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The vegetation within the riparian zone performs animportant ecological function for in-stream processes.In Australia, riparian zones are regarded as the mostdegraded natural resource zone due to disturbancessuch as river regulation and livestock grazing. Thisstudy looks at factors influencing vegetation dynamicsof riparian tree species on two contrasting riversystems in Western Australia. The Blackwood River insouth-western Australia is influenced by aMediterranean type climate with regular seasonalwinter flows. The Ord River in north-western Australiais characterized by low winter base flows andepisodic, extreme flows influenced by monsoon rains inthe summer. For both rivers, reproductive phenology ofstudied overstory species is timed to coincide withseasonal river hydrology and rainfall. An evendistribution of size classes of trees on the BlackwoodRiver indicated recruitment into the population iscontinual and related to the regular predictableseasonal river flows and rainfall. In contrast, on theOrd River tree size class distribution was clustered,indicating episodic recruitment. On both rivers treeestablishment is also influenced by elevation abovethe river, microtopography, moisture status and soiltype. In terms of vegetation dynamics riparianvegetation on the Ord River consists of long periodsof transition with short lived stable states incontrast to the Blackwood river where tree populationstructure is characterized by long periods of stablestates with short transitions.  相似文献   

东江河岸缓冲带景观格局变化对水体恢复的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
周婷  彭少麟  任文韬 《生态学报》2009,29(1):231-239
以1998年,2006年的TM遥感影像数据为基础,利用地理系统软件Arc GIS对东江主干边缘做10km的缓冲区.以Fragstats为工具,利用景观指数从类型水平和景观水平上,分析河岸带景观格局变化.重点分析了各景观相关要素及景观整体对水体恢复的影响.结果表明:经过8a的变迁,东江水体斑块面积占河岸带景观面积的比例增加,水体连通性加强,破碎化程度有所下降,体现了在景观格局上流域水体有一定的恢复成效.河岸带区域中植被斑块面积增加,表明植被覆盖率增大,会有助于流域的水土保持;区域中耕地斑块面积在整个河岸带中的比例降低,对水体水质的污染会有减缓作用;整个河岸带景观破碎化程度有所下降,空间连通性相对增加.以上3种因素都会对水体的恢复起到促进作用.河岸带地区城市化水平加剧,这可以从建成地斑块面积增加,形状更加规则等景观格局特征看出,反映了人类干扰还在增强,无疑会对水体恢复造成不利影响.综合分析东江河岸缓冲带景观格局变化可以看出,东江河岸带水体恢复有一定成效,但是恢复的力度还有待加强,特别要注重植被质量的优化,改善植被的空间配置结构和种类搭配.城市规划中对建成地的选择要考虑河岸带的特殊性.水体的恢复要在景观水平上采取恢复措施,注重多因子的协调整合,改善流域尺度的景观格局配置.  相似文献   

A survey of fluvial landforms was conducted at Widden Brook, an unregulated sand‐bed stream in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales (NSW), Australia, to investigate the physical factors associated with vegetation pattern in Riverine Oak Forest. Groundwater depth and chemistry (pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity) were measured using piezometers and submersible data loggers on three fluvial landforms (i.e. toe of bank, top of bank and floodplain) along five transects. Floristic composition, canopy cover, bare ground and leaf litter were assessed within 45 quadrats on the three landforms along the five transects. Elevation above the bed and flood return period were determined by cross‐sectional survey and flood frequency analysis, while flow duration was determined from the gauge record. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that vegetation composition was associated with average watertable depth and flood variables to a similar extent. The relative importance of these factors would be expected to vary with flood‐ and drought‐dominated climatic periods on a scale of several decades. Floristic composition was moderately associated with the canopy cover of the dominant woody species, Casuarina cunninghamiana (Miq.), but weakly correlated with bare ground and groundwater chemistry. Suites of species were associated with particular fluvial landforms and their corresponding flood and watertable conditions. The reach examined has characteristics similar to both the semi‐arid and mesic riparian ecosystems of the USA. The coarse sediments, high flood variability, short flood duration and dominance by a pioneer tree that relies on groundwater are similar to riparian ecosystems in the western USA, while the relatively broad floodplain and the development of a forest canopy that is associated with the distribution of understorey plants are similar to the mesic riparian systems in the eastern USA.  相似文献   

