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Current models of leaf water enrichment predict that the differences between isotopic enrichment of water at the site of evaporation (Δe) and mean lamina leaf water enrichment (ΔL) depend on transpiration rates ( E ), modulated by the scaled effective length ( L ) of water isotope movement in the leaf. However, variations in leaf parameters in response to changing environmental conditions might cause changes in the water path and thus L . We measured the diel course of ΔL for 18O and 2H in beech seedlings under well-watered and water-limited conditions. We applied evaporative enrichment models of increasing complexity to predict Δe and ΔL, and estimated L from model fits. Water-limited plants showed moderate drought stress, with lower stomatal conductance, E and stem water potential than the control. Despite having double E , the divergence between Δe and ΔL was lower in well-watered than in water-limited plants, and thus, L should have changed to counteract differences in E . Indeed, L was about threefold higher in water-limited plants, regardless of the models used. We conclude that L changes with plant water status far beyond the variations explained by water content and other measured variables, thus limiting the use of current evaporative models under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes in water have the potential to diagnose changes in the earth's hydrological budget in response to climate change and land use change. However, there have been few measurements in the vapour phase. Here, we present high-frequency measurements of oxygen isotopic compositions of water vapour ( δ v) and evapotranspiration ( δ ET) above a soybean canopy using the tunable diode laser (TDL) technique for the entire 2006 growing season in Minnesota, USA. We observed a large variability in surface δ v from the daily to the seasonal timescales, largely explained by Rayleigh processes, but also influenced by vertical atmospheric mixing, local evapotranspiration (ET) and dew formation. We used δ ET measurements to calculate the isotopic composition at the sites of evaporative enrichment in leaves ( δ L,e) and compared that with the commonly used steady-state prediction ( δ L,s). There was generally a good agreement averaged over the season, but larger differences on individual days. We also found that vertical variability in relative humidity and temperature associated with canopy structure must be addressed in canopy-scale leaf water models. Finally, we explored this data set for direct evidence of the Péclet effect.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope enrichment of bulk leaf water (ΔL) is often observed to be poorly predicted by the Craig–Gordon‐type models developed for evaporative enrichment from a body of water (Δe). The discrepancy between ΔL and Δe may be explained by gradients in enrichment within the leaf as a result of convection of unenriched water to the sites of evaporation opposing the diffusion of enrichment away from the sites; a Péclet effect. However, this effect is difficult to quantify because the velocities of water movement within the leaf are unknown. This paper attempts to model the complex anatomy of a leaf, and hence such velocities, to assess if the gradients in H218O required for a significant Péclet effect between the vein and the evaporation sites are possible within a leaf. Published dimensions of cells in wheat leaves are used to calculate the cross‐sectional areas perpendicular to the flow velocities of water through assumed pathways. By combining the ratio of actual to ‘slab’ velocities with anatomical lengths, equivalent lengths (L) emerge. In this way, it is concluded that if water moves only through the cell walls, or from cell to cell via either aquaporins or plasmodesmata, and evaporates from mesophyll cells, or the substomatal cells, or from the peristomatal region (a total of 15 combinations of assumptions), then the 15 central estimates of the values of L are between 9 and 200 mm. Each of these central estimates is subject to uncertainty, but overall their magnitude is important and estimates of L are comparable with those made from fitting to isotopic data (8 mm for wheat). It is concluded that significant gradients in enrichment between the vein and the evaporation sites are likely.  相似文献   

Farquhar and Gan [10] have proposed a model for the spatial variation in the isotopic enrichment of H218O across a leaf, which is specifically formulated for monocotyledoneous leaves. The model is based on the interaction between mass fluxes longitudinally within the xylem, and fluxes laterally through veinlets into the lamina mesophyll, where moisture leaves the leaf through transpiration. The lighter, more abundant, molecule H216O escapes preferentially with the evaporating water, resulting in the enrichment of H218O at these sites. Enriched water diffuses throughout the leaf, and it is this spatial distribution of enriched water which the model seeks to capture. In this paper we present a general formulation of the model in terms of mass flux, extending it to include variable transpiration rates across the leaf surface, as well as a tapering xylem. Solutions are developed for the general case and, since the solutions present in the form of Kummer functions, properties are established as well as methods for estimating the solutions under certain conditions relevant to the biology. The model output is compared with Gans data ([14, 15]) collected from maize plants.  相似文献   

