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The first neurons to extend axons through embryonic grasshopper limbs are a pair of sibling pioneer neurons. After migrating proximally along the limb axis, the pioneer growth cones normally make an abrupt ventral turn. In some cases (less than 20%) this turn is directly toward the proximo-ventrally located Cx1 guidepost neurons. However, in the majority of cases (greater than 80%) the pioneer growth cones make a more acute ventral turn along a single circumferential line which lies distal to the Cx1 neurons. Growth cones from other afferent neurons orient along the same line. Growth cones can extend along this line around more than half of the circumference of the limb and can grow in either direction along it. The circumferential line appears to be the prospective trochanter-coxa segment boundary. Afferent axons on the segment boundary leave it and contact the proximo-ventrally located Cx1 neurons. The site at which pioneer growth cones leave the boundary is variable and appears to be the point from which filopodial contact with Cx1 cells is first established. In addition to the trochanter-coxa segment boundary, the pioneer growth cones and axons also respond to the tibia-femur and femur-trochanter segment boundaries. The role of segment boundaries as barriers to growth cone movement and the effect of such barriers on the timing and placement of differentiation of pioneer neurons are discussed.  相似文献   

Annulin, a protein whose general stage- and position-specific expression pattern in the grasshopper embryo is described in the companion paper, is expressed in epithelial annuli in developing limbs. Here, we show that these annuli comprise narrow circumferential bands of epithelial cells at the boundaries of limb segments. At most boundaries, expression of annulin precedes the first morphological signs of segmentation. The most distal cells in a band underlie the boundary invagination. Bands arise in a stereotyped order and, within a band, expression occurs in an ordered circumferential progression. Annulin has a molecular weight of about 97 kDa and appears to be intracellular and peripherally associated with the inner leaflet of the cell membrane. Using the monoclonal antibody 7H7, two overlapping cDNA clones encoding this protein were isolated from an embryonic Schistocerca cDNA expression library. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences indicate that the annulin protein does not contain either a signal sequence or a transmembrane domain. By sequence comparison, annulin appears to be a transglutaminase, one of a family of enzymes that have protein cross-linking activity. Its expression pattern within the limb and the embryo is associated with areas undergoing morphogenetic rearrangements, movements, or rapid cell division. It may stabilize cells under mechanical stress or participate in some other way in these morphogenetic activities.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis in the embryo involves the bending, folding and fusing of epithelial tissues to create the final complex shapes of the various organs and structures in the body. One essential process that occurs frequently during development is the drawing together and fusion of epithelial edges. Drosophila dorsal closure is perhaps the most genetically tractable of this type of movement, and several recent advances have revealed much about the signals regulating the dynamic actin cytoskeletal machineries that underlie the zippering-closed of this hole in the embryonic fly. It is now clear that there are intriguing parallels with more complex morphogenetic tissue movements in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The basal lamina is composed of molecules which physically interact to form a network that serves as a migrational scaffold for many cell types. In the developing peripheral nervous system of the grasshopper, neuronal growth cones are intimately associated with the basal lamina as they migrate. Laminin is a major component of the basal lamina and is a potent promoter of neurite outgrowth in vitro. However, it is unclear what the source of laminin is or how the distribution of laminin within the basal lamina is established. To address this question, grasshopper laminin subunit genes were cloned. As expected, laminin was found within the basal lamina throughout the embryo, in particular in the limb bud, where its expression is coincident with the outgrowth and guidance of the Tibial (Til) pioneer neurons. Surprisingly, the synthesis of beta and gamma chains of laminin was restricted to migratory mesodermal cells, while in other nonmigratory tissues, such as epithelium and presumptive muscle, beta and gamma chains of laminin were not detected. In spite of this, laminin immunoreactivity in the basal lamina appears uniform and is available as a substrate for axonal outgrowth.  相似文献   

