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The trade‐off between reproductive investment and lifespan is the single most important concept in life‐history theory. A variety of sources of evidence support the existence of this trade‐off, but the physiological costs of reproduction that underlie this relationship remain poorly understood. The Free Radical Theory of Ageing suggests that oxidative stress, which occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of damaging Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and protective antioxidants, may be an important mediator of this trade‐off. We sought to test this theory by manipulating the reproductive investment of female mice (Mus musculus domesticus) and measuring the effects on a number of life history and oxidative stress variables. Females with a greater reproductive load showed no consistent increase in oxidative damage above females who had a smaller reproductive load. The groups differed, however, in their food consumption, reproductive scheduling and mean offspring mass. Of particular note, females with a very high reproductive load delayed blastocyst implantation of their second litter, potentially mitigating the costs of energetically costly reproductive periods. Our results highlight that females use strategies to offset particularly costly periods of reproduction and illustrate the absence of a simple relationship between oxidative stress and reproduction.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a major cytoplasmic calcium receptor that performs multiple functions including cell motility. To investigate the mechanism of the regulation of CaM on cell morphology and motility, first we checked the distribution of CaM in the living cells using GFP-CaM as an indicator. We found that GFP-CaM showed a fiber-like distribution pattern in the cytosol of living Potorous tridactylis kidney (PtK2) cells but not in living HeLa cells. The endogenous CaM in heavily permeabilized HeLa was also found to display a fiber-like distribution pattern. Further examination showed that the distribution pattern of GFP-CaM was same as that of stress fibers, but not microtubules. Co-immunoprecipitation also showed that CaM can interact with actin directly or indirectly. The microinjection of trp peptide, a specific inhibitor of CaM, attenuated the polymerization of stress fibers and induced the alteration of cell morphology. A wound-healing assay and a single cell tracking experiment showed that CaM in PtK2 cells could increase cell motility. The data we have got from living cells suggested that CaM affect cell morphology and motility through binding to stress fibers and regulate f-actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Changes of the redox balance in cells alter the availability of intracellular free Zn(2+). Here, cells were exposed to ultraviolet (UV)-A, UV-B, or infrared (IR)-A light irradiation, and the intracellular free zinc pool was monitored. Under sublethal conditions only UV-A irradiation resulted in a transient cytoplasmic and nuclear increase of intracellular free Zn(2+). Likewise, tert-butyl hydroperoxide and singlet oxygen, but not H(2)O(2) or intracellular generation of O(2)(*-) by redox cyclers, mimicked the effects of UV-A irradiation, while disulfide stress by diamide only led to a transient cytoplasmic zinc release. These results show that only certain types of subtoxic cellular stress massively disturb the zinc homeostasis in cells.  相似文献   

Shiue SJ  Kao KM  Leu WM  Chen LY  Chan NL  Hu NT 《The EMBO journal》2006,25(7):1426-1435
GspE belongs to a secretion NTPase superfamily, members of which are involved in type II/IV secretion, type IV pilus biogenesis and DNA transport in conjugation or natural transformation. Predicted to be a cytoplasmic protein, GspE has nonetheless been shown to be membrane-associated by interacting with the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of GspL. By taking biochemical and genetic approaches, we observed that ATP binding triggers oligomerization of Xanthomonas campestris XpsE (a GspE homolog) as well as its association with the N-terminal domain of XpsL (a GspL homolog). While isolated XpsE exhibits very low intrinsic ATPase activity, association with XpsL appears to stimulate ATP hydrolysis. Mutation at a conserved lysine residue in the XpsE Walker A motif causes reduction in its ATPase activity without significantly influencing its interaction with XpsL, congruent with the notion that XpsE-XpsL association precedes ATP hydrolysis. For the first time, functional significance of ATP binding to GspE in type II secretion system is clearly demonstrated. The implications may also be applicable to type IV pilus biogenesis.  相似文献   

R A Shephard 《Life sciences》1988,43(11):897-904
The effects of sodium valproate (100 and 300 mg/kg) on fluid consumption in water deprived rats were assessed. Drinking was inhibited to approximately equal extents by a water pre-load, by d-amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg), by neophobia and by shock at mild (0.3mA) or moderate (0.5mA) intensities, the latter condition having an enhanced level of deprivation also. At both doses valproate significantly enhanced drinking in the neophobia, mild shock and moderate shock conditions but failed to increase drinking suppressed by pre-load or d-amphetamine. It is concluded that the increases in drinking suppressed by neophobia or shock which valproate induces are due to anxiolytic actions of the drug and not non-specific enhancement of fluid consumption. The present results also constitute a further parallel between the actions of valproate and those of benzodiazepines.  相似文献   

