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Isozyme electrophoresis data of seed extracts from 11 populations of diploid wheat species (Triticum boeoticum Bioss. and Triticum urartu Thumanian ex Gandilyan), distributed mainly in the western and west-northern Iran, were investigated. The five enzyme systems used were peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, superoxide dismutase, malate dehydrogenase and catalase. The first three were found to be useful as molecular marker for characterization of diploid wheat populations. A total of 13 bands from three enzyme systems were recorded. The value of a ‘Jaccard's’ similarity coefficient ranges from 0.333 to 1.000. Data analysis was done using clustering method UPGMA. On the basis of Jaccard's coefficient, the obtained dendrogram supports previous relationship between T. boeoticum and T. urartu as separate species as well as reflecting their distinct gene pools and substantiating their specific recognition despite the overall morphological similarity.  相似文献   

1. Genetic variation at five microsatellite loci was analysed in a collection of scales (1970–97) sampled from Atlantic salmon adults returning to the Nivelle River (South France).
2. Native and foreign fish (from an allochthonous Scottish stock introduced into the river to increase population size) were clearly identified as all foreign individuals released in the river were physically marked.
3. Introgression of foreign genes into the native gene pool has occurred, although the reproductive success of foreign Atlantic salmon in the wild was lower than that of native individuals.
4. The utility of old scale samples for investigating the impact of foreign stocking on wild fish populations is demonstrated in this work.  相似文献   

Cicer reticulatum, C. echinospermum, C. bijugum, C. judaicum, C. pinnatifidum, C. cuneatum and C. yamashitae are wild annual Cicer species and potential donors of valuable traits to improve chickpea (C. arietinum). As part of a large project to characterize and evaluate wild annual Cicer collections held in the world gene banks, AFLP markers were used to study genetic variation in these species. The main aim of this study was to characterize geographical patterns of genetic variation in wild annual Cicer germplasm. Phylogenetic analysis of 146 wild annual Cicer accessions (including two accessions in the perennial C. anatolicum and six cultivars of chickpea) revealed four distinct groups corresponding well to primary, secondary and tertiary gene pools of chickpea. Some possible misidentified or mislabelled accessions were identified, and ILWC 242 is proposed as a hybrid between C. reticulatum and C. echinospermum. The extent of genetic diversity varied considerably and was unbalanced between species with greatest genetic diversity found in C. judaicum. For the first time geographic patterns of genetic variation in C. reticulatum, C. echinospermum, C. bijugum, C. judaicum and C. pinnatifidum were established using AFLP markers. Based on the current collections the maximum genetic diversity of C. reticulatum, C. echinospermum, C. bijugum and C. pinnatifidum was found in southeastern Turkey, while Palestine was the centre of maximum genetic variation for C. judaicum. This information provides a solid basis for the design of future collections and in situ conservation programs for wild annual Cicer.  相似文献   

Housed worldwide, mostly in museums and herbaria, is a vast collection of biological specimens developed over centuries. These biological collections, and associated taxonomic and systematic research, have received considerable long‐term public support. The work remaining in systematics has been expanding as the estimated total number of species of organisms on Earth has risen over recent decades, as have estimated numbers of undescribed species. Despite this increasing task, support for taxonomic and systematic research, and biological collections upon which such research is based, has declined over the last 30‐40 years, while other areas of biological research have grown considerably, especially those that focus on environmental issues. Reflecting increases in research that deals with ecological questions (e.g. what determines species distribution and abundance) or environmental issues (e.g. toxic pollution), the level of research attempting to use biological collections in museums or herbaria in an ecological/environmental context has risen dramatically during about the last 20 years. The perceived relevance of biological collections, and hence the support they receive, should be enhanced if this trend continues and they are used prominently regarding such environmental issues as anthropogenic loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem function, global climate change, and decay of the epidemiological environment. It is unclear, however, how best to use biological collections in the context of such ecological/environmental issues or how best to manage collections to facilitate such use. We demonstrate considerable and increasingly realized potential for research based on biological collections to contribute to ecological/environmental understanding. However, because biological collections were not originally intended for use regarding such issues and have inherent biases and limitations, they are proving more useful in some contexts than in others. Biological collections have, for example, been particularly useful as sources of information regarding variation in attributes of individuals (e.g. morphology, chemical composition) in relation to environmental variables, and provided important information in relation to species' distributions, but less useful in the contexts of habitat associations and population sizes. Changes to policies, strategies and procedures associated with biological collections could mitigate these biases and limitations, and hence make such collections more useful in the context of ecological/environmental issues. Haphazard and opportunistic collecting could be replaced with strategies for adding to existing collections that prioritize projects that use biological collections and include, besides taxonomy and systematics, a focus on significant environmental/ecological issues. Other potential changes include increased recording of the nature and extent of collecting effort and information associated with each specimen such as nearby habitat and other individuals observed but not collected. Such changes have begun to occur within some institutions. Institutions that house biological collections should, we think, pursue a mission of ‘understanding the life of the planet to inform its stewardship’ ( Krishtalka & Humphrey, 2000 ), as such a mission would facilitate increased use of biological collections in an ecological/environmental context and hence lead to increased appreciation, encouragement and support from the public for these collections, their associated research, and the institutions that house them.  相似文献   

