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Androdioecy, the occurrence of males and hermaphrodites in a single population, is a rare breeding system because the conditions for maintenance of males are restrictive. In the androdioecious shrub Phillyrea angustifolia, high male frequencies are observed in some populations. The species has a sporophytic self‐incompatibility (SI) system with two self‐incompatibility groups, which ensures that two groups of hermaphrodites can each mate only with the other group, whereas males can fertilize hermaphrodites of both groups. Here, we analyse a population genetic model to investigate the dynamics of such an androdioecious species, assuming that self‐incompatibility and sex phenotypes are determined by a single locus. Our model confirms a previous prediction that a slight reproductive advantage of males relative to hermaphrodites allows the maintenance of males at high equilibrium frequencies. The model predicts different equilibria between hermaphrodites of the two SI groups and males, depending on the male advantage, the initial composition of the population and the population size, whose effect is studied through stochastic simulations. Although the model can generate high male frequencies, observed frequencies are considerably higher than the model predicts. We finally discuss how this model may help explain the large male frequency variation observed in other androdioecious species of Oleaceae: some species show only androdioecious populations, as P. angustifolia, whereas others show populations either completely hermaphrodite or androdioecious.  相似文献   

The evolution of self‐compatibility (SC) by the loss of self‐incompatibility (SI) is regarded as one of the most frequent transitions in flowering plants. SI systems are generally characterized by specific interactions between the male and female specificity genes encoded at the S‐locus. Recent empirical studies have revealed that the evolution of SC is often driven by male SC‐conferring mutations at the S‐locus rather than by female mutations. In this study, using a forward simulation model, we compared the fixation probabilities of male vs. female SC‐conferring mutations at the S‐locus. We explicitly considered the effects of pollen availability in the population and bias in the occurrence of SC‐conferring mutations on the male and female specificity genes. We found that male SC‐conferring mutations were indeed more likely to be fixed than were female SC‐conferring mutations in a wide range of parameters. This pattern was particularly strong when pollen availability was relatively high. Under such a condition, even if the occurrence of mutations was biased strongly towards the female specificity gene, male SC‐conferring mutations were much more often fixed. Our study demonstrates that fixation probabilities of those two types of mutation vary strongly depending on ecological and genetic conditions, although both types result in the same evolutionary consequence—the loss of SI.  相似文献   

Haudry A  Zha HG  Stift M  Mable BK 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(5):1130-1142
A breakdown of self‐incompatibility (SI) followed by a shift to selfing is commonly observed in the evolution of flowering plants. Both are expected to reduce the levels of heterozygosity and genetic diversity. However, breakdown of SI should most strongly affect the region of the SI locus (S‐locus) because of the relaxation of balancing selection that operates on a functional S‐locus, and a potential selective sweep. In contrast, a transition to selfing should affect the whole genome. We set out to disentangle the effects of breakdown of SI and transition to selfing on the level and distribution of genetic diversity in North American populations of Arabidopsis lyrata. Specifically, we compared sequence diversity of loci linked and unlinked to the S‐locus for populations ranging from complete selfing to fully outcrossing. Regardless of linkage to the S‐locus, heterozygosity and genetic diversity increased with population outcrossing rate. High heterozygosity of self‐compatible individuals in outcrossing populations suggests that SI is not the only factor preventing the evolution of self‐fertilization in those populations. There was a strong loss of diversity in selfing populations, which was more pronounced at the S‐locus. In addition, selfing populations showed an accumulation of derived mutations at the S‐locus. Our results provide evidence that beyond the genome‐wide consequences of the population bottleneck associated with the shift to selfing, the S‐locus of A. lyrata shows a specific signal either reflecting the relaxation of balancing selection or positive selection.  相似文献   