We previously reported that glucose intake amplifies cortisol response to psychosocial stress and smoking in healthy young men, while low blood glucose levels prevented the stress-induced activation of the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. However, it remains unknown whether this modulation is specific for glucose load or a more common effect of energy availability. To elucidate this question, 37 healthy men, who fasted for at least 8 h before the experiment, were randomly assigned to four experimental groups, who received glucose (n = 8), protein (n = 10), fat (n = 10), and water (n = 9), one h before their exposure to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Blood glucose levels were measured at baseline and following stress, while salivary cortisol was assessed repeatedly measured before after the TSST. The results show that both absolute cortisol levels and net cortisol increase were greater in the glucose group in comparison to the other groups (F(3,33) = 3.00, P < 0.05 and F(3,33) = 3.08, P < 0.05, respectively. No group differences were observed with respect to perceived stress and mood. Furthermore, the cortisol response was positively correlated with blood glucose changes (r = 0.49, P < 0.002). In conclusion, the results suggest a central mechanism responsible for regulation of energy balance and HPA axis activation, rather than peripheral mechanisms. We thus recommend controlling for blood glucose levels when studying HPA axis responsiveness.  相似文献   

1. The precontracted gastric ligament of the starfish Asterias rubens relaxed to ATP, adenosine and adrenaline.2. The response to ATP was blocked by the sulphonylurea derivative glibenclamide, which is a potent inhibitor of mammalian ATP-modulated K+ channels.3. Although ATP and adenosine had equal potencies, adenosine was not blocked by glibenclamide, which suggests that a separate receptor or mechanism of action is mediating the response to adenosine. Responses to adrenaline were also unaffected by glibenclamide.4. These results imply that adenosine and ATP act on different invertebrate purine receptors, analogous to the P1- and P2-purinoceptors of vertebrates. It is suggested that glibenclamide may be useful in the subclassification of purinoceptors.  相似文献   

We investigated the antinutritional effect of white tea extract (0, 15, and 45 mg of the tea solid extract per kilogram body weight) incorporated in the drinking water of rats for 3 and 30 days. Gender-based differences were found for all these variables, except apparent protein digestibility and the apparent absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and iron. White tea extract consumption did not significantly change body weight gain, food intake, food efficiency, protein efficiency ratio, apparent protein digestibility, nitrogen balance, or the apparent absorption of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. Nevertheless, the apparent absorption of iron was slightly (15–18%) but significantly (P < 0.05) lower in rats that consumed white tea at the highest dose compared with the control groups at both 3 and 30 days. Our results suggest that the usual consumption of white tea is safe, although its effect on long-term iron absorption at high doses warrants more detailed investigation.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic genomes encode a considerably higher fraction of multi-domain proteins than their prokaryotic counterparts. It has been postulated that efficient co-translational and sequential domain folding has facilitated the explosive evolution of multi-domain proteins in eukaryotes by the recombination of pre-existent domains. Here, we tested whether eukaryotes and bacteria differ generally in the folding efficiency of multi-domain proteins generated by domain recombination. To this end, we compared the folding behavior of a series of recombinant proteins comprised of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to four different robustly folding proteins through six different linkers upon expression in Escherichia coli and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that, unlike yeast, bacteria are remarkably inefficient at folding these fusion proteins, even at comparable levels of expression. In vitro and in vivo folding experiments demonstrate that the GFP domain imposes significant constraints on de novo folding of its fusion partners in bacteria, consistent with a largely post-translational folding mechanism. This behavior may result from an interference of GFP with adjacent domains during folding due to the particular topology of the beta-barrel GFP structure. By following the accumulation of enzymatic activity, we found that the rate of appearance of correctly folded fusion protein per ribosome is indeed considerably higher in yeast than in bacteria.  相似文献   

The influence of low (3 μM) and high (60 and 120 μM) cadmium (Cd) concentrations were studied on selected aspects of metabolism in 4-week-old chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) plants. After 10 days’ exposure, dry mass accumulation and nitrogen content were not significantly altered under any of the levels of Cd. However, there was a significant decline in chlorophyll and water content in the leaves. Among coumarin-related compounds, herniarin was not affected by Cd, while its precursors (Z)- and (E)-2-β-d-glucopyranosyloxy-4-methoxycinnamic acids (GMCAs) increased significantly at all the levels of Cd tested. Cd did not have any effect on umbelliferone, a stress metabolite of chamomile. Lipid peroxidation was also not affected by even 120 μM Cd. Cd accumulation was approximately seven- (60 μM Cd treatment) to eleven- (120 μM Cd treatment) fold higher in the roots than that in the leaves. At high concentrations, it stimulated potassium leakage from the roots, while at the lowest concentration it could stimulate potassium uptake. The results supported the hypothesis that metabolism was altered only slightly under high Cd stress, indicating that chamomile is tolerant to this metal. Preferential Cd accumulation in the roots indicated that chamomile could not be classified as a hyperaccumulator and, therefore, it is unsuitable for phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Rats exposed to restraint stress for 3 h on each of 3 days lose weight and do not return to the weight of their non-stressed controls for extended periods of time. Studies described here demonstrate that the initial weight loss is associated with increased energy expenditure and reduced food intake on the days of restraint but that there is no difference between stressed and control rats once stress ends. The failure to compensate for this energy deficit accounts for the sustained reduction in weight which lasts for up to 80 days after the end of restraint. In an additional experiment, in situ hybridization was used to measure mRNA expression of corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) and CRF receptors in hypothalamic nuclei, of urocortin (UCN) in the Edinger Westphal nucleus and of UCN III in the rostral perifornical area and medial amygdaloidal nucleus. Immediately after the second 3 h bout of restraint stress, there was a significant increase in expression of UCN in the Edinger Westphal nucleus and of CRF-R1 in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and a less pronounced decrease in CRF-R2 expression in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. There were no differences in expression of stress-related peptides or their receptors 40 days after the end of repeated restraint. These results suggest that the sustained reduction in body weight and increased responsiveness to subsequent stressors in rats that have been exposed to repeated restraint are not associated with prolonged changes in mRNA expression of CRF receptors or their ligands.  相似文献   