Water resource development has altered the hydrological regime on the Lower Balonne River in Queensland, Australia. Concerns have been raised about possible impacts to floodplain plant communities, which support a pastoral industry and a range of native fauna. Water and nutrients commonly limit plant growth in south central Queensland, where the climate is semi-arid and the soils are infertile. Floodplain plant productivity is boosted by inundation with water, but the role of flooding in nutrient provision is not known. Growth experiments and a pilot soil survey were conducted to help determine if soil nutrient deficiencies exist and if regular flooding is required to maintain floodplain soil fertility. Soils were sampled from areas representing three flood frequency classes: high, moderate, and low. Chemical extractions were performed as a surrogate for `bioavailable' nutrients. Soil nitrogen (N) but not phosphorus (P) limited the growth of seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Gardia) based on responses to nutrient additions: plants supplied with N had greater shoot length and total biomass than plants without N. Clear evidence of an effect of flood frequency on fertility was not revealed. Neither soil P, soil N, nor plant growth varied significantly with flood frequency. However, this analysis had low statistical power. There were trends for greater biomass of seedlings grown on moderately flooded soils and thinner roots for seedlings grown on frequently flooded soils, but neither of these growth responses was clearly linked to nutrient limitation. Nevertheless, the possibility that flooding provides a nutrient subsidy to plants cannot be ruled out because of a number of factors, including the statistical power of this analysis and the possibility that short-term nutrient subsidies occur with floods.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the influence of environmental parameters (water activity aw, temperature, and pH) on the radial growth rate of Trichoderma asperellum (strains PR10, PR11, PR12, and 659-7), an antagonist of Phytophthora megakarya, the causal agent of cocoa black pod disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: The radial growth of four strains of T. asperellum was monitored for 30 days on modified PDA medium. Six levels of aw (0.995, 0.980, 0.960, 0.930, 0.910, and 0.880) were combined with three values of pH (4.5, 6.5, and 8.5) and three incubation temperatures (20, 25, and 30 degrees C). Whatever the strain, mycelial growth rate was optimal at aw between 0.995 and 0.980, independently of the temperature and pH. Each strain appeared to be very sensitive to aw reduction. In addition, all four strains were able to grow at all temperatures and pH values (4.5-8.5) tested, highest growth rate being observed at 30 degrees C and at pH 4.5-6.5. The use of response surface methodology to model the combined effects of aw, temperature, and pH on the radial growth rate of the T. asperellum strains confirmed the observed results. In our model, growth of the T. asperellum strains showed a greater dependence on aw than on temperature or pH under in vitro conditions. CONCLUSION: aw is a crucial environmental factor. Low aw can prevent growth of T. asperellum strains under some conditions. The observed and predicted radial growth rate of strain PR11 showed its greater capacity to support low aw (0.93) as compared with other tested strains at 20 degrees C. This is in agreement with its better protective level when applied in medium-scale trials on cocoa plantations. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study should contribute towards improving the biocontrol efficacy of T. asperellum strains used against P. megakarya. Integrated into a broader study of the impact of environmental factors on the biocontrol agent-pathogen system, this work should help to build a more rational control strategy, possibly involving the use of a compatible adjuvant protecting T. asperellum against desiccation.  相似文献   

相较天然林,人工林生态系统对全球性气候变化更敏感。本文利用树木年代学方法,以东北半干旱地区油松人工林为对象建立油松年轮宽度年表,研究油松生长的动态变化及其径向生长与气象因子的相关关系,探讨升温对油松生长及分布的影响。结果表明: 研究区油松年轮宽度主要与生长季5—7月的平均温度呈显著负相关,与生长季早期4月和生长季5—7月的平均降水量和PDSI呈显著正相关,水分可利用性是限制研究区油松径向生长的主要因子。自西南向东北随着年降水量增加,各样点油松径向生长对年均温的敏感性增强,与年降水量的相关关系由显著正相关转变为负相关,说明偏干旱的西南部地区油松生长受水分限制更严重。气候变暖导致的干旱胁迫使得研究区西南部的部分人工林油松生长呈衰退状态。随着暖干化的持续,研究区油松分布边界将发生局地收缩,适宜生长的边界将向北移动。  相似文献   

