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1. Feedbacks between vegetation and geomorphic processes can generate alternative stable states and other nonlinear behaviours in ecological systems, but the consequences of these biogeomorphic interactions for other ecosystem processes are poorly understood. In this study, we describe the changes in the hydrological, geomorphic and biogeochemical characteristics of the hyporheic zone of a Sonoran desert stream (Sycamore Creek, Arizona, U.S.A.) in response to a transition from an unvegetated gravel‐bed state to densely vegetated wetlands (ciénegas). 2. A survey of the entire length of Sycamore Creek indicated that ciénegas occupied c. 18% of the stream, and were disproportionately represented in constrained canyons rather than wide, unconstrained valleys. 3. Vegetated patches were characterized by low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) and nitrate and high concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane in the hyporheic zone. In contrast to unvegetated areas, hyporheic DO in ciénegas exhibited no relationship with vertical hydraulic gradients. 4. Increases in hyporheic DO following removal of vegetation by floods supports the hypothesis that these reduced conditions were the result of biogeochemical and geomorphic changes associated with vegetation establishment. In locations where vegetation persisted, hyporheic DO exhibited no response to flooding; in sections where vegetation was removed hyporheic DO closely tracked post‐flood increases in surface stream DO. 5. Shallow sediments in vegetated patches were finer and more organic‐rich than in unvegetated patches, due to increased deposition during floods. Conservative tracer additions indicated that hydrological exchange between the surface stream and hyporheic zone was much lower in ciénegas than in gravel‐bed reaches. 6. Vegetation establishment in desert streams not only alters the physical and chemical characteristics of the hyporheic zone, but also the nature of interactions between surface and hyporheic subsystems.  相似文献   

Current global models predict a hotter and drier climate in the southwestern United States with anticipated increases in drought frequency and severity coupled with changes in flash flood regimes. Such changes would likely have important ecological consequences, particularly for stream and riparian ecosystems already subject to frequent hydrologic disturbance. This study assessed the potential response of aquatic macroinvertebrates to interannual variation in hydrology in a spatially intermittent desert stream (Sycamore Creek, AZ). We compiled data on the recovery of macroinvertebrate communities following spring floods, with successional sequences captured 11 times over a 16‐year period (1983–1999). This period encompassed a transition from perennial to intermittent flow in this system, and included a record drought in 1989–1990. Results show that while the size of floods initiating sequences had little explanatory power, changes in macroinvertebrate community structure during postflood succession were closely associated with antecedent flooding and drought. Year‐to‐year differences in benthic communities integrated taxon‐specific responses to antecedent disturbance, including differential resistance to channel drying, use of hyporheic refugia, and variable rates of recovery once stream flow resumed. The long‐term consequences of drying on community structure were only evident during later stages of postflood succession, illustrating an interaction between flood and drought recovery processes in this system. Our observations highlight the potential for predicted climate changes in this region to have marked and long‐lasting consequences for benthic communities in desert streams.  相似文献   

