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Burying beetles (genus Nicrophorus) are known for their elaborate parental care. Two or more conspecific females may reproduceon the same carcass, especially when the carcass is large.Here we present the results of experiments in which we observedpatterns of larval hatching and parental care in unmanipulatedcobreeders, manipulated hatching synchrony between cobreeders,and compared patterns of oviposition in cobreeding and single females. Our results show that in these cobreeding associations,one of the females may or may not monopolize the carcass duringthe period of larval hatching. We present evidence that ineither case, infanticide based on temporal cues constitutesan important proximate mechanism underlying the observed reductionin average reproductive success in cobreeding females. Femaleswith higher synchrony (i.e., greater overlap between their oviposition patterns) produce larger broods with lower reproductive skew.Cobreeding females oviposit later and less synchronously thansingle breeders. Such delayed oviposition may reduce the riskthat a female's larvae fall victim to cannibalistic acts committedby her cobreeder or maximize her own opportunity to selectivelykill her cobreeder's larvae.  相似文献   

Despite a growing interest in the evolutionary aspects of maternal effects, few studies have examined the genetic consequences of maternal effects associated with parental care. To begin to provide data on nonlaboratory or nondomestic animals, we compared the effect of presence and absence of parental care on phenotype expression of larval mass and development time at different life-history stages in the burying beetle Nicrophorus pustulatus. This beetle has facultative care; parents can feed their larvae through regurgitation of digested carrion or offspring can feed by themselves from previously prepared carrion. To investigate larval responses to these two levels of care, including estimates of additive genetic effects, maternal effects, and genotype-by-environment interactions, we used a half-sibling split-family breeding experiment-raising half of the offspring of a family in the presence of their mother and the other half without their mother present. Larvae reared with their mother present were on average heavier and developed faster, although some of the differences in development decreased or were eliminated by the adult stage. These results suggest that presence or absence of post-hatching maternal care plays an important role in phenotype expression early in life, whereas later the phenotype of the offspring is determined mainly by the genotype and/or unshared environmental effects. Our study also permitted us to examine the differences in genetic effects between the two care environments. Heritabilities, maternal/common environment effect, and most genetic correlations did not differ between the care treatments. Genetic analyses revealed substantial additive genetic effects for development time but small effects for measures of body mass. Maternal plus common environment effects were high for measures of mass but low for development time, suggesting that indirect genetic effects of maternal and/or common environment are less important for the evolution of development time than for mass. Estimates of genetic correlations revealed a trade-off between the duration of the two development stages after the offspring left the carrion. There was also a negative genetic correlation between the time spent on carrion and the mass at 72 h, when mothers usually stop feeding. The analysis of genotype-by-environment interactions indicates substantial variation among maternal families in response to care. Presence or absence of parental care may therefore contribute to the additive genetic variance through its interaction with the maternal component of the additive genetic variance. The presence of this interaction further suggests that parents may vary in care strategies, with some parents dispersing after preparation of the carrion and some parents staying with the larvae. This interaction may help maintain genetic variation in growth, development time, and parental care behavior. Additional work is needed, however, to quantify indirect genetic effects and genetic variation in parental care behavior itself.  相似文献   

