the presence of this trade-off may contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation for resistance in natural populations.  相似文献   

Population structure of many marine organisms is spatially patchy and varies within and between years, a phenomenon defined as chaotic genetic patchiness. This results from the combination of planktonic larval dispersal and environmental stochasticity. Additionally, in species with bi‐partite life, postsettlement selection can magnify these genetic differences. The high fecundity (up to 500,000 eggs annually) and protracted larval duration (12–24 months) and dispersal of the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, make it a good test species for chaotic genetic patchiness and selection during early benthic life. Here, we used double digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) to investigate chaotic genetic patchiness and postsettlement selection in this species. We assessed differences in genetic structure and diversity of recently settled pueruli across four settlement years and between two sites in southeast Australia separated by approximately 1,000 km. Postsettlement selection was investigated by identifying loci under putative positive selection between recently settled pueruli and postpueruli and quantifying differences in the magnitude and strength of the selection at each year and site. Genetic differences within and among sites through time in neutral SNP markers indicated chaotic genetic patchiness. Recently settled puerulus at the southernmost site exhibited lower genetic diversity during years of low puerulus catches, further supporting this hypothesis. Finally, analyses of outlier SNPs detected fluctuations in the magnitude and strength of the markers putatively under positive selection over space and time. One locus under putative positive selection was consistent at both locations during the same years, suggesting the existence of weak postsettlement selection.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in genetic variation within and between 13 North European cattle breeds were evaluated using erythrocyte antigen systems and transferrin protein as genetic markers. Current data on allele frequency distributions of markers in large commercial and smaller endangered native cattle breeds were compared to data published during 1956 to 1975. Intrabreed genetic variation was quantified by conventional parameters (e.g. heterozygosity, average number of alleles per locus) and migration by the effective migration rate. The neighbour-joining dendrogram of relationships between old and present cattle populations was constructed using Nei's standard genetic distance. Variance effective population size was estimated from changes in allele frequencies over time. Comparison of old and new data indicated some significant changes in allele frequencies. In six of the breeds, a few low-frequency alleles in the old data were absent in the present samples. Heterozygosity remained stable in most breeds. The harmonic means for variance effective population size ranged between 30 and 257. Current results indicate that despite marked declines in total population sizes, North European native cattle breeds have retained a reasonably high genetic diversity. However, their genes contribute less than previously to genetic variation of Nordic production breeds. Commercial breeds do not appear to have a larger effective population size than native breeds. The present effective population sizes imply that Nordic breeds could have lost from 1 to 11% of their heterozygosity over a 20-40-year period.  相似文献   

Social insect castes represent some of the most spectacular examples of phenotypic plasticity, with each caste being associated with different environmental conditions during their life. Here we examine the level of genetic variation in different castes of two polyandrous species of Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ant for the antibiotic-producing metapleural gland, which has a major role in defence against parasites. Gland size increases allometrically. The small workers that play the main role in disease defence have relatively large glands compared with larger workers, while the glands of gynes are substantially larger than those of any workers, for their body size. The gland size of large workers varies significantly between patrilines in both Acromyrmex echinatior and Acromyrmex octospinosus. We also examined small workers and gynes in A. echinatior, again finding genetic variation in gland size in these castes. There were significant positive relationships between the gland sizes of patrilines in the different castes, indicating that the genetic mechanism underpinning the patriline variation has remained similar across phenotypes. The level of expressed genetic variation decreased from small workers to large workers to gynes. This is consistent with the hypothesis that there is individual selection on disease defence in founding queens and colony-level selection on disease defence in the worker castes.  相似文献   

Several evolutionary hypotheses help explain why only some species adapt readily to new conditions and expand distributions beyond borders, but there is limited evidence testing these hypotheses. In this study, we consider patterns of neutral (microsatellite) and quantitative genetic variation in traits in three species of Drosophila from the montium species group in eastern Australia. We found little support for restricted or asymmetrical gene flow in any species. In rainforest-restricted Drosophila birchii, there was evidence of selection for increased desiccation and starvation resistance towards the southern border, and a reduction in genetic diversity in desiccation resistance at this border. No such patterns existed for Drosophila bunnanda, which has an even more restricted distribution. In the habitat generalist Drosophila serrata, there was evidence for geographic selection for wing size and development time, although clinal patterns for increased cold and starvation resistance towards the southern border could not be differentiated from neutral expectations. These findings suggest that borders in these species are not limited by low overall genetic variation but instead in two of the species reflect patterns of selection and genetic variability in key traits limiting borders.  相似文献   

