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Cooperative breeding in birds is much more prevalent than has been previously realized, occurring in 18.5% of oscine passerines known to have biparental care, and is the predominant social system of some ancient oscine clades. Cooperation is distributed unevenly in clades that contain both cooperative and pair breeders, and is usually confined to a few related genera in which it can be ubiquitous. Cooperative clades are species poor compared with pair-breeding clades, because pair breeders evolve migratory habits, speciate on oceanic islands and are more likely to have distributions spread across more than one biogeographic region. These differences reflect the increased capacity for colonization by pair breeders because their young disperse. Thus cooperative breeding has macroevolutionary consequences by restricting rates of speciation and macroecological implications by influencing the assembly of island and migrant faunas.  相似文献   

Cooperative breeding is generally associated with increased philopatry and sedentariness, presumably because short-distance dispersal facilitates the maintenance of kin groups. There are, however, few data on long-distance dispersal in cooperative breeders—the variable likely to be important for genetic diversification and speciation. We tested the hypothesis that cooperative breeders are less likely to engage in long-distance dispersal events by comparing records of vagrants outside their normal geographic range for matched pairs (cooperatively vs. non-cooperatively breeding) of North American species of birds. Results failed to support the hypothesis of reduced long-distance dispersal among cooperative breeders. Thus, our results counter the conclusion that the lower rate of speciation among cooperative breeding taxa found in recent analyses is a consequence of reduced vagility.  相似文献   

Oceanic islands accumulate endemic species when new colonists diverge from source populations or by in situ diversification of resident island endemics. The relative importance of dispersal versus in situ speciation in generating diversity on islands varies with a number of archipelago characteristics including island size, age, and remoteness. Here, we characterize interisland dispersal and in situ speciation in frogs endemic to the Gulf of Guinea islands. Using mitochondrial sequence and genome‐wide single‐nucleotide polymorphism data, we demonstrate that dispersal proceeded from the younger island (São Tomé) to the older island (Príncipe) indicating that for organisms that disperse overseas on rafts, dispersal between islands may be determined by ocean currents and not island age. We find that dispersal between the islands is not ongoing, resulting in genotypically distinct but phenotypically similar lineages on the two islands. Finally, we demonstrate that in situ diversification on São Tomé Island likely proceeded in allopatry due to the geographic separation of breeding sites, resulting in phenotypically distinct species. We find evidence of hybridization between the species where their ranges are sympatric and the hybrid zone coincides with a transition from agricultural land to primary forest, indicating that anthropogenic development may have facilitated secondary contact between previously allopatric species.  相似文献   

Island species are thought to be extinction‐prone because of small population sizes, restricted geographical distribution and limited dispersal ability. However, the topographical and environmental heterogeneity, geographical isolation and stability of islands over long timescales could create refugia for taxa whose source area is threatened by environmental changes. We address this possibility by inferring the evolution of the New Caledonia (NC) and New Zealand (NZ) conifer diversity, which represents over 10% of the world's diversity for this group. We estimate speciation and extinction rates in relation to the presence/absence on these islands, and dispersal rates between the islands and surrounding areas. We also test the Eocene submersion of NC and the Oligocene drowning of NZ by comparing the fit of biogeographical scenarios using ancestral area estimations. We find that extinction rates were significantly lower for island species, and dispersal “out of islands” was higher. A model including a diversification shift when NC emerged better explains the diversification dynamics. Biogeographical analyses corroborate that conifers experienced high continental extinctions, but survived on islands. NC and NZ have thus contributed to the world's conifer diversity as “island refugia”, by maintaining early‐diverging lineages from continents during environmental changes on continents. These ancient islands also acted as “species pumps”, providing species into adjacent areas. Our study highlights the important but neglected role of islands in promoting the evolution and conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory predicts a trade‐off between current and future reproduction to maximize lifetime fitness. In cooperatively breeding species, where offspring care is shared between breeders and helpers, helper presence may influence the female breeders’ egg investment, and consequently, survival and future reproductive success. For example, female breeders may reduce egg investment in response to helper presence if this reduction is compensated by helpers during provisioning. Alternatively, female breeders may increase egg investment in response to helper presence if helpers allow the breeders to raise more or higher quality offspring successfully. In the facultatively cooperative‐breeding Tibetan ground tit Pseudopodoces humilis, previous studies found that helpers improve total nestling provisioning rates and fledgling recruitment, but have no apparent effects on the number and body mass of fledglings produced, while breeders with helpers show reduced provisioning rates and higher survival. Here, we investigated whether some of these effects may be explained by female breeders reducing their investment in eggs in response to helper presence. In addition, we investigated whether egg investment is associated with the female breeder's future fitness. Our results showed that helper presence had no effect on the female breeders’ egg investment, and that egg investment was not associated with breeder survival and reproductive success. Our findings suggest that the responses of breeders to helping should be investigated throughout the breeding cycle, because the conclusions regarding the breeders’ adjustment of reproductive investment in response to being helped may depend on which stage of the breeding cycle is considered.  相似文献   

