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  • Studies of floral polymorphisms have focused on heterostyly, while stigma‐height dimorphism has received considerably less attention. Few studies have examined the reproductive biology of species with stigma‐height dimorphism to understand how factors influencing mate availability and pollen transfer are related to morph ratios in populations.
  • Floral morphological traits, especially herkogamy and reciprocity, pollinator visitation, breeding system and spatiotemporal mate availability, are known to affect inter‐morph pollination and morph ratios in species with stigma‐height dimorphism. In this study, we investigated the presence of stigma‐height dimorphism and estimated morph ratios in four naturally occurring populations of Jasminum malabaricum. We quantified morph‐ and population‐specific differences in the abovementioned factors in these populations to understand the observed morph ratios.
  • The positions of anthers and stigmas were characteristic of stigma‐height dimorphism, the first report of this polymorphism in the genus. All study populations were isoplethic, implying equal fitness of both morphs. Herkogamy was higher in the short‐styled morph, while reciprocity was higher between the long‐styled stigma and short‐styled anthers. Long‐ and short‐tongued pollinators were common floral visitors, and we observed no differences between morphs in spatiotemporal mate availability or pollinator visitation. Neither morph exhibited self‐ or heteromorphic incompatibility.
  • The short‐styled stigma had lower reciprocity but likely receives sufficient inter‐morph pollen from long‐tongued pollinators, and also by avoiding self‐pollination due to higher herkogamy. These results highlight the importance of sufficient effective pollinators and floral morphological features, particularly herkogamy, in maintaining isoplethy in species with stigma‐height dimorphism.

We describe the patterns of paternity success from laboratory mating experiments conducted in Antechinus agilis, a small size dimorphic carnivorous marsupial (males are larger than females). A previous study found last‐male sperm precedence in this species, but they were unable to sample complete litters, and did not take male size and relatedness into account. We tested whether last‐male sperm precedence regardless of male size still holds for complete litters. We explored the relationship between male mating order, male size, timing of mating and relatedness on paternity success. Females were mated with two males of different size with either the large or the small male first, with 1 day rest between the matings. Matings continued for 6 h. In these controlled conditions male size did not have a strong effect on paternity success, but mating order did. Males mating second sired 69.5% of the offspring. Within first mated males, males that mated closer to ovulation sired more offspring. To a lesser degree, variation appeared also to be caused by differences in genetic compatibility of the female and the male, where high levels of allele‐sharing resulted in lower paternity success.  相似文献   

Flower color polymorphism is relatively uncommon in natural flowering plants, suggesting that maintenance of different color morphs within populations is difficult. To address the selective mechanisms shaping pollen‐color dimorphism, pollinator preferences and reproductive performance were studied over three years in Epimedium pubescens in which some populations had plants with either green or yellow pollen (and anthers). Visitation rate and pollen removal and receipt by the bee pollinator (Andrena emeishanica) did not differ between the two color morphs. Compared to the green morph, siring success of the yellow morph's pollen was lower, but that of mixtures of pollen from green and yellow morphs was lowest. This difference, corresponding to in vivo and ex vivo experiments on pollen performance, indicated that pollen germination, rather than tube growth, of the green morph was higher than that of the yellow morph and was seriously constrained in both morphs if a pollen competitor was present. A rare green morph may invade a yellow‐morph population, but the coexistence of pollen color variants is complicated by the reduced siring success of mixed pollinations. Potential pollen competition between morphs may have discouraged the maintenance of multiple phenotypes within populations, a cryptic mechanism of competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