The pattern of accumulation of genetic variation over time in seed banks is poorly understood. We examined the genetic structure of the aerial seed bank of Banksia hookeriana within a single 15-year-old population in fire-prone southwestern Australia, and compared genetic variation between adults and each year of a 9-year-old seed bank using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). B. hookeriana is well suited to the study of seed bank dynamics due to the canopy storage of its seeds, and because each annual crop can be identified. A total of 304 seeds from nine crop years and five maternal plants were genotyped, along with 113 plants from the adult population. Genetic variation, as assessed by the proportion of polymorphic markers (P(p)) and Shannon's index (I), increased slightly within the seed bank over time, while gene diversity (H(j)), did not change. P(p), I, and H(j) all indicated that genetic variation within the seed bank quickly approached the maximal level detected. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that less than 4% of variation could be accounted for by variation among seeds produced in different years, whereas there was greater differentiation among maternal plants (12.7%), and among individual seeds produced by different maternal plants (83.4%). With increasing population age, offspring generated each year were slightly more outbred, as indicated by an increase in the mean number of nonmaternal markers per offspring. There were no significant differences for H(j) or I between adults and the seed bank. Viability of seeds decreased with age, such that the viability of 9-year-old seeds was half that of 2-year-old seeds. These results suggest that variable fire frequencies have only limited potential to influence the amount of genetic variation stored within the seed bank of B. hookeriana.  相似文献   

Host–parasite coevolution is considered to be an important factor in maintaining genetic variation in resistance to pathogens. Drosophila melanogaster is naturally infected by the sigma virus, a vertically transmitted and host‐specific pathogen. In fly populations, there is a large amount of genetic variation in the transmission rate from parent to offspring, much of which is caused by major‐effect resistance polymorphisms. We have found that there are similarly high levels of genetic variation in the rate of paternal transmission among 95 different isolates of the virus as in the host. However, when we examined a transmission‐blocking gene in the host, we found that it was effective across virus isolates. Therefore, the high levels of genetic variation observed in this system do not appear to be maintained because of coevolution resulting from interactions between this host gene and parasite genes.  相似文献   

Predicting the spread of invasive species is a challenge for modern ecology. Although many invasive species undergo genetic bottlenecks during introduction to new areas resulting in a loss of genetic diversity, successful invaders manage to flourish in novel environments either because of pre-adaptations or because important traits contain adaptive variation enabling rapid adaptation to changing conditions. To predict and understand invasion success, it is crucial to analyse these features. We assessed the potential of a well-known invader, the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), to expand north of its current range in Europe. A short growing season and harsh overwintering conditions are apparent limiting factors for this species’ range. By rearing full-sib families from four geographically distinct populations (Russia, Estonia, Poland, Italy) at two fluctuating temperature regimes, we investigated (a) possible differences in survival, development time, and body size among populations and (b) the amount of adaptive variation within populations in these traits. All populations were able to complete their development in cooler conditions than in their current range. A significant genotype–environment interaction for development time and body size suggests the presence of adaptive genetic variation, indicating potential to adapt to cooler conditions. The northernmost population had the highest survival rates and fastest development times on both temperature regimes, suggesting pre-adaptation to cooler temperatures. Other populations had minor differences in development times. Interestingly, this species lacks the classical trade-off between body size and development time which could have contributed to its invasion potential. This study demonstrates the importance of considering both ecological and evolutionary aspects when assessing invasion risk.  相似文献   

Little TJ  Chadwick W  Watt K 《Parasitology》2008,135(3):303-308
Understanding genetic relationships amongst the life-history traits of parasites is crucial for testing hypotheses on the evolution of virulence. This study therefore examined variation between parasite isolates (the bacterium Pasteuria ramosa) from the crustacean Daphnia magna. From a single wild-caught infected host we obtained 2 P. ramosa isolates that differed substantially in the mortality they caused. Surprisingly, the isolate causing higher early mortality was, on average, less successful at establishing infections and had a slower growth rate within hosts. The observation that within-host replication rate was negatively correlated with mortality could violate a central assumption of the trade-off hypothesis for the evolution of virulence, but we discuss a number of caveats which caution against premature rejection of the trade-off hypothesis. We sought to test if the characteristics of these parasite isolates were constant across host genotypes in a second experiment that included 2 Daphnia host clones. The relative growth rates of the two parasite isolates did indeed depend on the host genotype (although the rank order did not change). We suggest that testing evolutionary hypotheses for virulence may require substantial sampling of both host and parasite genetic variation, and discuss how selection for virulence may change with the epidemiological state of natural populations and how this can promote genetic variation for virulence.  相似文献   