The transition to cooperative breeding may alter maternal investment strategies depending on density of breeders, extent of reproductive skew, and allo‐maternal care. Change in optimal investment from solitary to cooperative breeding can be investigated by comparing social species with nonsocial congeners. We tested two hypotheses in a mainly semelparous system: that social, cooperative breeders, compared to subsocial, solitarily breeding congeners, (1) lay fewer and larger eggs because larger offspring compete better for limited resources and become reproducers; (2) induce egg size variation within clutches as a bet‐hedging strategy to ensure that some offspring become reproducers. Within two spider genera, Anelosimus and Stegodyphus, we compared species from similar habitats and augmented the results with a mini‐meta‐analysis of egg numbers depicted in phylogenies. We found that social species indeed laid fewer, larger eggs than subsocials, while egg size variation was low overall, giving no support for bet‐hedging. We propose that the transition to cooperative breeding selects for producing few, large offspring because reproductive skew and high density of breeders and young create competition for resources and reproduction. Convergent evolution has shaped maternal strategies similarly in phylogenetically distant species and directed cooperatively breeding spiders to invest in quality rather than quantity of offspring.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding birds, adults often forego reproduction and help care for the offspring of others. A universal explanation for this mode of breeding has eluded evolutionary biologists, who have considered it to be a rare, and largely Australian, phenomenon. In a recent paper, Andrew Cockburn reports that the number of known cooperative breeders among oscine passerine birds has more than doubled since the last substantial review, published 16 years ago. Cooperative breeding is often the ancestral trait, and predominantly cooperative genera are species poor compared with their pair-breeding counterparts. Cockburn argues that speciation is less likely in cooperative clades, because the philopatric tendencies of individuals make them poor dispersers, colonizers and migrants. This new hypothesis helps explain the distribution and composition of migrant and island avifauna. However, a major challenge remains to reconcile the roles of phylogenetic history and current ecology in promoting cooperative behaviour.  相似文献   

Background and AimsDioecy has evolved up to 5000 times in angiosperms, despite the potentially high intrinsic costs to unisexuality. Dioecy prevents inbreeding, which is especially relevant on isolated islands when gene pools are small. Dioecy is also associated with certain dispersal traits, such as fruit size and type. However, the influence of dioecy on other life history traits and island distribution remains poorly understood. Here, we test the effect of dioecy on palm (Arecaceae) speciation rates, fruit size and frequency on islands.MethodsWe used phylogenetic comparative methods to estimate the ancestral state of the sexual system and its impact on speciation rates and fruit size. Frequency of sexual systems, effect of insularity on the probability of being dioecious, and phylogenetic clustering of island dioecious vs. mainland species were inferred. Lastly, we determined the interplay of insularity and sexual system on speciation rates.Key ResultsPalms repeatedly evolved different sexual systems (dioecy, monoecy and polygamy) from a hermaphrodite origin. Differences in speciation rates and fruit size among the different sexual systems were not identified. An effect of islands on the probability of the palms being dioecious was also not found. However, we found a high frequency and phylogenetic clustering of dioecious palms on islands, which were not correlated with higher speciation rates.ConclusionsThe high frequency and phylogenetic clustering may be the result of in situ radiation and suggest an ‘island effect’ for dioecious palms, which was not explained by differential speciation rates. This island effect also cannot be attributed to long-distance dispersal due to the lack of fruit size difference among sexual systems, and particularly because palm dispersal to islands is highly constrained by the interaction between the sizes of fruit and frugivores. Taken together, we suggest that trait flexibility in sexual system evolution and the in situ radiation of dioecious lineages are the underlying causes of the outstanding distribution of palms on islands.  相似文献   

Acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) are cooperative breeders in which groups consist of a variable number of cobreeding males, joint‐nesting females, and non‐breeding helpers of both sexes that are offspring from prior nests. We temporarily manipulated brood size of nests to determine the feeding response of birds in relation to their status (breeder or non‐breeding helper) and sex. All categories of birds responded similarly to brood size increases, adjusting their feeding rate upwards so as to maintain approximately the same per‐nestling feeding rate. Breeders, however, exhibited more flexibility with respect to brood size reductions, decreasing their feeding rate while helpers did not. This suggests that the ‘feeding rules’ of helpers are less flexible than those of breeders, a result not previously detected in other cooperative breeders that have been studied to date. Particularly surprising was the finding that helpers maintain their feeding rates when brood demand is decreased rather than when it was increased, suggesting that the flexibility they exhibit is not a result of birds using the opportunity afforded by reduced brood demand to engage in other less cooperative activities.  相似文献   

Oceanic islands emerge lifeless from the seafloor and are separated from continents by long stretches of sea. Consequently, all their species had to overcome this stringent dispersal filter, making these islands ideal systems to study the biogeographic implications of long‐distance dispersal (LDD). It has long been established that the capacity of plants to reach new islands is determined by specific traits of their diaspores, historically called dispersal syndromes. However, recent work has questioned to what extent such dispersal‐related traits effectively influence plant distribution between islands. Here we evaluated whether plants bearing dispersal syndromes related to LDD – i.e. anemochorous (structures that favour wind dispersal), thalassochorous (sea dispersal), endozoochorous (internal animal dispersal) and epizoochorous (external animal dispersal) syndromes – occupy a greater number of islands than those with unspecialized diaspores by virtue of their increased dispersal ability. We focused on the native flora of the lowland xeric communities of the Canary Islands (531 species) and on the archipelago distribution of the species. We controlled for several key factors likely to affect the role of LDD syndromes in inter‐island colonization, namely: island geodynamic history, colonization time and phylogenetic relationships among species. Our results clearly show that species bearing LDD syndromes have a wider distribution than species with unspecialized diaspores. In particular, species with endozoochorous, epizoochorous and thalassochorous diaspore traits have significantly wider distributions across the Canary archipelago than species with unspecialized and anemochorous diaspores. All these findings offer strong support for a greater importance of LDD syndromes on shaping inter‐island plant distribution in the Canary Islands than in some other archipelagos, such as Galápagos and Azores.  相似文献   

While the factors influencing reproduction and survival in colonial populations are relatively well studied, factors involved in dispersal and settlement decisions are not well understood. The present study investigated exchanges of great cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis among six breeding colonies over a 13‐year period when the breeding population in Denmark increased from 2800 to 36 400 nests. We used a multistate capture‐recapture model that combined multisite resightings and recoveries to examine simultaneously recruitment, natal dispersal, breeding dispersal and annual survival of first‐year, immature and breeding great cormorants. Mean survival of first‐year birds (0.50±0.09, range=0.42–0.66 among colonies) was lower than survival of breeders (0.90±0.06, range=0.81–0.97). Mean survival of immature birds over the study period was 0.87±0.08. Dispersal from a colony increased with decreasing mean brood size in the colony in both first‐time and experienced breeders. The choice of the settlement colony in first‐time breeders was affected by conditions in the natal colony and in the colonies prospected during the pre‐breeding years. In particular, first‐time breeders recruited to colonies where they could expect better breeding success. Experienced breeders relied mainly on cues present early in the season and on their own breeding experience to choose a new breeding colony. Newly established colonies resulted mainly from the immigration of first‐time breeders originating from denser colonies. Dispersal was distance‐dependent and first‐time breeders dispersed longer distances than breeders. We suggest that the prospecting behaviour allows first‐time breeders to recruit in nearby as well as more distant potential breeding colonies. Dispersing breeders preferred to settle in neighbouring colonies likely to benefit from their experience with foraging areas. We discuss the importance of these movements for growth and expansion of the breeding population.  相似文献   

There is often a sex bias in helping effort in cooperatively breeding species with both male and female helpers, and yet this phenomenon is still poorly understood. Although sex‐biased helping is often assumed to be correlated with sex‐specific benefits, sex‐specific costs could also be responsible for sex‐biased helping. Cooperatively breeding brown jays (Cyanocorax morio) in Monteverde, Costa Rica have helpers of both sexes and dispersal is male‐biased, a rare reversal of the female‐biased dispersal pattern often seen in birds. We quantified helper contributions to nestling care and analyzed whether there was sex‐biased helping and if so, whether it was correlated with known benefits derived via helping. Brown jay helpers provided over 70% of all nestling feedings, but they did not appear to decrease the workload of breeders across the range of observed group sizes. Female helpers fed nestlings and engaged in vigilance at significantly higher levels than male helpers. Nonetheless, female helpers did not appear to gain direct benefits, either through current reproduction or group augmentation, or indirect fitness benefits from helping during the nestling stage. While it is possible that females could be accruing subtle future direct benefits such as breeding experience or alliance formation from helping, future studies should focus on whether the observed sex bias in helping is because males decrease their care relative to females in order to pursue extra‐territorial forays. Explanations for sex‐biased helping in cooperative breeders are proving to be as varied as those proposed for helping behavior in general, suggesting that it will often be necessary to quantify a wide range of benefits and costs when seeking explanations for sex‐biased helping.  相似文献   

