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Asymmetric cell division is a developmental process utilized by several organisms. On the most basic level, an asymmetric division produces two daughter cells, each possessing a different identity or fate. Drosophila melanogaster progenitor cells, referred to as neuroblasts, undergo asymmetric division to produce a daughter neuroblast and another cell known as a ganglion mother cell (GMC). There are several features of asymmetric division in Drosophila that make it a very complex process, and these aspects will be discussed at length. The cell fate determinants that play a role in specifying daughter cell fate, as well as the mechanisms behind setting up cortical polarity within neuroblasts, have proved to be essential to ensuring that neurogenesis occurs properly. The role that mitotic spindle orientation plays in coordinating asymmetric division, as well as how cell cycle regulators influence asymmetric division machinery, will also be addressed. Most significantly, malfunctions during asymmetric cell division have shown to be causally linked with neoplastic growth and tumor formation. Therefore, it is imperative that the developmental repercussions as a result of asymmetric cell division gone awry be understood.  相似文献   

Cellular diversity is a fundamental characteristic of complex organisms, and the Drosophila CNS has proved an informative paradigm for understanding the mechanisms that create cellular diversity. One such mechanism is the asymmetric localization of Numb to ensure that sibling cells respond differently to the extrinsic Notch signal and, thus, adopt distinct fates (A and B). Here we focus on the only genes known to function specifically to regulate Notch-dependent asymmetric divisions: sanpodo and numb. We demonstrate that sanpodo, which specifies the Notch-dependent fate (A), encodes a four-pass transmembrane protein that localizes to the cell membrane in the A cell and physically interacts with the Notch receptor. We also show that Numb, which inhibits Notch signaling to specify the default fate (B), physically associates with Sanpodo and inhibits Sanpodo membrane localization in the B cell. Our findings suggest a model in which Numb inhibits Notch signaling through the regulation of Sanpodo membrane localization.  相似文献   

Yu F  Kuo CT  Jan YN 《Neuron》2006,51(1):13-20
Asymmetric cell division is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism widely used to generate cellular diversity during development. Drosophila neuroblasts have been a useful model system for studying the molecular mechanisms of asymmetric cell division. In this minireview, we focus on recent progress in understanding the role of heterotrimeric G proteins and their regulators in asymmetric spindle geometry, as well as the role of an Inscuteable-independent microtubule pathway in asymmetric localization of proteins in neuroblasts. We also discuss issues of progenitor proliferation and differentiation associated with asymmetric cell division and their broader implications for stem cell biology.  相似文献   

Cell division often generates unequally sized daughter cells by off-center cleavages, which are due to either displacement of mitotic spindles or their asymmetry. Drosophila neuroblasts predominantly use the latter mechanism to divide into a large apical neuroblast and a small basal ganglion mother cell (GMC), where the neural fate determinants segregate. Apically localized components regulate both the spindle asymmetry and the localization of the determinants. Here, we show that asymmetric spindle formation depends on signaling mediated by the G beta subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins. G beta 13F distributes throughout the neuroblast cortex. Its lack induces a large symmetric spindle and causes division into nearly equal-sized cells with normal segregation of the determinants. In contrast, elevated G beta 13F activity generates a small spindle, suggesting that this factor suppresses spindle development. Depletion of the apical components also results in the formation of a small symmetric spindle at metaphase. Therefore, the apical components and G beta 13F affect the mitotic spindle shape oppositely. We propose that differential activation of G beta signaling biases spindle development within neuroblasts and thereby causes asymmetric spindles. Furthermore, the multiple equal cleavages of G beta mutant neuroblasts accompany neural defects; this finding suggests indispensable roles of eccentric division in assuring the stem cell properties of neuroblasts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the fruit fly Drosophila, the Inscuteable protein localises to the apical cell cortex in neuroblasts and directs both the apical-basal orientation of the mitotic spindle and the basal localisation of the protein determinants Numb and Prospero during mitosis. Asymmetric localisation of Inscuteable is initiated during neuroblast delamination by direct binding to Bazooka, an apically localised protein that contains protein-interaction motifs known as PDZ domains. How apically localised Inscuteable directs asymmetric cell divisions is unclear. RESULTS: A novel 70 kDa protein called Partner of Inscuteable (Pins) and a heterotrimeric G-protein alpha subunit were found to bind specifically to the functional domain of Inscuteable in vivo. The predicted sequence of Pins contained tetratrico-peptide repeats (TPRs) and motifs implicated in binding Galpha proteins. Pins colocalised with Inscuteable at the apical cell cortex in interphase and mitotic neuroblasts. Asymmetric localisation of Pins required both Inscuteable and Bazooka. In epithelial cells, which do not express inscuteable, Pins was not apically localised but could be recruited to the apical cortex by ectopic expression of Inscuteable. In pins mutants, these epithelial cells were not affected, but neuroblasts showed defects in the orientation of their mitotic spindle and the basal asymmetric localisation of Numb and Miranda during metaphase. Although localisation of Inscuteable in pins mutants was initiated correctly during neuroblast delamination, Inscuteable became homogeneously distributed in the cytoplasm during mitosis. CONCLUSIONS: Pins and Inscuteable are dependent on each other for asymmetric localisation in delaminated neuroblasts. The binding of Pins to Galpha protein offers the intriguing possibility that Inscuteable and Pins might orient asymmetric cell divisions by localising or locally modulating a heterotrimeric G-protein signalling cascade at the apical cell cortex.  相似文献   