Plant mating systems are known to influence population genetic structure because pollen and seed dispersal are often spatially restricted. However, the reciprocal outcomes of population structure on the dynamics of polymorphic mating systems have received little attention. In gynodioecious sea beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima), three sexual types co‐occur: females carrying a cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) gene, hermaphrodites carrying a non‐CMS cytoplasm and restored hermaphrodites that carry CMS genes and nuclear restorer alleles. This study investigated the effects of fine‐scale genetic structure on male reproductive success of the two hermaphroditic forms. Our study population was strongly structured and characterized by contrasting local sex‐ratios. Pollen flow was constrained over short distances and depended on local plant density. Interestingly, restored hermaphrodites sired significantly more seedlings than non‐CMS hermaphrodites, despite the previous observation that the former produce pollen of lower quality than the latter. This result was explained by the higher frequency of females in the local vicinity of restored (CMS) hermaphrodites as compared to non‐CMS hermaphrodites. Population structure thus strongly influences individual fitness and may locally counteract the expected effects of selection, suggesting that understanding fine scale population processes is central to predicting the evolution of gender polymorphism in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Population genetic analyses were conducted to investigate whether random mating occurs between left and right‐mouth morphs of the dimorphic scale‐eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis from two geographical sites in southern Lake Tanganyika. The mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers (13 microsatellite loci) revealed no genetic differentiation between left and right morphs (i.e. widespread interbreeding). The observed lack of genetic divergence between the different morphs allowed for the exclusion of the possibility of assortative mating between same morph types. The microsatellite data showed no significant departures of heterozygosity from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, suggesting purely random mating between the morphs. Overall, this study indicated no genetic evidence for either assortative or disassortative mating, but it did provide support for the random mating hypothesis. Highly significant, albeit weak, spatial population structure was also found when samples of different morphs were pooled according to geographical sites. An additional analysis of two microsatellite loci that were recently suggested to be putatively linked to the genetic locus that determines the laterality of these mouth morphs did not show any such association.  相似文献   

Spatial separation of male and female reproductive structures (herkogamy) is a widespread floral trait that has traditionally been viewed as an adaptation that reduces the likelihood of self‐pollination. Here we propose that increased herkogamy may also influence another important aspect of plant mating: the diversity of pollen donors siring seeds within fruits. We test this hypothesis in Narcissus longispathus, a wild daffodil species with extensive variation in anther–stigma separation. To study the morphological basis of variation in herkogamy, floral measurements were undertaken in 16 populations of N. longispathus. We then quantified multilocus outcrossing rates and the correlation of outcrossed paternity in three of these populations sampled over several years. Mating system estimates were calculated for each population and year, and also separately for groups of plants that differed markedly in herkogamy within each population and year. In N. longispathus herkogamy was much more variable than other floral traits, and was more closely related to style length than to anther position. Averaged across populations and years, plants with high herkogamy had similar outcrossing rates (0.683) to plants with intermediate (0.648) or low herkogamy (0.590). However, a significant linear trend was found for correlation of outcrossed paternity, which increased monotonically from high herkogamy (0.221), through intermediate herkogamy (0.303) to low herkogamy (0.463) plants. The diversity of pollen donors siring seeds of high herkogamy Narcissus flowers was thus consistently greater than the diversity of pollen donors siring seeds of low herkogamy flowers. Results of this study contribute to the emerging consensus that floral traits can simultaneously influence several aspects of plant mating system in complex ways, thus extending the traditional focus centred exclusively on patterns and relative importance of self‐ and cross‐fertilisation.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key process in population and evolutionary ecology. Individual decisions are affected by fitness consequences of dispersal, but these are difficult to measure in wild populations. A long‐term dataset on a geographically closed bird population, the Mauritius kestrel, offers a rare opportunity to explore fitness consequences. Females dispersed further when the availability of local breeding sites was limited, whereas male dispersal correlated with phenotypic traits. Female but not male fitness was lower when they dispersed longer distances compared to settling close to home. These results suggest a cost of dispersal in females. We found evidence of both short‐ and long‐term fitness consequences of natal dispersal in females, including reduced fecundity in early life and more rapid aging in later life. Taken together, our results indicate that dispersal in early life might shape life history strategies in wild populations.  相似文献   

Pollination by nectarivorous birds is predicted to result in different patterns of pollen dispersal and plant mating compared to pollination by insects. We tested the prediction that paternal genetic diversity, outcrossing rate and realized pollen dispersal will be reduced when the primary pollinator group is excluded from bird‐pollinated plants. Pollinator exclusion experiments in conjunction with paternity analysis of progeny were applied to Eucalyptus caesia Benth. (Myrtaceae), a predominantly honeyeater‐pollinated tree that is visited by native insects and the introduced Apis mellifera (Apidae). Microsatellite genotyping at 14 loci of all adult E. caesia at two populations (n = 580 and 315), followed by paternity analysis of 705 progeny, revealed contrasting results between populations. Honeyeater exclusion did not significantly impact pollen dispersal or plant mating at Mount Caroline. In contrast, at the Chiddarcooping site, the exclusion of honeyeaters led to lower outcrossing rates, a threefold reduction in the average number of sires per fruit, a decrease in intermediate‐distance mating and an increase in near‐neighbour mating. The results from Chiddarcooping suggest that bird pollination may increase paternal genetic diversity, potentially leading to higher fitness of progeny and favouring the evolution of this strategy. However, further experimentation involving additional trees and study sites is required to test this hypothesis. Alternatively, insects may be effective pollinators in some populations of bird‐adapted plants, but ineffective in others.  相似文献   