Rohlfs M  Hoffmeister TS 《Oecologia》2004,140(4):654-661
Although an increase in competition is a common cost associated with intraspecific crowding, spatial aggregation across food-limited resource patches is a widespread phenomenon in many insect communities. Because intraspecific aggregation of competing insect larvae across, e.g. fruits, dung, mushrooms etc., is an important means by which many species can coexist (aggregation model of species coexistence), there is a strong need to explore the mechanisms that contribute to the maintenance of this kind of spatial resource exploitation. In the present study, by using Drosophila-parasitoid interactions as a model system, we tested the hypothesis whether intraspecific aggregation reflects an adaptive response to natural enemies. Most of the studies that have hitherto been carried out on Drosophila-parasitoid interactions used an almost two-dimensional artificial host environment, where host larvae could not escape from parasitoid attacks, and have demonstrated positive density-dependent parasitism risk. To test whether these studies captured the essence of such interactions, we used natural breeding substrates (decaying fruits). In a first step, we analysed the parasitism risk of Drosophila larvae on a three-dimensional substrate in natural fly communities in the field, and found that the risk of parasitism decreased with increasing host larval density (inverse density dependence). In a second step, we analysed the parasitism risk of Drosophila subobscura larvae on three breeding substrate types exposed to the larval parasitoids Asobara tabida and Leptopilina heterotoma. We found direct density-dependent parasitism on decaying sloes, inverse density dependence on plums, and a hump-shaped relationship between fly larval density and parasitism risk on crab apples. On crab apples and plums, fly larvae benefited from a density-dependent refuge against the parasitoids. While the proportion of larvae feeding within the fruit tissues increased with larval density, larvae within the fruit tissues were increasingly less likely to become victims of parasitoids than those exposed at the fruit surface. This suggests a facilitating effect of group-feeding larvae on reaching the spatial refuge. We conclude that spatial aggregation in Drosophila communities can at least in part be explained as a predator avoidance strategy, whereby natural enemies act as selective agents maintaining spatial patterns of resource utilisation in their host communities.  相似文献   

Burying beetles, Nicrophorus orbicollis, have facultative biparental care. They bury and prepare small vertebrate carcasses that provide food for their young. Here we establish the juvenile hormone (JH) profiles of paired females, paired males and single males and investigate some of the environmental and social factors that may affect these profiles. Before larvae hatch JH profiles of paired males and females were similar. However, after larvae hatch and during brood care, JH titers of females were very high and those of single males were significantly higher than those of paired males. We tested the hypothesis that higher JH was a response to the need for increased parental care by manipulating brood size. Although JH titers of single males caring for small versus large broods were not significantly different, when comparing JH titers and larval growth (a measure of parental effort), a significant positive correlation emerged. In contrast, we found that food quality had no effect on JH levels suggesting that increased feeding by males and females after carcass discovery cannot explain the elevation of JH. The regulation of JH in male burying beetles appears thus to be dependent on the presence of a mate and on critical stimuli from young.  相似文献   

The evolution of family life requires net fitness benefits for offspring, which are commonly assumed to mainly derive from parental care. However, an additional source of benefits for offspring is often overlooked: cooperative interactions among juvenile siblings. In this study, we examined how sibling cooperation and parental care could jointly contribute to the early evolution of family life. Specifically, we tested whether the level of food transferred among siblings (sibling cooperation) in the European earwig Forficula auricularia (1) depends on the level of maternal food provisioning (parental care) and (2) is translated into offspring survival, as well as female investment into future reproduction. We show that higher levels of sibling food transfer were associated with lower levels of maternal food provisioning, possibly reflecting a compensatory relationship between sibling cooperation and maternal care. Furthermore, the level of sibling food transfer did not influence offspring survival, but was associated with negative effects on the production of the second and terminal clutch by the tending mothers. These findings indicate that sibling cooperation could mitigate the detrimental effects on offspring survival that result from being tended by low‐quality mothers. More generally, they are in line with the hypothesis that sibling cooperation is an ancestral behaviour that can be retained to compensate for insufficient levels of parental investment.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict drives the coevolution of sexually antagonistic traits, such that an adaptation in one sex selects an opposing coevolutionary response from the other. Although many adaptations and counteradaptations have been identified in sexual conflict over mating interactions, few are known for sexual conflict over parental investment. Here we investigate a possible coevolutionary sequence triggered by mate desertion in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, where males commonly leave before their offspring reach independence. Rather than suffer fitness costs as a consequence, our data suggest that females rely on the male's absence to recoup some of the costs of larval care, presumably because they are then free to feed themselves on the carcass employed for breeding. Consequently, forcing males to stay until the larvae disperse reduces components of female fitness to a greater extent than caring for young singlehandedly. Therefore we suggest that females may have co-evolved to anticipate desertion by their partners so that they now benefit from the male's absence.  相似文献   