The viability of non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ)-defective mice suggests that homologous recombination (HR) might take over its role in DNA repair. To test this hypothesis, we examined gene targeting frequencies (TF) in DNA-PK(cs), Ku80 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP-1) nullizygous cells. We observed a 3-fold TF increase in PARP-1 knockout embryonic stem (ES) cells, which is consistent with the predicted role of PARP-1 as a switch between HR and NHEJ. To a lesser extent, such effect could be reproduced upon chemical inhibition of PARP-1. However, TF was not enhanced in Ku80- or DNA-PK(cs)-defective cells. Our study also suggests an unexpected involvement of DNA-PK(cs) in HR.  相似文献   

Amyloid-beta (Abeta) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are the hallmark neuropathological lesions of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Using a triple transgenic model (3xTg-AD) that develops both lesions in AD-relevant brain regions, we determined the consequence of Abeta clearance on the development of tau pathology. Here we show that Abeta immunotherapy reduces not only extracellular Abeta plaques but also intracellular Abeta accumulation and most notably leads to the clearance of early tau pathology. We find that Abeta deposits are cleared first and subsequently reemerge prior to the tau pathology, indicative of a hierarchical and direct relationship between Abeta and tau. The clearance of the tau pathology is mediated by the proteasome and is dependent on the phosphorylation state of tau, as hyperphosphorylated tau aggregates are unaffected by the Abeta antibody treatment. These findings indicate that Abeta immunization may be useful for clearing both hallmark lesions of AD, provided that intervention occurs early in the disease course.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In yeasts and animals, cyclin-dependent kinases are key regulators of cell cycle progression and are negatively and positively regulated by WEE1 kinase and CDC25 phosphatase, respectively. In higher plants a full-length orthologue of CDC25 has not been isolated but a shorter gene with homology only to the C-terminal catalytic domain is present. The Arabidopis thaliana;CDC25 can act as a phosphatase in vitro. Since in arabidopsis, WEE1 plays an important role in the DNA damage/DNA replication checkpoints, the role of Arath;CDC25 in conditions that induce these checkpoints or induce abiotic stress was tested.


arath;cdc25 T-DNA insertion lines, Arath;CDC25 over-expressing lines and wild type were challenged with hydroxyurea (HU) and zeocin, substances that stall DNA replication and damage DNA, respectively, together with an abiotic stressor, NaCl. A molecular and phenotypic assessment was made of all genotypes

Key Results

There was a null phenotypic response to perturbation of Arath;CDC25 expression under control conditions. However, compared with wild type, the arath;cdc25 T-DNA insertion lines were hypersensitive to HU, whereas the Arath;CDC25 over-expressing lines were relatively insensitive. In particular, the over-expressing lines consistently outgrew the T-DNA insertion lines and wild type when challenged with HU. All genotypes were equally sensitive to zeocin and NaCl.


Arath;CDC25 plays a role in overcoming stress imposed by HU, an agent know to induce the DNA replication checkpoint in arabidopsis. However, it could not enhance tolerance to either a zeocin treatment, known to induce DNA damage, or salinity stress.  相似文献   

Proper sensing of stress and the initiation of the stress response are critical to maintaining cell viability in response to noxious stimuli. Induction of the stress response prior to the exposure of a lethal stress (preconditioning) can be protective. Heat shock proteins (Hsps), the main products of the stress response, are considered to be responsible for this protective effect. Most cells readily initiate a stress response, but some neuronal phenotypes, including motoneurons (MNs), have a diminished capacity to do so. We have found that, given a proper stimulus, MNs can execute a heat stress response; but, it does not protect them from death caused by hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) induced oxidative stress, despite inhibiting H(2)O(2)-induced caspase activation. Conversely, we demonstrate that incubation with the heat shock cognate 70 (Hsc70) protein prior to oxidative insult can protect MNs from oxidative stress. This survival promoting effect may be mediated through the substrate binding domain (SBD) of Hsc70. Our data suggest that stress preconditioning may not be beneficial to MNs, but that pharmacological interventions and alternative means of acquiring components of the stress response are an effective means of ameliorating lethal stress in MNs and may be potentially useful therapeutically in preventing pathological MN loss.  相似文献   

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