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Flow-cytometric studies of lectin binding to individual acinar cells have been carried out in order to analyse the distribution of membrane glycoconjugates in cells from different areas of the pancreas: duodenal lobule (head) and splenic lobule (body and tail). The following fluoresceinated lectins were used: wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), Tetragonolobus purpureus agglutinin (TP) and concanavalin A (Con A), which specifically bind to N-acetyl D-glucosamine and sialic acid, L-fucose and D-mannose, respectively. In both pancreatic areas, two cell populations (R1 and R2) were identified according to the forward scatter (size). On the basis of their glycoconjugate pattern, R1 cells displayed higher density of WGA and TP receptors than R2 cells throughout the pancreas. Although no difference in size was found between the cells from duodenal and splenic lobules, N-acetyl D-glucosamine and/or sialic acid and L-fucose residues were more abundant in plasma membrane cell glycoconjugates from the duodenal lobule. The results provide evidence for biochemical heterogeneity among individual pancreatic cells according to the distribution of plasma membrane glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

The major glycoprotein of pancreatic zymogen granule membranes (GP-2) was detected in the medium of acinar cell suspensions from rat pancreas. Its release from the cells was studied in pulse-chase metabolic labeling experiments with radioactive methionine. GP-2 (apparent Mr = 80 000) was found to be processed to a form of slightly lower apparent Mr (75 000) after about 4 h chase. At about the same time this smaller form of GP-2 appeared in the medium. These results are in accordance with earlier findings in vivo. At different chase times acinar cells were extracted with Triton X-114 to separate water-soluble proteins from membrane-associated (hydrophobic) proteins. This experiment showed that GP-2 is slowly converted from a membrane-bound glycoprotein to a soluble glycoprotein after its reduction in apparent molecular mass, causing its detachment from the membrane. Further analysis indicated that the detachment process may occur at the zymogen granule membrane as well as the plasma membrane. Immunocytochemistry on ultrathin cryosections of pancreatic tissue showed that GP-2 is localized on zymogen granule membranes, plasma membranes and in the acinar lumen. Although in much smaller quantities, GP-2 is also present in the granule content. Thus, in summary, GP-2 is synthesized as a true membrane glycoprotein which is gradually processed to a soluble species and is found in the secretion.  相似文献   

Membrane recycling in pancreatic acinar cells involves endocytic vesicle formation at the apical cell surface and rapid membrane traffic to the Golgi complex. During this process a small amount of extracellular content is taken up from the acinar lumen. In order to determine whether secretory proteins already released into the pancreatic acinar lumen are reinternalized during membrane retrieval, 3H-labeled amylase or 125I-labeled secretory proteins were reinfused through the pancreatic duct until the lumina were reached. Tissue samples from various time points were prepared for light and electron microscope autoradiography. The observations showed that [3H]amylase and, to a lesser extent, the 125I-labeled secretory proteins were internalized at the apical cell surface and rapidly (within 2-5 min) transferred to the Golgi cisternae and the condensing vacuoles; only a minor proportion of silver grains was observed over lysosomes. In addition, at later time points, mature secretion granules close to the Golgi complex became labeled. The results indicate that exocytosis in the rat exocrine pancreas does not operate at 100% efficiency; part of the exported amylase and part of the total secretion product are reinternalized concomitantly with the endocytic removal of plasma membrane and are copackaged together with newly synthesized secretory proteins.  相似文献   