1. Riparian vegetation in dry regions is influenced by low‐flow and high‐flow components of the surface and groundwater flow regimes. The duration of no‐flow periods in the surface stream controls vegetation structure along the low‐flow channel, while depth, magnitude and rate of groundwater decline influence phreatophytic vegetation in the floodplain. Flood flows influence vegetation along channels and floodplains by increasing water availability and by creating ecosystem disturbance. 2. On reference rivers in Arizona's Sonoran Desert region, the combination of perennial stream flows, shallow groundwater in the riparian (stream) aquifer, and frequent flooding results in high plant species diversity and landscape heterogeneity and an abundance of pioneer wetland plant species in the floodplain. Vegetation changes on hydrologically altered river reaches are varied, given the great extent of flow regime changes ranging from stream and aquifer dewatering on reaches affected by stream diversion and groundwater pumping to altered timing, frequency, and magnitude of flood flows on reaches downstream of flow‐regulating dams. 3. As stream flows become more intermittent, diversity and cover of herbaceous species along the low‐flow channel decline. As groundwater deepens, diversity of riparian plant species (particularly perennial species) and landscape patches are reduced and species composition in the floodplain shifts from wetland pioneer trees (Populus, Salix) to more drought‐tolerant shrub species including Tamarix (introduced) and Bebbia. 4. On impounded rivers, changes in flood timing can simplify landscape patch structure and shift species composition from mixed forests composed of Populus and Salix, which have narrow regeneration windows, to the more reproductively opportunistic Tamarix. If flows are not diverted, suppression of flooding can result in increased density of riparian vegetation, leading in some cases to very high abundance of Tamarix patches. Coarsening of sediments in river reaches below dams, associated with sediment retention in reservoirs, contributes to reduced cover and richness of herbaceous vegetation by reducing water and nutrient‐holding capacity of soils. 5. These changes have implications for river restoration. They suggest that patch diversity, riparian plant species diversity, and abundance of flood‐dependent wetland tree species such as Populus and Salix can be increased by restoring fluvial dynamics on flood‐suppressed rivers and by increasing water availability in rivers subject to water diversion or withdrawal. On impounded rivers, restoration of plant species diversity also may hinge on restoration of sediment transport. 6. Determining the causes of vegetation change is critical for determining riparian restoration strategies. Of the many riparian restoration efforts underway in south‐western United States, some focus on re‐establishing hydrogeomorphic processes by restoring appropriate flows of surface water, groundwater and sediment, while many others focus on manipulating vegetation structure by planting trees (e.g. Populus) or removing trees (e.g. Tamarix). The latter approaches, in and of themselves, may not yield desired restoration outcomes if the tree species are indicators, rather than prime causes, of underlying changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

Management of riparian plant invasions across the landscape requires understanding the combined influence of climate, hydrology, geologic constraints and patterns of introduction. We measured abundance of nine riparian woody taxa at 456 stream gages across the western USA. We constructed conditional inference recursive binary partitioning models to discriminate the influence of eleven environmental variables on plant occurrence and abundance, focusing on the two most abundant non‐native taxa, Tamarix spp. and Elaeagnus angustifolia, and their native competitor Populus deltoides. River reaches in this study were distributed along a composite gradient from cooler, wetter higher‐elevation reaches with higher stream power and earlier snowmelt flood peaks to warmer, drier lower‐elevation reaches with lower power and later peaks. Plant distributions were strongly related to climate, hydrologic and geomorphic factors, and introduction history. The strongest associations were with temperature and then precipitation. Among hydrologic and geomorphic variables, stream power, peak flow timing and 10‐yr flood magnitude had stronger associations than did peak flow predictability, low‐flow magnitude, mean annual flow and channel confinement. Nearby intentional planting of Elaeagnus was the best predictor of its occurrence, but planting of Tamarix was rare. Higher temperatures were associated with greater abundance of Tamarix relative to P. deltoides, and greater abundance of P. deltoides relative to Elaeagnus. Populus deltoides abundance was more strongly related to peak flow timing than was that of Elaeagnus or Tamarix. Higher stream power and larger 10‐yr floods were associated with greater abundance of P. deltoides and Tamarix relative to Elaeagnus. Therefore, increases in temperature could increase abundance of Tamarix and decrease that of Elaeagnus relative to P. deltoides, changes in peak flow timing caused by climate change or dam operations could increase abundance of both invasive taxa, and dam‐induced reductions in flood peaks could increase abundance of Elaeagnus relative to Tamarix and P. deltoides.  相似文献   

1. Wildfires are often followed by severe, sediment‐laden floods in burned catchments. In this study, we documented resistance and resilience of stream insect communities to repeated postfire flash floods in a ‘burned stream’. We employed a before‐after‐control‐impact (BACI) design, where communities in comparable reaches of a burned stream and a reference stream were sampled from 2 years before, to 6 years after, a crown wildfire in north‐central New Mexico. 2. The first 100‐year flood following the 1996 Dome wildfire reduced total insect density and taxon richness to near zero in the burned stream. Despite showing low resistance, density returned rapidly to prefire levels because of colonisation by simuliids, chironomids and the mayfly Baetis tricaudatus. In general, taxa that were generalist feeders (collectors) with strong larval dispersal dominated communities in early postfire years with repeated, moderate flash floods. 3. Taxon richness and community composition were less resilient to postfire hydrologic disturbances. Taxon richness did not recover until floods dampened 4 years after the fire. Despite hydrologic recovery, composition in the burned stream still differed from prefire and reference stream compositions after 6 years postfire. A unique assemblage, dominated by taxa with strong larval or adult dispersal, was established after flash floods abated. Specialist feeders (shredders and grazers) that were common in prefire years were reduced or absent in the postfire assemblage. 4. Community succession in the burned stream was explained by the interaction between species traits, geographic barriers to colonisation and hydrologic conditions after the fire. Comparable changes in insect density, taxon richness, community composition and trait representation were not found in the reference stream, providing strong evidence that repeated postfire flash floods shaped community responses in the burned stream.  相似文献   

