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The alignment of genome linkage maps, defined primarily by segregation of sequence-tagged site (STS) markers, with BAC contig physical maps and full genome sequences requires high throughput mechanisms to identify BAC clones that contain specific STS. A powerful technique for this purpose is multi-dimensional hybridization of "overgo" probes. The probes are chosen from available STS sequence data by selecting unique probe sequences that have a common melting temperature. We have hybridized sets of 216 overgo probes in subset pools of 36 overgos at a time to filter-spotted chicken BAC clone arrays. A four-dimensional pooling strategy, including one degree of redundancy, has been employed. This requires 24 hybridizations to completely assign BACs for all 216 probes. Results to date are consistent with about a 10% failure rate in overgo probe design and a 15-20% false negative detection rate within a group of 216 markers. Three complete rounds of overgo hybridization, each to sets of about 39,000 BACs (either BAMHI or ECORI partial digest inserts) generated a total of 1853 BAC alignments for 517 mapped chicken genome STS markers. These data are publicly available, and they have been used in the assembly of a first generation BAC contig map of the chicken genome.  相似文献   

As a complement to whole-genome sequencing efforts, we are comparing targeted genomic regions among sweet orange cultivars to identify coding and conserved noncoding regions, including regulatory elements, responsible for biological features unique to this species. Here, we report the identification of 1,018 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones containing genes relevant to fruit quality from a Citrus sinensis cv. “Vaniglia” 19.3X BAC library by two-dimensional 9?×?9 overgo hybridization. To design the overgo probes, we used the “C38” expressed sequence tag assembly (http://harvest.ucr.edu/) and OligoSpawn software ( For BAC library screening, we selected 81 overgo probes associated with unigenes that putatively code for enzymes relevant to fruit quality (flavonol, anthocyanin, carotenoid, cellulose, starch, ascorbic acid, aromatic amino acid, and lignin biosynthesis; sucrose catabolism; glycolysis; oxidative/nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway; fatty acid biosynthesis and oxidation; Krebs cycle). Hybridization probes were pooled and hybridized in groups of intersecting rows and columns to high-density BAC filters, followed by a deconvolution process that established BAC-probe addresses. BAC addresses were obtained for 75 of the 81 overgo probes initially selected, for a total of 1,018 BAC clones, a number consistent with the depth of coverage of the BAC library. BAC end sequencing was carried out, and end-sequence pairs were mapped to their best location in the Citrus clementina genome sequence assembly using the comparative genomic database Phytozome (http://www.phytozome.net/). The BAC clones corresponding to each probe were mapped within the same scaffold as the target gene, demonstrating that the approach we used was successful in isolating the targeted genomic regions.  相似文献   

Large-insert BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) and BIBAC (binary BAC) libraries are essential for modern genomics research for all organisms. We helped pioneer the BAC and BIBAC technologies, and by using them we have constructed hundreds of BAC and BIBAC libraries for different species of plants, animals, marine animals, insects, algae and microbes. These libraries have been used globally for different aspects of genomics research. Here we describe the procedure with the latest improvements that we have made and used for construction of BIBAC libraries. The procedure includes the preparation of BIBAC vectors, the preparation of clonable fragments of the desired size from the source DNA, the construction and transformation of BIBACs and, finally, the characterization and assembly of BIBAC libraries. We also specify the modifications necessary for construction of BAC libraries using the protocol. The entire protocol takes ~7 d.  相似文献   

Two bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries were constructed from an inbred line derived from a cultivar of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Intact nuclei were isolated and embedded in agarose plugs, and high-molecular-weight DNA was subsequently partially digested with BamHI or EcoRI. Ligation of double size-selected DNA fragments with the pECBAC1 vector yielded two libraries containing 23,040 BamHI and 18,432 EcoRI clones. The average BamHI and EcoRI insert sizes were estimated to be 107.0 kb and 100.8 kb, respectively, and BAC clones lacking inserts were 1.3% and 14.5% in the BamHI and EcoRI libraries, respectively. The two libraries together represent approximately 10.8 haploid cucumber genomes. Hybridization with a C0t-1 DNA probe revealed that approximately 36% of BAC clones likely carried repetitive sequence-enriched DNA. The frequencies of BAC clones that carry chloroplast or mitochondrial DNA range from 0.20% to 0.47%. Four sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR), four simple sequence repeat, and an randomly amplified polymorphic DNA marker linked with yield component quantitative trait loci were used either as probes to hybridize high-density colony filters prepared from both libraries or as primers to screen an ordered array of pooled BAC DNA prepared from the BamHI library. Positive BAC clones were identified in predicted numbers, as screening by polymerase chain reaction amplification effectively overcame the problems associated with an overabundance of positives from hybridization with two SCAR markers. The BAC clones identified herein that are linked to the de (determinate habit) and F (gynoecy) locus will be useful for positional cloning of these economically important genes. These BAC libraries will also facilitate physical mapping of the cucumber genome and comparative genome analyses with other plant species.  相似文献   