The Drosophila mushroom bodies (MBs), paired brain structures composed of vertical and medial lobes, achieve their final organization at metamorphosis. The alpha lobe absent (ala) mutant randomly lacks either the vertical lobes or two of the median lobes. We characterize the ala axonal phenotype at the single-cell level, and show that the ala mutation affects Drosophila ethanolamine (Etn) kinase activity and induces Etn accumulation. Etn kinase is overexpressed in almost all cancer cells. We demonstrate that this enzymatic activity is required in MB neuroblasts to allow a rapid rate of cell division at metamorphosis, linking Etn kinase activity with mitotic progression. Tight control of the pace of neuroblast division is therefore crucial for completion of the developmental program in the adult brain.  相似文献   

Lu B  Ackerman L  Jan LY  Jan YN 《Molecular cell》1999,4(6):883-891
Partner of Numb (Pon) colocalizes with the determinant Numb and is required for its proper asymmetric localization in Drosophila. How the asymmetric localization of Pon is accomplished is not well understood. Here, we show that Pon localization takes place at the protein level and that its C-terminal region is necessary and sufficient for asymmetric localization. Fusion of the Pon localization domain with green fluorescent protein (GFP) allowed monitoring of the localization process in living embryos. Upon a neuroblast's entry into mitosis, Pon is recruited from the cytoplasm to the cortex. Cortically recruited Pon can move apically or basally within the two-dimensional confines of the cortex. This movement can occur when myosin motor activity is inhibited. However, the restriction of Pon to the basal cortex requires both actomyosin and Inscuteable.  相似文献   

The asymmetric division of Drosophila neuroblasts involves the basal localization of cell fate determinants and the generation of an asymmetric, apicobasally oriented mitotic spindle that leads to the formation of two daughter cells of unequal size. These features are thought to be controlled by an apically localized protein complex comprising of two signaling pathways: Bazooka/Drosophila atypical PKC/Inscuteable/DmPar6 and Partner of inscuteable (Pins)/Galphai; in addition, Gbeta13F is also required. However, the role of Galphai and the hierarchical relationship between the G protein subunits and apical components are not well defined. Here we describe the isolation of Galphai mutants and show that Galphai and Gbeta13F play distinct roles. Galphai is required for Pins to localize to the cortex, and the effects of loss of Galphai or pins are highly similar, supporting the idea that Pins/Galphai act together to mediate various aspects of neuroblast asymmetric division. In contrast, Gbeta13F appears to regulate the asymmetric localization/stability of all apical components, and Gbeta13F loss of function exhibits phenotypes resembling those seen when both apical pathways have been compromised, suggesting that it acts upstream of the apical pathways. Importantly, our results have also revealed a novel aspect of apical complex function, that is, the two apical pathways act redundantly to suppress the formation of basal astral microtubules in neuroblasts.  相似文献   

During neurogenesis in the ventral nerve cord of the Drosophila embryo, Notch signaling participates in the pathway that mediates asymmetric fate specification to daughters of secondary neuronal precursor cells. In the NB4-2 --> GMC-1 --> RP2/sib lineage, a well-studied neuronal lineage in the ventral nerve cord, Notch signaling specifies sib fate to one of the daughter cells of GMC-1. Notch mediates this process via Mastermind (Mam). Loss of function for mam, similar to loss of function for Notch, results in GMC-1 symmetrically dividing to generate two RP2 neurons. Loss of function for mam also results in a severe neurogenic phenotype. In this study, we have undertaken a functional analysis of the Mam protein. We show that while ectopic expression of a truncated Mam protein induces a dominant-negative neurogenic phenotype, it has no effect on asymmetric fate specification. This truncated Mam protein rescues the loss of asymmetric specification phenotype in mam in an allele-specific manner. We also show an interallelic complementation of loss-of-asymmetry defect. Our results suggest that Mam proteins might associate during the asymmetric specification of cell fates and that the N-terminal region of the protein plays a role in this process.  相似文献   