Programmed death of peripheral pioneer neurons in the grasshopper embryo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Ti1 pioneer neurons arise at the distal tip of the metathoracic leg in the grasshopper embryo, and are the first neurons in the limb bud to extend axons to the central nervous system (C. M. Bate (1976) Nature (London) 260, 54-56; H. Keshishian (1980) Dev. Biol. 80, 388-397). By providing a neural pathway along which growth cones of later arising neurons migrate, these pioneer axons establish the route of one of the major nerve trunks in the leg (Keshishian, 1980; R. K. Ho and C. S. Goodman (1982) Nature (London) 297, 404-406; D. Bentley and H. Keshishian (1982) Science 218, 1082-1088). Here, we demonstrate that at the 55-59% stage of development, the two Ti1 pioneer neurons undergo programmed death. The role which these pioneers serve in establishing a nerve route appears to be their only function, and may be important for the normal development of the peripheral nervous system. The Ti1 pioneers provide an example of a previously hypothesized class (J. W. Truman (1984) Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 7, 171-188) of programmed neuron death: obsolete neurons whose function was developmental rather than behavioral.  相似文献   

In insects, afferent neurons arise primarily from the ectodermal epithelium in the periphery and differentiate at the site of their precursor mitosis. Here we describe ectodermally derived cells that migrate away from their site of origin and initiate axonogenesis at a distant location. In embryonic grasshopper limb buds, the first two pairs of afferents to differentiate are the pair of Ti1 pioneers at the limb tip and the pair of Cx1 cells found at the base of the limb. While the Ti1 pioneers arise from the mitosis of a pioneer mother cell at the limb tip, the Cx1 cells are shown to emerge from the epithelium at circumferential positions that are approximately 150 degrees apart and that belong to different embryonic compartments. The cells migrate into contact with each other before initiating axonogenesis, and their axons then extend in a new direction that is orthogonal to the route of cell migration.  相似文献   

Embryonic form and the shape of many organs are the product of forces acting within and on epithelial sheets. Analysis of these processes requires both consideration of the mechanical operation of these multicellular machines and an understanding of how epithelial sheets are integrated with surrounding tissues. From the diverse array of epithelial morphogenetic movements seen during embryogenesis we review examples of epithelial sheet bending, Drosophila ventral furrow formation and ascidian gastrulation, and direct measurements of epithelial mechanics from Xenopus laevis. We present these examples as works-in-progress and highlight opportunities for future studies into both the direct consequence of force production and embryonic tissue mechanics and potential roles of signaling from biomechanical processes.  相似文献   

Collagen gel cultures of limb bud mesenchymal cells are normally permissive for chondrogenesis but become inhibitory for chondrogenesis when they are preconditioned by limb ectoderm. This inhibition is specific for cartilage differentiation, inasmuch as myoblast differentiation is unaffected and flattened, fibroblastic cells are more numerous on conditioned gels. The antichondrogenic effect of ectoderm-conditioned gels is not blocked by agents that elevate intracellular cyclic AMP levels and that promote chondrogenesis under other conditions. In contrast, the inhibitory effect of the ectoderm is alleviated when cultures are treated with cytochalasin D, a cytoskeleton-disrupting agent that causes the cells to remain spherical. These results suggest that ectoderm-conditioned collagen gels inhibit chondrogenesis through an effect on cell shape.  相似文献   

Studies of somitogenesis in vertebrates have identified a number of genes that are regulated by a periodic oscillator that patterns the pre-somitic mesoderm. One of these genes, hairy, is homologous to a Drosophila segmentation gene that also shows periodic spatial expression. This, and the periodic expression of a zebrafish homologue of hairy during somitogenesis, has suggested that insect segmentation and vertebrate somitogenesis may use similar molecular mechanisms and possibly share a common origin. In chicks and mice expression of the lunatic fringe gene also oscillates in the presomitic mesoderm. Fringe encodes an extracellular protein that regulates Notch signalling. This, and the finding that mutations in Notch or its ligands disrupt somite patterning, suggests that Notch signalling plays an important role in vertebrate somitogenesis. Although Notch signalling is not known to play a role in the formation of segments in Drosophila, we reasoned that it might do so in other insects such as the grasshopper, where segment boundaries form between cells, not between syncytial nuclei as they do in Drosophila. Here we report the cloning of a single fringe gene from the grasshopper Schistocerca. We show that it is not detectably expressed in the forming trunk segments of the embryo until after segment boundaries have formed. We conclude that fringe is not part of the mechanism that makes segments in Schistocerca. Thereafter it is expressed in a pattern which shows that it is a downstream target of the segmentation machinery and suggests that it may play a role in segment morphogenesis. Like its Drosophila counterpart, Schistocerca fringe is also expressed in the eye, in rings in the legs, and during oogenesis, in follicle cells. Received: 14 October 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   

