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EPs elicited by diffuse light flashes and check patterns, were studied in children and juveniles with congenital and traumatic cataract, during different periods and various durations of deprivation, as well as in a control group of children and juveniles with normal vision. Specific age characteristics were found in the EPs to check patterns in seven years-old children. In children with congenital cataracts significant changes in the shape and amplitude-temporal EP parameters were recorded. In children with traumatic cataracts, presumably developed after the end of the sensitive period, the changes in EPs were much less pronounced. The obtained data are discussed from the point of view of the duration of the sensitive period of the formation of the visual function in humans and of informative value of different EP components.  相似文献   

Short-, middle- and long-latency auditory evoked potentials (SAEPs, MAEPs and LAEPs) were examined in 12 subjects with Down's syndrome and in 12 age-matched normal subjects. In comparison with the normal subjects, Down subjects showed shorter latencies for SAEP peaks II, III, IV and V (and correspondingly shorter interpeak intervals I–II and I–III) so long as stimulus intensity was at least 45 dB SL. The MAEP peak Na had a longer latency in Down subjects than in normal subjects, but not the Pa latency. In passive oddball experiments for LAEPs, the latencies of all components from N1 to P3 were progressively longer in Down subjects, and the N2-P3 amplitude increased slightly between the first and fourth blocks of stimuli (whereas in the normal subjects it decreased). These alterations in auditory evoked potentials, which may correlate with cerebral alterations in organization and responsiveness responsible for deficient information processing, may constitute an electrophysiological pattern that is characteristic of Down's syndrome.  相似文献   

Components of evoked potentials to stimuli differing in size and warning about the necessity of subsequent recognition of an image at the global or local level were analyzed to identify the specific features of selective attention in adults and seven-year-old children. In both age groups, components were found that were related to selective attention aimed at processing a warning stimulus (the P1, N1, and P2 components) and producing a response to the subsequent test stimulus. Both age groups exhibited similar dependences of changes in the P1 component (40–110 and 110–220 ms in the adults and children, respectively) on the type of the warning stimulus. The children displayed a greater increase in the amplitude of the P1 component of the response to the global versus the local key than the adults did. The P1 component is suggested to reflect not only the sensory features of the stimulus but also the selective attention associated with its sensory processing. The amplitude of the P2 component of the response to the global key (190–240 and 330–410 ms in the adults and children, respectively) was higher in both age groups. This component is believed to indicate evaluation of the signal importance of the warning stimulus. In the adults, late components of event-related potentials (ERPs), i.e., P3-N3 (300–450 ms), were associated with the global or local level of recognition of a test hierarchical stimulus that was presented after the key, with the greatest differences in the central and posterior associative areas of the right hemisphere and in the frontocentral areas of the left hemisphere. In the children, the N3 component (530–600 ms) in the left parietal area, as well as the late ERP phases, i.e., Ps (680–950 ms) and Ns (1030–1130 ms), during which the frontal cortical areas are involved in preparing the subsequent response, was shown to depend on the type of the warning stimulus.  相似文献   

Auditory sensitivity based on auditory brain stem response (ABR), whole nerve action potential (AP), and cochlear microphonics (CM) to tone bursts of 0.5-8 kHz were compared with behavioral audiometry in the Japanese monkeys. Although sensitivity loss at 4-6 kHz was observed in these potentials, an increase in sensitivity at 8 kHz was obtained only in the ABR. Thus the sensitivity loss at 4-6 kHz originates at the peripheral system and the increased sensitivity at 8 kHz originates at the central.  相似文献   

Twelve subjects were tested using a 3-tone auditory oddball paradigm consisting of a standard 1000 Hz tone (P = 80%) and two deviants, namely, a 1200 Hz tone and a 2000 Hz tone (both P = 10%). Testing took place in 3 conditions: (1) attend, in which the subject had to count one of the deviant tones; (2) ignore, in which the subject read a book; and (3) sleep, in which the subject was encouraged to go to sleep during presentation of the tones.In the awake conditions stimulus deviance elicited mismatch negativity (MMN) and P3. During drowsiness, no separate mismatch negativity (MMN) could be detected, but the 2000 Hz tone evoked a broad fronto-central early negative deflection, suggesting an overlap of N1 and MMN. In the same condition, P210, N330 and P430 appeared, all being sensitive to magnitude of deviance. During stage 2, the P210, N330 and P430 amplitudes increased, most notably to the large deviant.These data indicate that differential processing of auditory inputs is maintained during drowsiness and stage 2 sleep, but do not support the notion that MMN or P3 activity comparable to the waking state occurs to oddball stimuli during this stage. It is hypothesised that during light sleep, scanning of the environment is performed by a different system than in the awake state and that during drowsiness a gradual switch between these two systems takes place.  相似文献   