1. Flow dynamics is a major determinant of riparian plant communities. Therefore, flow regulation may heavily affect riparian ecosystems. Despite the large number of dams worldwide, little specific information is available on the longitudinal impacts of dams on vegetation, for example how far downstream and at what degree of regulation a dam on a river can influence riparian woodlands. 2. We quantified the long‐term responses of riparian trees and shrubs to flow regulation by identifying their lateral distribution and habitat conditions along a boreal river in northern Sweden that has been regulated by a single dam since 1948. The regulation has reduced annual flow fluctuations, this effect being largest at the dam, downstream from which it progressively decreases following the entrance of free‐flowing tributaries. 3. We related changes in the distribution patterns, composition, abundance and richness of tree and shrub species to the degree of regulation along the river downstream from the dam. Regulation has triggered establishment of trees and shrubs closer to the channel, making it possible to measure ecological impacts of flow regulation as differences in vegetation attributes relative to the positions of tree and shrub communities established before and after regulation. 4. Trees and shrubs had migrated towards the mid‐channel along the entire study reach, but the changes were largest immediately downstream of the dam. Shrubs were most impacted by flow regulation in terms of lateral movement, but the effect on trees extended furthest downstream. 5. The species composition of trees progressively returned to its pre‐regulation state with distance downstream, but entrance of free‐flowing tributaries and variation in channel morphology and substratum caused local deviations. Species richness after regulation increased for trees but decreased for shrubs. The changes in species composition and richness of trees and shrubs showed no clear downstream patterns, suggesting that other factors than the degree of regulation were more important in governing life form.  相似文献   

Riparian buffer zones serve several important roles in linking a stream to its watershed. A main function is controlling the dynamics of sedimentation. This paper documents how siltation impacts fish communities and how proper riparian management can mitigate the negative effects of sedimentation. Two studies examined the relation between stream siltation and fish community characteristics. Community responses to siltation were poorly described by common structural indices. Community level responses to varying siltation were most consistently described by changes in functional characteristics of the resident fish species using a guild-based analysis. Herbivores, benthic insectivores and simple lithophilous spawners were most sensitive to siltation while other guilds were not. These results were repeatable in both intraregional comparisons among sites of similar size and character, and in interregional comparisons of streams which varied in characteristics besides siltation. This suggests the index may be useful in separating the effects of siltation from other environmental variables. A discussion of bufferstrip characteristics important in mitigating against, or preventing, excess siltation is presented.  相似文献   

阿尔泰山的北方森林是中亚以及全球的生态系统的重要组成部分, 其生长动态可以影响到全球范围的热辐射、碳平衡等。因此, 探究影响阿尔泰山树木径向生长的主要因素至关重要。该研究以新疆喀纳斯国家级自然保护区的西伯利亚五针松(Pinus sibirica)为研究对象, 建立西伯利亚五针松年表, 通过分析不同时间间隔累年生长量、竞争指数以及气候因子之间的关系, 运用线性混合效应模型、相关分析等方法, 探究竞争和气候对新疆阿尔泰山西伯利亚五针松树木径向生长的影响。结果表明: (1)线性混合效应模型结果显示竞争树胸径和与西伯利亚五针松过去30年的累年生长量之间的拟合效果最好; (2)标准年表与3月的平均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温之间有显著正相关关系; (3)累年生长量最高值出现在气温0-5 ℃, 竞争指数低于100的时候。累年生长量最低时, 气温达到-10 ℃, 竞争指数也超过了300。目标树的树木径向生长受到竞争树胸径和及生长季前期气温的影响, 两者共同作用。但相较于气候因子而言, 竞争对西伯利亚五针松的树木径向生长有更大的影响作用。  相似文献   