Host organisms are believed to evolve defense mechanisms (i.e., resistance and/or tolerance) under selective pressures exerted by natural enemies. A prerequisite for the evolution of resistance and tolerance is the existence of genetic variation in these traits for natural selection to act. However, selection for resistance and/or tolerance may be constrained by negative genetic correlations with other traits that affect host fitness. We studied genetic variation in resistance and tolerance against parasitic infection and the potential fitness costs associated with these traits using a novel study system, namely the interaction between a flowering plant and a parasitic plant. In this system, parasitic infection has significant negative effects on host growth and reproduction and may thus act as a selective agent. We conducted a greenhouse experiment in which we grew host plants, Urtica dioica, that originated from a single natural population and represented 20 maternal families either uninfected or infected with the holoparasitic dodder, Cuscuta europaea. that originated from the same site. We calculated correlations among resistance, tolerance, and host performance to test for costs of resistance and tolerance. We measured resistance as parasite performance (quantitative resistance) and tolerance as the slopes of regressions relating the vegetative and reproductive biomass of host plants to damage level (measured as parasite biomass). We observed significant differences among host families in parasite resistance and in parasite tolerance in terms of reproductive biomass, a result that suggests genetic variation in these traits. Furthermore, we found differences in resistance and tolerance between female and male host plants. In addition, the correlations indicate costs of resistance in terms of host growth and reproduction and costs of tolerance in terms of host reproduction. Our results thus indicate that host tolerance and resistance can evolve as a response to infection by a parasitic plant and that costs of resistance and tolerance may be one factor maintaining genetic variation in these traits.  相似文献   

Genomewide screens of genetic variation within and between populations can reveal signatures of selection implicated in adaptation and speciation. Genomic regions with low genetic diversity and elevated differentiation reflective of locally reduced effective population sizes (Ne) are candidates for barrier loci contributing to population divergence. Yet, such candidate genomic regions need not arise as a result of selection promoting adaptation or advancing reproductive isolation. Linked selection unrelated to lineage‐specific adaptation or population divergence can generate comparable signatures. It is challenging to distinguish between these processes, particularly when diverging populations share ancestral genetic variation. In this study, we took a comparative approach using population assemblages from distant clades assessing genomic parallelism of variation in Ne. Utilizing population‐level polymorphism data from 444 resequenced genomes of three avian clades spanning 50 million years of evolution, we tested whether population genetic summary statistics reflecting genomewide variation in Ne would covary among populations within clades, and importantly, also among clades where lineage sorting has been completed. All statistics including population‐scaled recombination rate (ρ), nucleotide diversity (π) and measures of genetic differentiation between populations (FST, PBS, dxy) were significantly correlated across all phylogenetic distances. Moreover, genomic regions with elevated levels of genetic differentiation were associated with inferred pericentromeric and subtelomeric regions. The phylogenetic stability of diversity landscapes and stable association with genomic features support a role of linked selection not necessarily associated with adaptation and speciation in shaping patterns of genomewide heterogeneity in genetic diversity.  相似文献   

