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Parasite host range plays a pivotal role in the evolution and ecology of hosts and the emergence of infectious disease. Although the factors that promote host range and the epidemiological consequences of variation in host range are relatively well characterized, the effect of parasite host range on host resistance evolution is less well understood. In this study, we tested the impact of parasite host range on host resistance evolution. To do so, we used the host bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and a diverse suite of coevolved viral parasites (lytic bacteriophage Φ2) with variable host ranges (defined here as the number of host genotypes that can be infected) as our experimental model organisms. Our results show that resistance evolution to coevolved phages occurred at a much lower rate than to ancestral phage (approximately 50% vs. 100%), but the host range of coevolved phages did not influence the likelihood of resistance evolution. We also show that the host range of both single parasites and populations of parasites does not affect the breadth of the resulting resistance range in a naïve host but that hosts that evolve resistance to single parasites are more likely to resist other (genetically) more closely related parasites as a correlated response. These findings have important implications for our understanding of resistance evolution in natural populations of bacteria and viruses and other host–parasite combinations with similar underlying infection genetics, as well as the development of phage therapy.  相似文献   

Aim Comparative evidence for phylogenetic niche conservatism – the tendency for lineages to retain their ancestral niches over long time scales – has so far been mixed, depending on spatial and taxonomic scale. We quantify and compare conservatism in the climatic factors defining range boundaries in extant continental mammals and amphibians in order to identify those factors that are most evolutionarily conserved, and thus hypothesized to have played a major role in determining the geographic distributions of many species. We also test whether amphibians show stronger signals of climatic niche conservatism, as expected from their greater physiological sensitivity and lower dispersal abilities. Location Global; continental land masses excluding Antarctica. Methods We used nearly complete global distributional databases to estimate the climatic niche conservatism in extant continental mammals and amphibians. We characterized the climatic niche of each species by using a suite of variables and separately investigate conservatism in each variable using both taxonomic and phylogenetic approaches. Finally, we explored the spatial, taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns in recent climatic niche evolution. Results Amphibians and mammals showed congruent patterns of conservatism in cold tolerance, with assemblages of escapee species (i.e. those escaping most from the climatic constraints of their ancestors) aggregated in the North Temperate Zone. Main conclusions The relative strength of climatic niche conservatism varies across the variables tested, but is strongest for cold tolerance in both mammals and amphibians. Despite the apparent conservatism in this variable, there is also a strong signal of recent evolutionary shifts in cold tolerance in assemblages inhabiting the North Temperate Zone. Our results thus indicate that distribution patterns of both taxa are influenced by both niche conservatism and niche evolution.  相似文献   

Conflicts over mating decisions characterize the sexual behaviour of many insects, in particular when males encounter females that already carry enough sperm to fertilize their eggs, since a mating often will inflict greater costs than benefits upon females. Therefore, coevolutionary models predict adaptation and counter-adaptation by the sexes in a battle to control the outcome of sexual encounters. A phylogenetic analysis was performed on patterns of sexual dimorphism and mating systems within water striders (Hemiptera, Gerridae). Phylogenetic effects or 'constraints' have significantly shaped patterns of sexual dimorphism in female/ male size ratios, legs and genitalia of males, and the structure of the female abdomen. Males of ancestral gerrids were probably slightly smaller than conspecific females, had powerful fore legs adapted to grasp the female's thorax during mating, and had clasping genitalic structures suited to grasp or pinch the female posteriorly. Most gerrids have a female/male size ratio between 1.05 and 1.14, but more pronounced sexual size ratios (above 1.25) have independently evolved several times in the family, usually in association with extended post-copulatory mate guarding. The comparative, phylogenetic analysis suggests coevolution of female anticlasper and male clasping devices for the clade comprising the subfamilies Cylindrostethinae, Ptilomerinae, and Halobatinae while female anticlasper devices have evolved in the absence of male clasping genitalia in the Gerrinae. The ancestral and most common mating system in gerrids is 'scramble competition polygyny' from which has evolved 'resource defence polygyny' at least four times independently of each other. The phylogenetic effects on patterns of mating behaviour are much less obvious, as exemplified by the large amount of interspecific variation in some genera.  相似文献   