Summary ATP-dependent45Ca2+ uptake was investigated in purified plasma membranes from rat pancreatic acinar cells. Plasma membranes were purified by four subsequent precipitations with MgCl2 and characterized by marker enzyme distribution. When compared to the total homogenate, typical marker enzymes for the plasma membrane, (Na+,K+)-ATPase, basal adenylate cyclase and CCK-OP-stimulated adenylate cyclase were enriched by 43-fold, 44-fold, and 45-fold, respectively. The marker for the rough endoplasmic reticulum was decreased by fourfold compared to the total homogenate. Comparing plasma membranes with rough endoplasmic reticulum, Ca2+ uptake was maximal with 10 and 2 mol/liter free Ca2+, and half-maximal with 0.9 and 0.5 mol/liter free Ca2+. It was maximal at 3 and 0.2 mmol/liter free Mg2+ concentration, at an ATP concentration of 5 and 1 mmol/liter, respectively, and at pH 7 for both preparations. When Mg2+ was replaced by Mn2+ or Zn2+ ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake was 63 and 11%, respectively, in plasma membranes; in rough endoplasmic reticulum only Mn2+ could replace Mg2+ for Ca2+ uptake by 20%. Other divalent cations such as Ba2+ and Sr2+ could not replace Mg2+ in Ca2+ uptake. Ca2+ uptake into plasma membranes was not enhanced by oxalate in contrast to Ca2+ uptake in rough endoplasmic reticulum which was stimulated by 7.3-fold. Both plasma membranes and rough endoplasmic reticulum showed cation and anion dependencies of Ca2+ uptake. The sequence was K+>Rb+>Na+>Li+>choline+ in plasma membranes and Rb+K+Na+>Li+>choline+ for rough endoplasmic reticulum. The anion sequence was ClBrI>SCN>NO 3 >isethionate >cyclamate>gluconate>SO 4 2– glutarate and Cl>Br>gluconate>SO 4 2– >NO 3 >I>cyclamateSCN, respectively. Ca2+ uptake into plasma membranes appeared to be electrogenic since it was stimulated by an inside-negative K+ and SCN diffusion potential and inhibited by an inside-positive diffusion potential. Ca2+ uptake into rough endoplasmic reticulum was not affected by diffusion potentials. We assume that the Ca2+ transport mechanism in plasma membranes as characterized in this study represents the extrusion system for Ca2+ from the cell that might be involved in the regulation of the cytosolic Ca2+ level.  相似文献   

Secretory granules (SGs) are considered to be generated as immature granules and to mature by condensation of their contents. In this study, SGs of parotid gland were separated into low-, medium-, and high-density granule fractions by Percoll-density gradient centrifugation, since it was proposed that the density corresponds to the degree of maturation. The observation with electron microscopy showed that granules in the three fractions were very similar. The average diameter of high-density granules was a little but significantly larger than that of low-density granules. Although the three fractions contained amylase, suggesting that they are all SGs, distribution of membrane proteins was markedly different. Syntaxin6 and VAMP4 were localized in the low-density granule fraction, while VAMP2 was concentrated in the high-density granule fraction. Immunoprecipitation with anti-syntaxin6 antibody caused coprecipitation of VAMP2 from the medium-density granule fraction without solubilization, but not from Triton X-100-solubilized fraction, while VAMP4 was coprecipitated from both fractions. Therefore, VAMP2 is present on the same granules, but is separated from syntaxin6 and VAMP4, which are expected to be removed from immature granules. These results suggest that the medium-density granules are intermediates from low- to high-density granules, and that the membrane components of SGs dynamically change by budding and fusion during maturation.  相似文献   

 High resolution lectin-gold cytochemistry was used to quantitatively analyze the distribution of glycoconjugates in the hamster oviductal ampulla during the five stages of the estrous cycle. Lectins binding to N-acetyl-d-galactosamine-, d-galactose-, and sialic acid-associated glycoconjugates in the secretory granules of ampullary epithelial secretory cells showed staining of equal intensity throughout the five different stages of the estrous cycle. In contrast, the labeling intensity of glycoconjugates which contain N-acetylglucosamine as terminal sugar residues reached its maximum around the time of ovulation, i.e., at proestrus. Glycoconjugates which carry fucose and mannose as terminal sugar residues appeared to be totally absent from the secretory granules of the oviductal ampulla during the estrous cycle. Together, electron microscopic observations combined with quantitative results indicate that N-acetyl-d-galactosamine-, d-galactose-, and sialic acid-associated glycoconjugates may be secreted into the ampullary lumen irrespective of the stage of the estrous cycle, whereas the secretion of certain N-acetylglucosamine-associated glycoconjugates is stage specific and reaches its peak at the time of ovulation. These findings suggest that, at the time of ovulation, the ampullary epithelium changes its secretory activity and contributes its secretory products to the zona pellucida of oocytes freshly released from the ovary. Accepted: 10 August 1998  相似文献   