Self‐incompatibility (SI) is the main mechanism that favors outcrossing in plants. By limiting compatible matings, SI interferes in fruit production and breeding of new cultivars. In the Oleeae tribe (Oleaceae), an unusual diallelic SI system (DSI) has been proposed for three distantly related species including the olive (Olea europaea), but empirical evidence has remained controversial for this latter. The olive domestication is a complex process with multiple origins. As a consequence, the mixing of S‐alleles from two distinct taxa, the possible artificial selection of self‐compatible mutants and the large phenological variation of blooming may constitute obstacles for deciphering SI in olive. Here, we investigate cross‐genotype compatibilities in the Saharan wild olive (O. e. subsp. laperrinei). As this taxon was geographically isolated for thousands of years, SI should not be affected by human selection. A population of 37 mature individuals maintained in a collection was investigated. Several embryos per mother were genotyped with microsatellites in order to identify compatible fathers that contributed to fertilization. While the pollination was limited by distance inside the collection, our results strongly support the DSI hypothesis, and all individuals were assigned to two incompatibility groups (G1 and G2). No self‐fertilization was observed in our conditions. In contrast, crosses between full or half siblings were frequent (ca. 45%), which is likely due to a nonrandom assortment of related trees in the collection. Finally, implications of our results for orchard management and the conservation of olive genetic resources are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of hermaphroditism from dioecy is a poorly studied transition. Androdioecy (the coexistence of males and hermaphrodites) has been suggested as an intermediate step in this evolutionary transition or could be a stable reproductive mode. Freshwater crustaceans in the genus Eulimnadia have reproduced via androdioecy for 24+ million years and thus are excellent organisms to test models of the stability of androdioecy. Two related models that allow for the stable maintenance of males and hermaphrodites rely on the counterbalancing of three life history parameters. We tested these models in the field over three field seasons and compared the results to previous laboratory estimates of these three parameters. Male and hermaphroditic ratios within years were not well predicted using either the simpler original model or a version of this model updated to account for differences between hermaphroditic types (‘monogenic’ and ‘amphigenic’ hermaphrodites). Using parameter estimates of the previous year to predict the next year's sex ratios revealed a much better fit to the original relative to the updated version of the model. Therefore, counter to expectations, accounting for differences between the two hermaphroditic types did not improve the fit of these models. At the moment, we lack strong evidence that the long‐term maintenance of androdioecy in these crustaceans is the result of a balancing of life history parameters; other factors, such as metapopulation dynamics or evolutionary constraints, may better explain the 24+ million year maintenance of androdioecy in clam shrimp.  相似文献   

Inherited bacteria which kill males during early development are widely distributed throughout the insects, but have been little studied outside of a single family of beetles, the Coccinellidae. We have investigated a male‐killing bacterium discovered in the butterfly Acraea encedana. This bacterium belongs to the genus Wolbachia and is identical in wsp gene sequence to a male‐killer in the closely related butterfly A. encedon, suggesting that it has either recently moved between host species or was inherited from a common ancestor of the butterflies. The prevalence of Wolbachia is remarkably high, 95% of females are infected and only 6% of wild caught butterflies are male. Measurements of the vertical transmission efficiency were used to calculate that this high prevalence is the result of infected females producing at least 1.79 times the number of surviving daughters as uninfected females (lower confidence limit is 1.25).  相似文献   

Ever since Darwin first addressed it, sexual reproduction reigns as the ‘queen’ of evolutionary questions. Multiple theories tried to explain how this apparently costly and cumbersome method has become the universal mode of eukaryote reproduction. Most theories stress the adaptive advantages of sex by generating variation, they fail however to explain the ubiquitous persistence of sexual reproduction also where adaptation is not an issue. I argue that the obstacle for comprehending the role of sex stems from the conceptual entanglement of two distinct processes – gamete production by meiosis and gamete fusion by mating (mixis). Meiosis is an ancient, highly rigid and evolutionary conserved process identical and ubiquitous in all eukaryotes. Mating, by contrast, shows tremendous evolutionary variability even in closely related clades and exhibits wonderful ecological adaptability. To appreciate the respective roles of these two processes, which are normally linked and alternating, we require cases where one takes place without the other. Such cases are rather common. The heteromorphic sex chromosomes Y and W, that do not undergo meiotic recombination are an evolutionary test case for demonstrating the role of meiosis. Substantial recent genomic evidence highlights the accelerated rates of change and attrition these chromosomes undergo in comparison to those of recombining autosomes. I thus propose that the most basic role of meiosis is conserving integrity of the genome. A reciprocal case of meiosis without bi‐parental mating, is presented by self‐fertilization, which is fairly common in flowering plants, as well as most types of apomixis. I argue that deconstructing sex into these two distinct processes – meiosis and mating – will greatly facilitate their analysis and promote our understanding of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

The majority of plant species and many animals are hermaphrodites, with individuals expressing both female and male function. Although hermaphrodites can potentially reproduce by self‐fertilization, they have a high prevalence of outcrossing. The genetic advantages of outcrossing are described by two hypotheses: avoidance of inbreeding depression because selfing leads to immediate expression of recessive deleterious mutations, and release from drift load because self‐fertilization leads to long‐term accumulation of deleterious mutations due to genetic drift and, eventually, to extinction. I tested both hypotheses by experimentally crossing Arabidopsis lyrata plants (self‐pollinated, cross‐pollinated within the population, or cross‐pollinated between populations) and measuring offspring performance over 3 years. There were 18 source populations, each of which was either predominantly outcrossing, mixed mating, or predominantly selfing. Contrary to predictions, outcrossing populations had low inbreeding depression, which equaled that of selfing populations, challenging the central role of inbreeding depression in mating system shifts. However, plants from selfing populations showed the greatest increase in fitness when crossed with plants from other populations, reflecting higher drift load. The results support the hypothesis that extinction by mutational meltdown is why selfing hermaphroditic taxa are rare, despite their frequent appearance over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

