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Eocene to middle Miocene stratigraphic changes in species richness, abundance and valve size of Chaetoceros resting spores in the Norwegian Sea (DSDP Site 338) were investigated in order to understand past productivity and paleoenvironmental changes in upwelling regions. As a result, drastic resting spore events were recognized in a 6 myr interval across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (EO Event), the Oligocene/Miocene boundary (OM Event) and in the early middle Miocene (emM Event). The EO Event was characterized by explosive diversification at both the morpho-generic and specific levels, an increase in abundance, and a decrease in valve size from the upper Eocene through the lowest Oligocene. The OM Event was defined by a two-fold increase in species richness. During the emM Event spore abundance decreased rapidly, and species richness and valve size decreased gradually. These changes may indicate changes in the nutrient supply, especially in upwelling regions. The increased species richness suggests a change from a stable water column with a constant nutrient supply in the Eocene to an unstable one with a sporadic nutrient supply by increased vertical mixing in the Oligocene, based on evaluation of the ecologic differences between dinoflagellate cysts and Chaetoceros resting spores. The role of main primary producer might have switched from dinoflagellates and/or nannoplankton in the Eocene to diatoms, especially Chaetoceros, in the Oligocene in the Norwegian Sea. Increased resting spore species richness during the OM Event may show that environmental changes such as global cooling and nutrient mixing led to a diversification of the spore producing genus Chaetoceros. The emM Event might have been affected by changes in paleoceanographic conditions, perhaps a decrease in nutrient supply. This study presents the first paleoceanographic analysis using not only the total resting spore abundance but also the abundances of individual species, and establishes the value of spore taxonomy and diatom analysis including spores.  相似文献   

A major turnover in planktonic foraminifera occurred across the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary. New drill holes through the E/O boundary in southern Tanzania contain extremely well-preserved and diverse assemblages of planktonic foraminifera. Here we document a 1.2 million year record of assemblages, diversity and stable isotope fluctuations through this critical interval, which is often dissolved and/or recrystallised in carbonate-rich facies. The E/O boundary is marked by the abrupt extinction of all five remaining species of the family Hantkeninidae and a distinct size reduction in the genus Pseudohastigerina. The boundary is preceded over a short stratigraphic interval by the extinction of Turborotalia cerroazulensis, Turborotalia cocoaensis and Turborotalia cunialensis. Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages reveals significant changes in the abundance of certain species and the composition of the assemblages. We compare diversity fluctuations to the stable isotope record of Pseudohastigerina naguewichiensis and use multispecies stable isotope analyses to determine the life habitats of the most important species. A major shift in the evenness occurs at ~ 33.8 Ma associated with the extinction of the T cerroazulensis group suggesting acute ecological disturbance. We propose that the extinction of the T. cerroazulensis group at ~ 33.8 Ma was directly related to cooling of sea surface temperatures, while the extinction of Hantkeninidae was due to modifications in the thermal structure of the oceans and associated productivity changes. After the extinctions, renewed origination and diversification occurred, leading to a characteristic Oligocene planktonic foraminifer assemblage.  相似文献   

This paper reports a previously unknown leaf-flora from the Upper Oligocene/Lower Miocene of the Ebro Basin, NE Spain, a period with a relatively poor vascular-plant fossil record in Southern Europe. The presence of Acrostichum sp. is also important. This fern is extremely significant from the point of view of palaeoecology and the depositional environment. The macroflora appears to yield sufficient morphological characteristics to be identified at genus level, and sometimes at species level, although cuticles are not preserved. This article presents the first data obtained from the new outcrop at La Val; the following families have been identified: Pteridaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Equisetaceae, Pinaceae, Lauraceae, Hamamelidaceae, Betulaceae, Myricaceae and Salicaceae. The fossil plant assemblage is correlated with the Cadibona floristic complex (Mai, Tertiäre Vegetationsgeschichte Europas. Methoden und Ergebnisse, Gustav Fischer, Jena, 691 pp., 1995) and suggests a subtropical-to-warm temperate climate, rainy and wet, with a short dry season. The age of the assemblage is Late Oligocene/Early Miocene.  相似文献   