Fisher's mechanism of sexual selection is a fundamental element of evolutionary theory. In it nonrandom mate choice causes a genetic covariance between a male trait and female preference for that trait and thereby generates a positive feedback process sustaining accelerated coevolution of the trait and preference. Numerous theoretical models of Fisher's mechanism have confirmed its mathematical underpinnings, yet biologists have often failed to find evidence for trait‐preference genetic correlation in populations in which the mechanism was expected to function. We undertook a survey of the literature to conduct a formal meta‐analysis probing the incidence and strength of trait‐preference correlation among animal species. Our meta‐analysis found significant positive genetic correlations in fewer than 20% of the species studied and an overall weighted correlation that is slightly positive. Importantly, a significant positive correlation was not found in any thorough study that included multiple subgroups. We discuss several ways in which the dynamic, multivariate nature of mate choice may reduce the trait‐preference genetic correlation predicted by Fisher's mechanism. We then entertain the possibilities that Fisherian‐like processes sometimes function without genetic correlation, and that mate choice may persist in a population as long as genetic correlation, and therefore Fisher's mechanism, occurs intermittently.  相似文献   

The recent incorporation of molecular methods into analyses of social and mating systems has provided evidence that mating patterns often differ from those predicted by group social organization. Based on field studies and paternity analyses at a limited number of sites, African lions are predicted to exhibit a strict within‐pride mating system. Extra‐group paternity has not been previously reported in African lions; however, observations of extra‐group associations among lions inhabiting Etosha National Park in Namibia suggest deviation from the predicted within‐pride mating pattern. We analysed variation in 14 microsatellite loci in a population of 164 African lions in Etosha National Park. Genetic analysis was coupled with demographic and observational data to examine pride structure, relatedness and extra‐group paternity (EGP). EGP was found to occur in 57% of prides where paternity was analysed (= 7), and the overall rate of EGP in this population was 41% (= 34). Group sex ratio had a significant effect on the occurrence of EGP (< 0.05), indicating that variation in pride‐level social structure may explain intergroup variation in EGP. Prides with a lower male‐to‐female ratio were significantly more likely to experience EGP in this population. The results of this study challenge the current models of African lion mating systems and provide evidence that social structure may not reflect breeding structure in some social mammals.  相似文献   

In polygynandrous animals, post‐copulatory processes likely interfere with precopulatory sexual selection. In water striders, sexual conflict over mating rate and post‐copulatory processes are well documented, but their combined effect on reproductive success has seldom been investigated. We combine genetic parentage analyses and behavioural observations conducted in a competitive reproductive environment to investigate how pre‐ and post‐copulatory processes influence reproductive success in Gerris buenoi Kirkaldy. Precopulatory struggles had antagonistic effects on male and female reproductive success: efficiently gaining copulations was beneficial for males, whereas efficiently avoiding copulations was profitable for females. Also, high mating rates and an intermediate optimal resistance level of females supported the hypothesis of convenience polyandry. Contrary to formal predictions, high mating rates (i.e. the number of copulations) did not increase reproductive success in males or decrease reproductive success in females. Instead, the reproductive success of both sexes was higher when offspring were produced with several partners and when there were few unnecessary matings. Thus, male and female G. buenoi displayed different interests in reproduction, but post‐copulatory processes were masking the effects of copulatory mating success on reproductive success. Given the high mating rates observed, sperm competition could easily counter the effect of mating rates, perhaps in interaction with cryptic female choice and/or fecundity selection. Our study presents a complex but realistic overview of sexual selection forces at work in a model organism for the study of sexual conflict, confirming that insights are gained from investigating all episodes in the reproduction cycle of polygynandrous animals.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Egernia has been suggested as an excellent model system for examining the evolution of sociality as it exhibits considerable diversity in social organization both between and within species. To date the majority of work examining the factors responsible for the evolution of sociality within Egernia has advocated a broad scale approach; identifying the social structure of specific species or populations and comparing the degree of sociality between them. However, we argue that significant advancements could also be gained by examining variation in social strategies within populations. Here we integrate a detailed, 3‐year, field‐based examination of social spacing and juvenile dispersal with molecular analyses of paternity to determine the social and mating system of a Tasmanian population of White's skink (Egernia whitii). We show that E. whitii live in small stable family groups consisting of an adult male, his female partner(s), as well as juvenile or sub‐adults individuals. In addition, while the mating system is characterized by considerable genetic monogamy, extra‐pair fertilizations are relatively common, with 34% of litters containing offspring sired by males from outside the social group. We also show that traits related to social organization (social group composition, group size, stability and the level of extra‐pair paternity) vary both between and within individuals. We suggest that ecological factors, such as habitat saturation, quality and availability, play a key role in maintaining between individual variation in social strategies, and that examining these individual level processes will allow us to more clearly understand variation in sociality among species.  相似文献   

