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Female C3H/He mice carrying the mammary tumor virus (MTV) were monitored for mammary tumor incidence and latent periods while submitted to a daily subcutaneous injection with amphetamine (0,4 mg/kg/day). Results show that amphetamine caused an increase in incidence and a decrease in latency of tumors compared with placebo. There was also appreciated a correlation with the lethality of mice.  相似文献   

Filarial parasite, responsible for filariasis is known to remain in the host for long periods of time. A 29 kDa protein isolated fromSetaria digitata by gel electrophoresis and electroelution of detergent soluble surface antigens showed a 70% inhibition of the cell mediated immune response. On evaluation of its diagnostic application, the same protein was found to be very sensitive in detecting antibody at an antigenic protein concentration as low as 1 ng per μl. The cross reactivity of surface antigen with bancroftian filarial patient’s sera was tested by Dot-ELISA and ELISA. Both the antigen as well as antibody detection tests showed 100% positivity with all types of filariasis cases. It did not produce any positive reaction with non-endemic control sera. However, a proportion of endemic normal subjects showed positivity and this is attributed to the fact that people in endemic areas are exposed to infective mosquito bites. The biological property of inhibition and 100% positivity of filariasis cases in both antibody and antigen detection tests point towards the bifunctional nature of the surface proteins before and after release. The same may be happening under normal conditions also, perhaps at a much lower rate  相似文献   

Summary Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) were isolated by centrifugal elutriation from C4 mouse mammary tumors and characterized with regard to phenotype and natural killer (NK) activity. Tumors that had arisen spontaneously in prenoplastic hyperplastic alevolar nodules and tumors that had been passaged one to two times in either naive or presensitized mice were studied. Mice were sensitized by limited s.c. tumor growth and subsequent surgical removal of the tumor. The total numbers of T or B cells in the infiltrates were similar in spontaneous tumors and in passaged tumors from either naive or sensitized mice. The ratio of L3T4-positive to lyt-2-positive cells was reduced, however, from 1.10±0.2 in spontaneous tumors to 0.53±0.28 or 0.48±0.04 in passaged tumors from untreated or sensitized mice. The site of tumor implantation, whether intramammary fat pad or s.c., did not affect the profiles of the infiltrates. The TIL from both spontaneous and passaged tumors demonstrated enhanced NK activity relative to peripheral lymphoid cells. The TIL of passaged tumors sensitized mice, however, had lower NK activity than those from naive mice.  相似文献   

G Shyamala 《Biochemistry》1975,14(2):437-444
The specific interaction of glucocorticoids with nuclei of mouse mammary tumor was studied in vitro by incubation of the tissue with [3H]dexamethasone at 25 degrees. It was demonstrated that the mammary tumors contain a limited number of specific nuclear binding sites which were saturated with low hormone concentrations (10-8 M)9 The concentrations of specific binding sites in the nuclei were related to the concentration of cytoplasmic binding sites of unincubated tissues and varied between individual tumors. The binding component in the nuclei appeared to be a protein and was easily solubilized with 0.4 M KCl containing buffers. The ability of various corticoids to block the nuclear localization of the steroid correlated well with their glucocorticoid potency. Estradiol and progesterone at concentrations of 10-6 M were also effective in competing for the glucocorticoid receptor binding sites. However, while the glucocorticoids such as hydrocortisone and corticosterone translocated to nuclear sites also specific for dexamethasone, estradiol and progesterone competed for the cytoplasmic binding sites and did not translocate to the nucleus. The possible significance of the interaction of various steroids with the glucocorticoid receptors in mammary tumors is discussed.  相似文献   

Specific spleen cell activity in microcytotoxicity assay can be altered by pretreatment of target mammary tumor virus (MTV)-induced mammary tumor cells with serum. Serum from both BALB/cfC3H females neonatally infected with MTV and BALB/c females horizontally exposed to MTV antigens will block specific spleen cell activity against isologous mammary tumor cells. On fractionation of sera, blocking factors are localized in the 7s fraction. The 19s fraction contains recruiting factors that are not detectable in the unfractionated serum; these factors are active against isologous tumors and are thus distinct from the tumor-specific recruiting factors previously described in the sera of tumor-bearing females, which are active only against the autologous tumor. Antibodies mediating complement-dependent cell lysis are also detectable after serum fractionation.  相似文献   

Employing phosphatidylinositol as the substrate, phospholipase C (PLC) activity was measured in various cellular fractions derived from DMBA-induced rat mammary tumors and mammary tissues from 12-14 day pregnant rats. In the 2,000g pellet, 10,000g pellet, 100,000g pellet and 100,000g supernatant fractions, PLC activity was more than 5 fold higher in the fractions derived from the neoplastic tissues. This was true whether PLC activity was expressed on the basis of protein content or 5' nucleotidase activities.  相似文献   

The immunoregulatory activity of the lungs in normal Wistar rats has been evaluated by difference between primary and secondary immune response to the same dose of the antigen introduced into the respiratory tract or intravenously. As shown in this investigation, intratracheal immunization with corpuscular antigens is accompanied by faintly pronounced antibody formation and a high degree of delayed hypersensitivity, while the introduction of soluble antigens into the respiratory tract leads to the active production of antibodies. The immunoregulatory activity of the lungs is T-dependent. The preliminary introduction of corpuscular or soluble antigen into the respiratory tract is accompanied by the formation of the local mechanism in the lungs for suppressing immune response to the subsequent intratracheal immunization.  相似文献   