During the development of a given organ or tissue within a multicellular organism, growth and patterning are controlled in a coordinated manner by the activity of a discrete number of signalling molecules and their corresponding pathways to give rise to a well formed structure with a particular size, shape and pattern. Understanding how cells of different tissues or organs translate in a context dependent manner the activity of these pathways into an activation or repression of the cell cycle machinery is one of the most intriguing questions in developmental and cancer biology nowadays. Here we revise the different roles of the signalling molecules Notch and Wingless in the regulation of cell cycle progression in the developing eye and wing imaginal discs of Drosophila and propose that depending on how growth regulators are regulated in a context dependent manner by the activity of these pathways, signalling molecules might have tumour suppressor or oncogene activity.  相似文献   



The asymmetric segregation of determinants during cell division is a fundamental mechanism for generating cell fate diversity during development. In Drosophila, neural precursors (neuroblasts) divide in a stem cell-like manner generating a larger apical neuroblast and a smaller basal ganglion mother cell. The cell fate determinant Prospero and its adapter protein Miranda are asymmetrically localized to the basal cortex of the dividing neuroblast and segregated into the GMC upon cytokinesis. Previous screens to identify components of the asymmetric division machinery have concentrated on embryonic phenotypes. However, such screens are reaching saturation and are limited in that the maternal contribution of many genes can mask the effects of zygotic loss of function, and other approaches will be necessary to identify further genes involved in neuroblast asymmetric division.


We have performed a genetic screen in the third instar larval brain using the basal localization of Miranda as a marker for neuroblast asymmetry. In addition to the examination of pupal lethal mutations, we have employed the MARCM (Mosaic Analysis with a Repressible Cell Marker) system to generate postembryonic clones of mutations with an early lethal phase. We have screened a total of 2,300 mutagenized chromosomes and isolated alleles affecting cell fate, the localization of basal determinants or the orientation of the mitotic spindle. We have also identified a number of complementation groups exhibiting defects in cell cycle progression and cytokinesis, including both novel genes and new alleles of known components of these processes.


We have identified four mutations which affect the process of neuroblast asymmetric division. One of these, mapping to the imaginal discs arrested locus, suggests a novel role for the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) in the targeting of determinants to the basal cortex. The identification and analysis of the remaining mutations will further advance our understanding of the process of asymmetric cell division. We have also isolated a number of mutations affecting cell division which will complement the functional genomics approaches to this process being employed by other laboratories. Taken together, these results demonstrate the value of mosaic screens in the identification of genes involved in neuroblast division.  相似文献   

Cai Y  Yu F  Lin S  Chia W  Yang X 《Cell》2003,112(1):51-62
Drosophila neuroblast asymmetric divisions generate two daughters of unequal size and fate. A complex of apically localized molecules mediates basal localization of cell fate determinants and apicobasal orientation of the mitotic spindle, but how daughter cell size is controlled remains unclear. Here we show that mitotic spindle geometry and unequal daughter cell size are controlled by two parallel pathways (Bazooka/DaPKC and Pins/G alpha i) within the apical complex. While the localized activity of either pathway alone is sufficient to mediate the generation of an asymmetric mitotic spindle and unequal size neuroblast daughters, loss of both pathways results in symmetric divisions. In sensory organ precursors, Bazooka/DaPKC and Pins/G alpha i localize to opposite sides of the cortex and function in opposition to generate a symmetric spindle.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster neuroblasts (NBs) undergo asymmetric divisions during which cell-fate determinants localize asymmetrically, mitotic spindles orient along the apical-basal axis, and unequal-sized daughter cells appear. We identified here the first Drosophila mutant in the Ggamma1 subunit of heterotrimeric G protein, which produces Ggamma1 lacking its membrane anchor site and exhibits phenotypes identical to those of Gbeta13F, including abnormal spindle asymmetry and spindle orientation in NB divisions. This mutant fails to bind Gbeta13F to the membrane, indicating an essential role of cortical Ggamma1-Gbeta13F signaling in asymmetric divisions. In Ggamma1 and Gbeta13F mutant NBs, Pins-Galphai, which normally localize in the apical cortex, no longer distribute asymmetrically. However, the other apical components, Bazooka-atypical PKC-Par6-Inscuteable, still remain polarized and responsible for asymmetric Miranda localization, suggesting their dominant role in localizing cell-fate determinants. Further analysis of Gbetagamma and other mutants indicates a predominant role of Partner of Inscuteable-Galphai in spindle orientation. We thus suggest that the two apical signaling pathways have overlapping but different roles in asymmetric NB division.  相似文献   