The effect of removal of a riparian strip on aquaticautotrophic (algae) and heterotrophic (bacteria,macroinvertebrates) organisms was monitored in aMediterranean stream during the canopy growing period.Community composition, biomass and metabolicactivities were compared with those recorded during apre-riparian removal period and in a forested stretchdownstream. Higher irradiance was associated with Cladophora increase in the logged section. Algalbiomass increased up to ten times, and productivitywas up to four times higher than in the pre-removalperiod and the forested section. Bacterialcommunities showed higher ectoenzymatic activities(-glucosidase, -xylosidase) in thelogged section than in forested conditions. Moreoverthe coincidence between the maxima of-glucosidase and chlorophyll-a suggeststhat bacterial activity was enhanced by the higheravailability of high-quality algal material. Themacroinvertebrate community had higher density andbiomass in the logged section than in the forestedsection and in the pre-removal period. Scrapers andfilterers become dominant after riparian removal,while shredders, predators and collectors did not showsignificant changes either between sites or periods.Responses of environmental variables and bioticcommunities indicate that the changes occurring in thestream due to riparian removal could be consideredbottom-up controlled, as increased illumination wasthe main mechanism responsible.  相似文献   

A mass balance procedure was used to determine rates of nitrate depletion in the riparian zone and stream channel of a small New Zealand headwater stream. In all 12 surveys the majority of nitrate loss (56–100%) occurred in riparian organic soils, despite these soils occupying only 12% of the stream's border. This disproportionate role of the organic soils in depleting nitrate was due to two factors. Firstly, they were located at the base of hollows and consequently a disproportionately high percentage (37–81%) of the groundwater flowed through them in its passage to the stream. Secondly, they were anoxic and high in both denitrifying enzyme concentration and available carbon. Direct estimates ofin situ denitrification rate for organic soils near the upslope edge (338 mg N m–2 h–1) were much higher than average values estimated for the organic soils as a whole (0.3–2.1 mg N m–2 h–1) and suggested that areas of these soils were limited in their denitrification activity by the supply of nitrate. The capacity of these soils to regulate nitrate flux was therefore under-utilized. The majority of stream channel nitrate depletion was apparently due to plant uptake, with estimates of thein situ denitrification rate of stream sediments being less than 15% of the stream channel nitrate depletion rate estimated by mass balance.This study has shown that catchment hydrology can interact in a variety of ways with the biological processes responsible for nitrate depletion in riparian and stream ecosystems thereby having a strong influence on nitrate flux. This reinforces the view that those seeking to understand the functioning of these ecosystems need to consider hydrological phenomena.  相似文献   

阿尔泰山的北方森林是中亚以及全球的生态系统的重要组成部分, 其生长动态可以影响到全球范围的热辐射、碳平衡等。因此, 探究影响阿尔泰山树木径向生长的主要因素至关重要。该研究以新疆喀纳斯国家级自然保护区的西伯利亚五针松(Pinus sibirica)为研究对象, 建立西伯利亚五针松年表, 通过分析不同时间间隔累年生长量、竞争指数以及气候因子之间的关系, 运用线性混合效应模型、相关分析等方法, 探究竞争和气候对新疆阿尔泰山西伯利亚五针松树木径向生长的影响。结果表明: (1)线性混合效应模型结果显示竞争树胸径和与西伯利亚五针松过去30年的累年生长量之间的拟合效果最好; (2)标准年表与3月的平均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温之间有显著正相关关系; (3)累年生长量最高值出现在气温0-5 ℃, 竞争指数低于100的时候。累年生长量最低时, 气温达到-10 ℃, 竞争指数也超过了300。目标树的树木径向生长受到竞争树胸径和及生长季前期气温的影响, 两者共同作用。但相较于气候因子而言, 竞争对西伯利亚五针松的树木径向生长有更大的影响作用。  相似文献   

Three calculations of the growth rate (e.g. slope of a plot of the log10 of cfu ml-1 vs time, mum of the Gompertz equation and the reciprocal of time to obtain 108 cfu ml-1) were compared for Escherichia coli TG1 growing in tryptone soy broth medium at temperatures ranging from 14 to 39 degrees C. Up to now, the influence of using such different definitions on the relationship between microbial growth rate and temperature has never been investigated. In order to compare these calculation procedures, a dimensionless analysis based on the following normalized variables, mudim = mu/muopt and Tdim = [T-Tmin]/[Topt-Tmin], was used (Dantigny 1998). The influence of suboptimal temperatures on the growth rate was represented by means of a Belehràdek-type model based on a power function law: [mudim] = [Tdim]alpha. The influence of the different growth rate calculations on the model constants was assessed. Despite the great dependence of the raw growth rate values on the calculation procedure, the dimensionless analysis demonstrated that the alpha-value is independent of the growth rate definition. This result suggests that any definition for the growth rate can be utilized in studies aimed at determining the influence of temperature on microbial growth and highlights the interest of using dimensionless variables to overcome differences in the order of magnitude of the growth rate data and to avoid confusion between definitions.  相似文献   

