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Evidence presented in this report suggests that the hydroxyl radical (OH.), which is generated from liver microsomes is an initiator of NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation. The conclusions are based on the following observations: 1) hydroxyl radical production in liver microsomes as measured by esr spin-trapping correlates with the extent of NADPH induced microsomal lipid peroxidation as measured by malondialdehyde formation; 2) peroxidative degradation of arachidonic acid in a model OH · generating system, namely, the Fenton reaction takes place readily and is inhibited by thiourea, a potent OH · scavenger, indicating that the hydroxyl radical is capable of initiating lipid peroxidation; 3) trapping of the hydroxyl radical by the spin trap, 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-1-oxide prevents lipid peroxidation in liver microsomes during NADPH oxidation, and in the model system in the presence of linolenic acid. The possibility that cytochrome P-450 reductase is involved in NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation is discussed. The optimal pH for the production of the hydroxyl radical in liver microsomes is 7.2. The generation of the hydroxyl radical is correlated with the amount of microsomal protein, possibly NADPH cytochrome P-450 reductase. A critical concentration of EDTA (5 × 10?5m) is required for maximal production of the hydroxyl radical in microsomal lipid peroxidation during NADPH oxidation. High concentrations of Fe2+-EDTA complex equimolar in iron and chelator do not inhibit the production of the hydroxyl radical. The production of the hydroxyl radical in liver microsomes is also promoted by high salt concentrations. Evidence is also presented that OH radical production in microsomes during induced lipid peroxidation occurs primarily via the classic Fenton reaction.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of vanadium in the +2, +3, +4, and +5 valence states on superoxide generation, myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, and hydroxyl radical formation by activated human neutrophils in vitro, using lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence (LECL), autoiodination, and electron spin resonance with 5,5-dimethyl-l-pyrroline N-oxide as the spin trap, respectively. At concentrations of up to 25 microM, vanadium, in the four different valence states used, did not affect the LECL responses of neutrophils activated with either the chemoattractant, N-formyl-l-methionyl-l-leucyl-l-phenylalanine (1 microM), or the phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 12-acetate (25 ng/ml). However, exposure to vanadium in the +2, +3, and +4, but not the +5, valence states was accompanied by significant augmentation of hydroxyl radical formation by activated neutrophils and attenuation of MPO-mediated iodination. With respect to hydroxyl radical formation, similar effects were observed using cell-free systems containing either hydrogen peroxide (100 microM) or xanthine/xanthine oxidase together with vanadium (+2, +3, +4), while the activity of purified MPO was inhibited by the metal in these valence states. These results demonstrate that vanadium in the +2, +3, and +4 valence states interacts prooxidatively with human neutrophils, competing effectively with MPO for hydrogen peroxide to promote formation of the highly toxic hydroxyl radical.  相似文献   

Using the electron spin resonance/spin trapping system, 4-pyridyl 1-oxide N-tert-butylnitrone (4-POBN)/ethanol, hydroxyl radical was detected as the alpha-hydroxyethyl spin trapped adduct of 4-POBN, 4-POBN-CH(CH3)OH, from phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-stimulated human neutrophils and monocytes without the addition of supplemental iron. 4-POBN-CH(CH3)OH was stable in the presence of a neutrophil-derived superoxide flux. Hydroxyl radical formation was inhibited by treatment with superoxide dismutase, catalase, and azide. Treatment with a series of transition metal chelators did not appreciably alter 4-POBN-CH(CH3)OH, which suggested that hydroxyl radical generation was mediated by a mechanism independent of the transition metal-catalyzed Haber-Weiss reaction. Kinetic differences between transition metal-dependent and -independent mechanisms of hydroxyl radical generation by stimulated neutrophils were demonstrated by a greater rate of 4-POBN-CH(CH3)-OH accumulation in the presence of supplemental iron. Detection of hydroxyl radical from stimulated monocyte-derived macrophages, which lack myeloperoxidase, required the addition of supplemental iron. The addition of purified myeloperoxidase to an enzymatic superoxide generating system resulted in the detection of hydroxyl radical that was dependent upon the presence of chloride and was inhibited by superoxide dismutase, catalase, and azide. These findings implicated the reaction of hypochlorous acid and superoxide to produce hydroxyl radical. 4-POBN-CH(CH3)OH was not observed upon stimulation of myeloperoxidase-deficient neutrophils, whereas addition of myeloperoxidase to the reaction mixture resulted in the detection of hydroxyl radical. These results support the ability of human neutrophils and monocytes to generate hydroxyl radical through a myeloperoxidase-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