Genome projects were initiated on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L., 2n=38, genome size 475 Mb) through the successful construction of four bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries from three major cultivars, Cabernet Sauvignon (Cabernet S), Syrah and two different clones of Pinot Noir (Pinot N). Depending on the library, the genome coverage represented 4.5–14.8 genome equivalents with clones having a mean insert size of 93–158 kb. BAC pools suitable for PCR screening were constructed for two of these BAC libraries [Cabernet S and Pinot N clone (cl) 115] and subsequently used to confirm the genome coverage of both libraries by PCR anchoring of 74 genetic markers sampled from the 19 linkage groups. For ten of these markers, two bands on separate BAC pools were differentiated that could correspond either to different alleles or to a duplication of the locus being studied. Finally, a preliminary assessment of the correspondence between genetic and physical distances was made through the anchoring of all the markers mapped along linkage group 1 of the V. vinifera genetic map. A pair of markers, 2.1 cM apart, anchored the same BAC clones, which allowed us to estimate that 1 cM corresponded in this particular region to a maximum length of 130 kb.  相似文献   

Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries are the large DNA insert libraries of choice and valuable tools for the map-based cloning of target quantitative trait loci, physical mapping, molecular cytogenetics and comparative genomics. The protocol reported here is a simplified method used to produce and screen BAC libraries from Brachypodium species and other related grasses. Intact nuclei, containing high molecular weight (HMW) DNA, are isolated and embedded in agarose plugs. The HMW DNA is digested using an appropriate restriction enzyme and size-fractionated using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The DNA is isolated by dialysis, ligated into pre-prepared vector and electroporated into competent Escherichia coli cells. A PCR-based method for screening the library is also described. The entire protocol takes at least 6 weeks to complete.  相似文献   

Large insert genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries were constructed from a basal chordate, the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Insert analyses of randomly selected clones indicated that in the first library the mean insert size was 135 kb and predicted a 15-fold coverage of the Ciona genome, and in the second library the mean insert size was 165 kb and predicted a 5-fold coverage of the genome. These first large insert genomic libraries of the ascidian should increase the speed of genomic analyses of basal chordates.  相似文献   

A suppression subtractive hybridization technique was used to screen for brown planthopper (BPH)-inducible genes in rice (Oryza sativa). cDNAs from a BPH-resistant rice line (B5) infested by BPH were used as the tester population, and mixed cDNAs from a BPH-sensitive line (MH63) and a control (uninfested B5) as the driver population. After hybridizing and cloning, forward and reverse subtraction cDNA libraries were obtained, containing 5700 clones. These clones were further analyzed by differential gene expression screening, and 154 clones that were clearly induced by BPH were identified. Sequencing analysis and homology searching showed that these clones represent 136 single genes, which were assigned to functional categories, including 10 putative cellular functions, according to categories established for Arabidopsis. The 136 genes include 21 known to be related to disease, wound and other stresses, most of which were found to be up-regulated in BPH feeding responses. In addition, an Oryza cysteine inhibitor and a beta-glucosidase belonging to the 21 genes group were found in the rice response to BPH feeding, these two genes have previously been shown to be induced in plant responses to chewing insects. Our results not only confirm that several identical genes are activated in defense mechanisms against both sucking and chewing insects, but also show that genes have overlapping functions in both pathogen and insect resistance.  相似文献   

Large-insert bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries, plant-transformation-competent binary BAC (BIBAC) libraries, and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are essential for many aspects of genomics research. We constructed a BAC library and a BIBAC library from the nuclear DNA of chickpea, Cicer arietinum L., cv. Hadas, partially digested with HindIII and BamHI, respectively. The BAC library has 14,976 clones, with an average insert size of 121 kb, and the BIBAC library consists of 23,040 clones, with an average insert size of 145 kb. The combined libraries collectively cover ca. 7.0× genomes of chickpea. We screened the BAC library with eight synthetic SSR oligos, (GA)10, (GAA)7, (AT)10, (TAA)7, (TGA)7, (CA)10, (CAA)7, and (CCA)7. Positive BACs were selected, subcloned, and sequenced for SSR marker development. Two hundred and thirty-three new chickpea SSR markers were developed and characterized by PCR, using chickpea DNA as template. These results have demonstrated that BACs are an excellent source for SSR marker development in chickpea. We also estimated the distribution of the SSR loci in the chickpea genome. The SSR motifs (TAA)n and (GA)n were much more abundant than the others, and the distribution of the SSR loci appeared non-random. The BAC and BIBAC libraries and new SSR markers will provide valuable resources for chickpea genomics research and breeding (the libraries and their filters are available to the public at ).J. Lichtenzveig and C. Scheuring contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