In many birds, males are presumed to protect their paternity by closely guarding their mate or copulating frequently with her. Both these costly behaviors are assumed to reduce the risk and/or intensity of sperm competition. However, despite many studies on avian extra‐pair paternity, it remains unclear how strongly these behaviors are related to fitness and other key life‐history traits. Here, we conduct meta‐analyses to address two questions. First, are mate guarding and/or frequent copulation positively correlated with a male's share of paternity at his nest? We find a significant positive correlation between both presumed paternity protection behaviors and paternity share. The relationship is, however, weak (r = 0.08–0.23). This is perhaps unsurprising if the risk of partner infidelity, hence the need to protect paternity, varies among males. For example, more attractive males might have less need to protect their paternity. Second, do males with higher indices of so‐called male “quality” (phenotypic measures, usually subjectively defined by researchers as predictors of male attractiveness) exhibit lower levels of paternity protection behavior? We find a negative correlation between male quality and paternity protection. This finding might partly explain the weak relationship between paternity protection and paternity, although we discuss other, nonmutually exclusive possibilities.  相似文献   

Small populations are prone to loss of genetic variation and hence to a reduction in their evolutionary potential. Therefore, studying the mating system of small populations and its potential effects on genetic drift and genetic diversity is of high importance for their viability assessments. The traditional method for studying genetic mating systems is paternity analysis. Yet, as small populations are often rare and elusive, the genetic data required for paternity analysis are frequently unavailable. The endangered Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus), like all equids, displays a behaviourally polygynous mating system; however, the level of polygyny has never been measured genetically in wild equids. Combining noninvasive genetic data with stochastic modelling of shifts in allele frequencies, we developed an alternative approach to paternity analysis for studying the genetic mating system of the re‐introduced Asiatic wild ass in the Negev Desert, Israel. We compared the shifts in allele frequencies (as a measure of genetic drift) that have occurred in the wild ass population since re‐introduction onset to simulated scenarios under different proportions of mating males. We revealed a strongly polygynous mating system in which less than 25% of all males participate in the mating process each generation. This strongly polygynous mating system and its potential effect on the re‐introduced population's genetic diversity could have significant consequences for the long‐term persistence of the population in the Negev. The stochastic modelling approach and the use of allele‐frequency shifts can be further applied to systems that are affected by genetic drift and for which genetic data are limited.  相似文献   

Understanding population change is essential for conservation of imperiled species, such as amphibians. Worldwide amphibian declines have provided an impetus for investigating their population dynamics, which can involve both extrinsic (density‐independent) and intrinsic (density‐dependent) drivers acting differentially across multiple life stages or age classes. In this study, we examined the population dynamics of the endangered Barton Springs Salamander (Eurycea sosorum) using data from a long‐term monitoring program. We were interested in understanding both the potential environmental drivers (density‐independent factors) and demographic factors (interactions among size classes, negative density dependence) to better inform conservation and management activities. We used data from three different monitoring regimes and multivariate autoregressive state‐space models to quantify environmental effects (seasonality, discharge, algae, and sediment cover), intraspecific interactions among three size classes, and intra‐class density dependence. Results from our primary data set revealed similar patterns among sites and size classes and were corroborated by our out‐of‐sample data. Cross‐correlation analysis showed juvenile abundance was most strongly correlated with a 9‐month lag in aquifer discharge, which we suspect is related to inputs of organic carbon into the aquifer. However, sedimentation limited juvenile abundance at the surface, emphasizing the importance of continued sediment management. Recruitment from juveniles to the sub‐adult size class was evident, but negative density‐dependent feedback ultimately regulated each size class. Negative density dependence may be an encouraging sign for the conservation of E. sosorum because populations that can reach carrying capacity are less likely to go extinct compared to unregulated populations far below their carrying capacity. However, periodic population declines coupled with apparent migration into the aquifer complicate assessments of species status. Although both density‐dependent and density‐independent drivers of population change are not always apparent in time series of animal populations, both have important implications for conservation and management of E. sosorum.  相似文献   