Prolonged offspring dependence and cooperative breeding in birds   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Langen  Tom A. 《Behavioral ecology》2000,11(4):367-377
It has been suggested that the evolution of cooperative breedingin birds is associated with unusually long periods of offspringdependence ; this appears paradoxical because cooperative breedersoften produce more broods than their noncooperatively breedingrelatives. I compared the duration of parental care betweencooperatively and noncooperatively breeding species using phylogeneticallyindependent contrasts and matched pairs. The incubation andnestling periods did not differ between the two parental caresystems, but the duration of postfledging offspring care wassignificantly longer in species that regularly breed cooperatively.This relationship remained when other factors that are thoughtto affect the duration of fledgling care (breeding habitat,body size, latitude of breeding, diet) were controlled statistically.Cooperative breeders appear to provide more prolonged postfledgingcare because additional care providers reduce the costs of parenting, offspring have less incentive to become independent,and a division of labor can develop during reproduction—helperscontinue to feed fledglings while breeders initiate the nextnesting attempt.  相似文献   

Darwin's finches represent a dynamic radiation of birds within the Galápagos Archipelago. Unlike classic island radiations dominated by island endemics and intuitive ‘conveyer belt’ colonization with little subsequent dispersal, species of Darwin's finches have populations distributed across many islands and each island contains complex metacommunities of closely related birds. Understanding the role of metacommunity and structured population dynamics in speciation within this heterogeneous island system would provide insights into the roles of fragmentation and dispersal in evolution. In this study, a large multi‐species dataset and a comparative ground finch dataset (two co‐distributed lineages) were used to show how landscape features influence patterns of gene flow across the archipelago. Factors expected to regulate migration including distance and movement from large, central islands to small, peripheral islands were rejected in the multi‐species dataset. Instead, the harsh northeast islands contributed individuals to the larger central islands. Successful immigration relies on three factors: arriving, surviving and reproducing, thus the dispersal towards the central islands may be either be due to more migrants orienting towards these land masses due to their large size and high elevation, or may reflect a higher likelihood of survival and successful reproduction due to the larger diversity of habitats and more environmentally stable ecosystems that these islands possess. Further, the overall directionality of migration was south‐southwest against the dominant winds and currents. In comparing dispersal between the common cactus finch and medium ground finch, both species had similar migration rates but the cactus finch had approximately half the numbers of migrants due to lower effective populations sizes. Significant population structure in the cactus finch indicates potential for further speciation, while the medium ground finch maintains cohesive gene flow across islands. These patterns shed light on the macroevolutionary patterns that drive diversification and speciation within a radiation of highly‐volant taxa.  相似文献   

Island systems have long played a central role in the development of ecology and evolutionary biology. However, while many empirical studies suggest species differ in vital biogeographic rates, such as dispersal abilities, quantitative methods have had difficulty incorporating such differences into analyses of whole‐assemblages. In particular, differences in dispersal abilities among species can cause variation in the spatial clustering and localization of species distributions. Here, we develop a single, hierarchical Bayes, assemblage‐wide model of 252 bird species distributions on the islands of northern Melanesia and use it to investigate a) whether dispersal limitation structures bird assemblages across the archipelago, b) whether species differ in dispersal ability, and c) test the hypothesis that wing aspect ratio, a trait linked to flight efficiency, predicts differences inferred by the model. Consistent with island biogeographic theory, we found that individual species were more likely to occur on islands with greater area, and on islands near to other islands where the species also occurred. However, species showed wide variation in the importance and spatial scale of these clustering effects. The importance of clustering in distributions was greater for species with low wing aspect ratios, and the spatial scale of clustering was also smaller for low aspect ratio species. These findings suggest that the spatial configuration of islands interacts with species dispersal ability to affect contemporary distributions, and that these species differences are detectable in occurrence patterns. More generally, our study demonstrates a quantitative, hierarchical approach that can be used to model the influence of dispersal heterogeneity in diverse assemblages and test hypotheses for how traits drive dispersal differences, providing a framework for deconstructing ecological assemblages and their drivers.  相似文献   

