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Tryptophanase from Escherichia coli was oriented in a compressed slab of polyacrylamide gel and its linear dichroism (LD) and absorption spectra have been measured. The free enzyme displays four LD bands at 305, 340, 425 and 490 nm. Two bands at 340 and 425 nm belong to the internal coenzyme-lysine aldimine. The 305-nm band apparently belongs to an aromatic amino acid residue. The 490-nm band disappears after treatment with NaBH4 or after incubation with L-alanine and subsequent dialysis. It is suggested that the 490-nm band belongs to a quinonoid enzyme subform. The reaction of tryptophanase with threo-3-phenyl-DL-serine, L-threonine and D-alanine leads to formation of an external aldimine with an intense absorption band at 420-425 nm. The values of reduced LD (delta A/A) in this band strongly differ from that in the 420-nm band of the free enzyme. The LD value of the complex with D-alanine is intermediate between those of the free enzyme and the complex with 3-phenylserine. In the presence of indole the complex with D-alanine displays the same LD as that observed with 3-phenylserine. The reaction of tryptophanase with L-alanine or oxindolyl-L-alanine leads to formation of a quinonoid intermediate with an absorption band near 500 nm. The LD value in this band is close to that of an external aldimine with L-threonine. It is concluded that reorientations of the coenzyme occur in the course of the tryptophanase reaction.  相似文献   

A flow linear dichroism technique is utilized to study the unwinding of supercoiled DNA induced by the binding of ethidium bromide (EB) and proflavine (PF) at different ratios r (drug added/DNA base). In the case of either EB or PF bound to linear calf thymus DNA, the reduced linear dichroism signals LD/A (LD: linear dichroism; A: absorbance, both measured at the same wavelength), determined at 258, and 520 or 462 nm (corresponding to contributions predominantly from the partially oriented DNA bases, intercalated EB, or PF, respectively) are nearly independent of drug concentration. In the case of supercoiled DNA, the magnitude of LD/A at 258 nm first increases to a maximum value near r = 0.04-0.05, and then decreases as r is increased further, mimicking the behavior of the sedimentation coefficients, viscosities, and gel electrophoresis patterns measured by other workers at similar values of r. However, LD/A at 520 nm, which is due to DNA-bound EB molecules, is constant within the range of r values of 0.02-0.06 in which the magnitude of LD/A determined at 258 nm due to the DNA bases exhibits a pronounced maximum. In contrast, in the case of PF, the magnitudes of LD/A determined at 258 or 462 nm are characterized by similar dependencies on r, both exhibiting pronounced maxima at r = 0.05; this parallel behavior is expected according to a simple intercalation model in which the DNA bases and drug molecules are stacked on top of one another, and in which both are oriented to similar extents in the flow gradient. The unexpected differences in the dependencies of (LD/A)258 and (LD/A)520 on r in the case of EB bound to supercoiled DNA, are attributed to differences in the net overall alignment of the EB molecules and DNA bases in the flow gradient. The magnitude of the LD signal at 258 nm reflects the overall degree of orientation of the supercoiled DNA molecules that, in turn, depends on their hydrodynamic shapes and sizes; the LD signals characterizing the bound EB molecules may reflect this orientation also, as well as the partial alignment of individual DNA segments containing bound EB molecules.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The linear dichroism of single monolayers of lutein, zeaxanthin and a mixture of lutein and synthetic phosphatidylcholine has been measured. The angle of orientation of the carotenoid molecules was found to lie between 45° and 51° relative to the plane of the solid support. Although the adsorbed monolayers were mostly in a monomeric state, microscopic observations, as well as the II-A isotherms, indicated the existence of crystalline islets. The results have been interpreted in connection with Haidinger's polarization brushes.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism methods are used to determine the minimum contribution of induced optical activity in the substrate to the specific rotation of a number of cycloamylose-substrate complexes. The sign and magnitude of the Cotton effects induced in the guest molecules are explained in terms of a model in which the substrate enters the cycloamylose cavities nitro group first.  相似文献   