A wide variety of .OH detectors are in use for determination of biological .OH production. The chemical generation of .OH is site-specific with respect to the metal-binding site, and thus .OH detectors with metal-binding properties may affect the biological damage and bias .OH detection. The present study shows that both salicylate and phenylalanine, added as low molecular weight .OH indicators, decreased Cu(II) binding to erythrocyte ghosts. In a cell-free system, Cu(II) complexed to both salicylate and phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is a stronger Cu(II) chelator than salicylate, both when competing for Cu(II) bound to ghosts and when competing directly with each other. When OH radicals were generated by ascorbate and Cu(II), the amount of .OH detected as dihydroxybenzoates was proportional to the amount of .OH produced. However, when phenylalanine was added to this system, the efficiency of .OH detection by salicylate strongly decreased, concomitant with the transfer of Cu(II) binding from salicylate to the amino acid. This decrease was larger than that predicted by calculations for random competition of the two detectors for .OH. Deoxyribose and mannitol, which do not bind copper appreciably, competed poorly with salicylate for the .OH. Hydroxylation of phenylalanine, on the other hand, was only slightly affected by the presence of salicylate and unaffected by deoxyribose and mannitol. These results suggest that the detection of .OH by low molecular weight .OH indicators was related to the relative affinity of the detectors for the catalyzing metal, and thus partially site-specific. Furthermore, glutamate, which does not contain an aromatic ring but binds Cu(II) with considerable affinity, competed strongly with salicylate for the .OH, indicating that metal-binding properties rather than the presence of an aromatic ring were the cause of the deviation from random competition. The results indicate that .OH indicators with metal-binding properties affect the distribution of catalytic metal ions in a biological system, causing a shift of free radical damage and localizing a site-specific reaction of .OH on these detectors, with a resulting positive bias in the apparent .OH production.  相似文献   

Neutrophils stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) in the presence of the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline 1-oxide (DMPO), dimethyl sulfoxide, and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DETAPAC) fail to generate hydroxyl radical (.OH), detected as the methyl spin-trapped adduct of DMPO (2,2,5-trimethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxyl, DMPO-CH3), unless ferric salts (Fe3+) are also added (Britigan, B. E., Rosen, G. M., Chai, Y., and Cohen, M. S. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4426-4431). Even then, .OH formation wanes in spite of ongoing superoxide (O2-.) production. In contrast, ferric salt supplementation of a hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase O2-. generating system containing DETAPAC produces continual .OH, suggesting that neutrophils limit the formation of this free radical. To evaluate this hypothesis, neutrophil cytoplasts (largely devoid of granules but able to generate O2-.) were stimulated with PMA in the presence of Fe3+, DETAPAC, dimethyl sulfoxide, and DMPO. This resulted in continual production of DMPO-CH3. In the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide, HL-60 (promyelocytic) cells differentiate into cells similar in morphology and O2-. generating capacity to neutrophils. However, their granules lack the iron-binding protein lactoferrin (LF). Ferric salt supplementation of HL-60 cells stimulated with PMA yielded an EPR spectrum similar to cytoplasts. Supernatant obtained following PMA-induced neutrophil degranulation (which releases LF extracellularly) suppressed DMPO-CH3 formation by the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase/Fe3+/DETAPAC system. Anti-LF antibody, but not anti-transferrin antibody, prevented stimulated neutrophil supernatant inhibition of hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase/Fe3+/DETAPAC-mediated .OH formation. Similarly, neutrophils stimulated with PMA in the presence of Fe3+, DETAPAC, and anti-LF antibody (but not anti-transferrin antibody) demonstrated continual formation of .OH. Neutrophil degranulation of LF limits Fe3+-catalyzed .OH formation which in vivo could protect tissue from possible .OH-mediated injury.  相似文献   