Effects of floods on fish assemblages in an intermittent prairie stream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Floods are major disturbances to stream ecosystems that can kill or displace organisms and modify habitats. Many studies have reported changes in fish assemblages after a single flood, but few studies have evaluated the importance of timing and intensity of floods on long‐term fish assemblage dynamics. 2. We used a 10‐year dataset to evaluate the effects of floods on fishes in Kings Creek, an intermittent prairie stream in north‐eastern, Kansas, U.S.A. Samples were collected seasonally at two perennial headwater sites (1995–2005) and one perennial downstream flowing site (1997–2005) allowing us to evaluate the effects of floods at different locations within a watershed. In addition, four surveys during 2003 and 2004 sampled 3–5 km of stream between the long‐term study sites to evaluate the use of intermittent reaches of this stream. 3. Because of higher discharge and bed scouring at the downstream site, we predicted that the fish assemblage would have lowered species richness and abundance following floods. In contrast, we expected increased species richness and abundance at headwater sites because floods increase stream connectivity and create the potential for colonisation from downstream reaches. 4. Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) was used to select among candidate regression models that predicted species richness and abundance based on Julian date, time since floods, season and physical habitat at each site. At the downstream site, AIC weightings suggested Julian date was the best predictor of fish assemblage structure, but no model explained >16% of the variation in species richness or community structure. Variation explained by Julian date was primarily attributed to a long‐term pattern of declining abundance of common species. At the headwater sites, there was not a single candidate model selected to predict total species abundance and assemblage structure. AIC weightings suggested variation in assemblage structure was associated with either Julian date or local habitat characteristics. 5. Fishes rapidly colonised isolated or dry habitats following floods. This was evidenced by the occurrence of fishes in intermittent reaches and the positive association between maximum daily discharge and colonisation events at both headwater sites. 6. Our study suggests floods allow dispersal into intermittent habitats with little or no downstream displacement of fishes. Movement of fishes among habitats during flooding highlights the importance of maintaining connectivity of stream networks of low to medium order prairie streams.  相似文献   

Metabolism of a desert stream   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
SUMMARY. Rates of photosynthesis and community respiration were determined for benthic assemblages in Sycamore Creek, a Sonoran Desert stream in Arizona. Benthos in this stream can be separated into (1) mats of Cladophora glomerata and associated epiphytes and (2) assemblages of epipelic diatoms and blue-green algae. Community respiration and net photosynthesis were measured for these assemblages using submerged light-dark chambers in situ . Multiple regression analysis was used to predict (1) gross photosynthesis as a function of photosynthetically active radiation, temperature and chlorophyll-α concentration; and (2) community respiration as a function of temperature and biomass.
Calculations suggest that Sycamore Creek is autotrophic during the summer ( P/R = 1.7) and that the rates of gross photosynthesis ( P =8.5 g O2 m−2 day−1) and community respiration ( R = 5.1 g O2 m−2 day−1) are high for a small stream. Considerable difference exists between the Cladophora mat assemblages, in which mean P is 12.5gO2m−2 day−1and the P/R ratio is 2.3, and the epipelic assemblages in which mean P is 4.4 g O2m−2 day−1 and P/R is 0.96. The high rate of gross photosynthesis, low litter inputs, high biomass of algae and the intermittent but severe floods that characterize Sycamore Creek indicate that this stream and other similar desert streams are net exporters of organic matter and are, thereby, truly autotrophic stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Rainfall Cues and Flash-Flood Escape in Desert Stream Insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Desert stream insects may use rainfall cues to anticipate and escape flash floods, but this has been studied in few taxa. We used controlled, replicated experiments to quantify the use of rainfall cues for flood escape in seven common desert stream insects. The hemipterans Curicta pronotata and Aquarius remigis responded consistently to rainfall cues by crawling vertically away from the water, in such a way that they may escape flash floods in nature. The coleopteran Gyrinus plicifer showed no response to rainfall cues. The hemipteran Ambrysus woodburyi did not exit the water but sought refuge under submerged rocks. Three taxa (Ranatra quadridentata, Corydalus texanus, and Rhantus atricolor) gave ambiguous results, although the latter apparently responded to environmental cues other than rainfall. We conclude that rainfall cues are a sufficient mechanism for flood escape in some taxa, but other desert stream insects may employ different strategies (behavioral, life history, or morphological) to survive floods.  相似文献   