In the presence of RecA single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is found to exhibit flow linear dichroism (LD). In the absence of the cofactor ATP gamma S, the LD is positive with a maximum at about 280 nm, whereas in the presence of the cofactor ATP gamma S there is still a positive long-wavelength band, but a negative LD contribution centered at 260 nm indicates an orientation of the DNA bases preferentially perpendicular to the fiber axis. For the complex between ssDNA and RecA without ATP gamma S, essentially all LD derives from the protein (tryptophane) subunits indicating a structure in which the tryptophanes are preferentially parallel to the fiber axis of the complex while the DNA bases remain essentially unoriented. The magnitude of the LD increases with the RecA/DNA ratio to a point corresponding to approximately three nucleotides per RecA and decreases thereafter with excess of DNA. This indicates that there are two modes of binding with different stoichiometries.  相似文献   

The interaction between B-form DNA and twelve cationic triaryl-methane dyes was studied with respect lo optical properties and stabilities, using linear dichroism (LD) and aqueous two-phase partition techniques. Monovalent dyes derived from crystal violet as a rule form a single strong complex (K1 ca 105 M?1; site density per nucleotide base n1 ca 0.1 at 0.1M ionic strength) in which the plane of the dye is at an angle of less than 50° to the local DNA helix axis. The complex with fuchsin is weaker (104M?1) but can be explained by a similar orientation. For some of the dyes (those with pseudo-C2v symmetry) XXXre angular orientations of two molecule-fixed axes can be obtained. For the divalent methyl green a second complex appears to be formed at low ionic strength. Methyl green (and to some extent 2-thiophene green and malachite green) show exciton splitting in the LD spectrum and circular dichroism assignable to exciton coupling between transition dipoles roughly parallel to the helical strands, indicating a dye-dye interaction. Tne optical data, supported by fitting experiments with space-filling models, suggests a general structure for the binding site. The dye is not intercalated but is bound to exposed hydrophobic regions in the major groove. The ligand is in part (the charged amino groups) in contact with the phosphoribose chain but its main surface lies against the hydrophobic base-pair stack. For a diphenylmethane dye, Michler's hydrol blue, a perpendicular orientation was observed, possibly due to intercaiation.  相似文献   

The efficiency of photosynthetic light energy conversion depends largely on the molecular architecture of the photosynthetic membranes. Linear- and circular-dichroism (LD and CD) studies have contributed significantly to our knowledge of the molecular organization of pigment systems at different levels of complexity, in pigment–protein complexes, supercomplexes, and their macroassemblies, as well as in entire membranes and membrane systems. Many examples show that LD and CD data are in good agreement with structural data; hence, these spectroscopic tools serve as the basis for linking the structure of photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes to steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopy. They are also indispensable for identifying conformations and interactions in native environments, and for monitoring reorganizations during photosynthetic functions, and are important in characterizing reconstituted and artificially constructed systems. This educational review explains, in simple terms, the basic physical principles, and theory and practice of LD and CD spectroscopies and of some related quantities in the areas of differential polarization spectroscopy and microscopy.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectra are presented of ferredoxin, ferredoxin-NADP reductase and their complex. A change in CD occurs on complex formation which is consistent with a decrease in the Cotton effects due to the ferredoxin. This change is interpreted as due to a decrease in interaction in ferredoxin between the iron-sulphur chromophore group and the protein.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism spectra of lipophilin (a hydrophobic protein purified from human central nervous system myelin) were analyzed by the method of Chen et al. (1974) to obtain information on its secondary structure in aqueous and lipid environments. When introduced into phosphatidylcholine vesicles by dialysis from 2-chloroethanol, the protein possessed about 75% alpha helix. A new water-soluble form of lipophilin also containing over 70% alpha helix was obtained by a similar dialysis in the absence of lipid. This product had a higher helical content than two other water-soluble preparations derived by dialysis from phenol-acetic acid-urea. Interaction of all three aqueous forms of the protein with lysolecithin micelles resulted in increases in total helical content or in the average length of helical segments. The amount of beta sheet was at a minimum for lipophilin incorporated into vesicles, where the presence of lipid also provided some protection against thermal denaturation.  相似文献   

M A Novoseler 《Biofizika》1983,28(4):570-572
Studies were carried out of circular dichroism spectra of the complexes between poly-l-lysine (PL) and calf thymus DNA, E. coli DNA, T2--and T7--phage DNA, Modiolus sp. DNA. The results indicate that PL more strongly changes AT--DNA conformation as compared to GC DNA conformation. This change correlates with the size of minimal PL clusters on DNA investigated. Sequence of DNA bases produces almost no effect on conformational changes caused by the complex-formation with PL.  相似文献   