According to the Red Queen hypothesis, clonal diversity in asexual populations could be maintained by negative frequency‐dependant selection by coevolving parasites. If common clones are selected against and rare clones gain a concomitant advantage, we expect that clonal turnover should be faster during parasite epidemics than between them. We tested this hypothesis exploring field data of the DaphniaCaullerya host–parasite system. The clonal make‐up and turnover of the Daphnia host population was tracked with high temporal resolution from 1998 until 2013, using first allozyme and later microsatellite markers. Significant differences in the clonal composition between random and infected subsamples of Daphnia populations were detected on six of seven tested occasions, confirming genetic specificity of the host–parasite interaction in this system. We used time series analysis to compare the rates of host clonal turnover to the incidence of parasitism, and found that Caullerya prevalence was significantly associated with microsatellite‐based clonal turnover. As alternate hypotheses, we further tested whether turnover was related to a variety of biotic, abiotic, and host demographic parameters. Other significant correlates of turnover were cyanobacterial biomass and (weakly) temperature. Overall, parasitism seems to be a strong driver of host clonal turnover, in support of the Red Queen hypothesis.  相似文献   

As the evolutionary interests of males and females are frequently divergent, a trait value that is optimal for the fitness of one sex is often not optimal for the other. A shared genome also means that the same genes may underlie the same trait in both sexes. This can give rise to a form of sexual antagonism, known as intralocus sexual conflict (IASC). Here, a tug‐of‐war over allelic expression can occur, preventing the sexes from reaching optimal trait values, thereby causing sex‐specific reductions in fitness. For some traits, it appears that IASC can be resolved via sex‐specific regulation of genes that subsequently permits sexual dimorphism; however, it seems that whole‐genome resolution may be impossible, due to the genetic architecture of certain traits, and possibly due to the changing dynamics of selection. In this review, we explore the evolutionary mechanisms of, and barriers to, IASC resolution. We also address the broader consequences of this evolutionary feud, the possible interactions between intra‐ and interlocus sexual conflict (IRSC: a form of sexual antagonism involving different loci in each sex), and draw attention to issues that arise from using proxies as measurements of conflict. In particular, it is clear that the sex‐specific fitness consequences of sexual dimorphism require characterization before making assumptions concerning how this relates to IASC. Although empirical data have shown consistent evidence of the fitness effects of IASC, it is essential that we identify the alleles mediating these effects in order to show IASC in its true sense, which is a “conflict over shared genes.”  相似文献   

Tree pests cause billions of dollars of damage annually; yet, we know little about what limits their regional composition and distribution. Here, we model the co-occurrence of 4510 pests and 981 tree host genera spread across 233 countries. We show the composition of tree pests is primarily driven by the phylogenetic composition of host trees, whereas effects of climate and geography tend to be more minor. Pests that utilise many hosts tend to be more widespread; however, most pests do not fill the geographic range of their hosts—indicating that many pests could expand their extents if able to overcome barriers limiting their current distribution. Our results suggest that the establishment of pests in new regions may be largely dictated by the presence of suitable host trees, but more work is needed to fully understand the influences climate has on the distributions of individual pest species.  相似文献   

Bumblebees and other eusocial bees offer a unique opportunity to analyze the evolution of body size differences between sexes. The workers, being sterile females, are not subject to selection for reproductive function and thus provide a natural control for parsing the effects of selection on reproductive function (i.e., sexual and fecundity selection) from other natural selection. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach, we explored the allometric relationships among queens, males, and workers in 70 species of bumblebees (Bombus sp.). We found hyperallometry in thorax width for males relative to workers, indicating greater evolutionary divergence of body size in males than in sterile females. This is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for reproductive function, most probably sexual selection, has caused divergence in male size among species. The slope for males on workers was significantly steeper than that for queens on workers and the latter did not depart from isometry, providing further evidence of greater evolutionary divergence in male size than female size, and no evidence that reproductive selection has accelerated divergence of females. We did not detect significant hyperallometry when male size was regressed directly on queen size and our results thus add the genus Bombus to the increasing list of clades that have female-larger sexual size dimorphism and do not conform to Rensch's rule when analyzed according to standard methodology. Nevertheless, by using worker size as a common control, we were able to demonstrate that bumblee species do show the evolutionary pattern underlying Rensch's rule, that being correlated evolution of body size in males and females, but with greater evolutionary divergence in males.  相似文献   