A spin-trapping method was applied to examine the formation of the hydroxyl (OH) radical from a tea catechin-Cu(II) system to elucidate a previous result that some tea catechin-Cu(II) systems induced DNA scission. Three tea catechins, (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) and (-)-epicatechin (EC), were used. The spin-trapping agent, 5,5'-dimethyl-pyrroline-1-oxide (DMPO), was dissolved in a pH 9 phosphate buffer solution, then a catechin and Cu(II) were added in that order, and the ESR spectral change was monitored for one hour. The order of adding the catechin and Cu(II) was then reversed, and the ESR spectral change was again monitored to examine the coordinating activity of each catechin toward the Cu(II) ion and the effect on OH radical generation. The intensity changes of the spin adducts, DMPO-OH, DMPO-CH3 and DMPO-H, were analyzed, the results suggesting that the OH radical generated in the system decomposed DMPO, resulting in the formation of DMPO-CH3 and DMPO-H. The results show that EGC formed a stable complex with Cu(II) and generated the OH radical. EGCg seemed to have this activity, but the OH radical that was generated was scavenged by the gallate group existing in the complex. EC did not show strong coordinating and OH-generating activities. These characteristics of the three catechins are consistent with the results shown for DNA scission.  相似文献   

The generation of reactive oxygen species from human erythrocytes has previously been demonstrated. Furthermore, erythrocytic protoporphyrin IX has been shown to generate superoxide and singlet oxygen when exposed to light. These findings suggest that a component of erythrocytic reactive oxygen species production may be light-dependent. By inhibiting erythrocyte superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase with N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate or sodium cyanide, we demonstrate the light-dependent generation of hydroxyl radical in human erythrocytes using spin trapping/Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy. This finding may be significant in tissues where blood is exposed to light, such as in the eye.  相似文献   

Hydroxyl radical is a potent oxidizing agent of potential importance in human pathobiology. Since neutrophilic phagocytes make superoxide and hydrogen peroxide during phagocytosis, it has been proposed that hydroxyl radical is also formed. In this paper we review the literature which supports or refutes formation of hydroxyl radical by neutrophils and the mechanism(s) by which this radical might be formed. We conclude that there is no definitive proof for hydroxyl radical formation by neutrophils. In fact, neutrophil release of lactoferrin and myeloperoxidase appears to limit formation of this radical. Future studies are likely to determine whether superoxide released by neutrophils interacts with target substrates to allow formation of hydroxyl radical.  相似文献   

Previous studies focused on catalyzed oxidation of (bi)sulfite, leading to the formation of the reactive sulfur trioxide (SO3), peroxymonosulfate (O3SOO), and sulfate (SO4•−) anion radicals, which can damage target proteins and oxidize them to protein radicals. It is known that these very reactive sulfur- and oxygen-centered radicals can be formed by oxidation of (bi)sulfite by peroxidases. Myeloperoxidase (MPO), an abundant heme protein secreted from activated neutrophils that play a central role in host defense mechanisms, allergic reactions, and asthma, is a likely candidate for initiating the respiratory damage caused by sulfur dioxide. The objective of this study was to examine the oxidative damage caused by (bi)sulfite-derived free radicals in human neutrophils through formation of protein radicals. We used immuno-spin trapping and confocal microscopy to study the protein oxidations driven by sulfite-derived radicals. We found that the presence of sulfite can cause MPO-catalyzed oxidation of MPO to a protein radical in phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-activated human neutrophils. We trapped the MPO-derived radicals in situ using the nitrone spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide and detected them immunologically as nitrone adducts in cells. Our present study demonstrates that myeloperoxidase initiates (bi)sulfite oxidation leading to MPO radical damage, possibly leading to (bi)sulfite-exacerbated allergic reactions.  相似文献   