We used cationized colloidal gold (CCG) to investigate the distribution of anionic sites in different secretory granules of mouse pancreatic acinar cell regranulation. Localization of anionic sites with CCG was carried out on ultrathin sections of a mouse pancreas, fixed in Karnovsky's fixative and OsO4 and embedded in Araldite. After pilocarpine-stimulated degranulation, there was a marked diminution in the anionic charge density of immature and mature granules of the 4-hr group (approximately 43.0 gold particles/microm2) compared to the 8-hr mature granules group (approximately 64.6 gold particles/microm2). Scattergram analysis to investigate the correlation between section profile size and cationized gold labeling density revealed a reverse correlation, the small granule profiles demonstrated a higher density compared to the larger profiles of the same group. On the basis of these observations, it appears that a post-translational processing of secretory content influences the granule anionic charge and thus may affect the intragranular buffer capacity.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of a coupled Na+/Ca2+ exchange system has been demonstrated in plasma membrane vesicles from rat pancreatic acinar cells. Na+/Ca2+ exchange was investigated by measuring45Ca2+ uptake and45Ca2+ efflux in the presence of sodium gradients and at different electrical potential differences across the membrane (=) in the presence of sodium. Plasma membranes were prepared by a MgCl2 precipitation method and characterized by marker enzyme distribution. When compared to the total homogenate, the typical marker for the plasma membrane, (Na++K+)-ATPase was enriched by 23-fold. Markers for the endoplasmic reticulum, such as RNA and NADPH cytochromec reductase, as well as for mitochondria, the cytochromec oxidase, were reduced by twofold, threefold and 10-fold, respectively. For the Na+/Ca2+ countertransport system, the Ca2+ uptake after 1 min of incubation was half-maximal at 0.62 mol/liter Ca2+ and at 20 mmol/liter Na+ concentration and maximal at 10 mol/liter Ca2+ and 150 mmol/liter Na+ concentration, respecitively. When Na+ was replaced by Li+, maximal Ca2+ uptake was 75% as compared to that in the presence of Na+. Amiloride (10–3 mol/liter) at 200 mmol/liter Na+ did not inhibit Na+/Ca2+ countertransport, whereas at low Na+ concentration (25 mmol/liter) amiloride exhibited dose-dependent inhibition to be 62% at 10–2 mol/liter. CFCCP (10–5 mol/liter) did not influence Na+/Ca2+ countertransport. Monensin inhibited dose dependently; at a concentration of 5×10–6 mol/liter inhibition was 80%. A SCN or K+ diffusion potential (=), being positive at the vesicle inside, stimulated calcium uptake in the presence of sodium suggesting that Na+/Ca2+ countertransport operates electrogenically, i.e. with a stoichiometry higher than 2 Na+ for 1 Ca2+. In the absence of Na+, did not promote Ca2+ uptake. We conclude that in addition to ATP-dependent Ca2+ outward transport as characterized previously (E. Bayerdörffer, L. Eckhardt, W. Haase & 1. Schulz, 1985,J. Membrane Biol. 84:45–60) the Na+/Ca2+ countertransport system, as characterized in this study, represents a second transport system for the extrusion of calcium from the cell. Furthermore, the high affinity for calcium suggests that this system might participate in the regulation of the cytosolic free Ca2+ level.  相似文献   