We recorded the motor evoked potentials (MEPs) from the abductor pollicis brevis muscle, after supramaximal electrical transcranial stimulation, and studied the effect of paired transcranial shocks with varying interstimulus time intervals, in 10 normal subjects, 4 patients with median nerve neuropathy and 2 patients with motoneurone disease.In relaxed muscles the amplitude of the MEP evoked by a single shock averaged 30% of the M wave. With intervals from 1 to 2.5 msec 2 shocks evoked one MEP far larger in size than the control MEP (70% of the M wave). With intervals of 10 msec and longer, the 2 shocks evoked 2 independent MEPs; the size of the MEP following the second shock (test) was inversely correlated with the size of the control MEP: the more the control MEP approached the size of the M wave, the smaller the test MEP. Single motor unit records showed that, in the normal subjects and patients with peripheral neuropathy, the same motor unit was activated either by the first or the second shock, whereas in the patients with motoneurone disease it fired twice. In active muscles, the control MEP averaged 70% of the M wave. With intervals of 10 msec and longer the test MEP was markedly suppressed; with 100 msec intervals it fully recovered. In relaxed muscles, by delivering a double shock at a 1.5 msec interval, thus evoking a large MEP, followed by a second double-shock, the test MEP was completely suppressed for a period of 20 msec; it began to recover at 50 msec intervals and fully recovered after 150 msec.These results indicate that: (1) high-threshold spinal motoneurones can profit from temporal summation if double-shocks are delivered at short time intervals; (2) the synchronous excitation of the motoneuronal pool produced by transcranial stimulation is followed by a 20 msec period of absolute inhibition, possibly through a massive activation of the Renshaw system; (3) during voluntary contraction, only a portion of the motoneuronal pool remains refractory, possibly because of the enhanced spinal excitability.  相似文献   

Brainstem evoked response audiometry has been performed in 164 patients complaining of tinnitus, unilateral or bilateral. The latency of every wave and the latency between the peak of every wave have been compared with those obtained in a normal population (n = 57). The latency of the first wave is increased significantly at the same side of the tinnitus. But I-V latency is shorter at the side of the tinnitus. When this increase is absent, the I-V latency is prolonged the side of the tinnitus. It is possible to differentiate between tinnitus of peripheral origin and that of central origin, although the existence of unilateral deafness is constant. The same results have been obtained in the deaf patients with bilateral symmetric deafness, in accordance with Maurizi et al., 1985.  相似文献   

Steady-state auditory-evoked potentials were recorded noninvasively from alert bottlenosed dolphins, Tursiops truncates, using suction cup electrodes placed on the scalp surface. Responses were elicited using continuous acoustic signals consisting of 2, 3, or 4 tones with lowest frequency at 1000 Hz or 5000 Hz, and having a maximum frequency separation of 171 Hz. Due to the interaction of the stimulus tones, the stimulus waveform was comprised of 1 to 6 dominant temporal envelope components. Evoked responses were averaged in the time domain and Fourier transformed for analysis. The spectrum of the averaged evoked potential contained peaks at Fourier components corresponding to all stimulus envelope frequencies. Thus, scalp potentials, representing the synchronized discharge of large neuronal assemblies, followed the low-frequency temporal envelope of the stimulating waveform whether comprised of 1, 3, or 6 dominant envelope components; this envelope following response (EFR) was the dependent variable in all experiments.  相似文献   

The ERPs to familiar, unfamiliar, and recently learned words were recorded in 20 right-handed students who have recently studied a course in sensory physiology during performance of two tasks. The first task consisted in processing of different types of words, the second task required recognition of terms from sensory physiology. In the first task, three types of words were presented to a subject: familiar words related and unrelated to a given category and unfamiliar words. Subjects had to press the appropriate button responding to the questions whether they considered the presented word be related to the given category and whether they were sure in their answer. In the second task, terms from recently studied physiological material were presented to the students who had to detect whether those terms were related or unrelated to the given sensory system. Significant differences between late ERP components were revealed by Student test for matched samples. In the first task, component N400 of the ERP to unfamiliar words was higher than that of the ERP to familiar words. It was also higher in ERPs to words unrelated to the given category than in ERPs to related words. However, this component did not differ between ERPs to well and poorly acquired words in the test on sensory physiology. On the contrary, the late positive component was more expressed in ERPs to familiar and better acquired words in both tasks. Brain mechanisms of processing of different types of words are discussed.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological age and sex differences in visual pattern responsivity were investigated. Pattern reversal evoked potentials (PREPs) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to patterned and unpatterned flashes were recorded from 20 normal subjects in each of 4 groups: young females and males aged 25–35 years and older females and males aged 55–70 years. PREP waves N70-P100 and P100-N150 from the older women were significantly larger than those from subjects in the other groups; mean amplitudes for the young females, young males and older males were not different. A similar effect, unusually large potentials for the older women, was obtained for VEPs, but only for VEPs elicited by patterned flashes and recorded from occipital scalp, i.e., an area overlying visual cortex which is sensitive to lines and edges. Our findings suggest that the visual system of older females is unusually responsive to patterned stimuli.  相似文献   

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