The formation of the hydroxyl free radical (HFR) can be quantified indirectly, by measuring two products of the hydroxylation of salicylic acid, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate (2,3-DHB) and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate (2,5-DHB). In this study, we used reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical (coulometric) detection to measure 2,3- and 2,5-DHB levels in human platelets. The limits of detection of the method were 10 and 5 fmol on column for 2,3-DHB and 2,5-DHB, respectively. We tested the technique by measuring increases in dihydroxybenzoate levels after exposure of platelets to experimentally induced oxidative stress. Then, we measured platelet levels of 2,3- and 2,5-DHB in patients with Parkinson’s disease, under therapy with l-DOPA, and in normal subjects. We also measured platelet concentrations of l-DOPA and its major metabolite, 3-O-methyldopa (3-OMD). Parkinsonian patients showed increased levels of both 2,3- and 2,5-DHB. Platelet levels of 2,3-DHB were positively correlated with platelet levels of l-DOPA and 3-OMD. The technique we describe proved simple and extremely sensitive and may represent a useful tool for the study of oxidative stress in humans.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) that organic hydroperoxides are decomposed to free radicals by both human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and purified myeloperoxidase. When tert-butyl hydroperoxide was incubated with either PMNs or purified myeloperoxidase, peroxyl, alkoxyl, and alkyl radicals were trapped by the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO). In the case of ethyl hydroperoxide, DMPO radical adducts of peroxyl and alkyl (identified as alpha-hydroxyethyl when trapped by tert-nitrosobutane) radicals were detected. Radical adduct formation was inhibited when azide was added to the incubation mixture. Myeloperoxidase-deficient PMNs produced DMPO radical adduct intensities at only about 20-30% of that of normal PMNs. Our studies suggest that myeloperoxidase in PMNs is primarily responsible for the decomposition of organic hydroperoxides to free radicals. The finding of the free radical formation derived from organic hydroperoxides by PMNs may be related to the cytotoxicity of this class of compounds.  相似文献   

Diesel exhaust particles (DEP) induce pulmonary tumors, asthma-like symptoms, and the like in experimental animals. The involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is suggested in the injuries induced by DEP, though the generation of ROS has not been proven. The present study provided the first direct evidence of *OH generation in the lungs of living mice after intratracheal instillation of DEP, using noninvasive L-band ESR spectroscopy and a membrane-impermeable nitroxyl probe. *OH generation is confirmed with the enhancement of in vivo ESR signal decay rate of the probe. The decay rate at mid-thorax was significantly enhanced in DEP-treated mice compared to that in vehicle-treated mice. The enhancement was completely suppressed by the administration of either *OH scavengers, catalase, or desferrioxamine, while the administration of SOD further increased the rate. The administration of Fenton's reagents into the lung also enhanced the decay rate of the probe at mid-thorax of mice. These results clearly provided evidence that the intratracheal exposure to DEP in mice produced *OH in the lung through an iron-catalyzed reaction of superoxide/H(2)O(2). This first direct evidence of *OH generation in DEP-treated mice lung may be utilized to determine treatments for DEP-induced lung injury.  相似文献   

A carbon-centered free radical formed during oxidative metabolism of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine has been spin-trapped with alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)N-tert-butyl nitrone and 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane. In the horseradish peroxidase/H2O2 catalyzed oxidation, the trapped species was identified as the methyl radical by the characteristic 1:3:3:1 quartet pattern of the 2-methyl-2-nitroso propane adduct. A carbon-centered radical is also formed during microsomal oxidation of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine in the presence of NADPH. However, the alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)N-tert-butyl nitrone trapped radical has not been unambiguously identified in this latter instance. These results may be of importance in regard to both carcinogenic and antitumor properties of 1,2-disubstituted hydrazine derivatives.  相似文献   

We induced acute skeletal muscle necrosis in rats using bupivacaine hydrochloride and found that both 2,5- and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid significantly increased in skeletal muscle. A single administration of dimethyl sulphoxide, a free radical scavenger, significantly lowered concentrations of 2,5- and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid. These results suggest that dimethyl sulphoxide is an effective hydroxyl radical scavenger and may be useful in the treatment of myopathy.  相似文献   