Understanding ecosystem water fluxes has gained increasing attention, as climate scenarios predict a drier environment for many parts of the world. Evaporative enrichment of (18)O (Delta(18)O) of leaf water and subsequent enrichment of plant organic matter can be used to characterize environmental and physiological factors that control evaporation, based on a recently established mechanistic model. In a Pinus sylvestris forest, we measured the dynamics of oxygen isotopic composition (delta(18)O) every 6 h for 4 d in atmospheric water vapour, xylem sap, leaf water and water-soluble organic matter in current (N) and previous year (N-1) needles, phloem sap, together with leaf gas exchange for pooled N and N-1 needles, and relevant micrometeorological variables. Leaf water delta(18)O showed strong diel periodicity, while delta(18)O in atmospheric water vapour and in xylem sap showed little variation. The Delta(18)O was consistently lower for N than for N-1 needles, possibly related to phenological stage. Modelled leaf water Delta(18)O showed good agreement with measured values when applying a non-steady state evaporative enrichment model including a Péclet effect. We determined the time lags between delta(18)O signals from leaf water to water-soluble foliar organic matter and to phloem sap at different locations down the trunk, which clearly demonstrated the relevance of considering these time-lag effects for carbon transport, source-sink and carbon flux partitioning studies.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the spatial patterns of transpiration-driven water isotope enrichment (Delta(lw)) along monocot leaves. It has been suggested that these spatial patterns are the result of competing effects of advection and (back-)diffusion of water isotopes along leaf veins and in the mesophyll, but also reflect leaf geometry (e.g. leaf length, interveinal distance) and non-uniform gas-exchange parameters. We therefore developed a two-dimensional model of isotopic leaf water enrichment that incorporates new features, compared with previous models, such as radial diffusion in the xylem, longitudinal diffusion in the mesophyll, non-uniform gas-exchange parameters and non-steady-state effects. The model reproduces well all published measurements of Delta(lw) along monocot leaf blades, except at the leaf tip and given the uncertainties on measurements and model parameters. We show that the longitudinal diffusion in the mesophyll cannot explain the observed reduction in the isotope gradient at the leaf tip. Our results also suggest that the observed differences in Delta(lw) between C(3) and C(4) plants reflect more differences in mesophyll tortuosity rather than in leaf length or interveinal distance. Mesophyll tortuosity is by far the most sensitive parameter and different values are required for different experiments on the same plant species. Finally, using new measurements of non-steady-state, spatially varying leaf water enrichment we show that spatial patterns are in steady state around midday only, just as observed for bulk leaf water enrichment, but can be easily upscaled to the whole leaf level, regardless of their degree of heterogeneity along the leaf.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the δ18 oxygen (δ18O) content of water transpired by leaves during a simulated diurnal cycle fluctuated around the δ18O content of the source water. Reconstructed variations in the δ18O values of leaf water differed markedly from those predicted by conventional models. Even when transpiring leaves were maintained under constant conditions for at least 3 h, strict isotopic steady-state conditions of leaf water (equality of the 18O/16O ratios in the input and transpired water) were rarely attained in a variety of plant species (Citrus reticu-lata, Citrus paradisi, Gossypium hirsutum, Helianthus annuns, Musa musaceae and Nicotinia tabacum). Isotopic analysis of water transpired by leaves indicated that leaves approach the isotopic steady state in two stages. The first stage takes 10 to 35 min (with a rate of change of about 3–3%h?1), while in the second stage further approach to the isotopic steady state is asymptotic (with a rate of change of about 0–4% h?1), and under conditions of low transpiration leaves can last for many hours. Substantial spatial isotopic heterogeneity was maintained even when leaves were at or near isotopic steady state. An underlying pattern in this isotopic heterogeneity is often discerned with increasing 18O/16O ratios from base to tip, and from the centre to the edges of the leaves. It is also shown that tissue water along these spatial isotopic gradients, as well as the average leaf water, can have 18O/16O ratios both lower and higher than those predicted by the conventional Craig and Gordon model. We concluded, first, that at any given time during the diurnal cycle of relative humidity the attainment of an isotopic steady state in leaf water cannot be assumed a priori and, secondly, that the isotopic enrichment pattern of leaf water reflects gradual enrichment along the water-flow pathway (e.g. as in a string of pools), rather than a single-step enrichment from source water, as is normally assumed.  相似文献   

