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泥螺卵子发生的超微结构研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
应雪萍 《发育与生殖生物学报》2002,11(1):29-36
利用透射电镜观察了泥螺卵子发生过程。结果表明,泥螺的卵子发生可划分为卵原细胞、卵黄发生早期、卵黄发生中期及卵黄发生后期卵母细胞4个时期。卵原细胞核大而圆,胞质内分布有少量的线粒体和高尔基囊泡,细胞表面具微绒毛。卵黄发生早期的卵母细胞,胞质中各类细胞器发达,并出现数量较多的类朦子。卵黄发生中期的卵母细胞胞体迅速增大,核伸出伪足状突出,卵质中各种细胞器活动活跃,并参与形成卵黄粒和脂滴。此期还可观察到卵母细胞与滤泡细胞间的物质交换现象。卵黄发生后期的卵母细胞体积增至最大,细胞器数量减少。本文就卵黄发生前后卵母细胞内部构造的变化、意义及滤泡细胞与卵母细胞蛋白来源间的关系作了探讨。 相似文献
泥螺精子发生的超微结构研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
利用透岸民镜观察了泥螺精子发生的过程。结果表明;泥螺精子发生经历了一系列重要的形态和结构变化,主要有核逐渐延长,染色质浓缩,顶体形成,线粒体逐步发达与融合,胞质消除及鞭毛的形成等。泥螺精细胞分化可分为3个时期,在精细细胞分化过程中,细胞核形态及染色质的变化与其他软体动物有较大的差异,核内椭圆形到肾形,再变化为长圆柱形;染色质由絮状颗粒变为细纤维丝状,再变为长纤维丝状,最后向高电子密度均质状态转变,初步探讨了泥螺精子发生过程中核及细胞器的超微结构变化在分类上的意义。 相似文献
文昌鱼卵子发生中成熟分裂时卵母细胞的超微结构研究 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
首次观察文昌鱼卵发生进入和一次成熟分裂前期联合会丝复合粗线期,双线期和网状期卵原细胞及卵母细胞生发泡及胞质的超微结构特点,在生发泡内同源染色体配对,联会丝复合体中央出现重组节。不同发育类型的核样体及其相关线粒体是这一时期卵母细胞胞质的主要特征 相似文献
东方扁虾卵子发生的超微结构 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
泥螺卵黄发生过程中线粒体的变化 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
利用透射电镜(TEM)技术研究了泥螺卵黄发生过程中线粒体的形态结构的变化特点,结果表明,从卵黄发生早期到晚期,卵母细胞内线粒体经历了从外部形态到内部结构的一系列变化。卵黄合成初期的卵母细胞内,线粒体多,结构典型,仅部分线粒体外膜破裂,嵴 和内膜逐渐消失,卵黄发生中期,线粒体基质空泡化,嵴和内膜消失,腔内充满颗粒状物质,最后演变成卵黄颗粒,随着卵母细胞的发育,卵黄颗粒的数量和直径逐渐增加,卵黄发生后期,卵质中胞器不发达,细胞质中充满卵黄颗粒,在卵黄颗粒之间仅有少量线粒体存在,提供细胞代谢所需的能量,此外,对线粒体在卵黄形成中的功能,去向及行为变化等 进行了讨论。 相似文献
三疣梭子蟹卵子发生的研究 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
1989年9月-1991年1月、作者利用透射电镜在超微结构水平研究了浙江舟山沿海的三疣梭蟹的卵子发生过程。实验结果得自于12次取得的150号样品。根据核和胞质的变化我们把该蟹的卵子发生分为五期;卵原细胞分裂转化为卵原细胞;卵母细胞发育早期;卵母细胞发育中期;卵母细胞发育晚期;卵子形成期。 相似文献
利用组织切片和透射电镜观察细角螺卵细胞发育的显微和超微结构,结果表明:细角螺卵原细胞期细胞核体积较大,呈椭圆形,核膜明显且有不规则的凹陷,细胞质内出现大量的线粒体和高尔基体.根据卵黄颗粒物的多少和大小可将卵母细胞分为前、中、后三个时期:前期卵母细胞细胞核内染色质浓缩,核仁可见,并出现核周间隙;中期卵母细胞内细胞核移向细胞的一端,核内染色质仍呈高电子密度状态,核仁不明显或消失;后期卵母细胞内的细胞核受挤压形状变得不规则,细胞质内可见少量的线粒体,大量的卵黄颗粒聚集在细胞质中并融合成很大的卵黄球.成熟期卵母细胞卵黄物质多且有较大的脂滴. 相似文献
生殖细胞是生物机体内一种特殊分化的细胞,是个体发生的基础。个体发育从雌雄配子结合形成受精卵开始,受精卵细胞质的区域分布调控了时间和空间不同的基因表达,并进一步调控以后的基因表达,导致不同组织的逐步决定和分化。受精卵细胞质是在卵细胞发生过程中形成的,因此,卵细胞的发生作为个体发育的准备,吸引了众多科学家的关注。 果蝇作为一种历史悠久的研究材料,遗传背景清楚,可供使用的手段方法多样,具有无可替代的优势。而近几年来,果蝇遗传学和分 相似文献
中华稻蝗卵子卵黄发生期超微结构研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
利用透射电镜研究了中华稻蝗Oxya chinesis卵子发生中卵黄发生期的超微结构.卯黄发生初期,滤泡上皮细胞胞质内出现大量粗面内质网及线粒体等细胞器,可能与为卵母细胞提供营养有关.卵黄发生期卵母细胞胞质内卵黄球逐渐增多,它也许有多种来源.观察到环形片层结构,并讨论了其可能功能. 相似文献
泥螺养殖滩涂异养菌群和弧菌的检测 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
1 引 言泥螺 (Bullactaexarata)隶属腹足纲软体动物 ,肉质鲜嫩、营养丰富 ,是浙江沿海重要的滩涂养殖品种 .至 2 0 0 0年浙江省养殖面积已达 1.13× 10 4hm2 ,由于实行生态养殖 ,本轻利厚 ,广受养农的青睐 .随着泥螺养殖生产的发展 ,养殖业的自身污染和陆源排污水的大量入海 ,养殖生态环境越趋恶化 ,使生物病原大量滋生 ,自 1995年以来常诱发养殖泥螺的暴发性死亡 .有关海洋滩涂环境细菌的研究至今未见报道 .为探明泥螺养殖周期内暴发性死亡与滩涂环境的关系 ,对养殖滩涂的细菌菌群组成及其生态特性进行了检测分析 .2… 相似文献
The morphological features of polychaete ovarian morphology and oogenesis are reviewed. Some basic information on ovarian
structure and/or oogenesis is known for slightly more than half of recognized polychaete families although comprehensive studies
of oogenesis have been conducted on 0.1 of described species. Relative to other major metazoan groups, ovarian morphology
is highly variable in the Polychaeta. While some species appear to lack a defined ovary, most have paired organs that are