The subtribe Diabroticina is a large group of New World Chrysomelidae that includes corn rootworms, cucumber beetles and other pests. Recent introductions of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte into Europe, and the development of resistances to current management practices of rootworms in the USA have increased interest in new sustainable options for managing those pests. The only parasitoids that have been shown to consistently target and develop inside the beetle adults are Centistes gasseni Shaw, Centistes diabroticae Gahan (both Hym.: Braconidae), and Celatoria diabroticae Shimer, Celatoria compressa (Wulp), Celatoria bosqi Blanchard, and Celatoria setosa Coquillett (all Diptera: Tachinidae). This review improves our understanding of the realised and potential host range of these known parasitoids by rectifying erroneous references in light of new host records and from laboratory host range tests. Based on this critical review, all tachinid and braconid species studied are considered to be specific at least to the level of subtribe, i.e. Diabroticina. Celatoria setosa, Celatoria diabroticae and C. bosqi, have a narrow realized and potential host range; the former is restricted to the genus Acalymma and the last two to the fucata and virgifera groups of the genus Diabrotica. The braconids Centistes gasseni and C. diabroticae are also specific. The realized host range of C. gasseni includes species in the Diabrotica fucata and virgifera groups; while its potential host range also includes Acalymma species. The realized and potential host range of Centistes diabroticae includes Acalymma species as well as species in the fucata and virgifera groups of Diabrotica. Celatoria compressa has the broadest realised range compared to the other species studied, since it was obtained from species in several genera of Diabroticina; and its potential host range may also include Old World Aulacophora species.  相似文献   

【目的】为了从生物学和化学生态学角度探讨弯头细蛾Epicephala ancylopa和寄主三室算盘子Glochidion sp.间专性传粉的互利共生关系稳定性。【方法】本研究在野外观察和室内实验的基础上,对专性传粉育幼互利共生体系中三室算盘子、弯头细蛾生物学特性进行详细研究,探究互利共生双方利益得失;用动态顶空吸附法分别收集三室算盘子雄花和雌花气味物质,运用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析并鉴定其有效成分,用峰面积归一化与内标法定性定量;最后通过主成分分析法比较雄花和雌花之间气味化学成分的差异性。【结果】弯头细蛾在云南省普洱太阳河国家森林公园每年有1个世代,成虫和幼虫的活动时间分别在3-4月和8-10月。三室算盘子结实率为44.20%,被蛀食率为69.94%,平均每头幼虫消耗2.55枚种子来满足自身生长发育,寄主植物留有83.06%完好的种子,以维持互利共生关系的稳定。三室算盘子雌雄花气味中共鉴定出24种挥发物,主要以单萜类和倍半萜类物质为主,其中(Z)-罗勒烯和β-榄香烯两种萜类物质含量最高(分别为47.11%和22.72%),推测其是吸引弯头细蛾传粉的主要气味成分;雄花和雌花之间气味化学成分存在明显的差异,具有两性异型性。【结论】弯头细蛾通过以卵越夏和以蛹越冬对策,实现成虫发生期与三室算盘子花期的精准匹配。弯头细蛾成虫白天静伏,傍晚开始活动,三室算盘子花的气味物质也只在晚上才明显释放,且雌雄花气味化学成分的两性异型性有利于弯头细蛾辨别雌雄花,以完成采集花粉与传粉行为。该研究结果为头细蛾属昆虫与算盘子属植物专性传粉互利共生关系稳定性的维持机制提供了新的依据,也为深入开展通过触角电生理检测和生物行为实验来筛选吸引传粉头细蛾的活性物质提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Several prominent evolutionary theories propose mechanisms whereby the evolution of a defensive trait or suite of traits causes significant shifts in species diversification rate and niche evolution. We investigate the role of cuticular spines, a highly variable morphological defensive trait in the hyperdiverse ant genus Polyrhachis, on species diversification and geographic range size. Informed by key innovation theory and the escape-and-radiate hypothesis, we predicted that clades with longer spines would exhibit elevated rates of diversification and larger range sizes compared to clades with shorter spines. To address these predictions, we estimated phylogenetic relationships with a phylogenomic approach utilizing ultraconserved elements and compiled morphological and biogeographic trait databases. In contrast to the first prediction, we found no association between diversification rate and any trait (spine length, body size and range size), with the sole exception of a positive association between range size and diversification in one of three trait-based diversification analyses. However, we recovered a positive phylogenetic correlation between spine length and geographic range size, suggesting that spines promote expanded geographic range. Notably, these results were consistent across analyses using different phylogenetic inference approaches and spine trait measurement schemes. This study provides a rare investigation of the role of a defensive trait on geographic range size, and ultimately supports the hypothesis that defensive spines are a factor in increased range size in Polyrhachis ants. Furthermore, the lack of support for an association between spines and diversification, which contrasts with previous work demonstrating a positive association between spines and diversification rate, is intriguing and warrants further study.  相似文献   