The process of evaporation results in the fractionation of water isotopes such that the lighter 16O isotope preferentially escapes the gas phase leaving the heavier 18O isotope to accumulate at the sites of evaporation. This applies to transpiration from a leaf with the degree of fractionation dependent on a number of environmental and physiological factors that are well understood. Nevertheless, the 18O enrichment of bulk leaf water is often less than that predicted for the sites of evaporation. The advection of less enriched water in the transpiration stream has been suggested to limit the back diffusion of enriched evaporative site water (Péclet effect); however, evidence for this effect has been varied. In sampling across a range of species with different vein densities and saturated water contents, we demonstrate the importance of accounting for the relative ‘pool’ sizes of the vascular and mesophyll water for the interpretation of a Péclet effect. Further, we provide strong evidence for a Péclet signal within the xylem that if unaccounted for can lead to confounding of the estimated enrichment within the mesophyll water. This has important implications for understanding variation in the effective path length of the mesophyll and hence potentially the δ18O of organic matter.  相似文献   

Kim K  Lee X 《Plant, cell & environment》2011,34(10):1790-1801
Dew formation, a common meteorological phenomenon, is expected to intensify in the future. Dew can influence the H218O and HDO isotopic compositions of leaf water (δL), but the phenomenon has been neglected in many experimental and modelling studies. In this study, the dew effect on δL was investigated with a dark plant chamber in which dew formation was introduced. The H218O and HDO compositions of water vapour, dew water and leaf water of five species were measured for up to 48 h of dew exposure. Our results show that the exchanges of H218O and HDO in leaf water with the air continued in the darkness when the net H216O flux was zero. Our estimates of the leaf conductance using the isotopic mass balance method ranged from 0.035 to 0.087 mol m?2 s?1, in broad agreement of the night‐time stomatal conductance reported in the literature. In our experiments, the conductance of the C4 species was 0.04 ± 0.01 mol m?2 s?1 and that of the C3 plants was 0.10 ± 0.04 mol m?2 s?1. At the end of 16 h dew exposure, 72 (±17) and 94 (±11)% of the leaf water came from dew according to the 18O and D tracer, respectively.  相似文献   