A horse bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was screened for 19 microsatellite markers from unassigned or non-oriented linkage groups. Clones containing 11 (AHT20, EB2E8, HMS45, LEX005, LEX014, LEX023, LEX044, TKY111, UCDEQ425, UCDEQ464 and VIASH21) of these were found, which were from eight different linkage groups. The BAC clones were used as probes in dual colour FISH to identify their precise chromosomal origin. The microsatellite markers are located on nine different horse chromosomes, four of which (ECA6, ECA25, ECA27 and ECA28) had no previously in situ assigned markers.  相似文献   

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an economically important oil seed crop with an estimated genome size of 3000 Mb. We have constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for sunflower, which represents an estimated 4- to 5-fold coverage of the genome. Nuclei isolated from young leaves were used as a source of high-molecular-weight DNA and a partial restriction endonuclease digestion protocol was used to cleave the DNA. A random sample of 60 clones indicated an average insert size of 80 kb, implying a 95% probability of recovering any specific sequence of interest. The library was screened with chloroplast DNA probes. Only 0.1% of the clones were identified to be of chloroplast origin, indicating that contamination with organellar DNAs is very low. The utility of the library was evaluated by screening for the presence of genes for putative transmembrane receptors sharing epidermal growth factor (EGF) and integrin-like domains. First, a homologous sunflower EST (HaELP1) was obtained by degenerate RT-PCR cloning, using Arabidopsis thaliana genes (AtELP) as a source of consensus sequences. Three different BACs yielded positive hybridization signals when HaELP1 was used as a probe. BAC subcloning and sequencing demonstrated the presence of two different loci putatively homologous to genes for transmembrane proteins with EGF- and integrin-like domains from sunflower. This work demonstrates the suitability of the library for homology map-based cloning of sunflower genes and physical mapping of the sunflower genome.  相似文献   

We report one large-insert BIBAC library and three BAC libraries for japonica rice cv Nipponbare. The BIBAC library was constructed in the HindIII site of a plant-transformation-competent binary vector (pCLD04541) and the three BAC libraries were constructed in the BamHI, HindIII and EcoRI sites of a BAC vector (pECBAC1), respectively. Each library contains 23,040 clones, has an average insert size of 130 kb, 170 kb, 150 kb and 156 kb, and covers 6.7x, 8.7x, 7.7x and 8.0 x rice haploid genomes, respectively. The combined libraries contain 92,160 clones in total, covering 31.1 x rice haploid genomes. To demonstrate their utility, we screened the libraries with 55 DNA markers mapped to chromosome 8 of the rice genetic maps and analyzed a number of clones by the restriction fingerprinting and contig assembly method. The results indicate that the libraries completely cover the rice genome and, thus, are well-suited for genome research in rice and other gramineous crops. The BIBAC library represents the first plant-transformation-competent large-insert DNA library for rice, which will streamline map-based cloning, functional analysis of the rice genome sequence and molecular breeding in rice and other grass species. These libraries are being used in the development of a whole-genome, BAC/BIBAC-based, integrated physical, genetic and sequence map of rice and in the research of genome-wide comparative genomics of grass species.  相似文献   

Amphioxus is a crucial organism for the study of vertebrate evolution. Although a genomic BAC library of Branchiostoma floridae has been constructed, we report here another BAC library construction of its distant relative species Branchiostoma belcheri. The amphioxus BAC library established in present study consists of 45,312 clones arrayed in one hundred and eighteen 384-well plates. The average insert fragment size was 120 kb estimated by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis of 318 randomly selected clones. The representation of the library is about 12 equivalent to the genome, allowing a 99.9995% probability of recovering any specific sequence of interest. We further screened the library with 4 single copied Amphi-Pax genes and identified total of 26 positive clones with average of 6.5 clones for each gene. The result indicates this library is well suited for many applications and should also serve as a useful complemental resource for the scientific community.  相似文献   

Construction of tomato genomic DNA libraries in a binary-BAC (BIBAC) vector   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This is the first report of large insert genomic DNA libraries constructed in a binary-BAC (BIBAC) vector. Genomic DNA libraries containing approximately 4.6 haploid nuclear genomic equivalents were constructed for Lycopersicon esculentum (cv. Mogeor) and Lycopersicon pennellii (LA716) in the BIBAC2 vector. The L. esculentum library has an average insert size of 125 kb and is comprised of 42 272 individual colonies stored as frozen cultures in a 384-well format (108 plates). The L. pennellii library has an average insert size of 90 kb and is comprised of 53 760 individual clones (140 384-well plates). In each of the libraries, it is estimated that 90% of the colonies contain genomic DNA inserts. The composition of the L. esculentum and L. pennellii libraries was determined by analyzing a series of randomly selected clones. The L. esculentum library was surveyed for clones containing chloroplast DNA (1.4%), mitochondrial DNA (0.012%) and repetitive DNA motifs. BIBAC clones that may contain a gene of interest can be identified from these libraries by colony hybridization with homologous or heterologous probes or by PCR pooling techniques. Once identified, BIBAC genomic DNA library clones are immediately suitable for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation.  相似文献   