Eocene-Oligocene deep-sea benthonic foraminifera in D.S.D.P. Site 277 in the southwest Pacific have been analyzed to determine the benthonic foraminiferal response to the development of the psychrosphere near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Biostratigraphic ranges of 41 taxa show that 23 taxa are found throughout the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene sequence, while 18 taxa exhibit first or last occurrences. Comparison of the faunal changes in Site 277 with a benthonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope record shows that the development of the psychrosphere did not have a profound effect upon the benthonic foraminifera, and the overall faunal change preceding and subsequent to the bottom-water circulation event occurred gradually. The inferred water-mass event affected the relative abundance of one species, Epistominella umbonifera. The lack of major faunal changes at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in Site 277 probably reflects either wide environmental tolerances of the benthonic foraminifera, or a bottom-water temperature change less than 3°C.Examination of previously published benthonic foraminiferal biostratigraphic data from D.S.D.P. Sites 167, 171, 357, 360, 363, and 400A, and deep-sea ostracode data from D.S.D.P. Leg 3 show faunal changes occurred during discrete intervals in the Middle Eocene-Early Oligocene. The faunal patterns from these data and from Site 277 show that the Eocene/Oligocene cooling event did not cause rapid, catastrophic changes of the benthonic faunas of the open ocean, although significant faunal changes are associated with the water mass event in Sites 167, 171 and 400A.The benthonic faunal changes in Middle Eocene-Early Oligocene time are consistent with the gradual decrease of inferred bottom-water temperatures, based on previously published oxygen isotopic data. The δ 18O Eocene/Oligocene enrichment of 0.76‰ is a major event in the Southern Ocean oxygen isotopic record, but is considerably less in magnitude than the 1.75-2.00‰ change that occurred gradually from mid-Early Eocene to the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. The benthonic foraminiferal and isotopic data indicate that bottom-water circulation may have developed during the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene interval, with the 3°C bottom-water cooling near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary representing part of this development.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminifera from a continuous Oligocene succession with clear magnetochronology and sediment cycles at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1218 (equatorial Pacific Ocean) were studied in the interval from 27 to 30 Ma. Paragloborotalia taxa are common and we examined their size, relative abundance, and stable isotopes. Multispecies stable isotope data indicate the depth habitats of Oligocene planktonic foraminifera and suggest that “Globoquadrinavenezuelana and Dentoglobigerina globularis were probably mixed-layer dwellers, with paragloborotaliids recording heavier δ18O signatures consistent with a thermocline habitat. Cyclic variations in the abundance of Paragloborotalia match eccentricity (100 kyr) variations in percent carbonate and δ13C, suggesting orbitally forced upwelling in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and that Paragloborotalia were responding directly to changes in surface water productivity. The high-resolution biostratigraphy calibrated to the magnetochronology constrains the extinction of Paragloborotalia opima which marks the top of Planktonic Foraminifera Biozone O5 (P21b) at 27.456 Ma. The highest occurrence of P. opima is associated with a 50% size decrease in Paragloborotalia pseudocontinuosa taxa within Chron 9n. In addition, we find the extinction of Chiloguembelina cubensis is consistent with other deep-sea sections within Chron 10n at 28.426 Ma marking the O4/O5 (P21a/P21b) boundary.  相似文献   