We have calculated the uv linear dichroism for the A- and B-forms of DNA using π-π* transition moments and band components determined from the free DNA bases. The reduced dichroism (LDR) as a function of wavelength is estimated is in the 220–300-nm region, for both the oriented-gas model and a simple exciton model. For B-form DNA, LDR is obtained to ?1.48S (S being the orientation factor) over the whole wavelenth region by both models. For A-form DNA, LDR is not constant, but changes monotonically from about ?1.15S at 220 nm to about ?1.35S to ?1.45S at 300 nm, depending on base combination and degree of interaction (?1.35S for the oriented gas). It is emphasized that a common assumption of a single “effective” transition moment of the principal band at 260 nm may not generally be made because of the extensive overlap of differently polarized bands. The possibility of using the reduced dichroism curve for characterizing the secondary structure of DNA is discussed.  相似文献   

The optical anisotropy of chromatin with different length of the linker DNA isolated from a variety of sources (Friend erythroleukemia cells, calf thymus, hen erythrocytes and sea urchin sperm) has been studied in a large range of mono- and bivalent cations by the use of flow linear dichroism and electric dichroism. We have found that all chromatins studied displayed negative LD values in the range of 0.25 mM EDTA--2 mM NaCl and close positive values in the range of 2-100 mM NaCl. Mg2+ cations, in contrast to Na+ cations, induce optically isotropic chromatin fibers. All chromatin samples exhibit positive form effect amounting to 5-10% of LD amplitude observed at 260 nm. This form effect is determined by the anisotropic scattering of polarized light by single chromatin fibers. The conformational transition at 2 mM NaCl leads to the distortion of chromatin filament structure. The reversibility of this distortion depends on the length of the linker DNA--for chromatins with linker DNA 10-30 b.p. it is partially reversible, while for preparations with longer linker DNA it is irreversible. Relatively low electric fields do not have an effect on chromatin structure, while higher electric fields (more than 7 kV/cm) distort the structure of chromatin.  相似文献   

The induced circular dichroism (c.d.) spectra of poly(l-histidine) and sequential histidine polypeptide-dye complexes were measured. Two dichroic bands associated with the blue shifted absorption shoulder of methyl orange at around 370 nm were observed by complex formation between the polypeptides and the dye. Induced c.d. arose from the dye bound to the polypeptide in random coil structure, the optimal pH being 4.1. Added sodium chloride decreases the intensity of the induced c.d. Intramolecular interaction was assumed from the relationship between the concentrations of the polypeptide-dye complex and the intensities of the induced c.d. The intensity of the induced c.d. decreases with increasing distance between the intramolecular histidine residues. The induced c.d. spectrum of the poly(l-histidine)-dye complex shows the irreversible thermal change when heating.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy has been used to probe the active site of bacterial ferric cytochrome P-450CAM. The endogenous sixth ligand to the heme iron has been displaced by an extensive series of exogenous oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and other neutral and anionic donor ligands in an attempt to examine systematically the steric and electronic factors that influence the coupling of the heme chromophore to its protein environment. General trends for each ligand class are reported and discussed. Both the wavelengths and the intensities of the CD bands vary with ligand type and structure. All but one of the complexes exhibit negative CD maxima in their delta and Soret bands. Comparison to ferric myoglobin-thiolate complexes indicates that the negative sign observed for the cytochrome P-450 spectra is not a property of the thiolate fifth ligand, but rather arises from a different interaction of the cytochrome P-450 heme with its protein environment. Complexes with neutral oxygen donors display CD spectra that most closely resemble the spectrum of the native low-spin enzyme. Hyperporphyrin (split Soret) cytochrome P-450 complexes with thiolates, phosphines and cyanide trans to cysteinate have complex CD spectra, reflecting the intrinsic non-degeneracy of the Soret pi pi transitions. The extensive work presented herein provides an empirical foundation for use in analyzing the interaction of heme chromophores with their protein surroundings, not only for the cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases but also for heme proteins in general.  相似文献   

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