Snake diversity varies by at least two orders of magnitude among extant lineages, with numerous groups containing only one or two species, and several young clades exhibiting exceptional richness (>700 taxa). With a phylogeny containing all known families and subfamilies, we find that these patterns cannot be explained by background rates of speciation and extinction. The majority of diversity appears to derive from a radiation within the superfamily Colubroidea, potentially stemming from the colonization of new areas and the evolution of advanced venom-delivery systems. In contrast, negative relationships between clade age, clade size, and diversification rate suggest the potential for possible bias in estimated diversification rates, interpreted by some recent authors as support for ecologically mediated limits on diversity. However, evidence from the fossil record indicates that numerous lineages were far more diverse in the past, and that extinction has had an important impact on extant diversity patterns. Thus, failure to adequately account for extinction appears to prevent both rate- and diversity-limited models from fully characterizing richness dynamics in snakes. We suggest that clade-level extinction may provide a key mechanism for explaining negative or hump-shaped relationships between clade age and diversity, and the prevalence of ancient, species-poor lineages in numerous groups.  相似文献   

Aim  Comparative studies have revealed strong links between ecological factors and the number of parasite species harboured by different hosts, but studies of different taxonomic host groups have produced inconsistent results. As a step towards understanding the general patterns of parasite species richness, we present results from a new comprehensive data base of over 7000 host–parasite combinations representing 146 species of carnivores (Mammalia: Carnivora) and 980 species of parasites.
Methods  We used both phylogenetic and non-phylogenetic comparative methods while controlling for unequal sampling effort within a multivariate framework to ascertain the main determinants of parasite species richness in carnivores.
Results  We found that body mass, population density, geographical range size and distance from the equator are correlated with overall parasite species richness in fissiped carnivores. When parasites are classified by transmission mode, body mass and home range area are the main determinants of the richness of parasites spread by close contact between hosts, and population density, geographical range size and distance from the equator account for the diversity of parasites that are not dependent on close contact. For generalist parasites, population density, geographical range size and latitude are the primary predictors of parasite species richness. We found no significant ecological correlates for the richness of specialist or vector-borne parasites.
Main conclusions  Although we found that parasite species richness increases instead of decreases with distance from the equator, other comparative patterns in carnivores support previous findings in primates, suggesting that similar ecological factors operate in both these independent evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟体重和体型的地理变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探明亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis体重和体型地理变异,我们详细比较了来自4个不同地理种群(海南乐东18.8°N, 109.2°E),广西阳朔24.8°N, 110.5°E),江西南昌28.8°N, 115.9°E)和河北廊坊39.5°N, 116.7°E))亚洲玉米螟的体重、体型大小及其与采集地纬度的关系。结果表明:不同地理种群的亚洲玉米螟卵重随纬度的升高而逐渐增大,符合贝格曼法则(Bergmann’s law), 而雌雄蛹重及成虫体长、后足腿节长和前翅长均随纬度的升高而逐渐减小, 符合反贝格曼法则(Converse Bergmann’s law)。雌虫的前翅显著长于雄虫, 其性体型二型性符合任希法则(Rensch’s rule),即在雌虫体型较大的种群中,雄虫前翅比雌虫前翅增长幅度相对较大。本文结果进一步揭示了即使在同一种类昆虫中,其各个虫态体重和体型的地理变异也可能不同。  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism is ultimately the result of independent, sex-specific selection on body size. In mammals, male-biased sexual size dimorphism is the predominant pattern, and it is usually attributed to the polygynous mating system prevalent in most mammals. This sole explanation is unsatisfying because selection acts on both sexes simultaneously, therefore any explanation of sexual size dimorphism should explain why one sex is relatively large and the other is small. Using mark-recapture techniques and DNA microsatellite loci to assign parentage, we examined sex-specific patterns of annual reproductive success and survival in the yellow-pine chipmunk (Tamias amoenus), a small mammal with female-biased sexual size dimorphism, to test the hypothesis that the dimorphism was related to sex differences in the relationship between body size and fitness. Chipmunks were monitored and body size components measured over three years in the Kananaskis Valley, Alberta, Canada. Male reproductive success was independent of body size perhaps due to trade-offs in body size associated with behavioral components of male mating success: dominance and running speed. Male survival was consistent with stabilizing selection for overall body size and body size components. The relationship between reproductive success and female body size fluctuated. In two of three years the relationship was positive, whereas in one year the relationship was negative. This may have been the result of differences in environmental conditions among years. Large females require more energy to maintain their soma than small females and may be unable to maintain lactation in the face of challenging environmental conditions. Female survival was positively related to body size, with little evidence for stabilizing selection. Sex differences in the relationship between body size and fitness (reproductive success and survival) were the result of different processes, but were ultimately consistent with female-biased sexual size dimorphism evident in this species.  相似文献   