An abundant fossil record of the snake clade Scolecophidia exists in Europe; however, the minute snake is noticeably absent in reports about the North American Paleogene and Neogene. Presented here are four localities from Florida, USA, that contain scolecophidian remains older than the Pleistocene: Thomas Farm (late Early Miocene, Hemingfordian Land Mammal Age, LMA), Live Oak (Oligocene-Miocene transition, latest Arikareean LMA), White Springs 3B (late Arikareean LMA), and Brooksville 2 (Late Oligocene, middle Arikareean LMA). These remains extend their known existence by about 26 m.y. and are now the oldest reported scolecophidian remains in North America. Molecular evidence on extant scolecophidians concludes that these tiny snakes have a Gondwanan origin. Interestingly, the oldest record of a scolecophidian is from Europe (Belgium) and dates back to the middle Paleocene (MP 1–5). The earliest African record of the snake clade comes from the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in Morocco. The clade is apparently absent from Europe and Middle East deposits dating from the latest Eocene through to the latest Oligocene (MP 19–30) and to the Early Miocene (MN 4). A portion of this time is known as the booid ‘Dark Period’ which represents an apparent response to global aridization and cooling. Scolecophidians appear to re-emerge into the southern Eurasian record in the Early Miocene (MN 4) and become widely dispersed throughout Europe and Middle East. The fossil record of these minute snakes is largely absent in southern Asia and South America. It is possible that the current lack of a decent fossil scolecophidian record outside of Europe and Middle East is due mainly to a bias in the methodology to recover fossils; wet sieving sediments through < 1.0 mm mesh is needed to recover the minuscule vertebrae.  相似文献   

Middle Eocene–early Oligocene ostracode faunal changes in northwestern Kyushu of southwestern Japan are identified in this study. Ostracodes occur from shelf deposits of five formations: the middle Eocene Okinoshima, the upper Eocene Funazu, the uppermost Eocene–lowermost Oligocene Kishima, the lowermost Oligocene Itanoura, and the lower Oligocene Waita Formations. The middle Eocene–earliest Oligocene ostracodes were characterized by warm-water genera, indicating tropical, subtropical and Tethyan genera, whereas the late early Oligocene ostracodes do not include warm-water taxa, consisting of temperate realm genera. The middle Eocene–earliest Oligocene ostracodes do not include remarkable changes of species composition, in contract with equatorial Pacific radiolarians and West Coast USA molluscs. Ostracodes suggest that distinct climatic cooling did not occur in the southwestern Japan during the middle Eocene–earliest Oligocene.  相似文献   

We investigate resource and habitat use by apex predators through stable isotope analysis at two Spanish Late Miocene localities: Los Valles de Fuentidueña (~9.6 Ma, LVF) and Cerro de los Batallones (~9.1 Ma, BAT). The temporal window represented by LVF and BAT was crucial in the shaping of the current Iberian mammalian structure because it corresponds to the initial stages of a faunal turnover episode and regional environmental change at ~9.5–8.5 Ma (Vallesian–Turolian transition), associated with an increase in the seasonality of precipitation. Herbivore and carnivore δ13C and δ18O values do not point to significant changes in either the vegetation cover (a woodland to mesic C3 grassland) or the hydrological regime during the time lapse represented between LVF and BAT. This suggests that the environmental shift recorded around the Vallesian–Turolian boundary may have occurred later in time, since LVF and BAT ages are synchronic with the onset of the turnover event. From the standpoint of predator–prey evaluation by means of stable isotope analysis, statistical post hoc tests, mixing model output, and the assessment of niche occupation by LVF and BAT carnivores point to high levels of interspecific competition among large active carnivores, albeit some genera, such as the amphicyonid Magericyon and specially the hyaenid Lycyaena, seemed to avoid competition by taking prey from a more open habitat. Despite the drop in diversity and change in faunal components observed between the LVF and BAT assemblages, a high degree of resource and habitat competition is evident from stable isotope data.  相似文献   

Battenizyga, a new Early Triassic gastropod genus from the Moenkopi Formation of Utah, is described and the speciesAnoptychia eotriassica Batten & Stokes, 1986 is placed in it. The new genus has an axially ribbed planktonic larval shell and a teleoconch with an angulated periphery. This character combination is unknown from the Palaeozoic. Therefore,Battenizyga represents additional evidence that recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction was connected with a faunal turnover. Additionally, the extinction of diverse Palaeozoic groups of the Caenogastropoda in the Permian (e.g., the Pseudozygopleuridae) suggest a turnover. All caenogastropod genera that hold Early Triassic species, have post-Palaeozoic type species and most were not reported from the Palaeozoic. This corroborates the view that there was an intense faunal turnover within the Caenogastropoda.Battenizyga is probably a caenogastropod that is closely related to the superfamily Zygopleuroidea which is abundant in the late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic.   相似文献   