Changes in the 2H and 18O of atmospheric water vapour provide information for integrating aspects of gas exchange within forest canopies. In this study, we show that diurnal fluctuations in the oxygen isotope ratio (δ18O) as high as 4‰ were observed for water vapour (δ18Ovp) above and within an old‐growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Values of δ18Ovp decreased in the morning, reached a minimum at midday, and recovered to early‐morning values in the late afternoon, creating a nearly symmetrical diurnal pattern for two consecutive summer days. A mass balance budget was derived and assessed for the 18O of canopy water vapour over a 2‐d period by considering the 18O‐isoflux of canopy transpiration, soil evaporation and the air entering the canopy column. The budget was used to address two questions: (1) do δ18O values of canopy water vapour reflect the biospheric influence, or are such signals swamped by atmospheric mixing? and (2) what mechanisms drive temporal variations of δ18Ovp? Model calculations show that the entry of air into the canopy column resulted in an isotopically depleted 18O‐isoflux in the morning of day 1, causing values of δ18Ovp to decrease. An isotopically enriched 18O‐isoflux resulting from transpiration then offset this decreased δ18Ovp later during the day. Contributions of 18O‐isoflux from soil evaporation were relatively small on day 1 but were more significant on day 2, despite the small H216O fluxes. From measurements of leaf water volume and sapflux, we determined the turnover time of leaf water in the needles of Douglas‐fir trees as ≈ 11 h at midday. Such an extended turnover time suggests that transpiration may not have occurred at the commonly assumed isotopic steady state. We tested a non‐steady state model for predicting δ18O of leaf water. Our model calculations show that assuming isotopic steady state increased isoflux of transpiration. The impact of this increase on the modelled δ 18Ovp was clearly detectable, suggesting the importance of considering isotopic non‐steady state of transpiration in studies of forest 18O water balance.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of leaf water isotopes are challenging to predict because of the intricate link between vein and lamina water. Many models have attempted to predict these patterns, but to date, most have focused on monocots with parallel veins. These provide a simple system to study, but do not represent the majority of plant species. Here, a new protocol is developed using a Picarro induction module coupled to a cavity ringdown spectrometer to obtain maps of the leaf water isotopes (18O and 2H). The technique is applied to Colocasia esculenta leaves. The results are compared with isotope ratio mass spectrometry. In C. esculenta, a large enrichment in the radial direction is observed, but not in the longitudinal direction. The string‐of‐lakes model fails to predict the observed patterns, while the Farquhar–Gan model is more successful, especially when enrichment is accounted for along the radial direction. Our results show that reticulate‐veined leaves experience a larger enrichment along the axis of the secondary veins than along the midrib. We hypothesize that this is due to the lower major/minor vein ratio that leads to longer pathways between major veins and sites of evaporation.  相似文献   

河水氢氧稳定同位素特征是研究水体转化和示踪水循环过程的重要内容.为研究河水氢氧稳定同位素特征,揭示河水补给来源,于2017年4—8月对亚热带农业小流域脱甲河4级河段(S_1、S_2、S_3和S_4)水体氢(D)、氧(18O)稳定同位素进行了监测,分析其时空动态特征和过量氘(d-excess)的变化规律,并探讨了它们与降水、高程和水质等影响因子的相关关系.结果表明:δD、δ18O和d-excess的变化范围分别在-43.17‰^-26.43‰(-35.50‰±5.44‰)、-7.94‰^-5.70‰(-6.86‰±0.74‰)和16.77‰~23.49‰(19.39‰±1.95‰).受季风环流的影响,δD和δ18O具有明显的季节变化特征,即春季(δD和δ18O为-29.88‰±3.31‰和-6.18‰±0.57‰)>夏季(δD和δ18O为-39.25‰±2.65‰和-7.32‰±0.42‰);空间上,δD和δ18O表现出明显的沿程变化,随着采样点的位置到河流源头的距离波动增加,δD为S_118O为S_118O与水温呈显著负相关(δD:r=-0.92;δ18O:r=-0.88);δ18O与海拔呈显著负相关(r=-0.96);在空间上,δ18O与水温呈显著正相关(r=0.98);δD和δ18O与降水量呈不显著负相关.  相似文献   

Leaf wax n‐alkane δ2H values carry important information about environmental and ecophysiological processes in plants. However, the physiological and biochemical drivers that shape leaf wax n‐alkane δ2H values are not completely understood. It is particularly unclear why n‐alkanes in grasses are typically 2H‐depleted compared with plants from other taxonomic groups such as dicotyledonous plants and why C3 grasses are 2H‐depleted compared with C4 grasses. To resolve these uncertainties, we quantified the effects of leaf water evaporative 2H‐enrichment and biosynthetic hydrogen isotope fractionation on n‐alkane δ2H values for a range of C3 and C4 grasses grown in climate‐controlled chambers. We found that only a fraction of leaf water evaporative 2H‐enrichment is imprinted on the leaf wax n‐alkane δ2H values in grasses. This is interesting, as previous studies have shown in dicotyledonous plants a nearly complete transfer of this 2H‐enrichment to the n‐alkane δ2H values. We thus infer that the typically observed 2H‐depletion of n‐alkanes in grasses (as opposed to dicots) is because only a fraction of the leaf water evaporative 2H‐enrichment is imprinted on the δ2H values. Our experiments also show that differences in n‐alkane δ2H values between C3 and C4 grasses are largely the result of systematic differences in biosynthetic fractionation between these two plant groups, which was on average ?198‰ and?159‰ for C3 and C4 grasses, respectively.  相似文献   