Adult fish may affect the growth and survival of conspecific larvae through a variety of pathways, including negative interactions via competition for shared limiting resources or via predation (i.e., cannibalism), and positive interactions due to the consumption of larval predators and via resource enhancement (i.e., presence of adults increases availability of larval prey). To examine the overall effect of adult bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) on larval bluegill, we conducted a field experiment in which we manipulated adult densities and quantified larval growth and survival, prey abundance, invertebrate predator abundance, and cannibalism. The presence of adult bluegill had a negative effect on final larval mass. This response was consistent with competition for zooplankton prey. Adult bluegill reduced the abundance of large zooplankton (e.g., Chaoborus and Daphnia), which were the dominant prey of bluegill larvae in the absence of adults. Larvae in the no-adult treatment also had significantly more prey in their stomachs compared to larvae in the presence of adults. Larval survival was maximized at intermediate adult densities and the overall production of larvae peaked at intermediate adult densities. The higher larval survival at intermediate adult densities is attributed to a reduction in invertebrate predators in treatments with adult bluegill; invertebrate predators experienced an 80% reduction in the presence of adult fish. Decreased larval survival at the highest adult density was not due to resource limitation and may be due to cannibalism, which was not directly observed in our study, but has been observed in other studies.  相似文献   

Carrion beetles, Nicrophorus vespilloides, are reared on decomposing carrion where larvae are exposed to high populations of carcass‐derived bacteria. Larvae do not become colonized with these bacteria but instead are colonized with the gut microbiome of their parents, suggesting that bacteria in the beetle microbiome outcompete the carcass‐derived species for larval colonization. Here, we test this hypothesis and quantify the fitness consequences of colonization with different bacterial symbionts. First, we show that beetles colonized by their endogenous microbiome produce heavier broods than those colonized with carcass‐bacteria. Next, we show that bacteria from the endogenous microbiome, including Providencia rettgeri and Morganella morganii, are better colonizers of the beetle gut and can outcompete nonendogenous species, including Serratia marcescens and Escherichia coli, during in vivo competition. Finally, we find that Providencia and Morganella provide beetles with colonization resistance against Serratia and thereby reduce Serratia‐induced larval mortality. This effect is eliminated in larvae first colonized by Serratia, suggesting that while competition within the larval gut is determined by priority effects, these effects are less important for Serratia‐induced mortality. Our work suggests that an unappreciated benefit of parental care in N. vespilloides is the social transmission of the microbiome from parents to offspring.  相似文献   

Changes in the nature of the ecological resources exploited by a species can lead to the evolution of novel suites of behaviours. We identified a case in which the transition from large pool use to the use of very small breeding pools in neotropical poison frogs (family Dendrobatidae) is associated with the evolution of a suite of behaviours, including biparental care (from uniparental care) and social monogamy (from promiscuity). We manipulated breeding pool size in order to demonstrate experimentally that breeding habitat selection strategy has evolved in concert with changes in parental care and mating system. We also manipulated intra- and interspecific larval interactions to demonstrate that larval adaptation to the use of very small pools for breeding affected the evolution of larval competition and cannibalism. Our results illustrate the intimate connection between breeding pool ecology, parental care and mating strategies in Peruvian poison frogs.  相似文献   

Summary Male and female burying beetles (Nicrophorus orbicollis) bury and preserve small carcasses which become food for their young. Typically, females remain with the brood until after larval development is complete, but males leave about 3 days after larvae hatch. In the absence of competitors, the effect of male presence throughout larval development is to reduce the size and weight of the brood on small carcasses, but not on larger ones. However, male assistance greatly reduces the probability that a conspecific competitor will usurp the carcass and kill the brood. A dynamic optimization model of the duration of paternal care is developed and the daily probabilities of discovery by conspecific competitors and of finding a new reproductive opportunity are varied. The model predicts that the duration of care should not be very sensitive to either the intensity of competition or the probability of finding another carcass. For a given probability of discovery by an intruder, the probability of finding a new carcass affects the duration of care in a stepwise fashion such that males should either provide no care or remain 10 days on large carcasses and 9 days on small ones (3 days after larvae hatch, in each case). The model also suggests that by providing an average of 9.5 days of care in nature, males act as if there is a negligible chance of having another brood, i.e. they are maximizing their reproductive success with their current brood.  相似文献   