The Canning Basin of northwestern Australia is a key area for understanding global changes at the “Kellwasser Events” and the Frasnian‐Famennian boundary. Frasnian stromatoporoid‐coral‐cyanobacterial reef platforms stretched out for enormous distances along the palaeoshelf but in the early Famennian they were completely replaced by cyanobacterial reef platforms. An iridium anomaly in the sequence was formerly believed to be at or close to the boundary and was interpreted as possible evidence for an asteroid impact. Recent field work and detailed biostratigraphy in the area east and southeast of Fitzroy Crossing has given dating relevant to the timing and extent of sea level changes, hypoxic incursions and reef backstepping. Goniatites and conodonts provide correlations with the international biostratigraphy.

In the Horse Spring area the stage boundary falls within the Virgin Hills Formation which normally has a rich pelagic goniatite, nautiloid and conodont fauna. In the latest Frasnian (Zone 13 of Klapper 1989; regional Sphaeromanticoceras lindneri Zone) large allochthonous reef blocks moved downslope into the open marine basin. A diverse gastropod fauna is associated with the last atrypid brachiopods. The faunal record at the immediate boundary is obscured by dolomitisation but manticoceratid goniatites range into this level. There is no evidence for the organic‐rich dark Kellwasser limestone facies.

In the McWhae Ridge area two Frasnian goniatite horizons with Beloceras trilobites and the giant Mamicoceras guppyi and Sphaeromanticoceras lindneri transgress over the reef slope. Stromatolitic cyanobacterial beds mark condensations. Again there is no trace of the oxygen‐depleted Kellwasser facies. However, as at Horse Spring, manticoceratids persisted into dolomitic marker beds that have no other preserved macrofauna. The iridium anomaly associated with Frutexites postdates the Frasnian‐Famennian boundary and was formed by cyanobacterial concentration.  相似文献   

We studied Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene benthic foraminifera from the Agost section (southeastern Spain) to infer paleobathymetrical changes and paleoenvironmental turnover across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) transition. Benthic foraminifera indicate uppermost bathyal depths at Agost during the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Biochron (from about 400 kyr before the K/P boundary) through the early Plummerita hantkeninoides Biochron (about 120–150 kyr before that boundary). The depth increased to middle bathyal for the remainder of the Cretaceous, and remained so for the Danian part of the studied section (Parasubbotina pseudobulloides Biochron, at least 200 kyr after the K/P boundary). There were no perceivable bathymetrical changes at the K/P boundary, where 5% of the species became extinct, and the species composition of the benthic foraminiferal fauna changed considerably. Below the boundary, infaunal morphogroups constitute up to 65–73% of the faunas. Directly above the boundary, in the black clays of the lower Guembelitria cretacea Biozone, benthic foraminifera are rare. Several opportunistic taxa (e.g. the agglutinant Haplophragmoides sp.) have short peaks in relative abundance, possibly reflecting low-oxygen conditions as well as environmental instability, with benthos receiving food from short-lived, local blooms of primary producers. Above the clays through the end of the studied interval, epifaunal morphogroups dominate (up to 70% of the assemblages) or there is an even mixture or epifaunal and infaunal morphogroups. Infaunal groups do not recover to pre-extinction relative abundances, indicating that the food supply to the benthos did not recover fully over the studied interval (about 200 kyr after the K/P boundary). The benthic foraminiferal faunal changes are compatible with the direct and indirect effects of an asteroid impact, which severely destabilized primary producers and the oceanic food web that was dependent upon them.  相似文献   

African terrestrial vertebrate faunas change over the time range from 14 my to 4 my, the period during which hominids are presumed to have diverged from other hominoids. The most complete local sequence showing this is provided by the Tugen Hills, west of Lake Baringo in Kenya. A large component of the pattern of faunal changes seen there, and at other relevant sites, could be explained by local environmental alterations, or by sampling properties of fossil assemblages and collections. It is hard to justify global climatic change as the sole explanation of observed faunal shifts, although such external factors cannot be ruled out and on general grounds are likely to be involved. As yet there is no convincing demonstration of synchronicity in faunal turnover. Evidence of a simple shift from forest conditions to grasslands, an event that has been correlated with the origins of hominid bipedalism, is hard to detect. Existing data suggest a more patchy distribution of forest and grassland in both space and time.  相似文献   