 To facilitate construction of physical map of the rice genome, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of IR64 genomic DNA was constructed. It consists of 18 432 clones and contains 3.28 rice genomic equivalents. The insert size ranged from 37 to 364 kb with an average of 107 kb. We used 31 RFLP markers on chromosome 4 to screen the library by colony hybridization. Sixty eight positive clones were identified with 2.2 positive clones per RFLP marker. The positive clones were analyzed to generate 29 contigs whose sizes ranged from 50 to 384 kb with an average of 145.6 kb. Chromosome walking was initiated for ten contigs linked to resistance genes. Thirty eight BAC clones were obtained and two contigs were integrated. Altogether, they covered 5.65 Mb (15.1%) of chromosome 4. These contigs may be used as landmarks for physical mapping of chromosome 4, and as starting points for chromosome walking towards the map-based cloning of disease resistance genes which were located nearby. Received: 15 November 1996 / Accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

A solution hybridization procedure for the rapid identification of M13 clones carrying a particular sequence is described. The method, which employs a radiolabeled oligonucleotide probe, can discriminate between sequences which differ by only a single base, and can therefore be used for the identification of mutant sequences created by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. Samples of phage-containing supernatant from cultures of M13-infected Escherichia coli are incubated with radiolabeled probe in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The mixtures are then subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis to separate hybrid molecules from unbound probe and hybridization is detected by autoradiography. This solution hybridization procedure is quicker and more convenient than membrane hybridization and has the added advantage that more than one probe can be used on a given gel.  相似文献   

Unlike higher plants, the dioecious liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha, has uniquely small sex chromosomes, with X chromosomes present only in female gametophytes and Y chromosomes only in male gametophytes. We have constructed respective genomic libraries for male and female plantlets using a P1-derived artificial chromosome (pCYPAC2). With an average insert size of approximately 90 kb, each PAC library is estimated to cover the entire genome with a probability of more than 99.9%. Male-specific PAC clones were screened for by differential hybridization using male and female genomic DNAs as separate probes. Seventy male-specific PAC clones were identified. The male specificity of one of the clones, pMM4G7, was verified by Southern hybridization and PCR analysis. This clone was indeed located on the Y chromosome as verified by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This result shows that the Y chromosome contains unique sequences that are not present either on the X chromosome or any of the autosomes. Thus, the respective male and female libraries for M. polymorpha offer an opportunity to identify key genes involved in the process of sex differentiation and this unique system of sex determination.  相似文献   

For molecular and cytogenetic studies, two partial bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries of the garlic cultivar Allium sativum L. 'Danyang' were constructed using high molecular weight (HMW) garlic DNA, the pBAC1-SACB1 vector, and the pIndigoBAC536 vector. The average insert size of the BAC library was about 90 kb. The sequence compositions of the BAC clones were characterized by Southern hybridization with garlic genomic DNA and a repetitive sequence clone of garlic. Two BAC clones with weak signals (thus implying mostly unique sequences), GBC2-5e and GBC2-4d, were selected for FISH analysis. FISH analysis localized the GBC2-5e (approximately 100 kb) BAC clone on the long arm of garlic chromosome 7. The other BAC clone, GBC2-4d (approximately 110 kb), gave rise to discrete FISH signals on a mid-size early metaphase chromosome. The FISH screening with BAC clones proved to be a useful resource for molecular cytogenetic studies of garlic, and will be useful for further mapping and sequencing studies of important genes of this plant.  相似文献   

Construction of an RFLP linkage map for cultivated sunflower   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 An RFLP linkage map was constructed for cultivated sunflower Helianthus annuus L., based on 271 loci detected by 232 cDNA probes. Ninety-three F2 plants of a cross between inbred lines RHA 271 and HA 234 were used as the mapping population. These genetic markers plus a fertility restoration gene, Rf 1, defined 20 linkage groups, covering 1164 cM of the sunflower genome. Of the 71 loci 202 had codominant genotypic segregation, with the rest showing dominant segregation. Thirty-two of the 232 probes gave multiple locus segregation. There were 39 clusters of tightly linked markers with 0 cM distance among loci. This map has an average marker-to-marker distance of 4.6 cM, with 11 markerless regions exceeding 20 cM. Received: 17 June 1997 / Accepted: 19 June 1997  相似文献   

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