When size‐dependent contests over resources influence reproductive success, the trade‐off between number and size of offspring depends on the frequency of contests. Under these circumstances, clutch size should decrease and offspring size should increase as contests become more frequent. We tested these predictions with the burying beetle Nicrophorus pustulatus through manipulation of rearing densities. Burying beetles reproduce on small vertebrate carcasses, a rare but high quality food source for the larvae. Large beetles are more likely to win contests over carcasses and gain exclusive access to a carcass. The winner of a contest kills eggs and larvae already present on a carcass. As a result of the rarity of carcasses, burying beetles are unlikely to breed more than once. As predicted, brood size of N. pustulatus decreased with increasing rearing density. Despite a negative correlation between brood size and larval mass, larval mass did not increase with increasing rearing density. This may be due to the special biology of N. pustulatus which can use snake eggs for reproduction. Potentially larger supply of resources and generally small population densities of N. pustulatus may weaken selection on body size and thus the correlation between brood size and larval mass. As size‐dependent constraints can limit reproductive phenotypes, we examined whether female size influenced reproductive phenotype. Small females produced larger broods with smaller, but more variable, offspring than large females. Mechanical constraints of egg size seem an unlikely explanation for the differences because burying beetles can compensate for small egg size through parental care. Energetic constraints may impact small females because body mass and brood size of small females decreased with increasing density. Yet, at all density levels small females produced larger, not smaller, broods than large females. The larger and more variable broods of small females seem to be in agreement with a bet‐hedging strategy.  相似文献   

Jenkins GP  King D 《Oecologia》2006,147(4):641-649
Intraguild predation (IGP) is common in most communities, but many aspects of density-dependent interactions of IG predators with IG prey are poorly resolved. Here, we examine how the density of an IG predator can affect feeding group size, IG egg predation, and the growth responses of IG prey. We used laboratory feeding trials and outdoor mesocosm experiments to study interactions between a social intraguild predator (larvae of the wood frog; Rana sylvatica) and its prey (spotted salamander; Ambystoma maculatum). Larvae of R. sylvatica could potentially affect A. maculatum by consuming shared larval food resources or by consuming eggs and hatchlings. However, successful egg predation requires group feeding by schooling tadpoles. We established from five to 1,190 hatchlings of R. sylvatica in mesocosms, then added either 20 A. maculatum hatchlings to study interspecific competition, or a single egg mass to examine IGP. Crowding strongly suppressed the growth of R. sylvatica, and IGP was restricted to the egg stage. In the larval competition experiment, growth of A. maculatum was inversely proportional to R. sylvatica density. In the predation experiment, embryonic mortality of A. maculatum was directly proportional to the initial density of R. sylvatica and the mean number of tadpoles foraging on egg masses. IGP on eggs reduced A. maculatum hatchling density, which accelerated larval growth. Surprisingly, the density of R. sylvatica had no overall effect on A. maculatum growth because release from intraspecific competition via egg predation was balanced by increased interspecific competition. Our results demonstrate that the density of a social IG predator can strongly influence the nature and intensity of interactions with a second guild member by simultaneously altering the intensity of IGP and intra- and interspecific competition.L . A. Burley and A. T. Moyer contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, sexual conflict occurs because the benefit of care depends on the total amount of care provided by the two parents while the cost of care depends on each parent's own contribution. Asynchronous hatching may play a role in mediating the resolution of this conflict over parental care. The sexual conflict hypothesis for the evolution of asynchronous hatching suggests that females adjust hatching patterns in order to increase male parental effort relative to female effort. We tested this hypothesis in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides by setting up experimental broods with three different hatching patterns: synchronous, asynchronous and highly asynchronous broods. As predicted, we found that males provided care for longer in asynchronous broods whereas the opposite was true of females. However, we did not find any benefit to females of reducing their duration of care in terms of increased lifespan or reduced mass loss during breeding. We found substantial negative effects of hatching asynchrony on offspring fitness as larval mass was lower and fewer larvae survived to dispersal in highly asynchronous broods compared to synchronous or asynchronous broods. Our results suggest that, even though females can increase male parental effort by hatching their broods more asynchronously, females pay a substantial cost from doing so in terms of reducing offspring growth and survival. Thus, females should be under selection to produce a hatching pattern that provides the best possible trade‐off between the benefits of increased male parental effort and the costs due to reduced offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Parents of many species care for their offspring by protecting them from a wide range of environmental hazards, including desiccation, food shortages, predators, competitors, and parasites and pathogens. Currently, little is known about the mechanisms and fitness consequences of parental defences against bacterial pathogens and competitors. Here, we combine approaches from microbiology and behavioural ecology to investigate the role and mechanistic basis of antibacterial secretions applied to carcasses by parents of the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. This species rears its larvae on vertebrate carcasses, where larvae suffer significant fitness costs due to competition with bacterial decomposers. We first confirm that anal secretions produced by parents are potently bactericidal and that their effects are specific to gram-positive bacteria. Next, we identify the source of bacterial killing as a secreted lysozyme and show that its concentration changes throughout the breeding cycle. Finally, we show that secreted lysozyme is crucial for larval development, increasing survival by nearly two-fold compared to offspring reared in its absence. These results demonstrate for the first time that anal secretions applied to carrion is a form of parental care and expand the mechanistic repertoire of defences used by parent insects to protect dependent offspring from microbial threats.  相似文献   

The burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis, is the first beetle exhibiting parental care for which endocrinological studies have been initiated. Burying beetles bury and prepare small vertebrate carcasses as a breeding resource for their offspring. After emergence as an adult, hemolymph titers of juvenile hormone and ovarian size increase in concert for 2–3 weeks, and both plateau until an appropriate resource is discovered. Upon finding a suitable carcass, titers of juvenile hormone increase extremely rapidly (<20 min), and within 18 h ovarian mass increases threefold and oviposition begins. This rapid reproductive development is hypothesized to be selected by the intense competition for these protein-rich but quickly deteriorating resources. Burying beetle females exhibit an additional juvenile hormone surge at the time young hatch. This peak in juvenile hormone is hypothesized to be associated with either the considerable behavioral demands which accompany care of young larvae or with a female's willingness to oviposit a replacement clutch should brood failure occur early in the care-giving phase. Parental care has evolved in at least 16 additional families within the Coleoptera. Comparative studies of nonparental and parental groups will be important for understanding how the physiology of ancestral groups affects the evolution of complex social behavior. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 35:479–490, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in adult body mass during breeding can reveal how parents prepare energetically for care, the stress of care, and the need to terminate care in a state conducive for future reproduction. Interpreting changes in parent mass can be difficult, however, because temporal variation in body mass may reflect a constraint imposed by the stress of care, revealing conflict within the family, or a shift to a new body mass optimum adaptive for a different stage of the breeding cycle. Here, we examined the effect of food deprivation and parenting on variation in female body mass of Nicrophorus orbicollis, an insect in which parents and offspring share a common food resource (a prepared carrion ball). Female parents demonstrated a remarkable degree of regulation of body mass: Despite varied periods of food deprivation (0–8 d) prior to discovery of a carcass, females attained a similar body mass (108.3–109.2% of pre‐deprivation mass) at the time of larval hatching. Females attained a greater body mass in anticipation of rearing a greater number of young. Mothers lost mass during active parental care, and mass at the end of caregiving was less in mothers that reared more and heavier young. Body mass at the end of care was less than the preferred mass for females searching for a carcass, indicating that the mothers sacrificed self‐maintenance and future reproductive potential for their current brood. Contrary to prediction, pre‐breeding food deprivation had no effect on offspring size or on female condition at the end of care. We conclude that there is a limited degree of conflict over the sharing of food among N. orbicollis parents and offspring, but that this conflict is not exacerbated by food deprivation prior to breeding.  相似文献   