In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, neurons are generated from asymmetric divisions in which a mother cell divides to produce daughters that differ in fate. Here, we demonstrate that the gene pig-1 regulates the asymmetric divisions of neuroblasts that divide to produce an apoptotic cell and either a neural precursor or a neuron. In pig-1 mutants, these neuroblasts divide to produce daughters that are more equal in size, and their apoptotic daughters are transformed into their sisters, leading to the production of extra neurons. PIG-1 is orthologous to MELK, a conserved member of the polarity-regulating PAR-1/Kin1/SAD-1 family of serine/threonine kinases. Although MELK has been implicated in regulating the cell cycle, our data suggest that PIG-1, like other PAR-1 family members, regulates cell polarity.  相似文献   

Yan ZHOU 《生物学前沿》2012,7(4):297-306
The development of the mammalian neocortex involves rounds of symmetric and asymmetric cell division of neural progenitors to fulfill needs of both self-renewal of progenitors and production of differe...  相似文献   

During Drosophila embryogenesis, timely and orderly asymmetric cell divisions ensure the correct number of each cell type that make up the sensory organs of the larval PNS. We report a role of scraps, Drosophila Anillin, during these divisions. Anillin, a constitutive member of the contractile ring is essential for cytokinesis in Drosophila and vertebrates. During embryogenesis we find that zygotically transcribed scraps is required specifically for the unequal cell divisions, those in which cytokinesis occurs in an “off-centred” manner, of the pIIb and pIIIb neuronal precursor cells, but not the equal cell divisions of the lineage related precursor cells. Complementation and genetic rescue studies demonstrate this effect results from zygotic scraps and leads to polyploidy, ectopic mitosis, and loss of the neuronal precursor daughter cells. The net result of which is the formation of incomplete sense organs and embryonic lethality.  相似文献   

We have studied the division of postembryonic neuroblasts (Nbs) in the outer proliferation center (OPC) and central brain anlagen of Drosophila. We focused our attention on three aspects of these processes: the pattern of cellular division, the topological orientation of those divisions, and the expression of asymmetric cell fate determinants. Although larval Nbs are of embryonic origin, our results indicate that their properties appear to be modified during development. Several conclusions can be summarized: (i) In early larvae, Nbs divide symmetrically to give rise to two Nbs while in the late larval brain most Nbs divide asymmetrically to bud off an intermediate ganglion mother cell (GMC) that very rapidly divides into two ganglion cells (GC). (ii) Symmetric and asymmetric divisions of OPC Nbs show tangential and radial orientations, respectively. (iii) This change in the pattern of division correlates with the expression of inscuteable, which is apically localized only in asymmetric divisions. (iv) The spindle of asymmetrically dividing Nb is always oriented on an apical-basal axis. (v) Prospero does not colocalize with Miranda in the cortical crescent of mitotic Nbs. (vi) Prospero is transiently expressed in one of the two sibling GCs generated by the division of GMCs. The implications of these results on cell fate specification and differentiation of adult brain neurons are discussed.  相似文献   

Asymmetric partitioning of cell-fate determinants during development requires coordinating the positioning of these determinants with orientation of the mitotic spindle. In the Drosophila peripheral nervous system, sensory organ progenitor cells (SOPs) undergo several rounds of division to produce five cells that give rise to a complete sensory organ. Here we have observed the asymmetric divisions that give rise to these cells in the developing pupae using green fluorescent protein fusion proteins. We find that spindle orientation and determinant localization are tightly coordinated at each division. Furthermore, we find that two types of asymmetric divisions exist within the sensory organ precursor cell lineage: the anterior-posterior pI cell-type division, where the spindle remains symmetric throughout mitosis, and the strikingly neuroblast-like apical-basal division of the pIIb cell, where the spindle exhibits a strong asymmetry at anaphase. In both these divisions, the spindle reorientates to position itself perpendicular to the region of the cortex containing the determinant. On the basis of these observations, we propose that two distinct mechanisms for controlling asymmetric cell divisions occur within the same lineage in the developing peripheral nervous system in Drosophila.  相似文献   

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