Versican plays a role in tumor cell proliferation and adhesion and may also regulate cell phenotype. Furthermore, it is one of the pivotal proteoglycans in mesenchymal condensation during prechondrogenesis. We have previously demonstrated accumulation of versican protein in myoepithelial-like spindle cell proliferations and myxoid tissues of complex and mixed mammary tumors of dogs. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the high expression of versican relates to prechondrogenesis in these tissues. Therefore, we aimed to identify cartilage markers, such as collagen type II and aggrecan both at mRNA and protein level in relation to versican. The neopitope of chondoitin-6-sulphate (3B3) known to be generated in developing cartilage has been investigated by immunohistochemisty and a panel of antibodies were used to characterize the phenotype of cells that are involved in cartilage formation. In addition, co-localization of versican with hyaluronan and link protein was studied. RT-PCR revealed upregulation of genes of versican, collagen type II and aggrecan in neoplastic tissues, especially in complex and mixed tumors. Immunohistochemistry showed the expression of cartilage biomarkers not only in the cartilagenous tissues of mixed tumors, but also in myoepitheliomas and in the myoepithelial-like cell proliferations and myxoid areas of complex and mixed tumors. The results show the cartilagenous differentiation of complex tumors and myoepitheliomas and indicate that the myxoid tissues and myoepithelial-like cell proliferations are the precursor tissues of the ectopic cartilage in mixed tumors. Furthermore, we suggest that cartilage formation in canine mammary tumors is a result of (myo)epithelial to mesenchymal transition.  相似文献   

Indirect radioimmunoblotting on nitrocellulose filters and ELISA on polystyrene plates were employed to test the specimens of the normal and tumor tissue of the mammary gland for antigens which cross react with antigens of structural proteins of mouse mammary gland carcinoma virus. The antigens were detected in 9 tumor specimens out of 25 under testing and in 1 out of 15 specimens of the normal tissue. Such antigens failed to be detected in fibroadenoma or tumors of other sites.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from BALB/c females exposed to or neonatally infected with mammary tumor virus (MTV) are cytotoxic to MTV-induced mammary tumor cells in microcytotoxocity assay. This activity can be partially or completely blocked by pretreatment of spleen cells with MTV purified from milk. Murine leukemia virus (MuLV) has no effect. T cell responses of virgin and multiparous BALB/cfC3H females are effectively blocked. Non-T cell responses of multiparous BALB/cfC3H females or of virgin BALB/c females are blocked by some but not all of the MTV antigen preparations. MuLV, but not MTV, can block activity of spleen cells from MuLV-sensitized donors against target MuLV-producing tumor cells.  相似文献   

Non-acute transforming retroviruses like mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) cause cancer, at least in part, through integration near cellular genes involved in growth control, thereby de-regulating their expression. It is well-established that MMTV commonly integrates near and activates expression of members of the Wnt and Fgf pathways in mammary tumors. However, there are a significant number of tumors for which the proviral integration sites have not been identified. Here, we used high through-put screening to identify common integration sites (CISs) in MMTV-induced tumors from C3H/HeN and BALB/c mice. As expected, members of both the Wnt and Fgf families were identified in this screen. In addition, a number of novel CISs were found, including Tcf7l2, Antxr1/Tem8, and Arhgap18. We show here that expression of these three putative oncogenes in normal murine mammary gland cells altered their growth kinetics and caused their morphological transformation when grown in three dimensional cultures. Additionally, expression of Tcf7l2 and Antxr1/Tem8 sensitized cells to exogenous WNT ligand. As Tcf7l2, Antxr1/Tem8, and Arhgap18 have been associated with human breast and other cancers, these data demonstrate that MMTV-induced insertional mutation remains an important means for identifying genes involved in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Components of the capsule antigen (Baker), described early as F17, F18, F43, Flp, which positively reacts with commercial poly- and monoclonal antifractions plague diagnosticums were studied. Differences and their impacts on vaccine bacteria survival within peritoneal macrophages, guinea pigs and protection of white mice after immunization and fast protection against plague were shown. Hemolytic, cytolytic and hemo- and cytoagglutinations activities of lipoprotein (Flp) and capacity of glycoproteins F17 and F43 for induction of hemo- and cytoagglutinations were detected. Similarity of properties of enumerated components and lectins and their role in infection development and immunogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding xenoserum (xs) on cytolytic cell activity induced by parenteral injection was examined in C3H/N mice. Spleen cells were cultured with xs and then assayed for cytolytic activity against a panel of 51Cr-labeled YAC-1, AKR-A, or P815 target cells. Prior feeding resulted in significant suppression of responses stimulated by injection and culture. The induction of these responses was antigen specific for xs whereas the effector stage represented polyclonal activation of cytolytic cells. Some effector cells were lysed by either anti-Lyt 2 or anti-NK- 1.2 and complement and some were blocked by anti-Lyt 2 or anti-T200 in the cytotoxicity assay. Thus, both cytolytic T and NK-like cells were suppressed by antigen feeding. Activity of TH cell-derived factors which enhance cytolytic activity ("promoter" factor, interferon, and interleukin 2) also was diminished in culture supernatants of cells from mice fed soluble antigens. The conclusion that polyclonal cytolytic responses induced by soluble antigen can be regulated by prior enteric stimulation is made.  相似文献   

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