Altered stream-flow regimes and invasive plant species: the Tamarix case   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aim  To test the hypothesis that anthropogenic alteration of stream-flow regimes is a key driver of compositional shifts from native to introduced riparian plant species.
Location  The arid south-western United States; 24 river reaches in the Gila and Lower Colorado drainage basins of Arizona.
Methods  We compared the abundance of three dominant woody riparian taxa (native Populus fremontii and Salix gooddingii , and introduced Tamarix ) between river reaches that varied in stream-flow permanence (perennial vs. intermittent), presence or absence of an upstream flow-regulating dam, and presence or absence of municipal effluent as a stream water source.
Results  Populus and Salix were the dominant pioneer trees along the reaches with perennial flow and a natural flood regime. In contrast, Tamarix had high abundance (patch area and basal area) along reaches with intermittent stream flows (caused by natural and cultural factors), as well as those with dam-regulated flows.
Main conclusions  Stream-flow regimes are strong determinants of riparian vegetation structure, and hydrological alterations can drive dominance shifts to introduced species that have an adaptive suite of traits. Deep alluvial groundwater on intermittent rivers favours the deep-rooted, stress-adapted Tamarix over the shallower-rooted and more competitive Populus and Salix . On flow-regulated rivers, shifts in flood timing favour the reproductively opportunistic Tamarix over Populus and Salix , both of which have narrow germination windows . The prevailing hydrological conditions thus favour a new dominant pioneer species in the riparian corridors of the American Southwest. These results reaffirm the importance of reinstating stream-flow regimes (inclusive of groundwater flows) for re-establishing the native pioneer trees as the dominant forest type.  相似文献   

1. The impact of flash flooding on microbial distribution and biogeochemistry was investigated in the parafluvial zone (the part of the active channel lateral to the surface stream) of Sycamore Creek, a Sonoran Desert stream in central Arizona. 2. It was hypothesized that subsurface bacteria were dependent on the import of algal-derived organic matter from the surface stream, and it was therefore predicted that microbial numbers and rates of microbially mediated processes would be highest at locations of surface to subsurface hydrologic exchange and at times when algal biomass was high. 3. Prior to a flash flood on 19 July 1994, chlorophyll a was high (≈ 400 mg m–2) in the surface stream and microbial numbers were highest at the stream–parafluvial interface and declined along parafluvial flowpaths, supporting the hypothesized algal–bacterial linkage. Immediately following the flash flood, chlorophyll a was low (≈ 7 mg m–2), and microbial numbers were reduced at the stream–parafluvial interface. 4. Counter to expectations, parafluvial functioning (in terms of nitrate production and dissolved oxygen decline along flowpaths) re-established immediately after the flood receded. Therefore, material other than algal exudates supported parafluvial metabolism immediately postflood, and terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter is the likely source. 5. Algae in the surface stream recovered quickly following flooding, but recovery of parafluvial bacteria lagged somewhat behind. These results highlight the importance of surface–subsurface interaction to stream ecosystem functioning and show that the nature of these interactions changes substantially in successional time.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of marking wild populations of lampreys with visible implant elastomer (VIE) for 6–18 months to examine ammocoete movements using Cormack–Jolly–Seber (CJS) open‐population models. These methods were tested on two lamprey populations in different river systems. American brook lamprey Lethenteron appendix at Dyke Creek apparent survival (φ) was high in the summer and winter (c. 0·7), but declined after flow events in the spring and autumn. Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus at Oquaga Creek φ in the top‐ranked models varied with stream location and time. Estimates of φ were similar to Dyke Creek during the summer (c. 0·7), but declined after flow events and remained low (c. 0·1) in winter. Open‐population models support current understanding of ammocoete movement, i.e. dispersal is driven by high‐flow events at certain times of the year. The present study provides a framework to study ammocoetes with VIE.  相似文献   