Kin selection can explain the evolution of cooperative breeding and the distribution of relatives within a population may influence the benefits of cooperative behaviour. We provide genetic data on relatedness in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Helper to breeder relatedness decreased steeply with increasing helper age, particularly to the breeding males. Helper to helper relatedness was age‐assortative and also declined with age. These patterns of relatedness could be attributed to territory take‐overs by outsiders when breeders had disappeared (more in breeding males), between‐group dispersal of helpers and reproductive parasitism. In six of 31 groups females inherited the breeding position of their mother or sister. These matrilines were more likely to occur in large groups. We conclude that the relative fitness benefits of helping gained through kin selection vs. those gained through direct selection depend on helper age and sex.  相似文献   

Geospatial patterns in the distribution of regional biodiversity reflect the composite processes that underpin evolution: speciation, dispersal and extinction. The spatial distribution and phylogeny of a globally widespread and species rich bird family (Rallidae) were used to help assess the role of large‐scale biogeographical processes in diversity and diversification. Here, we examine how different geostatistical diversity metrics enhance our understanding of species distribution by linking occurrence records of rail species to corresponding species level phylogeny. Tropical regions and temperate zones contained a large proportion of rail species richness and phylogenetic diversity whilst small islands in Australian, Oceanian and Oriental regions held the highest weighted and phylogenetic endemism. Our results suggest that habitat connectivity and dispersal were important ecological features in rail evolution and distribution. Spatial isolation was a significant driver of diversification where islands in Oceania were centres of neo‐endemism with recent multiple and independent speciation events and could be considered as nurseries of biodiversity. Palaeo‐endemism was mostly associated with older stable regions, so despite extensive long distance range shifting these areas retain their own ancient and distinct character. Madagascar was the major area of palaeo‐endemism associated with the oldest rail lineages and could be considered a museum of rail diversity. This implies a mixture of processes determine the current distribution and diversity of rail clades with some areas dominated by recent ‘in situ’ speciation while others harbour old diversity with ecological traits that have stood the test of time.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiation is a common evolutionary phenomenon in oceanic islands. From one successful immigrant population, dispersal into different island environments and directional selection can rapidly yield a series of morphologically distinct species, each adapted to its own particular environment. Not all island immigrants, however, follow this evolutionary pathway. Others successfully arrive and establish viable populations, but they remain in the same ecological zone and only slowly diverge over millions of years. This transformational speciation, or anagenesis, is also common in oceanic archipelagos. The critical question is why do some groups radiate adaptively and others not? The Juan Fernández Islands contain 105 endemic taxa of angiosperms, 49% of which have originated by adaptive radiation (cladogenesis) and 51% by anagenesis, hence providing an opportunity to examine characteristics of taxa that have undergone both types of speciation in the same general island environment. Life form, dispersal mode, and total number of species in progenitors (genera) of endemic angiosperms in the archipelago were investigated from literature sources and compared with modes of speciation (cladogenesis vs. anagenesis). It is suggested that immigrants tending to undergo adaptive radiation are herbaceous perennial herbs, with leaky self-incompatible breeding systems, good intra-island dispersal capabilities, and flexible structural and physiological systems. Perhaps more importantly, the progenitors of adaptively radiated groups in islands are those that have already been successful in adaptations to different environments in source areas, and which have also undergone eco-geographic speciation. Evolutionary success via adaptive radiation in oceanic islands, therefore, is less a novel feature of island lineages but rather a continuation of tendency for successful adaptive speciation in lineages of continental source regions.  相似文献   

Florida scrub‐jays are cooperative breeders that live in family groups consisting of a breeding pair, often with several non‐breeding helpers. Florida scrub‐jays cache food by scatter‐hoarding items for later consumption. Within family groups, members have the opportunity to observe and pilfer the caches of other members. We observed jays harvesting experimentally provisioned peanuts alone and in the presence of other family members, to determine whether jays modify their food‐handling behavior relative to social context. Non‐breeding helpers were less likely to cache in the presence of the dominant male breeder than when alone and all jays tended to cache out of sight when observed by another jay. These changes in caching behavior are consistent with cache protection strategies employed by other species. However, the adaptive value of such cache protection within a sedentary cooperatively breeding family group on a year‐round territory is unclear.  相似文献   

The grey‐crowned babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis) is a cooperative breeding bird species in which nonbreeding helpers of both sexes care for the young of breeding individuals. To measure the genetic relatedness between breeders and their offspring and helpers, we developed nine microsatellite markers. Most of the loci were highly polymorphic. These loci will be useful in understanding the evolution and maintenance of cooperative breeding and helping behaviour in this species.  相似文献   

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