The Weibull function is shown to provide a particularly good fit for published data demonstrating the variation between individuals with respect to their susceptibility to decompression sickness. These data include the distributions of minimum bends depths for men and for goats breathing air,and that of resting pilots for aerial decompression.The correlations are shown to hold only if the vital parameter for estimating the imminence of symptoms is taken as the volume fraction of gas predicted to have separated from solution in unit volume of tissue.
Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass die nach der Weibull-Gleichung berechneten Werte für die Variation der Empfindlichkeit von Individuen auf Caissonkrankheit besonders gut übereinstimmen mit gemessenen Werten. Diese Werte umfassen die Verteilung der minimalen Anzahl "bends" bei Menschen und Ziegen unter Luftatmung in verschiedenen Tiefen und von ruhenden Piloten bei Luftdekompression. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Korrelationen nur gültig sind,wenn als Parameter zur Bestimmung der drohenden Symptome das Gasvolumen verwendet wird,dessen Abtrennung von der Lösung in einer Volumeneinheit Gewebe vorausgesagt wird.

Resume On démontre que les valeurs des variations de la sensibilité à la décompression calculées selon la formule de Weibull correspondent très bien aux valeurs mesurées. Ces valeurs comprennent la répartition du nombre minimum de "bends" chez des hommes ou des chèvres respirant de l'air à différentes profondeurs ainsi quepour des pilotes au repos subissant une décompression.Les corrélations ne sont toutefois valables que si le paramètre principal d'estimation de l'imminence des symptômes est exprimé par le rapport entre le volume des gaz devant se séparer de la solution et le volume des tissus.

With a view to detecting infections and carriage of human respiratory viruses in wild birds, 349 serum samples collected from 21 bird species -- sedentary ones and birds with large or limited migration areas -- were investigated. The following antigens were used: influenza virus A/Hong Kong 1/68 (H3N2)), A2 England 42/73 (H3N2), A2 Victoria 3/75 (H3N2), A/New Jersey 8/76 (HswN1), B/Hong Kong 5/72; parainfluenza virus type I Sendai and type II, coronavirus OC/43. An elevated incidence of antibodies to A2 Victoria 3/75 (H3N2) and parainfluenza type I virus was detected in herons (Ardea cinerea, Nyctycorax myctycorax). The high incidence of antibodies to B/Hong Kong 5/72 (30.7% of the samples exhibited significant titers) found in the crow (Corvus corone sardonius) is ascribed to the fact that this bird is carnivorus, feeding on corpses of mammals.  相似文献   