segmentally repeated to varying degrees depending on the family. Ovaries vary widely in their location but are most frequently
associated with the coelomic peritoneum, parapodial connective tissue, or elements of the circulatory system. The structural
complexity of the ovary is correlated with the type of oogenesis expressed by the species. In some polychaetes, extraovarian
oogenesis occurs in which previtellogenic oocytes are released into the coelom from a simple ovary where differentiation occurs
in a solitary fashion or in association with nurse cells or follicle cells. In other species, intraovarian oogenesis occurs
in which oocytes undergo vitellogenesis within the ovary, often in association with follicle cells that may provide nutrition.
Vitellogenesis probably includes both autosynthetic and heterosynthetic processes; autosynthesis involves the manufacture
of yolk bodies via the proteosynthetic organelles of the oocyte whereas heterosynthesis involves the extraovarian production
of female-specific yolk proteins that are incorporated into the oocyte through a receptor-mediated process of endocytosis.
Variation in the speed of egg production varies widely and appears to be correlated with the vitellogenic mechanism employed.
Mature ova display a wide range of egg envelope morphologies that often show some intrafamilial similarities. 相似文献
核心薄囊蕨是蕨类植物中的进化类群,但对受精作用具有显著影响的卵发生研究仍较少,该文利用超微技术对其中蹄盖蕨科的华东安蕨卵发生过程进行了研究,以进一步完善薄囊蕨植物卵发生的科学资料,为理解蕨类植物的有性生殖及演化机制奠定基础。超微结构观察显示:华东安蕨的幼卵和沟细胞在颈卵器中紧密联接;随后,在卵细胞上方出现了分离腔和临时细胞壁,但在卵细胞中间孔区处卵细胞和腹沟细胞始终联接在一起;分离腔中的无定形物质沉积在卵细胞的质膜外形成了1层加厚的卵膜,而在孔区处没有形成卵膜,该位置最后形成了受精孔。在进一步的卵发生过程中,卵细胞核变得高度不规则,形成了大量的核外突和核褶皱。 相似文献
长江口滨岸潮滩底栖动物泥螺受锌污染的急性毒理试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了评价长江口滨岸潮滩沉积物中重金属锌对底栖动物的影响,进行了底栖动物泥螺的24h急性毒理学试验研究.结果表明:泥螺的半致死剂量为0.133g/L,全致死剂量为1g/L:对泥螺体内重金属累集量的分析表明:泥螺体内Zn的含量随试验组浓度的增高而增多,试验组的Zn浓度和泥螺累积的Zn含量符合Cubic三次函数:Zn的增加对泥螺富集Pb、Cr、Ni的影响是在浓度为1g/L、4g/L时出现两个峰值:Zn含量的增加对泥螺富集Cu的影响是在Zn浓度为0.5g/L、1g/L时泥螺对Cu富集量有所升高.这说明底栖动物对重金属的富集是个动态的过程,底栖动物富集的重金属元素间具有一定的协同作用. 相似文献
The ultrastructure of oogenesis in Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai has been investigated using transmission electron microscopy. The nucleus in the young egg is rounded with an uneven outline. As it develops, it becomes amoeboid and extends nuclear protrusions that are not only sac-like nuclear evaginations like those often seen in the oogenesis of other ferns, but also mushroom-like and finger-like, with an opening at their end allowing the nucleolus material to flow out from the openings. This has not been observed previously. The nuclear protrusions differ from Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott. in the absence of sheets of nuclear membrane in the form of a closed ring. As the egg matures, the nucleus transforms into a tuber-like structure with a smooth surface, lying transversely in the egg cell. In the immature egg, vesicles almost encircle the nucleus twice and are most remarkable. In the maturing egg, the vesicles are distributed at the periphery, except for at the top of the egg, and affect the formation of the separation cavity and extra egg membrane. Simultaneously, vesicles from the venter canal cell move to the egg