In spatially structured populations, host–parasite coevolutionary potential depends on the distribution of genetic variation within and among populations. Inoculation experiments using the plant, Silene latifolia, and its fungal pathogen, Microbotryum violaceum, revealed little overall differentiation in infectivity/resistance, latency or spore production among host or pathogen populations. Within populations, fungal strains had similar means, but varied in performance across plant populations. Variation in resistance among seed families indicates the potential for parasite‐mediated selection, whereas there was little evidence for local pathogen genotype × plant genotype interactions assumed by most theoretical coevolution models. Lower spore production on sympatric than allopatric hosts confirmed local fungal maladaptation already observed for infectivity. Correlations between infectivity and latency or spore production suggest a common mechanism for variation in these traits. Our results suggest low variation available to this pathogen for tracking its coevolving host. This may be caused by random drift, breeding system or migration characteristic of metapopulation dynamics.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken on genetic variation in resistance to infection by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in two goodeid ( Ameca splendens and Ilyodon xantusi ) and two poeciliid species ( Xiphophorus maculatus and Xiphophorus variatus ), and among four strains of X. maculatus (red, red wagtail, yellow comet tail, blue). Analysis of infection data was performed with a generalized linear interactive modelling package (GLIM). Partitioning of the variation was such that the minimal variation attributable to each of several factors was computed. Size of fish, parasite isolate, temperature/tank effects, and various interactions all affect infection levels. Removal of these effects allowed the identification of highly significant differences in both inter- and intraspecific variation in resistance. Three distinct groups of fish were identified in terms of their resistance. Species recently derived from wild populations (the two goodeids) were more susceptible than the two poeciliid species which have a much longer history of domestication. The blue strain of X. maculatus had significantly higher resistance than the other three strains.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was evaluated in the federally endangered species Abronia macrocarpa (large-fruited sand-verbena), an herbaceous perennial restricted to deep sandy soils and endemic to three counties of east-central Texas. Seven of the ten known populations were sampled and analyzed using starch gel electrophoresis of eight enzymes coded by 18 interpretable loci. Duplicate gene expression was observed for four loci, suggesting polyploid ancestry for the lineage that includes A. macrocarpa. Values for estimators of genetic polymorphism within populations (ranges: P = 38.9%-61.1%, A = 1.7-2.1, H = 0.122-0.279) exceeded average values for seed plants (P = 34.2%, A = 1.53, H = 0.113). Genotype proportions at most loci in most populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, consistent with obligate outcrossing previously documented for this species; exceptions could be attributed to population substructure. Values of F(ST) tended to be high, ranging from 0.021 to 0.481 for individual loci (mean F(ST) = 0.272), indicating substantial divergence and limited gene flow among populations, despite their close geographic proximity. Pairwise values of Nei's genetic identity between populations ranged from 0.799 to 0.975 and tended to be influenced by geographic proximity of population pairs. Collectively, these data suggest a long history of isolation among populations that have not been subjected to bottlenecks. Isolation of A. macrocarpa populations apparently results from the disjunct occurrence of suitable habitat and perhaps has been accentuated by human disturbance.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the population genetic consequences of the colonization of two species with contrasting mating systems, Solidago canadensis and Lactuca serriola, along altitudinal gradients in both their native and introduced ranges. Location Allegheny Mountains, West Virginia and Wallowa Mountains, Oregon, USA; Valais, southern Switzerland. Methods Leaf material was collected from populations along altitudinal gradients and genotyped at seven microsatellite loci for each species. Differences in variability between native and introduced areas and in relation to altitude were analysed using linear models. Differences in the genetic, geographical and altitudinal structure of populations between areas were analysed by AMOVA, cluster analysis and Mantel tests. Results Genetic variation within and across populations of S. canadensis was significantly reduced, while populations of L. serriola were significantly more variable, in the introduced area. Genetic diversity decreased significantly with altitude for S. canadensis but not L. serriola. Genetic structure of S. canadensis was similar in both areas, and populations were isolated by geographical but not altitudinal distance. By contrast, population structure of L. serriola was much weaker in the introduced area, and populations were not isolated by distance in either area. Main conclusions Solidago canadensis has experienced a strong genetic bottleneck on introduction to the Valais, but this has not prevented it from colonizing a wide altitudinal range. Variation in neutral markers is therefore not necessarily a good measure for judging the ecological behaviour of a species. By contrast, the greater variability of L. serriola in the introduced area, where it also occurs over a greater altitudinal range, can be explained by increased outcrossing among admixed populations. This suggests that the ecological amplitude of alien species might be enhanced after population admixture in the new range, especially for species with highly structured native populations. However, even genetically depauperate introduced populations can be expected to colonize the same environmental range that they occupy in the native area.  相似文献   

Dietary carotenoids have been shown to confer immunological benefits to some species of animals in which males also use these pigments to attract mates. Thus, the potential exists for an allocation trade-off between the sexual and immunological functions of carotenoids. Food availability may also influence immune system function. The present study examined the effects of carotenoid and food availability on the resistance of male guppies ( Poecilia reticulata Peters) from four wild populations to the parasite Gyrodactylus turnbulli Harris. Intermediate levels of carotenoid ingestion resulted in the lowest parasite loads, which suggests that carotenoids strengthen parasite resistance at low levels but either benefit parasites or suppress host immunity at high levels. Males raised on the high-food level initially had fewer parasites, suggesting heightened innate immunity relative to males raised on the low-food level. Over the course of the experiment, however, the high-food males supported higher parasite population growth rates than the low-food males. The results obtained emphasize the importance of evaluating the effects of diet on multiple aspects of immune system function, and caution against assuming that positive effects of carotenoids on immunity in one context will automatically translate to other contexts.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 301–309.  相似文献   