  • Flower specialisation of angiosperms includes the occluded corollas of snapdragons (Antirrhinum and some relatives), which have been postulated to be one of the most efficient structures to physical limit access to pollinators. The Iberian Peninsula harbours the highest number of species (18 Iberian of the 20 species of Antirrhinum) that potentially share similar pollinator fauna.
  • Crossing experiments with 18 Iberian species from this study and literature revealed a general pattern of self‐incompatibility (SI) – failure in this SI system has been also observed in a few plants – which indicates the need for pollinator agents in Antirrhinum pollination.
  • Field surveys in natural conditions (304 h) found flower visitation (>85%) almost exclusively by 11 species of bee (Anthophora fulvitarsis, Anthophora plumipes, Anthidium sticticum, Apis mellifera, Bombus hortorum, Bombus pascuorum, Bombus ruderatus, Bombus terrestris, Chalicodoma lefebvrei, Chalicodoma pyrenaica and Xylocopa violacea). This result covering the majority of Antirrhinum species suggests that large bees of the two long‐tongued bee families (Megachilidae, Apidae) are the major pollinators of Antirrhinum.
  • A bipartite modularity analysis revealed two pollinator systems of long‐tongued bees: (i) the long‐studied system of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) associated with nine primarily northern species of Antirrhinum; and (ii) a newly proposed pollinator system involving other large bees associated with seven species primarily distributed in southern Mediterranean areas.

Inbreeding depression is a key factor influencing mating system evolution in plants, but current understanding of its relationship with selfing rate is limited by a sampling bias with few estimates for self‐incompatible species. We quantified inbreeding depression (δ) over two growing seasons in two populations of the self‐incompatible perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea in Scandinavia. Inbreeding depression was strong and of similar magnitude in both populations. Inbreeding depression for overall fitness across two seasons (the product of number of seeds, offspring viability, and offspring biomass) was 81% and 78% in the two populations. Chlorophyll deficiency accounted for 81% of seedling mortality in the selfing treatment, and was not observed among offspring resulting from outcrossing. The strong reduction in both early viability and late quantitative traits suggests that inbreeding depression is due to deleterious alleles of both large and small effect, and that both populations experience strong selection against the loss of self‐incompatibility. A review of available estimates suggested that inbreeding depression tends to be stronger in self‐incompatible than in self‐compatible highly outcrossing species, implying that undersampling of self‐incompatible taxa may bias estimates of the relationship between mating system and inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The ubiquity of outcrossing in plants and animals is difficult to explain given its costs relative to self‐fertilization. Despite these costs, exposure to changing environmental conditions can temporarily favor outcrossing over selfing. Therefore, recurring episodes of environmental change are predicted to favor the maintenance of outcrossing. Studies of host–parasite coevolution have provided strong support for this hypothesis. However, it is unclear whether multiple exposures to novel parasite genotypes in the absence of coevolution are sufficient to favor outcrossing. Using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the bacterial parasite Serratia marcescens, we studied host responses to parasite turnover. We passaged several replicates of a host population that was well‐adapted to the S. marcescens strain Sm2170 with either Sm2170 or one of three novel S. marcescens strains, each derived from Sm2170, for 18 generations. We found that hosts exposed to novel parasites maintained higher outcrossing rates than hosts exposed to Sm2170. Nonetheless, host outcrossing rates declined over time against all but the most virulent novel parasite strain. Hosts exposed to the most virulent novel strain exhibited increased outcrossing rates for approximately 12 generations, but did not maintain elevated levels of outcrossing throughout the experiment. Thus, parasite turnover can transiently increase host outcrossing. These results suggest that recurring episodes of parasite turnover have the potential to favor the maintenance of host outcrossing. However, such maintenance may require frequent exposure to novel virulent parasites, rapid rates of parasite turnover, and substantial host gene flow.  相似文献   