and take part in the formation of separation cavity and extra egg membrane. In the mature egg, a large number of small vesicles containing fragments of lamellae or osmiophilic material emerge from the cytoplasm. The origin of these vesicles is obscure. Irregular plastids containing a cylindrical starch grain dedifferentiated progressively.Mitochondria seem to have been undeveloped during the process, but return to normal at later stages of oogenesis. There is a high frequency of ribosomes in the mature egg. Microtubules, rarely seen in the eggs ofD. filix-mas (L.) Schott. and Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn, have been observed inside the plasmalemma of the maturing egg in D. crassirhizoma. 相似文献
Ultrastructure of Oogenesis in Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wen-MeiBAO QunHE Quan-XiWANG Guo-WeiTIAN Jian-GuoCAO 《植物学报(英文版)》2005,47(2):201-213
The ultrastructure ofoogenesis in Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai has been investigated using transmission electron microscopy. The nucleus in the young egg is rounded with an uneven outline. As it develops, it becomes amoeboid and extends nuclear protrusions that are not only sac-like nuclear evaginations like those often seen in the oogenesis of other ferns, but also mushroom-like and finger-like, with an opening at their end allowing the nucleolus material to flow out from the openings. This has not been observed previously. The nuclear protrusions differ from Dryopterisfilix-mas (L.) Schott. in the absence of sheets of nuclear membrane in the form of a closed ring. As the egg matures, the nucleus transforms into a tuber-like structure with a smooth surface, lying transversely in the egg cell. In the immature egg, vesicles almost encircle the nucleus twice and are most remarkable. In the maturing egg, the vesicles are distributed at the periphery, except for at the top of the egg, and affect the formation of the separation cavity and extra egg membrane. Simultaneously, vesicles from the venter canal cell move to the egg and take part in the formation of separation cavity and extra egg membrane. In the mature egg, a large number of small vesicles containing fragments of lamellae or osmiophilic material emerge from the cytoplasm. The origin of these vesicles is obscure. Irregular plastids containing a cylindrical starch grain dedifferentiated progressively.Mitochondria seem to have been undeveloped during the process, but return to normal at later stages of oogenesis. There is a high frequency of ribosomes in the mature egg. Microtubules, rarely seen in the eggs of D.filix-mas (L.) Schott. and Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn, have been observed inside the plasmalemma of the maturing egg in D. crassirhizoma. 相似文献
峨眉凤丫蕨配子体发育及卵发生的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用显微观察及透射电镜技术对峨眉凤丫蕨的配子体发育及卵发生过程进行了观察研究,以探讨其卵发生细胞学机制及蕨类植物演化关系。结果表明:(1)峨眉凤丫蕨孢子接种7~9d萌发,经丝状体和片状体阶段发育为心形原叶体,成熟原叶体雌雄同株,在原叶体基部产生精子器,在原叶体生长点下方产生颈卵器。(2)卵发生研究表明,峨眉凤丫蕨颈卵器产生于生长点下方的表面细胞,该细胞经2次分裂形成3层细胞,中间者为初生细胞,它经2次不等分裂产生卵细胞、腹沟细胞和颈沟细胞;新产生的卵与腹沟细胞间连接紧密,有发达的胞间连丝,随着发育,卵细胞与腹沟细胞之间产生分离腔,而腹沟细胞与卵细胞始终通过孔区相连;发育中期,卵核形成大量核外突;发育后期,在卵细胞外侧形成卵膜,孔区演变为受精孔,核外突数量减少。 相似文献