Two direct but independent approaches were developed to identify the average δ18O value of the water fraction in the chloroplasts of transpiring leaves. In the first approach, we used the δ18O value of CO2 in isotopic equilibrium with leaf water to reconstruct the δ18O value of water in the chloroplasts. This method was based on the idea that the enzyme carbonic anhydrase facilitates isotopic equilibrium between CO2 and H2O predominantly in the chloroplasts, at a rate that is several orders of magnitude faster than the non-catalysed exchange in other leaf water fractions. In the second approach, we measured the δ18O value of O2 from photosynthetic water oxidation in the chloroplasts of intact leaves. Since O2 is produced from chloroplast water irreversibly and without discrimination, the δ18O value of the O2 should be identical to that of chloroplast water. In intact, transpiring leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus cv. giant mammoth) under the experimental conditions used, the average δ18O value of chloroplasts water was displaced by 3—10 % (depending on relative humidity and atmospheric composition) below the value predicted by the conventional Craig & Gordon model. Furthermore, this δ18O value was always lower than the δ18O value that was measured for bulk leaf water. Our results have implications for a variety of environmental studies since it is the δ18O value of water in the chloroplasts that is the relevant quantity in considering terrestrial plants influence on the δ18O values of atmospheric CO2 and O2, as well as in influencing the δ18O of plant organic matter.  相似文献   

Stomatal control of water use in olive tree leaves   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Fernández  J.E.  Moreno  F.  Girón  I.F.  Blázquez  O.M. 《Plant and Soil》1997,190(2):179-192
Little is known about the strategies used by olive trees to overcome the long dry periods typical of the areas where they are cropped. This makes it difficult to optimize the water supply in orchards. To study the control of water consumption by olive trees, measurements of leaf water potential () and stomatal conductance to H2O (g) were made on 26-year-old t Manzanillo olive trees under three irrigation treatments. The first treatment provided enough water to cover the crop water demand, the next treatment supplied one third of that rate, and the final treatment was no irrigation at all, typical of dry-farming conditions. Under conditions of high vapour pressure deficit of the air (Da), the olive trees prevented excessive water loss by closing their stomata. Leaves of the current year showed better stomatal control than did the 1-year-old leaves. The upper-bound functional relationships between t g and t Da and photon flux density (IP) were obtained by boundary-line analysis, based on a technique of non-linear least squares. Maximum values of t g were observed at relatively low levels of t IP, from about 500 mol m-2 s-1, and a proportional decrease in t g with increasing t Da was also found, at least for values of up to approximately 3.5 kPa. Higher values of t g were observed in the morning than in the afternoon, for similar levels of t IP and t Da. Unirrigated olive trees recovered quickly after the dry season, showing values of and t g similar to those of irrigated trees after just two days.  相似文献   

Leaf age and salinity influence water relations of pepper leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant growth is reduced under saline conditions even when turgor in mature leaves is maintained by osmotic adjustment. The objective of this study was to determine if young leaves from salt-affected plants were also osmotically adjusted. Pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L. cv. California Wonder) were grown in several levels of solution osmotic potential and various components of the plants' water relations were measured to determine if young, rapidly growing leaves could accumulate solutes rapidly enough to maintain turgor for normal cell enlargement. Psychrometric measurements indicated that osmotic adjustment is similar for both young and mature leaves although osmotic potential is slightly lower for young leaves. Total water potential is also lower for young leaves, particularly at dawn for the saline treatments. The result is reduced turgor under saline conditions at dawn for young but not mature leaves. This reduced turgor at dawn, and presumably low night value, is possibly a cause of reduced growth under saline conditions. No differences in leaf turgor occur at midday. Porometer measurements indicated that young leaves at a given salinity level have a higher stomatal conductance than mature leaves, regardless of the time of day. The result of stomatal closure is a linear reduction of transpiration.  相似文献   