A survey of fluvial landforms was conducted at Widden Brook, an unregulated sand‐bed stream in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales (NSW), Australia, to investigate the physical factors associated with vegetation pattern in Riverine Oak Forest. Groundwater depth and chemistry (pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity) were measured using piezometers and submersible data loggers on three fluvial landforms (i.e. toe of bank, top of bank and floodplain) along five transects. Floristic composition, canopy cover, bare ground and leaf litter were assessed within 45 quadrats on the three landforms along the five transects. Elevation above the bed and flood return period were determined by cross‐sectional survey and flood frequency analysis, while flow duration was determined from the gauge record. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that vegetation composition was associated with average watertable depth and flood variables to a similar extent. The relative importance of these factors would be expected to vary with flood‐ and drought‐dominated climatic periods on a scale of several decades. Floristic composition was moderately associated with the canopy cover of the dominant woody species, Casuarina cunninghamiana (Miq.), but weakly correlated with bare ground and groundwater chemistry. Suites of species were associated with particular fluvial landforms and their corresponding flood and watertable conditions. The reach examined has characteristics similar to both the semi‐arid and mesic riparian ecosystems of the USA. The coarse sediments, high flood variability, short flood duration and dominance by a pioneer tree that relies on groundwater are similar to riparian ecosystems in the western USA, while the relatively broad floodplain and the development of a forest canopy that is associated with the distribution of understorey plants are similar to the mesic riparian systems in the eastern USA.  相似文献   

1. We examined the relative importance of litter quality and stream characteristics in determining decomposition rate and the macroinvertebrate assemblage living on autumn‐shed leaves. 2. We compared the decomposition rates of five native riparian tree species (Populus fremontii, Alnus oblongifolia, Platanus wrightii, Fraxinus velutina and Quercus gambelii) across three south‐western streams in the Verde River catchment (Arizona, U.S.A.). We also compared the decomposition of three‐ and five‐species mixtures to that of single species to test whether plant species diversity affects rate. 3. Decomposition rate was affected by both litter quality and stream. However, litter quality accounted for most of the variation in decomposition rates. The relative importance of litter quality decreased through time, explaining 97% of the variation in the first week but only 45% by week 8. We also found that leaf mixtures decomposed more quickly than expected, when all the species included were highly labile or when the stream environment led to relatively fast decomposition. 4. In contrast to decomposition rate, differences in the invertebrate assemblage were more pronounced across streams than across leaf litter species within a stream. We also found significant differences between the invertebrate assemblage colonising leaf mixtures compared with that colonising pure species litter, indicating non‐additive properties of litter diversity on stream invertebrates. 5. This study shows that leaf litter diversity has the capacity to affect in‐stream decomposition rates and stream invertebrates, but that these effects depend on both litter quality and stream characteristics.  相似文献   

With drainage from the Waterton‐Glacier International Peace Park, the Waterton River was dammed in 1964 to trap spring flow and permit offstream diversion for irrigation. Field observations in the 1980s indicated some decrepit riparian woodlands suggesting drought stress of the black and narrowleaf cottonwoods (Populus trichocarpa, P. angustifolia) due to insufficient in‐stream flows. Subsequently, an environmental flow regime commenced in 1991 and provided “functional flows,” deliberately regulating in‐stream flow components intended to restore ecological processes and particularly (1) an increase of the minimum flow from 0.93 to 2.27 m3/s (mean discharge 21.9 m3/s) and (2) flow ramping, gradual recession after the spring peak. This study investigated the historic flow patterns and the growth, population age structure, and spatial distributions of riparian cottonwoods along the free‐flowing upstream and regulated downstream reaches over four dam operations intervals: the free‐flowing pre‐dam condition; the initial dammed interval to the mid‐1970s; a post‐dam and drought interval in the 1980s; and with the environmental flow regime. Analyses of sapling, shrub‐, and tree‐sized cottonwoods included tree ring analyses to determine ages and growth patterns, and distributions were assessed relative to streamside elevations and sediment textures. These indicated that there has been progressive cottonwood colonization after damming but the colonization band dropped in elevation with the reduced flow regime and the future woodlands could become narrower. The tree ring analyses indicated that the growth of established trees benefited from the functional flows and the increase in minimum flow was probably particularly beneficial to the riparian cottonwoods.  相似文献   