The effects of faunal turnover on mammalian community structure are evaluated for 17 faunal zones of the North American Paleocene through early Eocene land mammal ages (Puercan through early Wasatchian). Generic disappearances were significantly high at the end of the Puercan, Torrejonian, and Tiffanian land mammal ages, but appearances were significantly high only during the early Puercan. Generic richness rose rapidly in the early Puercan, remained stable throughout most of the Paleocene, and increased from the late Paleocene into the early Eocene. The null hypothesis that generic turnover clustered preferentially according to dentally defined trophic or body size categories could be rejected or attributed to sampling problems for all but the early (Pu0) and late Paleocene (Ti5‐Cf2). Early Paleocene change in community structure most probably represented endemic radiation of mammals into previously unoccupied niches. Community restructuring in the late Paleocene reflected a complex of causes, including climatic wanning, intercontinental dispersal, and competition.  相似文献   

A diverse, new lizard assemblage from the early Oligocene of Belgium is described. The Boutersem railway local fauna is the most species‐rich lizard assemblage yet reported from the European early Oligocene. Four lizard taxa are present: Lacertidae, Anguidae, Scincoidea and Platynota. One new species is described, Folisaurus boutersemensis sp. nov . This fauna provides new insight into the profound turnover that took place during the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in Europe. The new fauna confirms a marked decrease in diversity across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Two groups encountered in the European late Eocene became extinct (Iguanidae*, Glyptosaurinae). Estimates of species‐level extinctions range up to 80%. These estimates include members of virtually all the families present in the late Eocene. The relative importance of climate change and biotic interactions in controlling this pattern is discussed, and negative interactions between lizards and new carnivorous mammals are favoured. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 148–170.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous interval represents a time of environmental upheaval and cataclysmic events, combined with disruptions to terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Historically, the Jurassic/Cretaceous (J/K) boundary was classified as one of eight mass extinctions. However, more recent research has largely overturned this view, revealing a much more complex pattern of biotic and abiotic dynamics than has previously been appreciated. Here, we present a synthesis of our current knowledge of Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous events, focusing particularly on events closest to the J/K boundary. We find evidence for a combination of short‐term catastrophic events, large‐scale tectonic processes and environmental perturbations, and major clade interactions that led to a seemingly dramatic faunal and ecological turnover in both the marine and terrestrial realms. This is coupled with a great reduction in global biodiversity which might in part be explained by poor sampling. Very few groups appear to have been entirely resilient to this J/K boundary ‘event’, which hints at a ‘cascade model’ of ecosystem changes driving faunal dynamics. Within terrestrial ecosystems, larger, more‐specialised organisms, such as saurischian dinosaurs, appear to have suffered the most. Medium‐sized tetanuran theropods declined, and were replaced by larger‐bodied groups, and basal eusauropods were replaced by neosauropod faunas. The ascent of paravian theropods is emphasised by escalated competition with contemporary pterosaur groups, culminating in the explosive radiation of birds, although the timing of this is obfuscated by biases in sampling. Smaller, more ecologically diverse terrestrial non‐archosaurs, such as lissamphibians and mammaliaforms, were comparatively resilient to extinctions, instead documenting the origination of many extant groups around the J/K boundary. In the marine realm, extinctions were focused on low‐latitude, shallow marine shelf‐dwelling faunas, corresponding to a significant eustatic sea‐level fall in the latest Jurassic. More mobile and ecologically plastic marine groups, such as ichthyosaurs, survived the boundary relatively unscathed. High rates of extinction and turnover in other macropredaceous marine groups, including plesiosaurs, are accompanied by the origin of most major lineages of extant sharks. Groups which occupied both marine and terrestrial ecosystems, including crocodylomorphs, document a selective extinction in shallow marine forms, whereas turtles appear to have diversified. These patterns suggest that different extinction selectivity and ecological processes were operating between marine and terrestrial ecosystems, which were ultimately important in determining the fates of many key groups, as well as the origins of many major extant lineages. We identify a series of potential abiotic candidates for driving these patterns, including multiple bolide impacts, several episodes of flood basalt eruptions, dramatic climate change, and major disruptions to oceanic systems. The J/K transition therefore, although not a mass extinction, represents an important transitional period in the co‐evolutionary history of life on Earth.  相似文献   