Parasites often jump to and become established in a new host species. There is much evidence that the probability of such host shifts decreases with increasing phylogenetic distance between donor and recipient hosts, but the consequences of such preferential host switching remain little explored. We develop a computational model to investigate the dynamics of parasite host shifts in the presence of this phylogenetic distance effect. In this model, a clade of parasites evolves on an evolving clade of host species where parasites can cospeciate with their hosts, switch to new hosts, speciate within hosts or become extinct. Our model predicts that host phylogenies are major determinants of parasite distributions across trees. In particular, we predict that trees consisting of few large clades of host species and those with fast species turnover should harbor more parasites than trees with many small clades and those that diversify more slowly. Within trees, large clades are predicted to exhibit a higher fraction of infected species than small clades. We discuss our results in the light of recent cophylogenetic studies in a wide range of host–parasite systems.  相似文献   

Abstract  Under controlled conditions of 25°C and 14 h light, adult Pezothrips kellyanus (Bagnall) were observed to have a peak mating time at 17:00 h, this almost coinciding with the time of minimum feeding. Filter papers on which males had walked attracted both sexes, the attraction being strongest when the odour was collected during the mating period and subsequently offered during this period. Field observations indicate that males aggregate and that females approach such aggregations for mating. In Australia, in the vicinity of citrus orchards, this thrips is associated particularly with non-Australian perfumed white flowers. However, recent collecting indicates that the species is widespread in south-eastern coastal areas far distant from citrus cultivation, in the flowers of an Australian native plant, Myoporum insulare . Despite this host plant evidence, morphological evidence continues to suggest retention of the species in the northern hemisphere genus Pezothrips Karny, and thus the country of origin of the pest remains in doubt.  相似文献   

Host‐parasite coevolution is predicted to have complex evolutionary consequences, potentially leading to the emergence of genetic and phenotypic diversity for both antagonists. However, little is known about variation in phenotypic responses to coevolution between different parasite strains exposed to the same experimental conditions. We infected Caenorhabditis elegans with one of two strains of Bacillus thuringiensis and either allowed the host and the parasite to experimentally coevolve (coevolution treatment) or allowed only the parasite to adapt to the host (one‐sided parasite adaptation). By isolating single parasite clones from evolved populations, we found phenotypic diversification of the ancestral strain into distinct clones, which varied in virulence toward ancestral hosts and competitive ability against other parasite genotypes. Parasite phenotypes differed remarkably not only between the two strains, but also between and within different replicate populations, indicating diversification of the clonal population caused by selection. This study highlights that the evolutionary selection pressure mediated by a multicellular host causes phenotypic diversification, but not necessarily with the same phenotypic outcome for different parasite strains.  相似文献   

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