Summary The secretory granules of rat bronchiolar Clara cells were classified into different types by their ultrastructural appearances followed by immunocytochemistry using anti-rat 10 kDa Clara cell-specific protein (10 kDa CCSP) antibody. One predominant type was the oval to round granule (type A granule), of which the matrix was composed of a map-like mixture of electron-dense and less electron-dense material. Another predominant type was the rod-shaped granule (type B granule). The content of type B granules varied from a finely fibrillar (type B1 granule) to an electron-dense, rod-like (type B3 granule) structure. Various intermediate types (type B2 granule) between type B1 and B3 granules were also found. Small cytoplasmic vesicles were found occasionally in close proximity to type B2 or B3 granule. Another type of granule (type C granule) was large, up to 8 m in diameter, and contained a moderately electron-dense amorphous matrix. Both type A and C granules stained at a similar density with the antibody. The nascent form of type A granules, which was found in the vicinity to the trans face of the Golgi apparatus, was also labeled. On the other hand, the labeling density of type B granules varied: type B1 granules were almost devoid of immunolabeling, whereas type B3 granules were intensely labeled. Type B2 granules stained with the antibody; however, the labeling density was less than that of type B3 granules. The small cytoplasmic vesicles of type B2 granules were labeled. From these findings, it is suggested that the granules of rat Clara cells consist of two types of granules of distinct origin; one appears to derive from condensing vacuoles of Golgi origin, whereas the other may be formed by membranefusions with small cytoplasmic vesicles of unknown source.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of amino groups in matrix porin solubilized and purified from outer membranes of Escherichia coli in beta- octylglucoside was performed with eosin isothiocyanate and citraconic anhydride. At pH 7 8.5, the former reagent labeled a single amino group in the native protein, while more extensive derivatization was observed with increasing pH or upon denaturation. Citraconic anhydride modified approximately 12-14 residues in native porin and 15-16 of the total of 19 amino groups in the denatured state. Fluorescamine, another amine- specific reagent of intermediate size, derivatized 3 and 16 residues in the native and denatured states, respectively. These results indicate that reactive probes of various sizes may serve as indicators for the surface accessibility of reactive residues in matrix porin. The increased derivatization of lysyl residues at high pH (or in phosphate buffer) suggests the method's sensitivity to different conformational states of the protein. The extent of tyrosine modification (1-2 residues in the native, and approximately 22 in the denatured porin) depended on the state of protein folding, even with reagents of small size. The approach of using various probes with differing properties and specificities thus appears useful for the determination of membrane protein asymmetry, pore topology, and conformational states of transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Ten pancreatic secretory proteins have been demonstrated in differentiated pancreatic acinar carcinoma cells by the protein A-gold immunocytochemical approach. The high resolution of the technique has allowed for the localization of the different proteins in the cellular compartments involved in protein secretion: RER, Golgi and secretory granules. The quantitative evaluation of the labeling for amylase has demonstrated the presence of an increasing gradient in the intensity from the RER to the Golgi and to the secretory granules which may reflect the process of protein concentration along the secretory pathway. These results, together with those obtained using the pulse-labeling autoradiographic approach, demonstrate that differentiated acinar carcinoma cells are capable of processing secretory proteins. When intensities of labeling obtained for different proteins on acinar carcinoma cells were compared to those obtained on normal pancreatic acinar cells, major differences were observed for some proteins. In addition, studies performed on the pancreatic tissue of the tumor-bearing animals have shown the presence of morphological alterations in the acinar cells.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the Golgi apparatus and its components has been analyzed in sections of pancreatic acinar cells by using stereopairs of electron microscope photographs. Pancreatic tissue fixed in glutaraldehyde was postfixed in reduced osmium, and the sections were stained with lead citrate. Tissues were also treated to demonstrate phosphatase activity (i.e., nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphatase, NADPase; thiamine pyrophosphatase, TPPase; cytidine monophosphatase, CMPase). The following stacked components were observed along the branching, anastomotic, continuous, ribbonlike Golgi apparatus. 1) On the cis-face of the Golgi stack there was a tubular membranous network known to be osmiophilic and referred to as the cis-osmiophilic tubular network or cis-element. 2) A first, poorly fenestrated saccule, unreactive for the phosphatases tested, was slightly distended in places and contained a fluffy granulofilamentous material. 3) The subjacent three or four saccules, reactive for NADPase and/or TPPase, showed dilated portions containing a granulofilamentous secretory material similar to that filling the rest of the saccule. They also showed nondilated portions perforated with large fenestrations, some of which were in register and formed wells containing 80-nm vesicles. The dilated portions of these saccules were present at random along the length of the saccules and were not located exclusively at their edges. 4) The remaining one or two elements of the stack, CMPase positive, showed dilated spheroidal portions or prosecretory granules containing a homogeneous secretory material and flattened fenestrated regions free of secretory material and having the appearance of networks of narrow membranous tubules. 5) Lastly on the trans-aspect of the stack there were detached prosecretory granules reactive for CMPase and surrounded by a corona of small vesicles, and smooth-surfaced spherical CMPase-negative granules having a denser content that were identified as fully formed secretion granules; there were also occasional free trans-tubular networks strongly reactive for CMPase that appeared to undergo fragmentation and numerous small vesicles free from acid-phosphatase activity. These various images were interpreted as indicating that prosecretory granules formed in relation to two or three fenestrated saccules on the trans-side of the stack. Such granules, following their detachment from the trans-face of the stack, their separation from trans-tubular networks, and condensation of their content, yielded mature secretion granules.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for the rapid purification of the apical plasma membrane from the rat pancreatic acinar cell. It makes use of wheat germ agglutinin affinity chromatography to selectively bind vesicles with N-acetyl glucosamine present at their surface. Particular conditions (150 mm NaCl) had then to be used to keep membrane vesicles in the coveted orientation, i.e. as right-side-out vesicles. Due to its specific apical location in many epithelial cells, -glutamyltranspeptidase was chosen to monitor the purification procedure. The final fraction was enriched in -glutamyltranspeptidase by a factor of 75 relative to the homogenate. Na,K-ATPase, a strict basolateral membrane marker, was not detectable in the fraction. No membranes originating from other compartments, more particularly expected from zymogen granules, or from other cell types, did contaminate the preparation. As expected for an epithelial cell apical plasmalemma, lipid composition showed a very high ratio of glycolipids (37.5%). The absence of membrane-bound GP-2, and the exceptionally high specific activity of -glutamyltranspeptidase suggest that the apical membrane would not be made up by the exocytosis of secretory granule, but instead by the fusion of specialized secretory vesicles very likely originating from the constitutive secretory pathway. In conclusion, this report describes a method of obtaining a fraction highly enriched in the secretory apex of the pancreatic exocrine cell that would be directly involved in exocytosis with zymogen granules and also in local anion transport.The authors would like to thank Dr. Andrew W. Shyjan (Yale University, New Haven, CT) for his kind gift of anti-Na,K-ATPase 1 subunit, Dr. Yannick Laperche (INSERM, Hôpital Mondor, Paris) for his gift of anti--GT, and finally Mr. Gilles P. Grondin for the production of antibodies against amylase. D.L. is supported by NSERC of Canada, FCAR of Québec, and the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  相似文献   