Nest visit synchrony, whereby adults coordinate their visits to the nest, has been documented in several species of cooperative breeders. Visit synchrony may reduce nest predation rate or sibling competition, or instead follow from synchronisation of other behaviours, such as foraging. However, nest visit synchrony has rarely been considered in species with bi‐parental care, even though it could conceivably bring similar fitness benefits to that seen in cooperative breeders. In addition, in species with bi‐parental care, we might expect nest visit synchrony to reflect the quality of the pair or the overall coordination of breeding activity between partners. Here, we tested whether nest visit synchrony occurs in a classic avian model for the study of bi‐parental care, the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata. We found that in the wild, both zebra finch parents visited the nest very infrequently during nestling provisioning, with only one visit per hour, and that nest visits were highly synchronised with parents visiting the nest together on 78% of the visits. In addition, we found that nest visit synchrony was correlated with hatching rate, brood size at hatching and the number of offspring in the nest a few days prior to fledging. Our results suggest that, while more work is required to understand the benefits of nest visit synchrony in this species, considering behavioural synchrony and cooperation between mated partners may offer new insight into the study of parental investment, including in species with bi‐parental care.  相似文献   

Gareth Hughes 《Oecologia》1980,45(3):396-403
Summary Experiments showed that larval competition for food is not always the result of decreases in the amount of food available per larva as population density increases. The feeding period during which the larvae try to attain the minimum survival weight may be restricted when food quantity is not limiting. The scramble type competition involves both exploitation and interference components, in degrees which vary with population density.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that there is a positive relationship between egg size and offspring fitness. However, recent studies have suggested that egg size has a greater effect on offspring fitness in low‐quality environments than in high‐quality environments. Such observations suggest that mothers may compensate for poor posthatching environments by increasing egg size. In this paper we test whether there is a limit on the extent to which increased egg size can compensate for the removal of posthatching parental care in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides. Previous experiments with N. vespilloides suggest that an increased egg size can compensate for a relatively poor environment after hatching. Here, we phenotypically engineered female N. vespilloides to produce large or small eggs by varying the amount of time they were allowed to feed on the carcass as larvae. We then tested whether differences between these groups in egg size translated into differences in larval performance in a harsh postnatal environment that excluded parental care. We found that females engineered to produce large eggs did not have higher breeding success, and nor did they produce larger larvae than females engineered to produce small eggs. These results suggest that there is a limit on the extent to which increased maternal investment in egg size can compensate for a poor posthatching environment. We discuss the implication of our results for a recent study showing that experimental N. vespilloides populations can adapt rapidly to the absence of posthatching parental care.  相似文献   

Larval therapy, the therapeutic use of blowfly larvae to treat chronic wounds, is primarily used in debridement. There are, however, gaps in current knowledge of the optimal clinical application of the therapy and mechanisms of action in the debridement process. Using an artificial assay, two studies were undertaken to investigate these aspects of larval debridement by Lucilia sericata Meigen (Diptera: Calliphoridae); the first studied the effects of the density of larvae on tissue digestion and larval mass, and the second considered the effects on the same parameters of incorporating protease inhibitors into the feeding substrate. The total mass of tissue digested increased with larval density until saturation was observed at 5.0–7.5 larvae/cm2. This range was considered optimal as lower doses resulted in the removal of less tissue and higher doses offered no additional tissue removal and appeared to exacerbate competition for feeding. In the second study, increased protease inhibitor concentration led to significant decreases in tissue digestion and larval mass, suggesting that serine proteases, particularly trypsin, may play major roles in larval digestion. Such information is important in elucidating the main constituents that make up larval digestive products and may be significant in the development of new therapies.  相似文献   

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