Tracking migratory animals has benefitted using measurements of naturally occurring stable isotopes of hydrogen (δ2H) in keratinous tissues such as hair and feathers to link animal origins to continental patterns or isoscapes of δ2H in precipitation. However, for most taxa, much less information exists on the use of stable oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) despite the fact that δ2H and δ18O are strongly linked in environmental waters through the meteoric relationship and the possibility of using both isotopes to infer greater information on origins and climatic conditions where tissues are grown. A fundamental requirement of using stable isotopes to assign individuals and populations to origins is the development of a rescaling function linking environmental food web signals to the tissue of interest and for birds, this has not been carried out. Here, we derived the relationship between H and O isotopes in known source feathers of 104 individuals representing 11 species of insectivorous passerines sampled across the strong precipitation isoscape of North America. We determined again a strong expected relationship between feather δ2H (δ2Hf) and long‐term amount‐weighted precipitation δ2H (δ2Hp; r2 = 0.77), but the corresponding relationship between δ18Of and δ18Op was poor (r2 = 0.32) for the same samples. This suggests that δ2H measurements are currently more useful for assignment of insectivorous songbirds to precipitation isoscapes but does not preclude other uses of the δ18Of data. Currently, mechanisms responsible for the decoupling of H and O isotopes in food webs is poorly known, and we advocate a much broader sampling of both isotopes in the same keratinous tissues across precipitation isotope gradients and across taxa to resolve this issue and to increase the power of using water isotopes to track migratory animals.  相似文献   

黄土区小流域植被类型对沟坡地土壤水分循环的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沟坡作为黄土丘陵区小流域水土流失最为活跃的区域,探究不同下垫面植被类型下的土壤水分循环特征对于沟坡地植被恢复具有重要意义。基于氢氧同位素示踪技术,通过野外水样采集和室内同位素分析旨在揭示植被类型对沟坡地土壤水分循环的影响机制。结果表明:(1)各水体氢氧同位素均遵循:降水>刺槐林地土壤水>草地土壤水>地表水>地下水,降水的变异系数最大,地表水和地下水的变异系数较小。(2)草地土壤水主要以降水补给为主,所占比例为59.12%,刺槐林地土壤水则以深层土壤水的上升补给为主,所占比例为60.97%。短阵性暴雨条件下,草地土壤水运移速率较刺槐林地高约1 cm/d,且主要发生在0—50 cm土层。(3)土壤水的垂向运移为地下水的主要补给形式,草地土壤水对地下水的补给比例为51.64%,约比刺槐林地高0.52%。表明植被类型对土壤水分循环特征具有一定的影响,刺槐林对深层土壤水分利用强度较大,可能加剧深层土壤干层化,而草地更有利于降水入渗以及地下水补给,该研究可为小流域沟坡的生态修复和综合治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Modelling of water and sediment quality in the Scheldt estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In 1987 the Tidal Waters Division (Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, The Netherlands) initiated the SAWES project (Systems Analysis WEstern Scheldt). In the framework of this project, a water quality model for the Scheldt estuary was made. The model aims to establish the relation between pollution inputs and the concentration of pollutants in the abiotic compartments and to establish the fate of wasted substances. The model includes oxygen, nitrogen and trace metals. Due to the low oxygen content of the upper Scheldt estuary, a new model approach for trace metals had to be developed, taking into account precipitated metal sulphides. The calibration, verification and sensitivity analysis of the model provided a good understanding of the chemistry of the estuary. Afterwards the model was used to support policy making by computing how the water and sediment quality in the estuary respond to reduced inputs of waste.  相似文献   

全球氮沉降加剧在影响植物生长的同时可能改变植物水分利用特征,了解氮沉降下植被耗水规律对模拟和预测森林水文循环各分量演变特征意义重大.本研究以长白山阔叶红松林优势树种——蒙古栎、水曲柳和紫椴树为研究对象,通过氢氧同位素示踪法,分析不同氮素添加量(低氮添加组11.8 kg ? hm-2,LN;高氮添加组23.6 kg ? ...  相似文献   

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