The secretory granules of rat bronchiolar Clara cells were classified into different types by their ultrastructural appearances followed by immunocytochemistry using anti-rat 10 kDa Clara cell-specific protein (10 kDa CCSP) antibody. One predominant type was the oval to round granule (type A granule), of which the matrix was composed of a map-like mixture of electron-dense and less electron-dense material. Another predominant type was the rod-shaped granule (type B granule). The content of type B granules varied from a finely fibrillar (type B1 granule) to an electron-dense, rod-like (type B3 granule) structure. Various intermediate types (type B2 granule) between type B1 and B3 granules were also found. Small cytoplasmic vesicles were found occasionally in close proximity to type B2 or B3 granule. Another type of granule (type C granule) was large, up to 8 microns in diameter, and contained a moderately electron-dense amorphous matrix. Both type A and C granules stained at a similar density with the antibody. The nascent form of type A granules, which was found in the vicinity to the trans face of the Golgi apparatus, was also labeled. On the other hand, the labeling density of type B granules varied: type B1 granules were almost devoid of immunolabeling, whereas type B3 granules were intensely labeled. Type B2 granules stained with the antibody; however, the labeling density was less than that of type B3 granules. The small cytoplasmic vesicles of type B2 granules were labeled.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Proteins are sorted and packaged into regulated secretory granules at the trans Golgi network but how such granules form is poorly understood. We are studying Muclin, the major sulfated protein of the mouse pancreatic acinar cell, and what its role may be in zymogen granule formation. Muclin behaves as a peripheral membrane protein localized to the lumen of the zymogen granule but the cDNA for this protein predicts it is a type I membrane protein with a short, 16-amino-acid, cytosolic tail (C-Tail). Using domain-specific antibodies, we demonstrate that Muclin is derived from a precursor, pro-Muclin, which is cleaved to produce Muclin and an approximately 80-kDa membrane glycoprotein (p80). Incubation of pulse-labeled cells at < or = 22 degrees C to block exit from the trans Golgi network also blocks cleavage of pro-Muclin but not sulfation, a trans Golgi network event, suggesting that cleavage occurs in a post-Golgi compartment. After cleavage the two products of pro-Muclin diverge with Muclin remaining in the regulated secretory pathway and p80 trafficking to the apical plasma membrane, presumably via the constitutive-like pathway. When transfected into exocrine AR42J cells, Muclin labeling is perinuclear and in large sub-plasma membrane puncta. Transiently transfected AR42J cells have greater immunolabeling for amylase than nontransfected cells, suggesting a role for Muclin in cargo accumulation in the regulated secretory pathway. A construct with the C-Tail deleted targets to small diffusely-distributed puncta and without the large sub-plasma membrane structures. Thus, the C-Tail is required for proper Muclin targeting. When transfected into neuroendocrine AtT-20 cells Muclin is not colocalized with ACTH in cell processes, and it appears to be constitutively trafficked to the plasma membrane, suggesting that Muclin has exocrine-specific information. We present a working model for pro-Muclin as a Golgi cargo receptor for exocrine secretory granule formation at the trans Golgi network.  相似文献   