 The conservation of riparian (river valley flood plain) forests relies on the provision of instream flows that are sufficient to sustain tree growth. In the present study, annual branch growth increments were investigated as an indicator of environmental favorability for riparian cottonwoods. Trees of three species, Populus angustifolia, P. balsamifera, and P. deltoides, and their natural interspecific hybrids, were studied at five sites along the Oldman and South Saskatchewan rivers in Alberta, Canada. Annual branch growth increments for the interval from 1983 to 1992 were positively correlated with stream flows (r 2 = 0.79 at Lethbridge) and slightly negatively correlated with weather variables that contribute to water demand: evaporation, temperature, wind, and/or sunshine. The combination of January to May stream flow (water supply) and June evaporation (water demand) almost entirely accounted for the branch growth variation across years (r 2 = 0.91 at Lethbridge). Tree ring increments were also investigated but were less closely correlated than branch increments across trees or with stream flow. Branch growth increments thus provide an accurate but short duration (1 or 2 decades) record of environmental favorability for growth. The close correlation between branch growth and stream flow indicates that water is the principal limitation to growth of these riparian cottonwoods and that these trees obtained their water from a source linked to the stream, the riparian water table. Analyses of branch increments should provide a management tool for (i) determining instream flow needs for riparian cottonwoods and (ii) analyzing impacts of stream flow alterations due to river damming or water diversion. Received: 8 May 1997 / Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

Little is known about the life history and environmental factors that regulate the growth rate of hyperdominant trees in flooded Amazonian forests. Pentaclethra macroloba is a hyperdominant tree, and it is widely explored in the Amazon, because its seed oil is a powerful herbal medicine. We evaluated the demographic structure and growth patterns of P. macroloba and tested the effect of the Amazon River flood pulse on its growth. We modeled the growth and determined the age of P. macroloba by analyzing the growth rings of 30 monitored trees in relation to hydroclimatic variables. We also inventoried 240 juvenile and 2072 adult trees arranged in a clustered pattern. The diametric distribution pattern of the juvenile and adult trees was exponential and log-normal, respectively. The trees were found to be up to 102 years old, and 47% of them grew freely toward the canopy. Peak growth in height and diameter occurred at 24 (61.7 cm year-1) and 46 (9.38 mm year-1) years, respectively. Pentaclethra macroloba showed cambial dormancy during the seasonal peak of rainfall (R2 = 0.41; t = −2.62; p < 0.01) and flooding of the Amazon River (R2 = 0.47; t = −3.01; p < 0.01). Increases in rainfall and flood level of the river in the rainy season control the growth rate of P. macroloba, making it a seasonal process. The demographic and growth patterns of P. macroloba respond to the environmental heterogeneity of the estuarine floodplain forest and also reflect its life history over time.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent studies of nutrient cycling in Sycamore Creek in Arizona, USA, suggest that a thorough understanding requires a spatially explicit, hierarchical approach. Physical configuration determines the path that water follows as it moves downstream. Water follows flowpaths through surface stream components, the hyporheic zone beneath the surface stream, and the parafluvial (sand bar) zone. Characteristic biogeochemical processes in these subsystems alter nitrogen (N) species in transport, in part as a function of available concentrations of N species. At several hierarchical levels, substrate materials are an important determinant of nitrogen dynamics in desert streams. Sand is present in bars of variable size and shape, each of which can be considered a unit, interacting with the surface stream. Groups of these stream-sandbar units form a higher level, the reach. At the next higher scale, sandy reaches (runs) alternate with riffles. Where flowpaths converge, rates of N transformation are high and, as a result, change in concentration is a non-linear function of flowpath length. Disturbance by flash floods alters sandbar configuration. Between floods, the interaction of subsurface and surface flowpaths shapes configuration in each, thus a self-organizing element of spatial structure exists. Sandy runs are dominated by subsurface processes and are likely to be net nitrifiers while riffles are dominated by surface flow and are nitrogen fixers. Whether a stream ecosystem retains nitrogen, or transports it to downstream recipient systems, or is a net emitter of gaseous forms of N, depends upon the dynamics of a spatial mosaic of interacting elements. An understanding of the net effect of this mosaic requires a spatially explicit, hierarchical, multi-scale approach.  相似文献   