Summary The potential of using hierarchical cluster analysis to classify entries from a germplasm collection according to their degree of similarity was assessed. Results suggest that similarity is generally greatest among individual entries by country of origin and that hierarchical cluster analysis could be used as a tool to classify entries from germplasm collections according to their respective gene pools, even when no passport data are available. Based on this technique, it is also shown that the segregative potential of entries can be estimated.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The ways of using host plants were compared among the three Athalia sawflies [ A. japonica (Klug), A. rosae ruficornis Jakovlev, and A. infumata (Marlatt)] feeding on crucifers in Japan to determine whether host specialisation can explain the difference in their life-history traits. The occurrence of their larvae was examined on each crucifer species in the field, and the suitability of each crucifer species for the three successive steps of host use by the sawflies was evaluated: microhabitat selection by adult females, female oviposition, and larval growth.
2. There were 11 species of crucifer in the study area, and A. japonica , A. rosae , and A. infumata used nine, seven, and eight species respectively. Thus, sawfly host ranges overlapped.
3. Adult females of A. japonica , A. rosae , and A. infumata preferred shady clumps of crucifers, sunny clumps of crucifers, and disturbed areas respectively.
4. Unsuitable hosts for larval performance such as Brassica oleracea and Arabis plants were eliminated from the host ranges of the three sawflies.
5. Once they chose microhabitats, the suitability of each host plant for female oviposition and larval growth was similar.
6. Because of the divergent preferences for microhabitats, the host plants that were suitable for all the three steps were restricted to different sets of plants among the sawflies: Cardamine for A. japonica , cultivated crucifers ( Raphanus and Brassica ) for A. rosae , and Rorippa for A. infumata . These plants could be recognised as the respective primary host plants.
7. The spatio-temporal distributions of primary hosts were consistent with and explained the pattern of diapause and migration of each sawfly, suggesting that host specialisation caused their life-history traits to differentiate.  相似文献   

In a glasshouse study, 54 batches of cabbage seedlings were each grown for 6 wk in clubroot inoculated soil. The batches were sown at weekly intervals during the experiment which lasted 60 wk. Soil temperature and light were monitored throughout the study while other potential variables were maintained as constant as possible. Records of clubroot incidence, severity and plant weights were kept and causal relationships for disease severity and percentage infected plants sought among the light and temperature data by regressions. It was found that clubroot severity was influenced most by the light level in the second and third weeks, while the percentage of diseased plants was most influenced by temperature, that in the second week probably being the most important. The optimum light value in the second and third weeks for expression of maximum clubroot severity was c. 600 Wh m-2 day-1 and a mean daily temperature of not less than c. 19-5 oC was required to give close to 100% infection. Possible reasons for the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A long‐standing question in biology is how organisms change through time and space in response to their environment. This knowledge is of particular relevance to predicting how organisms might respond to future environmental changes caused by human‐induced global change. Usually researchers make inferences about past events based on an understanding of current static genetic patterns, but these are limited in their capacity to inform on underlying past processes. Natural history collections (NHCs) represent a unique and critical source of information to provide temporally deep and spatially broad time‐series of samples. By using NHC samples, researchers can directly observe genetic changes over time and space and link those changes with specific ecological/evolutionary events. Until recently, such genetic studies were hindered by the intrinsic challenges of NHC samples (i.e. low yield of highly fragmented DNA). However, recent methodological and technological developments have revolutionized the possibilities in the novel field of NHC genomics. In this Special Feature, we compile a range of studies spanning from methodological aspects to particular case studies which demonstrate the enormous potential of NHC samples for accessing large genomic data sets from the past to advance our knowledge on how populations and species respond to global change at multiple spatial–temporal scales. We also highlight possible limitations, recommendations and a few opportunities for future researchers aiming to study NHC genomics.  相似文献   

Genetic studies on resistance to clubroot in Brassica napus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rate of softening of apples of the variety Spartan was reduced by addition of 6 or 8% CO2 to a storage atmosphere of 2% O2 at 1 -5 oC. This effect was observed in three seasons and in samples from five sources. Sensory assessments suggested that addition of carbon dioxide to the storage atmosphere had no adverse effect on eating quality. Storage in 2% O2 at – 1 oC was as effective in maintaining flesh firmness as 8% CO2+ 2%O2 at 1–5 oC. Strategies for further reductions in firmness loss during storage of Spartan apples are discussed.  相似文献   

Attempts to form a feral population of domestic fowl with artificially reared birds on an island nature reserve are described. The birds were subjected to predation by mink, but some hens produced broods and successfully reared their young, a few of which were more than 6 months old at the end of the study period. Factors leading to survival of the population in the face of certain selection pressures are discussed.  相似文献   

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