In anurans, female polyandry under male harassment is distributed across taxa because of external aquatic fertilization. According to the sexual selection theory, male–male competition for access to females is affected by the operational sex ratio (OSR) and population density. The Japanese common toad, Bufo japonicus, is widespread in mainland Japan, and like the European common toad, B. bufo, it engages in explosive breeding. In this study, we observed the breeding behaviour of B. japonicus in isolated local populations for over four years in two breeding ponds with different population sizes and densities: large‐low (L‐pond) and small‐high (S‐pond). We analysed the relative polyandry ratio in egg clutches laid by females and estimated the size‐assortative mating pattern to be an indicator of male–male competition in the two ponds. Both ponds tended to exhibit a size‐assortative mating pattern; however, the frequency of polyandry was different in the two ponds (L‐pond = 20% and S‐pond = 90%). Our results showed that polyandry could occur without multiple amplexus with a high population density, i.e. eggs were often fertilized by free‐swimming sperm in the small shallow pond. We propose that high female polyandry ratios without continuous male harassment are generated because of a male‐biased OSR and a high population density in the small pond. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 236–242.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer‐associated death globally. Long non‐coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been identified as micro RNA (miRNA) sponges in a competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) network and are involved in the regulation of mRNA expression. This study aims to construct a lncRNA‐associated ceRNA network and investigate the prognostic biomarkers in CRC. A total of 38 differentially expressed (DE) lncRNAs, 23 DEmiRNAs and 27 DEmRNAs were identified by analysing the expression profiles of CRC obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). These RNAs were chosen to develop a ceRNA regulatory network of CRC, which comprised 125 edges. Survival analysis showed that four lncRNAs, six miRNAs and five mRNAs were significantly associated with overall survival. A potential regulatory axis of ADAMTS9‐AS2/miR‐32/PHLPP2 was identified from the network. Experimental validation was performed using clinical samples by quantitative real‐time PCR (qRT‐PCR), which showed that expression of the genes in the axis was associated with clinicopathological features and the correlation among them perfectly conformed to the ‘ceRNA theory’. Overexpression of ADAMTS9‐AS2 in colon cancer cell lines significantly inhibited the miR‐32 expression and promoted PHLPP2 expression, while ADAMTS9‐AS2 knockdown had the opposite effects. The constructed novel ceRNA network may provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of CRC carcinogenesis. The ADAMTS9‐AS2/miR‐32/PHLPP2 regulatory axis may serve as a potential therapeutic target for CRC.  相似文献   

Genotypes are frequently used to assess alternative reproductive strategies such as extra‐pair paternity and conspecific brood parasitism in wild populations. However, such analyses are vulnerable to genotyping error or molecular artefacts that can bias results. For example, when using multilocus microsatellite data, a mismatch at a single locus, suggesting the offspring was not directly related to its putative parents, can occur quite commonly even when the offspring is truly related. Some recent studies have advocated an ad‐hoc rule that offspring must differ at more than one locus in order to conclude that they are not directly related. While this reduces the frequency with which true offspring are identified as not directly related young, it also introduces bias in the opposite direction, wherein not directly related young are categorized as true offspring. More importantly, it ignores the additional information on allele frequencies which would reduce overall bias. In this study, we present a novel technique for assessing extra‐pair paternity and conspecific brood parasitism using a likelihood‐based approach in a new version of program cervus . We test the suitability of the technique by applying it to a simulated data set and then present an example to demonstrate its influence on the estimation of alternative reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Agricultural management recommendations based on short‐term studies can produce findings inconsistent with long‐term reality. Here, we test the long‐term environmental sustainability and profitability of continuous no‐till agriculture on yield, soil water availability, and N2O fluxes. Using a moving window approach, we investigate the development and stability of several attributes of continuous no‐till as compared to conventional till agriculture over a 29‐year period at a site in the upper Midwest, US. Over a decade is needed to detect the consistent effects of no‐till. Both crop yield and soil water availability required 15 years or longer to generate patterns consistent with 29‐year trends. Only marginal trends for N2O fluxes appeared in this period. Relative profitability analysis suggests that after initial implementation, 86% of periods between 10 and 29 years recuperated the initial expense of no‐till implementation, with the probability of higher relative profit increasing with longevity. Importantly, statistically significant but misleading short‐term trends appeared in more than 20% of the periods examined. Results underscore the importance of decadal and longer studies for revealing consistent dynamics and emergent outcomes of no‐till agriculture, shown to be beneficial in the long term.  相似文献   

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