A study is made of the effect of air temperature on the start of the pollen seasons of three tree species—Ulmus, Platanus andOlea—in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula. These initial results are based on an aerobiological analysis performed over a 4-year period in the city of Granada, Spain. Sampling was carried out with a Burkard spore trap. The main aim of the present study was to use regression analysis to identify the preseasonal date when these species start to accumulate heat in their floral buds, enabling models to be created that indicate the onset of the pollen season for these taxa. ForUlmus there was no significant correlation between the onset of pollination and the mean temperature during the preceding period, whereasPlatanus presented a significant correlation with mean temperature during the month of January, andOlea with mean temperature during the second fortnight in February and the month of March. ForUlmus, the start of the pollen season ranged between 30 January and 8 February; forPlatanus, between 13 and 17 March; and forOlea, between 20 April and 13 May. The accumulated temperature needed to induce the onset of flowering ranged between 121 and 256°C forUlmus, with values of 428–607°C and 656–881°C forPlatanus andOlea, respectively.  相似文献   

芦芽山林线白杄生长季径向生长动态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
高山林线作为树木分布的高度上限, 是全球范围最重要的植被过渡带之一, 其树木生长显著受到外界极端环境条件的影响。利用点状树木径向变化记录仪于2009年5-9月, 对山西省芦芽山林线组成树种白杄(Picea meyeri)生长季内树木径向生长进行了持续的动态监测。结果表明: 白杄茎干日变化主要受到树木蒸腾作用日变化的影响, 茎干呈现出白天脱水收缩与夜间吸水膨胀的循环变化; 生长季白杄径向生长可划分为3个不同的生长时段: 1)茎干水分恢复时段, 2)茎干快速生长时段, 3)茎干脱水收缩时段。在茎干水分恢复时段, 白杄茎干径向累积变化主要受到土壤含水量变化的影响。土壤温度是茎干快速生长时段影响茎干径向生长的主导环境因子, 同时它也影响着白杄茎干径向生长的开始。在茎干脱水收缩时段, 土壤温度、土壤含水量是影响茎干径向累积变化的主要环境因子。白杄径向生长最大速度出现在6月末, 其主要受到光周期(即白昼长短)影响, 是对林线处极端环境的一种适应。  相似文献   

1. A series of laboratory-based equations on trout growth and bioenergetics developed by J.M. Elliott were applied to data collected for brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) under field conditions in Co. Mayo, Western Ireland. Fish were collected by electrofishing eight upland streams with contrasting riparian vegetation; grassland, open canopy and closed canopy deciduous.
2. Stream temperatures, one of the main influencing factors on fish growth and energetics, did not differ significantly between riparian types.
3. Observed growth rates were lower than the predicted maximum growth rates and were not influenced by riparian vegetation type. Growth ranged between 0.66% day−1 for 0 + trout to 0.08% day−1 for 2 + trout.
4. Production estimates showed no clear difference between riparian vegetation types over the growing season.
5. Fish densities and biomass tended to be greater in closed canopy streams particularly in summer.
6. Actual ration sizes calculated for trout were similar to the ration required for maintenance metabolism and were only 45–63% of the maximum potential rations. Although there was an ontogenetic increase in ration size with increasing fish age, the proportion of ration available for growth (i.e. the difference between actual and maintenance rations) did not differ between age classes but was greatest in summer. 1+ and 2+ trout show greatest ration available for growth in grassland streams.
7. Trout growth did not differ between riparian vegetation types but did vary seasonally with greatest attainment in summer. Growth was limited in the present study possibly due to combined effects of reduced prey available to fish and low stream temperatures reducing metabolic requirements. In such food limited systems, terrestrial invertebrate energy subsidies could have significant benefits to brown trout growth, production and bioenergetics.  相似文献   

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