The evolution of self‐fertilization is one of the most commonly traversed transitions in flowering plants, with profound implications for population genetic structure and evolutionary potential. We investigated factors influencing this transition using Witheringia solanacea, a predominantly self‐incompatible (SI) species within which self‐compatible (SC) genotypes have been identified. We showed that self‐compatibility in this species segregates with variation at the S‐locus as inherited by plants in F1 and F2 generations. To examine reproductive assurance and the transmission advantage of selfing, we placed SC and SI genotypes in genetically replicated gardens and monitored male and female reproductive success, as well as selfing rates of SC plants. Self‐compatibility did not lead to increased fruit or seed set, even under conditions of pollinator scarcity, and the realized selfing rate of SC plants was less than 10%. SC plants had higher fruit abortion rates, consistent with previous evidence showing strong inbreeding depression at the embryonic stage. Although the selfing allele did not provide reproductive assurance under observed conditions, it also did not cause pollen discounting, so the transmission advantage of selfing should promote its spread. Given observed numbers of S‐alleles and selfing rates, self‐compatibility should spread even under conditions of exceedingly high initial inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Sex‐biased dispersal has profound impacts on a species' biology and several factors have been attributed to its evolution, including mating system, inbreeding avoidance, and social complexity. Sex‐biased dispersal and its potential link to individual social interactions were examined in the Qinghai toad‐headed agamid (Phrynocephalus vlangalii). We first determined the pattern of sex‐biased dispersal using population genetic methods. A total of 345 specimens from 32 sites in the Qaidam Basin were collected and genotyped for nine microsatellite DNA loci. Both individual‐based assignment tests and allele frequency‐based analyses were conducted. Females revealed much more genetic structure than males and all results were consistent with male‐biased dispersal. First‐generation migrants were also identified by genetic data. We then examined eight social interaction‐related morphological traits and explored their potential link to sex‐biased dispersal. Female residents had larger heads and longer tails than female migrants. The well‐developed signal system among females, coupled with viviparity, might make remaining on natal sites beneficial, and hence promote female philopatry. Dominant females with larger heads were more likely to stay. Contrary to females, male migrants had larger heads and belly patches than residents, suggesting that dispersal might confer selective advantages for males. Such advantages may include opportunities for multiple mating and escaping from crowded sites. Large belly patches and several other morphological traits may assist their success in obtaining mates during dispersal. Furthermore, a relatively high relatedness (R = 0.06) among females suggested that this species might have rudimentary social structure. Case studies in “less” social species may provide important evidence for a better understanding of sex‐biased dispersal.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is one of the most taxonomically conserved traits, yet sex‐determining mechanisms (SDMs) are quite diverse. For instance, there are numerous forms of environmental sex determination (ESD), in which an organism’s sex is determined not by genotype, but by environmental factors during development. Important questions remain regarding transitions between SDMs, in part because the organisms exhibiting unique mechanisms often make difficult study organisms. One potential solution is to utilize mutant strains in model organisms better suited to answering these questions. We have characterized two such strains of the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. These strains harbour temperature‐sensitive mutations in key sex‐determining genes. We show that they display a sex ratio reaction norm in response to rearing temperature similar to other organisms with ESD. Next, we show that these mutations also cause deleterious pleiotropic effects on overall fitness. Finally, we show that these mutations are fundamentally different at the genetic sequence level. These strains will be a useful complement to naturally occurring taxa with ESD in future research examining the molecular basis of and the selective forces driving evolutionary transitions between sex determination mechanisms.  相似文献   

Theory of plant mating system evolution predicts the spread of self‐compatibility (SC) in a predominantly self‐incompatible population when inbreeding depression (ID; the decline in fitness because of selfing) is small and when compatible mates are limited. I tested these two predictions by measuring the occurrence of SC in 13 natural populations of Ranunculus reptans L. that varied in ID and frequency of cross‐incompatible mates. Enforced selfing experiments were conducted in 2 years. In the first year, self‐pollination was applied at two flower ages to investigate the occurrence of delayed SC. I found that SC was not uncommon across all populations, but self‐compatible plants usually produced few seeds. There was no evidence for delayed SC. The occurrence of SC was not associated with population‐level ID, but populations with more limited availability of compatible mates had a significantly higher frequency of plants that were at least partially self‐compatible. The results indicate that, in R. reptans, a shortage of available mates in small populations may cause the evolution of partial SC and mixed mating.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that inbreeding depression (ID) should decline via purging in self‐fertilizing populations. Yet, intraspecific comparisons between selfing and outcrossing populations are few and provide only mixed support for this key evolutionary process. We estimated ID for large‐flowered (LF), predominantly outcrossing vs. small‐flowered (SF), predominantly selfing populations of the dune endemic Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia by comparing selfed and crossed progeny in glasshouse environments differing in soil moisture, and by comparing allozyme‐based estimates of the proportion of seeds selfed and inbreeding coefficient of mature plants. Based on lifetime measures of dry mass and flower production, ID was stronger in nine LF populations [mean δ = 1?(fitness of selfed seed/fitness of outcrossed seed) = 0.39] than 16 SF populations (mean δ = 0.03). However, predispersal ID during seed maturation was not stronger for LF populations, and ID was not more pronounced under simulated drought, a pervasive stress in sand dune habitat. Genetic estimates of δ were also higher for four LF (δ = 1.23) than five SF (δ = 0.66) populations; however, broad confidence intervals around these estimates overlapped. These results are consistent with purging, but selective interference among loci may be required to maintain strong ID in partially selfing LF populations, and trade‐offs between selfed and outcrossed fitness are likely required to maintain outcrossing in SF populations.  相似文献   

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