During axonogenesis, contacts made by the growth cone with its substratum are important in guiding the direction of neurone outgrowth. This study examines the contacts made by the growth cones of pioneer neurones in the embryonic grasshopper limb. Individual pioneer neurones at different stages of development were injected with horseradish peroxidase and the contacts made by the filopodia at the tip of their growth cones were examined by electron microscopy. Filopodia made few contacts with mesodermal cells, some contacts with ectodermal cells and very frequent contacts with basal lamina underlying the ectoderm. Components of the basal lamina may therefore play a role in guiding pioneer axon outgrowth.  相似文献   

Formation of the thickened apical ectodermal ridge of developing vertebrate limbs appears to be a complex process. Direct connections to molecular controls of cell migratory machinery have been shown for first time in neural crest migration. New unsuspected roles are emerging for ephrin ligand/Eph receptor signalling in vascular morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Regeneration of the segment boundary in Oncopeltus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The segment boundary of Oncopeltus is a compartment border. It is also an element in the pattern of the abdomen, being marked by a groove in the surface of the cuticle and an abrupt change in the pigmentation of the cells. If the segment boundary is either burnt or extirpated, the surviving cells of the two neighbouring segments migrate into the wounded area and form a new segment boundary where they confront each other. Grafting experiments with genetically marked cells demonstrate that a boundary is regenerated wherever cells from remote locations in the anteroposterior axis of any segment are apposed; thus anterior and posterior cells from the same segment form an ectopic boundary when brought together, while cells from equivalent positions in two segments heal together without forming a boundary. We consider the segment boundary to be an element in a pattern which reiterates down the longitudinal axis of the body—whenever cells from different positions in this pattern are brought together intercalation occurs. The intercalation can either be within a segment (no boundary forms) or between segments (a boundary forms). The route of intercalation appears to be the shortest available, so that when the apposed cells are more than half a segment length apart a new boundary forms.  相似文献   

The angular velocity of a knee extension performed after flexion with different range and velocity, i.e. the kicking movement with stabilized thigh, was investigated and described. In addition, the maximum velocity of extension reached after prestretch was compared to that obtained in trials without prestretch. The maximum velocity of extension varied from 213 to 1087 degrees s-1 depending on the range and velocity of prestretch. In trials without prestretch the velocity of extension was worse up to 43% when small range of movement was involved. In trials with full range of movement the velocity of extension was similar in the tasks with and without prestretch. In this context the possible role of elastic energy is discussed. The method used was electrogoniometry.  相似文献   

During neuronal pathfinding in vivo, growth cones must reorient their direction of migration in response to extracellular guidance cues. The developing grasshopper limb bud has proved to be a model system in which to examine mechanisms of growth cone guidance and motility in vivo. In this review we examine the contributions of adhesion and multiple guidance cues (semaphorins 1 and 2) in directing a growth cone steering event. Recent observations have suggested that the tibial pioneer growth cones are not directed via mechanisms of differential adhesivity. We present a model of growth cone steering that suggests a combination of adhesive and guidance receptors are important for a correct steering event and that guidance molecules may be important regulators of adhesive interactions with the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Structural and mechanical indicators of limb specialization in primates   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The structural mechanics of femora and humeri from primates representing a wide spectrum of habitual locomotor activities were examined to determine how cross-sectional properties vary with functional specializations of the extremities. Average bending rigidities of the midshaft of humerus and femur were measured in 60 individuals of four nonhuman primate species (Macaca nemestrina, Macaca fascicularis, Presbytis cristata, Hylobates lar) using single-beam photon absorptiometry. Linear regression analyses of the loge transformed data were used to assess the relative usage of the forelimb and hindlimb in propulsion and weight bearing, and to evaluate deviations from generalized mammalian quadrupedalism. The results suggest that average bending rigidities of the humerus and femur in primates reflect the extent to which the forelimb and hindlimb are used differently in locomotion; deviations of average bending rigidity from geometric similarity indicate functional variations from generalized mammalian quadrupedalism and the ratio of humeral to femoral bending rigidity can be used to identify trends towards hindlimb or forelimb dominance in locomotion and can be employed in general to determine how the limb was used.  相似文献   