Co(II) ions react with hydrogen peroxide under physiological conditions to form a 'reactive species' that can hydroxylate aromatic compounds (phenol and salicylate) and degrade deoxyribose to thiobarbituric-acid-reactive material. Catalase decreases the formation of this species but superoxide dismutase or low concentrations of ascorbic acid have little effect. EDTA, present in excess over the Co(II), can accelerate deoxyribose degradation and aromatic hydroxylation. In the presence of EDTA, deoxyribose degradation by the reactive species is inhibited competitively by scavengers of the hydroxyl radical (.OH), their effectiveness being related to their second-order rate constants for reaction with .OH. In the absence of EDTA the scavengers inhibit only at much higher concentrations and their order of effectiveness is changed. It is suggested that, in the presence of EDTA, hydroxyl radical is formed 'in free solution' and attacks deoxyribose or an aromatic molecule. In the absence of EDTA, .OH radical is formed in a 'site-specific' manner and is difficult to intercept by .OH scavengers. The relationship of these results to the proposed 'crypto .OH' radical is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of thiols and thiocarbamides on hydroxyl radical (.OH) formation by the hypoxanthine(HYP)-xanthine oxidase(XOD)-Fe3+ .EDTA system were investigated in the range of 0.5-5 mM by colorimetrically measuring salicylate hydroxylation. Thiocarbamides powerfully inhibited the hydroxylation while thiols showed a paradoxical effect, enhancing it at low concentrations, but inhibiting it at high ones. Thiols in the presence of Fe3+ .EDTA generated superoxide anions (O2-.) and .OH during the oxidation, but thiocarbamides did not. A study of the effect of ergothioneine, a thiocarbamide present in mammals, on the .OH spin adduct of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide(DMPO) by EPR spectrometry showed that it effectively decreased the .OH spin adduct without causing the appearance of other signals. Reaction mechanisms are proposed for the O2-. evolution and .OH formation by the thiols themselves in the presence of Fe3+ .EDTA and .OH with thiols and thiocarbamides.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils activatd by PMA were found to induced the formation of a nitroxide radical from DFO. The presence of SOD was necessary to permit the formation of the DFO radical. The inactive phorbol ester did not induce DFO radical, and _sphinganine suppressed the radical produced by the active phorbol ester. Other cell stimuli (Zymocel and the chemotactic peptide) also induced the formation of the DFO radical, although radical concentration was very much lower than with PMA. Participation of .NO, ,OH or 1O2 was ruled out by the inability of NG-methyl-L-arginine, NG-nitro-L-arginine, DMSO, mannitol, histidine, and methionine to inhibit the formation of DFO radical produced by PMA-activated cells. Furthermore, PMA-activated cells dod not produce detectable levels of NO2, as a stable oxidation product of .NO, and D2, which enhances the lifetime of singlet oxygen, did not modify the intensity or the lifetime of DFO radical. The involvement of cell MPO was suggested by the inhibition of the DFO radical observed after treatment with catalase or with antihuman MPO antibodies. Also, HOCI was found to induce the DFO radical in cell-free reactions, but our data indicate that the reaction leading to DFO radical formation by neutrophils involves the reduction of MPO compound II back to active enzyme (ferric-MPO). Anti-inflammatory drugs strongly increased the DFO radical produced by activated neutrophils. On the contrary, none of these drugs was able to increase the DFO radical produced by HOCl. Histidine and methionine that inhibited the DFO radical intensity in cell-free reactions, were shown to act directly onm HOCl. Experiments with MPO-H2O2 in SOD- and Cl-free conditions showed the formation of DFO radical and confirmed the hypothesis of the involvement of compound II. The conversion of compound II to ferric MPO by DFO optimized the enzymatic activity of neurophils, and in the presence of monochlorodimedon (compound II promoting agent) we measured an increased HOCl production. When DFO was modified by conjugation with hydroxyethyl starch, it lost the ability to produce the radical either by neutrophils or by MPO-H2O2 and did not increase HOCl production. The inability of these DFO derivatives to produce potentially toxic species migh explain their reported lower toxicity in vivo.  相似文献   

As a type of reactive oxygen species (ROS), hydroxyl radical (·OH) is closely associated with many kinds of diseases. The present study aimed to develo p a novel OH fluorescent probe based on coumarin, a new compound that has not been previously reported. This probe exhibited good linear range and selectivity for ·OHl, and is able to avoid interference from some metal ions and other kinds of ROS (H2O2, O2.‐, 1O2, and HClO). Meanwhile, this probe has been used to evaluate the ·OH‐scavenging efficiency of different compounds, such as isopropyl alcohol, cytosine, uracil, Tempo, Glutathione (GSH), and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Therefore, the present study shows that this probe not only can effectively measure the level of ·OH, but also can assess the ·OH‐scavenging efficiency of different compounds. Furthermore this current study suggested that following further optimization, this probe may be potentially applied in the diagnosis of oxidative stress in human body.  相似文献   

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