Dengue fever is the most common arboviral disease worldwide. It is caused by dengue viruses (DENV) and the mosquito Aedes aegypti is its primary vector. One of the most powerful determinants of a mosquito's ability to transmit DENV is the length of the extrinsic incubation period (EIP), the time it takes for a virus to be transmitted by a mosquito after consuming an infected blood meal. Here, we repeatedly measured DENV load in the saliva of individual mosquitoes over their lifetime and used this in combination with a breeding design to determine the extent to which EIP might respond to the evolutionary forces of drift and selection. We demonstrated that genetic variation among mosquitoes contributes significantly to transmission potential and length of EIP. We reveal that shorter EIP is genetically correlated with reduced mosquito lifespan, highlighting negative life‐history consequences for virus‐infected mosquitoes. This work highlights the capacity for local genetic variation in mosquito populations to evolve and to dramatically affect the nature of human outbreaks. It also provides the impetus for isolating mosquito genes that determine EIP. More broadly, our dual experimental approach offers new opportunities for studying the evolutionary potential of transmission traits in other vector/pathogen systems.  相似文献   

Analysis of population genetic structure is a key aspect to understand insect pest population dynamics in agricultural scenarios. Here the role of geography, hosts and time on the population genetic structure of codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lep., Tortricidae) populations is described. Temporal variation was examined in two French orchards among each of three adult flights during two successive years. Analyses were conducted using two insecticide resistance markers (variation at the sodium channel gene and enzymatic activity of cytochrome P450 oxidases) and three microsatellite loci. Levels of genetic variation among temporal populations were not significant based on variation in the sodium channel gene and microsatellite loci. However, P450 oxidase activity differed significantly during both flights and years, decreasing during the three flights of the first year and increasing during the second. These results suggest that phytosanitary measures are among the factors shaping the genetic structure of C. pomonella populations over temporal and geographical scales. We discuss the relative importance of natural and passive dispersal related to anthropogenic activities affecting C. pomonella population genetics and highlight population genetic research needs in order to design more efficient pest management practices.  相似文献   

Individual animals frequently exhibit repeatable differences from other members of their population, differences now commonly referred to as ‘animal personality’. Personality differences can arise, for example, from differences in permanent environmental effects―including parental and epigenetic contributors―and the effect of additive genetic variation. Although several studies have evaluated the heritability of behaviour, less is known about general patterns of heritability and additive genetic variation in animal personality. As overall variation in behaviour includes both the among-individual differences that reflect different personalities and temporary environmental effects, it is possible for personality to be largely genetically influenced even when heritability of behaviour per se is quite low. The relative contribution of additive genetic variation to personality variation can be estimated whenever both repeatability and heritability are estimated for the same data. Using published estimates to address this issue, we found that approximately 52% of animal personality variation was attributable to additive genetic variation. Thus, while the heritability of behaviour is often moderate or low, the heritability of personality is much higher. Our results therefore (i) demonstrate that genetic differences are likely to be a major contributor to variation in animal personality and (ii) support the phenotypic gambit: that evolutionary inferences drawn from repeatability estimates may often be justified.  相似文献   

For over a century, the paradigm has been that sex invariably increases genetic variation, despite many renowned biologists asserting that sex decreases most genetic variation. Sex is usually perceived as the source of additive genetic variance that drives eukaryotic evolution vis-à-vis adaptation and Fisher's fundamental theorem. However, evidence for sex decreasing genetic variation appears in ecology, paleontology, population genetics, and cancer biology. The common thread among many of these disciplines is that sex acts like a coarse filter, weeding out major changes, such as chromosomal rearrangements (that are almost always deleterious), but letting minor variation, such as changes at the nucleotide or gene level (that are often neutral), flow through the sexual sieve. Sex acts as a constraint on genomic and epigenetic variation, thereby limiting adaptive evolution. The diverse reasons for sex reducing genetic variation (especially at the genome level) and slowing down evolution may provide a sufficient benefit to offset the famed costs of sex.  相似文献   

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