Outward current of the salivary gland cells membrane of chironomus larva activated by the displacement of the membrane potential to the region of positive values has been registered by the voltage-clamp method under conditions of intracellular dialysis in the presence of only the potassium transmembrane gradient. Activation threshold of the current is about +10 mV. Subsequent displacement of the membrane potential to the region of positive values causes an increase of the current. Time constant of the current activation is (652 +/- 57) ms. The current decreases with the intracellular potassium concentration, under the influence of tetraethyl-ammonium and 4-aminopyridine. Thus, high threshold potential-dependent potassium channels are presented in the secretory cells membrane.  相似文献   

Using a monoclonal antibody (SG10A6) raised against secretion granule membranes of the rat parotid gland, we have identified an antigen that is a common component of both exocrine pancreatic and parotid granule membranes. SG10A6 (an IgM) immunoprecipitates antigen that migrates as a single band (M(r) approximately 80 KD unreduced; M(r) approximately 100 KD reduced) and immunoblots at least two polypeptides that are similar to the reduced and nonreduced immunoprecipitated antigen. This granule-associated membrane polypeptide (GRAMP 100; named for the apparent M(r) in reduced form) is also a prominent component of plasma membrane fractions. Immunocytochemical localization at the electron microscopic level demonstrates the presence of GRAMP 100 on granule membranes, especially condensing vacuoles and exocytotic figures, and the apical plasma membrane. Lower levels of antigen are detected on basolateral plasma membrane and on peri-Golgi membranes that may be part of the endosomal system. Both the cell fractionation and immunocytochemical localization indicate that GRAMP 100 differs in distribution from GRAMP 92 and 30K SCAMPs, two other components of exocrine granule membranes identified with monoclonal antibodies. To date, no polypeptides have been identified with this approach that are exclusive components of exocrine granule membranes.  相似文献   

Protein secretion from acinar cells of the pancreas and parotid glands is controlled by G-protein coupled receptor activation and generation of the cellular messengers Ca2+, diacylglycerol and cAMP. Secretory granule (SG) exocytosis shares some common characteristics with nerve, neuroendocrine and endocrine cells which are regulated mainly by elevated cell Ca2+. However, in addition to diverse signaling pathways, acinar cells have large ∼1 μm diameter SGs (∼30 fold larger diameter than synaptic vesicles), respond to stimulation at slower rates (seconds versus milliseconds), demonstrate significant constitutive secretion, and in isolated acini, undergo sequential compound SG–SG exocytosis at the apical membrane. Exocytosis proceeds as an initial rapid phase that peaks and declines over 3 min followed by a prolonged phase that decays to near basal levels over 20–30 min. Studies indicate the early phase is triggered by Ca2+ and involves the SG proteins VAMP2 (vesicle associated membrane protein2), Ca2+-sensing protein synatotagmin 1 (syt1) and the accessory protein complexin 2. The molecular details for regulation of VAMP8-mediated SG exocytosis and the prolonged phase of secretion are still emerging. Here we review the known regulatory molecules that impact the sequential exocytic process of SG tethering, docking, priming and fusion in acinar cells.  相似文献   

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