This study of 24 surface sediment samples along longitude 175°E between latitudes 48°N and 14°S in the western Pacific Ocean documents the relationship between the modern distribution of radiolarian assemblages and present oceanographic conditions. Ninety-two species were classified into eight clusters by using R-mode cluster analysis. Q-mode cluster analysis was used to distinguish five geographical zones, which were interpreted to represent the Tropical, Southern Subtropical, Northern Subtropical, Transitional, and Subarctic climatic zones. Species richness, diversity, and equitability are highest in the Tropical and Transitional Zones. We attempted to formulate new regression equations considering ecological information on the vertical distribution of radiolarian species. Transfer functions were derived from regression analysis of radiolarian assemblages to observed Sea Surface Temperature (SST) values. The transfer functions have a standard error of 1.16 °C in the estimate of winter SST, 0.81 °C in that of summer SST.  相似文献   

The discovery of a new dyrosaurid crocodylomorph from the well-dated Palaeocene deposits of northeastern Brazil sheds new light on the evolutionary history of this extinct group of marine crocodylomorphs that have survived the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K-P) extinction crisis. Guarinisuchus munizi, the most complete member of this group collected in South America so far, is closely related to the African forms, and this fact suggests that dyrosaurids had crossed the Atlantic Ocean before the K-P boundary and dispersed from there to North America and other parts of South America. This discovery also suggests that on the coast of northeastern Brazil, dyrosaurids replaced the pre-existing Late Cretaceous fauna of diversified mosasaurs, a group of marine lizards, after the K-P extinction event, becoming the main predators, together with sharks, in shallow marine Palaeocene environments. More detailed stratigraphic records and detailed dating of the deposits with dyrosaurids are necessary to correlate this particular pattern found in the ancient northeastern Brazilian coast within the evolution of the group, especially in Africa.  相似文献   

The distribution and size fractions of chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean in boreal autumn were investigated during October and November, 2011. Environmental factors, including hydrology and nutrients, that might affect the distribution and size composition were analyzed. A total of 18 stations including 11 CTD stations and 7 navigation stations were selected which stretch from the northwest coast of South America to the area of the central Pacific Ocean south of the Hawaiian Islands (2.77°S–13.02°N, 84.11–154.02°W). The studied area can be divided into two transects: the 6°N transect (124–148°W) and the154°W transect (10–13°N). Results showed that the surface Chl a concentration was higher in the east near the northwest coast of South America (>0.200 mg/m3) and lower in the west (0.100–0.200 mg/m3), and it presented a highly significant negative correlation with sea surface temperature (p < 0.001). There were some differences between the sectional distribution of Chl a concentration between the 6°N and 154°W transects. The high values of Chl a concentration occurred near the surface along the 6°N transect (0–75 m), while they were relatively deeper along the 154°W transect (50–100 m). Iron might be the factor that limited the growth of phytoplankton in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Picophytoplankton (Pico) was the dominant taxa in the surveyed area, particularly in the waters along the two transects (>70% of total Chl a). The Pico to total Chl a ratio was higher in the upper layer (>70%) than in the deeper layer.  相似文献   

掌握海洋生物的营养生态位特征及其应对环境变化的响应机制,对于评估渔业和气候变化对海洋生态系统功能的影响至关重要.茎柔鱼(Dosidicus gigas)是东太平洋重要的渔业经济物种,在生态系统中具有承上启下的重要生态作用.在气候变化的大背景下,掌握茎柔鱼应对气候变化的响应过程将有利于合理把控其资源状况.本研究采用稳定同...  相似文献   

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