Segment polarity genes are expressed and required in restricted domains within each metameric unit of the Drosophila embryo. We have used the expression of two segment polarity genes engrailed (en) and wingless (wg) to monitor the effects of segment polarity mutants on the basic metameric pattern. Absence of patched (ptc) or naked (nkd) functions triggers a novel sequence of en and wg patterns. In addition, although wg and en are not expressed on the same cells absence of either one has effects on the expression of the other. These observations, together with an analysis of mutant phenotypes during development, lead us to suggest that positional information is encoded in cell states defined and maintained by the activity of segment polarity gene products.  相似文献   

The transmission ratio (ks) for a supernumerary chromosome segment was studied in a total of 54 heterozygous females collected from two Spanish natural populations of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans. Our analysis clearly demonstrated that ks is negatively dependent on the number of B chromosomes in the female. The possible mechanisms by which B chromosomes may cause undertransmission of the supernumerary segment, and the implications of this phenomenon for the maintenance of this extra chromosome segment, are discussed.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of the grasshopper's Medial Giant Interneuron (MGI) was examined by injecting the cell with the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow at a series of stages in its growth. Particular attention was given to the way in which this neuron constructs its stereotyped dendritic branching pattern. The MGI's dendrites originate as secondary processes which sprout at characteristic points along the neurite after the primary growth cone has passed. These processes then arborize to form a miniature version of their adult branching pattern before the end of embryonic life. While growing, the dendritic branches are covered with a radiant profusion of filopodia; however, these filopodia are ephemeral structures and disappear once the cell matures. By contrast there is no significant reduction in either the number or the spatial extent of the actual dendrites at any embryonic stage. This implies that the stereotyped branching pattern of the mature MGI is primarily determined by a precise pattern of initial growth, and that secondary pruning of branches does not play an important role in shaping the final form of this cell. The coordinate ingrowth of the first cercal sensory axons was examined by cobalt filling the embryonic nerve, and the means by which these sensory axons make their initial contacts with the MGI's dendrites is herein discussed. The following paper considers the degree to which this sensory innervation regulates dendritic growth and branching.  相似文献   

The vertebrate hindbrain is subdivided into segments, termed neuromeres, that are units of gene expression, cell differentiation and behavior. A key property of such segments is that cells show a restricted ability to mix across segment borders -- termed lineage restriction. In order to address segmentation in the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (mhb) region, we have analyzed single cell behavior in the living embryo by acquiring time-lapse movies of the developing mhb region in a transgenic zebrafish line. We traced the movement of hundreds of nuclei, and by matching their position with the expression of a midbrain marker, we demonstrate that midbrain and hindbrain cells arise from two distinct cell populations. Single cell labeling and analysis of the distribution of their progeny shows that lineage restriction is probably established during late gastrulation stages. Our findings suggest that segmentation as an organizing principle in early brain development can be extended to the mhb region. We argue that lineage restriction serves to constrain the position of the mhb organizer cell population.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of the angular velocity vector of a limb segment in three dimensional motion, is described. It is first necessary to obtain the coordinates, with respect to a space fixed system of Cartesia axes, at suitably small time increments for three non-colinear points on the limb segment. The velocity components with respect to space fixed axes, of the points on the limb segments are then obtained by numerical differentiation. A procedure which is given is then used to calculate the components, with respect to body fixed axes, of the angular velocity vector from the velocity components of the three points.  相似文献   

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