Disturbances such as floods and droughts play a central role in determining the structure of riverine benthic biological assemblages. Extreme disturbances from flash floods are often restricted to part of the river network and the magnitude of the flood disturbance may lessen as floods propagate downstream. The present study aimed to characterize the impact of summer monsoonal floods on the resistance and resilience of the benthic diatom assemblage structure in nine river reaches of increasing drainage size within the Gila River in the southwestern United States. Monsoonal floods had a profound effect on the diatom assemblage in the Gila River, but the effects were not related to drainage size except for the response of algal biomass. During monsoons, algal biomass was effectively reduced in smaller and larger systems, but minor changes were observed in medium systems. Resistance and resilience of the diatom assemblage to floods were related to specific species traits, mainly to growth forms. Tightly adhered, adnate and prostrate species (Achnanthidium spp., Cocconeis spp.) exhibited high resistance to repeated scour disturbance. Loosely attached diatoms, such as Nitzschia spp. and Navicula spp., were most susceptible to drift and scour. However, recovery of the diatom assemblage was very quick indicating a high resilience, especially in terms of biomass and diversity. Regional hydroclimatic models predict greater precipitation variability, which will select for diatoms resilient to bed‐mobilizing disturbances. The results of this study may help anticipate future benthic diatom assemblage patterns in the southwestern United States resulting from a more variable climate.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics were examined over five years (1989–1993) in Sycamore Creek, a Sonoran Desert stream, specifically focusing on DOC concentration in surface and hyporheic waters, and rates of export. In 1989 and 1990, the years of lowest stream discharge (0.08 and 0.04 m3 s–1 annual mean of daily discharge, respectively), DOC was high, averaging 7.37 and 6.22 mgC l–1 (weighted annual means). In contrast, from 1991 through 1993, a period of increased flow (1.1, 1.2 and 4.3 m3 s–1), concentration was significantly lower (P<0.001) with annual mean concentrations of 3.54, 3.49 and 3.39 mgC l–1. Concentration exhibited little spatial variation between two sampling stations located 6 km apart along the mainstem or between surface and hyporheic waters. Annual export of DOC from Sycamore Creek varied 100-fold over the five-year period from a mean rate of only 24 kgC d–1 in 1990 to 2100 kgC d–1 in 1993. Ninety percent of DOC was exported by flows greater than 2.8 m3 s–1, and 50% during flows greater than 27 m3 s–1; flows of 2.8 and 24 m3 s–1 occurred only 9 and 1% of the time. The export of organic matter in Sycamore Creek appears to be coupled to El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomena. The years of highest export, 1991–1993, had El Niño conditions while 1989 and 1990 had medial conditions.  相似文献   

1. Fisheries models generally are based on the concept that strong density dependence exists in fish populations. Nonetheless, there are few examples of long‐term density dependence in fish populations. 2. Using an information theoretical approach (AIC) with regression analyses, we examined the explanatory power of density dependence, flow and water temperature on the per capita rate of change and growth (annual mean total length) for the whole population, adults, 1+ and young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Hunt Creek, Michigan, USA, between 1951 and 2001. This time series represents one of the longest quantitative population data sets for fishes. 3. Our analysis included four data sets: (i) Pooled (1951–2001), (ii) Fished (1951–65), (iii) Unfished (1966–2001) and (iv) Temperature (1982–2001). 4. Principle component analyses of winter flow data identified a gradient between years with high mean daily winter flows, high daily maximum and minimum flows and frequent high flow events, and years with an opposite set of flow characteristics. Flows were lower during the Fished Period than during the Unfished Period. Winter temperature analyses elucidated a gradient between warm mean, warm minimum and maximum daily stream temperatures and a high number of minimum daily temperatures >6.1 °C, and years with the opposite characteristics. Summer temperature analyses contrasted years with warm summer stream temperatures vs years with cool summer stream temperatures. 5. Both YOY and adult densities varied several‐fold during the study. Regression analysis did not detect a significant linear or nonlinear stock–recruitment relationship. AIC analysis indicated that density dependence was present in 15 of 16 cases (four population segments × four data sets) for both per capita rate of increase (wi values 0.46–1.00) and growth data (wi values 0.28–0.99). The almost ubiquitous presence of density dependence in both population and growth data is concordant with results from other trout populations and other studies in Michigan.  相似文献   

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